BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyEngelsEnglandGermanyImperialismImperialist WarMarxSovietStrikeURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

THE MILITANT WORKERS OF THE WORLD, UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 84 East 10th Street, New York, Entered as second class mail matter, November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March 1879.
VOLUME IV, NO. 36 WHOLE NO. 95 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1931 PRICE CENTS Marine Defense Work Grows Christmas Eve. Affair Hoover Message to Congress Demonstrates Capitalist Bankruptcy and assure Bunker City Railway Union Heads Betray Workers Japanese Intrenched in Manchuria RED CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT New Forces Come to the Assistance of the Defendants IN NEW YORK FOR BENEFIT OF THE MILITANT On Christmas Eve, Thursday, DecemThe Marine Workers Defense Commit also from the Marxian Youth Club.
ber 24, 1931, beginning at P. there tee which has been formed to conduct mass meeting in behalf of the im will be an entertainment for the benefit On December 8, President Hoover de American capitalism, of course, is not standards have been temporarily aban.
the defense of Soderbery, Bunker and prisoned marine workers will be held on of The Militant at the New York League livered his annual message to Congress. yet ready to accept the dole or un doned. Floover explains it all away by Trajer, selected as victims in the New Thursday, January 7, at Webster Hall. headquarters, st East Hoth Street.
The Every worker should be acquainted with employment Insurance even as an add to Baying that businesses the pressions have water Boatmen Union, recorded big son, chairman, Carlo Tresca, Can fair and has arranged for many features, intelligent and thinking worker that in ing class pressure will achieve that as a and are but transitory: progress in its work all along the line non, Ben Gitlow, Muste, and Walter as well as the serving of excellent re Hoover and the ruling capitalist system, demand and gain of a militant working Marx and Engels Corraborated this last week. number of new al. Starrett freshments.
of which he is the official spokesman class. Albeit, when a ruling class can But Hoover does not explain why these filiations of various organizations have It was decided to organize a women been secured and the committe is bel group to carry on special work for the always en pleasing, lively and enter tinue the exploitation of the mass of historicaly outlived. change is due greater depth, with sharper, dislocation The entertainments of the League have there is nothing but contempt for the not ensure the existence of those whom cycles of depression, of cconomic crises, needs for exploitation, that class is occur and at greater frequency, at ginning a genuine united front movement.
take on the proportions of defense among women and to organize and Christmas Eve, the Committee people, no matter by to all who have attended them, a number of affairs for the purpose of what extreme and is being prepared, in this instance of the productive forces and at such treAt the meeting held Wednesday, Dec raising funds, Comrade Rose Karxner has gone to exti efforts to means. The capitalist class has inia by the only force that has nothing to mendously greater sacrifices and misery ember 7, at the headquarters, Fast was placed in charge of this work. Ten good time to all.
down its law: maintain profits; for the lose but its chains and everything to upon the part of the working masses. The Tenth Street a number of practical meathousind leatlets giving an account of workers there will be the crumbs from gain namely, the modern industrial pro reasons do not concern him and his kind, sures to turther the defense were de the case and an appeal for labor solidar Left Opposition are asked to kive their the leading executive and governmental Supporters and sympathizers of the the laden tables of the rich. Hoover, as letariat.
so long as the profit system Itsell, conelded wion, with the enlarge commit ity have been printed and are now being call support to the Christmas Eve gather What does Hoover message tellus tinues.
tee participating. In addition to those distributed among the various affiliated expression of the capitalist class, makes about the world economic crisis? That Marx and Engels, however, decades ago ing. With an evening of fun and div. publie the law of his class.
who have been conducting the work up groups.
the crisis exists which every worker pointed out the inevitability of these to now the following representatives of crsions assured, the comrades will also knows and feels. Unemployment is heavy very developments of today, and proved be giving a necessary assistance to the Vil other organizations were present Bankrupt Capitalism and burdensome he endorses charity that the contradictions inherent in mass liam Buker from the Sidney Youth Organizations maintenance of the weekly Militant.
While Hoover message is a salvo to methods to alleviate the situation. And production and inclividual distribution, of Cohn from the General Defense ComRemember the time: Saturday, December capitalism and a hope for its preserva wages must go down! We take up here production not for us, but for profit, mittee; Muste from the 24, Christmas Eve. tion. of the more outstanding points would finally bring about a collapse of Benson and Hogan from capitalist economy; and that only the the Llonetti from the In The Marine Workers Defense Comiety and its eventual break up. AmeriThe World We Live In proletariat, through the organization of ternational Libertatarlan Defense Committee, with headquarters at 82 East 10th can capitalism, pride and leader of the mittee: Forest Balwards and WRITE TO THE PRISONERS Walter Street, has made public the following world Imperialist nations, is no longer, revolutions. Economic crises only hast.
We are living in an epoch of wars and its economic and political forces, could reconcile this capitalist contradiction by Starrett.
letters from two youth organizations Readers of the Militant are requested as already even more clear in the en the development of imperialist war of social ownership and management of the establishment of an economie system The delegates presented a which have taken a stand for the defense to send letters to the imprisoned mem case of the other capitalist nations, an or its development on a higher scale, letter from Louis Engdahl, General of Soderberg, Bunker and Trajer: bers of the Independent Tidewater Boat historically progressive force. It cannot that is, the proletarinn revolution, 1100vthe means of production and distrubution.
Secretary, stating that it would be glad December 12, 1931. men Union. These workers are shut any further guarantee to massor er cites as a fear, and we as a sign Hoover Internationalism to give assistance to the persecuted mom away from active participation in the wage workers, from whom it must ex of hope the fact that within two years Hoover concern, nevertheless, is with bers of the Independent Tidewater Hout Marine Workers Defense Committee, labor morement, and communications tract its profits, a minimum of subsist there have been revolutions acute noe possible destruction of capitalist soemen Union and that their attorney had East 10th Street, from the outide with messages of solidence and existence.
tal disorders in nineteen countries, emoty. For this reason, the great nationbeen Instructed to get in touch with the New York City.
arity are very important to them. Those The economie crisis, with its outstand bracing more than half the population of alist and American, Flerbert Hoover, be prisoners to offer them assistance. After who can afford to enclose a dollar with ing effect, permanent mass unemploy the world.
comes international minded long enough a discussion of the contents of the letter! Comrades: their letter will thereby help provide ment, has deepencil capitalism contra Though the economic depression. to point out that unless America interthe committee decided by motion that co From newspaper accounts, and on the the prisoners with tobacco and other Jall dictions. It has reduced the standard of says Hoover, has continued and deepen vened in Central Europe, particularly operation from the In the defense basis of information which has come to necessities. The names of the prisoners living of the employed workers, and it ed in every mrt of the world. ten in Germany. it was apparent that with that any cooperation in the case shoula vinced that the arrest of John Solebers and William Trajer. The address is the unemployed, whom it is pushing to external obligations; and in fourteen lapse.
take the form of cooperation with the secretary of the Independent Tidewater City Prison, 101 Center St. New York ward slum proletarianism, dependent countries, embracing a quarter of the But of Soviet Russia, first fortress of existing committee which had been form Boatmen Union, of Thomas upon local relief, charity, etc. Bourbon world population, the former monetary the international proletarian revolution, ed at the express request of the defend and William Trajer, members of that there is not even a mention. There is ants and which had already retained union, is a palpable frame up.
therefore, the continuation of the policy counsel for them.
The charge of dynamiting, we know, CHINESE LABOR FEDERATION Indicating the support which the com is one of the old standbys of the authBLOCKED of bitter hostility, toward, and encouragement of a unity of the forces of reacmittee is mobilizing are letters of suporities when they wish to punish class SHANGHAI Nov. 15. Fenprecor. All tion against the Soviet Republic, port received by the committee from the conscious workers for attempting to orThe wage cut wave is sweeping across emphasis as the genuine rallying slogan And what about so called domestic Intercollegiate Student Council of the ganive. In this case all the marks of attempts on the part of the labor unions policy?
League for Industrial Democracy andl of this city to form a central body is another, decisive, section of the Ameri of the moment. Continue on page 2)
What of unemployment, of The railroad workers first succeeded wages, of working conditions of the being blocked by the Chinese authorities can working class. The weed of bureauon the grounds that it represents an at cracy in the Railroad unions proved to in building up their unions by hard mass of people of the exploited and pertempt on the part of the Reds to gain of the traction bosses. Dispatches report fighting tradition in the American labor be a rather negligible hurdle in the way fought, militant battles. They have a secuted Nekroes of the slexicians?
control of Shanghai labor organizations. that railway labor leaders have become movement At the head of some 60 unions of var. convinced that a cut must come All the hardships, all the The Facts and Results of Mass The devitalizing effects of rationalization Unemployment Provocation Against Soviet Union Fails; China Protest Grows tous sizes, shapes and policies, the conferences in Chicago and the dickers that the capitalist eluss have had on the We are told that the emergencies of Japan has succeeded in her immediate also been luvolved Jeeply in the world Printers Union both militant organiza mings. new betrayal is being consum dation to follow will merely serve as trim lot of American labor through consoli unemployment have been met by action objectives in Manchuria. She remains economic crisis, and speed up are especially in many directions that public and pri tions, although not especially distinguish mated. If there is to be any resistance. shared by the railrou men. Kailroads, vate agencies were successfully mobilArmly lodged there, as predicted in The Japan victory Militant. Her steady display and use of prove a pyrrhie oue. It presents itselred by any revolutionary character, at the railroad workers must take their the transportation industry is one of the ized last winter to provide employment Manchuria will yet tempted this week to organize a Gencentral pivots of United States trade and other measures against distress.
military force achieving her aims in Manchuria, have uria virtually entirely in its possession of the Shanghai General Labor Union.
her intransigeance in before capitalist judgment with Mauchleral Labor Federation along the lines late into their own hands assurance To justify their demands for pay re The position of the railrond workers is similar organisations wives brought about the capitulation, at pre and, by capitalist standards, possession This matter was the actively revolution duction, the bosses are presenting all therefore of strategie importance from against suffering during the coming Winsent, of China, the League of Nations and is nine tenths of the law. But the diary labor organ which existed here in prove how heavy the burden of the Their reaction to the attack of the masBut the claims are even greater, The the United States possessed will learn how to deal with 1927 and which was stamped out with crisis has borne down on the profits, ter class will be of great significance Public Health Service. maintains HoorThe League of Nations formulated (12. bourgeois standards, every other vestige of the Revolution how insignificant is the sacrifice asked for the working class of the entire commer. shows an actual decreuse of sickness 10 31) an innocuous resolution on the The Movement In China when Chiang Kai Shek won control of Their decision to fight will show and infant general mortality below norSino Japanese conflict Manchurin in China itself, the rising wrath of the Nationalist movement in that year. y prove, if they prove anything at all, the way to the rest.
mal years. No greater proof could be which Japan readily accepted, and China the workers and students has been as Although no evidence was produced to is the not at all surprising inefficiency adduced that our people have been proFor The Six Hour Day Against accepted because there was no other serting itself in demonstrations aguinst show the alleged Red character of and waste of capitalist control their tected from hunger and cold.
Wage Cuts mention the decisive question of the skin puricular. The students have de Tang authorities, fearful of any unity of soclety. small sacrifice on the bard and struggle they must if they do not the existence of ten or more millions of These statements are appalling. What struggle against the new wage cuts are the facts? Has anyone disproved tar as the moment is concerned, they are purticipants on one occasion, for a more China largest industrial center, are among all the tigures are the more than want to be reduced to sheer starvation, unemployed in the United States? How Japan to have and to hold. The much uetermined struggle by China against closing down bard on the proposition and half a million unemployed and the 600 will mean a struggle against the ho does tloover explain away the fact that, talked of commission of inquiry into at the Japanese invaders of Manchuria. it is expected to die unborn.
fairs in Manchuria and China has no ac strike of workers are suppressed or with? Where the tremendous increase course of open, class conflicts they will hunger and want are apparent every tual power, will make inquiries over outlawed by decree. The Chinese gov in the per capita output of railway labor quickly realize the necessity of a bronder where that men, women and children a period of time, and then incorporate crnnent continues the policy of White political vision, their class consciousness dig in garbage cans to find something them into an official record for time Terror against the labor movement and The Sell Out At Chicago and that of the class as a whole will to eat? It is a fact that millions, under dusty files. Meanwhile, the Japanese Thousands of railroad workers are out inevitably grow.
especially against the Communists. kethe best of capitalist circumstances, remilitary forces are to evacuate Manchcent despatches from China show efforts of jobs, thousands more are working It is up to the railroad men today, to main permanently in the army of unemuria has speedily as possible. a speed of the workers to revive and vitalize for less than a miserly 20 a week, but take up the fight with the demand for ployed, dne to elimination from industry which will make a snail pace look like their labor organizations, so brutally still the mismanagement of the boss class the Six Hour Day as their central slogan. by the machine and technical develop that of a harrier. China and Japan are and cruelly destroyed by Chiang Kali is to be taken out on the hides of the By a determined fight, they can give a ment. Starvation and poverty while to continue direct negotiations for set shek and Co. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. number of workers. 10 percent cut is hanging powerful impulse to the campaign for granaries overflow: overproduction of tlement of the disputes.
Unemployment Insurance, other commodities is overwhelming. That The Kuo Min Tang Betrayers lectures, meetings and banquet have been over their heads. Meanwhile their sell Workers Nothing Settled In the face of the attitude of the work. arranged for comrade Arne Swabeck. styled leaders in Chicago and else aganist speed up and for the defeat ofis the social economy of capitalism. How S, are these to be cared for?
Fundamentally nothing 15 settled in ers, peasants and students, the Kuo Min how on tour for the Communist League where are occupied only with the ways the boss offensive.
The concern of Hoover over the chilManchuria. The last word is yet to be any has been trying to unite its force. stay in the Twin Cities. The following swallow this bitter pill. And in this, of America (Opposition) during his and means of making the rank and file dren is enough to cause one to shed said: and that will be said neither by The two main factions, that of Nanking.
the captains of industry are more tears. But evidently president Hoover the Japanese imperialists, the League of Loaded by Chiang Kal shek, and Canton, lists some of the affairs arranged: than willing to lend their labor lleut OPEN FORUM does not bother himself with the facts.
Nations, the United States, nor yet by headed by the opportunist Eugene Oben, FIRST LECTURE enants a helping hand.
The United States Health Service has the Chinese bourgeoisie but by the Chi Sun Fo, Wang Chin wei, have held mi The Rise and Fall of the MacDonald For bargaining purposes as one boss recently declared that more than six nese and Manchurian masses, the Japnication meets, but thus far without suc Government in England, and the Role of sheet expresses it the bosses will demillions of the school children are sufferanese and all other exploited people. On cess. Both feel the necessity ok bour the Farmer Labor Party In Minnesota, cide to. officially demand a 15 perLecture by ing from mal nutrition, making them that day there will real evacuation of geois unity to beat down the working by Arne Swabeck. TIME: Sunday, Deccent wage eut. And so allow Robertson JAMES CANNON easy victims of many serious diseases.
all exploiters.
mases una to continue with the system ember 27, 1931, at P. PLACE: Hall, and his ilk to palm of the voluntary Hospital report an alarming rise in In one important respect in the day of exploitation, but they have not been 1530 East Franklin Ave. Minneapolis. acceptance of a 10 per cent cut as types of physical trouble due to under to day events, neither the Japanese nor able to agree on the division of the SECOND LECTURE a victory in the eyes of the deceived and nourishment, and all schools are reportthe other imperialist powers have been spoils. As we go to press, there is reing a marked decline of mental alertness successful. They could not provoke the ported President The Left Opposition and the Economie pillagel mass of railway workers. The Soviet Republic into the war and thus Cuiang Kai Shek is head of Chiuese Na Crists by Arne Swabeck. TIME: Mon lavere en medication Folge concilia with photos and the World Crisis among the pupils and a marked appear make easier the atms of the bourgcolletionalist government. This dues not day, December 28, 1931, at Hoover means by proof of protection to unite forces in an onslaught for the change anything essentially.
PLACE: Labor Lyceum, 1426 Sixth Ave. But already pressure from below is mak.
ing itselt telt.
at the from hunger and cold. overthrow of the first Workers Republic, Labor Temple But of course, this representative of That is an evidence of the base desire ofference between these two bourgeois fac There is of course no principle dir nue No. Minneapolis.
Strike Votes The admission for both lectures is 14th Street and Second Avenue Wall Street declares himself opposed to The maintenance of way employees of the workers for peace. But it does not thons: both of them capitulate before 25 cents. There will be questions and any direct or indirect government dole mean that continued provocations and the imperialists Jupan, United States. discussions All workers are cordially the Chicago and Northwestern Railway Friday December 18, 1931 or unemployment insurance. Insurance and protection are only for the bosses.
always so unchallenged by the outraged their hatred, oppression and exploitation pices of the Communist League of Am. the misteaders have succeeded tu canalHoover Is For Wage Reductions QUESTIONS and DISCUSSION working masses of the Soviet Union and Chiua tollig masses; both destroy erica (Opposition. Minneapolis Brauch. izing the strike sentiment into the al On the questions of wages, Hoover now the entire world.
together harmless path of donanding ADMISSION: 25 Cents labor organizations and forces their BANQUET openly espouses the wage cutting camthat the bosses consent to mediation. But Unemployed Work Adi ted Free Nor is Japan immediate position at unious, political parties, etc. both murpaign and forgets his verbinge of some home at roy one. Despite efforts, among der labor militants and conimunists.
For Saturday, December 26, 1931, at the deeper force behind the vote is what them the steady export of gold to bolster Both countenance betrayal and traitor P. the Minneapolis Branch of the is important, for it is a sign that the Auspices. New York Branch Communist time ago for the maintenance of the exe League of America (Opposition)
Isting wage standaril. le pays, in apolthe yen and to maintain the gold stan, ous conduct to the foreign enemy, rather league bas arranged a JOINT BAN broad strata of the union membership ogia for the employers, that a large majority of them have maintained wages dard, Japan on December 13 joined than risk the loss of their privileges to QUET to take place at Hoberman are growing restless and contemplating.
EXPIRATION OF SUBSCRIPTION at as high level as the safe conduct of England and other nations and went off the plundered workers. Witness the re Hame, 1326 Queen Avenue No. for the action.
It is necessary to point out in all the gold standard. Speculation with the negacy of the Chinese general Ma, who coming Jewish paper of the Left Oppoal sharpness the danger involved in these or under, your subscription has expired. now full sanction to proceed with wage If the number of your wrapper is 95 their business would permit. There is yen has been continuous. Trade been stagnant; the boyont of Japanese has now become Japan puppet there. tion. Everyone is invited to attend. Ela fake manquyers to stem the resentment to ensure that you do not miss a single cute in all directions, and the railroad gools by China has had sharp effects and The Chinese bourgeoisle have said noth borate preparations have been made to of the workers as well as to raise the issue of The Militant, send in your re barons are acting rapidly to effect such there has been a low of trade in othering about this, except to deprecate and time. The admission is 25 cents, assure everyone a lively and pleasing banner of the struggle for the Six Hour newal immediately to The Militant, 84 wage cuts.
directions, plus the fact that Japan has Day Without Reduction in Pay, with all East 10th St. New York, Continue on page Coutinued on page 4)
Minneapolis Attention!
The Soviet Union