BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismImperialismSocialismSovietStalinTerrorismURSSWorkers MovementWorking Class

UNITE THEMILITANT Japanese Achieving Objectives Marine Workers Defense Is Organized Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 81 East 10th Street, New York, Entered as second class mail matter, November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
VOLUME IV, NO. 34 (WHOLE NO. 93 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1931 PRICE CENTS Kuo Min Tang Attacks Rising Workers Movement Militant Workers Rally to the Defense of Soderberg, Bunker and Trajer News from the Far East nationales a la recherches Flights obtained came uma Nanklusrelor dilont China Seeks to Renew Soviet Relations non at Statement and Appeal the Marine pigeon and agent provocateur, a police case and the case of Moyer and llaywood, ment on convicted criminals in prison.
Developments in the Sino Japanese restures of defiance against Japan. DeWorkers Defense Committee character who has undertaken the role for an intelligent worker to be on his But the New York police are not in the War in Manchuria have been rapid in the spite this, and the present bourgeois of a modern Harry Orchard. On this guard against this factor in the frame least restrained by this prohibition in past week. The Japanese armies pro character, in the main of the boycott. To All Workers and all ceeded so swiftly to remove Chinese it has been a thorn in the side of the Workers Organizations point the defendants have made the fol up game.
their treatment of prisoners whose gullt forces from any control of Manchurian Japanese. The Kuo Min Tang govern Comrades and Fellow workers: lowing statement in a letter to the de The flimsiness of the present case was remains to be proven. Their brutal malfense committee: soil that the foreign powers, who had ment of Chiang Kai Shek further progiven a striking illustration already into their hands is as notorious as their treatment of helpless prisoners who fall On Tuesday, November 17th, the New not even sharply reprimanded Japan ceeds against the working class. It We want to make it clear to all those the preliminary hearing set for Tuesday, miltary aggressions before called upon has forbidden strikes and brands the York newspapers carried sensational Japan to halt her advances. Great Bri suspension of work as illegal in times stories of the arrest of the secretary and concerned that not one of us, the under November 24. Fearing to trust the agent craft, as their framing of women and labor struggle.
In the case of the actain and the United States particularly of crisis. Suppression of workers or four other members of the Independent signed, is guilty of any part of the crimes provocateur to cross examination by the their support of the bosses in every intervened when it appeared as if the animations and execution of labor mill that they had engaged in a plot for the what the daily press may have said to secret Indictment by the Grand Jury the done themselves. In their efforts to comTidewater Boutmens Union on charges so throughout the whole case, no mattering the prosecution rushed through a cused marine workers they have outJapanese would also seize the city of tants and Communists continue as the wholesale bombing of barges in New York the contrary. We are framed and night before in order to avoid the hear pel the defenseless prisoners to conthe last China on policy of the Kuo Min Tang. Our readAanchuria. Secretary of State ers in other columns of The Militant Harbor. rest was claimed that the guilt cused by one William Hoyle, member. Ing. And they have already been obliged less they have resorted to bestial and Read the statement Steine running semuck tite Manchuria tend sive graphic first hand pictures and ex1 established and admitted that they against us. Our stand has been, is now one of the original defendants.
of the union whom the police are using to dismiss the charges against Reilly, inhuman torture.
of one of the prisoners.
ed to bring diplomatie parleys, carried planations of the situation and actions had confessed to the crimes charged and always will be one of not guilty his role, John Soderberg. seeretary and in less than an hour Trajer (a boy Concerning the stool pigeon Hoyle and Half an hour later was arrested, on for the most part secretly, to a head in China and the Far East generally. against them. The stage was all set for Our only crime has been that of organ of the Independent Tidewater Boatmen of 20) was brought in and shown to For the moment, at least, the Japanese Relations with the Soviet Union the breaking up of the union and the ing workers in an industry where Union and one of the defendants, writes me just long enough for me to see his railroading of the arrested men to prison ploitation has reached its very limit.
ex march upon Chinchow has been halted. Despite these actions and policies of terms of twenty five to forty years.
But what is outstanding in the Man the Chinese Nationalists, there is consi swollen and blood smeared face (which An investigation of the case by lead to be criminals, but we most emphatically If this is a crime, then we will continue in a letter from jail. churian situation is that the Japanese derable effort being exerted for the re Imperialists have achieved virtually all sumption of relations with the Sovieting members of the Tidewater Boatmen dens guilt of the matter charged against cord? conviction in Providence for ous in their endeavor to force me to Who is this Hoyle? What is his rewas shown me for effect. The police were beating me unconscitheir objectives in Manchuria and are Union. It is sad to have to say that the Union and others soon put another face us by the police.
larceny. Pired off his last three jobs, plead guilty. All known tortures were now in a position to make concessions Chinese Revolution of 1927 was destroyed vestigation we say now: not for organization activities but on acto the demands of the United States by Chiang Kai Shek and the Kuo Min The role of an agent provocateur count of drunkenness. Unable to get used by the police (beating of testicles The case against the accused union Job in the harbor he hit on the ilea of of same, etc.
Workers, they are trying to put over workers consists of the statements of making easy money by trying to involve al with blackjacks, punching and the imperialist powers associated Tang which was then fully supported squeezing in the League of Nations. Japan has and endorsed by Joseph Stalin and the another frame up: pay no attention to one man who has undertaken to furnish is own union comrades in some taugle can be more terrible, what greater of They talk about crime? What crime forces and influence for the time being. Opposition, it is perhaps fitting that until you read the following statement prison for the rest of their lives, as Boyle Towing Co. and complainant in than the torture, by these methods of cleared Manchuria of nearly all Chinese Comintern over the protests of the Left anything they say in the capitalist press the necessary evidence to send them to. He went to Hickey (manager of the fensive against humanity can there be The so called International Commission the hands of Chiang Kai Shek should of the case on behalf of the defendants so many police perjurers have been will the case) in open court (at the arraignof Inquiry into affairs in Manchuria and again seek to grasp those of Stalin whose They have not confessed. The ing to do in the well known labor cases ment) in front of us all, asked for the dark ages, of helpless prisoners in China will, when it begins its tasks of polley leads everywhere to the destruc only confession the police have obtained of the past It is sufficient only to re received 10 or account for sending four the dark corners of their jail? Yes, legalizing the exploitation and dismemtion of international socialism and solid is the confession of their own stool call the Mooney base, the Sacco Vannetti men up the river for 40 years or more. crime has been committed: but it is you, berment of Manchuria and China, have arity of the working masses.
police guardians of property, who are to do so while Japanese troops occupy The Canton Government, of which Eng.
Perjurers, stool pigeons and agents the criminals!
Manchurian soil at all strategic points. ene Chen is foreign minister, charges provocateur have played their pertidions No only do they condemn themselves Japan has virtually forced the other Im Nanking with failure to resist Japan role in every conspiracy against mili before humanity by these tortures; they perialist powers (bourgeois China hersele invasion, and decries reliance upon the tant labor leaders.
also refute their own accusations against had little choice in the matter) to recog League of Nations. This bourgeois kov No Intelligent worker who knows the the prisoners. If they have proof of nize the validity of her so treaty which has fundamentally the history of labor and the frame up sys their guilt, then why did they resort to tem would convict anyone on such testi torture to compel confessions. This is from a powerless China at the point of the Chinese bourgeois is to develop as the question which will logically arise a gun.
power and be able also to resist the Chinese tollers, They want to destroy the Boatmen in the mind of every unprejudiced per will SHANGHAI Nov. 1, 1931. Far East whose firm stand with regara to her Union. The Independent Tidewater Boatson. And when, on top of that, it is The Chinese Bourgeoisle Capitulate least some semblance of resistance to ern Press Correspondence (Fenprecor) position in Mauchuria, far from weak Before the Imperialists the invaders. While the terror against Communista ening in the face of rival imperialist spiracy of which the defendants are the torture could not exort men Union is the real target of the con taken into consideration that even this confessions.
The Chinese bourgeois government of Chiang Kal Shek has all but totally sur. tlon, Pravda, Moscow, raises the ques: politleo military elreles are being agitated Arising out of the Manchurian situa and revolutionaries of every shade con opposition, has stiffened into blunt de immediate tinues unabated. Nanking gorernment fiance, victims. This is clearly the presumption of innocence on the part shown by the whole procedure during and of the defendants becomes overwhelmrendered to the demands of the Japanese tion of recognition of the Soviet Union at the moment over the question of relations with the Soviet began pouring simply arrest the defendants as would Urgent requests for resumption of re after the arrests. The police did noting. Our Duty of Solidarity. From all of the capitalist powers led by the United by confusion and understanding between Relations were broken off in 1929 by the shortly after the Japanese occupation. They raided the unlon hall and drove fectly clear that this case has a vital States and Great Britain. After much the various countries may be alleviated as a conquance of Chinese which began on September Rusala. down from the Northeastern provinces be done in an ordinary criminal case that has been said it seems to us per bluster that the Chinese government or removed, citing the Sino Russ Eastern 19.
would consider no negotiations between Railway dispute as a point.
raids on the Peking and Harbin con organizations of the most reactionary from the wall and smashed the furniture, and that all workers owe an obligation Winter will slow down military op sulates during the Sino Soviet dispute type, chamber of commerce, merchants They carried away the books and records of solidarity to the defendants. Dynamuntil Japanese military forces had eva erations Manchuria. Meanwhile Jay over the Chinese Eastern Railway in July guilds, etc. kept the wires hot for weeks of the union. Then they put a police ite plants and dynamite plots are a com cuated Manchuria, the Nanking govern an remains intrenched in Manchuria and, ment is now ready to concede that vital on the whole, regards with equanimity, resumption is a direct outgrowth of the The current agitation for diplomatie Demand For Renewed Relations Increases members from admittance. And they enough of this game in our own experiwith burning petitions on the subject.
padlock on the hall and barred the mon menace to all. We have seen point and to place her reliance on the the forthcoming commission of Inquiry: Japanese Imperialist invasion of Man International Commission of Inquiry. to be extended to five members to in To these petitions was added on Oct didn stop there. In the days followence; we have read enough about it sad reed Indeed to lean upon and which clude a small power. Only the Chinese churla. large bloc of Chinese politico cher 17 the volce of Noh Teh hui, chleting the arrests and the sensational stor in the history of the labor movement in Chinese delegate to the Moscow conteries in the press, police and detectives earlier generations. we dare not turn foreshadows greater miseries for the Chibourgeoisie have cause to tremble in their military opinion is convinced that only ence on the Chinese Eastern Railway dis went onto the boats, where the members aside and let the arrested marine work nese people.
Rarely has a government in all his 750, 000, 000 (figures of 1980, from World China effectively block Japan. The fulpute. Noh, who has been languishing in of the union were working, and warners fight alone. It the movement can boots. Japan capital Investments of through cooperation with the Soviet CRD tory been so suppine and groveling be Almanac of 1931) appear indeed to be Allment of their dearest wishes would be moscow since last March without make them that if they do not tear up be terrorized by the cry of dynamite, it fore its foreign imperialist masters. secure. Nor has it great qualms just realized if the Soviet Union were to take ing any progress, wired Marshal Changer union books they would run the everyone turns away the minute the risk of being involved in the case. All police announce the discovery of from Japan to Italy, Great Britain and now over its investments in China itselt up the cudgels against Japan in the prelord, a to urge the Nationalist Govern these facts testified to by officers bombs, then no organization, and no acthe United States, as has been the capt which, among others, include outright sent crisis.
taliat government of Chiang Kal Shek. ownership of 43 cotton mills, with 1, 397. As delegates from Nanking and can ment to undertake resumption of rela and leading members of the union.
tive worker in the labor cause is secure The latter has not moved in reality one 272 spindles and 13, 981 looms.
Cations with a view to securing Moscow What is the reason for this campaign from attack. They can planta bomb rapprochement and redivision of the help in the solution of the Manchurian of terrorism? It the case against the in any office, produce a stool pigeon to iota to resist the Japanese invasion, de The Importance of Chinchow spite the strong and growing protest and is an ordinary criminal testify and railroad anyone they please.
spoils, reports began emanating from crisis says a dispatch to the China accused men Japan hope to seize Chinchow, against authoritative sources that negotiations Press of Shanghai.
demands of all elements in China, par: which the other powers set up a screech for resuming relations with Soviet Rus case, if they are interested only in ap They have done it many times before Generally influential oplalon in the prehending criminals, why is such an and they will do it again if we do not nnt. Chlang boast that he would leading howl, is easy to understand. It was sta would soon be tentatively begun. The north among the bourgeols merchants are questions which every worker must come to the aid of the intended victims.
ticularly the workers and poorer peas Assault made against the unton? These investigate and expose every case and and the military forces against Japan on the the last hold of Chlon in Manchuria issue has been given additional impetue military whose sconomic positions have Manchurian front has proved to be an Chinchow, says a report of the National by the patent fallure of the League of been Jeopardidzed by the Japanese deask. The answer is simple enough. The The duty of all class conscious work Geographie Society, is the chief elty of Nations to handle the Manchurian situ cupation ou crystalline Auto what has organizes the harbor boatmen and fights Trajer must be provided with competent Soderberg. Bunker and idle boast. He remains in Manking.
Southwest Manchuria; it is the center tion and the expectation that the League became a persistent demand for resuming for a minimum wage standard for them. legal defense. The labor movement must The Oppression Against the Chinese inese trade. It of the most will be forced to recede before Japan relations with China northern neighMasses strategically located cities in the Far Sbor.
In the recent period sweeping wage cuts be informed of the facts in the case and But if Chiang Kai Shek and the rest of East and has the only railroad which Coincident with this agitation comes against these workers have been made the issues involved. Searching investia report from Harbin that distinct union fought this wage cutting campaign. the whole conspiracy and bring every by various companies in the harbor. The gations must be condudcted to insover wholly weak and lax in opposing the Jap open front door to Manchuria which changes have already taken place in It upheld the standards on the boats thing out into the light of day.
anese Imperialists, they have been work China must hold to have any say in ManSino Soviet relationships up there in the ing overtime once again to smash the churia.
last two weeks. The press in Harbin boatmen had to submit to heavy reduc under its control while the unorganized For these purposes, and at rising movement of the workers, peasants Now there are discussions for the eshas suddenly been given permission to and students, whose wrath and demand tablishment of a neutral zone about The critical financial situation of The freely publish news from Russian tions. The Tidewater Boatmen Union request of the defendants, the under(Continued on Page 4)
lalism, foreign and native, has grown is suggested for the withdrawal of troops our appeal for financial assistance for mitted to carry crain through to Soviet workers in the New York Harbor. It for struggle against all forms of imper Chinchow, and, further, December 15th Militant makes it necessary to continue sources. Chinese river craft are now per holds a position of gerat strategie im.
rapidly again in the past weeks. But from Manchuria. Negotiations are slow the paper. There is no other way to ports on the Amur River. Previously has been established and functioning for Entertainment for Chiang denounces the demonstrators, not and, it is expected, will be long drawn make certain the appearance of the cups towing grain barges had been per a period of more than ten years and «El Soviet. against Japan. The economic boycott Achting of one sort or another will coners and readers to help financially. Ev. mouth of the Sungari River, where the has built up a stable group of union Against Japanese goods and its possibil tinne, and working class victims of capery reader of The Militant, we feel sure, barges were taken over by Soviet steamfighters. John Soderberg, as secret NEW YORK ENTERTAINMENT ities is frowned upon by the government, italist militarism will be killed. The will do everything possible to assure itsers. Now they are pushing right through ary of the union, was one of the leading ON SATURDAY spirits in the struggle. The other de.
and efforts are made to make the boy Nanking government will accept what continuance. We now ask for immedi to Habarovsk.
cott innocuous, colorless and merely ever is handed to them by the imperial ate ald; it is the only way out of our fendants Thomas Bunker and William ists. The League of Nations is seeking present difficulty, and to enable us to ingly worded reports were circulated in union. Therein lies the explanation why Spain will be held on Saturday, Decem On the 28th and 29th of October alarm. Trajer were active workers for the official organ of the Left Opposition of An affair for the benefit of El Soviet, for a ormula. not a solution, to the build more solidly for the future.
Manchurian problems.
Our organization, the communist Lea heavy movements of Soviet troops on the why their arrest was ony a cover for the headquarters of the New York China from Japanese sources disclosing they were selected as the victims, and ber 5th, 1931, beginning at P. at Revive the Workers Movement gue of America, takes pride in the in Manchurian border. Tokyo foreign a terroistic assault against the union. Branch of the Communist League (OpIn China OPEN FORUM The Communists and militants au Japoutsanding feature which is not even Instructed the Japanese ambassador Bestial Third Degree Torture. The postton. 84 East 10th Street. Workers an and Chine are increasing their activ pemotely approached by any other paper Moscow to express Japan concern at laws of all the states prohibit the in are cordially invited to attend. Refreshiof the Communist movement. With this the reports and to ask the Soviet diction of eruel and unusual punishments will be served, rect ultimate solution. In Japan there issue, still another development in this Government to refrain from activities have been manifestations by the workers respect is recorded; namely, the utn which are liable to arouse military ap ainst the Japanese attack uopn Manch. Isation of the press service, Fenprecor, prehensions. When Karakhun retorted!
uria. In China, as has been pointed which will enable us to furnish our with a sharp denial of the rumors, which The National Tour of comrade Arne All the branches have written in to out, the working class is endeavoring to predens wet atacuratet. detielle dond. com he characterized as provocative. Jap swabeck opened in Boston with a mass the National Office of the Communist rebuild its economic and political organi Par Bast. So long as The Millant is official rellet, and declared they had were also held by swabeck with the satisfaction that the national tour has strug. were Boston Branch of the Communist League been arranged. The remainder of the Kuo Min Tang betrayers, gainst scarcely credible.
Our situation remains precarious; our of America (Opr in connection rate Swabeck schedule follows: Lecture by the militarists and landlords of north transparent plan on the part of the with various activities, among them trade Chicago, III. Dec. 9, 10, and south and the institutions of militar Anancial weakness hinders the develop Japanese was seen in the exchange to unlon work, the etc.
11, 12, 13 JAMES CANNON ism and capitalism in China. The Chi From Boston comrade Swabeck was Springfield, II. Dec. 14.
at the Dee, 15, 16.
nese toilers are once again building for call upon all ou readers to help the ure to withdraw from Madeburian soil scheduled to continue on to Torbnte, St. Louis, Mo.
Labor Temple the future, for the only lasting solution, Militant Now Make a donation TODAY. before the date sot by the League of Canada and thence to Detroit, and then Kansas City, Mo. Dec. 18, 19, 20.
for a Soviet China. It is for the Amer and better yet, decide to make a weekly Nations resolution, which has already for a stay of days in Chicago, com. Minneapolis, Minn.
14th Street andd Second Avenue Dec. 24, 25, 26, ican workers to assist the Chinese masscontribution for the sustenance of the QUESTIONS and DISCUSSION 27, 28, 29.
been repudiated and characterized in its mencing on December 8th, where there es by organizing their forces against the Weekly Militant.
true dimensions by Japan, will be held open forum lectures, a mass Chicago, Ill. Dec. 31 and ADMISSION: 25 Cents strongest of the imperialist powers, the Send all money immediately.
Unemployed Workers Admitted Free Although the Nanking Government is meeting and Branch gatherings. Detail January 1st United States, whose claws are sharp THE MILITANT sued a statement on the 30th that no reed reports on comrade Swabeck tour Youngstown, Ohio. January Auspices: New York Branch Communistened for a grip on China.
84 East 10th Street, quest has even been made to Soviet Rus will begin in the next issue of The Mill Cleveland, Ohio. January 4, League of America (Opposition)
New York, Continued on Page 2)
Philadelphia, Pa. January 10.
for the bourgcoiste behind him hate bern unds Chtone and a fano hainele chladenia Militant Situation is Critical urgent Swabeck National Tour Well Under Way The New York Dynamite Plot Friday, December 4, 1931 Ele against the Chinese bourgeoisie and abile financially to do so, it will continue known all along the rumors com