BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEngelsFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismMarxSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1932 ON THE WORKERS FRONT The Membership Begins to Awaken Tasks Before the Plenum of the Needle Trades Industrial Union when we still retained. Today they find their allies in the middle class elements in the Workmen Circle, who use in creased tremendously in numbers dur.
ing and after the war. These P, burcaucrats cannot divorce themselves from these elements, their chief supporters, In the Needle Trades In the Workmen Circle who have become a decisive factor in the Workmen Circle Movement For Special Conference The Internon workers seem how to have realized this. They know that this is not a Paterson affair only. It in Since the split in the Workmen Cir, Daily Worker isn sure of it. Over volves the very existence of the organicle in 1930, organized by the Left wing. 000 workers paticipated in it. Despite zation, sometimes called the Red Cross tranquility has reigned there. The Soc. the misleadership, to which Lovestone of the Jewish labor movement. The ialist Party bureaucrats who are in and Co. contributed their share, the Paterson workers, members of the Worktrenched in the Workmen Circle, and rank and tile led a heroic struggle. The men Circle, have sent ont a clarion call The Needle Trades Workers Indus Golds and Wortises under the Lovestone! strike committee and will more so since most of the militant ele strike was lost, and no small share of to rally the broad membership of the trial Union llenary session of the Party regime with Sorkin and others draw up demands. The time 18 short ments split away, expected easy sailing this loss is due to over 200 members of workmen Circle around this strư. has been announced for the first in the furriers.
and too much of it is wasted. The self compiacent bureaucrats of the the Workmen Circle who scabbed durcle. So far, the New York District has week in January. This Plenum will take Stalinist leadership of the industrial school don seem to have learned in the strike against the National responded, and the response is a very the place of a convention and will there But it is perfectly in line with com Union.
anything, nor, surely, have they forgotten Textile Workers Union (for which act encouraging me. This call was first fore have to consider the work of the munist principles for the left wing to anything. To thom the cause of the the Lovestoncites have excuses) and published in the Jewish Day and after whole period since the last convention. demand unity from the Right wing burOpposition Points the Way Left wing is just the agitation of a few against the United Textile Workers of a delay of three weeks, in the Freleit.
What has the Union to report and eaucrats on the basis of a struggle This prestrike period is very similar trouble makers and not the product of America, affiliated with the of An organization has already been formregister an accomplishments for the aguinst the bosses, to call them to conter to the same period of last year, before objective conditions.
The strike received the suped for the purpose of calling Special last elghteen months? Have the policies ences for this purpose and at the same the socalled general strike of the dress But this well complaceney didn last port of the leadership (s. ites)
Conference of the branches of New York, adopted at the last convention been veri time call upon the workers to press the makers under the direction of the very long. The working class clements the Workmen Circle, and over 300 New Jersey anil Connecticut fled? To what extent have the resolu issue of unity to send committees to the In the Workmen Circle, who still pre branches of the Workmen Circle con This movement must be supported by tions adopted at the convention been in Executive and Joint Board, etc. Nor must The Freiheit writes editorially (Dec. dominate (contray to the contentions of tributed support to the strikers. every class conscions worker. The is strumental in the building and streng we necessarily demandi mujority at the 1931. The strike of the Industrial Un the Stalinites remained for a long After the strike was over, a few of sue is clear cut. The scabs must be thening of the Industrial Union conference as a prerequisite lor trade union of a year ago did not accomplish time after the split, as it in a stupor. the more aggressive and militant work driven out of the Workmen (Pirele!
Even a superficial glance point ton unity negotiations. As long as we much, because in the preparation organization was pushed furers of Paterson attempted to call on the The leadership that makes it possible to negative results. The last convention are able to bring the message of unity general and often meaningless propther to the right by the stupid tactics strikers for action against those scabs for scabs to belong to the Workmen was held under the banner of the third before the workers and to make our ainda was made use of and very little of the third period (by the way, what still members of the Workmen Cirele. Circle must go!
period. This was evidenced in the demands, we are in a posit. ou to bealthy practical work. This is said became of the third period. They discovered that mans, it net most, There are great opportunities for the phraseology employed and in the policies expose the light winx fakers and to now by the official organ of the Party which every worker who remained in of the workers are disheartened and left wing movement, as well, of course, adopted. The Right wing controlled uneducate the workers in the class strug a year after the strike was lost. It is the Workmen Circle, or in other muss brow beaten by these same sabs who as serious dangers In thother article ions were branded as hopeless company. cle. In the struggle for unity, in the said in a big hearted way and in the organizations, was called a social fase are co members with them of their fraI will deal with various points in the unions and the building of Left wing endeavor to build one union, we must name of self criticism. These writers 1st. Such tacties by the Left were only ternal organization, the role the arty and Communists should opposition groups in them pronounced strive to gain all possible concessions conveniently forget that members of the trial to the mill of the corrupt clique Socialist Party Supports Seal Members play.
futile. The policies proved wrong to from the Right wing to assure a tight industrial Union and adherents of the of Kight wingers.
the root and disastrous for These workers realized that under the Left ng chance for the militant workers. Left Opposition were called counter But the wing. Not growth and expansion workers in the Workmen these conditions it will be a ditticult task Carpenters Local fol. What the Lovestone group proposes is revolutionists and betrayers for saying Cirele did not remain forever in a stupl to get rid of the was in the Workmen lowed the convention, but Isolation.
identical with the proposals made by the same thing at the time of the strike fed state. In the present period, when Circle. They have appealed to the naZaritsky a few years ago to Local 43 discussions in order to avoid a failure the foundations of the capitalist structional Executive Committee of the Work Supports Marine Defenes Genuine United Front Imperative of the Milliners not amalgamation but of the strike.
The plenum is confronter at present liquidation of the left wing as an orWhen on Dec. 23 a member of the with one basic problem from which allganized group.
The Left Opposition was and remains the capitalists are driven to vicious at men Circle to dispense with the orWorkers Defense Committee the others follow. The sentiment for the only consistent fighter in the ranks tacks on the standards of living of the dinary rules of procedure because of Marine united front and for one union has be Issues Struggle Must Be osed of the Left wing. Our proposals to el workers. Consequently the cleavage be the speciul conditions in laterson, point asked for the Hoor at our local Onion come the outstanding issue of the day. The present intolerable conditions of feet a united front for the dressmakers tween the workers ranks and the bosses out that when and if the workers 2000, of to The Industrial Union, as well as the re the needle trades workers can be in strike (Militant, Oct. 24, 1981) should deepens and widens. Impelled by the latter, small employers, etc. retaliate Marine Workers in jail, a member of formist unions, cannot any more dull proved only through a united struggle of be taken as a basis.
the volce of the workers for unity. The the workers. Because of the division in the souer we get on the job, the workers in the Workmen Circle, es by black listing them. They have asked the made a motion that the special committee delegate be granted ten minutes to state revolutionary future of the Left wing in the trade un the ranks, the weakness of the Industrial stronger we will be to undertake a strug pecially the elements to deal with the soub problem in the their case. Immediately Spitzer, a leadions depends largely upon the correct Union and the utter ignorance of the ele against the bosses and the Right wing among them, who would not respond to of Paterson. The reply was: Weing member of the ade an solution of the problem of unity. The Party leadership of how to lead the un bureaucrats.
the Stalinist cry to split away from the must obey the laws of the constitution. amendment, that the time be reduced to latest mechanical gesture of the leader ited front movement. the great need of The Plenum has a big job before itWorkmen Circle, are awakening But in the struggle against the militants five minutes. vote was taken and the ship in going through the motions of un struggle for better conditions, short Not a policy of one sidedness and the From occasional rumblings there fin and Left wingers they spoke differently result was that the speaker was given ited front notion in the Dress Trade, er hours, the week work system, etc. is calling or names, not mechanical control ally resulted a statement by Branch No. To hell with the constitution was the the floor for ten minutes, and the distorted manner of applying being lost sight of. The Left wing has over a small group of blind followers, 417, which was published. In no slogan then.
The speaker was able in a few min.
united front tactics, as exemplified by as yet not considered por made mention but a free discussion on the matters be uncertain torms it declared its adherence The question will be asked, What are utes to explain the frame up ease. lle the Furriers of which the Militant. Nov. of these issues.
Dore us will help the Menum to solve to the revolutionary movement. With the reasons that the Socialist Party appealed to the membership for its moral 24, 1931) spoke, confronts the Left wing The great number of Italian, Spanish the tasks before it. Not victimization of this definite aet, new hopes arose in the leadership of the Workmen Circle sup well as financial support, when Friedwith many new contradictions. The Left wing runt strive for unity in such a and Negro workers in the dress tradel Left wingers and Left Oppositionists for hearts of many of these workers, and morta sabs? The Socialist Party lead. man, chief leader of the ership everywhere is losing its hold on made a motion that we send two dele.
way that it will rise in the eyes of the requires special atteution and an urgant disagreements with the official policy, readiness to renew the struggle campaign, well equipped with lan nor the repulsion of tried devoted work. The Paterson Strike and the Scabs the workers. True to their breed, they sates to their conference to find out workers and gain strength in the strug: guage speakers and language literature. ers from active participation.
There is no need to tell the readers of follow in the footsteps of their com. who this committee was. Having fully gle with reformism.
Will the Plenum measure up to the the Milltant that there was a strike of rades. Noske, Scheldemann, Renaudel, understood this act of subotage, made wing has done up till now is the exact This is being abandoned because of the organizational weakness of the left tasks before it?
silk workers in laterson, though the ete. They have thrown off the little an amendment that since the case of opposite.
SYLVIA BLECKER. wisecracker Harrison George of the baggage of revolutionary phrases they these prisoners was rendy somewhat Unity over the heads of the bureaucrawing. The Right wing is not interested neglected and mainly due to lack of lin.
the Officials would be very desirable if it to improve their lot. The result is brutal wancial support, that we grant them were possible but unfortunately this exploitation by the bosses twenty five dollars immediately. Aly is not the case.
The Plenum must deal adequately with governments, with the notation that Ger: amendment was seconded. Again Fried The slogan of united front from be each branch and with the Union as a many surely cannot pay reparations by man took the floor and spoke Against July 1, 1932, when the moratorium exlow used aimlessly and mechanically by whole, and lay emphasis where it due.
iny amendment. His argument was that the leadership of the Party and the In some branches like the Millimery, for The American crisis continues to culminating in the exchanging banks pires.
we should send our delegates to this conUnion disregaris all circumstances and instance, the original base is practically reach new, depths. Steel production for which were so thorughly exposed by The exploitation of the German proference and then act in accord with their is therefore not realistic and applicable gone. Here undoubtedly more attention the last weeke of December was at the Marx and Engels.
letariat which now has to carry on its report. They had the whole thing sun as a weapon against the Right wing. must be concentrated on the building of rate of 21 of capacity, the lowest opback capitalists of other countries as med up as follows: Since our meeting, on a real opposition within the Right wing erating rate since 1921. against 20 at Lovestone For Liquidation The grand bourgeoisie itself is not well as its own bourgeoisie is raising account of the holidays, was held on a controlled union.
It is absolutely impermissible to fol.
the beginning of the month. Undoubted above using financial manipulations to international contradictions to a stin Wednesday instead on Thursday, there low the path of the Lovestone united In the dress industry we are nearing ly there will be some increase during create the illusion that there is a way higher level and hastening the relief of fore we only had an attendance of a few front maneuvers. Here is a group that the expiration of the agreements. Again January and February in steel produc out of the crisis through other means the accumulating social tension through hundred. Friedman thought that they is always ready to stab the Left wing we find ourselves in the midst of a great tion as there was in the early months than the class struggle in the Held of an explosion in the form of war, revolu would succeed in clecting both delegates in the back; always ready to give the deal of confusion and indecision. The of 1881 as well as 1930, due to some production. The National Credit Corption or fascist coup etat.
from their group and thereby the unbenefit of doubt to the Right wing: al tacties to be pursued are haudited be accumulation of orders in the automobile oration, commented on previously in the One of the expressions of the intensifavorable report would automatically ways ready to plead the case of the hind the scettes the open platform is and other industries, but any such in Militant in connection with acute fication of the crisis in France is the follow. But due to their efforts to get Right wing and to throw the blame upon decorated with a lot of name calling. crease will have little bearing on the phase of the banking crisis of Septem growing inability of taxes to cover ex on the committee, when many of us the left wing and unites for that pur denunciations, slander, etc. The dress immediate perspectives of the crisis.
ber October 1981, is being discredited penses: a point of special importance knew that they never supported any pro.
Railroad car loadings have kept on even among bankers pose with any shady and principled makers who come to meetings hear a lot Cliques (Zimmerman article in the of monotonoris and meaningless speeches, decreasing week after week; in the week in a hearing before the Senate sub sinde 1927 was predicated on the ability comes from the or the Party but not a word about the real issue in ended Dec. 13 they amountd to 613, 000 committe on finance and banking, Melvin For the month of October, 1831, the Tiel by three votes. Then, along with of the government to balance its budget.
Revolutionary Age (12 26 31. amendment to Friedman motioner the ears, against a weekly average of 740. Taylor, president of the half billion It is wrong likewise to pursue united volved namely, how to solidify front tacties as were practiced by the broken ranks; how to build one united 000 for the year 1931 to date. These fig dollar First National Bank of Chicago, yield of taxes was of 11 million dollars one of their supporters was elected upes are of special significance because said the would only transfer from the same month of the preceding delegate any tendency to recovery out of the in the end leave the stronger banks hold With such unscrupulous tactics the of the quickness with which they reflect undesirable loans from bank to bank and year for the seven months to October, the decline was 31 millions! an official T, U, intends to build up a left The Struggle For Power New York Open Forum crisis.
ing 500, 000, 000 worth of such paper. estimate before the Chamber of Deputies winx movement in a trade union.
Automobile production for November The practical outcome of his criticism is that the 13 budget will show a de even the reactionary Hutcheson machine In Germany FORUM of 69, 000 cars was the lowest reported is an endorsement of Hoorer proficit of 240 million dollars. The unstable cares to place itself in such a position.
On Friday, January 8, 1932, comrade for any month since 1921, and compared posed Reconstruction Finance Corpora nature of the equilibriom of French The TL must set wholeheartedly (Continued from page 1)
Albert Glotzer, member of the National with an average of 203, 000 cars per tion, which would make the government economy, pointed out in a recent article hind the Marine Workers Defense and itself from the trade unions, and draws Executive Committee of the Communist month for the first 11 months of 1981, put up the money instead of the banks in the Militant, will lead to an immense help to smash the frame up.
itself further away from the millions of League of America (Opposition. whand with 136, 000 cars for November and incidentally holding the bag. George line up of contradictions and sharpen.
social democratic workers. The speak on his visit to comrade Trotsky. 1930. Harrison, governor of the New Yorking of the class struggle when French Unquestionably the present crisis, in Federal Reserve Bank, said the capitalism attempts to put through its Social Fascism the Party has isolated Comrade Glotzer, who has just returned tas apel the Fascists in an effort to from a trip to Europe, spent fire weeks proportion to the present development could not be employed in the general solution of the crisis in Government has traveled another step awas from a the American workers. The meeting is states, will go down in history as the desired in relieving frozen credit among ting the pay of Government employees, and attempts to cut wages in industry policy of revolutionary struggle and ad part of the program of regular forums deepest up to the present time, reflecting the banks opted instead a line of natiounism, held by the Left Opposition in New York. the accumulation and intensification of All of which does not at a time when living costs are adjustprevent dragging along with it the demands of The meeting will be held in the Labor capitalist contradictions on the economie Hoover from proposing as Point 10 of Mr. ing themselves to the international level. The preliminary work for the enrly Hitler. Within the Party a strong wave Temple, 14th Street and Second Avenue. field on an unprecedented scale.
his 12 point program in a statement of publication of the Jewish orxan of the of anti semithim exists.
and begins at P.
Dec. 11, the safeguarding and support The sharpening of the industrial crisis Communist League of America topposiThe huge growth of the its Senator Brookhart has introduced a tion. Unser Kamf is well under way.
membership is now over 200. 000) only will to abolish the gold standard, and re Corporation, which has already given that of the financial crisis, has been ex testifies to the revolutionary character orial board of the paper. It will consist of the present situation. But the negaequivalent to one three hundred and their ability to make loans to commerce of a moratorium on at least two thirds tive features of the Party policy, which MASS MEETING sixty billionth of the national wealth of and industry The Germans have the of its foreign debt of 715, 000, 000. So and Rubinstein. Sylvia Blecker has is a negation of struggle and signifles PHILADELPHIA On SUNDAY JAN the United States as of July 1, 1931. The word for it, unverschaemt something far it claims to be able to deposit the been chosen Business Manager. As yet a surrender to Fascism, will have dis UARY 10, 1932, at P. a lecture on present currency is to be exchanged for more than shameless.
required amounts in Hungarian cur we cannot with certainty announce astrous results for the international The Economie Crisis and the Commun. Treasury notes redeemable in any of the rency, but to be unable to sell this cur exact day of its appearance. We are working class. victory of Fascism in Ists will be given by Arne Swabeck. The commodities used by the Bureau of Labor aiming have Unser Kamf ont on the The Bruening government has shot its rency for gold without breaking down Germany would mean the destruction of lecture wil be held OSTROPOLER Statistics in computing its index num last bolt with the group of emergency its foreign exchange values. The longkal nfteenth of January the Germany Communist Party. It HALL, 943 No. FRANKLIN ST Thebers of prices, and the total volume of decrees cutting wages 10. raising the next step would be the declaration that Will we suceed in that? The answer would mean the dissolution of the labor admission is free and edveryone is invit currency in circulation is to be manipul turnover tax from 85 100f to 29 it is unable to accumulate the co odd to this question lies with our comrades and sympathizers throughout the counmovement. Once in power, Fascism ed. There will be a period of recestione ated on the basis of the 1920 level of which tends to raise prices and the cost millions per year required, even in Fluntry. We have not yet received all the It would cause a reaction to the right meeting is being held under the auspleen Laborite, wants to issue in other countries With the destruction of The Phlladelphia Branch, Communist bearing Treasury notes having legal ten geols financial press remarks, the 10 ally from the gold standard, after hav so that there may be no delay in the non interest a 10 cut in prices, etc. As the hour. Japan too has had to withdraw form. Payments on the pledges, of the German Communist Party. the League of America (Opposition. der to Inflate the currency.
wage cut is sure, the 10 cut in prices ing lost gold consistently ever since the appearance of Unser Kamf.
Comintern would find itself weakened It has been characteristic of the petty may in practice result in hardships attempted stabilization. Yesterday the tremendously. Fascist Germany, would would be the signal for a reactionary bourgeois liberal reformist and agrarian which will lead to modification. yen broke to about 37 cents, losing handd, we can say that the first number From the manuscripts we have at in a short period of time receive the turn to the Right on a world scale. movements in this country that they have While German capitalism thus stren of its value in one day The international Communist more tried to pick the pockets of the grand thens itself internally, it is being Stock Exchange has had to be closed in content. No worker will want to miss support of the imperialist powers and and the Tokio of Unser Kamf promises to be very rich result in a quick attack against the Sov ment, and in particular the German Com. bourgeoisie through currency manipula forced to its knees Internationally, in atter me day gesture to restore con the first issue and we are sure nike iet Union.
The Party has as its task to prepare ment. It can do this if its line bestem openly in the political arena. countries, Foreign bank credits continue in the declining phase of world capital sure yourself of a copy of Unser Kami the basis for the seizure of power. It versed. If it realize that the foremost Senator Brookhart continues the tradi: to be withdrawn: the short term debt. sm create freshers and contradic is to subscribe. For one dollar (Canada 18 an unavoidable task. The struggle task for it is the organization of the tons of the Greenbackers of the 70 which amounted to 1. billion marks tions as fast as they solve old ones, but 25) the paper will be mailed to you in Germany is between Fascism and working class for the revolutionary the Free Silver movement of Bryan, on July 31, had been reduced by Oct. 31 the new crises are on a higher plane for one year 26 issues. Communism. victory for Fascism is struggle. In this situation the Opposi the 1920 21 agrarian agitation against to billions, of which the American this is what Japan is illustrating on a defeat for the international revolution tion must exert all its energies to force the so called Federal Reserve deflation share declined during this period from small sale now, as the European war Forward all contributions and sub.
ary movement. The Soviet Union would turn in the Party line, and must ac conspiracy. etc. If these gentlemen scriptions to to billions. The Basle commit has done since 1918, and as the next be in immediate danger of a military tively project itself into the situation. need an ideological basis, they will find tee of bankers has had to throw up its world wide war will triumphantly prove UNSER KAMF attack of the imperiolist powers. ALBERT GLOTZER. it in the Proudhonist theories of money hands and pass the buck back to the 84 East 10th Street New York, THE ECONOMIC MONTH Not Prospects for Jewish Paper Bright of the banks through the National Credit and its development to a bigher level. We are now ready to announce the editthe It