Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismKronstadtLeninismMarxismMarxism-leninismSocialismStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyViolenceWorkers MovementWorking Class

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1931 THE MILITANT PAGE IN THE INTERNATIONAL OF LABOR Reviews and News of the Working Class and Revolutionary Movements Persescution of the Left Oppositionists National Goverment in Sharp Attack On the Workers Standards The Significance of Kashmir The British Scene In India the of as a The Left Opposition in Switzerland (Continued from page 1) its members have been toru apart from ber of the Bolshevik Party since 1910; each other.
member of the Petrograd Party Commit.
man Newelson member of the Party For the last few weeks the British The point we are concerned to press tee during the February revolution, partice 1911; alrty worker suce the Press and especially The Times have that the British Goverument have ticpated actively in the October nur being of the February revolution, We can now turn to the present posi The resistance to this attack offered devoted enormous space to Kashmir, an used the agitation against Hari Singh to rection.
tion in England: one that arises directly by some sections of the working class has Indian State. The Round Table Conferactive in the Communist youth organizafurther their own ends. They have pro Comrades Dingelstedt, Soluzev, Stop tion of Petrograd, a member of the Red from the conditions outlined in the pre been dealt with in no uncertain manner: ence, which, on the surface looks far vided leaders to the movement, men who alov, Jakovin anu Elzin are all old larty Guard during the Octover iusurrection.
ceding article.
twenty four sailors have been dismissed more important and is supposed to de are prepared to lick the shoes of the members. All of them have written From the beginning or 1918 to the middle The National Government, returned by from the navy for their part in the cide the future destinies of India, almost British Government at any time.
That dependent scientik Murxian works ou OK 1920 corude Sewelson fuugut in the a majority of voters at the General Elecmutiny of the Atlantic Fleet; al meet passed unnoticed, and has lately been is why the agitation has been allowed economie and historicul questions. They Led Army, ils regimentul contar, divings have been stopped outside Labor relegated to a page principally devoted to to continue so long. The attitude of the are no ordinary writers; they are the isonal pontical comissar and chairman position. its huge majority in the House Exchanges, a ruling enforced by the Squash Rackets and Association Foot correspondent of the Times, who is at young theoreticians or the best opposi or the olitical department of the army.
of Commons guarantees for the ruling batoning and imprisonment of numbers ball. Kashmir is in the north of India. ways an official of the Goverument shows thou. But their theoreticut work was al in economie work since 1923; already class a constitutional cover for all their of unemployed. The attack on cond; it is important as it guards one of the the hostility of the British towards Hari ways tied up with political struggle. theu a member of the opposition. In activities against the workers.
Whatever tions has begun and any assistance by approaches to India on the North West Singh Arter the end of the civil war they ex. exile since January 1928; in prison since measures are necessary. however the workers is to be crushed with all Frontier. It forms an excellent air base About the jathas. groups of volun changed rifle for the book, to exchange the middle of 1929, first in Tobolsk, then strongly the Government may attack the the force the employers can command.
workers movement; however great the Against such an attack resistance can Kashmir is the famous homes who were invading Kashmir The at again for the role when tuo interests. VerchiteUralsk.
are of Communism demanded it.
misery and suffering inflicted upon the and will be offered by many sections health resort of the English in India, splendidly loyal people who supplied Victor Borisovitch Elzin joined the since 1917, and an active partiepant in Posnansky member of the arty workers by the policy of the Govern of the workers and in the only way pos In it oil les hidden.
the best troops in the British Expedition Party in 1917, and purticipated lu tne the October insurrection in Petersburg.
ment; all can be done in the name of sible strike action. But such strike ac When the former ruler of Kashmir, the ary Force and will not have any dealings preparation and execution of the musurAt the front throughout the whole civil democracy. since the Government is tion must be general and widespread, Maharajah Partap Singh, was told that with the Congress crowd.
constitutionally elected, was given a free for the old sectional methods of strug there was oil in his state he said, sucrection of October in Perm. In 1918 he war; particulurly as cavalry inspector Two or three weeks ago Jathus began was chairman of the executive commit at the Southern Iront he successtully or hand by the majority of the clectors, sle can play no effective role in the cinctly, Let it remain there. He knew to march into Kashmir. The Britisha tee or the viatua Governent. In 1910 sunized the mounted forces there: the capitalist dictatorship, can conceal a means of developing widespread strike control as well as the profits would have treaty between Great Britain and Kasb ront.
After the liquidation of the kui Kronstadt for the dictatorship of the fought before it beneath the silken glove of parliamen action, certainly: but not the old long to be passed to the British and that the mir, but it did not interfere. The Times tocuk adventure he worked as an ew. proletariat. After the end of the civil tary democracy.
From 1922 on he uttended ses war and until his exile comrade os What does immediate future which we have experienced so much in the inside yetu pire une deleted and call the quoted abovefiul z10 11. 31. remarks sons at the Institute or ked protessors sky was Trotsky secretary (see threaten? Not Fascism, as some would the last few years.
appear to believe that can, and per Such action however demands careful British are naturally anxious to get hold unforeseen.
1023 be nas belongeu tu lue Oppuition and sent sortu by the u. u. for his haps will come in England, but only preparation and considerable agitation of it.
Britlan Wants Kashmir Oll and was one of its leading workers an attempt to follow Trotsky to Alma Ata.
when Parliamentary Government no widespread strike can develop, of There were two candidates for the From The Times we learn that a Moscow, until his exile. Le culteu tue in prison wince 1930.
longer has the support of the middle course, without this preliminary pre throne of Kashmir after Partap Singh class and sections of the working class.
paration, but only under such circum died. One of them, who was backed by committee of Inquiry is now been ap. consecteu works of Trotsky. Exiled in Vladimir Ivanovitch Reschetnitehenke Those obsessed with the possibility of stuncess will ensure its crushing de the British Government, unfortunately pointed by the Government of India, 10 January, 1928 by stun, he has been ml. member of the Party since 2011. Anticonsent prison since 1921.
tary worker and hero of the civil war Fascism are apt to overlook the pro feat. General strike action, with a lead for the British could not secure the doubt with the Maharajah consent. We vugnt to say a few words here (decorated with the Order of the ked blems of the present, the correct handlership prepared to fuce up to, and pre throne and thus made the way clear for as if the Maharajan had Boris Banner. Military Academy.
ing of which will, in advance, help to pare for all the implications of such a the present ruter, who, though a great to give to deal with Moslem demands. about the whole Eizm family.
Musja Magid member of the Party decide the tempo of England advance struggle. this idea must be spread favourite of Partap Singh never found the invading Jatias demanded that the tichalovitch Eizm, father of Victor to Fascism.
amongst the workers.
favour with the British.
British should appolat a British minister Elxin, is one of the very old bolsheviks, Party since 1917. She worked illegally Maharajah Hari Singh, the present to the state. The Maharajah trad to do and went through imprisonment and exite in the Ukraine at the time or the strug National Government Lowery Workers Prepare For Struggles ruler, was one of the representatives of so. With the appointment of the Bri under the Czar. He is one of the lead gle with Denikin. prison for night Standards The General Strike of 1920 was lead, the Princes at the last Round Tabletish minister also entered the British ers of the Opposition. He signed the from exile.
The policy of the National Government and to some extent, organized by the Conference. In the course of his speech army and occupied Jammu, the winter tirst platform document of toe Oppusi Surnov old Party member; until his is one of wage reductions, tariff bring Trade Union leaders. It represented an at that Conference he said: We are capital of Kashmir. few days aftertion, the so called statement of the exile, Commissar for Agriculture of the ing higher prices, inflation, and a ruth attempt to meet the new conditions with Indians first and Princes afterwards. wards The Times correspondent stated: Forty six. which became the center of Crimeau Republic.
less reduction in the number of unem machinery and ideas which had grown The British Government must have There is the delicate question of how the 1923 discussion. Ezin was ar These brlet items naturally give only ployed drawing benefit. Part this up under old and very different condl. noted this sentence carefully. Hari long Jammu and other points are to be rested in Summer of 1920 and has been a part of the revolutionary activities of program has been realized already: the tions. The Union leaders were more or singh seems to have had a very short occupied by the British troops. He imprisoned ever sluce, completely wo the comrades named, but they give an wages of Civil Servants, teachers, and less forced into the struggle by the memory. Had he so quickly forgotten argues that if the British army leave lated, entirely alone in the sudul juil. idea of the Verebne Uralskers of the armed forces have been reduced employers. Faced with the need for rev. the fate of his neighbour the Amir Am. Jammu the whole Moslem population Joseph Elzin, the second son of 1, al. type of Bolshevik revolutionary. They the benefit of the unemployed has been olutionary mass struggle against the manullah of Afghanistan? Ammanullah would follow. From today news we Elxin, has been in exile for more than took part in the October busurrection; cut and in one week alone, out of eighty State, the Union leaders could only cap defynce of British authority cost him learn that the Moslemn leaders are send two years in Old Crunca. He has tubey took part in the civil war; they thousand workers brought before the itulate at the earliest possible oppor his throne. The ruler of Kashmir 18 ing telograms to the Viceroy not to erculosis lu its most acute form, and the were economic or scientific workers afauthorities, seventy thousand have been tunity. From then onwards the reform even more dependent upon the British withdrav the British doctors assume that it means deuth unter the victory at the various fronts; removed from the unemployed exchange its could only follow the path of Am than was Ammanullah.
not indicate who theae Moslems are.
loss his manner of living is not changed. they struggled for seven years against register and from benefit altogether. erican Trade Unionism and advocate col The British are a very clever people We should not be surprised if the fourth member of this fumity of rex. the stalinist revision of Marxism and laboration with the employers as against and they have not forgotten the Indian British remained in Jammu permunently. olutionaries, the daughter, Elzina, Lentuism; exiled, and jutled Always the alternative of revolutionary strug War of Independence of 1857 (kulown to Nearly two years ago it was published is in exile in Siberia. The whole Klzinand under all cireumstances courageous WAR CHIEF ADMITS FAILURE AGAINST REDS gle. To expect such leaders, men who the British as the Indian Mutiny) and in the British Press that Jammu was for family is therefore not only under lock and devoted without limit to the cause have betrayed every strike that has they will never again take steps against sale. The Maharajal of Kashmir denied and key under the Stulm regime, but without a thought for themselves.
NANKING, Nov. 10 (Fenprecor) To taken place during the last five years, the Indian Princes in such a way as to it, but the news was not without foun.
fight the Red Armies of Kiangst Pro to lead and organize muss struggle antagonise the masses. They will only dution, as its source was the ludia Omice.
vince, it is necessary to fight the peo against the present attack is foolish and interfere when they profess to champion Jammu is not the only thing for which ple and in this the Communist Exter unwarranted.
the cause of the Indian subjects, though the British Goverument is aiming. There mination troops of the Kuo Min Tang The recent struggle of a section of in reality to gain a concession which also remains the hidden oil. Hinduhave failed after eight months cease the Postal Workers shows what role the they have long coveted.
The Left Opposition of the Conmunist should publish in each issue one fairly Moslem tension is always fostered by Party of Switzerland arose in Spring or long article and a number of shorter Jess campaigning. Such is the gist of union leaders will play. The Mauchester Living Conditions In Kashmir the divine power at the very moment this year out of the Communist traction items. The Newspaper of the Left Opa report made here today by Generall Pontmen carried on a go slow strike 110 Ying Ching, minister of war in the two of the leaders were suspended the we do not pretend to be the champions meeting at Karachi or the Round Tableth. In this group there had been heut. Switzerland is the title of our organ.
Such at present is the case in Kashmir. when the Indian National Congress is or the Marxist student Group of Zur position. The other Nanking government.
union executive protested at the suspenTwo hundred thousand troops, Gension but only on the grounds that there of Hari Singh, who is an oppressor In Conference in London. The whole atmo led discussions between Left OppusiThe first issue of the Newspaper, which ing and counter marching since last before the men were suspended. They letariat will make a clean sweep of him while the cound Table Conference seral line. in the course of which we situation in the Swiss Communist Party, eral Ho reported, have been march! was no inquiry carried through fire a few years the iron boom of the pro sphere in Kashmir has been created tionists and the comrades of the genapeared in August, was devoted to the the announced objective then got the struggle called off on the Kashmir State was a creation of the meeting so that as few concessions as laid our platform before the arty and helped make us known among the May and extermination of the Red Menace is grounds that it injured the chances orl British and when they go it, too, will possible may be granted to the Indian Later we by no means limited ourselves workers throughout Switzerland disappear. The overwhelming popula capitalists. The British are from ong to discussions, but reached workers and The Kaempfer, the Communist Party as far off as ever. General Ho minim successful negotiations.
tion of Kashmir, as throughout India experience, musters of the game of my arty members through the sule of op paper in Zurich, could find nothing to ized. Nanking sent more than 300, 000 New leadership, new forms of organt consists of peasants, but with this diride and rule. It they want to remain positionist literature.
into Kiangal, including some of the best ration, revolutionary ideas and revol ference, that in Kashmir, 90 are Mos in India it is essential that they play answer except a few provocatory senlighting regiments at the command oftionary action are necessary in order to lems. The peasant all over India in of one community aguinst another or On Easter Youth Day we sold com tences, in which it villtied us as agents the government. For three months dur wage effective struggle under present cluding Kashmir burdened by the one class against another. Pursuing this rade Trotsky pamphlets at the Party and accomplices of the bourgeoisie. The ing the early summer they were led by day conditions.
debts he owes to the moneylender and Jolley they have ingenuiously diverted clebration. The Party bureaucracy was Arbeiter Zeitung, the Right Opposition Chiang Kai Shek in person who directed such a leadership can only come from the rent he owes to the landlord. The the growing discontent of the unjab caught unawares, but by the end of the paper in Schaffhausen, took notice of us operations from Nanking.
the Communist Party, always providing agrarian crisis has made his condition pensantry, due to the agrarian crisis, celebration, when we had sold all our in a cleverer way, but just as stupidly The War Miister revealed in his re that its polley is a correct one. The in sitll worse. Life in a Kashmir village auto a Hindu slostum (uud. Kashmir hus pamphlets, we were insulted wysome in essence.
port that the inhabitants of the bandit. crease in the membership of the party is worse than hell. The houses are of Lewone the centre of this maneuver, and functionaries us counter revolutionar The calm of the Party press however ridden areas gave their wholehearted during the past few weeks shows that, mud; there is no ventilation, and often the target of the peasants anger.
ies and threatened with violence. After does not at all reflect the real feelings support to the bandits and that the to thousands of workers, It stands out the whole family sleeps in one room. to days ago the two sons of the these events we were expelled from the of the Party. Many arty comrades government troops find it extremely dit as the revolutionary leadership which there is no water, no sanitation. The Nizam of Hyderabad, mother Indian swiss Party.
were undoubtedly stimulated to think by ficult to obtain the assistance of the alone can wage effective struggle against men have nothing but the loincloth they Prince, married the daughters of the exbe scared and contuued our paper. The Party mandarins are people in securing food or in the trans the employers attack and ultimately wear, and the women their saris. Only Khalit or Turkey. The Nizam is a very our activity, distributing literature, trying to work up a pogrom feeling portation of their ammunition and mill achieve the conquest of power. an infinitesimal proportion of the popula rich prince who can (and dous) squan carrying on discussions with workers, against us, threaten us with blows, etc.
tary equipment. He expresses optim London. ANGLICUS, tion can read or write, although we are der a few millions of pounds at a time and after we had gained a few sympath The real feelings of the members of the ism, however, over the that the (To be continued)
told that recently a few primary schools The result of this marriage may be that Izers, we began to hold public lectures party will be shown by future events.
Communists are being driven towards have been opened. No wonder there is upon the death of Mustapha Kemal and forums. The first lecture on Fasc the meantime, the second issue of complete destruction This is being a THE MILITANT a popular agitation against the Maha asin, the Nizam hou, supported by ism and social fascism passed without our Newspaper has appeared, in which rajah who is notorious throughout Kurthe British, will be declared the right cdisturbance; the general line was sit we state our position ernment troops but because diseases of Published weekly by the Communist ope as Mr.
ful heir to the throne of Turkey. The ent. At the second lecture on the man situation. We have grown a litepidemie proportions have broken out have joined our League of America Opposition Ludiu Ottice in Londou is already busy Trade Union Question. an unsuccess tle, a few workers their camps and because of lack of at 84 East 10th St.
medical help many are perishing. With collecting all possible information and rul attempt was made to disturb the group, improving its purely intellectual FRENCH EVICT CHINESE material with regard to Turkey.
meeting. Our third meeting on the social composition.
the approach of the cold winter their EDITORIAL BOARD SHANGHAL, Nov. 15 (Fenprecor. Britain Supports Pan Islamle Movement was broken up by the appearance of num.
Theory of Socialism in One Country Composed of Young Comrades hardships are steadily growing worse as James Cannon More than 1, 000 poverty stricken Chiin India We are all young comrades, and therevery few of the bandits have winter Martin Abern erous comrades of the general liue fore for the next period will go out clothing.
Max Shachtman Maurice Spector nece occupying mudhuts along Soccawei Creek bordering on the French Conces There is a good deal of talk about under the leadership of a cantonal coun after the youth, first of all; the ComArne Swabeck General Ho, commander of the foreesi sion here have been ordered to vacate the friendship between the British and illor. The Stalinists were able to munist and the Socialist youth organi which for nearly a year have been wagEntered as second class mall matter by the French police. Two weeks is the the Moslems. The British Government carry through their lecture Against Zations, other youth groups, etc. Defining open warfare on millions of Chi November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at time Ilmit set on their evacuation under has siven its full support to the Puu Trotskyism only after they had cleared ite Oppositionist tendencies are notice in India.
nese peasants, sagely concludes his re New York, Under the act of threat of forcible steps being taken to slamic movement In the us Oppositionists by force out of the able in the Communist youth organizaport with the statement that the trou March 3, 1879.
demolish the miserable hovels in which Nizam son, who may one day be dehall. The next time they tried it again, tion, and we shall not delay in encourag.
ble has been caused by the frequency Vol. IV, No. 37 (Whole No. 96) the people were seeking to achieve some clared the Chair or lam they muy but failed: we left the hall and finallying them. The same is true of the Socfind a nominal head for the Pun Islamic continued our lectures elsewhere without ialist youtin organization, which has sevof internal warfare and the remedy is Saturday DECEMBER 26, 1931 protection against the coming winter.
the cessation of all civil fighting and Subscription rate: 00 per year; formovement. Civically minded social welfare further disturbance. This was the end eral hundred members. Recently the restoration of peace the coun eigh 50. Fre cents per ropy groups have raised proteest to the Such a movement will not only create the comedy, for the time being our spoke at one of their meetings, issued a still wider gulr between Bundle rates, cents per copy two com next lecture, On the Situation in the leaflet for the Socialist youth, authorities not demanding housing improvements but merely asking that the munities in India but will also prolong Swiss Communist Party. was received made a good Impression on them. paupers be permitted to remain where cessful lan Islamic movement might majority of the audience were regular shall become Left Communists. we have in a disciplined manner, although the we become Communist at all, then we Read local Kuo Min Tang branch which re: as Turkey is next door to the following lecture on The German sympathetic contacts among the Free plied We will see what we can do.
Sport Group. a youth sport organiza HANKOW COMMUNISTS EXECUTED bottom of the Kashunir affair. The whole These are the dangers which lle at the situation. So far, we have won.
By this time we had made up our tion.
In this way we shall continue our acHANKOW, Nov. (Fenprecor. Ten movement is led by the leaders of the minds to reach a wider audience of being. We hope Communists were summarily and publle Pan Islamic movement. Jammu is in Party members and workers, and from tivity, for the time Published by the National Youth Committee, Communist League of ly executed here today on the public egy reach of the other countries, Atx time to time to mimeograph and sell our and feel sure that, if we do our work America (Opposition)
square after court martial by the hanistan, Baluchistan, etc. and therefore lectures. In this way we published an intelligently, in the course of the coming winter we shall create a substantial.
Hankow Garrison Headquarters, the occupation of Jammu is a most sign essay on Fascism and Social fascism YOUNG SPARTACUS August firmly organized section of the Internaificant act. This clearly shows that which was well received: Om 84 East 10th Street New York, EXPIRATION OF SUBSCRIPTION British Imperiulisan is based upon div. 1st we distributed a leaflet anong the tional Opposition. We shall continue to Enclosed please find Afty. 50) cents for one year subscription: ide and rule whether it is in India, Party members which increased the ten report on our activities in the InternaName The number of your wrapper is 96 Cyprus or Palestine. This old principle, sion between us and the Party. Our tional Bulletin. We ask those comrades to who wish to find out more about us, to or under your subscription has expired. the British are employing in a new way first newspaper contributed further To ensure that you do not miss a single and we must waru our readers to recog the tension, order our newspaper through the Inter Address issue of The Milltant, send in your ronize this coming danger and be ready national Secretariat, and will send it City newal immediately to The Militant, 84 to counterbalance the movement.
Publish Newspaper regularly by mail.
East 10th St. New York, We decided not to publish single ar Zurich, Switzerland London, Nov. 11, 1981. tleles, but to get out a newspaper which. WALTER NELZ refu the in and try.
TO Young Spartacus State.