BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismInvasionMarxSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE 1 HE MILITANT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1931 News from China The Needle Trades in Saint Louis New York Forum The Message of Hoover to Congress of ete.
to come.
and Perspectives of the Crisis in France Economic. Social Changes and Prospects EFFECTS OF ANTI JAPANESE At the New York Forum of the ComST. LOUIS, MO. The situation among shops organized and a dues payment munist League (Opposition) last Friday (Continued from page 1)
BOYCOTT ON SINO JAPANESE TRADE ly at the radical workers: the endorsethe needle trades workers in St. Louis membership of about tifteen, although evening, comrade Cannon spoke on Capitalist spokesmen and apologists ment of a huge army and unvy policy:. SHANGHAI Nov. (Fenprecor) is very bad. or the eleven thousand for purposes of record it can produce current events in the labor movement try to excuse their acts against the work there was a failure to mention the pro.
Effects of the boycott on Sino Japanese workers in the industry, mostly women, the stynatures of a great many mem. The Canadian Communist Party trials and those jobless, by maintaining that other matters. We shall have occasion ing class, against those yet employed blem of the Negro masses, and many trade have been outlined here in an ilseventy five per cent, at conservative bers. In the three years of existence, and on the Mooney case.
luminating survey released by the Jap. estimate, are unemployed. The wages of its membership never exceeded fifty and the cost of living, of commodity prices to return to Hoover program for captanese commercial attache. For the first those at work in the better trades have has not led a single strike struggle The comrade Cannon pointed out the legenIn his remarks on the Canadian trials, has gone down and that therefore wage talist salvation and against the working half of 1931, Japan China trade show. fallen uity per cent in the last few years. Afteen members are party members and erating effects of Stalinism on the Cancuts are in order. But even this argu class.
ed a decrease of 67, 000, 000 Yen or 32 Among the plece workers it is even close sympathizers. They constitute a adian party. Leaderless, with no advice ment is false to the roots.
Functions of Government and Taxation for exports and 42, 000, 000 Yen or 25 worse. Dresses which paid a dollar and local meeting once a month, discuss end from the larger and supposedly more Significant Fgures One further point of some interest re.
for imports from the corresponding tlga dollar and a quarter, now pay twentylessly the problems of organizing the in mature American Communist Party, reEthelbert Stewart, Commissioner maing. This refers to the Hoover Mellon ures for the previous year.
five and forty five cents respectively. dustry and are completely inactive.
For the latter half of 1931, during Girls who made twelve and teen dol.
fusing the assistance offered by comrade the Bureau of Labor Statistics, policy of increased taxation for maintenThe workers in the industry are most Maurice Spector, leader of the Canadian says that from December, 1925, to uns day of cheap governmeut is gone for which period the troubled complications lars a week vow make eight dollars. ly Americans. Unlike the needle trades Communists up to the time of his ex 1931, the workers cost of living had ever under capitalism. Modern imperialof Sino Japanese relationships reached Hours have been lengthened and sweat workers of other cities, there are few pulsion as a Lett Oppositionist, the Can been reduced 15. while the employers ist development requires an ever increas their climax in the Wanpaoshan affair, shop conditions prevail throughout the Jews and Italians among them. The un adian Party allowed itself to be drawn had reduced the total wages paid workthe Korean riots leading up to the Jap industry.
ing force of oppression and suuression anese military Invasion of Manchuria.
Japan trade with Chinu suffered an is 16 struggle. The which for the crisis to it. The employed is championing the ultims of the Communeven according to Government is one of omhent a gemel cande na wiele lepoties.
estimated 1083 of 76, 000, 00 Yen or deteriorated greatly in the Against these terrible conditions there trades or wait hopefully and anxiously ernment and prosecution, instead of bolding that same period almost 40. Thus, of the working class: a huge military 58 for exports and 18, 000, 000 Yen, or years now has only one shop organ of losing their jobs. Almost all the The Canadian Communist Party must 25 below the fall in the cost of living.
prosperity workers are passive. They are afrata ists to overthrow the capitalist wystem. ures, wages have been reduced already and other agencies of a wide description.
The increasing sharpness of the class 19 for imports as compared with the ized and its entire dues paying member. workers in the industry are strangers immediately inaugurate a campaign for Stewart own statement is that a simstruggle, strikes. mas memployment, figures for the same half of 10. Toilar situation prevails in other industries. nial countries, etc. call forth these movements in the colonial and semi coloship is less than tirty. The to unionism, even the of variety, its right to exist as a legul party.
Manchuria share in Japan total although it has several shops organized and have no traditions of struggle.
China trade during 1931 was 68 of the anda membership of several hundred, do so, he went on, it must throw overMary Anderson, Director of the Wo forces cf suppression of the masses to a Elementary Work Is Needed board the Stalinist conceptions of the men Department of the Depart exports (from Japan) and 58 of the never really got a foothold in the ingreater degree right along Imports (into Japan. The five years Justry. The T. has no gin at once elementary working classing class in a fight for the rights of clarations, stating that since 1920, while In this situation it is necessary to be united front and unite the entire work ment of Labor, contims Stewart de The employing class recognizes that it average for the period 1926 1931 inclusive found 13 of Japan trade with China education to awaken the class conscious free press, free speech and assemblage. the cost of living has declined 19. the must pay to maintain its governmental devoted to Manchuria, the remaining ness of the workers, to teach them the otherwise the Canadian arty will be income of factory workers has gone down apparatus of oppression, capitalist proWithin ruling class Youth Organizations of China 57 embracing the whole necessity for struggle and the principes doomed to an illegal, nectarian existence. 37.
of unionism. Classes, forums, and en In to The above Agures, we think, expose there is an effort to pass the burden proper. For 1981 Manchuria absorbed and China proper 54 of the trade.
Support Marine Defense tertainments should be held. series pousal of the Mooney case, comrade Hoover claims regarding unemploy governmental costs from one croup onto Sharp Drop Since Jap Invasion of simple leaflets of the kind Trotsky Cannon reiterated the stand of the left ment, wages, and the conditions of exist another, and also to shift even these (Continued from page 1) used to issue to the factory workers at Opposition that the time is more than ence of the mass of workers in the United burdens to the extent possible onto the This is done The sharp drop following upon the police Traming are present. The wreck Nikolaev should be got up and distri lever opportune for a wide united front states. But it president Hoover deals exploited working claves intensification of the boycott during Sept. ing by police of the union headquarters buted. In these leaflets the unity of the movement for Mooney and Billing reblows against the working class, he is through tuxation directam indirect, ember and October after Japan military and the brutal third degree indicted by employed and unemployed workers must lense, with the Communists as the dy gentle as a lamb and soft as silk with the largest bulk of which comes from invasion is clearly seen in figures below. them on Soderberg, Bunker and especial be emphasized. The slogans of the camic force in the movement.
his colleagues and bosses, the employing the finance bourgeolie. To an extent the bonrgeoisie clocs succeed in folsting Japanese exports to China dropped from ly on Trajer, a boy of twenty, all point hour day day week with no reducclass.
27, 000, 000, Yen in August to 23, 000, 000 to one conclusion.
tion in pay, and long term credits to ENTERTAINMENT FOR CCMMUN.
To take but a single example, it is taxes upon the workers to make them carry a burden in addition to their exYen in September and like a plummet to We assure you of our sympathy and the Soviet Union, should go a long way ISTES. GREEK OPPOSITION necessary, president Hoover says, that 15, 000, 000 Yen in October. Imports from support in your efforts to expose and toward creating favorable sentiment to the railroads should have more effective ploitation directly by the employer. But PAPER ON SATURDAY, China dropped less sharply, decreasing deteat the attempt of the authorities toward that unity. When this work is opportunity to reduce operating costs by while such taxation is a sort of factor, DECEMBER 19.
from 14, 000, 000 Yen in September to railroad these workers to prison and to launched and under way, a membership the working class need to recognize that proper consolidation. With wage cuts 11, 000, 000 Yen in October. It is estim destroy the union which they have been drive can be held.
An entertainment to celebrate the is on the order of the day for the railway their basic and daily problem lies in the ated that the total export trade for trying to build.
The situntion is objectively favorable suance of the first number of Commun workers, Hoover proposes to help along extraction of unpaid labor, of surplus 1931 as compared with 1930 will drop Yours, for the Left wing union. Conditions are istes, organ of the Greek Fraction, Comby throwing more men out of work. Op value, from them by the employers. The 145, 000, 000 Yen and the import trade MAURICH GOLDBLOOM bad. There are no powerful Right wing munist League of America (Opposition. erating costs are reduced: profits are official Communist arty exacerutes the 65, 000, 000 Yen.
Acting Chairman, District, or reformist unions. The will be held this coming Saturday, Dec assured. All well with the railroads, taxation of the workers and develops a Japanese shipping on the Yangtse Intercollegiate Student Council, should begin systematic work to or ember 19, 1931, beginning at P. Other questions in Hoover Congress petit bourgeois outlook. But the econo mie crisis has naturally cffected the reRiver has been hard hit. The Misshin League for Industrial Democracy. ganize the workers. It can count in ad. at the New York League headquarters, ional message are dealt with that convenues of the government, always ini Kisen Knisha, the largest company opvance upon the support of the St. Louis 84 Enst 10th Street. Entertainment and cern every working man: the advocacy erating out Shanghai under the JapDecember 12, 1981 branch of the Communist League of refreshments have been fully provided of certificates of residence for allens, creasing in cost, and now the bourgeoisie must pay more to their government to anese flag, claims not to have transported America (Opposition. for. All workers are cordially invited a revive the foreign born, aimed main. help maintain law and order. that is, of the campaign for the regisa single Chinese passenger nor a ton Marine, Workers Defeuse Committee. CAROLINE ANDERSON.
suppress and oppress working class.
of Chinese freight since September 25. 82 East 10th Street, Building Movement Against Capitalism Normally the vessels average New York City.
approximately 10, 000 (Chinese curHoover message of reaction rency) per round trip on the Yangtse. Dear Comrades: challenge against the working class must At present thirteen ships are laid up.
be taken up by the workers. In the imAt the last meeting of the Marxian For six weeks, the 31 Japanese cotton Youth Club we heard read to us a letmedinte sense, there is need to mobilize spinning mills in Shanghat have only tor from comrade Trajer describing his and organize the working masses in a been able to dispose of 20 of their experiences as a young worker und rev.
common struggle for the six hour day output. For the smaller concerns the olutionist. The case of Trajer, Soderand five day week with no reduction in crisis immediate while it has been bere, and Bunker was discussed by the pay: for immediate elief; for unemploy.
ment Insurance; for the extension of stated that for the larger organizations, membership and it was decided to enit will nossible to carry on only dorse the Marine Workers Defense Com. Continued from previous issue) position. until Tanuary 31, 1932, when their finanmittee, and offer our ald and assistance.
absorb the excess of acid making phos long term credits to the Soviet Union as Assets Dec. 31, 1930 July 31, 1931 phorous in the iron ore, and producing for the recognition of the Soviet Union In the meantime, finance capitalul a measure of relief for unempoyment; cial sou will be exhausted.
3, 957 8, 179 It was obvious to all present that the France has not developed on the basis Cash a valuable fertilizer as a by product.
Conterences are now in progress among three comrades were arrested, beaten up. of an unfottered industrial bourgeois Balances with made the Lorraine ores commercial, and and against the anti Soviet phobia of the mill owners and complete closure is and face heavy jail sentences because growth, as it did in England and in the correspondents 4612 916 laid the foundation for the present Hoover and the government.
31, 920 being seriously considered. This move they attempted to organize the workers United States. Because of the relatively Total Loans 30, 809 Fundamentally the problem French steel industry, and consequently remains will throw 60, 000 Chinese workers and in their industry against the bosses. slow tempo of industrial development, of most of French heavy industry. By the same: the education and organiza2, 000 Japanese workers out tion of the working class for the millinto the This challenge to the right of the work finance capital has been disproportionateCurrent and this time, however, England and Gerstreets.
38, 181 ers to organize and struggle, issued not ly powerful, and its conflicts with indue deposit accounts 36, 081 tant struggle for the overthrow of rapimany were well into their period of inJapan commercial rivals are taking for the first time, must be met by the trial capital have at times taken acute While finance capital has thus strengdustrial development and the growth talism and the establishment of the rule of the workers, a Soviet Remblic. To full advantage of her dilemma. English building of a powerful mass movement forms. The class content of the revoluthened it position, and is better able to of American heavy Industry brought textiles are finding their way into Cht for the release of these comrades and tion of February, 1848, as Marx taught conduct purely financial operations, such new competition to France which the this end the Left Opposition directs its MARTIN ABBRX.
older industrial countries had hnd to tasks.
nese markets in increasing quantity. all class war prisoners.
us, Included the struggle between the as short term credits, flotation of forLancashire mills have been enjoying a Our Club has elected a counniittee of royalist and later Bonapartist elemente eign gvernment and colonial loans, eto, meet.
distinct sport since the boycott went into three, comrdaes, Stone, Millton, of finance capital, and the bourgeois re it is clear that this has been at the Pig Iron production of France in 1930 CHINESE COMMUNISTS CELEBRATE effect in China against Japan. The Min and Carter, which would be glad to publicanism of industrial capitalism. expense of foreing their customers, the way 10, 008, 000 tons, against 9, 000, 000 in NOVEMBER 7; MANY ARRESTS istry of Industries at Nanking is making cooperate in any work assigned to it.
industrial bourgeoisie, to pay up loans, 1913, The inflation in France from 1910 to and of refusing to grant new loans as tons against 4, 687, 000.
and steel production 9, 407, 000 arrangements with Chinese cotton and Fraternally yours, Since the crisis. SHANGHAI, Nov. (Fenprecor) Fol1926 reduced the value of the frame by liberally as before; witness linen weavers for the shipment of raw lowing a week of exhaustive preparation LILLIAN BORD 80. and on the face of it appeared ally large number of bankruptcies in ist countries, by April of 1930 unusu affected France later than other capital.
materials from Great Britain to take to inflict a corresponding loss on French recent months.
France Secretary on the part of the military and police the place of those ordinarily imported Marxian Youth Club finance capital. Actually, however, was producing more steel than England, authorities in all the leading centers of from Japan and has instructed Chinese large movement of capital abroad took Industrial capital is not based, as The domination of finance capital over and by December, 1930, more than Ger China, the fourteenth anniversary of the merchants to use Chinese raw materials Bolshevik Revoultion dawned and set in many, taus reaching second place immeas far as possible. The Bureau of ForMinneapolis Opposition into foreign banks and by export ball other imperialist countries, on a high diately after the United States. It has over the Far East without any major incidents occuring in Shanghai the end eign Trade has been instructed to assist ances, stimulated by the depreciation of degree of concentration of the latter and maintained its lead over England of the day fond fire young Communists the merchants in forwarding their orHolds Open Forum the franc, being lett abroad In unusually the consequent transformation of finance Germany this year in both pig iron and facing death at the hands of the police ders to England.
large amounts.
vital factor of monopoly. The cause There is much other evidence to show and portions of the city plastered with The Minneapolis Branch of the Com For this reason the financial stablli is rather to be found on the one hand that the trend tdoward industrinlization, Communist handbills, KUO MIN TANG BANS STRIKES munist League of America (Opposition) zation of France was accomplished very in the low productivity of French econ. while slower in France than in some is conducting an Open Forum each Sun. easily under Poincore. an incronse in omy, and the low standard of living com other countries because of the resistance of the Sickle am Tammera land of Carrying the oil Play and the emblom SHANGHAI (Fenpreeor. The Kuo day afternoon at P. at the new taxation to balance the budget, a refund pelled by it, which results in the bour of the petty peasant cconomy and its young Communists attempted to parade Min Tang has issued a peremptory order headquarters of the Branch as well as ing operation which converted short term coolste seeking its salvation in thrift and economic basis in small production, small through one of the city main through work, branding such moves as Illegal subjects Meetings have been held on an antonomous bureau for the reduc many of America: and in the second the capitalist ideology of rationalization, police who arrested tive, two of them of expansion as in Ger consumption and savings contraposed to fares and soon came to grips with the in times of national crisis. In setti the Spanish Revolution, the Manchuriantion of state debt, and a few other fin. instance on the relative hackwardness mass production, and export trade, has ing their differences, reads the order. Situation and other subjects.
a unos the parties representing labor and capiancial devices, proved remarkably suo of French industry itself. This domstill been making progress, Othat Wheels of Chinese anti Communist Among the lectures arranged for forth. cessful in a short time.
are urged to abide by the direction and coming weeks at the Minneapolis Forum French capital, convinced that under nation in turn has tended to perpetu. Prance in relation to other capitalist Justice move swiftly. The five young mediation of the proper government and are the following: ate French Industry slnce at all crucial powers does not occupy an exception men and women were almost immediate All meetings, unless otherwise men have no anxiety, commenced to flow back csts of the industrial and the financial law of uneven development the Poincares and Loucheurs it need moments, decisions as between the interal position, but merely Nlustrates the ly turned over to the local military garparty leaders.
rison headvuarters for trial ikefore a into France, while still retaining huge bourgeoisie are decided to the advantage In the face of this order, 600 workers tioned are at P. Coal consumption per capita increased evils of the Kuo Min Tang regime, these military tribunal. For protesting of the Ta Fung Dyeing and Weaving Sunday, December 20, 1931: Frozen balances abroad, which were exchange of the latter.
from 1905 to 1913 by 24. from 1919 Factory in West Shanghal struck in pro Assets or the Bonus to the Banks. able for gold on demand. When the fivc. like countless thousands before world wide crisis reached a point, in Relative Backwardness of French to 1926, and from 1913 to 1926, 19. test against the 12 hour day being en Speaker: Carl Skoglund.
Industry Steel output per capita incerased from the face the prospect of Kno Min Tang forced in their plant. Under the threat Sunday, Recember 27, 1931: The Fu May of this year, where the solvency bullets within the next 48 hours. Proof Austria, then of Germany. England Avivid illustration of the state of 1901 to 1913 by 110. from 1913 to 1026, of a summary order from the authorities ture of American Trade Unionism accompanied by the promise of a set. Speaker: Arne Swabeck.
and even the United States was called French industry, and the rate of devel. 15. Rated capacity of steam engines tests to the authorities on behalf of the tlement. they all returned to work three Sunday, January 3rd, 1932: Debate: verted into gold and returned to France. in the official record of the number of mechanization. increased 33 from 1906 into question, these balances were con opment of concentration is to be found per capita (a good all over index of young prisoners have been ignored.
The Chinese municipality of Greater days later. A Farmer Labor Party EmanelShanghai was held under martial law for The Shanghat nuthorities this week pate the Workers Speaker for the Com Banque de France, which amounted to As a result, the gold reservey of the establishments employing 100 persons to 1913, 87 from 1919 to 1924.
Another important indication is sup the entire day. Heavily armed military invaded the quarters of the Chung llwa munist Larague, Vincent Dumne: 53. 678, 000, 000 francs at the end of 1930, and police patrols marched the streets plied by the steadily growing import and a number of Red spects were Book Factory whose workers struck lastP. speakers to be announced.
were up 27 to 67, 844, 000, 000 franes acTable tion of foodstuffs into France, contrary taken into custoils. No major demonweek and were intimidated into return Sunday, January 10, 1932: Tomcording to the statement of Dec. 1931. Industrial Establishments of France to the bourgeois economists insistence! strations took place.
ing to work. The policemen took labor Mooney and the American Frame Up During the same period note circulation Employing over 100 Persona Percent on national self sufficiency. Between Hundreds of Communist delegates began union memberhelp cards from more than System; Speaker: Carl Cowl.
Increased from 76, 436 millions to 82, age to Total Number of Indus 1899 and 1900 fool imports averaged gathering in Southeastern Kingsi to 700 workers Sunday, January 17, 1932: Imperial 542, indicating a slight degree of intrial Establishments from 60 to 80 kilos per capita per year: herald the anniversary and to formulate Ism; What Next. Speaker: Vincent flation in view of the lower industrial 1896 62 between 1909 and 1913, about 110 kilos a definite program on behalf of the ChiSHANGHAI POLICE SUPPRESS Dunne.
activity and declining prices, but on the 70 The lowest that it has run since the war nese Revolution.
STRIKES Sunday, January 24, 1932. DEBATE: whole the financial strength of the 1006 75 WAS 109 kilos in 1021: in 1929 it was SHANGHAY (Fenprecor. Tramcar Evolution or Revolution. Speakers: Banque, measured by the percentage of 161, and the average for 1919 1920 was THE MILITANT workers on times operating in Nantao, a Communist League and Socialist Party gold cover, increased from 63. 17 to over 1921 22 157. kilos.
section of Shanghai native city, launch. to be announced.
57. Including Alsace Lorraine.
On the other hand, the proportion of Published weekly by the Communist ed into a unique go slow strike. runSunday, January 31, 1932: The Pro The disproportion between the finan.
manufactured goods to total exports has ning the lines and permitting all who posed League of America (Opposition)
Rallroad Wage Reductions. clal strength of France and its industrial Considering coul and iron, the two whown a substantial gain. In 1913, would to ride free. Workers of the Speaker: Hedlund.
at 84 East 10th St.
strength, however, is shown by the fact foundations of Industry on the capitalist 10. by weight of all exports consisted Nantao Electric Company also walked! All these lectures and debates will be that during this time, the commercial scale, France ranks sixth among the of manufactured goods; in 1929, 13. EDITORIAL BOARD out. In all. for a space of three days. held at the Workers Open Forum, 1530 banks have been calling in their loans. nations with respect to coal reserves, and in 1980, 13. with an average of Martin Abern James Cannon more than 1, 000 workers were agltating East Franklin Ave. Minneapolls, Minn, reducing their balances with correspon with 32 billion tons or 10 of of 13.
Max Shachtman Maurice Spector openly for better conditions.
The Admission is free.
dent banks, while their own deposits the total. Its position with respect to To import more foodstuffs and to exThe axe fell from the Bureau of Sochave been increasing, all to the end of iron ore reserves is stronger, with an port more manufactured products is Arne Swabeck Entered as second class mail matter tal Affairs of the Shanghat Municipality. ceipt of 90 or more per month gained strengthening their cash resition. The estimated 164 million tons, or 14. typical of the tendency of all capitalist countries, and justifies the prediction November 28, 1928 at the ost Office at The strikes were called suspicious in an increase of 10 per cent; those recely following comparison of outstanding second only to the United States. great part of these ore reserves that the broad trends of capitalism as New York, Under the act of ers were warned to return to their jobs cent, with a considerably larger increase Banque National de Credit, which has which could not be utilized in Bessemer France, subject to the law of uneven view of the national crisis and the working between 60 and 90 gained 25 per largest commercial banks (excluding the however, consist of high phosphorus ore, manifested hitherto will hold good in March 3, 1879.
Vol. IV, 36 (Whole No. 95)
Untrained and dunsupported, practically Though the full demands made were not belleved to run over billion francs. large scale method of steel making untilarities of space and time.
been closed, but whose liabilities are furnaces which were the only important development as affected by special pecuSaturday DECEMBER 19, 1931 all the strikers went back to work with not secured, the result is likely to prove stated in millions, will show how the after 1871. The invention of the ThomasSubscription rate: 00 per year; forno gain to record. notable exception was an added object lesson in the value of banks have been protecting their cash Gilchrist furnace, using a basic lining to FIELD. eigh 50. Five cente per copy.
the Nanteo tram strike. Workers in re the strike weapon. To Be Continued)
Bundle rates, cents per copy the or more 1901 1921 19