BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyImperialismLeninMarxMarxismSocialismSpainStalinStalinismSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1931 EDITORIAL NOTES What Is Revolutionary Situation. The Decisive Importance of the Communist Party trans when of come.
over, it owes a duty to the Party and the Party leaders who have been proscribed by the Canadian Government.
We have had a fairly rich experience of the same kind. Our Party went through a test of fire in the Palmer raids; It lived as an illegal organization THE HUNGER MARCH meet the heavy burdens imposed by for three years; and after that, by a the trials.
As a Communist propaganda demon We do not mean by this to combination of legal and illegal methods stration on the issue of unemployment methods of the in the contro to break out of the underground strait sent a summary of the views of comexpress any approval of the propaganda of organization and a determined will (The points enumerated below repre. characterize a revolutionary situa catastrophic situation in England.
the Hunger March to Washington at Yeray with the They create the jacket, it re conquered the right to a rade Trotsky. It is the outcome tion are very different for every The Rate of Development the opening of Congress was an indubit. Impression that their main fight is against legal existence is Party. All these of a discussion between comrade Trotone of these classes. The economie change of society is able success. Communist Initative and the Communists. This also hurts and questions are rising up before the Can sky and comrade Albert Glotzer, meraber (b) That the sconomic situation is very slow and is measured by centuries organizing faculty were written all over weakens the cause at stake. The real adian Party at the present moment of the National Committee of the Comvery acute, the British proletariat and decades. But when the economie con the affair. By the demonstration the enemy is the capitalist class and their How does the leadership of the Ameri munist League of America (opposition)
know very well, far better than ditionns are radically changed, cause of the hungry millions was placed Judical agents in Kentucky. We speak can Party evaluate the trial, and what who has been visiting with comrade all theoreticians. But the revolu formation of the retarded psychological on the agenda in the most dramatie for union of all forces of the labor advice does it offer to the Canadian com. Trotsky for a number tionary situation begins only at factors can be produced very quickly.
manner; the inability of the richest im movement in a common fight against rades in their difficult position? The rade Glotzer in forwarding these views of weeks. Comthe moment when the proletariat However, quickly or slowly, such changes petralist power to provide the necessithis enemy.
ties of life to the producers of its inDaily Worker answers begins to search for a way out, must inevitably be effected in the mentalthese crucial for publication, points out that they questions with a studied neglect. It has arose in connection with the situation not on the basis of the old city of the classes. Only then can we find credible wealth was called to the attention of the entire world. And before nothing to say iety but along the path of a rev a revolutionary situation.
in England and the false views expressed olutionary Insurrection against the In a previous issue of the Militant by some English comrades (Ridley and In political terms it significs: the world the Communists appeared as GREETINGS TO COMMUNISTES existing order. This is the moet comrade Spector has given a report and Chandu Ram) who declare their support (a) That the proletariat must lose its the spokesmen of the dispossessed, the As this issue of the Mhitant goes to a political evaluation of the trial. With of the Left Opposition. Comrade Trot.
important subjective condition for confidence not only in the conser hungry and shelterless workers. press we greet the first appearance of a his comments we are in full agreement. sky has been too busy recently to be revolutionary situation. The vatives and liberals, but also in the All that was lacking was the participe fellow lighter in the ranks of the Op His criticism of the showing made by the able to devote the time necessary for the acuteness of the revolutionary feel Labor Party. It must concentrate tion of the masses of the unemployed. position. Communistes will carry to the defendants was a loyal criticism that dia formulation of complete and thorough Ings of the masses is one of the Doak, its will and its course for revthe labor. balting secretary of Greek workers in America the same not in any way impair the fundamental views on the British situation. un arti most important measures for the labor, announced the sensational di message which the Milltant has carried solidarity of the Opposition with the cle on The Tanks of the Opposition in olutionary aims and methods.
ripeness of the revolutionary sitcovery of his secret agents that the hung in the English language through storm Party in its hour of persecution. And it England and India by comrade Trot.
uation. b) That the middle class must lose er march was organized and directed by and stress for more than three years was absolutely necessary. The Canadian Sky did however appear in The Militant its confidence in the big bourgethe Communist Party. This revelation we see in the enlistment of this ally Party will pay dearly for the attempts last week (12 12 31. but nevertheless (c) But a revolutionary situation is oisie, in the lords, and turn their needed no exceptional detective work. an event of profound significance in the to dilute the revolutionary essence of the points presented below in draft form one which must, in the next per eyes to the revolutionary proleThe facts were all too obvious.
iod, permit the proletariat to be tarlat. was developmen, of American Communism. its doctrines before the court.
That is offer a good basis for the discussion of easy enough to point out the Communist it shows to us at an important section not the way to fight for the legality of a very important question, namely: What come the ruling power of society. c) That the rich classes, the ruling leaders of the march. They were every of the Communist proletariat, which has and that depends in England, less than in any other country, but cliques, rejected by the masses, where for all to see if the secret ser. sive prk. in the past in labor and sheri the Party as a Communist Party. It is constitutes a revolutionary situation? lose confidence in themselves.
also there to a degree, on the pollvice had been able to discover the unenfice of its revolutionary spirit, is findship, to poison the ranks with an evasive the way, rather, to discredit its leader. Ed. These phenomenn will inevitably ployed masses following these leaders ing its way, through a hailstorm of slan legalistle retreat from principle and to a revolutionary point of view, it is nectical thoughts and feelings of the come. However, they do not evist today. For an analysis of a situation from that would have been a real exposure: der and misrepresentation, to the plat rob the Party of the power to stand up essary to distinguish between the econmiddle class; the revolutionary sitand, from our point of view, most form of the Opposition, which is the plat under the blows of the class enemy. omic and social premises of a revoluuation would be characterized by They can come in a short period of time, through the acute crisis. They can ar the loss of confidence of the mid welcome one.
form of Marx and Lenin.
When the leaders of the proletariat are tionary situation and the revolutionary dle class in all the traditional rive in two or three years, or perhaps in But they could not do it; the masses The Greek Communists in America are on trial they must not forget for a mom situation itself.
were not there. The success of the not to blame if they have been disorent that they are speaking to the whole The economic and social premises partles (including the Labor Party year. But this is a perspective and hunger march as a propaganda manifes tentated and led astray on the great country. Then of all times they must for a revolutionary situation begin, gen which is reformist, Le, conser not a fact today. We must base our tetion of the Party was on a par with its questions of principle which have arisen say what they really stand for. You erally speaking, at that moment vative party. and its turn of hope policy on the facts of today and not to a radical, revolutionary change of tomorrow.
in the society (and not a counterThe Decisive Importance of a Matured ployed workers. Like nearly all of the They had no light to show them the way. You will only discredit your own move are going, not up but down, that is the productive powers of the country revolutionary change, viz. a fasc Communist Party previous actions of the Party in the un Their own paper, Empros, which they ment if you try.
ist change. employment situation, this supreme effort established and maintained at such heavy In our opinion, comrade Spactor diminishing, when the specific weight of The political conditions of a revwas confined pretty closely so far as cost, became converted, in the hands of sounded the right note when he said these capitaliste country the world mar. d) Both the changes in the mental olutionary situation are developing more direct participation is concerned to the corrupt and ignorant bureaucrats, Into problem at the moment consists in toket is systematically lesened and when ity of the proletariat and the mid or less parallel and simultaneously, but dle class correspond and develop this does not signify that they all bepathizers. The crying disparity between them, to leto slander, to befonlethel in the country with the slogan of comment becomes, not a conjunctural event Communist workers and their close gym. an instrument to deceive and misleading to every working class organization the Incomes or the classes are likes parallel to the change in the men come ripe at the same moment therein tality of the ruling class which is the danger of the British situation of the ability of the Party to draw the underfoot. It took time for even a small of the Criminal Code, the section under of fluctuation, but permanent social sees that it has not the means to tomorrow. In the ripening political con masses into motion was once again de group of Greek Communists to learn the which the prosecution was conducted. evil with the tendency to growth. Am save its system, loses confidence ditions, the most retarded is the revolu monstrated on this occasion.
truth. But the ideas of Marxism are in the Canadian Party should under no in England completely, and we can af.
in itself, decomposes and splitstionary party of the proletariat. It is This proceeds inevitably from into factions and cliques.
not excluded that the general revolutionary change of the proletariat and the false policy and method of the Party. all barriers, including the barriers of to illegality and retreat into a restricted firm that the economic and social pre The Changing Outlook of the Classes You cannot whittle down a mass move language. Now, with an organ of their underground existence without a further there in this form, and are always bemiddle class, and the political decom4. It cannot be foreseen or Indicated position of the ruling class, will develop ment, but letarianen etah baliserem carstowwee maent expects parametre struggle. The proscription of the can coming more and more acute. But we mathematkally at what point in these more quickly than the ripening of the das no hehenehe perete to be the montes erst im memerintah. among the Greek work adian Party is not grounded in the pre must not forget that the expression, rev. processes that the revolutionary situa: Communist Party. It sisuties that it does This is the outstanding lesson of the The role of the foreign born workers class forces in the country. Social con olutionary situation, is a political term. tion is totally ripe. The revolutionary not exclude after tomorrow genuine hunger march. By this we do not in the in American industry is well known astions for a regime or white terror not alone sociological. This explanation party can only establish that fact by revolutionary situation without an ade It would be Leaser deprecate the positive sides of Their spauldes the higters himenovalich such as prevails in a number of Eur subjective factor is not only the ques through its influence on the masses, on a certain degree, a reproduction of demonstrations have their importance. erican imperialism supports itself. And ada. It is not the strength of opean countries, are not matured in Can. lion of the party of the proletariat. It the peasants, and the petty bourgeoise the situation in Germany in 1923. But But only genuine movement of the the relative importance of these imm!
masses will get results. This is yet to grants from other lands in the American ernment fears, but rather its weakness the proletariat and the party.
adian Party which the conservative govis a question of the mentality of the of the towns, etc, and by the weakening to affirm that England is in such a sitcourse, of the resistance of the ruling classes. uation today is absolutely false.
Stalinist policy and stalinist Communist movement has been even brought upon it by the cruel blows it If we adapt these criteria to the 10. We say that it is not excluded leadership of the Party are the chief greater. As a result of their Inhuman The Beginning of Revolutionary British situation we can see: that the development of the Party can factors of obstruction, exploltation, their traditions and their has suffered in recent years from the Stalinist regime that embolden the GovSituation (a) That the economic and social pre remain retarded in relation to the other higher class consciousness, they turned ernment to experiment with a red mises, as has been stated, are exelements of the revolutionary situation3. The revolutionary situation, howto the ideas of communism sooner, and scare. The action against the Canadian ever, begins only from the moment that isting and becoming more effective but that is not in any case inevitable. On THE KENTUCKY MINERS in greater numbers, than did the native Party bears a close resemblance to the the economic and social premises of and acute.
this question we cannot make exact born proletarians. They stood among The verdict of guilty in the case of the actual founders of American 18saults we experienced in the Palmer revolution produce break in the mental William Jones, Harlan County miners munism; they were its backbone, especitent. The Canadian Party should pront What must be produced in this way for Com. days, and has much of the same con ity of society and its different classes. b) The bridge, however, from these prognoses, but the question is not mereeconomie premises to the pascholion creation of prognosis. It is a ques.
leader, with the accompanying sentence ally in its early years.
11. How much time will the British of life imprisonment, again brings this by the errors, and also by the victories, creating a revolutionary situation?
If the ranks of the foreign born Com which attended our struggle under some crossed. For the revolutionary kit. proletariat need in the present state of historie struggle sharply before the munists did not grow and expand as (a) In every situation which we must uation in England it is not neces capitalist society to break up its connee.
working class and warns against any the social conditions matured for what similar conditions.
analyze, it is necessary to distin. sary for great changes in the further delay in organizing a genuine development of a genuine native moveThe Party should wage a determined uish three classes of society: the economic conditions, which are al tions with the three bourgeois parties?
national movement in behalf of the in emnt, it can be attributed, in the first fight for legality. But it cannot fight capitalists, the middle class or ready unbearable to come about. Party, it is entirely possible that its By a correct polley of the Communist dicted men. More than a score of work place, to the degeneration that overtook successfully alone. It must make its petty bourgeoisie, and the proletar What is necessary is a new adjust growth will take place in proportion to ere are yet to be tried. Their lives are the leading circles of the International fight the fight of the working class, in lat. Those changes in the mental ment of the mentality of the dif in danger, and with them the life of the movement. The internationa factors the first place of the more advanced and ity of thes classes in order ferent classes to this unbearable, the bankruptcy and decomposition of the other parties. It is our aim, it is our organized labor movement in the Ken are always the most decisve. But here class conscious workers organization duty to realize this possibility, tucky mine fields. The intervention of in America their was contributing fac In order to do this it must throw overWhat Is Coming?
a powerful workers protest in the affair tor of deadly effect. The various languard all the bizarre theories which of the case the core is important mention age bureaus, without exception, became ware boon folsted permit in percent retains CONCLUSIONS: That explains sufficiently why it is totally false to affirm persecution, not of a few individuals inist lying machine like branch offices it from the labor movement and ren. Continued from page 1) tioners of the proletariat.
that England is now between Democracy merely but on a wholesale scale. The of a business concern. They became dering it helpless before the Government cadone this act: no doubt having similar The working class movement of China and Fascism. The era of Fascism beobject is to wipe out unionism and ter poisoned with the spirit of the small attack, actions on their part in mind for the is again slowly rebuilding its forces and ging seriously after an important and, rorize all of its advocates by a fearful business man who does not want to be What the Canadian Party needs most future. Ma does openly what the organizations. All possible assistance for a certain time, decisive victory of example of class Justice and revenge alsturbed. In this atmosphere all crit of all is a realistic appraisal of the Chiang Kai Sheks would rather do cov must be given to hasten the revival and the bourgeoisie over the working class.
Can that be allowed to happen in comicism was stilled and all independent situation and a deliberate tactle of the ertly.
growing struggles against the Chinese But the great struggles in England are parative silence?
bourgeoisie in the struggle, among other not behind us, rather ahead of us. As thought was beaten down. Instead of united front. It needs to approach the The Communist Party It is by no means a one sided battle. instruments to carry the truth of Marx workers of other organizations, not as Events and affairs will continue in things, for democratic rights. The gen we discussed in another connection, moro All the strength is not on the side ofism to the foreign speaking workers these social fascists bat as brothers in a Manchuria. But more now than ever. eration and growth of a genuine comprobably the next political chapter in Kentucky law whkh licenses thugs to bureaus became so many sources of in common cause. All workers organizathe basic problem stands out the strug munist Party of China, Inked in com England, after the decomposition of the maim and kill and prosecutes workers fection to poison and destroy the movetions have an inte in the question gle of the exploited masses the mon effort with a de Stalinized and re national government and the conservative who defend themselves. The acquittal ment. Empros exitsed for this purpose of legal political rights. The Party foreign and native exploiters. The city generated Communist International, are government which will probably succeed of Burnett in the first trial a couple of in the recent years. The sad effects of must become the champion of such rights proletariat, headed by a Communist the best and only real hopes in the strugit, will be a liberal labor reformistic era, weeks ago demonstrates that the senti. It are to be seen in every phase of the for all. If the Party approaches them Party, must lead this struggle and move cle against the Japanese Invaders, the which can, namely in England, become ment of the masses is not without et Greek workers movement.
in the wight way and with the right pol ment. There can be no subordination of native Chinese exploiters and the for. in the near future more dangerous than fect even on jurymen selected from anCommunistes will have the task of un icy It can gain their support. There is the Communist Party to the bourgeois eign imperialists. That resolves itself the spectre of Fascism. We called that other class. It shows also that the post doing this damage. It will have to ex every reason for confidence that a united Kuo Min Tang, as was the policy of into the conscious and militant struggle perlod conditionally, the British Kerention of the defendants is legally justined, plain to the Greek workers the reason struggle in the present situation will be Stalin and the Comintern in the Chinese of the working masses everywhere skiade.
even from the blased standards of the for the failures and detests. It will victorious. The Opposition will do all Revolution of 1927 1929, which resulted against the capitallst system.
But it is necessary to add that the capitalist law. These two factors ex it can to help the Party to find this path, in the beheading of the Chinese Revoluhave to restore and popularize again the Kerenskiade is not obliged to be in every plain the acquittal of Burnett. relax doctrines which the bureaucrats have tion. Nor can the peasant, the agrarian sitaution, in every country, as weak as masses, be permitted to assume, or even Swabeck National Tour the Russian Kerenskiade. The weakness second case, whether from over confia the Greek workers once again the spirit Chicago Opposition Meets attempt, the role of leadership of the of the Kerenskiade there was a result struggle against the bourgeoisie, the The National Tour of comrade Arne of the great power of the Bolshevik Jones and emboldened the prosecution to thought, for it is these qualities not CHICAGO The Chicago branch of landlords and warlords. That role is Swabeck has now carried him into West Party. We see now, for example, in go through with a conviction. The tide blind servility and automatle hand rais the Communist League (Opposition) is the historical one of the working classern territory. After a stay of six daya Spain, that the Kerenskiade the coall.
must be turned before it is too late. The ing that distinguish the revolutionary putting in a busy week in connection and its vanguard, the Communist Party: in Chicago where pubble and Branch tion of the liberals and the socialists legal defense, from all appearances, Communist. It wil be a hard task at with the national tour of comrdae Swa it is for the exploited peasantry of China gatherings were held, comrade Swabeck. by no means so werk as it was in competent enough. What is needed now first but it will be accomplished. Bol beck. The first public meeting held at to march under the leadership of the went on to Springfield, III, Staunton, Russia, and this is the result of the is its reenforcement by the mass demands sheviks were never arald of dificulties, the leadquarters Hall brought an aud proletariat and Communist Party. This and St. Louls, Mo. for meetings. weakness of the Communist Party: and, of the working masses.
The factional wrangling over the deThe resurrection of the genuine move ence of 50. The subject, The Economie over emphasis and over evaluation of After that, beginning December 18, he thereby, becoming a great danger to ment of Communism among the Greek Crisis and the Left Communists offered the peasantry by Stalin and Bucharin, was scheduled for a mass meeting, pub Spanish Revolution. The Kerenekinde blow to the men and the cause on trial workers in America will begin with the an excellent opportunity for comrade guided by the Mensbevik Martynov, ada le banquet and Branch meeting in Kan signifies for us the employment of rewill formist, revolutionary. democratie. In the welter of charges and counter. ndent that our Greek comrade in arms pressing problems of strategy and tac of lives of the Chinese masses. It must proceed to Minneapolly for a six day socialist phrases; certain secondary charges around the cases it was hard will be fully worthy of their great histics acing the Communist movement. not be repeated. or the Chiang Kalo stay in the vicinity. There the Minn democratic and social reforms, while at for a time to ascertain exactly who was torle tack.
The lecture called forth a series of ques Sheks will have double duty as execueapolis comrades have made extensive the same time carrying on repressions handling the defense. One got the imIf we were to offer one word of advice tions from the audience for further elucl.
preparations for a Chrstmas gathering, against the left wing of the workingpression, in this disgraceful quarrel, that to the newly organized group of Greek datlon.
public meetings and conferences class.
the miners in the docks were regarded Oppositionists it would be this: Do not Branch meeting of the Chicago Lea PRISONERS FUND DANCE This method is contrary to the method as bones to fight over rather than a cause chase after quick success. Stand firm on gue, as this is written, is scheduled.
Comrade Swabeck reports that the NEW YORK Efforts are being made Jewish of Fascism, but it serves the same alm.
enough now that the General Defense cadre around it. The rest will follow.
to defend by common efforts. It is clear the line of principle and organize your where comrade Swabeck will report on by the General Defense Committee, proposal for the issuance of the general situation and prospects of organization, with headquarters semi monthly paper of the Left Opposi To condemn the future Lloyd Georgelade Committee of the is conducting the League.
at 565 Lake St. Chicago, to fol tion has met with enthusiasm, and that to a weakness, is only possible when we the legal defense. But is that any reason On December 12th, comrade Swabeck low its annual custom by sending subs the comrades are at their task of raising foresce it approaching, when we are not hypnotizing ourselves with the spectre for Communists to stand aside, or still of Fascism which is further away than worse attack the defense at the moment THE CANADIAN COMMUNIST TRIALS is to lecture on the Manchurian Crisistantial checks at Yudetide to many men the necessary funds.
before the Liberal Science Forum at and women of the working class. The tour to date has proved successful Lloyd George and his instrument of it ls under the guns of the clans enemy? The helpless impotence of the Party 1118 Madison St. Special advertising The New York City Local of the Gen and beneficial for the organization. The tomorrow the Labor Party. The danNo, that is fnctionalism in the most leaders on all questions which arise out has been issued to ensure a large attenderal Defense Committee has arranged a balance of the schedule follows: ger of tomorrow can become the reformperverted form, a factionalism that loses of the class struggle and demand a quick ance for this meeting.
dance for the benefit of the Xmas Fund ist party, the bloc of the liberals and all vision of the class issues, and there answer is again illustrated in the most On comrade Swabeck return from for class war prisoners. The affair will Kansas City, Mo. Dec, 18, 19, 20. the socialists; the Fascist danger is only fore a corrupt and reactionary faction striking manner by their clam like sil. the Western meetings at Kansas City, take place on Saturday, December 19, Minneapolis, Minn. Dec. 24, 25, 26, in the third or fourth stage away. Our aliam. Class conscious workers are ence on the Canadian Communist trial. Minneapolis and other points, stop at Clairmont Casino, 62 East 100th St. 27, 28, 29. struggle to eliminate the Fascist period, duty bound to give financial and other the conviction and sentence to five year over mass meeting will be held where New York City. Cascar Harlemites Chicago, Ill. Dec. 31 and to eliminate or reduce the new reformsupport to the defense in every labor prison terms of the leading staff of the he will speak on Trotsky on the World will furnish music. Admission will be January 1st ist perlod signifies for the Communist case. In the present instance it means Canadian Party is surely an event of Crisis.
Afty cents. Tickets can be purchased by Youngstown, Ohio. January Party the struggle for the winning of to support the General Defense Com extra ordinary importance. Our Party On New Year Eve the Branch will writing to Local 8, General Defense Com Cleveland, Ohio. January 4, the working class.
mittee without a moment hesitation and canot be unaffected by such an alarming hold an entertainment at the headquar mittee, Box 51, Station New York Philadelphia, Pa. January 10. TROTSKY provide it with the necessary funds to development across the border. More ters, 1435 No. Western Ave.
Kadikoy, Nov. 17, 1981 the to Japanese Intrenched in Manchuria he