BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist ManifestoCommunist PartyEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismMarxMarxismProfinternSocialismSovietStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1931 Confusion among the Furriers For the Hour Day No Pay Reduction The Importance of the Struggle for the Shorter Work Day district Denne THE ECONOMIC MONTH Progress for Jewish Paper talist system to mature, is forced to prevent such by taking steps and meas ure which are in themselves contradictions, and in turn pave the way for an enlargement of the baste contradiction In my article in The Militant (Nov. the conditions of the workers, whereas she is hopelessly trying to sidestep. 14, 1931) wrote in part that the lead a united front with Sorkin and Winick powerful class movement of the workers ership of the Needle Trade Union who would mean to give money to the above for the reduction of houts can hasten conceived the policy of electing a Joint named to betray the workers.
this contradiction upon capitalism, creat Council for the Furriers under the aus Gold evidently forgot to mention that The motion within the working class he makee now by working from to 12 Reduction of Hours Is Strong Blow ing a condition where we have nothing pices of theird cover name Rank and he had made a united front with Sorkin to lose and everything to rain. Provid File committee will not be caught nap in 1925, after both Sorkin and Winick caused by the present crisis is a forehours is not enough, and if he gets less Against the Bosses runner to impeding historic changes. In he just can get by. The slogan for a ing this comes about through class strugping when the offices are refused to them were fully exposed as betrayers for try.
such a situation it is the duty and task six hour day does not imply hours of Considering the three overlapping gle and not through SOCIAL REFORM y the International President, since they ing to sell out the 1926 furflere strike IST channels.
had their next move already worked out, and by inaugurating the expulsion of the hours, social in of the Communist to point out the road work for every worker in the country factors: reduction of The American Stalinist leadership, namely, that the so called newly elect Left wing in 1927.
and lead the way. But once again we at once, no matter how we would desire surance and immediate relief for the un He also forgot that his co workers, And the revisionists within our ranks, such. It means 45. for example, the employed the one that will hit the with their present perspective and analyed joint council will invite the Indus Potash, Boruchowitch, Winogradsky and the Stalinites, pointing out the road, hour movement of the 80s) that this bosses the hardest is the reduction of sis on the unemployment question, have trial union to a real united front.
Our prediction was carried into life the acting national secretary and clitor first of adventure and then of opporslogan rallies the greatest class forces hours. The reduction of hours hite on throw overboard the very B of Marxism, not only on the theoretical on Nov. 21. On this date the two top of the Needle Worker, Henry Sazer, pro tunism This contradictory swing from in organized opposition to the the source of profits, at surplus value by capital one extreme the other is most glaringists, and where our pressure is the reducing the hours of surplus labor. side, but also in elementary economics. sing factions in the fur trade, namely posed a united front with Sorkin in time. Further, of the three, it will lay It is indeed time for the Communists the Fur department of the March, 1931 and fought tooth and mall in the unemployment activity. To the strongest, forces reduction of hours. the basis for greater contradictions for of America to map out a program of and the newly born joint council of the at the Party fraction to railroad their Browders, Johnstones and the organisers throughout the counrty, the own pages of struggle, we can under achieved. Neither Innediate relief in Day. the Five Day week with no re Manhattan Hall to consider ways and lowing basis that Sorkin should go as a If we look back at the history of our capitalism once a reduction of hours is action in all its detail for the Six Hour Furriers International gathered in motion. They wanted to unite on the folsix hour day slogan Is counter revolustand the powerful movements organized the form of government funds, charity or duction in pay.
means to bring about one union in the representative of the union to the next tionary, and a new name for the stagger around the 10 hour struggle of the 30s social insurance will cause capitalismus HUGO OENLER.
fur trade.
plenump of the Profintern and Winick system.
The conference, which was schedulea le given a paid job as an officer. Only and the hour struggle in the 80s. many contradictions as the reduction of We present some facts for the com Today, American industry has reached hours. Supplementing comrade Oehler valid rades Our literature and propaganda a stage rotten ripe for the struggle for ful lever to unite the employed and un particularly and directly in relation to cluding mysell came to listen to the ped this kind of a deal.
At the same time, it is a power arguments, it necessary to add that, to start at 30, beran muchanter because the stubborn light of a group of workers in the fraction, Including myself, stop.
must be so conducted that we never lose the hour day. The American workers employed, a weak side of the present unsight of our goal, which we must come today must continue the heroie ex employed movement; and enable the lieve it, the international slogan pro conference that was supposed to mass unemployment and efforts to renegotiations. Such an attendance at stantly point out to the working class amples of the proletariat before ns. The Communist vanguard to build a more pounded by comrade Trotsky and the with the most burning problem among deal Protest From the Ranks In answer to the announcement about The partye in altes de chita Swing now and ristorte trend has witnessed the reduc durable and stable. organizational struc Left Opposition has the necessary the curriers at present, was ampie proof the new headquarters to be engaged for this by the wayside, and only now and tion of hours as a national outcome of ture through the united front tactic strength, appeal and validity to arouse that the furriers are tired and disguste then in a mechanical way does one find the class struggle, and with it has de which in turn can be used more effec and mobilize wide masses of workers with the comedy played party functionaries presenting the revveloped the intensification of their ex. tively for the other two points imme around it.
at their extats. Shaffer, rose with a protest, which olutionary conclusions. When a Comploitation. You cannot have your choice. diate relief and social insurance. In That is the slogan of large and longin reality expressed the sentiment and munist party presents a string of in if you refuse the reduction of hours other worded. It is not a matter of a term credits to the Soviet Union, a sloGold Remarks attitude of the bulk of the furriers in New York. He stated very definitely tivity and does not connect them with today the speed up of lubor will proceed struggle for the reduction of hours frst, gan that is applicable on an Internation The meeting was opened by Cohen that this ilea of opening a third union full speed anyway.
and the others later, or the sidetracking at scale, but is especially so in the United and in mechanical fashion Winogradsky will only add more confusion to the the ultimate nim, it is a serious situe tion; to fail to select the DETERMIN The Importance of the Struggle To of the other two factors. It is a ques. States. We have elaborated this ques proposed him for chairman and Beerum ready muddled state of affairs. Very il ING connenting link between the present Reduce Working Hours tion, not only which has the most protion on previous occasions, and the off for secretary: the two groups were luminating was the reply of Jack Schnelclass relationships and our goal is to paganda value today, social insurance, Its form may be altered somewhat, but immediate reliet or the reduction of founded inadeqnate and stupid manner. speeches. Gold, who arrived late, was the Industrial Union to the sound obcial Communist Party, though in a back siven the honor to deliver uniform cler, manager of the Fur Department of blunt our weapons and sidetrack out it would be the same speed up we all hours, but a question of how to coordin movement into an opportunist swamp. know so well. The class conscious work ate the three factors, laying a strong raise this slogan. With this additional maybe he did not expect any betterated the opening of the new headquarters has found it necessary to finally also lisappointed to find an empty hall, orjections of the old furrier. lle motis.
no matter how loudly we proclaim our er knows the positive effect powerful organizational basis as we go along and slogan, as mentioned aborc, the position who knows? In his speech Gold said with the fact that many furriers who. unions and successful strikes have on at the same time finding the determin of the Communist Lengue of America that they are glad to make a united front wouldn like to come to the Industrial Immediate demands, without proper real wages and the standard of living ing connecting link of the present class (Opposition) is connection with the revolutionary con. But in spite of this constant struggle, relations and our revolutionary goal. one EX. completely correct with a rank and file joint council for Union, must be provided with a different clusion are of no value, and are of real wages show little change, that is the reduction of hours struggle, con unity with them means unity to better office.
Feeling the embarrassment of the sitgreat harm to the Communist movement. the working class in the past and now cretized by the slogan of the Six Hour But even if we properly connect the receive an average wage that is equal day, the five day week and no reduction uation. Winogradsky, thanks to his inin mediate demands to the goal, but fall to the minimum subsistence level. This of pay is the fourfold factor.
genuity, rushed forward with an absoto pick out the determining slogans in is no argument against the struggle for lutely harmless proposal to postpone the given situation we also, lag danger these immediate demands, but it is The hopeless bureaucrat immediately conference indefinitely. But this prosays. Isn it true that many capitalists (Continued from page1)
The struggle of the capitalist class to only behind the task of organizing a powerful argument against those who and reformers are for the six hour day. offer unequalled possibilities for the reduce the wages of railway workers te Poral loes not solve the situation, nor widespread movement of the unemploy think they can gain their objective and do not Green and the rest of the Communist Party of England to broaden one of the outstanding phases of the at nes it diminish the confusion brought ed. In the resolution of the Central through immediate demands, as well as rakers say the same? He draws the its influence with the masses.
about by the mistakes of the left wing tempt to solve the crisis in the capi leadership into the ranks of the Left Committee of the party (Daily Worker those who lose sight of the revolutionary talist way. The Tory element of the wing furriers. Our proposals made in 11 28 31) the American bureaucrats list soul. On the other hand, the above conclusion that it must be counter rev.
one central unifying slogan: Unemploy shows the futility of the social reform. Opposition presented this slogan at the ing a hasty retreat from the policy of loinatie courtesies which the railway 1931) are correct. An explanation and olutionary particularly since the Left The Federal Reserve Banks are beat financial bourgeoisie resents even the dirthe pages of The Militant (November 14, ment Insurance at full wages, a slogan ist struggle for immediate demands of the mistakes in with 20 words. They then present seveo alone, but on the other hand it does very start. What more evidence does abnormal stimulation of reliscounts and bosses have seen fit to employ in their ackonwledgement main national slogans, which everything, free rent, gas, light, water are against all immediate demands. Im include not substantiate the ultra Leftists who anyone want?
Party Policy Makes Easier the Role which was a necessity of their defense far. What they want was illustrated by policy would help to start anew the strugkle fr better conditions against the and immediate, extensive publier work mediate demands are the links for the of Reformists and Fakers of the dar against the food of gold the demand of Fred Sargent, presiat trade union wages, and seven vanguard and the class. What kind of. ROBERT BRILLIANT.
For every capitalist, reformer and exports. The statement of Oct. 23 mark dent of the Chicago and Northwestern. noses anil their agents of every shade hour day immediate demands, how they are form labor faker who is for the six hour day, ed the peak of the intationary move for a 15 wage cut instead of 10. Ho This is worse on the New York cleculated and fought for, is the decisive can point out an equal number (witment will discounted and purchased threatened that if the workers did not while this is a national directive for the nittee of the Party presents for unem ance and particularly a Social Insurancement shows these two items at a total would expose the rotten financial sit To these ployment activity fall short of this test. BILL.
Further. it we count noses, we issues, however, have not declined nearly sankrupte. Point was hiemandanted main slogans, the resolution ndås, It is necessary to raise local demands in the is only draped in by the tail as a numerically greater than we Communas mueh, from 478 millions to 33 threat by The struggle for the reiluetion of hours will find that the various localities.
The Main Slogans additional slogan, and is wrongly formu ists, also say they are against capital during the same period. Money of all during the week for the Wabash Railkinds in circulation actually showed an road, whose last previous receivership lated at that. If it were possible to ism and for the socialist mode of proIncrease from 501 millions to 5, 511. was in 1915.
Work for the publication of a semiThe party does not present to the add one more hour of work per day duction. The main contending classes in The banks are still putting pressure In 1929 the railroads paid out 942 monthly paper of the Left Opposition in workers one, two or three short, snappy to every employed worker, the resulting society are vitally interested in unemslogans as the MAIN DETERMINING reaction, in addition to increased unemployment, but for opposite reasons. The on the bourgeoisie to liquidate the pro 000, 000 in wages, and made a profit of the Jewish language is well under way.
slogans for our class in the present sit ployment, would be a reduction of pay same is true of all problems of the class code of deflation and the strengthening 91. 275, 600, 000. In 1981 the wage bi The New York Jewish group of the of the banks is resumed, but the bound be about 2, 146, 000, 000 and the profits Communist League (Opposition) held a uation; this is vitally necessary. In my and less workers doing more work. The struggle. Only stupid bureaucrats, nonabout 510, 000, 000 10 cut in wages, meeting on December 5th, together with estimation the three outstanding slogans problem is stated wrong when one says Marxists could present such arguments geois reacts as best he can by holding based on the 1920 payroll, would increase a number of sympathizers and formed on to his money, keeping larger and to be given national prominence are: a low hourly wage rate brings long as the Centrists do.
an organization with the aim of supportlarger amounts in circulation. that is profitsby 204, 200, 000: based on the preThe six lour day, the five day week hours it in industries with long hours The failure of the party to lead in the in hoarding. genuine increase in note sout payrollby 215, 000, 000. This ing and spreading the Jewish paper.
with no reduction in pay, and immed that bring in low hourly rates. On the struggle for the six Hour day, the five discounts and purchases would represent would be far from restoring the 735 Close to one hundred dollars was raised ate Relief and Social Insurance (Not other hand, if the workers through day week and no reduction of my and the beginning of a real industrin re000, 000 drop in profits caused by the in cash and pledges. This group will Social Insurance BILL. The last two struggle are able to reduce the hours the organizational weakness of the Com vival: the bank figures, however, indicate crisis, but when it is a question of hold its next meeting on Welcsday, Dec have been dealt with by the party: de of toll in decisive sections of industry munist League to transform this correct only a temporary financial maneuver choosing between cutting the wages of ember 16, P. at 84 East 10th St.
vote myself to the importance of the re throughout the country, the reaction theoretical analysis into practice has re which is now being liquidated.
over a million and a half workers and all sympathetic workers are urred to duction of hours struggle.
would be more workers employed and sulted in allowing the social reformists cutting down the Interest coupons of attend this meeting. Comrade Marx en Every worker with ordinary sense is a tendency toward a rise in wages. The and reformers to obtain the lead. They for the reduction of his hours of toil. reduction of hours from sum up to sun are making hay while the sun shines, Likewise belonging to the classes of bondholders by means of receiveship. el is in charge of the work for New what public spirited railroad management York.
But the problem does not stop here down to the present standard has not because they know the impasse America Anancial maneuvers are the efforts of would hesitate?
In Minneapolis B, Some are working 12 hours, others 10 been accompanied by a proportionate is in with her tremendous machine de Mr. Hoover to bring back prosperity by Comrade Rarach, in charge of the and some hours. What should be the reduction in wages. On the contrary, velopment and the absolute decrease in reorganizing the War Finance Corporawork in Minneapolis: he writes: worker will jump, he will want to know class struggle has witnessed an increase American Imperialism, in order not to against home building. When in dous Red Christmas Affair in Nying to actively support the Left Opposislegun for this variation? Before the the reduction of hours through working the number of workers, in production. tion and creating a new bank for loans number of Jewish Communists are will allow the basic contradiction of her eaple The Germans did the same thing after organise a bank, appears to be his motto.
if he will receive leng pay, because what wages.
On Christmas Eve, December 24, 1931. tion press Committee chosen to arrange the crash of 1923 24, and again in recent an entertainment for the benefit of The list of names for solicitation, tag day.
tist of the small peasant has not been weeks after the July crash. It all help Milltant will be given by the New York and party or banquet, the latter in conenough to enable him to survive in com capitalism petition with world agricultural produc can find some other way out of the crista Branch of the Communist League of Junction with Swabeck visit. You America (Opposition) at its headquar many expect funds to roll in very short(Continued from page 3) greater than that indicated.
tion. He has forced through a system of than off the backs of the working class ters, 84 Fast 10th Street. Refreshmets ly. The spirit of the Minneapolis com rades is quite obvious.
high protective tariffs which protect his and in value from 84, 601, 000, 000 francs will be served.
to 30, 028, 000, 000 Tables for Perspectives of the Economie inefficiency.
Very much of the same spirit prevails The entertainments of the League have Crisis of France The batle of 1848, in which English Historical Background of French Table Capitalism been lively and pleasing to all who have in St. Louis, where comrade Goldberg capitalism through its abolition of the Exploitation of the Boatmen attended. Workers are cordially invited is in charge of the work. Ile writes in to attend the Christmas Eve affair.
the Taking the foregoing as a cross section Classification of French Farm Holdingstarif on agricultural products, decisive1y defeated English agriculture, has not (Continued from page 1)
Freiheit for over four years, know how of the present situation of French con by Size to carry on this kind of work and you omy, let us trace certain lines of develNumber of Farms even been fought in France, because of company was about to follow suit. Cap.
the political and economie strength of tains on the Boyle Line came back to MEETINGS IN STAUNTON, ILL. AND for uor semi monthly paper.
can rest assured that will be a worker opment backward to their historical Up to 1 acres. ha)
3, 235, 400 the peasant. Protected by a high tarift, the union. There was talk about roots. 1 12 2 acres (1 ha. 1, 829, 209 French foodsturfs and consequently the strike sometime in January on this line.
ST. LOUIS, MO. ARRANGED The following comrades are in charge French capitalism never 12 25 acres (5 10 ha. FOR SWABECK 788. 20 French cost of living, are consistently Boyle oflicials heard of it.
of the work in other localities: Boston, Others achiered the victory over petty peasant 25 125 acres (10 50 ha. 764, 461 above levels of other capitalist coun picked up their ears and suddenly real STAUNTON, ILL On Tuesday, Dec. Eva Weiner: Chicago, Booth: Toragriculture which was so characteristic 125 250 acres (50 100 ha. of England, which has been carried 250 500 acres 52, 048 tries, and are now the highest in theized that the union was again about to 15, 1931, at 7:30 comrade Arne onto, Harry Clairmont. We are now in (100 200 ha) 22, 777 world, with the new duties. The cost of come to life and to become a factor on Swabeck will speak in Staunton III. at the process of organizing our work in though in Germany, and which is marked Over 500 acres (200 ha. 10. 518 living about the middle of 1981 was New York waterfront. Something bad Kolar Hall. His subject will be: Un delphia, Kansas City and Cleveland, in the United States by the installation 112 of that of 1928 in France, while to be done. The usual cry of Communemployment, the Hour Day and the of a permanent agrarian crisis. The Total 5, 702, 782 in Great Britain it had sunk to 90 ist did not seem to affect the workers. Communists. All workers are invited.
The comrades throughout the country petty bourgeois peasant was the first are urged to rush all available funds beneficiary of the French Revolution, on This shows that 85 of the farms of and Germany to 91 (no matter how something else must be done.
ST. LOUIS, MO. lecture on Unem immediately.
The frame up. need not here go into the 4th of August, 1780, when the nob France are of 25 acres or less. Neces these figures may have been falsitled by Send al funds to: Jewish Propaganda Workers everywhere will soon ployment, the Hour Day and the Comillity, yielding to peasant pressure. re sarily, their productivity is small the official sources from which they are details nounced its feudal rights. It showed toundary strips aloue reduce the aver derived, the relation internationally is all know the whole story. Enough to saymunists will be given by Arne Swabeck Committee, Opposition)
that matters here. Lewit its political power under the first Bona age effective area, the small holding canthat three of the union most active on December 16, 1931 at 7:30 at 84 East 10th Street, New York, X, parte, in the Restoration, in the Instalnot afford a high degree of mechaniza France imports foodstuffs to the ex members, including the writer, are to the St. Louis Publie Library, 14th and lation of Louis Bonaparte as presidenttion which involves capital investment, tent of about 12 of the value of its day about to be railroaded up the river Olive St. All workers are invited to of the Second Republic, in the opposland Frnace is reckoned among the coun total imports: England 45. Germany for life for a crime we did not commit. attend.
NANKING November (Fenprecor)
tion to the Commime, and down to the tries of low ylelds. In wheat, for ex. 31 At the same time, and as a re Our crime was the crime of trying, by KANSAS CITY MEETING FOR Under the terms of a new conseription SWABECK present time, when it forced through an ample, along with the United States and sult, France exports less, proportionate organization, to rectify some of the law passoil by the government last increase of 200 to 300 in the tariff on Russia, its yields range from 12 to 18 lv, its total exports are consistently wrongs described in this article and to agricultural products after the 1930 bushels an acre, compared with 80 bush about 55 of those of Great Britain. gain for the members of the union an The Economic Crisis and the Commun added to the Nationalist Army each KANSAS CITY, MO. lecture on month, 470, 000 additional men will be be it equal and decent scale of wages.
break in world market prices.
els or more for countries of highly. This apparent self sufficiency, ists will be given by Arne Swabeck in year for the next three, If, with the assistance of the workers Kansas City, Mo. on Friday, December 1, 140, 000 additions to the swollen tota. total of Economically, it is still the dominant developed agricultural technique like noted, is based on a backward agriculfactor in France. The value of its an Germany, Belgium and Holland. While ture and a consequently low level of in everywhere, the Defense Committee sue 18th, 1931 at P. at the Brotherhood of men under arms in China who now ex.
nual output, estimated at 113 billions of wheat less than 20 of the dustrial. ceeds in defeating this attempt of a industry put together. Over half the the possibility of international comparexpansion of productivity.
where we are, to commit the crime of All workers are cordially invited to at population of France still live in rurall ison.
This constitutes lasie contradiction organizing the workers against their tend.
STUDY CLASS IN KANSAS CITY in French economy. The capitalist wants common enemy, the boss. To conclude The Communists disdain to conceal communities.
Yet it is fundamentally insufficient and its stamp on the entire development of proletarian Tator from ex peasants, Towment to pollee captain Lennard in the of Communism is being organized in clare that their own ends can be atten: This low level of productivity has set low food prices, a plentiful supply of this article want to repeat my state study class in the Fundamentals their views and alms. They openly de unable to compete on an open market. French capitalism. The small peasant, wages, maximum industrial output, mar station after my arrest and when told tabulation of the distribution of farm to survive has had to adjust his standard imum exports; the peasant wants high to confess. There was not enonak Kansas City, Mo. by the Branch of the ed ortly by the forcible overthrow of all holdings, classified by size, was made of living to a low scale, which has been food prices, must have them to support money outside to buy me, there is not tron. The class will be conducted by Communist League of Americal (Opposi existing conditions. Let the ruling class tremble at a Communistic revolution.
before the war, and while a little old. reflected in the wages of labor on an his economically backward productive enough terror in here to break. me. comrade George Clarke.
Kansas City The proletarians have nothing to lose is the latest available. It should be ob international comparison, in addition technique, and cling to his scrap of land, That statement goes for all three de workers who wish to join the class are but their chains. They have a world to served that some of the larger farms are has resulted in a domestic market of holding back to the limit of his ability fendants Working men of all countries, operated in small pieces by tenants, so low purchasing power. Still, even the the progress of industrial capitalism. JACK SODERBERG.
that the process of splitting up is even frugality, thrift and economie conservaClarke, at Buehler Book Btbre, 220 unite. Communist Manifesto. To Be Continued)
Secretary Treasurer of u. West 12th Street.
SUBSCRIBE TO THE MILITANT Perspectives of the Crisis in France has Franco, pues extent tend that ball other souront producetion of Franceza aliletwa houne market which does not permit oil rende una forhain continue termopater of Railway Clerkis Hall, 223 Fast geh se ocene. com