AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyConfederación Nacional del TrabajoEnglandFascismGermanyImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismOpportunismSocialismSovietSpainStalinismSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorking Class

SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 1932 THE MILITANT PAGE IN THE INTERNATIONAL OF LABOR Reviews and News of the Working Class and Revolutionary Movements Developments in Spanish Revolution Opposition in England our the The deceptive role which was repreUnder the Banner of Marxism sented by the elements of the Left created the necessity of compelling the socialists to form a homogeneous Government. This slogan, given out by us, was poorly understood even by the Com The conservative classes of Spain. where it was not conscious complicity, plorable echo in the working class. The munists. The Workers and easants said Alcala Zamora recently, cannot be of the leaders of the revolutionary work socialist and anarchist leadership of Bloc called it reactionary. Trying to conservative; they are simply reactionour workers movement, which had de adopt a revolutionary position, the Bloc ary. This is true. As in all backwarding class, stood out wharply on this olivered up the whole revolution to the gave out a slogan which seems a joke: casion. In spite of the ambiguity of Party Members Form Nucleus to Fight for Leninism countries, the Spanish bourgeoisie is tied their phrases, and the abundance of pro bourgeoisie, made its faults still worse it announced itself in favor of a Govern up with the most reactionary eastes of mises did not hesitate to make statelolists and anarchists, for separate rea1t the soe, ment of Pestana Vallina Peiro.
the country. Its political torpor, its fear, ments of a most alarming character to On December 19 of last year, a group, quickly affected. In both of them, and The progress which the bourgeoisie which make it embrace the first cut the working class. If the delay of the sons, immediately deprived the proletar has made are shown by the fact that of members of the Communist Party of particularly in the last namel, there is fanatics of Lerrdux like a shipwrecken ing to a struggle did not suffice. the de themselves immediately to presenting at same bourgeoisie, which took such pains it for years, met in London to constitute ers at their pollectes. Especially in the a. irremediable evil in clarations of some of its eininent mem a victory what was only the result bourgeoislebers could not leave the least doubt as their mistakes.
at the begeinning to cloak itself in soc formally the English section of the In are there now tremendous possiSenor Zamora exhortations to come out to the policy which the combination was bilities On the proclamation of the Republie, it necessary to get rid of the subaltern ternational Left Opposition, of its present state are wasted. The to pursue. On April Manuel Azana the working class received nothing but personnel. It is natural that the latter The absence of such a formally winning thousands of good evil has deep roots.
made the following special statement for poison from all sider. At one stroke should resist the abandonment of its sanized and active group of Opposition ranks. But in face of these possibilities, or revolutionary militants who are in its The Spanish bougreoisie will disappear Workers Solidarity. It has been and with dizzying speed, Spain bas privileged position, and propose coalition ists in England has always been fout the Communist party, helt in the straitisties. The structure of our economy, workers will not torn aside the political perhaps the world. Sind Workere exists, the reaction will govern through of the general need of extending the in politt, merely skims the very thinnest plays in world economy, tx a mited revolution. Besides, what they call the vulgarity of anarchism to interpret the of time left for the Assembly is the last wing in all countries, but because in surface and disdainfully ignore the real circle of necessity, within which our Communist danger is no reason for rebourgeoisie must move. The contradic signing ourselves to the present regime grotesque meaning have certain words of this assistance.
situation in such a manner. What a concession that the bougeolste makes to England specifically the official Commun opportunities which are offered it.
tions of Spanish economy cannot be and letting it continue.
Workers Solidarity today!
ist party has, in relation to its strength With the British situation as a whole, solved by the bourgeoise and logically The Liquidation of the Left and to the magnificent possibilities for and with the position of the British Cah these words, if properly under Our attitude is one of full exceptatend to become sharper. It is enough to stood, have more than one meaning? tion and hope. Even if the opposite may The political liquidation of the Left, revolutionary growth that the situation rty, we shall soon have occasion to But even these Bote that after cleht months of the Repu No: it is clear that the leaders of the seem to be the case, the politicat per of which we can speak as if it were and has offered, outdone itself to me defeat deal in greater detail bile, and in spite of the declarations of toxok advantage of the meaning spective of the moment represents a good accomplished fact, WAS neoinplished upon error and error upon defeat. Morel brief and sketchy comments, together which subordinated Spain to world cap masses influenced by anrchism. The av lit. the working class, but it was the bourgeoisie munism have elapsed today without the about the state of affairs, demonstrate italism remained, but they have even erxion to Communism, which the leaders drawn tighter. The Republic has not of the C, N, T, tried so harxt to maintain, has been struck at Spanish reaction wit to the full. The bourgeoisie has made up on the proletariat. The striking de for growth of a well knit section of the We are convinced that the blow which that got rid of this tool after having used rty having yet made a deep impression plentifully the need and the prospects stretate de este Small as our young British section mands, can come back to using success, at all, been accelerated by the revolu structure of the country. Nothing is the workers themselves. The revolutionism of Europe and America (April 18. Cully bourgeois radicalism, Sinea no rev tionary activity that the British marta bont its commencement Porta Matt opp og access continues than that its conism repudiated it as a workingclass) workers an interpretation which was the olutionary force has arisen to take its should have displayed. The mexampled tion has been sigually fortunate in winthemselves. Our bourgeoisie will con SERATI MATCHMEICHENBACHERCHMINKENNI a revolutionary manner. The revolution the coal and general strikes of 1920 sim. militants who do not seek in the ranks of tinue to be, while it exists, among the ary Squidation of the bourgeois left and ply swept over the English party without our movement a safe refuge from the most reactionary in Europe. Series of Articles on Spain of socialism must be carried out now. depositing anything but the thiest Ihyl class struggle, as have many in the past In reality the Republic changed nothing, but retained the same state of afBeginning with the next issue, the Militant will commence the publication ence, not letting it deceive the workers which, moreover, it promptly proceeded tirement from the revolution with the fairs. The activity of Maura and of of a series of articles on the present situation in revolutionary Spain, by into trying out its demagogie radicalism to lose. From the degraceful record of prestige and the great tradition of our Max Shachtman, editor of the Militant. Comrade Shachtman has just returned the first and even the second Labor gormors ment. On the contrary, our EngAlcala Zamora, the same before as after as an opposition from two months in Europe, part of which was occupled with a visit to Spain.
the change of regime, was a continuall Communism, which, we can say, has ernment, the party has been able to lish group is composed of party memexhortation to their class to convince it In both Madrid and Barcelona, he had the opportunity of speaking with pronot figured or known how to figure in make only the smallest minimum of bers who are not only well known for of the necessity for a change: and in minent and authoritative apokesmen of the socialist, anarchist, syndicalist, the revolution, must make up for lost capital among the working class. Even their activities in the movement but spite of the notable success which they Catalonian nationalist and Communist movements, and to view the general situation at close range. The series of articles will deal with the economic time by a broad policy of unification of now, when a section of the British work whose adherence to the Opposition is achieved, the bourgeoise could not be the working class. In the new phase of ers are being driven by the contradie continuation on a higher plane and in conditions of the workers under the republican regime, the possibilities of tions of capitalism, driven by the hun an organized manner of struggle calmed down until it saw itself prothe class struggle, without fraud or con drets to join the party, indicating by against burvaucratism and opportunism a socialist government, the struggle in the trade union movement between the tected by a regime of force.
cealment, the unity of the labor move the flow to conflicting political tendencies, the interesting dispute developing between the ment, the union of all forces, will be the place in witte of the Stalinist bureau forms, in the recent pust of the party.
Communism which takes which they have conducted, under other Overthrow of Monarchy Inevitable anarchists and the syndicalists in the National Confederation of Labor, the firm base on winch the offensive against Every one of the comrades who came The monarchy had reached a situation and so forth. Our readers are urged to watch for these articles every week situation in the Communist party, the Maurin group, and the Left Opposition, the reaction must support itself, and cracy that the revolutionary standard which no longer be sustained.
together to constitute the group with the only base one can bring the working is capable of attracting the most ad and to call the attention of other workers to them.
Since the coming of the dictatorship of class a sound revolutionary leadership and workers even now, the party perhaps one exception is a metaber of Primo de Rivera it had been evident that GERMAIN CHAIMNICAMIKICHIMLENSCHMIRIIKIMILITUMWICH ALBIONICIPI Now that the new Commuuist bureau acts largely as a sieve luto which the the party and, without fearing the conhundreds of new Communist workers sequences which the Stalinists nowadays monarchy and dictatorship would fall tendency. But together. The forces which the mon talks of Communist danger it does not when the bourgeoisie ove of the truth of the Spanish rey cracy has done its best to convert the core only to drop out in almost equal imose upon the struggle for the ideas of The one thing that was not soviets into a fetish which the masses Marx and Lenin, they are determined to feel to be out of reach the Factory Com. numbers after a brief stay.
archy exerted at the last moment to refer to a struggle among tendencies, struck down in Spain was reaction. The mittees, even if they cannot fill the fane The grave crisis of the ruling class carry on the Night within the party and, ship could not be successful. Their tenor distinguishes, but to the working punishment from the Republic. on the thuist nevertheless be the place for the latter in every one of its parts. And munist partye Bir this accome, the Fog lisele sponsibilities overtook the dictatorship Class all together, to the danger of all other hand, the working class, when it could not be successful. Their responsi social revolution, bilities overtook them alike. The im.
began to show itself as such, was the united front of the workers.
Labour party and the Independent Lamaration between itself and those dilmense majority of Spain felt that the Change In Spain Reactionary object of the most brutal repression. On Madrid, December, 1931 FERSEN. our arty show themselves to be very beautes and children of fantasy who the 1st of May, that is, a fortnight after problem pose was a constitutional one.
have, in Kugland, sometimes taken The bourgeoisie, for its part, had a fears, was abandoning the monarchy in repression began. In Barcelona and in The bourgeoisie, without losing its the proclamation of the Republic, the name of the Opposition, for a thousand special interest in not moving the ques. proportion as the combination kept les Blito the police force was aimed at the and one reasons, but not for a single one tion of this plane. It posed in the first sening the distance between monarchy workers.
which justified the assumption. On the lace the question of responsibilieles, not and the evolution. Finally the rap fringes of the movement in Englandeverywhere else are a number of tiny The promptness with which the Pro with the purposes of demanding retribu prochement of the two camps was so visional Government called the ConstituWE ARE ABOUT TO GO TO PRESS revolution, must consider it his duty to little sects, stewing hopelessly and in tion, but to prevent the revolution from close than in view of the municipal elecent Assembly was in response to the with a new pamphlet by comrade Trotsky, obtain a copy of the latest work of Leon quiet isolation in the stale juice of their exceeding strictly political limits.
tions of April 12 the bourgeois politie need of profiting by the prestige which it is entitled: GERMANY. THE KEY Trotsky and to read it carefully. The own superiority: Individuals and indiv.
The monarchy could not at that time lans, who were defending their class the Republican Socialist combination en TO THE INTENATIONAL SITUATION tate of the world revolution is at stake idualists: In short, opportunists, do nothresort to a regime of force the dictator against the mondfchist entrenchments Joyed. The halo thus created assured it SHALL FASCISM REALLY BE VIC Let no genutne revolutionary stand aside. Ingx, sectarians of all kinds who have ship had just collapsed for lack of understood that all resistance was useless the monopoly of the Asembly. It was TORIOUS! This latest work of the lead.
Every worker and Communist must painted themselves up with the colors of basenor did it have within itself a demand harmful. If the Republic was in the interests of the bourgeoisie that the er of the Loft Opposition fulfills the get a copy 10c per copy. cents in bunthe Opposition the eximctation that ocratle solution. The most conservtaive stalled in Spain almost unanimously it Itepublie was fixed up by means of the most burning need of the moment for the ates) of GERMANY THE KEY TO it would not only obligate them to nothsolution was therefore to unload all re was because the bourgeoisie saw the combination, which also made the cle revolutionary movement of the entire THE INTERNATIONAL SITUATION. Os serious but that it would relieve sponsibility on a regime for which there possibility of effecting the change almosttoral law. Things were so organized world. It analyses in clear and distinct order throngh Pioneer Publishers, 84 them of a xlashing criticism and separawas no remedy, and to weaken as much without losses. The pacific and orig that all groups apart from the combina strokes, the problems facing Communism East 10th Street, New York, tion from the Left Opixwtion. of this as possible the consequence of its fall. inal manner in which the change of retion could scarcely influence the progress and offers the Bolshevik solution to 100 we shall have another occasion to It was the duty of a consciously guided Kime was effected in Spain proves the of the Assembly.
movement not to let itself be deceived.
spenk profoundly reactionary character of the The Communist International, the van Nor The Deception of the Cortes Left The group has decided to issue a bul there any call to be develved change. In reality it was the monarchy guard of the whole international working letin immollately, in preparation for the The distinguishing feature of the com class is approaching a decisive historas to the meaning of the Republican that was saved. Neither the interests printed paper to come. The group, which Socialist combination. Apart from the which the fallen regime sheltered, nor bination has been the complete subordin kal task in Germany. Every month, was constituted with the aid of a reprefact that in all its activity before the its most representative men, aufered a ation of the Left wing to the Right, which every week every day brings us closer sentative of the International Secretarit has displayed a con major damage. The whole monarchy makes the organization even more decep to the critical moment. In 1923, the desistent counter revolutionary line, the became republikan to save itself. Even tive. When the elections were held, feat of the German proletariat lat who was present decided to establish relations with the latter body immedi.
combination as an historical phenomenon the king conducted himself, in a way the working masses and the middle class urated Every Sunday, p.
sweep of reaction that affected ately.
of our country were being radicalized the working class of every capitalist was nothing new. In all countries there as a sympathizer.
By JOHN EDWARDS have occurred political conditions which Moreover, if the change of regime as within the combination, this was reflect country and served as a brake on the JANUARY 17 ON have tended to blur the class struggle it wils realized was the natural resulted in the growth of the Left wing, and stormy darance of the post war revolu LENIN MARXISM EXPIRATION OF SUBSCRIPTION under the excuse that the revolution in of the deeply reactionary downward above all, in the Socialist Patry, which ionary movement. Today, we are conIf the number of your wrapper is 97 terests various classes. Certainly but slope which the revolution had taken, is the most numerous group. Still, in fronted with a similarly decisive situaFree Admission 1t Interests them in opposite ways. For at the very beginning of the change the the Assembly, the internal mechanism of tion in Germany or under your subscription has expired.
the bourgeoisie, the important thing in a bourgeoisie found an excellent opportun the combination was put into motion, The forces of Hitlerism, the prospective HALL, 1435 NO. WESTERN AVE.
To ensure that you do not miss a single revolutionary situation, and the thing ity to emphasize to the full the reac and then we saw that the one who gave butchers of the German workers, are conthat determine its maneuvers, is the tionary character of the Republic. The orders was the Right wing.
tinually growing. World imperialism. Auspices: Chicago Branch. Communist issue of The Militant, send in your refear of being tied up by the proletariat:fact that the Republie had been installThe Assembly began to play a most in seized in the grip of an unprecedented League of America (Opposition) newal immediately to The Militant, 84 Fast 10th St. New York, for the proletariat, the interest of the ed without violence and as a result of decent farce. The bills presented were economic crisis, is casting ravishing and Sunday, January 10, 1932: Tom revolution is the oceansion which it offers a few elections, provoked throughout the almost ultra Left. In the course of the greedy glances at the Soviet Republic in Mooney and the American Frame Up to impose its will on the bourgeoisie, to country the greatest democratic confus discussions they were constantly mutil the East. These two processes are not System; Speaker: Carl Cowl.
ated. If at the last minute there still divorced from one another. It Hes in subjudgate it, and suppress its classion ever recorded in history.
domination. revolution which was pacitie because remained anything that the right wing their very character for each to ald and ST. LOUIS An Open Forum is being At the distance of a few months, it it was no revolution, but the most per considered dangerous, Senor Alcala Zam abet the another.
conducted each Friday evening uy the St.
seems incredible that the working class tect maneuver that the bourgeoisie could ora would intervene and create clarity.
These results could not be justified by class remains divided. The social demof America (Opposition) at the Crunden Socialist combination. All the weakness, tionary situation, found the met de the composition of the Assembly, since scrats still have a free hand in their de Braneh Library, 14th Cass Ares. The the left elements were in the majority: ception of the workers. The stalinist first of the open forums at which com wwwwww mmmmmmmmmmmmthey were explained by the manner in leaders of the Communist party. Only In New York for which the Assembly functioned. The resterday the bold prophets of the third rade George Roberts spoke, was on nOOON Letts said. Since this Government is a period are overcome with panic by the employment and the Unity of the work mixture of tendencies we must submit growth of the Fascists. They are falling Wise indicated, begin at 7:30 The we must work out compromise formulas list of Open Forum meetings is as fol UNSER KAMF In the name of formulas of agreement resorting to futile ejaculations. The sitlows: An Entertainment and Dance for the we notice that although there is a left nation is not lost yet, but the German. majority in the Assembly, these lefts are Communist party, and with it the whole Friday, January 15, 1932: Speaker benefit of Young Spartaeus, official organ. politeally impotent.
Communist International, is in danger of Martin Payer on Tom Mooney and the of the Youth Section, Communist League of America (Opposition. will be held on The left elements of the combination committing a blunder as tremendous in Frame Up System.
84 EAST 10th STREET, NEW YORK, are only the tools which the right uses its consequences as the defeat of 1023. Friday, January 22, 1932: Spenker Saturday, January 9th, 1932, beginning at for its own advantage. For this the Re Every Communist, every serious rex George Roberts on Is Socialism In One P. at the headquarters. publican Socialist combination was creat olutionary worker must consider it his Country Possible ed. If it had not fulfilled this function, duty to pay the closest attention to what Friday, January 29, 1932: Speaker League, 81 Fast 10th Street.
John Scott ou Fascism or Communism The Youth Committe charge all difficult moments, the coalition was scientious proletarian fighter must keep in Germany.
mises a very lively and entertaining Enclosed please find 00 for one year subscription: in danger of belng broken up. At the his eyes peeled, use the utmost objec The Admission is free All workers Musical and other features, as well as time when the religious question was betivity in his judgment.
are cordially invited.
excellent refreshments have been proing discussed, for instance, if the soc. In his new pamphlet, the leader of the NAME ialists had defended the point of view first Red Army, the closest co worker of Young Spartacus can be purchased at vided. All workers are cordially invited of the projected Constitution, it would Lenin, is appealing to all the worker all newsstands, bookstores, meetings, etc. to attend the Young Spartacus enter ADDRESS have won in the Assembly, and all the Communists. What he has to say is of rights, including the radicals, Maura extraordinary historical importance. Es where The Militant is now sold. If you tainment, Saturday, January 9th. The CITY STATE.
and Zamora, would have undertaken anery meraber of the Communist party, are unable to get a copy at these places, atrair is under the auspices of the New open fight against the constitution and every sympathizer of Communism who is write to Young Spartacus, 84 East 10th York Section of the Communist League 2000 lelle el the Asembly. Opposition. sincerely attached to the cause of the Street, New York, New Trotsky Pamphlet Coming CHICAGO Open Forum of ST. LOUIS bebe te the moderateline, the German working only same as the one to content Entertainment Young Spartacus אונזער קאמף צוויי וועכנטלעכער רגא פון דער קא מוניסטישער ליג פון מעריקע (א א זיציע)
of the אבאנעמענטרפרייז. אין די פא ראייניקטע שטא טן 00 יא ר; אין אויסלאנד 25. אין איינצל פא רקויף. סענט. און קא נא דע