CapitalismCommunismEnglandSocialismSocialist PartySyndicalismWorkers MovementWorking Class

UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 84 East 10th Street, New York, Entered as second class mall matter, November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
VOLUME IV, NO. 35 (WHOLE NO. 94 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1931 PRICE CENTS The Dynamite Plot URGENT! Railroads in Wage Cut Drive Marine Union Supports Defendants Help The Militant Mobilize Railroad Workers in Struggle for Six Hour Day The Exploitation of the New York Harbor Boatmen We are endeavoring to hang on with The defense of Soderberg, Bunker and, a public mass meeting around the first until a wider response is obtained to the Weekly Militant from week to week Trajer, indicted and facing long prison of the year with representative speakers. maintain The Miktant. It is impossible, Fastern Railway presidents and the This declaration is plain, hard and themselves may think about a wage cut terms in the New York dynamite plot. The first public discussion of the case however, to say how much longer The leaders of the four Brotherhood unions challenging: labor shall receive no con. want to compel the managements to was put squarely before the working occurred at the labor Temple last Fri Militant can continue its weekly issuheld a four day conference in New York, cessions, the matter can not any longer carry the wage reduction proposal to the class as a labor case by the action taken day night when James Cannon spoke ance. We again call upon our supporters during the last week of November. even be discussed (not even another of Board of Meditation where they will on The New York Dynamite Plot and sympathizers to increase their finan. deadlock at last Sunday meeting of the Indepen. conspiracy against union organization in cial support of our press.
the immitate outcome, neither group of missions which always produce nothing Preparing Sell Out Through Board of all important questions was those long, drawn out investigation com show their hand.
cent Tidewater Boatmen Union. At the New York Harbor. under the austhis meeting of the union, of which pices of the Communist League. Comrade is keenly felt by our supporters. This proposals. The Railroad Executives re employers in the six hour day is a direct The importance of the Weekly Militant fering at the time to accept the other for the workers. This stand of the Mediation Soderberg is secretary and the other two Cannon spuke on the same thene again is evidenced from the excerpts of a letceived a report of the conferences on challenge to the very existence of what What could be clearer? Already a de defendants are members, a resolution on Sunday night before the ter from a Minneapolis comrade and is November 24, but decided to defer fur remains of union railroad lubor. The spatch from Ottawa, Canada reports that was adopted to stand on the basis of forum. In each case the audience re the statement sent from prison by the spon led warmly to the appeal and pleds parts of the country typical of many received from various ther action until after Dec. 8, when 1, 500 struggle for the six hour day and tive the application of the railways (for a Rallway Labor Union heads are to meet day week, without reduction in pay is Wake cut) has been granted. The three members and to defend themed solidarity and support to the prisonagainst the frameup. The meeting en ers in their fight against the frame up. I realize The Militant is in in Chicago to receive official reports on the essence and kernel of the existence Board of Conciliation has acted; now dorsed the actions taken by the Marine urgent needs of funds. The thought that the New York conferences, and to take and develpoment of militant unionism in the union heads will try to conciliate Workers Defense Committee to defend The Militant may be forced to go back up the entire railroad situation. The em the railroad Industry. All other issues and convince the men that the wage cut the brothers in prison and pledged full to a semi monthly basis is not a pleasant ployers had demanded that the railroad amalgamation of the unions, organiza must be accepted because of the spe cooperation and support in the work until Left Opposition Holds First one, as in my opinion it is the only workers voluntarily accept a 10 wage tion of the unorganized, preservation of ctul conditions. And before the Board themerhabenere interesele Carter Hudson Public Marine Defense Meeters that gives a true Marxlan analysis them to resort to action under the Rallment caused by extreme exploitation, the will show their hand, the hand of the union, is the chairman of the defense on the events of international importance way Labor Act which would delay a de speed up system and technological imagreement with the bosses demands.
Workers representing various sections and is of particular value to the revolucision for at least a year. The heads or provements. now group themselves All the other negotiations and discusCommittee. The meeting at which the of the labor movement marine workers, tionary vanguard of the English speaking the Brotherhoods, on the other hand, around the central issue and struggle for sions that took place at the New York resolution was adopted was presided over members of the Commun. proletariat.
proposed their plans for the stabiliza the six hour day.
conference between the Eastern Itailroad hy John Stoat, president of the organist Party members, etc. were present at will endeavor to have my subscription and increase of employment. re Executives and the labor representatives, zation.
Six Hour Day Is Rallying the Friday evening Forum of the New tion paid up by the 15th of this month. sumably nothing was settled at these loom up as secondary beside the hardThe work of defense of the frame up York branch of the Communist League (I am one of the ten or more millions drawn out conferences, but in reality the labor for the six hour day that it will an immediate wage cut of at least 10.
It is in the militant fight of railroad boiled stand of the railroad owners for marine workers registered progress all to hear comrade James Cannon tell the unemployed) and will also approach railroad owners emerged victorious. Dealong the line during the past week. The facts concerning the Dynamite Plot in those friends of mine who are fortunatespite the failure to receive a ready con workers, organized and unorganized, em tails on the various phases of this conof the defendants held a meeting Wed various dynamite plants and frame ups could be persuaded to support a revolu. Itailway employers are confident of en played and unemployed, skilled and unference. Above everything else, there Martello, 82 East 10th Street, where ment has taken a traditional stand of Iloping for the continued publication that they will shortly have the support railway bosses. Only the rank and tile of the railroad bosses and the readiness temporary headquarters of the commit solidarity with the victims of the ruling of The Militant as a weekly, as well as and agreement of the Brotherhood heads of the railroad workers led by the mill to yield of the Brotherhood heads, whose tee have been established. The meeting class, he expressed surprise and indig for the success of the Left Opposition. for this immediate objective.
tants and left wingers will be ready to spokesman was Robertson, pressi Initiate the necessary stepa in prepara dent of the Locomotive Firemen and adopted a program of systematic activ. nation that the latest dynamite frame remain.
The Wage Cuts Begin tion for railroad struggles that will be Enginemen.
ity in behalf of the arrested marine up had as yet not brought out the comComradely yours, workers and decided to broaden its mem plete working class defense that is WILLIAM CURRAN. The train service employees of the sin on single roads but which will ra Conditions of Rallroad bership to include representatives of all needed.
This is the spirit and understanding Georgia Florida Railrond have already pklly extend their scope. Upon the What, briefly, are the conditions pretendencies in the labor movement willing Because of the failure of the Com that have made it possible to build our accepted a 10 cut beginning December supine present day union leaders, they interesteande concerns to the whole worn munist party and to take up organization, the Communist League and. The pubileation, Business Week (12 cannot rely at all to defend their interes among allroad workers today?
interest and concern to the whole work: the defense of the jailed victims Soder steadily to expand its field of activities. 231. remarks that it is significant that terests. These misleaders of labor will More than one third of the employees ing class movement. The secretary of berx. Bunker and Trajer. the Commun Further and immediate expansion is this agreement was approved the negotiate and sell out the rank and in the Industry are unemployed. Only part time employment exists for thouthe committee, Carlo Tresca, was auth ist League of America (Opposition) had, again necessary, among which is the Op grand officers of the Big Four brother nie.
sands of the men. The statement of rail orized to send invitations to cooperate in in collaboration with Carlo Tresca. position drive for the issuance of hoods. The railway bosses cannot but Brotherhood Heads Are the Allies road labor situation and requirements, the work of the committee to the Comformed a defense committee which will Jewish and a Greek paper, following regard this as a precedent and forerun: of the Bosses tional munist Party, Conference for see that the men get a working class closely upon the succesful start of the nero as set forth in the labor manifesto preroad labor polley and The railroad owners feel, and rightly sented by the railroad unions to the Progressive Labor Action, Socialist defense.
are proceeding acordingly.
youth paper, Young Spartacus.
so, that they have allies in the ranks Conference, says, in part: Party, Road to Freedom Group, An appeal for solidarity of the entire The Militant is the central point of The Chicago and North Western Rail of labor, that is, the labor lieutenants Thousands of train and engine serand to various trade unions sympathetic labor movement on behalf of the arrested activity and direction of the Left Opposi way, one of the largest roads, on Dec. of the capitalist class, in this case par vice employees work only from four to to the defense.
men was called for. Next Friday evention. By all means the Weekly Militant proposed that its unlon employees ac ticularly, the heads of the Brotherhooda. eight months a year. Thousands of The meeting decided to issue the state ing. Dec. 11, at the Labor Temple, 2nd must be maintained. wm you assist? cept a voluntary 15 cut; other west. They expect the latter, however they maintenance men in the shops and oth ment of the committee on the case, which Ave. 14th Street, comrade Cannon will TODAY! Send all funds to: ern railrads are expected to make simt plead or pretend otherwise now, employ the right of way) are idle for subhas already been sent out in mimeograph continue his series of lectures on the THE MILITANT lar demands in the next few days. Un ces accept the owners demands for im stantial part of the year. In the months form, as a four page leaflet for wide viewpoint of the Left Opposition on the 84 East 10th Street, ion officials were scheduled to meet in mediate wage cuts. The railroad owners of employment their wages equal only distribution. It was also decided to hola labor and political field.
New York, Chicago on Dec. to take up the entire know their union leaders. In addition, 1, 000 per year.
railroad situation. No comment as yet they are preparing swiftly for any evenhas been made by the union leaders on tualities, and that includes, 18 their 1930, the employees of today handles At the same time, comparing 1910 and the Railway proposals. On foremost objective, the destruction of over 50 more traffic and produces twice this road there prevails the plan, the what remains of unionized labpr as much revenue over labor cost. With that is, botween the railroads and the on the railroads. The railroad workers this result of the speed up system, the union employees, which in every instance, must have no doubts of that.
Very little, if anything, has even been from other captains a loaf of bread, boat at all hours and be ready when where it has been introduced, has deimprovement of technique and the insaid about the harbor boatmen, a branch bere, a little coffee there, a few potatoes the tow boat blows the whistle to get vitalized or destroyed the character and bosses are concerning the anion heads, still demand a wage cut from the emHow supremely confident the railroad creased exploitation, the railroad otrners of the Marine industry until recently. somewhere else and so forth. The ex out and make the tow. Failure to militancy of genuine labor unionism. and how lightly they regard them, teployees. From the meek shall be taken.
when some of us connected with the or periences of Trajer are typical of all be aboard means he misses his boat, ganization of these workers were ar the rest. Sanitary conditions there are which never fails to mean that On all fundamental issues involving put simply and bluntly by Business The railroad workers are being made e also right along to bear greater burdens so rested on a frame up charge of dynam. none. When a bath is needed, it is has missed his job. And when his job the very existence and standards of the Week (12 231. iting some of these old floating coffins. taken by using a pail of river water is gone, his home is gone too, because railroad workers, both the employed and There are reasons why the labor that the railroad barons may also reVery few workers even in other branches If you have the pall. The cabin is that dirty, foul smelling and dark cabin unemployed, the Eastern Railroad own executives could not accept the proposal celve dividends in times of capitalist of the Marine Industry realized the ex the dining room, bed room, bathroom, was the only home he possessent, anders, expressing themselves publicly for a voluntary cut in wages. One was crisis, not to mention their swollen protent of exploitation of the barge cap toilet or what have you.
he possesses it just so long as the boss through Daniel Willard, President of that after sending men to Canada to fits of the past. Raflroad increases in tains.
On the majority of these boats, captains allowed him and no longer. captain the Baltimore Ohio, took a stone like stiffen the necks of the rail employees traffic rates which will produce 125, There are employed approximately are compelled to bring up their families. is expected to be everything from a deck stand. There was an attitude that con. there in their fight against wage redue 000, 000 more revenue from the same 4, 000 men in the New York harbor In Five, six or more children is nothing un hand to an authority on naval architectemplated wreck and destruction of tion, they could not let them down be amount of Inbor have been granted by this particular industry. Their wages usual. What chance these children have ture. If the boat leaks too much, be what remains of the railroad unions and fore the Dominion arbitration board is the Interstate Commerce Commission, ranged from 110. 00 per month down as to obtain even the most elementary eduis expected to get down there and stop their hard earned rights and gains, unless sued its findings. The other is that, he but the gluttons demand more off the low as 66. 00 per month. Many com cation can be imagined when one takes the leak. But if he wants to keep his the rallroad workers will be able to cause of the temper of the mon, the labor backs of the workers.
what they (Continued on page 4)
panies may nothing to the captain when into consideration the fact that the boat job, he had better not present a bill wage an effective struggle for their main executives regardless of the boat is empty: others pay a dollar moves from say Port Reading today to to the company for materials bought to tenance. day when light, while some pay Harlem River, from Harlem River next repair that leak. He is expected to al Bosses Sharply Reject Six Hour Day straight wages, loaded or light. Thel to Perth Amb so on. Naturway keep the boat painted and in To the proposal of union labor for a incidentally the complainant in under these conditions, as the pay is not sallon of paint every year or so, or unemployment in the railroad industry. The timative signs of business recovery Sterling exchange reached a new low frame up to keep us in prison and rail enough to allow the captain to rent af he is accused of selling the paint.
road us for life) 18 of the dollar a place ashore for the wife and children Men and women the Railway Executives categorically ro which began to appear in October, fol of 25 to the pound this week, the loware compelled to live plied: lowing a temporary Intiationist policy of est since the pound wen of the gold day type. This company also has a so that the latter may attend school. The for years under conditions described habit of having one captain take care result can be imagined. The child is back to their touting coffins called boats. We have found ourselves unable to the Federal Reserve banks, have been standard and within a few cents of the eliminated. Wheat, silver all time low of 14 reached in 1920 of or boats, even when these boats, born on the river, grows up on the means of escaping this degrading and accept your conclusion that the six hour practically are loaded and waiting for consignment. river and dies on the river. The only miserable life where the most elementary day is necessary and that it must be and crude oil have gone back in price before the stabilization in August Snowdens were When these boats are loaded, the comeducation such a child gets is to become principles of decency and human rights instituted in order to absorb the exist toward the low points reached in the the MacDonalds and pany receives anywhere from to 14 an expert boat captain when he is grown are dented them. There was no escape ing number of experienced employees first week of October. Stect production, clamoring for reductions in the dole and which reached as high as 32 of cap in the wages of civil servants, painting dollars per day for each boat as long up and to serve the boss well for little Nowhere to go. There remained but one without reduced compensation. Con de they are loaded: yet they cannot at. or no pay. The life of a captain way to Organize.
sequently, contine President Willard acity a few weeks ago. Is now back to aismal pictures of the downfall of Bri letter, we would be unwilling ford to have a man aboard. Due to lack girl is to grow up and become a good The Union Is Formed of real militant organization among these boat captain wife and in turn help The union was formed. It had its commend the appointment of a commia ober amounted to 80, 142 cars and trucks, collapse. Now they are Jubilar over workers, conditions have grown so bad produce some more prospective boat cap flood and its ebb. Up and down. Aslon to determine the ways and means or about the average mohly produe the increased stimulation to industrial that hundreds of boats today in New tains and boat captain wives. Born in struggle with the bosses or thelr hire of applying this principle to the ditter tion for 1915. Bankruptcles for October Lactivity caused by the depreciation of totalled 2, 362, compared with 1, 936 in the pound. British iron and steel proYork harbor are being taken care of misery. Live in unbelievable misery and inges. Struggle against ignorance, bred ent classes of employees.
and kept floating by men who receive poverty. Die in misery, poverty and sut and fostered through the living condiSeptember and 2, 124 in October, 1930. duction went up in October, compared no pay in any shape or form while waitfering. That is the outlook and lite fortions and general environment. Step by Railroad car loadings for the week of to September, the first time in six months Nov. 21 amounted to 663, 000 cars, against that any improvement has been shown.
Ing for cargo. The remuneration is that those members of our class.
step these things were overcome, but a of being allowed to sleep on the boat and The working conditions on these boats struggle at every step. The union gradu779, 000 in the corresponding week Pig iron production gained from 248, 000 last year.
live there if they can steal, beg or bor are on a par with all other conditions ally grew. It grew into fighting form.
tons in September to 284, 000 row something to live on.
in the industry. No hour day here. It hit hack. Won a few concessions but OPEN FORUM In answer to a questionnaire address October, and exports of iron and steel No over time pay. No regular house at after a while lost them again. Men went ed to several hundred bankers, about from 189, 200 tons to 168, 800 tons Miserable and Degrading Living Conditions any time. Load the boat in the daytime back to their leating coffins called bonts, 79 said they did ont expect a recovery Meantime the question of wages, salar and tow up the canal at night time. Asome disillusioned, some with all the in business before next Spring, about les and the amount of the dole is beWhat are the living conditions on boat captain is expected to be on the fight taken out of them; others seemed Current Events 21 not before next Fall. Another round coming more and more acute.
From these boats? Take the boat on which not to care any more and the bosses, of wage cuts is in prospect, as capitalism September 18, just before the abandonWilliam Trajer, one of the defendants, especially the type of Boyle and Hour CANADIAN COMMUNIST TRIAL knows no other way out of its imme ment of the gold standard, to Nov. 11, was employed. Trajer, an active and ahan, took advantage of this situation diate crisis than a vicious assault on the general level of prices in England militant union man, had been out of and slashed the wages still more.
WALKER AND MOONEY the standards of living of the working went up 10. the prices of primary work for months due to his union activBut there was a small body of men RAILROAD WAGE CUTS class.
products 19. Any worker who received ities, when he got this job. Naturally The National Tour of comrade Arne who had not yet given up hope. small the same amount of pounds for his he had no money and the only clothes Swabeck is proceeding well. Hull rebdoy of men that realized that we coula Friday, December 11, 1931 wore. Ho ports will be given to the next issue only regain our lost ground by again That capitalism is today retrogres week work got in effect 10 cut in he possessed were those he came abroad this boat and found of The Militant. The remainder of the organizing, and organizing in such a way sive instead of a progressive force is wages. On top of this the National Lecture by illustrated by the dispute now going on Laborites insistei only a few weeks ago cabin dark, foul smelling and overrid schedule follows: that when the time came we would be of the gold standden with bed bugs and roaches. The Springtield, III. Dec. 14.
ready to fight; we would stop there JAMES CANNON between a group of Associations of Bray that the abandone any difference to total furnishing of that hole consisted St. Louis, Mo.
Illan planters and the Brazilian governard would uot Dec. 15, 16. treat. From defense we would take the of one stove, one table and one soop Kansas City, Mo.
at the ment. The government wants to destroy prices of goods in England, and Mae Dec. 18, 19, 20, offensive. The union came to life again.
Labor Temple 12 millions bags of coffee, all picked. Doald during the election campaign sald box that was used for a chair no bed, Minneapolis, Minn. Dec. 24, 25, 26, It gradually grew. Already one of the no blankets, no cooking utensils. He 14th Street and Second Avenue transported, packed, and ready to ship: that the 10 cut in the dole had been 27, 28, 29. companies was listening the rumbling slept on the damp floor. He went out Chicago, IL.
the growers are holding out for 18 mil such a costly victory that it must be. Dec. 31 and undercurrent of revolt among Its captains QUESTIONS and DISCUSSION lion bags. We can be sure that the retained no matter what happens.
and begged a coffee pot and some coffee January 1st ADMISSION: 25 Cente and decided to recognize the union and large plantation owners will be properly The rising prices will bring the questo put in it.
Youngstown, Ohio.
January hire nothing but union men and hire Unemployed Workers Admitted Free compensated by the government in any tion of economie class struggles to the His pay day was 15 days off and in Cleveland, Ohio. January 4, them out of the union hall. Another Auspices. New York Branch Communist case.
forefront in the very near future, and the meantime he was compelled to beg Philadelphia, Pa. January 10. Continued on page 2)
League of America (Opposition. Continued on page 2)
ONTH the tons in Our National Tour