BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyLeninLeninismNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

THE MILITANT WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 81 East 10th Street, New York, Entered as second class mail matter. November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at ew York, under the act of March 1879.
VOLUME IV, NO. 37 WHOLE NO. 96 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1931 PRICE CENTS Menace of Fascism Imperils Germany ed)
Persecution of Left Opposition The Militant Stalin Works for the Physical Destruction of the Is in Danger! United Front of Masses Needed to Ward off Danger Bolshevik Leninists Will You Help? In the political complex which consti has been under discussion in the bank the proletarian cump has not met with In a recent issue of The Militant we camp. There are a total of over 130 tutes the heritage of the World War, Gerers testimony before the Senate Finance any degree of success similar to the one carried an item about the heroic hunger prisoners at Verchne Uralsk, a number Shall the Militant appear? This ques many has consistently decupled the most committee this last week have in the he has enjoyed among the dectassed strike of the Bolshevik Liceminists what of them now almost three years in jail. portes, some thikeiten de forma sweatuable prosition in European capital favorable de come intoler om lige sites e cometen. Hon element sociale List of the Bolshevik Leninists (Left Verehne Uralsk. This hunger strike, have told our readers frankly of the ser ism. As a consequence of this, the eyes tional Socialism. There are too many program bave practically been shelved Opposition) in the Verchnecaused by the intolerable administration, ious financial situation in which the of the world have always been concen acritices at stake under a Hitler rule for the time being. Having succeeded in Uralsk Prison Militant finds itself. To our appeals for tratel on Gern. any affairs, German con and American Imperialism has always rallying the papuerixed putty bourgeois lasted eighteen days, after which the jailers ilsed forcible feeling methols on Abramski; Awojan; Ald money to maintain the weekly Militant, juncture has played an effective part been accustomed to play the hypweritmuskes around him, he quite naturally our Russian comrades, beat them and hausen: Alolz; Akopjan: Aronow there has been a response suficient to in the lives of all the capitalist nations. ical democrat. But less than two weeks appeals to outside help to throw its used weapons (one comrade was wound Ardstelu: Askakjan: Antokot issue the weekly to date. But there.
The Dawes plan, the young plan, the ago we were faced with a veritable lit weight into the balance. His acaressive leroom in the American pross.
ski; 10. Ardduschelija: 11. Asatjan; 12. ho assurance or certainty that another Hague Conferences, the Hoover Morat tone, so familiar in referring to the Twenty five percent of the imprisoned o. Rarkin; 13. Bellisik; 14. Besasjan: the necessity to give up the Weekly tate of this war crippled country have week will pass before we are faced with orium ali involving immediately the Llow is this to be explained Quite French arch enemy has calmed down Oppositonists are sick with scurvy; the 15. Babajan: 16. Bersina: 17. Beradse: Mittant. This is a statement of fuct been milestones in post war history. simply: For weeks there have been considerably. He is negotiating. bar.
prevailing severe stomach ailments con18. Brik: 19. Balnitschew: 20. Bodrow: Now it is up to our readers and supporttinue: the cells are small and overToday we are witnessing in Germany strong rumors of Socialist Communistaining for a compromise with the for crowded (afteen men in one narrow cell. 23. Corda jeew: 24. Glistowski 26.
21. Bugon: 22. Nadjeshda Gerdobjan: ers.
a regime lurely short of Fascism, com alliance in Germany. Insed probably in Imperialists.
In an interview with a New York and the isolation from freedom is com Geworkjan: 21. Gromam; 27. Gogeras is greater today thaul at any other time time administration among the beurgeois spontaneous united front actions of reYet the need for the weekly Militant parable only to the most desperate war on the many spontaneous and semiTimes correspondent. Hitler cynically plete.
chwili: 28. Gowendo; 23: Jetim Golub: More than ever do we need the Militant overnments. By ulicial decree, the against the fascist terror and no doubt would not prefer German universal and revolutionary workers 18 the question whether the world The least protest of the imprisoned 20. Grajew; 31. Lisa Goliklberg: 32 to explain the world wide economic and wages of the workers are ent ten perBolshevik Leninists means new reprisals Garbmann; 33. Hirschfeld: 31. Ph. Din political events that shake the world oncent, prices are submitted to regulation also on the demagogic offer of cooperat military service that part of the Hitler. program hardest to digest for the forwater hose in tiercely cold weather (Feb Donadse: 38. Saleski: 39. Sutkow: 40 masses and its leading cadres, the com interest rates are reduced, etc. etc. Soylul democratic leader, Breitschicla. eign imperialists to German Red ruary, 1981. This alone sufficiently de Nsguski: 11. Surabjan: 42. Iwanowa. munists, in the fundamentals of commun Needless to say only the wagecut decree that all this happened under the press Army. In Englan, hix emmisary scribes the administration to which the 42. Joffe; Kowlapow. 45. Klaudia ism and the program, strategy and tactics actually remains effective. There is no re of the rank and He workers is in Rosclers, according to another Times, imprisoned Russian Oppositions are sub Kremmer: 46. Koldinow: 47. Kaslas; 48. of the class conscious workers and revjected in Stalin jails.
Krainn; 49. Kakusin; 50. Kwatschadse: olutionaries of the Bruening Government as the reed with the dnily anti Bolshevik tirades. throwing her whole weight for the The purpose of this administration is Kessel. 52. Koputor: 13. Koltow; 54. The war in Manchuria raises sharply tormist betrayers in the Trade Unions of the Berlin Vorwaerts to realize this. conquest of territory needed for her colthe physical annihilation of the Left Kulikow; 15. Komarowa; 56. Korsan the dangers of another world war to The American press generally admits The rising sentiment for united action Onixation in Eastem and Central Europe.
Opposition. The bureaueratie clique is dise: 67. Kamenezki: 58. Kirschin: engult the working class and all evit as much and skeptically smiles at the In the German working class, the threa And more Wantly even, he predicts that clearly heading for this course, with Lubitko; 60. Lipatow; 61. Libkin; 62. zation; the events in Spain; the spectre other decrees.
tened crumbling of reformist influence, southern Russia will be thrown open Stalin at the head, taking the place of Ph. Lachin. Langer: 64. Ida tem of fascism in Germany and its dangers the Party and the working class. The clan: 65. Musaj Mazid; 66. Melnais: 07. to the international proletariat; the ecoHow the Bourgeoisie Copes With aroused the American imperialists to a to German colonists. All of this, only new orientation for a moment. With the to show the trend of Nazi foreign pol the Crisis little clique of Stalinistsix bending ev Maluj: 68. Markus; 60. Michaile nomie crisis that no cruelly affects the ery effort to exterminate the bearers of witsch; 70. Man Newelsom; apparent dissipation of the rumored At one time. It should be rememPolice force and war ministry Osn working masses all these need such an united in the hands of one of Germany tion, the Hitler boom once more subi weak and fishing in all waters, they are posibilities of united working class uc) bereil. when the axis were still very the ideas of Lenin, hoping in this way to jatsch: 72. Organesow Ter: 73. Posnanexterminate those ideas themselves. ski: 74. odsemski: 76. Aron Paperme significance and to outline a program of eral Groener. Street meetings are pro al democracy can prevent militant, against the enemy across the Rhine.
organ as the Militant to interpret their strong men. the Hohenzollern Gen sided. As long as reformism and so even spoke of an eastern orlentation In the isolation camps at Varchne ster! 76. LAO apermeister. 77. Paul PALaction for the working class in its strug. hibited.
Uralsk and elsewhere are the flower and permeister: 78. Terewersew. 70. Ch.
Inloor political meetings can ited action on the part of the German gle against capitalism.
Hitlerism: Faree or Menace?
only take place in the presence of an working class, the American imperialists the future of the Bolshevik arty, its lleusner: 80. anow: 81. Paxschwili; 82. Official Communism, as expressed and otficer of the best care, devoted to the end. The chasx: 83. Popow; 84. Polink: carried out under the leadership of Stalin Communist headquarters, suspends Com ism. In the Law. Groener raids will withholl complete support of Fusel radicals as a whole to laugh off the There is a tendency amonk Cerman struggle to save these cadres of the Rus 85. Piwner: 86. Psalmopewzew: 87. Rax: and the Comintern, continues to ravagemunist newspapers, and encourages the Ilitler forces are steadily inerensing, a meantime, however, the Fascist menace, to recard the whole sian Opposition is at the same time a SS Rapoport: 80. Reschetnitschenko: 90 the vitals of the Communist movement marching Nationalist Youth of the continuamenare to the very resistence Hitler movement as pure quackery Filt struggle for the Communist Parts for sosore me lius kayu 2wx A9 and to lead the working class from one Hitler forces in their murder expeditions of the as yet aivided Geman working terism is a sort of German setencer uber Revolution. Not a single working Selowjon: 06. Swirldow: 97. Solnzew: im more and more neglects and sneersdom of the press is denied not only to one considers the Teuton Cult, the fanclass party comrade can or dare pass by Talatschuik; 90. Twattschiridse at Communist theory and moves toward Communists but even to the radical bourHitler Nazi Party has recently made tastie brand of anti semitism and the indifferent to the fate of the Russian 100. Ugrjumow: 101. Ukrainew; 102. Pie theory and practices of national serois intelligentsia. Carl von Ossletsky. taru towards legalism. That is, other ideological embellishments of TitOppositionists.
Frumkin; 103. Finks. 104. Fedortachialism as against internationalism.
enko; 106. Chelidsde; 106. Chaschzewaeditor the radical Weltbuchne and one they are taking their car is on a peacelerisin, one is fuclined to agree in part.
Who Are The Opposition?
ski: 107. Tschernuich. 108. Tscherepa militant for three years now has been been conrietent of explouage. for an arw full contro In all the welter and confusion, the of his fellow journalists have recently cour entry into the goverament either But how is it possible to forget the sens Below is an incomplete list of the chin: 109. Lisa Schapiro: Oppositionists imprisoned in the isola lat: 111. Schemes: 112. Schkuratow. 113. to the English speaking workers and reactionary supreme court at Leipzig, inler is not troubled by any theories or action in Great Britan, its strength in Sches: an ever burning heacon light and guide tiele published some two years ago! The Bruening, with the Clerical arty. Hit backing Hitler, how can the wave of re tion camp at Verchne Uralsk, with a Schpitainik: 114. Jaschwill: 115. Jako Communists. retreat to a semi month the formation of which Fritz Ebert and principles IIis strength lies in adapt. France, in Italy, be left out of account?
few biographical notes. Later we hope win: 116. Jakowlew. 117. Elzin.
ly existence again, or perhaps even worse other social democratie worthies, played ing his reactionary motiver to the cur. And it is just these factors that ultim.
to give report of the intellectual ite Fedor Nikolakevitch Dingelstedt. lem would be a heavy blow against the res quiet prominent parts, have discovered rents in the mass. llis penetration into (Continued on uage 2)
that flourishes in spite of jail bars in the. olutionary needs of the working class literary high treason. with which to and especially to the Communist moveincarcerate. novelists and fiction Communist foundations The unemployed army has grown to the Now our need is great. An IMMEDI five million mark and there is talk of inAttention in the movement for the LETTER FROM REILLY For some weeks now negotiations be ist solution further repressions against ATE RESPONSE with substantial donastituting the Nazi propagated Zwang defense of Soderberg, Bunker and Trajer delas tween the Railroad Executives and the the workers. It is sought in increased thon is Imperative. Do not sarbelt. a practice similar to that of Jamey Rellly, one of the original de SUP labor leaders of the railroad workers unemployment, part time work and vle pour assistance. IMMEDIATE the chain gang so very popular in the. marine workers facing trial in the fondants in the marine workers case, PORT means the continuation have been under way for the specific ious wage cuts which spell further im the South of the nited States as a golu dynamite frame up is contering now in who was first implicated by the stoolMilitant. We count upon our readers tion to the unemployedd problem.
purpose of Instituting wage reductions overishment of the workers in the inthe preparations for a public mass meet geon Hoyle and then dismissed because for the industry as a whole. The com dustry. These efforts of the capitalists to come forward at once and HELL.
Send all funds to: This is the way the bourgeoisie ising on the case which 14 to be held in attempting to cope with the crisis at Webster Hall, on Thursday evening. Jan story in regards to Reilly, is being held of an mittee of nine railroad presidents repre would be much more difficult were it not obvious descrepancy in his THE MILITANT senting the leading roads the country, for the splendid support that it represent. It is quite well known at this 84 East 10th St. New York, adamant in the beginning against celves from the ocialdom of the rail time that it enjoys the loyal support orl uary representative list of speakers at the 3rd St. jail, under a thousand kind of joint discussions with the leadway labor unions whose role is that of the social democratie opposition in the will discuss the entire affair from all dollars bail, as a material witness.
ers of the railroad unions over the a check upon any signs of workers miliReichstag. The Social democrats are, angles on this occasion. The meeting is Reilly attitude towards the other de question of wage cuts, have finally tancy and rebellion. Receiving now the namely, tolerating the Bruening regime expected to be the starting point for a fendants is shown in the following letter agreed to such negotiations. It is quite endorsement of the government an en18 the lesser evil in preference to an really popular development of the move from him.
understandable that the Railrond Exdorsement which was actually not needed NEW PAMPHLET ON GERMANY openly fascist regime. As a result of ment through public agitation. Among December 21. 1981.
ecutives saw that it would be to their and the failure of which would not By TROTSKY this there a great deal of commotion Nie speakers already scheduled to appear Dear Friend Cannon: best interests to participate in such have prevented wage cuts. the railroad in the ranks of the social democracy and in the Webster Halt mass meeting are: negotiations as a pretence, in which the industry proceeds with confidence and We have just received a brochure from its electorate. That the Communists James Camon, Ben Fletcher, Ben GitReceived your letter and was sure glad labor officials take part as the work ruthlessness. Trotsky on: have not beca alle to benefit by this low, Muste, Walter Starrett. Carlo to get some news from the outside. The ers front protesting such reductions Workers Must Organize Resistance Shall Fascism Take Power? Ger situation to the full extent, is to be Tresca, Carter Hudson will be chairman das dra alone and are quite lonesome, or effecting concessions from the capmany, the Key to the International Sit ascribed entirely to the stupid and ob Leatlets and posters advertising the ineet. and watch them pretty closely for the The railroad workers, who have in puntlon.
tains of the industry.
durate tactical mistakes of the lendering have been prepared. Oranizations developments that are taking place in the past fought some of the most mill This important document on the mo ship, receiving their instructions from or individuals wishing to help in the Germany and the Far East. Flow is the Labor Officials Betray Workers tant struggles in the history of the mentous issue of Fascism in Germany the Comintern. The Nazis however have work of distributing the leaflets or who union making out at present. liope The committee of nine presidents, on American labor movement, find them and the tasks of the revolutionary pro been the greatest profiteers of the gen. wish to display the posters in their head that they have enough sense to put up December 21, served formal notice of selves at the present time in a weaken letariat and Communists has been trans eral situation, roping ever greater num quarters may secure thein from the den fight not only in the case, but hope their intentions to reduce wages 15 per ed condition. In 1919 the labor unions lated into English and will soon be is bers of supporters among all the declass fense committee.
cent. The announcement is considered went on record for government owner sued by us in pamphlet form, 32 pages.
that there might be possibility of as official and to the labor leaders marks ship and democratic management of the Every worker and Communist will the golden mean of their compound of ed elements, by their political mimiery: At the meeting of the defense commit uniting all existing organizations upon a basis for discussion revolving around roads. They even favored independent want to read the masterly analysis and nationalism and socialism. All the toe was appointed to organize the send wage cuts, speeding up, etc. It is quite tee held on December 21, a sub commit a common basis for struggle against securities for the workers in exchange political action of the workers, and proposals of comrade Trotsky, the local elections confirm this trend coming of speakers to labor organizations to an experience being locked up, with peofor their acceptance of wage cuts. The showed an interst in a Labor party. Kreatest living exponent of Bolshevism, pletely raising of the proposed reduction to 15 Succumbing largely to the ideology of to the German working class and Com.
explain the se. number of requests ple whose intelligence is absolutely nero per cent from the original proposal of union management cooperation, the munist movement. The issue is raised The World Inperialists and German for sprakers have already come in. The as far as they are concerned. The place 10 per cent, was instigated by the union. plan of company unionism, the rail sharply: Fascism or the struggle for Fascism sub committee will now systematize the is full of married men, who are in here leaders themselves, the object being to rond workers are today dispersed. Their political power by the working class un.
American finance and business, heavy work and will be prepared to furnish for non support of all descriptions. There their arrange a basis for bargaining. What forces are weakened, their leaders have der the leadership of the Commnuista investors in Germany since the days of speakers on request. In connection with are people here who would send worst this actually means is that the official betrayed them. They saw their unions! The pamphlet will sell for 10 cents the Dawes Plan the present state of this a craft of a circular to be sent to own mother to jail, rats of the dom of the railroad unions are prepared xmashel, experienced a loss of rights, Bundles rates of five or more are seven United States investments in Germany labor organizations was approved and kind. Give my regards to the rest of to accept the wage reductions of 10 per and found their wages cut constantly. cents per cops. Advance orders can now ordered printed.
the boys, Soderberg. etc. have followed cent. Their proposal that the Railroad This drive against the railroad work be placed.
At the same meeting it was reported the Mooney cane dally but it looks as Executives ada per cent to the original crs while resulting in sporadis strike Send cash, check or money order to. that a group of ten or twelve former tho he is domed to stay where he is.
plan is done with the aim of presenting efforts froin time to time, has been carTHE PIONEER PUBLISHERS class war prisoners in New York City So far no one has been to see me. the 10 per cent wage cut as a victory ried through in general without resist84 Sast 10th Street, who have served terms in various pent guess no one will be allowed to see me.
of labor over capital and the triumph of ance on the part of the rank and file.
New York, tentiaries for their activity in the labor That will be all this time.
worker management cooperation. There But this situation cannot be expected to movement, had drawn up a joint state Fraternally yours fakers will then turn to the railroad laxt. The offensive against the workers CHICAGO On Sunday, January 3rd, ment appealing for labor support of the JAMES REILLY.
workers and say: Witness the struggle is finding a reaction in their ranks.
we have put up for you. The Railroad The railrond workers must cast aside Swabeek will lecture on Trotsky leave it for publication in the next few Executives wished to reduce your wages their officialdom. If they are to effee The Nationnl Tour of Arne Swabeck Views on the World Crisis. The lecture days with their names and prison reIN THE NEXT ISSUE 15 per cent. We would never stand for tirely resist the present offensive which has carried him as far west as Kanons will be given at REDIFER HALL, 30 cordis signed to it.
By LEON TROTSKY: Stalin and the this: we could not letray you workers threatens their very existence they must City, Mo. and Minneapolis, Mim. Sue NO. WELLS STREET, Room 403. The The sub committee which had been de Chinese Revolution Facts and Docu.
and so we finally convinced them to in legin now to organize a nation wide cessful gatherings, reported on elsewhere, admission is 15 cents and the meeting is legated to interview the Civil Liberties ments. Contents: troduce only 10 per cent wage cut. In trike movement against the wage cut. have been held in all the cities that comreturn the Railroad Executives promise with the central slogan of the six hour rade Swabeek has visiteul. From his en under the auspices of the Chicago Branch nion on the case reported the decision How Did The Shanghai Overturn of the Communist League of America of that organisation to issue a public not to continue lay offs and keep those day and five day week without a reagements in Minneapolis, he will turn (Opposition. All workers are invited statement condemning the third degree Occur?
at work now, on the job. That is how duction in pay, linked with the strug eastward for return meetings and a New The Chicago Branch holds Open tortures inflicted on the prisoners and The Organizers of The Influx of the situation stands today. The employle for unemployment insurance, against Year Eve banqnet in Chicago and will Forums every Saturday afternoon at the ide of a stool pigeon and agent pro workers and easants Blood.
ere are pushing rapidly for wage reduc the speed up system, etc. the railroad then proceed to Pittsburgh, Pa. Youngs. at its Headquarters Hall. 1435 vocateur is the case. Norman Hawkins, tions. The labor officials are agreeing workers have the possibilities to carry town and Cleveland, Ohio and thence No. Western Ave. The above lecture has who has acted provisional member the Left kuo Min Tang. Stalin Repeats His Experiment with but requesting in return the distribution out an effective struggle. The needs of to Philadelphia.
been transferred to Redifer Hall be of the defense committee at the request of employment on the widest scale pos the situation demand this from the rail Balance of schedule follows: cause of the large crowd that is expected of two of the defendants, pending its Arninst the opposition For the Kuo sible.
rond workers. In this and developing Chicago, Ill. Dec. 31 and to attenda, final organization as delegate body. Min Tang!
The railroad industry which suf struggles against the railroad barons is January 1, 2, On New Year Eve, December 31st, presented his resignation from the com. Stalin Once More Disarms The Chifering from the effects of the crisis, only involved the very existence and develop Cleveland, Ohio. January 5th 1931, a banquet will be given at the mittee and the same was accepted. The nese Workers and Peasants.
exhibits the decay of the capitalist sysment of militant unions in the railroad Youngstown, Ohio. January 6th League Hendquarters, 1435 No. Western next meeting of the defense committee tem and the impossibility of rejuven. Industry.
Pittsburgh, Pa. January 7th Ave. for the benefit of the Militant. will take place on Monday evening, De Sojourn With Trotsky by Albert tation. Their solution is the capital ALBERT CLOTZER. Philadelphia, PA. January 9, 10. Coinrade Swabeck will be present. ember 28, at the office of Il Martello.
ment and the receneration on its original writers sympathetic to the working das Marine Workers to Hold Defense Meet The Conspiracy Against the Workers of any NOTICE CHICAGO Open Forum The National Tour.