AnarchismBolshevismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismInvasionRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

THE MILITANT. WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of Amerlen (Opposition) at 81 East 10th Street, New York, Entered as second class mall matter. November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
VOLUME V, NO. (WHOLE NO. 99 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 1932 PRICE CENTS Bankers and Jobless Relief Japs Subsidize Russian Whites OPEN FORUM The Tammany Government Machine Is Whipped into Line Hire Semenov, Notorious Cossack Adventurer in Mongolian Drive Lecture by. unaway the Is Stalin Preparing New 1923 in Germany?
Russian Opposition Persecnted Stalinists Disrupt. Mooney Confab to Be Out Soon ARNE SWABE OK For many years, the large banking in, liet. Already, the stations have shut The Chamberlin incident has been of, on the other. Due to the interference of Japanese Chinese Soviet tangle are indisterests, reported to be led by Mordown, leaving the almost 1, 000, 000 fically closed. Though reluctant at the other capitalist governments, the Jane Trutably generating just such an erup gan, have been attempting to force employed here, with no aid whatsoever. The Revolutionary first, the Japanese government has an have not been able to increase their re tlon in the immediate future.
through a higher fare on the New York The Bankers Idea ally bowed in apology to the all powerful enforcements in Manchuria as rapidly For the working class to meet auch an City subway systems (I. and The bankers have a second idea in Movement in America American Imperialism. To be sure, the and as freely as they would like. Consecvent adequately it is absolutely necesT. All the methods 80 typical of mind; they were quite frank about it contliet of imperialist interests in the quently they have twen suffering constary to continue to stress the community molern business practice have been used put all city enterprises on a paying basis, To Day Far East is by no means over. There is erable lowes as a result of the inevit. of interests between the Soviet Union, in their endeavor. For many years the raise the fare on the subways. Now a good deal of bickering going on around able and severe puerilla warfare car the world proleturint and the oppressed people of this city have been bombarded their time has arrived. Those who pay Impressions of a Tour the proposed invocation of the Nine ried on more or less successfully by the colonial peoples. The greatest watchfulwith statistics as to how they would the fiddler call the tune. The tune is ower Treaty by the United States and natives in a land unfamiliar and hardners In required of the Soviet governbenefit by a higher fare, with a complete to have as its only note the elink of a the Japanese just as alert as before Military campaign, the Japanese govern to maneuver for the foreign invaders.
at the tabulation of the fares paid in other ten cent piece.
on that point.
ment is clearly keeping an eye on the The Dally Worker refers to these bands Labor Temple cities, of the relationship between the the approach that will be made we The Nine lower Treaty is supposed to possibilities that might offer themselves of guerilla fighters as Red partisan de standard of living and the price paid might even try to predict. The politie 14th Street and Second Avenue guarantee the administrative integrity to anti Soviet moves in the near future. tachments in connection also with highfor a subway ride, etc. etc. Now a finallians who have the interests of the peo of China and through that, the policy effort is belng made this time, after all ple at heart were forced to accept the Friday January 22, 1932 The immediate objective of this new sounding reports of more sweeping vie of the open door to all the Western alignment will no doubt be the subjugatories ly the Chiese Red Army What of the city can already begin to discern threatened to cut off the unemployment Powers. Against the contention of the tion of all of Mongolia under the Jarreater proof the Stalinists have for this contention than for the contention Americans that by their invasion they anese yoke. The link between the preat P.
the smaller slot of the turnstile made to relief. Furtherfore, they will say, the are transgressing the provisions of that sent Jap expedition and their future defor example that Father Cox army accomodate a thin ten cent piece. city as a whole will benefit, for they say QUESTIONS and DISCUSSION treaty, the Japanese reply that quite on signe is the People Republic of Mon represented the American unemployed we All the subways in the city were built nothing at the present about recapturing by the clty government. After com the lines. The probability is for a rise the contrary, their sole aim of intervengolia, territory on whkh the Ataman do not know. But then again, irresponstIle and lavish boasting has ever been ing in Manchuria is just precisely to ADMISSION: 25 Cents pletting them, they were turned over to in the fare, followed not by a taking is already prepared to advarke.
preserve that administrative Integrity the lane of unprincipled political groups the private companies for operation. The over by the city of the existing lines, of the country and to make the policy of Developments in the Orient almost all and of the Stalinized Comintern in parti.
important provisions of the contracts but rather by the handling over to the Unemployed Workers Admitted Free the open door secure! Active, aggresways bear a slow and drawn out charcular. How sincere and interested workwere. 1) the right of the city to re old companies of the new subway bullt. Auspices: New York Branch Communist sive interest in the Japanese adventure acter broken by violent jerks, But erupers are to be able to distinguish between capture after due notice, and with due This is the picture of capitalist gov.
is flagging for the moment. But the tions of a political character are not friend and foe, between progress and recompensation. 2) the five cent fare: ernvent: a newer of vice, graft, intrigue League of America (Opposition)
thele subject to conditions of the soil.
Nipponese are hardly started in And treat, how judge on the basis (3) the payment to the city of certain and counter intrigue. Only a working experiment. Instead of adventures with peas these self some slow processes in the ence what their revolutionary tasks are, sums for its original cost the payments class revolution can sweep ant armles, the Chinese Communists must the burenucrats of the official Communist to begin only after a minimum profit whole rotten mess. IL.
press are very had been set aside for the company.
carlat without watch it will not be able Condemn Roy to Exile Title concerued about. they w, Inered Fare Fight to crush the Kuo Min Tang and success will they reap.
Manabendra Nath Roy. Right wing tully drive out the imperialist invaders.
It was not many years after the ori affiliated to the Brandler At one point of the process now unfold Communist Semenov At Work ginal contracts had been drawn up, beHarassed by the difficulties on their ing, the Interests of the Chinese masses group Internationally has been condemn.
fore the companies began to fight for an increase in the fare. It must be under and those of Soviet Russia will revealed by the British imperialists in India path the Japanese are resorting to other to a penal methods. dispatch to the New York their close Interconnection with especial to 12 years of deportation stood that the clause pertaling to part against of the profit to the city was easily done sharpness. To face such a situation con colony for waging war the Herald Tribung on January 12 reports away with. The individual capitalist fidently, it is necessary to boast less king. The imperialist knout is deter that the notorious Russian White Guard never cares to share his profits with any What is happening in Germany. be: in the columns of the official Com and to pay more attention to the actual mined to insure its holders against the ceneral, Gregory Semenor is engaged in body else, even in his own class. Sub. What is the position of the Fascista? munist press.
course of development of the struggle seething revolt of the Indian masses no a movement to effect the independence matter in what channels it flows of the vast territory of funer Mongolla Where sidiary companies were organized, en alms.
does the German Coinmunist The Advance of the Fascists ormous rentals pald for property leased Party stand and what does it propose to The scists continue to make rapid Having pretty firmly established their Unbridgable differences separate our with the sanction of Japan. The dis all for the purpose of keeping the rate do?
progress which is compelling recognition hegemony by means of puppet goveril selves, the International Left Opposition patch says further that Ataman Semenov of profit well below that minimum above These questions, of such vital impor from all the sections of the bourgeoisle. ments in Manchuria, the Mikado gen from the Right wing liquidators of Com is known to have received pay from which part of the profit would have to tance to the militant working class, and The Hitlerites gain In arrogance with orals are slowly but consistently forg munism. But we do not for one min. the Japanese for several years. The be shared with the city government. This an answer to which it cannot even ex every new secretion of strength. Bruening ahead, in the direction of the Great ute hesitate to ald in their defeuse when cossack general claims he can raise an they have succeeded in doing to a great pect to find in the capitalist pressing is finally compelled to bring into wall on the one hand, and in that of they are under attack from the open army of 50, 000 former czarist troups well as 100, 000 Mongolian cavalrymen.
now also fails to find where they should his councils the Austrian adventurer and Jehol and the other Mongolian provinces, class enemy.
As regards raising the subway fare the Les him to return from the Relchstag task was a more difficult one. No pollwhich the blackshirts left, so that It was either we control or we smash tical grouping dared take up the bankpresidential election may be avoided by. don believe that more than one ers proposal. The issue might have an arbitrary deeree to hold over Hinden local remained in the meeting 1 too been great enough to swamp any politiburg at least until the present dis left in disgust. Why this militant and cal machine out of office. The bankers turbed situation is calmed. And Hitthousands inore are not in the ranks of bided their time: now they are ready to ler, grown more cocksure with his re the Communist movement, and more strike. LETTER FROM MOSCOW cent successes, refuses the outstretched specifically in the party, is all too clear.
The bankers against the Tammany palm, and together with Hugenburg The apathy which prevails in the Ill.
We have just been informed that the machine! How paradoxical this sounds.
The plan for protest meetings which. One of our incarcerated comrades, makes clear the determination of the inois con flelds has been lifted to some Yet there is an element of truth in it. Fasalan, was wounded without prelim Fascists to press forward until the issue extent by the campaign under way to dethe couference Executive Committee first volume of the Tistory of the Russian Revolution. by comrade Leon TrotThe thieving Tammany politician looks inary warning by a shot in the breast is joined decisively.
mand the release of Tour Mooney. For worked out, was killed.
The conference sky will be off the press and ready for upon the taxes pald into the city treasury The whole solitary prison carried out a Hitler does not merely have his heart this issue, the miners are evincing alin Staunton is now a shed. The miners sale on February 27. This gigantie work as rightfully belonging to him. During hunger strike for seventeen days. Our set upon the conquest of power the aim readiness to struggle. Conferences have have turned their backs on it. Whether written by the organizer of the insurrec times of prosperity the actual business investigation of every class party but feels that the been organized in Staunton and Belle it can be revived is a question. The tion will be complete in two volumes, the second of which will appear about the the city raise no violent protest against were promised one. The incarcerated die will be cast. Bolshevism or Fasciam other mining centers normal graft. After all, the Tammans comrades elected a delegation of twelve there are no other ways out for Germachine is behaving rather well in keep men in order to discuss ith this com many right now. Towards socialist sult of the efforts of local militants co Mooney to lifelong imprisonment. The evolution and deals with the period up These conferences are largely the re. There is no other road except to coudenin Volinne one leging with the February ing down the workers and protecting mission. The twelve elected comrades emancipation or black, long enduring reoperating with the St. Louis branch of Opposition will continue to fight for to June 1917. The second volume conprivate property.
However, during times were promptly placed in solitary con action no other road is open out of Ger the Communist League of America (Op united front, with the the party times from this period up to such the present, we begin to see finement and then transported from Ver many present impasse. And while position. The line of these conferences and all Left wing strong protests being ralsed against the chne Uralsk to an up to now unknown Hitler presses forward, the leaders of is based upon Mooney August 20 ap!
organizations in throngh the October Insurrection and the grafting politician, who continues tol spot. But the investigation commission the German Communist Party are buying pil and the Opposition endorsement of cluded. What will be the policy of the Rolshevik selure of power. The books handle the public funds as was which arrived was compelled to yield into the future by providing themselves this appeal (Militant. 5 1931. It party? Will the party rank and file contain many photographs and map. Max taught to by his predecessors.
in essence to the demands of our im with passports and visas for a quick de stresses the united front as the key to tinue to tolerate this polley of slander Fastman translated both volumes from Cutting Down Relief prisoned comrades parture when the storm breaks loose! the problem of uniting the workers in and wreckage?
the Russian. They are published by It is the bankers and large industrial. These last weeks have witnessed Bruening is giving ground to the Fasca strugle to force Mooney release and Simon and Schuster Company and will ists, however, who have the dual say a big wave of arrests of Oppositionists sts. The social democrats, by their de the release cf all class war prisoners. STAMM. sell for 00 a volume or both for 50.
in this squabble for the diminished The Opposition delegutes fight resolute booty. Curtail expenses; decrease the in Moscow, Leningrad, Kharkov. Tiks spicable cowardice, by their disarming of the workers, are leaving the doors wide ly in these conferences for policy.
budget. This is their war cry. Bond and elsewhere.
open to the Hitlerites. The latter have A11 attempts to exclute the the flotations, their weapon. The city administrations are quickly brought into. Recently, the banned Opposition thus far received no decisive check; onc. and the party organizations are the contrary, their ranks are approach line. The first thing to be chopped off Ista were dragked away from one place ing point in strength where no further resisted by our delegates. On the other 18 anything but the most meager sort to a worse one. The material condition Knin can be expected by legal methods, hand, our delegates, while supporting the of unemployment relief. Detroit, where of the shipped on comrades is extremely where the unceasing conflict of intereste procedure ingestelbutulons en interesel Yetinoi: Hundreds Gather to Protest «Dynamite Plot» Frame Up some in the local government held out diftult. In spite of the shortage of must come to a violent solution.
criminal syndicalism law, are equally for a little better reliet, was soon brought abor, only a diminishing small part of And what does the Communist party resolute in fighting the attempts of the mass meeting in defense of Jack Soder the American working class.
On Thursday evening. January 7, a similar frame up cases in the history of Into line. The New York banks have our comrades are at work, say? What is it doing? From the Daily Stalinists to civert the confernces along herg. Thomas Bunker and William TraAll speakers were well received.
now refused to float the necessary bond Deissues tide the city over its temporary ening of the terror against the Left Op these points. Every few days an inch or dicalism in general. The fact ts: the further sharp Worker, one leares, a belutely nothing on the lines of fight against criminal synser, victims of the harbor bosses dyn spite the manifold political shades and deticit What has been the party? polley inster Flall. Over 500 workers attended vent the capitalist class from taking adthe lash of the whip beld by the Morcow, Leningrad and elsewhere, and like to inform the reader that the German these conferences? Caught unawares by the meeting, which was held under the vantage of the dissensions within the New York City is at present feeling positionists, the recent arrests in Mostwo of type is thrown into its columns and gained a few more hundred members. their participation to long winded speech Committee.
or started with a law that forbids the com objective proots that our OppositionBut from its columns not even the mostles and general attacks upon all meeting represents a commendable atptroller (treasurer) of the city to sell movement which we frue know very well is being extended careful reader can glean the fact that Communists and especially against the workers belonging to various political the blows of government oppression of non. For the first time in year, New York tempt to close the ranks in warding of any short term bonds below par, or at the fate of Germany is now hanging to counter revolutionary Trotskyists. But tendencies met together, swayed by a workers and workers institutins. rate of interest higher than six per and is becoming more active.
the balance; not only of Germany, but this policy acted as boomerang. Their feeling of genuine working class solid such it will undoubtedly call forth more As cent. Ordinarily, should New York City Moscow, December 3, 1931 (Continued on page 4)
bonds fall a little below par, the comslander discredited only themselves and arity in the face of the vicious class en and bigger meetings and manifestations ptroller can raise the interest rate on by contrast with the policy. sincerity emy.
of the name sort in the future.
the line to be fionted, thus enabling and activity of our delegates, increased Comrade James Cannon, of the Com The official Communist party and the him to sell them at or above par. The the prestige of the Opposition in the eyes munist League of America. Opposition) were conspicuous by their abcity government is constantly borrowing of the miners. It goes without saying was the first speaker at the meeting at sence. But many rank and Ale party on short term loans to tide it over until that we use the advantage which accrues which Carter Hudson, chairman of the comrades sat in the audience. The absothe taxes fall due. Last September the to us to redeem from discreditment the Marine Workers Defense Committee prelute necessity of action in cases such as city borrowed at an interest rate of less To Greet «Unser Kamf. and Three Returned Comrades ideas of Communism.
sided. Comrade Cannon eloquently pre that of the three marine workers will than two percent. In the middle of After several months of their futile senteil the case of three defendants not fail to awaken the workers, Commun December the rate to the city, for a Arrangements are now being made for has just returned to New York with an polley, the Staliniste realized that more pointed out the political background and ist and non Communist, to proletarian fotation during that month, was five and a banquet in New York on Saturday, enthusiastle report of the growing stren decisive mesures were required to the purposes behind this latest attack of solidarity. We hope that rank and file one halt percent, bringing it danger February 6, which every Left wing mili sth and influence of the left opposition wreck the campaign and to undo what the capitalist class and appealed to the pressure will lead the rty, and the ously near to the Ilmit. During the tant will want to attend. The banquet, throughout the country wherever he had had already been accomplished. On Sun workers prevent to support the Marine to realize the mistake of their past few weeks however, the New York siven by the Communist League (Opposl meteings on his lecture tour; and Max day, December 27, they descended on the Workers Defense Committee and its et passivity in this case quickly. For the City bonds have been depresded heavily. tion. will be a joint affair with all our Shachtman, who has come back from a second session of the Staunton confer forts to repel the designs of the bosses sake of the working class as a whole, They are now selling below par. One Jewish comrades and friends, for the trip to Spain, England and France. Allence en masse. They pack the confer in this case as in others by a frank and as well as for that of the party. Such need not look far for the guilty one. purpose of greeting the first issue of these comrades will give their impresence with delegates mobilized from real united front.
mistakes are dearly paid for. The force Short term government bonds usually re Unser Kamf (Our Struggle. official orsions of what is going on in the various Springfield, Past St. Louis, and eren Other speakers included Muste, of united working class clefense is ir main in the direct control of the bank van of the Left Opposition in the YH parts they visited and the banqueteers Chiengo. On one pretext after another of the Conference of Progressive Labor resistible. It is bound to overcome all ers. The city now needs 90, 000, 000 to dish language, and of welcoming back will And it of tremendous interest. they interrupted the proceedings with Action, who pledged the support of his obstacles cover its current expenses. The bank three of our leading comrades who hay Definite arrangements for the hall and irrelevant speeches and slander. The organization to the defense and its will The first Marine Workers Defense ers have agreed to advance the money Just returned and who will speak at the the program have not yet been com. of delegates voted with their feet. ingness to cooperate with the Committee meeting has started the drive. It is up (float the bond leue) only if the city banquet. They are comrades Albert pleted, but all friends of the Left Op Delegate after delegate left. There Ben Gitlow of the Lovestone group, who to every class conscious worker to conagrees to curtail expenses Glotzer, who has just returned from a position in New York are urged to keep sult is best expressed perhaps in a let made an appeal for funds for the de tribute his bit to the fight for the reThe first thing hit at was the home trip to kurope during which he stayed Saturday, February open on their calter from one of the local militants who tense: Walter Starret of the Road to lease of Soderberg. Bunker and Trajer.
rellet agencies. Part of the 90, 000, 000 for a number of weeks with comrado endar. Further detalls will appear in has participated in all the struggles of Freedom Anarchist group and Carlo Let no one stand aside.
was to go for the unemployment, re. Trotsky at Kadikoy: Arne Swabeck, who the Militant watch for them.
the Minols miners since before the war. Tresca, editor of Il Martello, who cited.
thenti, real estate owners and hankers of commission from the government. They moment is switly approaching when the ville. Plans are being laid and peopleOpposition must and will attempt it. set sume ole this year and he Marine Defense Meet New York Banquet Feb.