AntifascismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyItalyLeninismMarxismRussian RevolutionSovietSpainStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorking Class

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1931 THE MILITANT PAGE IN THE INTERNATIONAL OF LABOR Reviews and News of the Working Class and Revolutionary Movements The Black Shirt Dictatorship Perspectives of the Crisis in France Economic. Social Changes and Prospects ENGLAND AT THE CROSS ROADS be turn of fascism. This task demands of us a flexible tactic, capable of bringing us closer to the masses and taking them away from the influence of the bourgeois The Problems of Revolutionary Struggle in Italy anti fascist parties, whose hold, even among the working class, it would be childish to deny.
Italian fascism has recently celebrated would be to deceive oneself grossly. The activities of these parties, on the the tenth anniversary of its coming to would say, rather, that the dilemma because they pose before the masses aims contrary, are the more dangerous to us power. At the end of October 1922, the which poses itself presently before the which seem to them easier to attaa; which began to manifest itselt in the indicated by the yields of new securities and (37 in October, 1030: Wholesale fascist coup Etat gave the Italian bour masses is, Fascism or anti fascism. On so that in the last analysis they act as United States in July, 1920, did not ser offered to the public, declined from prices dropped still faster, being 423 The world wide crisis of capitalism over the world. The cost of new capital, against 588 in the preceding month geolsle new means of explotting and dom. this question have noticed your discuss a brake on the revolutionary forces. lously affect French economy until the 38 in 1929 to 60 in 1930, indicat in October, 1931 against 137 in Septeminating the working masses. Since this sions with the Center and foresce the all this is elementary.
time, the situation of the masses has objections which can be made against the lesson of the events in Spain?
Is it not also latter part of 1930. At the present time, ing the abundance of capital and the ber and 619 in October of last year. The grown continually worse. All their vic my statement.
with a false dawn of recovery appear confidence of the bourgeoisie.
tories, the result of a half century of Bank cost of new capital, which had declined Lessons From Various Countries The Issue: Fascism or Communism ing in England on account of inflation, ruptcles showed only a small increase, as low as 10 by February of this year, struggle and sacrifice both on the politi The objection will be made that we revolutionary We think so. If it is true that the and in a few partial and temporary from a monthly average of 508 in 1920 has been rising steadily 60 in June cal and the economie field, were swept Spanish workers must manifestations in the United States, the to an average 521 in 1930. In foreign and July, 75 in August, in Septaway by brutality and violence cannot talk of true anti fascism without never forget our Italian experience of trend in France continues downward. trade, imports showed a small increase ember. Bankrupteles amounted to 1, 005 What is the present situation in Italy giving it a true class content, a prole 1919 20, and must cut off the road to ans What is the Hkelihood that the crisis in from 59, 461, 000 tons in 1929 to 60, 759, in October, 1931, nearly twice the monthTetar ned when theres samarade, recently etal form of dictatorship of Italian capting the tasks which the Spanish rev sharper, even in the face of the begin somewhat from 39, 008, 000 tons in 1928 september, 1981. Foreign trade for the tarian content; that fascism is the spe trae fascist dictatorship by accomplish France may continue to grow deeper and 000 tons in 1930, while exports decreased ly average of last year, against 675 in Unemployment is terrible. Among evolution; that to overthrow fascism 18 of the bourgeoiste, Installation of the The survival or partial stabilisation of talism under present conditions of its olutlon puts before them (expropriatlon nings of an industrial upturn elsewhere? to 36, 750, 000 tons in 1930.
workers families, there are few who therefore to overthrow capitalism, first eight months of 1931 has shown In the course of 1931, the picture has a sharp decline in exponts against the have jobs. Relief amounts to nothing that the dilemma, fascism or anti tasc true that the Italian Communists must in England and in Germany has been is still rapidly downward. Steel productonnage from 24, 787, 000 tons to 20, 390, 80 dictatorship of the proletariat. it is also capitalist economy in the United States, changed considerably, and the tendency corresponding period of last year, in and when the relief chest is empty, even ism, has no other meaning in practice learn the lesson of the events in Spain. based on attacks on the standard of tion in September, 1931 was 654, 000 tons 000, and in value from 20, 300, 000, 000 ed. Small business is completely ruined.
than the dilemma, fascism or commun Whether it to Italy or Spain or Germany, living of the workers, whose resistance against 680, 000 in August 1931, 801, 000 francs to 20, 070, 000, 000, Ism.
The wages of those who work are very only the dictatorship of the proletariat, has on the whole been limited and sportons in January 1931 and while imports an average have fallen of relatively little in ton All this is correct and perfectly clear the proletarian reyolution, can guaran. adic. In France the problem has not of 783, 000 tons for all 1980. Retail prices nage from 40, 313, 000 low, and they talk of still further cuts.
to 30, 910, 000 large number factories have been for us communists. But it must be tee the workers against a fascist dicbeen poned in its full forms because of in October, 1981, were 571 of pre warl (Continued on page 2)
closed, with no improvement in sight. In made just as correct and clear for the tatorship. But the proletariat can come the delay in the outbreak of the crisis, the country, poverty is still worse. Poor masses, and we have not yet gotten so out the victor only if the Communiste but already the strikes in the textile, markets and bad crops have Anished the far. The masses have not yet followed know how to conduct a consistent rev. and metallurgical industries indicate ruin of thousands of peasants who will the entire proces with understanding. olutionary struggle, combining the strug a high degree of militancy among the Economic Crisis Hits Workers of Greece not be able to pay even a part of their The daily news of the Special Tribunal gle for immediate economic and political rank and file. further sharpening of taxes this year. From all parts of Italy increases every day the general sympathy demands with the struggle for the over the crisis and an attempt on the part Dear Friends. of Labor, where Jouhaux of the French the people are trying to emigrate. But for the Communists; but we must real throw of capitalism.
of the French bourgeoiste to solve it Since last wrote to you the situation and of the Amsterdam Interwhere to? The frontiers, too, are closed ive that today everything which goes This does not mean in any way that from the backs of the workers will lead in our country has become worse. The national was in attendance. Our oragainst fascism has likewise the sym Yes, but don they try to get out of pathy of the masses. The task before, we must combine Communism aud dem to an intensification of the class strugt fall of the English pound has disturbed anization circulated a tract against this traitor. Two comrades were ocracy. For the rule of capitalism can cle on the economic field which is bound the econointe life and especially the ex us, Communists, especially at the pre not be overthrown by any kind of trans to have its effect on political develop ports of tobacco, raisins and olive oil.
arrested such situation?
and beaten up by the police who were Everybody says we ought to get out sent time is not to turn our backs to the formation in the field of democralte polments at a time like this when the the income from the merchant flest is protecting him.
of it, and everybody wants to get ont is to prove to them by our everyday ac Ities, but only through the proletaria French C, P, has already indicated that reduced, while individuals and banks. of In Piraeus there are three bakers unof it, but how? That is not the protivities that only the proletarilan soluinsurrection.
it acknowledges the need for a turn to who had deposits in London lost tremend ions, one under our direction. In a comblem. The right to complain is freely tion offers a way out of the present Paris, November 7, 1981 regain the confidence of the masses. The ous sums. The State Bank alone lost mon meeting, the workers accepted our FEROCI.
following study attempts to outline the 300, 000 pounds, which reduced the paper slogan and a committee of fifteen was Bled with the regime. Only the other crisis and a guarantee against the rel economic background of the present drachma and put the stabilization of the elected to carry out the fusion of the day. attended a meeting of podestas stage in the crisis and to indicate some Greek currency on the edge of the abyss. unions. In Athens, the same will take (elty authoritles) of my province, where probable perspectives.
The state income from taxes is reduced place with another bakers union which heard speeches strongly criticising the The approach to its conclusions can be by 60 million drachmas per month was founded by the reactionaries, when central government. Then too, the lanoutlined as follows. 750, 000. and it is forecast that the our comrades were arrested at guage of the Pope in his famous encycl It is proposed, in this and in follow clear: the decline is a real and perman French Industrial capitalism, be total deficit of the economic year will ginning of a general bakery strike.
ical is typical of the situation, in spiting articles, to examine briefly the situa ent thing and not a passing phase to cause of the historical conditions under total 300 million drachmas. The Gov.
Under our pressure, Stalinists made a reduce the turn accepting our slogans and declaring has come about since then. Openly, one slatance from other sections of the bour wages of the State employees by but that they are prepared to accept a union can bear criticism of the regime. This can best get some understanding of the medies.
geolsle than capitalism in other coun it was met by unanimous protest from Congress for the formation of ONE Con ta evidently a change from the situation English situation and formulate a pol.
The Changed Political Outlook tries. As a result, capitalism has not every side, so that action was deferred federation of Labor.
Just past. But the government stil tey upon which the Lett Opposition can The changed economic situation has matured Its basic contradidctions in to December 15th in the expectation of But in practice, they are putting up strikes, and strikes hard. The blackjack work and can develop its activities.
Clearly, the basic consideration must brought about a change in the political France to the same extent as in certain an improvement of the world cconomic obstacles for every real effort unity 18 not suffering from unemployment. The attitude of the ruling class. Benificent the creation of the the fear the world market. The period of immer liberalisen is abandoned for diehard other advanced countries, and is there situation after the victory of the Tories and are even collaborating with reactionfear of reprisals is stin strong. Since be the changed position of Britain in fore not so susceptible to the immediate in England.
aries against us. This was the case in ot provocation has become an obsession talism is also the period of capitalist mences to take away: democratic forms ism. capitalism ceases to give and com effects of a crisis.
Worsening of the Workers Situation the Bank Employees Union, where StelIn all social etreles. But the most ser decline. The intensification of Industry: begin to give way to more effective dis2. This does not mean that French The maintenance of the drachma at Inists worked with reactionaries to de.
ious thing is the regime of isolation in the growth of the productive forces of tatorial measuremergency Power position, but merely that its tempo of currency is followed by the reduction of occuples capitalism an exceptional the stabilized level of 20 over English Izers to our organization. They did not feat the Council composed of sympathwhich all of us live, at the factory, even beyond the bounds of the narrow pro Act, Onders In Council and the suppre develoment has lagre behind that of Industrin production and an attack or Breed: we have retained our position at home, perty rights and national boundariesThe Diffieulty In Spreading Information is list rivalry, for war, for collapse mid the bourgeoisie by the power of the work development has been similar: increasinging to fight, but they are in an awfull these factors make for increased impersion of the militant workers movements capitalism elsewhere. The broad line of capital upon wages. Workers are will in the Council.
The unemployed benefits, wrested from International Labor Defense Suppose, for example, that some crisis; and for revolution.
Our participation in the ing class, is reduced. wages are attach displacement of agriculture, Increasing state of disorganization. The responslwhere in the factory some comrades stop work as a protest against some partie appears; its financial and trade sup schemes of work and so on, are cut export markets, before and since the inism, which for ten years by its errors all the obstacles that Stalinism is capBritain old monopolist position dised: expenditures on health, education, concentration. Increasing development bility for that situation rests upon Stal srous continues, but we are met with know about it at once? Not at all. It remacy are affected by new and strong down ruthlessly. Tariffs are proposed, war.
and adventurism helped the reactionarles able of. They took occasion to expel the The specifle circumstances sur to take foot in the trade unions, and entire L: group in the bakers unis only a few days later that the whole recipients of Britain products or will the possibility of thilation threaten the rounding the post war crists of capital from an insignifcant minority to selze ton which protested against the persecufactory knows what happened. It in some workmen quarter the population Ing slaves for the exploiters, are in re upper strata of the proletariat and the lem in France made it possible to post the direction of the unions and the Gen tion of Rakovsky and Trotsky and the volt: even the necessary reorganization petit bouregoisle with very much worsen pone bringing into the open the internal eral Federation of Labor, with the as. Bolshevik Leninists of the Soviet Union has an encounter with the police force of its industries is held up by a host od conditions. Here and in other spher class condicts of French capitalism sistance of dictator Pangalos. Instead The Rakovsky campaign was very sue and shots are fred, do you suppose the conflicting property rights, small of social life is the political expression against the proletariat on the one hand of struggling against them to gain the centul in bringing to the knowledge of nows circulates freely? It is only by factors of production and parasitte in of the economic decline of Britain.
against the petty peasantry and the fi confidence of the workers, the Stalinists the workers the situation of the Oppostchance that they will hear about it somej terests.
withdrew from the and founded tion in the The Stalinists days later in the other quarters, and Paradoxically enough, while Britain movement cannot go on in the old way.
In such conditions, the working des ancial oligarchy on the other.
then in confidence, because such events This period of truce is now com the Unionist L, which, through the have been enraged at this exposure, and are kept in deepest silence. What shall power has been declining and her baste The basis for the old trade union bar ing to an end: the questions of bring polley of the Third Period. the general they began a fierce campaign of calumniwe say then about things that happen in industries fighting a losing battle, the We in Italy know nothing about them. By their financial policy: by the extensafe for the unions to operate on the pense of French agriculture, of cutting mere skeleton. In the same period they whom they calumniated a counter rev.
For the same reason, they ed there which did not learn until onies: by their monopolist control of the period of capitalist decline, wage petition at the expense of French labor. direction and amalgamated them into inexpelled from the tour of our There were many things which happen ton of profitable Industries in the col sphere of wages and conditions; to wages in the Interests of export com dissolved the trade unions under their dutionists got here. Besides, the fascist press has certain commodities enabling them to reductions become imperative and nece andmete bringing finance capital into its custolle untons. But at the stage of best comrades who are la periodo color Now they are preparing not many readers. That is how a worm mafutain high prices and by certain pronts. Resistance to wage reduction leader in the concentration of industry try was and still is this meant a suleide the expulsion of every Archio Marxist eaten regime like fascism, hated by the rapidly developed light Industries, see In Salonica prisons, exasperated by entire population, worn out by a trem tions of the bourgeoisle have been able or attempts at wage increases is no long into monopoly, and the development of crime committed against the organiza trom the endous economie crisis, can continue to to make high profits. But since their er an attempt to secure a share of the export markets through the export of tion of the Greek workers. The Induwas un the criticism of our comrades in the Ilve.
position in the world market is based margin left over after all interests are finance capital, will break down the un strial Leather Union for years was un But we have gone a long way since upon the heavy Industries, upon coal satisfied but an attack upon Exeal stable equilibrium of the past four years, able to get together in meetings of more prison, they rushed against them, twenty the time when the ruling class, after Iron and steel, textiles and engineerios charges. Industries are declared In praised by bourgeois economists as the than 15 workers. For three years they acainst tive, and beat them fiercely. They sense of did not hold elections for Council reattacked comrade Cavilla, then secretary unstable newal. We have resisted this crime. of of the Drama radio, and member of the defeating and scattering the revolution the actual position of Britain has been capable of paying the old wage stand harmony, the balance, the ary forces, thought itselt all powerful worsened. The real effects of this de ards: to challenge this is to challenge measure of France. This It sees once again that the ground cline are to be seen in the weakening the whole basis of the capitalist controll equilibrium has been based on the pro Stalinism and in the midst of this strug. district committee of East Macedonia and agriculture glo our best comrade Theodore Ladas, West Thrace, who lately Jolned our or tection of an Inefficient of industry.
ganization, after addressing an open letslipping from under its feet, and it is of Britain position on the world mar industry to little more than the restricted only ket and the increasing unemployment The trado unlong cannot, In the present against fodtudatry: on the limitation of shoemaker worker, was assassinated.
Our organization ter to the members of the Party denouncdisturbed. Until yesterday, the of the Stalinists, the Italy among the bulk of her working popula period, remain in the centre: more and home market based on small scale in strived in this period to organize the ing the crimes clandestine paper circulating in tion, more are they forced to fight on political dustry and Agriculture; and on the dev workers and succeeded to have fitteen thefts, treason, etc. They wounded him. pers. There is another symptom of the Coming on top or the long years of ages, and to choose either to become elopment of a powerful financial olle untons in Athens and Piraeus and ten in the the head with can they Situation. Italian fascism is on the down. Industrial depression the world crisis part of the machinery of the State otarchy on a reintively narrow industrial Salonica. But this was far from group later our comrade was discovered land grade. But in order to overthrow it, wel has hit Britain severely, although she is to advance to revolutionary struggle. The base. These three policies are contrary Ing the majority of the workers who are arrested by the police and imprisoned to the iron necessities of capitalism, 90 per cent unorganized.
and tortured.
must organize the activity of the masses, still protected in some directions by old sectional methods of struggle are usebel less in the face of modern conditions primitive accumulation through the disaroused and driven on by the deepening monopoly. The chlef results can Trade Union Unity The Terror and broadening economie crisis.
seen in the following Agures: These conditions have, in every coun placement of the peasant by the prole It is natural that the slogan for unity Exports How do the masses, especially the Per cent of The terror against the militant worktarian: expansion of production and 1929 1930 1931 1929 worklug masses, look on the problem of the consequent necessity of a world should be at the heart of every workerers is inereasing. The courts are disand when our organization put forward solving workers unions; they imprison, the succession to fascism? Do they pose Manufactured Goods 348 221 35. market; and a hegemony of finance cap the slogan of the united front and later send to jail and deport for years. The It as, Communium or Fascism?
Total (All Goods)
441 33. tal based on the Interweaving of its interests with tbose of a concentrated and of units, the response from the workers foundation of new unions is forbidden. Of course for us communists the Production (1929 Equal 100)
was unanimous.
1929 monopolistle Industry, instead of a fin1930 question cannot be posed in any other On August 1st the police arrested some 1931 In Athens there were two bakers un1st Quarter 2nd Quarter way. For us the dilemma, fascism or of our comrades at Agrini and attached ance capital chiefly concerned with non productive and non industrial opera 1ons, one of which was under reaction them to the tall of a horse which was communism, poses itself at once. But All Industry 112 92 95 tions such as short term credits to forary management, the other under ours, galloping. In the shoemakers strike, to say that this is the dilemma which 92 97 Mines eign banks, Stock Exchange operations, Under our pressure, workers obliged which now involves 4, 000 workers in 68 poses itself before the working mamses Iron and Steel 114 and loans to foreign governments. The their leaders to accept the unity pro Athens and Piraeus, we have twenty Engineering 121 102 industrial bourgeoisie can make its peace pagated THE MILITANT The above table is even more signifle, try in the world, given ree to the rev Published weekly by the Communist Hom was about 10 below the 1913 level ments, built up under the old conditions, with ant when we realize that 1924 produeolutionary movement. The old move with finance capital, but sooner or later result was that we obtained the direction The secretary and president of the shop makers union (Archio Marxist) were Our slogan for unity meets the stnb. condemned to eight months imprisonLeague of America Opposition In the past the return from overseas reveal their inability to adapt themselves post war crisis of captalism, it will have at 84 East 10th St. tribute has been sufficient to make up to the needs of the present time. Today to come into open conflict with the pea born resistance of Stalinists, who prefer ment. The comrade who was standard EDITORIAL BOARD the balance between imports and exports it is not sectional struggles but masa samtry which cabe dud an ultimate solu: to have lifeless unions Instead of having bearer in a demonstration of strikers was the past, when the Archio Marxists be On November 7th at a demonstration and to leave a surplus for reinvestment struggle: not national movements button only proletarialance of the latter the masses concentrated in them. In sentenced to eighteen months in fall. com Martin Abern ames Cannon overseas.
The following Max Shachtman Maurice Spector the amount available for overseas Invest In England, as elsewhero, the econom Relative Mildness of the French Crisis came a majority In untons under the in favor of the Russian Revolution, pour Stalinist regime, they (the Stalloists) teen comrades, members of our organizeArne Swabeck ment: le conditions are ripe for revolution. Is In 1930, Increasing Sharpness in 1931 expelled these majorities rather than to tlon, were condemned from two to three Entered as second class mail matter (Million)
there the necessary readiness on the part Only a few data are necessary to bring, surrender the union control. That is the and a half years imprisonment and extle.
November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at 1928 of the proletariat and the necessary out the relative lateness of the man history of the great majority of the un. Among them are two working women.
1930 New York, NY. Under the act of 137 break up of the ruling class groups and festations of the crisis in France, Steel ions which are now under our direction. For a month now. 4, 000 shoemakers 39 March 3, 1879.
the weakening of its hold upon the mid It is estimated that this your there dle classes to make a political revolu pared with the previous year in France; FOR EVERY INDUSTRY.
production in 1930 declined com. Our slogan for unity 18: ONE UNION are on strike in Athens and Piraeus. In this strike, Stalinism revealed its hideous Vol. IV, 35 (Whole No. 94) will be an actual deficit of some 80 mil tion possible? What are the immediate 35 in Germany, 37 in the United Saturday, DECEMBER 12, 1931 lon.
The only terms we propose are: face. We will give you an account of perspectives?
Subscription rate: 00 per year; for many factors are necessarily ignored or In our next article we shall try and advanced, the index of the cost of living liberty for the factions.
States, 21 for the whole world. Prices proletarian democracy in the union and this strike in the near future after the strike ends.
eigh 50. Hvecents per ropy pageed over in the above sketch, but in deal with these points.
for Paris rising from 558 in 1920 to 581 We also propagated this slogan at the Athens, November 12, 1981 Bundle rates, cents per copy general the position should be quite ANGLICUS. for 1930, while prices were falling all vi Congress of the General Federation.
430 548 202 85 103 91 88 117 63 100 1994 86