BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismImperialismLeninMarxMarxismSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1931 Marine Workers Defense Is Organized The Forum Letter to Comrade. by Leon Trotsky The British Election and the Communists Chicago Lectures the (Continued from page 1)
Our only crime has been that of or signed have taken the initiative to form anizing workers in an industry where What Next in England was the a defense committee. Magal counsel has exploitation has reached its very limit. ople dessed by Cannon at the been retained and a campaign of public. If this is a crime then we are criminals New York Forum of the Communist ity and agitation has been mapped out and we will continue to be criminal, but Leanne of America (Opposition) last Choo Independent Tidewater Boatmen we most emphatically deny zuilt of the box: Sovember The defeat of the Union, three weekly labor papers and matter charged to us by the police MacDonald, the poor showing of the sciousness of the workers. The bureau English proletariat, it will be followed several organizations are already reby the powerful blossom of their revoluOne of my English friends wrote to cratie bankrupts believe that one cun We hope that the workers of the British Communist Party in the elections me on the 9th of October, prior to the mechanically fasten our leadership, onto tionary woul.
presented in the defense committee anda ton of which one of us ix Secretary and the perspectives for the Communist Parliamentary elections about the fast the working class on the one side with backing its fight. This is only a begin see through the whole miserable frame Yet, immediately the victory of the ning were dealt with by comrade Cannon. growth of the Communist Party, and of the aid of cash and repression, on the conservatives brings heavy trials for the It is the aim of the committee to broal organize and light those responsible for uation in Britain up and will redouble their efforts to preliminary review of the economie si a certain approach of the rank and Ale other side with the help of abrupt leaps, Puglish proletariat and the deepening of en its membership to include represen the miserable conditions existing in our speech. The role of the United States, munism. My correspondent speaks also calumnes. But this is totally untrue.
accompanied the members in the IL towards Com the blotting out of traces, with lies and international dangers. Especially does tatives of all tendencies in the labor industry. We further trust that our union which has superceded Great Britain as of a regrowth of the Minority Movement this endanger the ilere we movement. The defense committed in members individually and collectively the leading imperialist power, was dis in the trade unions and the growing lead since their consciousness is filled with through the unimerrupted The English workers think slowly, an what little athal was brought to the vites the conparation and support of all will give the Committee all their support cussel. The effect of the Stalinist polership of the same Minority in the sporthe rubbish of centuries. But they think. cry for her defense. Por it period of workers of all organizations, parties financially and otherwise to fight this icy on the British working class and the adic strike movements. These isolated single articles, appeals, slogans, gener two or three years, one expected this de and groups regardless of the differences frame up to the bitter enl. This is a communist Party was set forth. particu instances in the Cackground of the world ally ask them by unnoticed. Ilowever, tense from Purcell lick, citrine and between them on other questions, who fight, not of one or two or three inlarly as arising from the Anglo Russian crisis and the national crisis which whole periods of politics (Anglo Russian later this defense was taken by the are willing to stand together in solidar ity with Solerberg, Bunker and Trajer working class, organized and unorgan independent role of the Communists. accept the iden that in the last two spect piss without a trace, at least, with fascist proletariat. And now, it has in dividual members into hisht of the orhahe Committee, which made ineffective the Englam is going through allows us to committee Third Perted to communist Party against the social in a common fight against a bravenixed, anul just as the political opinons Questions and discussion followed, after years there has been a strengthening of the most progressive, militant, critical the defense of the It all in all frame up.
of those in here may differ somewhat, our which the meeting a journed.
Address all communications and send common cause still winds us so must!
the Communist Party. The elections and revolutionary section of the working received 70, 000 votes. All that the left all funds to. At the next Forum, Friday evening. brought an absolute disillusionment in class. When imagines the education Opposition demanded, the rupture of the all class conscious workers on the out. December 4th, at the Labor Temple, 13th this respect of the many hundreds of of the revolutionary consciousness ashameful block with urcell, was charged MARINE WORKERS DEFENSE side siuk all their political differences st. anil Secom Arente, comrade Cannon thousands of votes which the Laborites the cutting of threads on a screw COMMITTEE and set together as one with the Comit, will talk on the New York Dynamite lost the Party at best swung to its sup must say that the leadership of the comone by Stalin as a refusal to defend the 84 East 10th Street, New York, N, tee and do their bit in the struggle from British imperialism. Now Carter Hudson, Chairman lot. its significance and the necessity port 20. 000, which is in consideration of intern, at each time, dors not employ we can draw the balance: Noboily has Carlo Tresca, Secretary We also wish to mike it clear to all for all workers to rally on behalf of the increased total number of voters, an the proper tool nor proper caliber, and viven much service to the expiring Itritconcerned that we leave cur case fully the defendants. Workers are urged to invalid conjunctural fluctuation, and not not in the direction necessary, thereby ish Imperialism as the Stalin school of James Cannon James Gilday and conditionally in the hands of the come early in order to get a seat. The by any means a serious political con breaking the grooves, crumbling and de yourse, the chief of this wehool earned Committee founded by yourself and com lecture starts at P.
Without the smallest exag Ben Gitlow quest. Where is the influence of the molishing.
two orders of the Garter, rade Tresca at the beginning and now Norman Hawkins further augmented by other workers Party among the unemployedAmong seation one can confirm that from 1923, The British Left Opposition must be Sylvan Pollack the coal miners? Among the young gen (for England especially from 1925) had Ribarich We leave all details as to our defense Stalinist Attack oneration of workers who, for the first the Comintern not existedd, we would in systematic work. Yon must estab.
xelection of attorneys, methods of de lish our staff center, though a small one. Zimmerman time, voted? Actually, the election re have to lay in England an incomparably fense, collection of money necessary for Greek Worker sults are a horrible condemnation of the more important revolutionary party. The even on a mortext scule. It is nice You must build your own pubideation, LETTER FROM the defense and any other matters per policies of the Party and the comid last elections illustrate with puwer that Cssary to have a steady, winterrupted THE DEFENDANTS taining to the case entirly in your hands NEW YORKtern.
frightful conviction.
and we are satisfied to trust to the activity analysis, critique and propagan At a recent meeting of the Greek Spar. have observed very little the tacties) Tasks of the British Left Opposition da. It is necessary to educate our endres, Tombs Horicity Committees judgment inerete matters in tacus Workers Club in New Yorkcome of the British Party during the last wear Here begins the task of the Left Op. although in the first stages few. The November 24, 1931 Communists. fundamental power of history is in our We hope and trust that the Committee and now a member of the Spartacus what it learned, or whether it really among whom are naturally many devoted, favor. When, in England, more so than Dear Comrade Cannon: will be successful in its cendensor, but Chab, protested vigorously against the learned anything. However, it is clear honest. self sacrificing revolutionaries, elsewhere, Communism in a short time We want to make it clear to all those successful or not, we want you to know Stalinists for the expulsion of supporters, to me that Independent from its recent cannot but be discouraged with the recan conquer the consciousness of the concerned that not one of us, the under that we appreciate all you have tried to and sympathizers of the Left Opposition and latest errors, the Communist Party sults of a decade of activity, and that in signed, is guilty of any part of the crimes do and we realize your tremendous cf. from the Club.
wide masses, 80 van rajner, in the charges against us and have contended forts. We expect no gratitude or mercy is paying by its Impotence of the past the exclusively opportune conditions.
sime short time, within the Communist Ile also assisted the left Opposition year, for the shameful and criminal exsimism and indifference can also take movement, the supremacy of so throughout the whole case, no mat from the boss class. We ask for none, comrades in the distribution of the Mani politics of the Comintern, bound up with hold of very good revolutionaries when the Left Opposition, that is the ideas less of ter what the aily press may have said but we ask the workers to organize, orto the contrary. We are framed and ae ganize and fight to the bitter end.
festo of the Greek Opposition and of the the Anglo Russian Committee and later they do not understand the causes of of Marx and Lenin. sincerely with our cused by one willian Hoyle, a member leaflets advertising the Opposition forum. with the whird eriod. These errors their own weaknesses, nor find the way British friends sucs on this path. Signel) Soderberg, Wm. Trajor, As a result he was summoned on Nov. were ruinous especially for England.
of the union whom the police are using out. Criticism, e, in the light of ember 19th before the executive conmit. Traditions of the English Proletariat Marxism that openly illuminates the path With best communist greetings, against us. Our stand has been, is now! Bunker. Members of the tee of the Club and reprimanded for the Yours, and always will be one of not guilty. BU.
distribution of the leaflets. On Sunday It surprises one anew, what a terrible of the arty, its zig zags, its errors, the TROTSKY.
Sormler 22 he distributed the land load of humilitation, conservatism, nic theoretical roots of these errors that Kadikos. November Wohe 131 fextos and was threatened with physical otry, conciliation, respect to the sum is the foremost and necesary condition JEWISH WORKERS comrade apas was sitting around and drags in its thoughts the English work expecially necessary, when this has not NOTES FROM ENGLAND The Chicago branch of the Communist ATTENTION discussing the Manifesto with other ing class which is at the same time cap been done, to begin the publication of LONDON Many workers were intimLeague of Amerien (Opposition) has or workers, a member of the Greek District able of grand revolutionary insurrections the most important documents of the In a Nationalist Bureau of the Party tried to incite others (Chartism, pre war movements of 1911. ternational Left Opposition concerning dated into voting for ganized a number of mass meetings and The New York Jewish group of to beat up comrade Papas. sympath movements following the war, the strike the question of the Anglo Russian Com candidate by a warning enclosed in their open forum meetings, since the opening mittee. This is the point of departure pay envelopes. It was stated that unof its own headquarters. The following the Left Opposition is calling upon less a nationalist government was reiver protested strongly against such movements of 1926. methods and advised the district bureau The English proletariat, the oldest, for the English Left wing.
is a partial list of scheduled meetings: all workers in sympathy with the Sunday, December 6th, at 2:30 member not to employ such Ideological with the most traditions, is, in its think he Left Opposition in England. Just turned the mills or works in question project of a Jewish paper to come weapons against Opposition sympath Subject: The Imperialist Contradicing methods, most empirical, carries in as Communism generally, has the right would have to be closed.
tions in Manchuria by Hugo Oehler.
to a meeting on Saturday, Decem ixers. But after this sympathixer left its chest two souls, and turns, as it to count upon a promising future: Brit ish capitalism falls from great historical Lawyers are more numerous in Thursday, December 10, at P. ber 5th, P. The meeting will the hall and comrade Papas descended were, with two faces to historical events.
Subject: The Left Opposition and the the steps of the Club, he was attacked The contemptible mercenary and ser heights to an abyss that is clear to all newly elected House of Commons than be held at the headquarters of the by tive Party members.
vile bureaucrats of the Trade Unions and One can, with assuredness, say that the they have been in any previous arliaEconomie Crisis by Arne Swabeck Communist League, 84 Fast 10th Sunday, December 13th, at 30 Comrade apas was indignant at such the Labour Party give expression to all recent elections represent the last nigan ment. They munber 188. 121 are larStreet, New York, Y Subject: Bourgeoisie Or Soviet United cowardly attacks and proposed to re that is rotten, humiliating, sert like and the rise of the national grandeur of risters and 14 solicitors. The Commontallate, but the comrades of the Opposi feudal in the British working class. the British bourgeoisie. However, it is weal rightly regards this preponderance States of Europe, by Carlson.
Sunday, December 20th, at 30 EXPIRATION OF SUBSCRIPTION tion cooled him clown. The Opposition Against this, the tasks of the Communist the rise of a drink lamp. For these of the legal clement was very unhealthy Subject: Socialism in England, by If the number of your wrapper is 93 comrades warn the Party members Party consist in giving expression to the clections, official English polities will in for the nation.
John Edwards.
or under your subseription has expired against these fascist methods of diseas potential revolutionary qualities of the the coming period pay heavily.
The bankruptcy of the great national The same paper, which stands for land sion as against ideological arguments, British working class, which is very great Sunday, December 27th, at 30 To ensure that you do not miss a single and will defend themselves against any and capable of developing immense ex heroes of the three parties, just as the restoration without commensation to pre Subject: Can Capitalism Solve The inte of The Militant, send in your reEconomie. risis, by John Mehley newal immediately to The Militant, 84 future attacks of the Stalinists if thesplosive powers. But in the very critical bankruptcy of British capitalism. are sont lokers, al o state that more than 30 heirs of her and builders of courtesy The meetings will be held at the head East 10th st. New York, will not learn letter nor desist from period of British history. 1995 1927, all absolutely inevitable. Despite such prutetices the polities of the British Communist stacles from the I, the mole of the prerage titles have been returned to the quarters hall, 1435 No. Wesetrn Ave.
BOSTON MEETING Party and the Comintern consisted in the British revolution borrow much too House of common. To these must be Admission is free. All workers are in slave like assimilation of the Trade Un good its earthly path. One has every added the wife of a duke the wife of It is necessary that every member of BOSTONvited to attend.
the Party should study calmly and with lon leadership, its idealization, blotting right to hope that these elections are an Karl, the wife of a viscount, and the Excellent interest was manifest among out its treason, and fastening the con the last rise of reliance of the millions daughter of a baron.
the greatest objectivity, first the sub workers who attended Arne Swabeck CHINESE COMMUNIST GETS stance of the differences of opinton, and lecture in Boston on November 27 on the fidence of the working class to it. The of workers on the capitalists, lords, inIn a future issue the same weekly.
young British Communist Party was botellectuals, educated and rich persons.
TEN YEARS within the arty. Neither the one nor the ous questions were asked of the speaker then the cerelopment of the struggles results of the British elections. Numer cause of this deeply demoralized. The those united with MacDonald and the Commonweal, will publish details of the SHANGHAI Nov. 1st. Fenprecor) other can be done unless the documents even after the close of the lecture, ly whole authority of the October Revolu Sunday Pudding. These gentlemen will land holding of those peers who have heirs or other relatives in the ComZI Ah mei, Communist and trade union of both sides are published. He who close marty sympathizers, including tion, Bolshevisen, was in this lind no secret. The real secret is this: leader. received particularly merciful takes somebody word for it is a hope couple of Negro comrades. good year attached to the support and solid the Proletarian Revolution. Just as the mons, with some partienlars of untitled treatment from the Chinese authorities less idiot. who can be disposed of with collection to defray the expenses of the Ification of the conserrative and servile actual elections prepare the smash of landlors who have securel election by here this week. He was sentenced to a a simple gesture of the hand. Lenin. meeting was taken up.
tendencies of the British working class the conservative and servile soul of the their dupes.
mere ten years and six months for his The Laborites Use the Stalinites participation in a recent strike of the After the Laborites had utilized the tramway operators and conductors in the Stalinites to the end and kicked them Shanghai Fench Concession. Incrimin aside, the chapter of Trade Unionism was ating documents found in his quarters STAUNTON, ILLmechanically substituted under the cap (Continned from page 3)
publication of all open letter, calling on united front; the broadening of the con tion of the ultra Left jump to the glory were Coniinumist pumphlets and notes The campai concerning the labor situation here. zi for the release This has still further harleued the them for work in common, for discussion Tom ference to include other organizations Mooney has broken around in the coal in the vicinity of Stanton; mass meetThird Period. The slogan of opposition, and in spite of the machina of various questions of tactics, etc. This. Clans Against Class was now issued, in Chinn, for twelve years in addition to losex civil rights, whatever they may be nells of Illinois. On the initiative of ings, demonstrations, ete. Electeil on the interpreted as a slogan of the struggle orl Fronx, it has been successful recently in as they pointed out. woukl then lead his sentence. Ordinarily Communism in the St. Louis Branch of the Communist resolutions committee were Tash of thel a handful of Communists against the strengthening its influence, particula fusion in the future. No answer. On League of America (Opposition) and Communist Party. Clarke of the Com social fascist proletariat. When larly among the party cadres, the contrary, the pretty strugules of thala punishable by death.
thru the instrumentality of the St. Louis munist League of America (Opposition) terday Purcell and Cook were friends the cities, large and yes. its influence is growing all korup became even sharper, and dirtier. mited Front Mooney Conference, the and Hede (L. small. Entirely Our Greek comrades think it is the duty and trustworthy allies of the Soviet Um of the International Opposition to exnew groups have been formed in Mace movement has got under way. Twenty COMMUNIST BEHEADED The committee presented two resoluton, today the workers who vote xix delegates from eight tions. Both were adopted unanimousls. Purcell and cook for donin among the tobacco workers, as press its opinion of the Spartakos group PEIPING Xor. Fenprecor) locals representing approximately 5, 000 The resolution referring to the criminal selves into class enemies. This is the are holding a transformed them well as in Larissa, Lamia, Thassos. They and to condemn it as a group with which out here to see young Sung Hou mel, 21 miners, the Communist League of Amer syndicalist law was amended following political orbit of the British Commun great number of sport we have nothing in common.
years old, and officially listed as a not ica (Opposition) and the communista heated discussion but the spirit of the ist Party, or, rather, of the communist addition they have two well developed meetings, and meetings of refugees. In The Slogans of Our Organization The Congress of the Opposition will orious Communist. publicly beheaded Staunton Pardon Mooney Club and met yrams were sent to Governor Rolph, de surer way to trample the prestige of Bandist performances with great success, the party they the chose pour Tele: International. Can we expect another artistic groups, who carried on propale held in about two months Against with a two handed sword. In cool and in the Staunton Labor Temple. Lodge manding the immediate and uncondition Communism and to undermine the con especially in Athens and Saloniki, and reunion of the two political bold reply to the howls of the mob Sung Hall, on Sunday, November 20, at P blixhela al release of Tom Mooney: to the Pro Aidence of the Party by the awakening among the sympathizers in rural disons. They have already announced his death would be worth while if it helped to lead to the estab.
secuting Attorney of Franklin County, workers?
After disposing of preliminaries, the II. emanding the quashing of the intricts. At present these performances series of articles on it in their organ. Davlos. For trade union unitylishment of the Soviet system in China The Moscow bureaucracy of the have been forbidden by the police.
conference buckled down to business. dictment of the seven victims recently at every step runs against a blind alley against the splitters! group of The conference elected its officers and arrested, and their release; Formation of Cadres to Tom with its nose, commands a turn either democratie slogan. a) Freedom committees then proceeded to a discus. Moones greeting him and pledging a to the left or to the Right. That is TIENTSIN Nov. 1st (Fenprecor) sion on methods for the beginning of struggle on his behalf.
The entire work of training which was trade unions. b) Freedom of the press, Military and political authorities are systematie mans activity for the release not difficult. All these Kuusinens, Mancarried on in the past, has shown good (e) Freedom of Assembly. a) Freedom for political organizations. e) Abolition motion introduced by a ullskys, Logorskys, etc. are apparatus results. Today they have a large numfeverishly preparing precautionary meas of Nooney. The main speech in the dissures here in view of a report thnt Chi cussion was made by comrade Stamm of delegate, placing the conference on remen, free not only of serious Marxian of trained workers who know how of the Anti Communist Law. 1) Abolt nese Communists are planning to hold the St. Louis Communist League of Am cord as denouncing a malicious siander training and revolutionary horizon, but to apply Marxist principles, in political tion of the Press Law. Amnesty (3)
a congress on November 7, in honor oferica (Opposition) who, basing bimself which appeared in the Illinois Miner of also and this is the important thing questions as the to of nes Although the work was setor decent social insurance, support de intellectuals, about the unemployed.
stressed the importance of a genuine Stamm in the name of the Communist politics has a pure chancery character. gun by a group of League of America (Opposition) was to tactical turn is for them only a new 85 to 90 of it now consists of work. Differences with the Party on Concreto dlebate with Chan. Blome against the recircular. The of the British Com ers, who are engaged in the productive Political Questions lease of Mooney, and demanding that munist Party, according to its strength, process. They have Marxist schools. a) Evaluation of Fascism. b) The Read!
the Illinois Miner print a correction, was carries out the orders. But all of these which are attended by adherents. This immeddiate threat of war against the unanimously carried.
circulars, through the corresponding pol whole work is reflected in the theses for e) Trade union questions. d)
An executive committee representing ities, transport themselves into the con the organization of their first congress. Against the theory of socialism in one each local union, the Communist Party, The basis of the local organization is country. e) Against social fascism.
the Communist League of America (Opthe cell. Through the press, in 11. It should be mentioned here that on position) was elected and will work out CANNON TO SPEAK BEFORE sheets, in strikes and through active all these questions the Spartakos group plans to broaden the conference and erI. FORUM participation in all daily struggles of and the Fractionists drift along at Published by the National Youth Committee, Communist League of tend its activity. We would like to in America (Opposition)
quire of the Communist Party as to whe. Forum in New York at 90 real face.
James Cannon will speak at the the workers, the Opposition shows its the tail of the Party.
We must develop and make closer our ther its participation in this conference Bast 10th Street, on Sunday, December. An organ for functionaries is pub YOUNG SPARTACUS 81 East 10th Street New York, is a change of policy, and why the 16th, 1931. The subject of comrade Can lished whose first issue appeared after contact with our Greek section sous to and the were conspici non lecture will be Class War PrisAug. 1, and whose second issue came out exchange our experiences internationally, It is therefore of great importance to re Enclosed please find fifty. 50) cents for one year subscription. our by their absence?
oners and Labor Solidarity. He will the beginning of September.
port more often in our press on their Name.
The conference was a succeed from review the famous labor cases of the Spartakos activities and to give them at the same many points of view. The delegations past, the attitude of militant labor toAddress.
As to this sterile and petty bourgeois time for their press authentic reports were representative ones, and militancy ward them, and draw conclusions rol group. they have already frequently gly on the situntion in the various European was outstanding Karding the problem of labor solidarity en their views. Still, they tested them counries. A, in. GEORGE CLARKE, in the cases of the present day. again from a political standpoint through October 1931 all ob: The Work of the Greek Opposition Illinois Miners on the Go for Tom Mooney in Subscribe!
ΤΟ Young Spartacus City State