AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyMarxismNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

THE MILITANT WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 84 East 10th Street, New York, Entered as second class mall matter. November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
VOLUME V, NO. (WHOLE NO. 97 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1932 PRICE CENTS Mass Meet for Marine Workers Defense New Forces Join Defeuse Committee The Geneva Disarmament Bluff OPEN FORUM Trotsky at Work «Disarmament» Conference Will Expose Imperialist Rivalries and Aims Against the Soviet Union Greu Japan The Struggle for Power in Germany mass meeting with the most repre mittee in letter from Muste who sentative list of speakers that New York is also scheduled as one of the speakers has seen in many years will be held at at the mass meeting on anuary 7th.
Webster Hall, 125 East 11th St. on Thursday, January 7th at P.
During the past week the work of the Lecture by The meeting is called under the aus sub committee in charge of the canvass plees of the Marine Workers Defense of workers organizations began to bear ALBERT GLOTZER On February 2, 1932, the Dharmament expenditures. The following figures, in time be needed neither an oppressive Committee and will be devoted to an fruit. Herbert Capelis spoke in behalt Just Retured From Five Weeks Conference called by the League of Na compiled by the World Peace Foundation or suppressive governmental apparatus all sided exposure of the New York of the committee at the meeting of Stay With Trotsky tions will convene at Geneva. This con from the League of Nations Armaments with its military concomitants, etc. Dynamite Plot. in which an attempt is Carpenters Local Union 2000 ference is to give consideration to the Year Book, give the expenditures for the the The Proposal of the Soviet Union at the being made to railroad John Soder meeting voted a donation of twenty five limitation of armaments by the various fiscal year of 1930: These are times to restate fundamentberg, Secretary of the International Tide dollars to the defense. Forrest Edwards, Labor Templ rowers. It will devote much talk on Government Budget Expenditures als of class struggle on whaterer front water Boatmen Union, and Thomas, who has been delegated to represent the 14th Street and Second Avenue. e need to outlaw war as the means United States 707, 425, 000 it manifests Itsell. An exposure of the employed by nations to solve their France 466, 800, 000 fake disarmament aims of the capitalist ber of the Unlon, in a typical frame up ish Anarchists on Sunday, December Friday, January 8, 1932 economic ical differences and Britain 4652 powers and proofs that disarmament or rivalries.
248, 9, 10, 500 27th, made an appeal there and secured Italy at P.
So uncertain and peace are impossible and utopian under cynical are thel dozen or more organizations are a collection of 17. 40. The sub commit236, 861, 500 capitalism, is an absolute necessity 1f working to support the meeting and an tee has prepared a letter which will be QUESTIONS and DISCUSSION capitalist powers on the matter of dis. Germany 171, 923, 10 the proletariat is to be able to light efoverflow crowd is anticipated. All the went out to more than armament or even limitation of arma three hundred ADMISSION: 25 Cents War to maintain peace between the fectively against capitalist imperialism, speakers billed for the meeting are well unions and other organizations this week, Unemployed Workers Admitted Free ments, that for a long time there has capitalist powers, and periods of peace understand the causes underlying another known in the New York labor movement appealing for thancial and other support Auspices. New York Branch Communist even be held. But it will be, and each costly matters and, as always, it is clutionary answer to the imperialists.
been doubt that the Conference would to prepare for war again, are indeed impending world war, and give the revand have spoken to New York audiences for the imprisoned marine workers. It League of America (Opposition)
on many occasions. Carter Hudson, was also decided to begin a wide circucapitalist nation has or is selecting dele the working class that carry the bur The Soviet Union long ago showed up gates who are to lie or to sow illusions dens, shoulder the guns, foot the costs. the hypocrisy of the capitalist nations member of the Executive Board of the larization of individual addresses in a Independent Tidewater Boatmen Union, campaign for funds, Lists are being on the prospects of peace for a war and then are honored with an Unknown on the innue of war or peace when it will preside. The speakers include collected and prepared for this purpose.
weary world.
Soldier grave.
made a proposal for complete disarmaJames Cannon, Muste, Ben. Git Following the January 7th mass meet Characteristically enough, President Fake Disarmament Conference IN THE NEXT ISSUE ment of all countries and laid its proHoover has appointed Charles Dawes, low, Carlo Tresca, Walter Starett anding, which will mark a new stage in the And now we are to have another fake gram for disarmament and peace on the Ben Fletcher.
We have received today an important Ambassador to Great Britain, to be disarmament conference to lull the table. The capitalist nations rau from New affiliations to the Marine Work frame up victims, the Defense Commit. comrade Trotsky, campaign to popularize the cause of the and most timely article from the pen of chairman of the delegation from the mass of people throughout the world to this proposal as if from the plague. With ers Defense Commitee are being reUnited States Government. Dawes is sleep, into a false security on the post a single stroke the Soviet Union demongistered with increasing frequency and tee plans to proceeed to the calling of The subject is: one of the outstanding Jingos in this bility of the maintenance of peace under strated that the capitalist nations were are rapidly giving to this body the char a broad conference of workers. organiza FOR WORKERS UNITED FRONT country a nolay war monger whocar capitalisin. The Secretariat of the Lea not seriously interested in the abolition acter of a broad united front movement tions in behalf of the defense. deAGAINST FASCISM!
ries the appeilation of Hell Maria gue of Nations has organized five com of war, but only in such measures as cision to that effect was made at. Mon What Constitute The Mistakes of the Dawes, a biter foe of labor and The committee which has previously inthe inissions for this conference to deal would maintain the capitalist system and cluded two Communist groups, anarch day meeting and a sub committee elect Present Policy of the Communist Soviet Union. The American delegation with the land, sea, air, budgetary and serve to fool the working people on this the preIsts, s, the Boatmen Unioned to draft a call and work Party of Germany.
will, however, be perfumed with pacifist political phases of the negotiations. This scourge of humanity capitalist war.
and other organizations, seated addiliminary plans.
The entire article will appear in the flowers, among them being Mary Emma is the same League of Nations that has tional delegates at its meeting Monday.
All the activity of the committee has next, January 9th, issue of the Militant, Wooley, president of Mount Holyoke listened to the guns roaring, the cannon Imperialist Rivalries December 28th. Hermann and been carried under the banner of the No one will want to miss Trotsky College. It is the same with the dele booming and the airplanes to sing twombs This is an epoch when the imperiallat Michael Gordon, presented credentials united front of labor against the frame penetrating analysis of the significance gations from other capitalist powers. The on the fields of Nachuria and did noth rivalries are not lessened, but on the from Carpenter Union 2000. The City up system. The correctness of this pol of the events in Germany and the next bearers of pacifist Illusions in a worlding bestuse it could not. The League is contrary, approach the breaking point organization of the Young Peopie See ley and the effectiveness of the appeal tasks of the Communists.
armed to the teeth will mingle with the not the instrument that can solve or even and can find solution only in capitalist ialist Langue was represented by Lux for the imprisoned workers was indicat gentlemen who keep thelr powder dry. jaiminish the capitalist rivalries. That war or proletarian revolution. It is the emburg. Maurice Goldbloom came from od by the response that has already been and the latter will prevail. Arthur lies in the hands of the International fear of the latter possibility in an awak.
MARTIAL LAW AT FOOCHOW the Students Council of the League for gained. Organizations and groups havHenderson of the British Labor Party proletariat when it awakens to the pro ening proletariat that holds or for the Industrial Democracy and II. Stone from ing the widest differnces on many ques FOOCHOW, Fuiker. Feprecor. In will give the proper touch at Geneva blem and becomes conscious of its own time being the solution of the Arst, the Marxian Youth Club. The credentions of principle and tacties are uniting this city as throughout China, the mill through his selection de Chairman of unused power tials of all the delegates were accepted for a common fight for the imprisoned tary authorities have demonstrated the the Conference. Thus the militarists, Since the World War there has been mind seriously Coubt that, despite all and in addition, Walter Starett, former marine workers. For the first time in character their opposition editor of the Road to Freedom, was years, we see the signs of a genuine aggression in Manchuria by suppressing make up a trinity of forces who will a growth of pacifist illusions, peace to clap trap about the unity and close seated as a member of the committee. united front movement taking shape. every attempt to organize a popular talk loudly against war and militarism. objectors that they will not bear arms the contradictions and imperialist rival The Conference for Progressive Politi The rank and tile workers in all or anti Imperialist movement.
come to the conclusion that nothing in times of war, etc. etc. All the while ry between Great Britain and the Uncal Action, which had sent a delegate to a ganizations that are standing aloot. The recent arrival at this port of really can be done now about the mat. there has not been a day without war sted States are sharpened? Or that, notprevious meeting to secure information should take up the fight for united ac four Japanese xunboats was made the ter and the capitalist nations will con in some part of the globe: semi colonial withstanding the visit of the pacifist about the case and the work of the tion. victorious united front struggle occasion for declaration of martial tinue to strengthen their war committee, has decided to participate of for Soderberg. Bunker and Trader will law. Ostensibly aimed att preventing disments.
depart and colonial wars for national independ Ramsay MacDonald to the United States.
ence, capitalist. warfare (Sino Jap war in the economie basis for warfare between ficially in the committee and give full give a powerful Impetus to working class turbances likely to be created by the The Cost of Militarism support to its work. The information of unity against capitalists on other Japanese. it is in fact aimed at the Manchuria today. ware of intervention nations, with the United States and Great Britain as the outstanding rivals, this decision we conveyed to the com. fronts.
Chinese populace.
Armaments and wars are very expen (imperialist Interventions in olet kushas increased manifold in the past years?
sive affairs and no doubt the imperialistsla, Nicaragua, etc. and, lastly, the inpowers would like to decrease expendt surrection by an oppressed people against Only fools would deny the facts. It is tures, particularly so, if by lopping off Sts rulers. Its highest and best expres one of the great capitalist contradictions some small sums here and there, theysion was reached in the insurrection in that is heading the world into another can satisfy to some extent the demands Russia which brought the Bolsheviks convulsion.
of the workers and the petit bourgeois into power and the dictatorship of the United States of Europe or Soviet United States of Europe middle classes for a reduction in arma proletariat into being and by means of The center of the political stage in many in the failure of Communism to ences of Italian fascism should affordments and their longing for peace. But which the historical basis for the final Pacifists and other well meaning mudthe present international situation is unify the working class for conquest deep lessons for the Comintern and its in all these years of disarmament con elimination of exploitation and war was dle heads have raised the slogan of a accupled by Germany. What will trans of power. The bourgeoisie understands Parties. But evidently this is not so fabs, war outlawry and pacifist talk, tirat latd. For with the assumption of United States of Europe as a solution pire there in the coming six months the nature of Fascism. The bourgeoiste Thebe altulations. Pulley of the Party the powers, particularly the United political power by the working class to the war danger and other problems will have a direct and immediate intu in Europe. Little or no consideration is ence upon the whole development of the advances its Fascist shoulder only at the arınament ist or ulterior alms to serve, there will riven by them to the economie differences world revolutionary movement. The moment an immediate revolutionary andis numerous theories regarding the have been increasing their of the capitalist groupings in each of catastrophie economic and social these nations that have caused these JAPS USE RUSSIAN WHITE ditions, the collapse of the ruling parties regime itself and when the normal or capitulation, and the surrender of strugcontiets and that have no solution on GUARDS TO PROVOKE SOVIETS of Pamphlet on the basis of a capitalist program. There measures against the proletariat, the selves insufficient. In this sense active Fascist danger. That is all an illusion.
International Situation HARBIN, MANCHURIA, Nov Fenare treaties and agreements between Fascism signifles the condition of clvin The German working class will never revolutionary feelings of the masses ex precor. Japanese attempts provoke little ententes. among the Balkan We are about to go to press with a the Soviet Union have been forced out States, France and Poland, Germany and Isting alongside of a menacing growth war on the part of capitalist society fue stand for the existence of a Fascist die of Fascism have created a direct revolu ing the rebelling proletariat. Contrarltatorship. But, if this is not enough, tionary situation in Germany and raise wise, the bourgeoisie is forced to advance the Party continues: It will be a good new pamphlet by comrade Trotsky. It to the foreground the question of the its Left, the social democratie, shoulder thing it Fascism comes to power. Such is entitled: GERMANY THE KEY TO into the open this week by the arrest of Austria, etc. but no sooner are these struggle for power, in a period that propedes the time of condition would lead to the unification THE INTERNATION. IL SITUATION a White Guard named Ushakov, who was understandings arrived at then others small station along the Chinese Eastern It is hoped, therefore, that a federated It is axlomatic for Marxists, that with the civil war, so as to deceive the prol of the working class and lay the basis SHALL FASCISM REALLY BE VIC captured by the Chinese authorities at a break out each steps on another toes.
work of the out the leadership of the Communist letariat, to pacify and disintegrate it for our own seizure of power. In TORIOUS: The latest Before leader of the Left Opposition fulfills the Railway. Documents and letters were or United States of Europe, political Party, based on a policy of revolution or in a period following upon a serious word, this new theory means that tion with the Japanese military mission reconcile the grievances and differences.
ary struggle, the thought of the seizure and lasting victory over the proletariat. the working class can seize power it is most, burning need of the moment for found on the man proving his connec agreement on a continental scale, could of power is impossible. It requires in. The Strategy of the World Revolution necessary to go through the school of the revolutionary movement of the entire and proving the reported connivance be. But all these agreements and proposals Fascist dictatorship which lays the world. It analyses in clear and distinct tween the Japanese and White Russians are based upon the continuation of the the Party. independence, Audacity and Trotsky. Pioneer Publishers, New basis for the proletarian dictatorship.
a will to victory. The absence of such York, page 35. a condition in the ranks of the Party In an effort to win the support of the and offers the Bolshevik solution to with a view to creating disturbances on system of exploitation, of capitalist rela Fascist Growth And Threats working class against Hitler, the re them, concentrating particularly on the wise provoking the Soviet authoritles an insoluble capitalist contradiction. No spells defeat for the proletariat. It is But neither the Party nor the comincently paid a visit to Tyrol for the pur Olutionary situation in that country.
precisely this absent condition which tern has understood this.
into action.
sooner would such a United States of Confused pose of organizing his Fascist legions makes the situation in Germany today themselves, they spread confusion in the there and also to obtain aid from MusAtaman Semenoff, notorious White Europe be formed, then it would already This new pamphlet wil be out in two frau ht with dangers to the inter ranks of their supporters. The lead is solini and Italian Fascism. then Rote weeks. Every worker and Communist Russian bandit lender, has been closet begin to disintegrate, to establish rival national working. com The German given by Stalin: The social democracs Falune, otselal organ of the Pre should read it. It is being printed by ed with General Chang Hal peng, Japan Kroupinga and there would be an end There can be a United States of Eurits tasks. It has falsely evaluated the ot Fascism. Therefore, between the Italian Fascism which destroyed our St. Order your copy now. The price it has been reported that he planning present state of affairs with the result Naxl and the social democracy there is language. our culture. and our tradiIsten cents for the individual cops and to remobilize his White Russian guerope, but it must take the form, as rilla bands to btage raids Trotsky has so brilliantly demonstrated, that it pursues a policy that is little no difference. Hitler is the more ex tions in the Tyrol region. At the ein seven cents for bundle orders.
short of criminal.
treme wing, the social democracy, the helte front (united front) meetings CHRISTMAS of a SOVIET UNITED STATES OF EUROPE. In other words, there must The Basis For Fascism moderate wing.
held throughout Berlin with the object first be the elimination of capitalist exThe greatest obstacle in the path of Within the last year the small party of organizing resistance against Fase ploitation, of capitalism twee before the German proletariat is Fascism. Many of Hitler has grown to be the most men ism, the Party officially invites Fascist there can be a solution to its effects.
discus workers will undoubtedly question: How acing antagonist of Communism. In the reporters to participate in the militarism and war. The abolition of is it possible that in Germany there provincial elections held to date (Ham sions. We witness the unique spectacle customs tariffs and similar barriers should be such a huge growth of Fase burg. Anhalt, Hesse and Suttgart. tbe of a Party speaker against Fascism and between nations can have a meaning only ism?
Fascists have won sweeping victories. a Fascist speaker against Communism, under such conditions, German Austrian The defeat of the revolutionary sit They are moving forward to the seizure speaking from the same rostrum. Lett Anschluss, for example, therefore can Three Members of tht Independent Tide Water Boatmen present those uation in 1923 gave rise to the present of governmental reigns through legal Opposition workers Union Face 40 Years In Prison. Continued on page 3)
Bascist wave. Fascism in Germany, means awaiting the general elections to meetings, who protest against such an John Soderberg. Thomas Bunker and William Trajer Are Being Framed composed of the militarists, the petty be held in the early part of 1932. But arrangement, denounce the Fascist reBecause They Dared Organize The Harbor Boutmen.
bourgeoisie, the administrators, office Hitler makes no effort to conceal the porter. and demand the floor them workers, degenerated unemployed elefact that should the moment present itselves, are requested to maintain silence RALLY TO THEIR DEFENSE!
mente (a great part of them youth. self, the Fasctst Party will sweep into or be ejected from the ball by Red ON sections of the working class disgusted power through putsch. The brown Front Fighters.
with the betrayals of social democracy shirts in the meantime transcend parlia For United Front Against Fascism Thursday, January 7, 1932. at P.
and the capitulation of the mentary activity. They are carrying on Against a unified German working AT and seeking new ways of the pre violent repisals against the proletariat sent difficulties, receives support from in general, and the Communist Party, class the Faselts could never take Webster Hall Every Sunday, p.
the industrialists and financiers and to the trade unions and the Social Democra: power. The proletariat can sucessfully resist and destroy the heterogeneous 125 last 11th Street JANUARY 10 By HUGO OEHLER an extent from international capital. tic workers in particular. They invade Hitler movement only on the basis of German capitalism remembers only too proletarian quarters and attack workers unified resistance. The Party, instead SPEAKERS: ON The Industrial and Financial Conflict well that in 1923, bad the Party pursued indiacriminately with weapons.
Refleeted In Congress Cannon. Tresca. Gitlow. Fletcher a correct policy, there would at the promises that the moment he comes into of concentrating all its efforts in the present time be no capitalism in Ger power he will rid the country of the creation of a genuine united front be Muste and Starrett Free Admission Every effort then tween the Communist and social dem many. It is with this in mind that she pest of Marxism.
ocratle workers rejects principally and CARTER HUDSON, Chairman prepares herself against a recurrence of will be utilized to destroy the revola practically this essential policy. Through HALL, 1435 NO. WESTERN AVE.
Auspices: Marine Workers Defense Committee Auspices: Chicago Branch, Communist from the social crisis and the weaknes ist movement through sheer physical the theories of the Third Period and Admission. FREE (Continued on Page 2)
GLIMENTICARET League of America (Opposition. violence. It appears that the experiof the proletariat (expressed in GerCHINOS PROTEST MEETING New York Dynamite Plot Hear the Facts of the at CHICAGO Open Forum at ORDINE