BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismInvasionItalyLeninLeninismMarxMarxismMarxism-leninismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1931 Cantonese Continue Capitalist Policy Going the Rounds Menace of Fascism Imperils Germany in Moscow the rupure with Marxism, with Leninlsm. Swabeck Meetings in ary struggle.
of Nanking floor (Continued from page 1) than an openly Fascist Dictatorship; they ately motivate the Hitler policy. are accused of under estimating Fasism Chinese Proletariat Must Develop Struggle for Democratic Rights Unfortunately, this light attitude with in the manner of the Social democrats, regard to German Fascism, this con of lulling the masses to sleep: they are (It is quite understandable why all Adence in its inevitable corrosion from accused of sectarian fatalism. etc. It The scene of Far Eastern affairs has labor unions and political parties, for tarian revolution. It is unfortunate the jokes that make their way about the within has also been shared by the lead must be stressed once more that the shifted to China proper with the resigna the right of legal existence of the Com that the Stalinist leadership leads to Soviet Union and in particular Moscow ership of the Communist Party of Ger. Propagandist is the Party organ for the tion of Chiang Kal Shek as president of munist Party of China and the left Op defeat after defeat of the proletariat, and Leningrad are of a political nature many and has served to disorientate functionaries and consequently the Chinese Nationalist Government and position, for the convening of a con but the Bolshevik core everywhere is There are literally hundreds of them many workers along the path of fatalism. monthpiece of its highest body. Thaelthe rise to power the southern Cantonstituent Assembly, democratically elect gradually asserting its demands for a and often they find their way outside of There is a wide spread apathy in the mann, therefore, appears to mean seriese faction of the Kuo Min Tans, headed ed, with the extension of the right to correct line.
the Russian borders. We publish two ranks of the proletariat. And this is ons business. Whether this is just anby Wang Chin Wei, Eugene Chen and participate in the elections of all workThat the imperialists of the world forwarded to us by our comrades in precisely what accounts for the deadlock other factional maneuver on the part of Sun Fo. The vacillation and impotence ers and exploited peasants and a safe have in mind a concentrated drive against Berlin who received them from friends between the forces of revolution and re a Stalin henchman or a really sincere action in Germany. It is on the basis move, remains to be seen. But the sitfaction in the face of the invasion of struggle will help swiftly to disillusion bide their time and prepare their forces, of Chiang Kai Shek and the Nanking guarding of their voting rights such a the Soviet Union cannot be doubted. They in Russia Ed. of such a situation that Bruening is nation coex demand an kieological reManchuria by the Japanese, and the the workers and peasants of China In The Manchurian war is a phase, both of Russian peasant paid visit to able to remain in power for any length arming of the German Party in the pressure from the rising wrath of the the new Nationalist Government.
the contradictions between the imperial comrade Trotsky in his place of exile of time.
first lace. Any step that woulik aid workers, pensants and students hastened The student demonstrations must be ist powers and a move against the Sov.
at Kadikoy, Turkey. While they were The oflicial Communist Party, with its it must be welcomed.
the downfall of Chiang and Nanking deepened socially and politically against iet Union. The visits of Premier Laval fishing together, the peasant turned to utterly false strategy of awaiting the Thaelmann does not as yet, despite the The immediate basis of the differences the regime of capitalism itself rather of France and Foreign Minister Grandi Trotsky and began to tell him of the coming into power and the subsequent correct restating of the principle of between the Canton and Nanking fac than only its worst manifestations. The of Italy are likewise, as is the develop rumors traveling about Moscow. collapse of Fascism, has become entangl winning over the majority of the proletions, apart from opinions as to how best proletariat and the Communist Partying force of Fascism in Germany, before Do you know, comrade Trotsky. the ed in a net of strangling contradictions tariat, demand that the tactical mistakes to continue the exploitation of the Chi must be responsible for this task.
which the Communist Party of Germany peasant said, they say that you are it has attempted to outwit Hitler by be corrected: that serious efforts toward nese masses, was the dissatisfaction of There must be demanded an uncondi with its adopted policy of mtional soc. dead. Is this so?
imitating his iftional slogans. Peo fruitful finited front action with the the Cantonese clique of militarists and tronal cessation of the White Terror ialism is impotent. The Dally Worker, Trotsky smiled and replied: That ples Revolution. National and social reformist workers be made. In fact, politicians with the complete dominn which has continued unabated. There reviewng the Manchuran and Chinese can be so, comrade, because if were liberation of the German people have Breitschield is still allowed to take the tion of the government by general Chiang are other phases of the struggle, but events, the war danger, etc, and rais dead, would not be here fishing now. been inseribed on the winner of the Ger Initiative to such artion without the Kat Shek and Finance Minister there must be placed in the forefront. ing slogans thereon, adds confusion upon and man Party. The necessity of casting slightest intention of going throngh with Soong, who between them controlled all This movement must be directed by the confusion with its 36 slogans on the war then ben med. remember now, he off all this national socialist rubbish it. It is true that it is hard for the the guns and all the money and there Chinese Communist Party, and the Com danger, covering literally every issue said, they is dead. has been gradually it not quickly Party to extricate itself from the de fore all the power.
manist International must give it full before the working class It makes it to this Trotsky shook his head and enongh impressed on the Party by reality topus hold of its rotten part. Int if it The Canton Bourgeois Clique support. The lessons of 1925 1927 must more difficult to bring before the work answered: There must be some mis itself. The prophet of this reawakening realizes the seriousness of conditions The Cantonese already last May set be learned, not only by the Chinese Comers the essence of the problems both in take, comrade. It Stalin were end, is Thaelmann, the leader of the then it will not do for it to conceal the up their style of Nationalist Govern munists but by the Communists in every China and the American workers duty then would not be forced to live in He writes in an article in the theoretica! same tactical fallacies under the cloak ment of China. but onrushing even country. In one form or another these in the situation.
Turkey. especially the Manchurian war, forced questions will arise sharply, as they the Nanking and Canton cliques to dis dia in England, in Germany, in Spain, For Communist Unity The peasant appeared troubled and For every Marxist Leninist, it should The tactle of the working class united cuss unification of the Kuo Min Tang, etc. In each Instance the Stalinized The workers and Communists in the thoughtful. Suddenly he exclaimel, be self evident, that the first requisite front is at the center of the political Since October terms have been dis. Comiutern failed to permit the develop United States have to understand the remember now, they say that Lenin has of Communist polley is the struggle for scene in Germany. It is a question of the winning over of our own elass, of the Communists reaching the masses over the cussed, and now, according to declarament of an independent Communist Party imperialist aims of American capitalism come to life.
proletariat. Only after we have won backs of the decrepit tions, these bave been satisfactorily ar policy that could lead the struggles. in China and against the Soviet Union Trotsky only chuckled and said: That ranged. The Cantonese group of the the masses.
to demand that American ships and is an error. If Lenin were to come to over a proletarlan majority for Commun. and all its centrist liy products like bere the capitata o bebe more the open for The Soviet Union and the Imperialists troops set out of China; to realize that itte, he would be here fishing with us. sm. can we realise the further tasks of the newly formed socialist Labor Party the powder of world war is being mixWhile the change of regime in China ed by the imperalist powers, and an In reply to a query of a worker as in the middle classes to the anti capital. not stop at the borders of Soviet Ruskin.
perialists and the oppressor of the mass.
es of China. Chiang Kai Shek and others overshadows for the moment the events explosion can easily occur. But before to the reason for Trotsky deportation ist front of struggle and thereby create an enormous responsibility reets on the of his faction are to be adequately cared in Manchuria, nevertheless they must all there must be it our work is to from Russia, one of the officials in the the sense of Marx and Lenin. Every Upon their action or inaction depends for, however, in the redistribution of not be overlooked for one instance.
The be effective, a repudiation of the Stalin apparatus replied: You see, comrade. attempt to distort these principles, every the fate of the world revolution.
the spotla, offices and honors. covetunus eyes of American Imperial ist policies, a clarification of program, all of our best goods are exported. attempt to deny the preponderance of SAM GORDON With this change of rule in China to im note with dismay Japan swift strategy and tactics, the reinstatement of another faction of the bourgeois Kuo moves to control Manchuriaand are the Left Opposition into the ranks of FREE SPEECH FIGHT the struggle for our own class, means al IN DENVER Min Tang, nothing essential, as we also apprehensive concerning the situathe Comintern, and a unification of all pointed out before in the Muitant, has tion in China proper. It will work with genuine Communist forces. This is the DENVER, COLO. Anna Gaims, The Significance of the Thaelmann Nnemployed Article been changed. Wang Chin Wei, Engene might and maintain to maintain its inSt. Louis and Stanton Chen Co. will talk about a more defluence over the Kuo Min Tang led by pre condition of a successful revolution speaker for the Denver Council, convicted of holding a street It must be added here, that this article termined stand against the Japanese, the Canton faction, even as it did over meeting without a license a few weeks is heralded in the Communist press as MARTIN ABERN.
ST. LOUIS On Tuesday, December but actually it will consist only ago in police court, was discharged by a sort of revelation. Thaelmann is not 18. comrade Arne swabeck spoke in phrases. Their real color was again The provocations against the Soviet the county court recently when her con of course, speaking in the abstract. He Staunton to an interested andience of stamped when, within a day after the Union by the Japanese and other capital viction was appeaeld by Carle White is attacking mistakes in the past, and he CORRECTION head, attorney for the American Civil is attacking persons in the quite cus ment, the hour day and the Commun40 miners on the subject of UnemployCantonese were in control, troops in ist powers have not abated, and the Nanking were shooting and killing de Soviet Union is being pressed sorely. As In the article on the French Liberties Union. Testimony disclosed tomary terms of the Stalinist bureaumonstrating workers and students. Chl we have said before, the Soviet Union Congress, printed in the militant, that the Unemployed Council and the cracy: The General Line was absolutelyists. The miners listened attentively ang Kai Shek, of course, was particu does not want war, but will not inde mention is made that the resolution of communists had held numerous ineeting correct, it was applied in the wrong the causes of the present and past crises larly reluctant to proceed against Japanese bourgeoisie, with whom he leatrian policy on its part, permit itselt The voting was not by individuals but permit, but that the police suddenly an this time not only the fourth and fifth capitalism and the need for the revoluhad maintained friendly relations. Most to be provoked and to be placed in a deby unions, so that the vote represents ounced that etings must be held line functionaries are under fire, but eventionary overthrow of capitalism and for of his wealth is deposited in banks of tensive position. The proletariat does the vote of a union organization. Fur where It was decided to continue with some of the top leaders, as well a militant working class and CommunTokyo, Japan. Chtang loves his money not fear the clash with imperialism. The ther, this refers to the specific resolu meetings at the old location with thel For the time being, anonymously, unist Party toward this end. ne imme most of all. It is fitting that the Can Soviet Union, as the first fortress of the tion introduced by our comrade. In se result that several speakers were arder the cover of the Party oragn for diate demands of the six hour day, urtonese propose Chiang Kat shek as world revolution, may yet be compelled tuality, as the article points, another rested. The discharge of comrade Galms the functionaries, the Propagandist. The comployment insurance, long term credits Chairman of the Military Council. He to take an offensive step in the mainten. resolution, which defended the same is the first result of the light of the editors of the Propagandist are accused to the Soviet Union, etc. were discussed is the most accomplished artist, thanks ance of its proletarian power and in point of view as ours in the main re Denver workers to hold meetings when of considering a social democratic coali in relation to the ultimate goal.
to Stalin, of murder of the Chinese pro furtherance of the international proleceived the support of a large group. and where they please.
tion government more anti working class Questions and discussion took place, letariat.
and the Stalinists who took the In brief, the Cantonese will continue carefully judged degree of inflation was miner who said that the workers resentwere repudiated for their slanders by a the policies of Chiang Kai Shek, endeavable to maintain industrial activity is oring to change the forms to meet a no longer possible, as witness the coned the official party splitting tactics.
changing situation. There will be more In St. Louis traction of banking credit and the detaulk Klemocratic rights. etc, but cline in wholesale and retail prices.
The St. Louis meeting on these will only be achieved if the workIt seems reasonable to expect that audience of workers, party members and subject was even more successful. The ing masses of China develop a struggle Economic the full force of the crisis has not yet sympathizers numbered about 150. The to win them and succeed in drawing the been felt in France, and that the speattempts of the stalinists were even poor pensants and students into such a citie reasons decribed above for its delay reebler than struggle under their leadership. Chi(Continued from previous isue)
organization to handle short term bills, inflationary situation. To the extent in will not operate to soften the intensity clumpy attacks on the Left Opposition, in Staunton. By their nese Communist Party that recognizes the necessity for the struggle for de and the necumulation of interest bearing alcated, part of this prosperity was based of the crisis from this point on. It is they were placed in the ridiculous poslSpecial Factors in French Post War resources in the form of foreign bank on the manipulation of inflation against entirely possible that the crisis may contion which discredited them. Comrade mocratic rights in this period and preCrisis pares to fight for them, must lead and in addition to the relatively siow de debt of the French government. By this balances in bills to offset the floating the French working class.
tinue to grow in intensity even while swabeck spoke for Communism, the Amdirect the whole movement.
velopment of French capitalism in genHowever, like all inflation, the tem vicious campaign of wage cuts in other time, French capitalists were ready to porary advantages thus given tend to countries may have restored the profits, iet Union and the platform of the Com.
The Achievements of Stalin and the eral, based on the relatively high sperepatriate their foreign balances, natur disappear. The figures just cited show and consequently the incentive to promunist League of America (Left OppostBrowders cific importance of a backward rural ally in gold. The larger part of these that part of the advantage given to the duce, of capitalists in other countries, tion. When the staliniste It is necessary to point out that the economy, there were several special fae balances represented the proceeds of the French industrialist by inflation and bigh The great relative financial strength of what comrade Swabeck said with slander attacked Chiang Kai Sheks, the Wan chin Wein tors which came into play during the expropriate writing down of the value panying increase in cost of living and any more than it did in the United against comrade Trotsky. the worken of the petty bourgeoisle prices is being absorbed by the accomperiod after the war, which had the efFrance will not ward of such a crisis, through and Eugene Chens, the Right, Center fect of tending to stabilize capitalism placed them of his savings by 80.
and Left ft of the Kuo Min Tune in the and soften the general post war European As a result, French banking gold retive trade unton resistance in the same category with States.
consequently, under conditions of effeca scissor bill who openly period of 1925 1927, all united in the decrisis.
higher and veheTo what extent are the workers of mently defended capitalism. These struction and massacre of the Chinese First, the acquisition of Alsace serves, which had never been over 900. wages.
workers and peasants. It is equally neeFrance, and particularly the most milicidents enabled comrade Swabeck to essary to point out that the cruel migs. Lorraine, adding a comparatively highly. 000. 000 before the war, have increased To this has been added the sharp in tant section of them, those who gather make even clearer to the workers and acre of the Chinese proletariat and the developed industrial market, with a sub to current levels around 500. 000. 000. crease in tarif protection for agriculturall around the banner of Communism, pre party members and sympathizers present At the same time, the inflation of note products mentioned above. This is like pared for the inevitable sharpening of the positio the Left Opposition to Chinese Revolution at its three most im stantial wealth in iron ore reserves, steel issues during the period of currency de wise a concealed attack on the standard the class struggle? The effects of the ward the Party owes principally and above all to com tain natural resources such as potash auced down to a figure in keeping with der present conditions of a growing in ly marked in France as elsewhere; the erature were sold. number of party the party mills, textile plants, chemicals and cerpreciation 1919 1926 was never fully re of living of the French worker, bat un Stalinist trade union policy are as clear. large batch of the Militant and litrade Stalin and to the lesser Stalinites, and petroleum.
the Earl Browders, et al. From the standpoint of real phying the course of 1930, while all the omic class struggle is loaded to the the mistakes of the Increas by beginning to study the issues in disof Stalisten and beliem so wehe Chinese from Germany were translated into the and note creulation, the amount of tallst, who is now in position to carrying for the inevitable capitulations and Opposition. We will continue our work Stalin and Stalinism sowed the roots ficam cames, the er reparationed the world was busy deflating bank credits strategic advantage of the French capi ing their relative strength, and prepar pute between Stalinism and the Left masses in the kne win lang by demand actual rehabilitation of the areas in the French franes in circulation increased through a more aggressive program ofl compromises of their kind.
to win the Party members to the plating the subordination, politieally, ideo north and cast devastated during the by 10 billions.
wage cutting in view of the increasing At a time when united resistance by form of the Lett Opposition and for the logleally and organizationally of the Com war. This served two purposes: it re unemployment As a result, prices expressed in paper the working class to the attacks on its unity of the Communist vanguard.
munist Party and the proletariat to the sulted in the addition of new manufacAt the end of October, 1931, the offi living standards by the capitalists is bourgeois kuo Min Tang. The blood turing capacity of higher efficiency than francs remained high during the post STAMM.
bath of the Chinese proletariat was the the average of old plants, and it pro inflation stabilization, and actually inclal reports listed 56, 121 unenployed more essential than ever, the Left op price pld. Behind the sword of Chiang vided a market for the French construccreased from 1920 to 1980 contrary to the against 38, 624 in September, 36, 000 in position must clearly set forth the es was the approving head of Stalin and tries, absorbing a tremendous aniount of meant, in effect, a lower wage to the 1930 and an average of only 909 for front.
Kal shek, Wang Chin Wei and Company tion, machinery and equipment indus tendency in the rest of the world. This August, an average of 2, 433 for all of sentials of a Leninist trade union policy, based on the correctly applied united labor.
French worker, measured by actual his Menshevik supporter and advisor, French official unemployment In the political field, a perspective of Martynov. The financial rebabilſtation of the purchasing power; a wage cut for 1930 1929.
Growing In another section of the Militant there French currency, following a breakdown against 1929 and a lower wage measured figures are notoriously a cruel joke. a different kind is indicated as one of begins the publication of Facts and in the frane from par of 19. cents to although concealedly an upward move. Even Leon Blum stated recently that he the probable variants. Should capital Protests from various sources demandDocuments on Stalin Role in the Chi cents in 1926, was tried throuchement in French money wages, whether believed the number of fully unemployedsm meet with an energetic and correcting the unconditional relevse of Tom in France (Sept. 1931) totalled 650. 000, ly guided working class resistance to its Mooney and Warren Billings are on the nese Revolution, which comrade Trotsky der Poincare on a basis which shifted measured in paper franes or gold.
The following figures will illustrate not to mention 600. 000 partly employed increasingly desperate efforts to solve increase.
The Minneapolis Central Tabor has assembled. These further serve to most of the burden from the grande bour.
the crisis at the cost of the workers, Union, representing Organized labor, re.
demonstrate the terrible degradition and geoiste to the proletariat and the petty this, in terms of pre war prices as 100: bourgeoisie, leaving the former in very letin de la Societe Etudes et des in another alternative would be open to it. cently passed a resolution to this efhorror to which Stalin subjected the Paper Frane Gold Frane formations Financieres, considers these an attack on the small peasant propriet fect and denounced the capitalist forces Chinese Communist Party and the prorally stabilized close to cents, which strong Anancial position. The frane was Index Index figures too high, but admits a decline of er and on the small tenant and farm responsible for the frame up and imprisFrench wages, in the number of employees in fac laborer, through such means as the onment of Mooney and Bings. The Browder, who assisted in the betrayals was less than the world purchasing except Paris 1929 torles representing about a third of all breaking down of the tariff wall and the pressure from the working class of Minnof the Chinese workers as an agent of power of the franc.
1930 732 146. the workers of France, and also that opening of French market on a competi Stalin should condemn (Daily Worker, The petty bourgeoiste lost eighty per eapolis and the State of Minnesota on French Wages, 33 are working on short time, which tive basis to world producers of food behalf of Mooney and Billings is 80 12 19 31) Chen Du Shu, who, becoming cent. of its savings in gold value, by in Paris 1929 624 would make the latter group total about stuffs. This would mean a political strong that the Governor of Minnesota, conscious of the crimes of Stalinism and the lowering of the fixed value of the 1930 668 134 2, 000, 000. As far back as May, 1931, the struggle against a strongly entrenched Floyd Olson, and the Mayor of Minnthe correctness of the criticism and franc from 20 cents to On the other Compared with the 1980 figures for Labor Omce reported 350, 000 fully unem section of the petty bourgeoisie and a eapolis, William Anderson, a program of the Left Opposition, honesthand, the grande bourgeoisie, including sharp awakening of the self sufficient weeks ago sent letters to Governor James ly declared himself in support of the Op the banks, was busy depoalting its france France, English wages averaged 15 of ployed and 1, 000, 000 on part time.
Perspectives peasant fact he too, olph, Jr. of California, asking that the position.
abroad (exporting its capital) during the pre war in sheltered trades, and the inflation time. As a result, they 162 in unsheltered. The comparison is These are the first effects of the deep is in danger of impoverishment for the two victims of capitalist justice bero The Struggle For Democratic Rights maintained a much lower proportion even worse for the French worker beening crials on the status of the worker benefit of the capitalist class. These leased.
Illusions concerning the Cantonese of the gold values of their finance cap cause of his longer hours and lesser soc in France. The unstable equilibrium of possibilities may not be immediate, but On December the Metal Trades Kuo Min Tang must be destroyed com ital. In addition, by 1927 the currency al welfare benefits. The French worker post war France, based on a backward they rate broad questions of revolu Council of St. Louis and vicinity. repre.
pletely in the minds of the Chinese had been well stabilized, by number was therefore being defrauded of part rural economy restraining the develop tionary strategy which cannot be solved senting 15, 000 organized unionists, de masses. In this period of capitalist dom of simple methods: an increase in taxa of the redistribution of income as always ment and the contradictions of a county a mechanical transfer of formulas manded the immediate release and an ination of China, bat with a fermenttion to balance the budgdet, the refund during an inflationary period, while the try with a growing industrial bourge and slogans from other historical set conditional pardon of Mooney.
masses, the struggle for deinocratic bilis by two year bills, some reduction ilization and a mild increase during 1930 now that France produces more steel 1988 closely combined with ownership resolutions are pouring in upon Governor rights for free speech, free press, free of the debt of the state to the Banque helped maintain the appearance of in than England or Germany, to take one and coexists with a highly developed Rolph on behalf of the two labor prizon Assemblage, for the right to organize in de France, the creation of a separatel dustrial prosperity, again as usual in an index. The financial juggling wheroby a capitalism. FIELD. era.
Perspectives of the Crisis in France. Social Changes and Prospects the same Mooney Protest 137 125 few