BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismFascismGermanyHitlerLeninMarxMarxismRadekRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1932 EDITORIAL NOTES Sojourn With Comrade Leon Trotsky Five Weeks in Kadikoy ian killed to ordering and the sewerheid. In the contrast between that even simple bare story wooden tram. She rate of American baru periodismo con fotoks yra sumatore mat could have policore te help om fyn te hero e leven Kadikoy is an Anglo American resident of the five year plan and only increase EVIDENCE MADE TO ORDER principle. Every special language group suburb of Constantinople, twenty minthe coucmie difficulties of the proletarclictatorship. Even w, while The trial of the gangsters, Coll andling or propagunda expression must be utes by boat from the era quarter of Giordano, on murder charges, which re built from the very start on this concep the city and located on the Asiatic side Stalin a Litvinov pak of the posssulted in the acquittal of the defendants. tidu. It follows from this that all of of Turkey, where the Bosphorous flows the revolution.
The world character of that the fire destroyed almost every bilities of the peaceful development xide throws a waring searchlight on justice our language papers, as well as all other to the Marmora sa. At the outskirts economy, plus various combinations, can think. It broke out late at night and by side of socialism and capitalism. The section called push the United States to the upper before much conld be done, it spread capitalist powers only work to make men were positively identified as the single National Committee. The refer Muda, located on the War overlooking portion of the list. have spoken on through the entire house. All that was matters more ditirul for Novi mell who tire the shots in the babyences all our language organs make to the eastern shores of the Marmora, dot this same question to the killing last summer by a witness who specite problems of the immigrant worked here and there with many islands, comrades brore. The problem, however, Lenin letters and documents. lix iietermined efforts than ever.
had been on the rolice payroll for monthsers have to be subordinated cutirely and in the home of comrade Leon Trotsky assumes even more importance now. rary consisting of 2000 read an annot The capitulators find things more dirand kept secluded in a hotel under directly related to our fundamental pri Comrade Trotsky has been living here great deal depends on the pre atel volumes and clippings were buruel. ficult than ever. The who were indufor almost a year since the lamentable parations made by the Communists for the clothes belonging to the entire fam new by the step of Radek and the other guard. Brecht, the price witness, did ciple line.
Hot increly think they night be thel The right wing of American Cummun tire destroyed his home of exile on the the strupeles of the future. The Com ily were destroyed and 150. 00 in cash colder comrades, and who sincerely felt ism is also having an experience in this island of Prinkipo. The present. intern heretofore refused to recognize was burned. But even So, comrade that a change was taking place in the witness to the shooting, and he swore that Coll and Giordano were the men pertence and ours can be seen the coldwelling, no pre only after a criticisin by the Opposition been very much worse.
returned to exile shortly after they were be saw spraying bullets from the autotrast between a movement tut lives ocupants. It is surrounded by a high made at belated turn abont face. But it taken back into the Party. Radek tries And then, all of a sudden, the prosecu from day to day, as best it can, and a picket fonce reinforced with burbed is nisolutely necessary for the commun Comradle Frankel related the following to establish himself in the Party by tion case went to pieces. Brecht was movement that yous by principle. The wire in the garden running abont the ext to realize the role of American capi incident to. Shortly after the fire we continously denoting the opposition exposed by the defense counsel as a Revoultionary Age complains about its house is the abode where the two policealism, to se its development and preengaged a nom in a nearby hotel. Anul recin every privildies that professional identifier and gwir jurer, Lithuanian twin Naujoji Gadyne which men, the cook and the fishermen live pare for the future of us felt dejected and were very he ever had. Ile has become the most thiet. convict and all around scoundra has recently made its first apparue. It is here together with his wife, Natalia Jokinzly we asked comrade Trotzky much disturbed by the irreparable losses vicious of them all. Next of the empi There is a distinct tendency to treat Ivanorna, his daughter son, his see whether he wonkel like to come to the of the fire except comradle Trotsky: ulators to wot exist politically. They. sort of a linyle. It was even di clusel that he had Identified the lethe struggle of the Lithuanian Oppusi retary comrade Frankel, and a steno United States to live lle expressed a No sooner were we settled, when he laid have solil their ideas for the nicht fendunts some years ago in a similar tion as if it were an isolatul Lituanian grapher, that Trotsky lives and works. real desire to be here, but replied: his manuscripts out on the table, called return to the centers to enjoy the exist cane in St. Louis and that on that light. The fundamental political strug think it is best to wait until the revoluthe stenographer over and bean to dicence of markeden. The genuine casion, also, his testimony had been disle. is almost completely neglected We arrived at the house carly in the tion and trust that you comrades will tate chapters of his houk though noth Opritionists remain steadlast. There credited. Followin bombshell the. It does not as much as mention the morning and after making our identity push a little faster to accomplish this. ing at all had happened during the are many thousands in exile. Il barvi cas collapsed and the court untered an Communist arty (Majority Group. known gained admittance into the house might.
to estimate how many. Otlicial figures acquittal.
Well, what do you expect? Or course in a few moments we found ourselves in Comrade Trotsky is deeply interestesi pon news of this loss, books were will tell nothing. These 11 exite are Victims of the frame up system of Am they love aside the ble questions and the workroom face to face with the In the Youth movement. Repeatedly he sent to Trotsky from different parts of forved to go through terrike per er tution devote themselves to the comparatively leader of the International Left Opposiasked 11x questions regarding the youth the work. These help rebuild the anul in spite of the extremely unfavorable erican justice are not always so fortun(lack of writing the potty national issues to catch the suption. Comrade Trotsky pushed aside his in the States. Have you any. youth in library that he lost. Books on economies conditions of work ate. The police iu this case made mistake of picking on real gangsters with port of people with transitory griev manuscripts and greeted us warmly. the Opposition. What kind of youth history. politics and labor movement are materials, lack of books, periodicals.
money and intuence. They were able ances. The opportunists always do Little time was wasted with formalities, activity have you been carrying on? especially needed and welcomed ly him. Iation with other Opposition colonies, to employ competent legal counsel. They The Naujoji Gadyne is only repeating we were too eager to question each other. What are the possibilities of organizing in this article we appeal to our com or with the arty Itselt esibit a fer the method it learned from the Revolu we talked for over two hours, drifting a youth movement supporting the Oprades, sympathizers and anybody who len tie that should encourage had the means to finance investigations from subject to subject and then proposition and training, educating and pres Interested, to communicate with us in oppositionist. There are in exile today They owe their acquittal to these circumtioruiry Age.
stances. If they had been small fry, it Such exhibitions cannot luppen in the ceeded to outline our discussions to puring the cadres of youth for the fu regard to rebuilding the library of com between three and live thousand yoting ture! He expressed himself as folrade Trotsky.
Oppositionists as well as. few thonthey had been friendless men, without Left Opposition. The Revolutionary Age cover the length of our stay.
low s: It is absolutely necessary that money or connections, they would be on also criticized the manifesto of the Comsand old Bolsheviks. In the arly ranks the way to the electric chair already munist League in the Greek language subject of intense interest to every the Opposition concentrate on winning Comrade Trotsky is much troubled by there are currents of positiiv.
without a doubt.
but from opposite standpoint. The revolutionist, one that came first to our the youth to its support. Unlike the the situation in Germany. He regards erywhere. Stalin thinks that by his The police frame up their victims all manifesto, it said, talked too much about lips and which our American readers thoroughly corrupted bureaucrats, it is the situation there to be decisive in its crore repression he can stamp out the the time as a matter of routine, as a the Anglo Russian Committee and the undoubtedly are anxious to learn about quite possible to win large sections of influence on the whole trend of events omsition. Tout le can never in this habit. We have seen the revelations of Chinese Revolution, and not enough the state of comrade Trotsky health. the youth to the Opposition. They are internationally victory of Fascism in spite of everything that he does. The questions. In the past a variety of reports circulated less corrupted and are more susceptible in Germany would have disatrous cf. Opposition lives because its meas ar the Sestbury investigation regarding We need not worry about such criticism. regarding the numerous ailments with to the ideas of the Left Opposition. We fects everywhere he told u. The the ideas of Marx and Lent. Because the Greco Carillo case a few years ago Let us go to the workers in ali langu which he was afflicted. When we in must concentrate especially upon winning Party does not realise that should Hitler their ideas are the bleas of the October a veteran newspaper man covering the ages with a uniform propaganda on the quired as to his health comrade Trotsky them to our hanner. They will become come to power he would destroy the Revolution.
But trial remarked: Half of the fellows who fundamental questions of world import replied: My two chief ailments are a tremeudous reserve for us. should party and the Labor movement.
In that way we will build movement malaria and an ulcerated stomach. really like to see efforts made in this instead of that it plays with the situa. It was not exisy to part when the convicted on take evidence. Everybody among the foreign language swaking suffer of these from time to time. The field of work. The steps already taken tion in a most criminal manner. It re time came to leave. But ifere was 10 knows that. If these two men don go workers that is ideologically united with condition of my stomach forces me to ad by the National Executive Committee calls to my mind the period of 19:28 when other choice and we made really to go un, it will be because they have good the Cominunist League and an integrare to a rild diet and occasionally in promulgating youth work through the Brandler and Company capitulated. Then the thonght came often to. What lawyers and influential friends. This is part of its organization. If we go ahead have been laid low through this illness. Issuance of Young Spartacus and help the Party followed behind events instead horrible crime Stalinism has committed The New York police and promotion system vance agulust most of the difficulties and little to what have already told the favorable support from comrade Trottle for power. From all apixarances exile of comrade Trotsky is a terrible among all informed people. If the use contradictions which hamxred the party comrades previously. There is very little sky. He is especially interested in our the Party is continuing the very same Wow to the Russian Revolution and to course today. The Opposition must do the Communist Internatioun.
in the past in the foreign language field that can be done for it in Turkey. The efforts in this field of work.
Trotsky of perjured evidence and third degree climate is extremely bad for malaria.
all in its power to prevent this attitude in Turkey is Trotsky endangered. The intimidation are used systematically in articularly in hot weather do succumb ordinary criminal cases day by day, whitt America is not altogether strange to of the arty from continuing. This is next of whitenuardists in Constantinople to spells accompanied by terrifie fevers him. lle asked about the role of the one of our chief tasks. We must make and in the Balkan countries always loom man in huis night we would WHERE DID THEY LEARN?
which forbid me from continuing my Socialist Party them to deal Juntly and fairly with le In the present crisis. the Party realize that its task at pre up as a constant threat to the life of Honor to carpenters union local 2000 work. If it were possible to live in a Does the socialist Party take an ac sent is to organize the working class our Icarler. The great handicaps in the fendants in a labor else?
of New York. This is the first union to climate where the heat were not so in tive part in the struggles of the workers resistance to Fascism and prepare for work, his health made more neravated The stage was all set for a specy respond to the appeal of the Marine tense it would help considerably but, in the present crisis? Are they really the revolutionary struggle.
in this country. his veneral senration railroading by the time honored meth Workers Defense Committee and to as things look now, must consider Tur making efforts to build their organiza ods in the GM of the indicated marine rote a donation for the expenses of its key my home for some time to come. tion? Do the workers support the anti cussion on the situation in the Soviet not easy to mercome. Comrade Trot From Germany we went on to a disfrom the centers of the movement, are workers, Soderberg, Bunker, and Trajer. work. This action took place at its meet The formation of a defense cornmittee ing last Welnesday when a representa feel well.
My heart functions well and otherwise working class activity of the Hillquits Union. We asked comrade Trotsky just sky keeps on fighting. The greatest and the employment of qualified attortive of the Defense Committee mpoke ment would consider myself a healthy American Socialism has not changed its on the Soviet Union. Comrade Trotskyltional Taft Opposition and to carry on If only for these two all and liberal matters of the Thomases? what effects the world crisis wonki have tribute to him is to build the Internaneys have introduced a few complica before it on the case.
reformist approach to the problems con was of the opinion that the world crisis the historie fight against stalinism that tions into the wame. It is already obvious that there is going to be a fight formed without an internal struggle of stay, the enormous energy of comrade constant danger to the working class. appears now that the five year plan is the Communist This act of solidarity was not per: We observedly particularly, during our fronting the proletariat. It remains al will have severe repercussions there. It virus which has brought these conditions movement and not at one sided victimization of course nobody flatly opposed the idea of Trotsky. While we were there he was In connection with the Socialist Party, experiencing number of difficulties thereby to regenerate the International helpless prisoners who have no means helping uulon men to defend themselves completing the last chapters of the soc. comrade Trotsky asked about the role about which we warned long ago, but communist movement for the context of defending themselves. They will have in the capitalist court. Noboily ever and volume of the Ilistory of the Itus of the Jewish workers in this country. the relation of economy on a world scale of proletarian wower.
to be more careful with their cooked up does. The opposition to the contribution sian Itevolution. ALBERT CLATZER. The first volume He told us that it was quite possible to to national economy will cause a crisis perjury out of fear of another annihil expressed itself in the form of proposals will be out in February, published by win their support. But for this it would ating exjure. The whole question of to delay, to investigate. to find out Simon and Shuster Company. Comrade be necessary to publish our literature whether they will have the nerve to go more about the facts, and similar fraud. Trotsky lives very methodically. He in the Jewish language in order to make Successful Banquet for through with their brazen frame up will ulent devices and subterfuges. And Goes to bed early and rises early. He it accessible to them. Yes, you shonla depend on the public interest in the whom do you think were the exponents begins to work in the morning and con not neglect the Jewish worker. He will cast, and particularly the interest of the of these worthless and dishonorable tinues until he is ready to go to sleep. be a great help to you and the American labor movement.
maneuvers to cheat the imprisoned work All his energy is directed toward the comrades should try to attract them to MINNEAPOLIS. The first of a series This interest is growing and is beingers of the aid that is their due? As the completion of his present work. In addi The Opposition and win thom to the sup of events, which marked comrade Swaorganised. But not fast enough. If we news report in another column in tion to the book, Trotsky maintains al port of the our ideas.
beck visit to Minneapolis, the banquet work harder, if we extend our light on issue tell, it was the members of the correspondence with the leading sections held for the benefit of the Militant and a broader front, if a real movement of Trade Union City League, the revoluthe International Left Opposition. Comrade Trotsky takes a deep interest the forthcoming Jewish organ, Unser the working ones comes to the support tionary trade unionists if you please He reads the most important interna in the minutest tasks of the Opposition. Kamf was held on Saturday, December of the prisoners, they will be liberatel. who spoke for this counterfeit caution tional periodicals of the Comintern, the He asked many questions abont the 26 au was unanimously considered a Among the lecture arrange for forth And that will not be a victory for them The reactionary elements in the union orxans of the various parties and the militant, which he regards very highly succes. After an excellent dinner of coming work at the Minneapolis Forum alone. It will be a form of protection voter with them. An incongruous Iine capitalist press of the leading countries to the labor movement as a whole le against up, indeed. The Militant must be maintained as a over 50 comrades and Left wingers, com are the following: The only break in this program of im weekly at all costs. It is a powerful rade Carl Cowl, the chairman, gave All meeting, unless otherwise men attempts to disrupt it by framew and Militants in the labor movement who mense work of the leader of the Opposi weapon and no doubt is your trongest Kreetings in the name of the Left Oppositioned are at P. dynamite plants. To that end we must have served their time on various occasion, comrade Trotsky finds in fishing phase of work He questioned us re tion and then introduced comrades Carl work with all our strength in the time ions in the fight to gain trade union sup occasionally and, on rare moments, to garding its sales, whether it was read Skoglund and Vincent Dunne who made Mooney and the American Frame Up Sunday, January 10, 1932: Tom that is left before the trial.
port for persecuted workers have grown hunt. This is the only form of relaxa by the members of the Party, what our appropriate remark befitting the OCCAS System; Xpeaker: Carl Cowl.
familiar long ago with the technic of ob tion from the terrific pace with which financial condition is, and numerous ion. Alpert rendered some vi lin selecstruction to this work. Never, or in any he works.
Sunday, January 17, 1989: Imperialother questions regarding the existence tions, and then comrade Miles Dunne Ism: What Next. Xaker: Vincent FOREIGN LANGUAGE PROBLEMS case hardly ever, do you encounter a of the Lovestone group and the activ. favored the audiences with a few mono Dunne.
straight ont fight against the prisoners America absorbs a great deal of cornity of the Party. He often repeated the loguer. Comrade Avrin next read TrotThe appearance of a Greek organ of in question. The impulses of the work Sunday, January 21, 1932: DEBATE: rade Trotsky interest. To him the Un absolute necussity to win the Party mem xky farewell remarks upon Tenin the left opposition in America, and there are always on the side of their per ited States symbolizes capitalism at the bers. They are most important. he death. Farewell. Ilyitch. and then de Socialism versus communism. Nuk projected early publication of a Jewish secuted brothers; their tendency is to height of its development. This period told us, and for this you must organpaper, will no doubt extend the propa respond generously and unquestionably sees America nesuming the livered a speech on Lenin, Comrade ers: Victorian, representing the leadership ine your Party factions. They must be Arne Swabeck then spoke on the tasks Socialist arty ainst Curl Cowl Kauda crfectiveness of our movement to to their appeal. The reactionaries know of the capitalist world. he told us. He active bodies, participating in the life of and duties of the Communist movement representing Communist League of Ama comideratite extent. At the same time that. That why they resort to dank continued: While it is not exclude the farty. We must not lose sight of End dealt particularly with our press. erica (Oppsition. these developments pose before the com movements, tricks, traps, maneuvers to that America can rise out of the present the fact that we are a Party faction. In response ever 60. 00 in cash and munist League for the first time in its put off and wear out the question. The crisis and attain its former strength, she and our future depends directly on the Sunday, January 31, 1932: The Pro.
pledges was collected, as well as a non posed Railroad experience AS cdistinct drganization, Wage Reductions One of the inost difficult and complicate Farorite maneuver of all, when they are will have to do this at the expense of whole futhre of Communism and ther of subscriptions to the Jewish paper. Speaker: Iedlund.
problems the problem of coordinating and investigate. They are never on states will turn ita attention to the quest taken unawares, is to postpone action the rest of the worki. The United Party.
Unser Kampf.
The cash contributions were as fol All these lectures and debates will be and centralizing it avement which is to helping the men in prison. God for a redivision of the world markets.
compelled, ly the force of circumstances forbid! They only want to know more We found comrade Trotsky in good lows: Vincent Dunne. 10. 00: Carlskog held at the Workers Open Forum. 1530 in the country, to speak in many ton about the case.
And here the development she will ex spirits despite the extreme Wardships of fund, Louis Roseland, Zalmanot, kad Past Franklin Ave Mimapolis, Mim. The Admission is free.
results in a conviction, before they set nesses in the present situation is the live and this in a sense is a handicap each 00: Hoberman 50: comrades Foreign language speaking workers the necessary information all the subjective factor. It is not enough to say in that it does not allow him to conAverbach, Malinsky, Chas. Johnson, Luc constitute an important even if not the ter, EXPIRATION OF SUBSCRIPTION most decisive section of the American This, as has been snid, is the well that statistics point to the impossibility centrate all his thoughts and energies on atsky. Schwartx, Pat Rogers, Frank If the number of your wrapper is 97 proletariat. To carry the message of known strategy of the reactionary burdifficulties. We must not forget that about life in Turkey, and often its humfor America to rise out of the present the International Opposition. We talked Glaser. Grant Dunne, Miles Dunne. Cari Communism to them and to unite them caucrats. But here we have the van from the subjective point of view there crous though tragle sides would come in Cowl. Avrin, Fanny Barach, Lessin, al or under your subscription has expired.
Schwartz, Mogilebaky. Lubitssch 00 To ensure that you do not miss a single morement is a task that American Com this hypocritient shrewdness. Is it not class to harass America at home. She almost a year ago destroyed his library others 50 cente cach.
The fire that broke out each: Clem Forsen Bertha Sauer and issue of The Militant, send in your rerenewal immediately to The Militant. 81 munism has stumbled over more than time for the trade union militants East 10th St. New York, NY The Committee is grateful to apparently feels free to proceed without and a box of valuable clippings that once in the past. We ought to learn draw their inspiration from the Commuch protest with wage cuts on a nafrom the costly mistakes of the past munist Party to stop discrediting them tional scale and repressions against the Comrade Trotsky is planning a book on the banquet for the Left Opposition a were collected over a period of years. those comrades who worked to make THE MILITANT arty experience in order to avoid themselves in this manner? You cannot vioAmerican working class.
in our own work as a faction.
late all the ethics of labor solidarity and the International Situation following Published weekly by the Communist But in spite of this we have reason the completion of his present work. It The problem is political. first of all then expect to be taken seriously as a to be hopeful for the American working was for this that he had been collecting League of America Opposition)
DEBATE IN MINNEAPOLIS Organization difficulties, which have in revolutionist. You cannot fight reaction class. The effects of the crisis have a material. When we first arrived, at 84 East 10th St. Resolved that COMMUNISM CAN the past assumed tremendous importance, with methods and practices borrowed tremendous influence in shattering their made inquiries regarding a library in EMANCIPATE THE WORKING CLASS EDITORIAL BOARD trow from the political cesence of the from the reactionaries hourgeois and petty bourgeois longings, Turkey, which might be able to use in question. As Marxists we can do no Affirmative: Dunne, representing Martin Abern which came as a result of the stupendous my work. But unfortunately, learned James Cannon Communist League of America Max Shachtman other than aim at a centralized movement rise of American capitalism during the that such an institution was not to be Maurice Spector which carries an identical message in (Opposition. almost uninterrupted growth of industry found in Turkey. After the fire, sent Arne Swabeck THE NATIONAL TOUR every language, and always acts as an Negative: Jean Spielman, representathere. But America has passed that comrade Frankel to the National Univerorganizational unit. Special language tive of the of Print Entered as second class mall matter The balance of the schedule for the golden era. think that it is correct sity of Stamboul requesting the use of November 28, 1928 at the ost Office at organizations cannot have an independent National Tour of comrade Arne Swabeck to say that from now on her development the school library. They were anxious Time: SUNDAY, JANUARY 3rd, 1932 New York. Under the act of existence under our banner. The Leftis as follows: will be a far more difficult one, made to help. but found that impossible beMarch 3, 1879.
Opposition has no use for autonomous at P.
Balance of schedule follows: at the expensive of the rest of the world cause the university did not have a Place: WORKERS OPEN FORUM Vol. Xo. (Whole No. 97 language groups.
Cleveland, Ohio. January 5th and in particular through increased per Mbrary which could use. So you see HALL, 1530 EAST FRANKLIN, The strength of the Left Opposition, in Youngstown, Ohio. January 6th Saturday, JANUAY 2, 1932 secution of the working class at home. that am really handicapped in this all of its manifestations, is the strength Pittsburgh, Pa. January 7th (corner of Bloomington. Subscription rate: 00 per year: for It is nowhere written that the United sense.
of its ideas, its granite foundation of Philadelphia, Pa. January 9, 10. States must be last on the calendar of Questions and Answers from the Floor etgh 50. Five cents per copy.
We learned from the comrades there Admission: FREE Bundle rates, cents per copy Press Held in Mpls. Attention. Minneapolis Open Forum all success