BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist ManifestoCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsFascismImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismPrivate PropertyRosa LuxemburgSocialismSovietStalinStalinismSyndicalismTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1931 Book Review The Defendants Before the Docks in Canada In the Far East etc. There the war. Continued from Page Lenin by Prince Mirsky Little sia for aid, nor has any offer ever been Brown Co.
The Goverment Aims to Attack All of the Communist Forces; An Evaluation of the Defence received, the reports that negotiations for resumption will begin are still circulatIn a booklet on the history of Rusing and are widely credited. Pelping sia, Prince Svyatapolk Mirsky concludes with the thought that Soviet Russia reIt was common ground that the trial, had any organte connection with the rocated. don believe in violence Lenin classic opposition to this theory report on October 31 in the Chinese ver.
presents a new type of cvilization civilization in which Eastern (Asiatic) at the Toronto assises was not of the party. There had been no language see nor does any Communist. While of the elemental development of the macular press announced the arrival of a Soviet representative in the old capital there has been vlolence in historice workers movement is well known. With to discuss the matter with Marshal ideals predominate over Western (Eur accused as Individuals only but of the tions of the party since the re organizaopean) ideals. And that is good, he communist Party of Canada. That eleton in 1925 and the Finnish Society and light by the privileged classes to retain to revolutionary movement. the work Change krainian Farmer Labor Temple were their privileged position.
So Kuo Min Tang Chinn is again turnmysticism and mendicancy) is to him on the comrades to conduct their de thinks; for Eastern culture (ignorance, cumstance placed a great responsibinindependent organizations. The minority coming and is bound to increase but ilist consciousness. without a party of Ing to Soviet Russia, just as it did in Violence is ers do not automatically develop a socialactive in these organizations naturally superior to Western culture (the mach fence in accord with revolutionary tradle sought to influence and direct their pol. The people are to learn force and violence our own, it is impossible to wage such 1924. The government now seeking to Ine and its resultants. is nothing more than a band of militar.
ance of the present. Stalinist regime accused could not resort to a merely open to others.
That is the springboard of his accept political education of the manuscins the icles by the same methods of persuasion it is not from us. He concluded with a struggle for the dictatorship of the resume Erlendship with the an expression of the hope that the out. proletariat. the revolutionary socialcome of the trial would be an increased democrat a Jacobin bound up with the ists backed by bourgeols merchant bankin Russia. Soviet Russia does not relegalistie defence without grave sacrifice present to him the fulfillment of an idea of positions of principle. It was patent. Communist Party was to bring about a organization.
To the question if the purpose of the realization of the need for working class organization of the class conscious proers who sold the revolution in 1927 for a tetarint. He fought tooth and nail mess of imperialist pottage, who have it represents to him rather a counterly in the nature of the case that the change of government hy force and Prosecution and Judge in Joint Attack against the Menshevik proposals to be been waging ceaseless war against rev.
olutionary peasant and workers and eraline the party by the almission of students who have washed the country posing of cultural forces the East verules of court procedure and the exclu violence the witness replied: We teach The Crown Prosecutor addressed the the pre October counterparts of some red in the blood of its own people. Por the West, Spengler vs. Marx. And so we sionary technicalities of evidence were the inevitability of the collapse of capi.
have another apostle of National Social no less weighted in favor of the prosecu taliem. The present system was essen Jury last. It was a savage recapitula Friends of the Soviet Union tion than the section of the Criminal Gially a system of government which had in. He disclaimed that this trial was communist Party of Canada is yet a pro reasons of expediency, the Soviet Union Friends and events are not the code which was the basis of the in grown out of private property relation an attack on socialism or communism ramunda organization. Nobody pretends may weleme resumption, it only because choices of accident. Too, it is no acci dictment. The presiding Judge would ships and so could not be expected to if it could be advocated in a legitimate that there is an immediate struggle for it might have a restraining effect on the dent that Lenin should have at one not, for example, permit explanatory unetton for socialism. When the work fashion nor was it an attack on trade power. For the Anal struggle the Com White Terror, which still continues in all its ferocity.
time chided Stalin for his nationalistic statements where, in his view, the ques ers obtained political power they would tundentismo which was protected by the munist parts must count its supporters compulsions. And when the latest of tlon could be answered categorically create their own state. was there more freedom of speech than more necessary is it to emphasize the role the Trotsky killers, the professor and The evidence of an interested witness Tom Kwan, secretary of the Workers in Canada. The men in the box con of the revolutionary party. The workers CLASS BASIS OF THE Prince, Mirsky, comes to make his peace, was not as safe as of a witness ibso Lengue, testined that this organ ools He again quoted from the Statutes ofl of the Labor Party and the Social Demfourteen years after the event, with the lutely disinterested in the outcome. In had a membership of 25, 000 of which stituted the general staff for civil war. have paid dearly for their illusory hopes ANESE BOYCOTT Sovietnesolution, it is because the the light of the emphasis it received in or were communists. He denied the seemd Congress and alleged that the ocracy. The Comintern has paid for its SHANGHAI (Fenprecor) The boy Communists were better patrioi than the Judge charge to the furs, the orall that the Communist Party advocated or role of the Communist Parts had been entente cordiale with the British trade cott movement against Japan though violence for was this patriotic acceptance of Soviet presumably counted as disinterested. Industrial change.
policy that led him to undertake the The court ruled out as inadmissable al class which resorted to violence in the To convict is to declare that revolution and easants parties.
It was the capitalist out a fire was before the conflagration in Tank and its reliance on workers wenses no real anti imperialist character. This is clearly evidenced in the biography of the firmest disciple of evidence of the activity of the party in class strukcie. clash in the distant shall not prevail in Canada, that Moscow Marx the creator with Trotsky not so the labor movement that it conceived future was inevitable. The Communist shall not dietate to Canada. He class composition of the various antiOther Shortcomings of the Defense much of a new state but of the first as not bearing on the particular issue of Party speaks against force and violence. wound up by invoking the shadow of Japanese associations and the type of dictatorship of the proletariat over an force and violence. Wih due regard to the day to day struggle concerned wage Remembrance Day and the sacrifices in defense was the obscure stand on the Another marked shortcoming in the activity which they sponsor.
The leading group, with headquarters area comprising no less than a sixth of these limitations, which operate in other reductions, unemployment.
the earth sutrace. And why not? If socJurisdictions, it was still necessary and was no suggestion of a present over.
fondamental problem of the revolution here is the Anti Japanese and National tal patriots and epigones can write possible to develop a revolutionary de throw of the system but an eventual Aim To Attack All Communist Groups the conquest of power, in other words the Salvation Association. Its membership books on Leninism why can a reaerence. To what extent did the accused overthrow is what the party was organdictatorship of the proletariat. In their is composed of bankers, merchants, inAfter the Judge charge to the Jury. natural desire to prove that force and dustrial operators, well to do students tionary epigone and patriot write a book succeed?
ized for.
on Lenin. Of the two the latter is less the verdict was a foregone conclusion violence were not the product of mere and professionals and it confues its harmful.
The Prosecution Material There was no organic connection be The documents and testimony at this advocacy or propaganda but of existing measures to driving Japanese goods from Such belated courtesies to the Work Following the testimony of Leopold, tween the Comintern and the trial. he sakl, have drawn a distinc property relations, the defendants leaned the Chinese market. To give the move ers State from all manner and shape the Crown read an enormous number of He suggested that there was little tion between two classes the proletar over backwards and involuntarily drew ment a popular character, it draws beof former aristocrats, intelligentsia and exhibits, the booty of the police raids, ssential difference between the work and at, covering all wage workers, and the picture of an increasingly violent capi bind it the docile membership of the down right red baiters seems to be the Into the evidence. The prosecution quoted aims of the Workers Unity League and bourgeoisie comprising all others with talism and a social pacifist communism. sellow, Kuo Min Tang controlled trade mode now. All, however, under the guise profusely from the organ of the under an ordinary trade union organization. the petty bourgeoisie in between. In It was stated and repeated that no comunions.
Tom Hill was examined on the rela democratic country like this, where the munist believes in force or violence. Attempts by the class conscious workone country) principle. In Germany. Ist, from the Worker, the Communist tions obtaining between the party and proletarian of today may be the hour of course no Communist believes in ers to demonstrate their genuine antiand army men came out in favor of the Theses and Statutes of the Comintern, recently, an entire group of intellectuals Manifesto of Marx and Engels, the the Finnish society.
geots of tomorrow, is it just and proper force and violence for its own sake. imperialist sentiments, to raise genutno Bruce Testimony to set one of these classes against the But we Marxists do something more than anti imperialist slogans and thus create declaring it the most patriotic the 21 points admission adopted at other. The law is the collective wis deplore the violence of the possessing a mass movement which would logically party in Germany and seeking a national the Second Congress, the reports of proMalcolm Bruce denied knowledge of dom of our representatives in Parlia classes. We give no direct or indirect possess a revolutionary character, are socialistic solution for the economic illa ceedings of successive Congresses of the any workers self defense corps in Can ment and must be obeyed. aid or comfort to the constitutional il ruthlessly suppressed by the authorities.
of the land. Each theory evolves its and conventions of the party, the ada. Violence had come from the police The verdict is already known to the fusions fostered by the reformists of a such a movement would be inevitably own practice. Strange theories. strange program of the Sixth Congress, the min. We don create or foment strife or realers of The Militant. The Attorney democratie transition to socialism. Capt directed dagainst the Kuo Min Tung gov.
Arlberents utes of the Political Bureau, cablegrams discontent or discord. declared comrade General of Ontario has graciously offered talism, in the words of Marx, comes drivernment which for four years has acted The Prince Hero Is Stalin that passed between the Comintern and Breathe course of cxamination by make the mass of evidence available as from head to foot from every pores the conscious agent of imperialism on As for the book itself, it is the most the party committee, etc. All this pain. defence counsel. We merely recognize to any provincial attorney general who with blood and dirt. The capitalist state behalf of the foreign powers.
In the seisure and confiscation of Jap puerile attempt at biography since Emll staking accumulation was intended to this discontent and discord and regard mer undertake prosecutions aga lust other and charity and it will not meet the rev. anese goods in the large centers, in the the life of of a great man and leave out munist Party of Canada was admittedly uy inevitable. We do not seek to bring against organisations with similar pol with the sermon on the Mount. It will ing such goods and in all similar activ that period in his history which has been a section of the Comintern, that it was about an armed revolution in Canada. It icles and principles most instrumental in bringing out his subordinated to the instructions ofis merely our hope that the workers the press the Crown prosecutor, ar. avail itself of the fraud of parliament: ities, the boycott movement has revealgreatness and Importance i, at best, an Moscow, and accordingly the agent was opportunity to see power will come Somerville, thought it best to add his arism while it is still an effective opiate ed itself as a new and rather violent effort at taxidermy and not biography. responsible for the plans and acts of the when the revolution breaks out. our own plensant note. Not only were the of the masses: it will resort to the un phase of the Inter capitalist competitive There is nothing in the book that one, principal. Mr. Norman Somerville, the ultimate alm is a farmer labor govern 4000 members of the party liable to promasked terror of fascism when dem process of which it is merely an unusual with a fairly adequate acquaintance of Crown prosecutor, was not satisfied with ment in Canada and a system of Soviet secution, but any who have dropped ocracy fallet. Against this state, with extension, revolutionary literature, especially that eloquent quotations from fundamental or connells but not necessarily by over. metnbership or been expelled. Under its panoply of police, militarism, bureau The Exploiters Band Together genuine anti imperialist movement pertaining to Soviet Russia, does not documents. The police had also see throw. We feel that the system win this last class, he believed, would some cracy. Judges and fallers, and its basis of already know. There are a few specious what purported to be a pamphlet of Vas deens and collapse of its own accord such former leading members of the munists cannot advocate the policy ofisitles against all the violators of finance capital and monopoly, the Com.
in China would have to direct its acand rationalized defenses of his real hero silley of the Organization Department of. The present system of government party Rs Jack MacDonald one time party Stalin. Our author, seemingly under the Comintern, in which the author un will not be in existence by the time the secretary, and Maurice Spector, former the struggle for power with folded arm China soverignity without regard to naspell of Yaroslovsky, tries a little perdertakes to discuss more efficient meth inevitable struggle arrives. all we editor of the Worker.
Lenin and Marx were in complete accord version of Party history. himself. Theods of workers self defence for protec. seek is the amelioration of the lot of Since this statement, the party head that the proletarian revolution could not tionality. But while proclaiming their be realized without the forcible de opposition to Japanese aggression, the According to John Reed (and you have any ensuing police attacks. The Crown system. The tendency of capitalism and the District Ogranizer there. state machine and its replacement by ments in Nanking and Canton still mainStruction of your choice as to your historiographer) attempted to link this pamphlet up with was to supercede democracy by Fascism Marriot, has been placed under arrest. new machine.
tain and thrive on friendly relationship it was Lenin who insisted on that date a demonstration in Toronto in which cer. armed revolution lies in the lap of for the Revolution to take over powertain policemen were alleged to have sut history.
Evaluation of the Defence We recognize an evolutionary The standpoint of the Crown was the with the other robber powers who for filibustering in wheth proved to be an entirely successtered injuries.
process going with two currents in soc.
We have acknowledged the technical continuity of the legal system before. century have been China. And the sincerity of their antiful choice. According to the Prince, however, it was Trotsky. against the Japanese declamations can be measured But of course the crux of the Crown Sety leading towards a conflict. revclrcumstances that embarassed the cor during and after a revolutionary crisis But law the handmaiden of social by their strenuous efforts to protect wishes of Lenin who held to that date case was that the whole program and blutionary crists would arise from grad fence. We add that we do not impug forces. The common law crime of Sedina worsening of the conditions of the the personal courage of the accused.
Japanese lives and property from the and was almost respons for the strategy of the went were forced the workers whether there was a communist That indispensable attribute is not, howtions conspiracy falled to overawe the Revolution ending Every chance our author has of belt lence. or as the Judge charged must party or not. The program of the ever, exclusively Bolshevik Burcler: American Revolution: the Constitution threatened attacks of a real popular In Canton an anti Japanese demonstrashevik Revolution is well utilized. But violence a logical, natural result of their hot of application but of interpretation political. To the Communist, the court Codes and injunctions have notoriousls tion by students of the Sun Yet Sen tling comrade Trotsky role in the Bos instruct you that it you think torce and Communist International was a question ton of the merits of the defence mest er failed to detect the American Civil war.
that that should not be news to readers of teachings, it is a matter of Some parts applied in Canada and were room is another forum for the program failed to solve the fundamental contra The Militant, considering the source from they are advocating, advising and de carried out and some did not. He of class struggle. To allute it before the dictions of social systems In decay. The wiversity was fired on by the police fending force and violence for the over agreed however that the Comintern pro jury is no more permissible than on the the vindication of its necessity. The retceling. Chief of Police Nin Wan ordered proscription of the Communist Party 18 seriously wounded. To allay popular which the vituperation flows.
stitutions. It is not a question of time, the party operations so far as they have their own logle and explosive force peal of section 18 of the Criminal Code but a question of the intent and meaning could be applied in reply to ques. The principal defect of the defence rea should be immediately inscribed in letthet e arrest of the officers who gave the of their teachings and documents.
ledge of any Workers Defense Corps in tion)
from the Leninist conception of every working class organization in the ing succeeded by General Neung NenBOOKS BY Party History Canada or that he had voted or advocat. the vanguard role of the Communist country.
pink, command of the Second Army.
The first of the accused who went the proletarian dictatorship.
ed them. He agreed that he believed in Party in the struggle for the proletarian LAURICE SPECTOR.
Chinese Police Attack Demonstrating dictatorship. The defendants keynote into the box was Tim Buck, the party Workers cretary. He described the formation Buck Arguments was that parties do not make a revolu THE MILITANT The government proclaimed martial of the Communist Party of Canada from tion. we teach the inevitability of the the various groups of the Communist Buck, who conducted his own defence. Though never guilty of the caricature on the seventh day of the trial, Tim collapse of capitalism, that is all. Published weekly by the Communist Low, machine guns were set up in the streets and Canton became an armed and United Communist Parties of Amdelivered his address to the jury. The of it sometimes drawn, it is for this very League of America Opposition camp Pedestrians were subjected to THE STRATEGY OF THE WORLD erica, which had branches in this coun fact, he declared, that the party had theory of spontaneity that Rosa Luxat 84 East 10th St.
rigid police interrogation and searchings REVOLUTION try, and trom other elements of the been in existence and operated publicly emburg has been subjected to countless EDITORIAL BOARD at strategie points and approaches to 86 pages, two colored paper cover, 250 former socialist and trade union move for ten years went to the root of the post mortems. In effect there was a re Martin Abern James Cannon were reinforced by gendarmes and solgovernment offices where armed police Introduction by Max Shachtman ments. The period was overshadowed situation.
The Judge however refused treat to Kautsky apologetie theory of Max Shachtman by the Palmer raids in the States with Maurice Spector diers. 000 soldiers were concentrated THE DRAFT PROGRAM OF THE their mass deportation and the War him the privilege of referring to the ac the level of the forces of production.
Arne Swabeck in the centre of the city, motor cars and COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL tivities of the party in the working class in in To explain the material and objective Criticism of Fundamentals the Dominion which had outlawed a movement outside the evidence. The pre requisites of the revolution was en November 28, 1928 at the Past Omeet Many arrests were made.
Entered as second class mall matter rickshas were stopped and searched.
Introduction by Cannon whole series of socialist organizations. world wide. The present general pro obscure and mimimize the function of the March 3, 1879.
Communist movement, he proceeded, was tirely correct. What was wrong was to New York. y. Under the act of In Chapel, a working class district of 140 pages, hard paper cover, 50 Here lay the reason for the underground gram was the historical continuance of revolutionary party. Our positions on Shanghai, Chinese police fired on a party THE SPANISH REVOLUTION character of the party in the early days the Communist Manifesto of 65 years this head have been incontrovertibly esof demonstrators, killing two and ser30 pages, paper cover, 10c Vol. IV, 34 (Whole No. 13)
But in December 1921 the Workers Parts ago, based on the principle that all his tablished by Marx and Lenin. Granted THE SPANISH EVOLUTION IN iously wounding several others. There Saturday, NOVEMBER 28, 1931 was organized from preliminary Contory was the history of class struggle that no social order disappears which subscription rate: 00 per year for tion of martial law in Greater Shanghal followed almost immediately a proclamaDANGER ference, and in 1924 the underground The program of the Comintern was also has not developed its maximum produe 64 pages, paper cover, 15c party was wound up and the Workers an analysis of society and the present tive forces and that if there were the poselgh 50. Hvecents per copy. and the Institution of regime similar to Bundle rates, cents per copy THE REAL SITUATION IN RUSSIA Party became the sole Communist Party crisis.
that introduced in Canton.
Introduction by Max Eastman in the country, frankly associated with sibility of a fresh organic development The Anti Japanese and National Salva364 page book, formerly 00; now 00 the Communist International There Revolutions don come because part of capitalism today, the proletarian revIN THE NEXT ISSUE tion Association in Shanghal passed a MY LIFE (Autoblograhy)
had never been any real difference in les make them, but because history pro olution would be impossible. What has By Leon Trotsky: On the Tasks of henceforth badges shall be worn by ofresolution this week which atates that 600 pages. 00 the objects of and It was the ceeds forward from one epoch to another. that in common with economic deter7. COMMUNISM AND SYNDICALISM lapse of the War Measures Act, the In each system is the germ of the next minism or fatalism? It certainly does the Lett Opposition in England and in sicers of the Association and in future widening of democratic rights which had one. Capitalism must eventually fall not mean that the old order collapses of dia.
The Trade Union Question persons found participating in patriotic (Some Critical Remarks on an Unsucmovements who are not wearing such a whiah under the weight of its own contradic its own welght when it becomes econ.
Introduction by Cannon made an open party possible, could partielpate in muncipal campaigns fons. The world war was an expression omically reactionary. Determined by the cessful Thesis. badge will be branded as traitors and 64 pages, paper vocer, 150 due to the fact that the producing powers concrete situation, the will of the class review of the labor and political treated as such.
PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOPMENT and parliamentary activity: of the capitalist world had come into and its crystallization in the party con situation in Greece.
Meanwhile news begins to trickle down OF THE Trade Union Policy insoluble contradiction with state boun stitute an integral element of the his Fenprecor despatches from Shanghat that the small Chinese shopkeeper 18 48 pages, paper cover, 15e Dealing with the trade Union Policy daries. Imperialism has developed the toric process. The bourgeoisle will not on developments in the Far East. beginning to suffer from the stoppage of SINCE LENIN DIED of the Party, comrade Buck denied that pre requisites for socialism. Communism abdicate: it must be conquered. Neither In Italy: The Dictatorship the Japanese goods. From Tsingklangpoo, By Max Eastman the Workers Unity League was the ins the only alternative to fascism. The bourgeois decline nor proletarian dicta Black Shirts on the Threshold of Its Klangsu, comes a report dated October 168 page book, printed in London, 1924 dustrial department of the party. In class strurele grows whether the com torship are automatic. The epoch of im Tenth Year and the Problems of Revolu 28th that all shops in the clty closed down as retallation for the Association Special Rates In Bundles of or more. the emphasis had been on an amalgama for it came out of the struggle, not the conditions for the proletarian revolution tlonary struggle by Feroct.
tion campaign Inside the old craft un reverse. But the Communist Party was In this epoch it is assuredly not true Other significant articles on events sealing up and detention of all Japanese goods, Order through ions in favor of industrial unionism, a inereasing the resistance of the working that parties don make revolutions in the international labor and communTimes have changed and historical campaign which had received wide sup class by organization in capitalist counContemporary history alone affords ist movements.
roles have been reassigned. Up to 1927 PIONEER PUBLISHERS port until the of bureaucracy tries.
dozen examples in Germany, Bulgaria, Distribute The Milftant. Subscribe!
Chinese workers and students were the 84 East 10th Street, countered it with expulsion of the mill We are placed on trial as having ad China, Spain and elsewhere, of revolu Be sure to get your copy of The MINI victims of shots fired by foreigners in tants and closer collaboration with the vocated something we haven advocated tlonary crises which the ruling clase tant each week. If your dealer does defense of Imperialist privileges. Today New York, employers. Neither the Workers Unity or taught. Force and violence was not surmounted in the absence of a com not handle it, write to The Milltant, 84 the shots come from rifles handled by LED League por the Farmers Units League something which grew up by being ad petent revolutionary party.
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