BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsFascismFranceGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismOpportunismRosa LuxemburgSocial DemocracySocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSubversiveTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassWorld War

UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 84 East 10th Street, New York, Entered a second class mall matter. November 28, 1928 at the Post Office atew York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
VOLUME V, NO. WHOLE NO. 98 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 1932 PRICE CENTS Liebknecht and Luxemburg OPEN FORUM Japanese American Conflict the Revolutionary Currents in The Recent Manchurian Incident as a Factor in World Politics Spain Today ments are not moving with the speed avarice and envy for every one of the illoni these lines for some time. The Capitalist Politicians Favor Russian Credits; Stalinists Mark Time hacerload. com On January 15th 1919, the leaders of explaining in a scientific manner the revolutionary German working class, reasons for the degneration of the official Outstanding in last week news is the revolutionist could not help but see the further Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht. social democratic movement, for its war diplomatie Incident around the American growing dissatisfaction of the Western State Department appears to restrict ItAt the present time, the United States were murdered in the streets of Berlin position and the road the Marxists should Lecture by take.
consul, Culver Chamberlin, in Man The ruling class of Germany, tearing MAX SHACHTMAN these two herole and dauntless fighters, When the Russian workers overthew churia. Many versions of the story vo vasion of Manchuria. In a world eco self to the invocation of the Nine Power Just Returned From Four Weeks their ability to mobilize the proletariat cupitalism and established a proletarian appeared in the press. There are nomic crisis like the present, gripping Treaty and the polley of the Open Stay In Spain.
ready offietal Japanese versions and industry as tightly as for the proletarian dictatorship and soc dictatorship. Liebknecht and Laxemburg official American versions.
lalism, called upon the lackeys of the unhesitatingly supported the Bolshevik at the Develop of market is the subject of the greatest anese. There has been talk of action capitalist class, the social democrats, Revolution. Row, while criticizing some Labor Temple haracteristio of such incident it is robber states. All the more so, when it Chamberlin affair has merely served as Noske, Schiedeman, Ebert, to stem the of the policies of the Bolsheviks, stressed 14th Street and Second Avenue revolutionary tide, to murder its outtrue. The cloud burst following Sara. in contrast to Kautsky) that they were standing leaders and fighters. The off in the main conditioned on factors inde: Friday January 15, 1932 jevo was much more prompt. But that concerns 50 promising and so valuable the pretext for giving this line of ac cial social democracy carried out these pendent of their (the Bolsheviks) will is not at all sufficient reason to inter stupidity to assume for even a minute, Department is calling upon Great Britinstructions; murdered Liebknecht und and on that bases were justified.
at P.
pret the slowness of procedure in the that the United States, Great Britain ain and France to support its side of vulgar and watered manner of the Stal and the others would so readily cede Luxemburg.
the conflict. It is doubtful, to say the destroyed the Spartacus The German revolution of 1918 reQUESTIONS and DISCUSSION movement. For the time being it saved leased Luxemburg and Liebknecht from inists, who attribute it solely to the such a treasure to the Nipponese. On least, whether France would give its ald: Germany for wage slavery and exploita prison. The Spartacus Bund, which had ADMISSION: 25 Cents imperialists anxiety not to spoil the the contrary, a revolutionist, a disciple Strained relations between the bourgetion. Luxemburg and Unemployed Workers Admitted Free wolid. front against the Soviet Un Liebknecht re been part of the Independent Social Demof Lenin cannot doubt at all that con visies of the two countries in the past few The main the symbol of proletarian struggle ocratic Party (the centrist party of Auspices: New York Branch Communist son. For the Stalinists, the internal ficts of a high order among the imper: months coutim us in our doubt.
for emancipation; the German and inter Kautsky, Hilferding, etc. withdrew and League of America (Opposſtion)
contradictions of Imperialism constitute ialist powers are bound to result. The British are confronted with rising revnational social democracy continue as on December 31, 1919 founded the Comto adorna thesis or a manifesto, noth enel and the forms that they take on just one more hollow phrase with which tempo in which these conflicts are sharbolutionary activity among the Indian the active henchmen of capitalism.
masses and in jockeying for position munist Party of German (Spartacus ing more.
American Both Rora and Karl had, long before rection, barricade fighting, the proletarian are controlled by other factors in the might be more amenable to Bund. The questions of armed insurEvery serious observer, every serious world situation, with which we shall deal plans, especially due to the temporary 1919, fought the treacherous policies of dictatorship and wcialism, in a word, decline of American sympathies for the social democracy within the official precisely those matters which put horror Indian independence. For the time bemovement. Luxemburg took up the and fear in the hearts of the capitalists ing, American Japanese relations are struggle against both the revisioniam and their labor lieutenants, were illumin.
less active hostility and opportunism of Bernstein, David, ated with a lucidity which only a brilthan would normally be expected. Im Legien, and Noske, and the academic lant Marxian like Rosa Luxemburg could The flat propoasl for trade with the ut best, it can and will serve as a slight conflict to the reactionary, utopian theory stress like the present are fickle things.
perialist alignments in days of economic this she had been active in the Polish tse. Not fearing to strugrle against the Soviet Union made by Mr. Rainey, Dem amelioration of its crippled industries, that the Soviet Union has all the necesBut it is only a matter of time for the movement where she fought tooth anal stream though only a handful, Rosa and cratie leader of the House of Represen which only a complete and radical change sary cronomic and political pre requisites Vines to be drawn.
centrism of Karl Kautsky. Previous to in a the working masses, intransigeant radio for the National Broadcasting Com purpose of social production amul distri ialist society by itsell without the aid in The community of interests between the leaders. Closely in contact with the thelr Marxist principles, with a herote many last Monday, bringt one more pro bution. But with the misery of the mll of the rest of the world. How pernict the working class of the world and the Russian social democracy followed will to struggle for socialism, launched minent capitalist politician into the lions of unemployed in this country beous a theory this proves to be in prac oppressed colonial peoples of the Orient, the revolution of 1905 with the zreatest the organization which will lead the Ger column of those who have already ad coming more acute every day, the detise is cloquently demonstrated by the is the lesson taught by political neces interest. She recognized the importance man proletariat to power.
vanced the idea before. In this program. velopment of extensive trade relations present instance, sity. Today, this becomes clearer than of the leading role of the proletariat in matic speech, widely reproduced in the with the Soviet Union would undoubtedly The German Communist Party was press, which is intended as a semi oficial prove of great value. Factories now criticism and of the growing demandstion on the struggle in Germany, we must She a However, under the pressure of our ever. The imperialist powers are prepar ing to strike. While centering our attenbrochure in which she drew some 10 founded at time when street Betting indictment of the Hoover regime and as shut down would have the opportunity of the situation itself. the Stalinists have not forget the danger threatening from strikes, tradel took place in Berlin. In few days, the plan of action of the Democratie of resuming production and and for the German party and interna Liebknecht were arrested and shameful: Rainey advocates large scale trade with thousands of those now tramping the and trade to the Soviet Union in connec achtered by devious routes.
antons, relations between of sekere vores tabout the need for credits sites per here tination de bote tional working class from the Russian murdered by the million demolished the Soviet Union which, he adds, con streets in the vain hunt for work. Moretion with unemployment. But so far, it events.
short time later, Leo Jogisches was stiutes one of the world largest un: than that: the difficulties in the Soviet has remained largely upon paper. Aed Clarity on War Danger!
Luxemburg not only popularised the rutally killed hill.
in prison. The tapped markets at the present time, and Union itself would be considerably ame away for the records. No real national Yes, the Soviet Union is in langer.
writing of Marx, especially on economics traitorous social democracy established particularly ensary for the United Horated it the American workers could campaign, appropriate to the tremendous The capitalist world is desperate. For but wrote a theoretical work which at order in Germany. But order. States with the present state of its incompel the United States to dvance a importance of the question, has yet been the present, this danger is most acute cu tempts to apply the economic laws dis peace. stabilization. cannot be per billion dollar credit to the workers rep undertaken. The Opposition point of the Western frontier, to be more precise covered by Marx to the stage of the im. manently established under capitalism.
Further indications of the trend of ublic for the purchase of machinery and view, you see, must not be confirmed in the menace of Fascism faclog the perialist capitalism. Accumulation of the class struggle lends inevitably to capitalist opinion are contained in other instruments of production. In any for how can the counter revolutionary German working class, which is an inCapital. Her knowledge and treat revolution as shown by Germany today speech delivered in the house by another case, a well conceived and organized na Trotskylsts be permitted to show that valuable ally of the Soviet Union. It is ment of Marxism, not as a dogma but a Democratic politician. William Sirovich, tional campaign for this purpose would they saw more clearly and more correct there that the greatest watchfulness is revolutionary method of penetrating. The Wft Opposition considers itsell who recently returned from a visit to make concrete and allve the feeling of ly and more in time, how to rally work weessary. It is there that the whole knowing and transforming social reality, the rightful inheritors of the traditions the Soviet Union, but also the diplomatie international solidarity of the Americaners for the cause of the Soviet Union: Communist movement is standing a test ers the revolutionary movement has pro more than once was at logger Beads with states as a solid preliminary to such connection between their struggle against concerned about the vulgur question of class and for the oppressed peoples of tively participated in all phases of the edly made mistakese But in spite of It is clear that the thoroughly bewila Russian workers job or building the new seems to keep the stalinist functionaries But historical development does not social democratie movement, women this she remains one of the few Marx ered American bourgeoisie, rendered de society.
awake nights What we do find it im proceed along one straight line. Any work, practical politics, theoretical dis ist leaders of our times. Her works sperate by the deepening of the crisis Unfortunately, the campaign for creative to ask is this: Is the reactionary incident is bound to serve as a spark cussions, anti militarest and youth work are almost unknown to the Amerkan and the growing discontentment of the aits, recognition and trade has hitherto obstinacy of the Stalinist machine to with which to set off the explosive forces Aabber been confined almost completely to a cer continue to stand in the way of this cam. inherent in world politics today. That It was in the latter two fields that comrades: most of her crities have never working class, and somewhat she worked arm in arm with Karl Lieb studied them. It is the task of the Left gested by the fact that all the nostrums tain capitalist statesmen and politicians paign at a time when it is not only is why all Communists must pay the knecht. Both stressed the importance Opposition to publish and make known hitherto invoked by the bourgeois states who have taken up this popular issue and highly essential but when bourgeols de closest attention to the turns in imper.
are hypocritically waving ialist policy, that is why they must not posal which sounded Blanquist to the will not only be able to judge wherein the difficulties have failed, is even begin Communist movement has religiously around a slogan which properly belongs underestimate them, distort their imporpacifist and ultra legalistic social demshe erred, but learn a great deal from ning to orient itself at least in certain avoided the issue, or even condemned the to the revolutionary movement?
tance. The Chamberlin Incident and the ocratie leaders. Karl and Rosa fought one of the most brilliant Marxist teach quarters towards the Bolshevik devil campaign for it as social fascism or Or perhaps the stalinists want to mass further progress of Japanese American in the hope of finding some way out. something closely akin to it. The reasons campaign of agitation and action on this relations requires the utmost attention of for the organization of special youthers.
That trade with the Soviet Union, no for it are two fold: the slogan was first issue in the hope that if no stir is the workers, not as an incident in itself, leagues which would attract young work JOSEPH CARTER matter on how large a scale, will not raised by the Left Opposition, and the made about this burning working class but as a factor in the world situation ers and students to the socialist move.
solve the convulsive contradictions in Stalinist sages feel mortified at having to question, Stalin will be able to achieve as a whole.
ment, educate them in Marxism, strug SUBSCRIBE TO herent in the capitalist system, is of adopt it now, and secondly, the idea the same aim by polite negotiations begle against capitalist militarism. Lieb YOUNG SPARTACUS knecht in Militarism and Anti Militarcourse incontestable. For the bourgeoisie, embraced in the slogan stands in direct hind the scenes.
ism analyzed the class nature of present day militarism showing its twoOPPOSITION LEADER ARRESTED fold character: against the enemy eapiIN ARGENTINA tallst nation and colonial peoples; to upWe are informed by letter of the ar.
press the working class at home. Lux rest of comrade Camilo Lopez, the sec emburg exposed the and hyperley crises, is just in war retary of the Left Opposition in Argentina. The letter from our comrades operations, of decisive importance pacifism under capitalism, and castigated soing through one of those great Letter to a German Communist Worker on the United torie bours upon which the fate of the Front Against Hitler. By Leon Trotsky Let us take another, more remote ex. reads: Our secretary, Camilo Lopez was of Rosa and Karl prepared them for the an important measure, the German people, the fate of Europe and in ate of all of road ts unthinkable for them. It is cloak, that is, a strategem. là that case, ample for the clarification of our idea. arrested and his house raided by the war period role.
have been humanity will depond for decades. If you stupid to believe that the Nazis would it is all the more necessary to keep one Hugo Urhahus, who considers himself a lice. They took all his papers and Left Communist. declares the German propaganda mmuterial. We The coming of the World War, which place a ball on top of a pyramid the crow uninterruptedly, as they do now, eyes open.
Party Innkrupt, politically done for, and very busy since trying to prevent his What is Concealed Behind Hitler like all deep social crises poses the ques. Nlightest Impact can cause it to roll for an unlimited period of time. Sooner proposes to create a new party. Ur being sent to Ushuaia, the Siberia of the Strategem?
Comrade Lopes has been tions of class struggle sharply, found down either to the Left or to the Right. or later they will drain their social bahns were right, that would mean that Argentine.
social democratic opportunism develop That is the situation approaching with reservoir. Fascism has introduced into His calcunitions are altogether simple the victory of the Pacists is certain, given twenty days to get ready to go to logically into social chauvinism, social every hour in Germany today There its own ranks such dreadful contradic and obvious: He wants to lull Wis anto. Por, in order to create a new party. Usunin or to le deported to Spain.
imperialism. The policy of class colla are forces who would like the ball to tions, that the moment must come in onists with the long run perspective of years are needed (and at that it boration during peace time led to suproll down towards the Right and break which the flow will cease to replace the the parliamentary growth of the Nazis is not at all proved that the Party of port of the bourgeviste during the war. the lack of the working class. There. The moment can arrive long be in order to catch them napping and to Urbahns would in any sense be better MOONEY CONFERENCE IN On the other hand, the advocacy of class are forces who would like the ball to refore the Fascists will have united about deal them a death blow at the right mo than Thaelmann Party: When Urbahn BELLEVILLE struggle, a relentless On Sunday, January the first ses the capitalist class during peace time, ball cannot remain at the top of the be able to halt, for they will have noth courtesies to democratie parliamentarism was at the head of the Party there were sion of a united front conference to de found Liebknecht and Luxemburg during wyramid. The Communists want the ing more to expect here. They will be may, moreover, help to set up some sort as prior to the war in the vanguard of, will to roll down toward the Left and forced to resort to an overthrow. of coalition in the immediate future in Yes, should the Fascists really conquer mand Money release will take place power, that would mean not only the in Belleville, Illinois. This conference the proletariat struggling against the to break the back of capitalism. But it But even apart from all this which the Fascists will obtain the most physical destruction of the Communist has been organized along the lines of capitalist conflagration and for proletar 18 not enough to want, one must know the Fascists are cut off from the dem important posts and employ them in Party, but veritable political bankruptes Mooney August 20 appeal by the local lan revolution.
how. Let us calmly reflect once more: ocratic road. The immense growth of turn for their coup etat. For it is enor it. An ignominious defeat in a stru: comrades in Belleville, cooperatiug with Is the policy carried on at present by the political antagonisms in the countirely clear that the coalition, let us gle against lands of human rubbish thethe St. Louis branch of the Conmunist Luxemburg and Liebknecht aided the Central Committee of Commun try, the stark brigands agitation of the assume, between the Center and the many millions of the German proletariat League of America (Opposition. Reports such fighters as Jogisches, Mehring, Levist arts of Germany correct or incor. Fascists will inevitably lead to a sit. Fascists will not be a stage in the dem would never forgive the Communist in of its sessions and activities will appear ine, organized the Spartacus Bund, unrect?
uation in which the closer the Fascists cratic solution of the question, but a ternational and its German section. The in forthcoming issues of the Militant furled the banner of revolutionary Marx.
What does Hitler Want? come to get a majority, the more step closer to the coup etat under con seisure of power by the Fascists would All active workers are urged to give all ism and proclaimed the struggle against The Fascists are growing very rapid heated the atmosphere will become and ditions most favorable to the Fascists. therefore most probably wguify the nec support to the Relleville conference.
the war, the social democrats, the mainly The Communists are also growing the more extensive, the unfolding of We must Plan According to the shorter essity of creating a new revolutionary stay of capitalism, and for socialism. but much more slowly. The growth at the contlicts and struggles will be. From Perspective party and in all probability also of a Karl hurled the deflant voice of the mill the extreme poles shows that the ball this perspective, civil war is absolutely All this means that even regardless new International. That would be a tant working class in the Reichstag when cannot maintain itself at the top of the inevitable. Consequently the question of of the desires of the Pacist generul frightful historical catastrophe. But to JAPANESE COMMUNIST WINS voting VOLUNTARILY DEPARTURE er army he agitated the soldiers for poster signifies the danger that the ball may not be decided by vote, but by civil war, the next few months, if not weeks. able, only genuine liquidationists are TO RUSSIA socialism in the streets of Berlin at roll down toward the Right. Therein which the Fascists are preparing and this circumstance is of tremendous im capable of. That is, those who under the Sadaichi Kenmotsu, young Japanese the height of the war in May 1916, he echoed the class interests of the German Hitler emphasizes that he is against lies an enormous danger.
Can we assume even one minute that it we allow the Fascists to seize power in actuality capable only of capitulating Francisco two years facing portance in elaborating correct polles. mantle of thelr hollow phraseology are graduate, who has been held in San tation proletariat. For these actions Liebknecht a coup etat. In order to strangle dem. Hitler and his advisers do not realize in two or three months, then the strug in a cowardly manner in the face of as a Communist, has folly been granted was arrested and thrown into jail.
ocracy once and for all, he is willing and foresee this? That would mean to gle against them next year will be much struggle and without a struggle. With voluntary departure to Russia by the Luxemburg hnd also been incarcerated to achieve power no differently. so to consider them blockheads. There is no harder than in this. All revolution this conception we Bolshevik Leninists Department of Labor. This ends a per by the Kaiser government; the other speak, thun by the democratie rond. Can greater crime in politics than that of ary plans laid out in advance for who are called Trotskyites by the Stalinsistent contest to prevent Kenmotsu beSpartacans were issuing illegal literature we seriously belleve this?
boping for stupidities on the part of a two, three or five years prove to be Ists have nothing in common.
ing went to Japan, where he would have and conducting other forms of propa of course, if the Fascists could figure strong enemy. If Hitler cannot help besanda under the able leadership of Leo on obtaining an absolute majority of the ing aware that the road to power Beads only wretched and disgraceful twaddle We are unflinchinely convinced that been subject to drastie punishment as a peaceful through gruesome civil war, then that ists to achieve power in the course of not after their coming into power, not were based on his attendance at a meether now famous brochure on The way, then they would perhaps even pre means that his speeches regarding the the next two, three or five months. The after five, ten or twenty years of their ing at which alleged subversive literCrises to the German Social Democracy ter this road. In reality, however, this peaceful democratie rond are only calculation of time in the polity of rev. Continued on page 4)
ature was diotrivated The Impending Danger of Fascism in Germany by