AnarchismBolshevismCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsEnglandFascismGermanyImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismNational LiberationStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1931 EDITORIAL NOTES Tasks of the Left Opposition in England and India Some Critical Remarks on an Unsuccessful Thesis of the working along taken place decide remise oppositectomi Railroads in Wage ON WHICH SIDE?
THE OPPOSITION ON THE EVE OF GREAT ADVANCES The defense of workers under persccution by the state authorities of capital In the beginning of the year that is Two comrades, Ridley and Chandu derby Metaphysics runs. The reformists, dictions. If the trade union is a vicious pose for a short time only the dicta ism for their activity in the labor move now drawing to a close the Coumunist Ram, have worked out theses, dedicated have not always betrayed the workers imperialist substance from below to torship of the proletariat, uniting around ment is a class question, and therefore Longue began an upward swing under to the situation in England, the left in certain perlods and under certain con above, in all epochs and periods, so like it the poor peasantry. But from these question of principle. It makes no the sign of a planned program of ex. Opposition, and its relations to the Com. ditions, the reformists carired through wise the Comintern is for our innovators perspectives, which are absolutely cordifference what the opinions or affilia pansion. The plan worked out in almost intern. The authors consider themselves some progressive work, insuficienta vicious bureaucratic substance. The inrect, it is still a long way to affirm that tlons of the prisoners may be. Blows every detail. The reestablishment of supporters of the Left Opposition despite though it be. The epoch of Imperialist per processes of the Comintern, the to India is already ripe for the dictator directed against them are in reality dirthe weekly Militant, the organization of their having serious differences with it. decline snatches the bottom from under evitable contradiction between the mass ship of the proletariat, that the Indian issue there are only two sides, and there of full time staff, the publication of the times, the necessity of an open and free sts. Insofar as they are forced to at paratus, are entirely left out of contory illusions, etc. No: before Indian is only one question to answer: On International in English, the placing of inner criticism. That is absolutely cor tach themselves to the movement of the sideration in their calculations. The Communism stands a not yet nearly bo which side do you stand?
organizers in the field, and the national rect. This free and open criticism we masees, betray it at a certain stage authors ask us: Do we believe that the sun tack. The Bolshevik Leninists in Influence of our India must accomplish an immense, tenThis questin of principle is now com lecture tour all these projects of the will employ, therefore, in relation to Even so, the masses accept the conduct bureaucracy under ing to the front most insistently in the plan are today a reality. And as a re thelr own theses.
of the reformists. To this living con. thesis will surrender their interests? aclous, daily and difficult work. Ono case of Soderberg. Bunker, and Trajer, sult of these achievements the American Great Britain is at the present, ception of the masses, the authors op And is such a supposition to be de must penetrate into all organizations of One must educate pose the theory of the original sin of scribed as idealism or materialism. 10 the working class.
water Boatmens Union, who have been the same as it was a year ago it is Democracy and Fascism. Democracy able in that it does not allow a be Imitable Irony, not observing that their the first cadresi poate Workers Communparts selected for victimization in the New stronger in organization, more fortified and Fascism are here considered as two trayer to be called a betrayer.
York dynamite plot. In reality the in principle and more confident of its abstractions without any social deterown posing of the question must be char sale life of the workers and their or acterized as lifeless metaphysics. ganizations. One must study the relaframe up is directed against their union, future. Only one stem of the expansion minants. Evidently, the authors wish to The Road of the Workers Toward and by that fact, against the entire program remains unfulfilled the theor say: British Imperialism prepares itself The bureaucracy is very strong, but tions existing between the cities and the Revolution wotking class. The members of the etical magazine. Our failure by approx. to free her dictatorship from the deit is certainly notas omnipotent as rural districts.
Since 1920, the trade unions have lost Ridley and Ram believe. In the have not been deceived by the imately five bundred dollars to collect composing parliamentary covering, and more than 40 of their membership. The the sharpening contradictions of the First Tasks First attempt to pass off the frame up as the estimated two hundred dollar fund to enter upon the path of open and authors, therefore, say that in the course economic development pose ever more grammatical and tactical theses are necTo fulfill such a work, naturally, proprosecution of individual criminals. compelled us to cross the project off for naked violence. In general this is true of the next two years they will lose an before the millions of members of the essary. But it would be incorrect to The union has already taken a decided the time being. In all other respects the but only in general. The present gov other 40. When these 80 of workers Party and Youth, the fundamental ques begin to work with the convocation of stand on the case. It has recognized program was realized.
erment is not an Anti Parliamentary come to Communism, comrades Ridley tions of program and tactics. Insofar an international conference over the ques.
that the fight against the frame up is In the meantime new developments and Government, on the contrary, it has re and Ram can say: the prophet need not as the bureaucrats will not be able to dion of India, as our authon propose.
fight for its own existence as an or new advances the fruit of our system ceived an unheard of parliamentary sup go to the mountain when the mountata solve these contradictions, the millions conference without sufficient preparaganization and has made the defense atte planed work of the year are crowd port from the nation. Only the in. oemes to the prophet. But insofar as of Communists and young Communists tion will produce nothing.
of Soderberg, Bunker and Trajer its own. ing upon vs unannounced and urging a crease of the revolutionary movement in we know, this is not so. Ridley and Ram will be forced independently to think of Left Oppositionists will occupy themIt the Indian The question now presents itself catereorientation of our work with a stil England can force the government to have not a dozen workers behind them. their solution. To these masses we sayselves with the selection of recent magorically: For the boat owners, the pola broader and more optimistic perspec tread the path of naked, ultra parliamen: The trade unions still embrace millions today, and we will say tomorrow: The terial and working it up, or at least fce, and the agent provocateur on the tive The planned program of expansion, tary violence. This will without doubt of workers who in 1026 demonstrated Centrist bureaucracy conquered the ap translate it into one of the European one side or, for the Tidewater Boat besides attaining its immediate objectives, take place. But at the present time this that they are capable of carrying on paratus of the Party, thanks to certain languages (strikes, demonstrations, cenmens Union and its persecuted memis already beginning to bear fruit in is not so. To place today the question a revolutionary struggle. We must look historie conditions.
bers on the other. An ordinary trade tangible advances which were not plan of Faselsm on the first plane is not here for the workers where they are to be Communists, hold to the Party, not in thel and the political groups of the different But you, workerters of the peasant movement, the parties union militant who has been through few fights with the boss class, to say time. number of new ned, nor even hoped for in so short a motivated. Even from the standpoint os found today, and not where they may name of the bureaucrats but in the name classes, the activity of the Comintern, nothing of an enlightened class consci, which were not directly contemplates, whatevernment sur le dog and as the speak the power andrede Toon onder om die possible revolutionary future. We such an important work, greatly facilideciding where he stands The first of these fret chronologically in our opinion, proceed from the idea which the future revolutionary dictator workers do not leap from organization boration of the program and tactics of past there is a great deal of blice and first in importance and significance that fascism represents a diferent and ship will create, but rather to the pre to organization with lightness, as Indiv. the proletarian vanguard in India.
As in all anti labor frame ups of the propaganda being carried on to becloud was the establishment of Young Spar specific form of the dictatorship of sent English worker. without whom toidual students. We Bolsheviks Leninists!
One must begin with the building of the issue and confuse the workers. This tacus, the voice of the Opposition youth, Ance capital, but it is absolutely not speak of the dictatorship of the proletar are fully ready to help you worse a serious nucleus of the Left Opposipropaganda has its unconscious mouth the first youth paper to make its appear identical with the imperialist dictator lut signifies playing with phrases.
When the Party of Communists regenerate the Party.
pleces in the labor movement. In the zation of the Left Opposition. The found Mosely and the Guild of St. Michael path of the insurrection in one leap. Party are millions of workers.
The catCan in reality the workers enter the Supporting the German Conmunist tion of Indian comrades, who really stand upon the point of view of the Bol.
early days of the Mooney case and also In the acco Vanzetti case we saw the ing of Youne Spartacus, and simultane represent the beginning ot fascism, as without in the preceding period deep astrophic crisis in Germany places beshevik Leninists.
thesis precisely TROTSKY.
same thing People who are nalveously with it the organization of the total satility of both named groups that ening its struggle against capitalism, fore it revolutionary problems as probonough to believe anything they are tola Marxian Youth Club under the aegis o shows how unwise it is to reduce al. without radicalizing themselves, their lems of life or death. On this ground Kadikoy, November 7, 1931 by the frame up cing withbold their the Opposition there are the true signs help from defense, And to these of the invincible vitality of the Marx ready today the whole perspective to methods of struggle and their organiza without doubt will develop a deeper and the imminent coming of fascism.
How can the revolutionization deeper Ideological struggle in the Party.
deceived ones must be added those who ist wing of the movement.
slander the prisoners at the time of their evidences of Opposition progress in other To this will soon be added two more The Kerensky Period for Great Britain of the trade unions, without reflecting remain on the side, they will become In the analysis of the present situa itself inside of the trade unions, without transformed into a powerless, lamentable greatest need in order to cover up and fields. The 15th of December will marktion in England, we should not preclude changing its physiognomy, and failing to sect, however, they participate hul Cut Drive Justify their own treachery and coward the first appearance of Communistes, the variants through which the rule of call forth a selection of new leaders? the inner ideological struggles of the of the Communist League conservatism will pass, not directly ice. One of the first tasks in defending official Ownguage; and following the dictatorship of open violence, but lginated on the fundamentals of the cap part despite all expulsions, they to If it is true, that the trade unions or Party, of which they remain an integral (Continued from page 1)
worked in a case of this kind is to in the will tear the mask from the face of these that, the publication of a Jewish paper will put forward, as a result of a swift italist super profits of Great Seniority rights to older railroad men and Britain win an enormous influence among the in the service are gradually being pushed is scheduled for January 1st. The enor parliamentary dislocation to the left, and this is so to a limited degree proletarian kernel of the Party.
them up in their true light before the mous significance of these two events through any block of Henderson and so, must the destruction of the superaside. The manifesto points out that workers.
The British Communist Party needs no elucidation. They are the first Lloyd George, a transitory government profits radicalize the trade unions, un technological changes, reducing total The people who went around whisper concrete indications of the No; the Left Opposition has no reason volume of employment, have limited slow but of the British Kerensklade. Lloyd George derstood, of course, from below and not ing that Mooney and Billings were really steady growth of our influence among counts, manifestly, on the inevitable Left from above, understood in the struggle call for within the cominterneven employees. Increased traffic cannot to tread the path which Ridley and Ram seniority protection to fewer and fewer gifilty. and who did the same thing the foreign language elements of the turn, of open opinion. and, precisely against the leaders and traditions. This when one does not consider the u. meet the situation. The employers would in regard to Sacco and Vanzetti when Communist movement. The roots of our therefore, does not fear to rematu today struggle will be all the more successful are to be found terris of thousands not even consider the mild proposal of the case first broke, have their counter movement are spreading wide and going in a futile minority. In what degree if the Communists participate in it.
parts in the case of the marine work deep. In all these developments we see the British Kerenskiade is probable, how of workers who have lived through ser the Brotherhoods for the adoption of ers now facing trial. This treacherous the proof that the conditions are matar. durable it will be, etc. depends on the as to identify the struggle for the trade of disillusionments, and are forced to ance and for ckctive workmen com The authors of the thesis go so far ious experiences through a whole stream federal legislation for retirement Insurpropaganda was strongest at the momenting for a transformation of the form and further development of the economie unions with the Anglo Russian Commit search for correct answers to all funda pensation. Indeed, the employers will when the prisoners were first arrestea clearacter of our organization. There is crisis, on the tempo of the bankruptey tee. An overwhelming argument! The mental questions of polities. We must give nothing that they are not comped third degree, when they appeared to be toward breaking out of the narrow cori. Is, upon the speed of the radicalization and Company that through the political back to them. It would be very sad proposals, there must be a demand, link alone and friendless with no one speak for them or to help them. But any rate we are moving in that direction.
to fines of a purely propaganda body. At of the masses.
friendship with Citrine, Purcell, Cook, if the critical members of the official ed with the struggle for the six hour since the defense movement began to That is what these events foreshadow. appears, must for its own part, uncover were hindered from unmasking these that the opinions of Ridley and kam in pay, for genuine unemployment in Obviously, the Kerensklade, when it et al, the Communists in the trade unions British Communist Party would imagine day and day week with no reduction take shape, and the union rallied its forces for the fight, the voluntary helpers and other industries and by the governof the prosecution have begun to beat a which is by no means a one sidedly opti the bourgeoiste along the road of open bring forth a new discovery To unite represent the opinions of the Left Op surance paid for entirely by the railroad activities and naked violence. In this case, the with the betrayers and to unmask them ated as the issue is brought clearly into in themselves involve the organization English workers must convince them before the masses are one and the same (4) The authors of the thesis accusement, and to be administered through labor agencies.
the open and the honest workers rally in crisis which expresses itself most selves that thelr Monarchy is not just thing. Can we take such arguments the Left Opposition, especially the AmTo the ples of the Brotherhoods that erican League, of absurdly over rating acutely on the financial side. It is aan Innocent and decorative Institution. seriously?
around the banner of labor solidarity the Importance of the British Coinmunist the rights of the workers be preserved Lenin Dictum: Work In All Labor In a previous issue we called atten erials of growth, to be sure, but it effects the King power will inevitably become Party. In no way do we over rate it in the consolidation of the rallroads that tion to the abominable statement of the our work most seriously at the moment the center of the united imperialist counOrganizations importance. The last elections sufficient is going on apace, the Rallway Employ.
Daily Worker on the case the statement just the same. The new advances are ter revolution well grounded in all the circumstances The American comrade, Glotzer, in ly, clearly and openly exhibited the weakers Executive gave a brusqe reply. Preslof A profound error is to be found in speaking of the necessity of working ness of the British Communist Party. Alent Willard stated that the carrier ery. Some clements in the They cannot be postponed, but they also the second paragraph, directed against in the trade union organizations for thelr But the Left Opposition in Great Britain presidents were not in complete accord whose atm. in fines the demonstrate abilities on the still limited number of our the object of their capture, which for to the samphlet de Lenin Infantile than this weak party. Ram and Ridley wuld be done about the matter.
weaker on this question. and hence nothing Totten as Stalinist bureaucrats. supporters These Labor Heads and Bosses Congratulate character in the Dec. 1st issue orl upon our comrades understanding this 4ecording to the thought of the thesis, this comrades Ridley And Ram answer are nobody but individuals who are not brought out a statement of the trade unions from their origin re with four objections: bound up with the struggle of the pro Solidarity. But this brought and meeting it with the necessary addi present Imperialist organizations.
It is a striking commentary that the (a) They ask for arguments and not letariat. Have they really attempted to union head, Robertson, could say, conThey can live so long as they benefit a reaction from the members tional activity and sacrifice.
appeals to authorities. This is true. But draw an honest criticism of the Party cerning the conferences, that there had in New York which is worthy of emuby the super profits of British capital Where is their activity? Where are lation by the Communist workers in the Ism: now, when her privileged position the pamphlet of Lenin contains many their program thenes? Have they belal been no comment that any action arguments which their thesis entirely 18 forever lost, the trade unions can only woull be or taken by rail ranks of the party. Here is a copy of a IN THE NEXT ISSUE discussions with the rank and fle of the way managements to provide any sub telegram sent to Industrial Solldarity: disappear. To struggle to capture the fails to answer. b) The authors deny Roman Catholic arty? Have they tried to convert them stantial measure of relief of the present Membership here demands retraction What Constitutes Revolutionary present trade unions is nonsense. The revolutionary dictatorship will, in the dogma of infallibility. We agree with and win them to their support? Have intolerance conditions. Railway Ago, of article signed pertaining to Situation? by Leon Trotsky.
or that. But we counsel them to begin with am and Ridley, out of the 70, 000 voters (11 28 31. But railroad president, victims on water front in recent Solid The Situation in Germany Dan proper time build new economic arity. Soderberg. Trajer, and Bunker, gerous Strategie Error of the Communist ganizations.
a criticism of the infallibility of their for the official Party, 700 or even 70 Mr. Willard could say that the conown gospel.
supporters? But in spite of this they ferences had been carried on in a fine have pleaded not guilty. We consider Party by Erwin Bauer.
The British Trade Unions Thefr Past ere ready to organize the 4th Interna spirit of friendship and that the discusaccusation against them an injustice Many other special features on (c) Lenin was neither Gol nor antonal: The proletariat must believe in ons had been wholly devoid of any unand Future Non marine workers. defense events in the American and Internation infallible Pope! This is a repetition of them implicitly by credit, that they are pleasantness. To which labor leader In this judgment there is nothing new.
committee defending cases should be the preceding al labon and Communist movement. It renews long ago clarified and rejected Pope, Lenin successfully argument. Without really capable of building an Interna Robertson replied in kind in his letter to given support. Letter from victims folstruggled tional and to lead it.
Every intelligent and class conscious propositions. The trade unions are not lows. Seco, General Mr. Willard: You have listened courExecutive worker wishes to be fully informed on considered by the authors as the historie against Metaphysics and sectarianism.
Board Member. a) Lenin wrote in the year 1920: abiolutely wrong. To this we must add cussed them to some extent. Thus The entire posing of the question teously to our propositions and have disWe also know of the protests that working class developments. The MIli organization of the British proletariat, the situation since then has changed con that it the Left Opposition entertained our railroad Damon and Pythias. The the best English paper for that which reflects its destiny, but as a creahave been made by Party members along purpose. Read and subscribe to The tion which from its inception is penesiderably. But the authors, abstain from this pernicious error and decided to exploiter of labor and the betrayer of the same line against the position taken Militant trated with the sin of imperialism. But explaining in what these changes really create today a 4th International, com labor have every reason to be cordidal by the Daily Worker. These are signs the trade unions have had their rich consist, aside from considering thelr al rades Ridley and Ram, who differ with that the rank and fle militants are going lusion to the diminishing membership of us on all fundamental questions, must receive 10 and 15 wage cuts.
to one another. It is not they who will and instructive history. They had proto say their word on this case and that EXPIRATION OF SUBSCRIPTION It is going to be in favor of the de If the number of your wrapper is 93 vlously carried on a herole struggle for the trade unons, which does not have al openly and immedidately build a 5th InRailruders! Prepare For Struggle ternational tendants and not of the prosecution or under your subscription has expired. iously participated in the Chartist Movethe right to organization. They glor decisive significance.
Railroad men! Another betrayal 18 We see that the arguments of the suThis is the hope of the imprisoned mem To ensure that you do not miss a single ment. They led the struggle for the thors have an extremely abstract and The Movement In India being prepared for you by your leaders.
bers of the boatmens union in their de issue of The Militant, send in your reshorter working day, and these struggles even a purely formal character. The al(5) The paragraph which concerns it The further and final destruction of sperate trouble. It is also the hope of newal immediately to The Militant, 84 were recognized by Marx and Engels as luston to the year 1920 is in direct opself with India, also suffers an extra your unions, built by decades of militant the militant labor movement.
Fast 10th St. New York, having great historical importance. position to the fundamental thoughts of ordinary abstraction. It is absolutely struggles, is being prepared for you by number of trade unions entered the first the thesis. It the trade unions from Indisputable that India can accomplish the bosses, joined by the false leaders of International. Als, history does not their origin were and remain to this its full national Independence only labor. Your militant resistance is the Read! Subscribe!
exist for our authors. In all their opin day pure imperialist organixations incap through really great revolution which only answer.
fons, there is not a drop of dialectics. able of revolutionary deeds, the allusion will put in power the Indian proletariat.
The rank and file must build their They imit themselves under metaphys to the year 1020 los all signitcance. We Another path of development is Imaglo movements around the central slogan TO cal principles: Fascism. Democracy. would have to say simply that the atti able only, in this case, if the proletarian of the six hour day and five day week. Imperialistic organizations. To the tude of Marx, Engels and Lenin was revolution in England comes to victory without reduction in pay. It is living and real processes they. oppose false to the roots.
an event, the national liberation of In e the main slogan for the preservation of the their discoveries.
The Loft Opposition and the Comintern dia would come before one must sup meeting the burning needs of all rallPublished by the National Youth Committee, Communist League of We hear from them that the leaders America (Opposition. 3) The third paragraph 18 dedicated of the trade unions did not betray the to the Comintern. The authors stand road workers. The Minneapolis Rallroad General Strike of 1026: To acknowledge for the creation of a 4th International. the elections are not the only and preslogan, leads the way. Learn from It is now necessary to repeat that Council, built around this central YOUNG SPARTACUS them as betrayers would indicate to and, here too, manifest the fundamental cise masure of influence 84 East 10th Street New York, acknowledge that they were previously quality of their thoughts: absolute meta gles a real revolutionary Party always to bulld a movement for militant raw In the strug them; work with them; unite with them Enclosed please find fifty. 50) cents for one year subscription: revolutionary. See what kind of a physics. We reply that Engels, after shows itselt far more strongly than in road unionism one that will make it Name.
Hegel, understood metaphysics as con parliamentary elections. Nevertheless, possible to drive the betrayers of labor have just received the Demissionsidering phenomenon, fact, power, tend the statistics of the votes are a very out of your ranks. Unite the ranks of Address Letter of Lloyd George to his parlia encles, etc. as unchangeable substances, worthwhile indication of tne strength or railroad labor. Prepare for struggle Olty.
mentary Party which totally confirms and not as developing processes and, weakness of polical parties. Only en against the bosses!
this supposition.
therefore, developing in constant contra archists can ignore these indicadons. MARTIN ABERN.
the tant is the Young Spartacus State