Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyGermanyImperialismKamenevLeninLeninismMarxMarxismMarxism-leninismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismSyndicalismTrotskyURSSWorking Class

new Stalin Makes Party History to Order Swabeck Tour Results for With the Opposition in Minneapolis exposed PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 1932 joint benefit of the Militant and Jewish organ of the left Opposition, two public lectures were held: one on the Plight of the MacDonald government in mile benyttes the related works been killing a Dead Trotskyism and all the eye witnesses of the Febru. Par loved on the leaves for the Minnesota ary revolution, who left memoirs of the right in the 11th Ward headKANSAS CITY successful massism which have in this period been cor Stalin. There are two articles of the For the 1, 000th Time carly moments of the revolution, estab quarters, and the other on the Role of meeting, with an attendance of 50 work rupted and dragged through the mire of Master published in the Russian party tish the vulgar opportunisin and social the Left Opposition in the Present Crisisers, was held in Kansas City on Decem Stalinist revisionism.
press, dealing with questions of party patriotism of the party under the lead held at the Labor Lyceum. Though the ber 18, when comrade Arne Swabeck Comrade Swaleck was the last speaker.
history. One of them, which has ap frightened. He fears the Trotskyist ership of Stalin Kamenev. of all these audience in both cases was not extraor. spoke on the Economie Crisis and the He spoke on the problems of our movepeared in the foreign official Communist truth. He is therefore giving the signal memoirs, those of Schlapnikov, who was dinarily large, it was very attentive and communists. The talk was very well ment stression the necessity press, deals with Lenin attitude towards to the by articles and commands in the leading center of the party from interested in the message of the Opust received and aroused a greater interest more activity and devotion on the part the pre war Social Democratie arty of for a new reinforced aunihilation cat the very first days of the revolution in tion spokesman.
The meetings were mark in the program and work of the Commun of all comrades. The comrades of the Germany and is a polemle against the paign against the Left Oppsition.
Petrograd, ure the most convincing and ed by serious questions and discussionist League (Oppuksition. The stalinists, Left Opposition must realize that today article of Nutzky, a young Marxist his The second staliu article is concerned authoritative. The memoirs of Schlap from the toor, as well as by certain pro. who are askance at the development of, they stand at the head of the whole Comtorian. We have no room here to so with party history of the February remikov constitute an invaluable document vocative hekling and speeches by the as they call it, Trotskyist Center munzt movement in Marxist clarity and into the material content of this polemic blution and the arrivahe opere in for any conscientious historian who stalinists, all of which gave comrade in Kansas City, set to work to hinder the training for the class struggle.
The very successful program proceeded simple reason that we do not know the period is exceptionally painful for stulin role of the party in this period of Febly with the questions raised. One party would send their big guns to heckle into the carly hours of the morning in work of Slutxky. Here we call tion to two things. With unexcellane himself and it is highly important that ruary 97 up to April 3, 1917 (oki yle. member reiterated the argument that the the speaker but none of them showed up. unabate hilarity. Jack McBeth of the all the party comrades leurn the his that is, up to the arrival of Lom u Trotskyists were individualists who But several Party rank and file members Litural Science Postitute present for the kroses and brutality. Stalin launches Petrograd.
would not abide by Communist discipline: did attend, despite the intimidation and occasion, displayed unusual genius in into poor Slutxky who dared on the toricul truth about this affair.
basis of documents, to consider ssible Who would have believed it? And yet That is just what the young Marxian and that furthermore, in the face of the order by the Stalinist bureaucrats not run making an overestimation on Lenin part of it is a fact! The Soviet journals accuse historians, Slutzky and Volosevitch, dia mass work the party was doing the outo attend the meeting. The meeting Much credit for the gastrononte sitethe Centrists (Kautskyans Yaroslavsky optily of having favored the in their historical works. They based position did nothing but criticize the wave an impetus to the Omposition Opences of the affair go to coturndeshim This thought of Slutzky is Economou and II. Juda who were in full called by smuggling of Trotsky conceptions on themselves upon the evidence of schlap party. It was obvious to all after Forum which is soon to begin.
Stalin, who deinagogically reduces the the history of the Bolshevik party at the nikov and spoke of a re armanent of wabeck answer that the rery particiOn the following Sunday night a ban charge of the kitchen. collection of polemic to this question: Was Lenin alcuning of the February revolution into the parts in April 1917. Another Marx nation of party members in our meet quet was held. good time was had 27. 00 was taken and presented to com Bloshevik? Yes or no? Is there to be the books on party history of which helan historian spoke of it right in the ins were recognition of the revolu by all and a collection was taken up to rade Swabeck to hell strengthen our Militant.
any doubt about Lenin Bolshevism? The is in charge.
Bolshevism of Lenin is an axiom for As everybody knows now (after the re exulted supervision of Yaroslavsky. This on, and that our constructive criticism The study class in the Fundamentals is where Yaroslavsky sins begin. Flow and conduct in the and the of Communism is now well under way.
Stalin, a doma, just as the sectity of clations of comrade Trotskythe Blaid he let it pase? Has he not strecumb. Mooney conference, etc. was rallying in. The class, conducter by comrade Geo.
OUR MIND IS UNCHANGED As we announced several months ago There is nothing to doubt about this. February revolution (before the arriva Soviet pret stortrat ek moethe whole entering mmbers of workers to our stan. Clarke, hits ten members with good pro spects for growth. Those wishing to in an exclusive interview with our print In addition, comrade Swaheek adress. join should get in touch with George er devil, Kent, the name Revolutionary it, nothing is to be discussed. it must sala de este bine ca unde Kuchiera policy of dal. Taroslavsky is openly attacked and ca the Labor Lyceum Open Forum on the Marke, care of Huehler Bookstəre, 23 Aug 2008 prove that be tong parte delo contidence in the provisional govern the demand is made that in the next Manchurian Crisis and the Workers Open West 12th Street, Kansas City, Mo.
als at that time, we stuck to our guns It is clear that such a way of putting telll in the Soviet. Arriving in Petro edition of the party history, sections Forum on the Future of American Trade GEORGE CLARKE, and we re glad of it. For we now have ond word is dialectics. is stupid and gradLenin wrote his april theses Stalin himself published his article in Sunday Afternoon, P. at 1520 Fast CHICAGO, ILLthe official lemnouncement that the Rev.
olutionary Age is how to use into an his first days, while he still lay in his ent orientation, an orientation towards the Bolshevik in which he reconstructs Franklin Ave.
It was a hall packed to the doors that unlamente limbo so that its place may Nearly seventy dollars was raised from cradle. He developed himself in the the winning of the revolutionary makes the historical truth after his own man these meetings and a number of sub rected comrade Arne Swabeck yester be taken by the more modest Workers clay its he delivered his remarkable lec Age. Harmonious is this change is with course of all his revolutionary activity with a view towards the assumption of ner.
The all powerful apparatus of Stalin scriptions to Opposition papers, especiature on Trotsky Views of the Worla the course of the Right wingers, we still to the position of a Bolshevik. He was power by armed insurrection. For Lenin priests and holy men, but made mistakes. miniscences of the past. not to be bound truth. That is why it will lightly obey gan. We hope soomaain to get a rule that admision was charged for this ers will doubtless recall it. We want it not infallible. like Stalin and other it was a question of forgetting the refers nothing so much as the historical ally to Unser kami, the new Jewish or crisis. Despite the departure from the stick to our old proposal. Our read by acknowledged his mistakes okuly in meeting. Redifer Hall, 30 Wells St. changed to the Victorian Age. Thus far, the old formula, outstripped by events, any commands of the Master and ex speaker from the National Center.
was packed with about a hundred work nobely has been able to advance a sin order to rectify them. It is curious that of the democratie dictatorship of the punge all onerous sections from the MINNEAPOLIS WORKERS FORUM ers present promptly on the hour angle reasoned argument against our pro Stalin, wherever he speaks of the in workers and peasants. but to steer a history. But like all other historical 1530 East Franklin course resolutely towards the dictator Pasifications, this one too will not suc nounced for the meeting.
posal and we take that to mean that fallibility. of the absolute dogmatic ship of the proletariat. That is what ped in concealing the mistakes and the Sunday, January 10th, at P. Comrade Swabeck very ably presented is assailable. In spite of that, we re Bolshevism of Lenin, adds in parentheses. the Bolsheviks. This creates the Trotsky called the re armament of the crimes of the organizer of defeats.
The next meeting of the Minneapolis the viewpoint of the Left Opposition, satisfied with one step at a time. Slowly appearance as though all the Bolsheviks party. This historical fact is utleniable Workers Open Forum will feature Carl winning the applause of all present. He but inevitably, the name we proposed will Cowl who speaks on Tom Mooney and dealt with the perspectives for the yet wave coyly at the masthead of the were always at one with Lenin in all the American Frame up System. Last crisis, the role of the Communist advance Lovestone sheet. What does perturb 18 questions we shall show below that this week debate on the proposition That suard of the working class, and the a trifle is that the name we proposent for is wrongind as though every Bolshevik, just because he was a Bolshevik, because Communism will Emancipate the work debacle of Stalinist policy. He spoke the organization has not yet made any ing Class between comrade Dumme and of the vindication of the policy of the headway. We want the Majority it lies in the very essence of Bolshevik, Recently a And just as little as one worker approached the headquarters en Hennepin was left open Jean Spielman of the of Laroused læft Communists as expressed in the regroup to be called Minority wa Tanin.
may entertain doubts about Lenin Boll League and applied for membership Hey the police perhaps for the purpose of a great deal of interest among the work sults of the class struksle and the worla Grom. If for no other reason that polthe farcical de itical accuracy and clarity. As our read shevism or discuss the questions is very talkative. Ile said he had just headquarters, however, were raided twice ried notices of this event. 200 attended nunciation of the Long terms, credits ers may be sure, our proposals are never one prohibited to doubt the Bolshevism completed a 90 day sentence at the work and meetings broken up. Our headquar The usual question and discussion per to the Soviet Union slogan of the left motivated by mercenary considerationsof the only Bolsheviks, the Stalinists, house for participation in the Pebruars ters were finally closet. To all appear to will feature the Mooney Forum meet Communists by stalinists and prophested we want no money prizes but solely in that before long these bureaucrats would the sterosanet interexts of truth and ing the Bolshevism of Stalin the Lenin 25 Hunger Demonstration last year. Ileances, the police department considered ing.
have to eat their words and conform to justice.
on a higher level who conceals ts hol had been picked up by the police after the Trotskyists as the more dangerous CORRECTION the demands of life.
lowner behind a canonized, embulmed the event as a suspect. in reality as a menace in the given situation.
Lenin. Out with it! this doubting! and party organizers of the affair. ery was again gummed up.
In the workhouse, the D. machin In the article on the Workmen Circle During the discussion period one lone Or was it by Militant 1 32) there is stated Stalinist took the floor in a weak at These hypocritical, mendacious, priestly. The breaking into the Gatewas Meat deliberate sabotage and cowardice again that the Paterson members of the tempt to answer swabeck arguments.
DEATH PENALTY FOR ANTIjesuitical morals, IMPERIALIST AGITATION Leninism in the face with a blackjack, party third period adventure in Minn exploit this local issue along with its in the Jewish Day and, after a delay of Hall and did not hear the sorching ans HANKOW. Fenprecor) Death to antieapolis, found the party bureaucrats un national campaign. After all, nothing three weeks, in the Freiheit. This is wer of comrade Swabeck.
imperialist Agitators! This is the de erated Comintern, which every Communwilling to go through with the move for ralites local workers so much as a case a technical error due to the wrong good collection was taken, a good cree of the Wuhan military anthorities ist will spurn. Scoundrelly trivial. degenerated the three rank and alle workers were years has there been as good a case. In fers to that issued by Workmen Cirwhich they alone were responsible. When they personally know about. Never for placement of the sentence. The call re literature sale was reported by the lit posted throughout this city today. The crature Agent and many new contacts Garrison lleu quarters has issued a in the words of Stalin, are both the arti arrested, Karl Reeve, Powers and Grecht, nocent, framed workers. The cle Branch No. 417, It was this were made with workers cager to get warning that would be law breakers cle and its author. Slutxky, because the the erstwhile working class beroes on the officially did nothing for the victims. call which was published in the press more information on Communism and the will pay with their heads for attempting article is supposed to be somi Trotsky party pyroll, sneaked out of town. The few friends bronght fruit and cigarettes first in the Day, and then, after a delay policies of our faction. It was the opin to create disorders that would develop ist and its author a disciple of Trotsky party officially announced they had noth and very little of that. The boys felt of three weeks, in the Freiheit. ion of all comrades that this successful into a diplomatic issue. The order is And with this we come to the reasoning to do with the affair and refused the bureaucrats had betrayed them; and meeting will inject new pep into the aimed against the outbreak of incidents why Stalin article was written. Surely to participate in the defense of the work that their own comrades had deserted work here in Chicago involving foreign particularly Japanese, not out of scientific cagerness to secure) ers fearing this would implicate it, and them. It rankled. They resolved never nationals.
historical truth. believe that rotten be used as prima facie evidence of the to be madle scapegoats again.
PHILADELPHIA The New Year Eve banquet arranged Decapitation will be meted out to agiliberalism, which at the present moment party responsibility. All idea of work. After serving their sentence, one comby the Chieage branch of the Left Optators in Hankow, Wuchang, and Hanyenjoys a certain vogue among a section of ing class solidarity was thrown to the rade dropped out altogether, one came MASS MEETING position at its own headquarters, at 1435 ang factories.
the Bolsheviks (the editorial board which winds. The workers of Minneapolis got back into the much wiser for PHILADELPHIA On SUNDAY JAN Western Ave, in honor of comrade Publie meetings and organization of also gets its share, together with Slut a lot of secret satisfaction out of the the experience, and the third, after sev. UARY 10, 1982, at P. a lecture on Arne Swabeck drew many of our mem: societies are forbidden.
zky. has pushed them along this puth caring act of the demonstrators litereral months of thought and study of the The Economic crisis the Commun bers as well as numerous friends and Peace and order are thus being Some Bolsheviks are of the opinion that ally reusing to starve and going into the situation, joined the Communist Opposi ists will be given by Arne Swabeck. The sympathizers of our movement.
maintained in the Wuhan area hy Gov.
Trotskyism is a faction Communism, a store and taking it. But chagrin was tion. In his own words he says. m lecture wil be held at OSTROPOLER Comrade John Edwards acted as mas crnor Ho Chen chun, notorious White mistaken one, it is true, committing no felt at the manner in which the party going to do what can to help put the IIALL, 943 NO. FRANKLIN ST. The ter of ceremonies, calling upon comrades Terrorist.
few blunders, even anti Sovietist for that shamefully desertel the workers arrest Communist party back on the right admission is free and edveryone is invit present for speeches. The speakers all These orders, duplicated throughout matter, but nevertheless a faction of ed. tried and railroaded to the work track. COWL. ed. There will be a period for questions responded to the occasion very nobly. In the area under kuo Min Tang or other Communism. Thence certain liberal house.
and discussion by the audience. The addition to the usual fun provoking commilitary control. reveal the precise exsm towards the Trotskyists and those The flight of teeve and lowers threw SWABECK IN MINNEAPOLIS meeting is being held under the auspices ments there was noted a strong under tent to which the present rulers of thinking like them. There the nigger the party into a panie. For months no After the successful banquet held last of The Philadelphin Branch, Communist current of seriousness, and the will to China have sold themselves to foreign in the woodpile. Trotskyism is gain challenge was maile to the edict of the Saturday with comrade Swabeck for the League of America (Opposition. spread ever wider the teachings of Lenin imperialism.
ing an influence in Russia among the Republican Mayor Kunze against all party members. Stalin is becoming Communist assembly. The u.
serve as a remedy. The absence of it although personalities play a role in indicates the sickness. The only means them, and are not at all to be neglected.
of putting a stop to the disintegration, is The absence of a man of Lenin scope FOR YOUR the clearing of the road for criticism in the Russian party. conuts, no doubt.
In the first half of its history, the C: But there are, of course, deeper roots to showed almost exclusively its positive the matter Books by Leon Trotsky side.
It is responsible first of all, for the Under Lenin, the International gave penetration of bureaucratism into the THE STRATEGY OF THE WORLD REVOLUTION On June 21 Jast, the of Bul ascribed to the thoroughly false line and the growing parties their clear and prin Russian party and its transportation to 86 pages, two colored paper cover 251 maria obtained a big parliamentary vic policies of the and therefore we cipled position. It elaborated the ven the other parties.
On the other hand, we must consider Introduction by Max Shachtman tory. This victory is distinguished in permit ourselves to speak primarily of eral principles of communism, the fundapart by the complete defeat of Demo the general framework of the defeat of mental lines of strategy, of Communist the difficulty of the sections of the THE DRAFT PROGRAM OF THE cratle Unity (Zgovor. and in part, by the Bulgarian proletariat in 1923, and tactics and organization. Lenin was able to working out special ways and means COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL the great number of votes that the illegal in connection with that, to scrutinize the to profit by the experiences in the strus of the proletarian revolution and its preA Criticism of Fundamentals received.
entire policy of the from the criticales of the western parties, he was able paration in the different countries, which Introduction by Cannon The received 166, 000 votes, while al point of view of Marxism Leninism.
to interpret them in a broad theoretical has been increased by the bureaucratic 140 pages hard paper cover 356 the socialist party received only 25, 000 Despite the official optimism, it is sense. He dld not think it possible to ally entrenched preponderance of the THE SPANISH REVOLUTION votes. The C, gained 32 seats, the nevertheless a regretable, a disagreeable invent the tactics tor the other parties Russian party in the leadership of the 30 pages, paper cover got only seats.
and disquieting fact that the influence of from the center, nor to outline and prec. that no longer corresponds to the THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION We can all still recall that in conse the has been declining in praette scribe them to the smallest detais. moral preponderance of its leadership 208 page bookcloth bound and in international questions. 00 quence of the election, the Trankov Liapally all the capitalist countries, and that the negative side became more tehev government resigned paper bound The inability to draw the lessons of and made the proletarian masses are not being won more apparent in the second halt of the THE REAL SITUATION IN RUSSIA place for the bourgeois opposition part over to communism. In the eyes of the existence of the after 1923, after the experiences characterizes the crisis Introduction by Max Erstman ies, the so called people bloe led by present leadership, inis statement is re the death of Lenin and after the revolu of the Bulgarian Communist Party as 364 page book formerly now 00 garded as Trotskyism. deviation to tionary waves in central and western well as that of the entire movement of It could be foreseen that the proletar the right. posing a lack of confidence Europe had calmed down. Then we wit the It is not a crisis of the move.
MY LIFE 600 pages 00 lat had little to expect from the dem in the revolution. The simple mention nessed the era of Bolshevization. Itment itself, but of its leadership. The COMMUNISM AND SYNDICALISM ocratic people bloc, by the fact that of this fact suflices to merit the designa consisted in the attempt to boist meth. criticism of the past mistakes will result The Trade Union Question the latter did not promise even in the tion of renegade. Nevertheless, woods, forms and tactles artificially and in the condemnation of the leadership Introduction by James Cannon period of the election campaign, that it need above everything, a thorough anal schematically upon the European move responsible for these mistakes. The lack would abolish the notorious law for ysis on our own part, in order to find ment, completely neglecting the pecu of a healthy, creative criticism which the 64 pages, paper cover 15 the protection of the state in case it the causes of this stagnation, or rather, liarities in the class relationships of dit present leaders fear, is accompanied by THE SPANISH REVOLUTION came into power, nor grant a general this decline. The causes must be revealferent countries as well as the necessity a deplorable moral stagnation, which unIN DANGER amnesty or bring any sort of relief to ed and uprooted: this is the fundamental of adapting the proper general Com der the mask of loyalty and under the 64 pages paper cover the strving native proletariat in the condition for the success of the prolemunist principles to them.
mantel of mechanical discipline, PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOPfield of social legislation.
tarian revolutionary movement. The dec. This crisis in the was accentu disorder. As a consequence, instead of MENT OF THE In recalling the number of votes the line in the influence of the Communist ated and prolonged by the formation of the mistakes being corrected, they create 48 pages, paper cover 15 obtained in the elections of April parties of the capitalist countries, their a bureaucratic regime inside the leader new mistakes. In order to justify inSpecial Rates in Bundles of or more 22. 1924 (206, 510) and those of the inability to secure the support of the ship which eliminates and is still elimtellectunl and political shortcomings, all 22, 404. we must admit that the loss proletarian masses, all this is all the more inating mechanically every opportunity regard for truth has been sacrificed.
SINCE LENIN DIED of votes by the is relatively greater deplorable and disquieting because it that arises and fails to profit by the Theories are built up not on the basis By Max Eastman than that by the occurs not in a period of ebb, but in a experiences of the non Russian strug of vital facts, but for the purpose of cov 1924 500 The aim of these lines is to analyze period of general radicalization for the gles. Linked directly with this is the ering up mistakes committed through 158 page book printed in London the profound causes of this logs, as well working class. In other words: precisely habit, now become deep seated, to make ignorance or through empirical experias those for the decrease in the influ. at the moment when the objective condi the Russian factional struggles a general menting.
Pioneer Publishers ence of the in general.
tions for the victory of the revolution criterion for the tactical questions in the On the basis of these lines, which 84 East 10th Street On the basis of a detailed and objective are maturing the subjective factor to other parties, and to transpose them deal more or less with the International, New York City anaylsis of the situation of the of lacking and falling behind the possibil uniformly on the other parties. we intend to speak, in our next article, Bulgaria, we first want to declare that itles that the situation offers.
The cathes for the crisis are natur of the crisis in the Bulgarian the loss of influence by the party is to be Only open and pltiless criticism canl ally not only of a personal character. xx LIBRARY The Red Movement in Bulgaria 10c. 60 Malinov.
18e sows