BourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFranceGermanyLeninLeninismMarxismSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1931 THE MILITANT PAGE IN THE INTERNATIONAL OF LABOR Reviews and News of the Working Class and Revolutionary Movements The Slogan for Long Term Credits Reactionary Gov the to strug ell Soviet Trade Relations little bureaucrats have become terrorIN SPAIN streken in face of the healthy criticism exercised by the rank and tile against their mis leaders. This new re organizational plan will well serve the aims of these bureaucrats to further mechanize the with an object in view of breaking that contact between member The solution of the crisis. we said point. Lerroux ship, so that complete mechanical conhimself (the Spanish in a previous editorial. means the con luk) took pains to dissijate them. There is every reason to count a leg on the hard rock world economie term credits into its program, but has trol of the organization can be easily solidation of the block of the bourgeoisle In his speech at Santander, the secretary that under the conditions of the present facts, particularly aggravated in the not yet grasped its full significance and attained.
with the socialists at the expense of the of State said, It is all very well to try commercial and Industrial crisis, parti world economic crisis of which the Sov carried on a wide campaign for its Violations of the 1, Constitution democratic revolution. We added that one course and then another; the thing cularly in case of its further aggrava iet Union is a part, though a lewer one realization. The recent elections are an tion, the Soviet government by a correct beenuse of the methods of planned soc example of this failure.
considerable protest from the rank and a definite time, the bourgeoisle might logical conclusion, and for this we need polley can gain an Incomparably larger talist economy.
Immediate demands can never be per file against their misleaders for playing permit the socialists to adopt an attitude a tactie of successive stages and of peraccess to the resources of the world To develop its natural resources to the mitted to cloud or retard the main strat politica with the Morganstern Goodman of timid opposition.
severance in action. We could not market. Unemployment is a factor of utmost, to push construction ahead in exical line or principles of Communism case of Philadelphia, for maliciously sub The political events of the past week wish for krenter clarity. The situation huge importance which can make its im this period or the immature development in the struggle for political power by the otaging the defense, work due them from have fully confirmed this evaluation is not ripe enough for a bare facel denear future. One of the most impor beginning of the socialist revolution In lated and carried through by the liberals class struggle, only, because these two fent was to put through the Constituent ourselves in one of the preliminars tant slogans of the transition period can which soviets tussia is the first of the and socialists, are aimed to draw the comrades had the communist courage to Asembly a law for the defense of the stages, and one of the most important and must become the demand for econfortresses established by the proletar workers into the field reform as oppose the anti Leninist course pursued Republle which had no precdent in at that, leading to it. In reality, the emie collaboration with the Soviet Unit) and the international proletariat against that of the proletarian revolu by the stalinist bureaucrats. This arbi. Spain, even in the periods of blackest master of the situation in Lerroux, that lon. Trotsky in World Unemploy revolution, the Soviet Union must utition. The Communists aim to serve the tray action on the part of the National reaction, and was openly directed against is, the big bourgeoisle. Yet the time has ment and the Five Year Plan. ize the resources of the capitalist world. Immediate and revolutionary needs of Executive Committee of the 16 the proletariat. It also struck a denth. not arrived to tear of the task, and The recent announcement by the Am Concretely this means that economic the working class, and to develop their incomplete contradiction to Article blow at the Catalan aspirations toward to seize the reins of power in the name torg Trading Corporation, the Soviet relations on a wide scale must be estaba demands in accordance with that line. under Alms of its Constituto which autoromy, favoring formula with re of those who see in Lerroux, no he him.
commercial Agency in the United States, lished between the Soviet Union and follows The International spect to section 48 of the constitution soll said in the above mentioned speech, that orders placed in this country had capitalist countries. Since, as affairs For Working Class Unity Labor Defense is a broad non Party or which practically reduces to zero the the lifebuoy in which the shipwrecked fallen off 62 during the first ten months and now, the ready resources of the workers that the slogans for brond econ. which aims to defend all workers who contained in the Statute. In this second It is necessary to point out to the gapixation based on the class struggle powers, Buthclently mediocre as it was man sees the hope of safety.
of 1931, as compared with a similar per: Soviet Union are insufficient to meet the omie collaboration with, and the extenIn this rapid evolution of the republic lod in 1930. raises the problem posed demands of the capitalists in order to slon of long term credits to the Soviet government and various other agencies a united front before the legislature: tatives of the radical petty bourgeoisle are being persecuted by the capitalist matter, the government ad not present toward bourgeois reaction, the represen.
by comrade Trotsky once again in a very make the necessary purchases from Union can serve two immediate object of the employing class, for their partithe socialists had placed themselves in have shown once again their impotence sharp and concrete torm. On the questhem, it is plain that the extension of tives: To aid in the alleviation of cipation in the class struggle, by render opposition.
tion of economic relations between the large and long term credits to the Soviet unemployment in the United States ing legal ald, moral and Anancial sup and their inability to carry matters to a Soviet Union and capitalist countries Union is essential and imperative through the employment of workers port to these workers and their dependreolsle les consolidating its position, and votel against the law for the defense of These two facts testify that the bour. conclusion. Only four or five deputies between the Soviet Union and the United otherwise, the Soviet Union cannot ob needed to make the products to be purents, by wide publicity, organizing mase that the offensive against the democratie Macinto the last deputy, gave it their States Trotsky thesis today retains ittain now the necessary industrial and chased liy Soviet Russia: To assist demonstrations of support and protest, revolution will continue it the masses of entire approval.
complete validity.
machine equipment required for its pur thereby in the development of the Five both here and abroad.
The Campaign Against the Soviets poses; the development of socialist econ. Year Plan In Soviet Russia and the de workers and peasants do not intervene There is nothing surprising about this The reactionary omy is stitutionai mean but Such matters as con in time. The new government is there for revolutionary Marxists, who torches in the United States, led by the It is an uma voidable contradiction be Confidence and fraternal relations be to tu biarea ueratie leadership, even though crnment as La Batalla claims, but better alle thou hoe demagogues and Matthew Wolls, Hamilton Fishes and tween an economically undeveloped Sor tween the workers of the two countries the Constitution of the under a typically bourgeois government. To charlatans of pretty bourgeois radicalism.
Herbert Hoovers conduct a systematie. iet economy existing side by side with are thereby increased. Support for the Article III Section 1, plainly reade, compere it with the Kerensky govern. In France, in 1848, Louis Blane prepared anda against the Soviet Union on the tensions remove the contradiction; they tries must be built upon the understand. Every person, regardless of political ment, as does the organ of the workers the coming of Cavaignac. In Russia economie front as well as on the politi can only temporarily soften it a bit, and ing and needs of the workers in the Sov application card subscribing to the aime solutely nothing of the situation. The affiliation, race or color, who signs an and Peasants Bloc, is to understand ab Kerenski preared that of Kornilov.
cal. The stupid and ostrich like policy at the same time permit the working tot Russia; and, likewise the confidence of the organization and agreeing to comThe lesson which the working class of the American section of the Stalinist class in other countries to develop rates of the workers in Russia in their tasks ply with its constitution, shall be en government, representing the big bourence is to trust nothing but its own Azan government is rather a Miliukovshonld learn from this historical expertComintern has played directly into the own revolutionary movement and strug is increased by the knowledge that they titled to membership in Interna geolsle, which did not succeed in main forres, solidly organized.
hands of these bitter opponents of the ule for political power can count upon the support of the work Soviet Republie and all revolutionary tional labor Defense.
taining itself in Russia because there gle boldly both aust the bourgeois The Stalinists have been blind to the ers in other lands. The spread of the The results of such mechanical, obvious. The theory of socialism in one ideas of Internationalism is the best deminating and splitting processes, to existed thero what, unfortunately, we dictatorship and against the petty bour.
workers movements.
have not in Spain: soviets or other or geois left, which paves the road for recountry is, after all, for magicians who tense of the Soviet fatherland.
Amtorg Asks For Better Credits America remains for the Soviet Union gether with the arbitrary organization ganisms representing the great revolu netion. Objectively. Macia is even more al proceedings, can best be illustrated by tionary masses.
its official statement, pointing out the decora has been wholly wrong, politically the best market for its major needs: quoting a statement made by al Section The Role of Demagogues and Charlatans The Amtorg Trading Corporation, in pull rabbits out of a hat. The Comin.
dangerous for the revolution than Lercline of purchases in the United Statesure, and the more so during this period ment, machinery, etc. The Communists in one branch during its short existence, If anyone still has doubts on this Barcelona, October 20, 1931.
for the ten month period mentioned, of economic and social crisis, to raise must direct a propaganda to demand that they had actually enrolled over 400 memfrom 102, 800, 000 to 49, 400, 000, says. Soviet commercial pragnizations are trade relations and the extension of long omic and political relations (recognition the slogan of economic collaboration of the government make possible econ bers and at the present time find themprepared to carry on and expand trade term credits to the Soviet Union, and to of the Soviet Union) with Soviet Russelves with 150 members on the books.
Move for New Trial in Phila. Case with the United States only on condition call upon its sections to carry on a cam: sia. Already the engineer Dr. Walter half that number are active. This par 75 of whom are paid up and less than PHILADELPHIA. Arguments were were told to ignore the previous noti that long term credits are extended compaign for their realization. In the United Polakov has brought forward the sugticular parable with those received by other states more than elsewhere, statement this heard before Judge Reed of Cambria feation and that they would be enlled perhaps, gestion for a billion doflar pool for branch in question more as an example, county in Philadelphia on November 21 Inter. What had happened was this countries in Europe, and on the further could these slogans have taken hold the extension of credits to the Soviet than an exception, on the condition that the exceptional Obstacles among the masses of workers on a motion for a new trial for Leon The Judge sent the lawyers a notice that and Union Business selfishness and put in the way of the importation of been brought to some fruition.
Goodman And Bernard Morgenstern, the motion for it new trial was dented for profits can make it easier Soviet products into this country are for the already do we hear voices of protest members of the Communist Legue of and refuted the lawyer briet. But no Immediate Demands masses to carry through the demands on the part of the membership. so much America (Opposition. who were con hearing on the motion had been held removed. The credit terms now It has been pointed out time and again upon the capitalist governmeut. The so, that the bureaucrats were compelvicted June 241 under the Pennsylvania yet! The attorneys protested and the the motor declaration, are not accept in the columns of The Militant that these slogans of the Lett Opposition retala led to strike out of the minutes, motions sedition set for distributing an unem Judge then apologized. promise to her able, and are the sole reason for the de slogans, connected concretely with the their full validity and strength for the of disapproval and constructive criticism ployment leaflet of the League Decision the arguments the following months cllue of trade relations with the United issue of the millions of unemployed in immediate interests of No representative of International States.
the United States, could have and win workers and for the development of their of the sectarian polley exercised by the on the motion was reserved for medalhor Labor Lefense was present during the yet make their way to the minds of the class comicious and revolutionary spirit: campalan, inotions demanding the corree. The argument was made by Its purchases, it points out, hare in David arguments for a new trial. The creased in England by 33 and have American workers, doubled in Germany, due to the more out under the leadership of the Communits Industrial and agricultural construc handling of the united front activities, the American Civil Liberties Union, the defendants in any manner, solely befavorable credits established. In the lists and that pressure can be brought tlon; for the development of internete. These motions were arbitrarily ell which is supporting the effort to upset cause the defendants are members of the United States, however, cash payments to bear upon the American bourgeotste tioanl solidarity, understanding and the At to extend to a far greater extent than unity of the working class on immediminated from the minutes, disregarding the conviction of the two defendants on Left wing of the Communist movement.
have been made in many instances.
ay applied to the leaflet, which led to the same time, all payments of bilis now its economic relations with the ate burning issues and ultimately for the the fact that they were actually voted the ground that the state sedition av.
have been made when they fell due. Soviet Republic. For almost two years, international proletarian Nor can we afford to over look the their arrest, violates the guarantee of The Department of Commerce of the the American Communist Party, led by what will the official Communist Party BOOKS BY United States, though acknowledging the Browders, has ignored or derided in the United States and the Stalinist protests that have manifested themselves free speech and free press in the that the Soviet Union has made good this burning question, doing great harm Comintern do? Will they correct and at the Mooney Harlan United Front con constitution. The defendants, through cially business men to be cautious in and to the requirements of the Sovie of isolated, national socialism in Soviet delegation and also from the delegation mittee, is endeavoring to derelop a wide convictions.
their trade relations with Soviet Russia. Unton. But facts have a way of making Russia and the repudiation in fact, it of the Workmen Circle, against the mass movement of protest against the branches, who, suspected of being non In the indictment in this case, the The reactionary elements are speeding themselves seen and heard. In recent not in name of the development of the arbitrary actions from the up their propaganda of hostility to the months, the American Party has smng international forces for Communism. MARTIN ABERN.
Stalinists, were refused the conference grand Jury cited ng seditions a statement floor in anticipation of a possible pro in the leaflet that the solution of the THE STRATEGY OF THE WORLD Soviets. Naturally there are protests led the slogan of the extension of longtest on the ejection of delegates duly unemployment problem can be found only REVOLUTION from the friends of the Soviet Union, representing worl:ing class political or in the proletarian revolution Both 86 pages, two colored paper cover, 250 from Itself and its trade agencies against ganizations, who came with no other comrades were tried before Judge Reed, Introduction by Max Shachtman the attitude of the American govrenment motives than to give their best organl who was sitting specially in Philazational ald to the Mooney United Front delphia. On motion for a new trial the THE DRAFT PROGRAM OF THE what is being done, what policies are COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL put forward to thwart these acts that The is now undergoing a pro work. The membership is prevent Campaign. The Cut Price Glory of that court fixed ball at 1, 000 each. Criticism of Fundamentals single incident Illustrates the imhinder the development, to the greatest cess of reorganization under the grouped from influencing the organizational day can well be distributed evenly be Introduction by Cannon extent possible, of socialist construction system The structure of new activities of the and for that tween such consistent Communist lend partiality of the capitalist courts and 140 pages, hard paper cover, Carl Hacker and Maurice Judge Reed. month ago the defendin the Soviet Union. Has the Soviet plan of reorganization up to date is a matter also the educational phase of the ership as THE SPANISH REVOLUTION ants received a letter from their attor Union a political line on the immediate follows:activity of the branch, because the sub Malkin.
30 pages, paper cover, issue of credits to the Soviet Union and Ject matter for discussion, as well a It becomes the purpose and duty of neys informing them to appear in court The maximum number of members in what is the line of the Communist Inter.
any one given branch of the L the selection of the particular member every militant worker in the to on the following Saturday. Later we THE SPANISH EVOLUTION IN DANGER national, the polley of Stalin?
to lead the discussion, will all be brought be ever alert, utilizing every opportunity 64 pages, paper cover 15c shall not exceed 50. These branches are down to this one so called educational that presents itself to eradicate the de The False Doctrine of Stalin THE REAL SITUATION IN RUSSIA Most unfortunately, the Stalinist line group of 10 is to be headed by a captait meeting, already cut and dried by the moralizing and bureaucratie actions exfunctionaries.
ercised by the misleadership The Introduction by Max Fastman 364 page book, formerly 00: How 00 has been the enunciation and propagation The duties of the captains will be to The Meaning of the Re Organization Is indispensable as the organization of the false doctrine that the Sovietmake contact with each of the remain MY LIFE (Autobiograhy)
for defense work in the class struggle This new organizational system Union can function is an isolated ana ing members of their respective group at all times. It is doubly important now 600 pages. 00 self sufficing economic and political en visiting them privately in their homes brought to us draped in all sorts of do COMMUNISM AND SYNDICALISM tity as a Workers State within the once a month to sell does stamps, Labor magogle phraseology to make us belleve that the D, makes further inroads The announcement in the last issue of The Trade Union Question The Militant that the Communist League capitalist world and in time even bulla. Defenders, tickets, etc. and also to urge that this new form will change the Into the masses to enlarge its organizaIntroduction by Canton barring military intervention, a complete them to participate in a possible public tuto a mase organization. Thoes tonal strength by drawing in new memof America (Opposition is projecting condemned this theory of national soc. branch, together with the executive com plan as such carries with itself the oz cope with its many tasks in face of the the publication of a semi monthly paper PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOPMENT Many workers have sent in inquiries as OF THE ialism as inimical to the interests and mittee, are to hold one meeting a month aet contrary aims, must raise our voices sharpening of the class struggle ULCHIN.
48 pages, paper cover, needs of the workers of the Soviet Un to be known as a functionaries meet to point out the resultant evils thereot, to details; some localities have responded in a more concrete way. Some have SINCE LENIN DIED ion and the international proletariat. Ing at which all organizational activ. such as sectarianism, disintegration and IN THE NEXT ISSUE even sent in their bundle orders. We By Max Eastman The Stalinist policy has already broken ities are to be discussed and decided finally demoralization of the forces.
upon. The general membership, by means Why is it that these petty bureaucrats Political Banditry In The French can report progress, but the drive for the 168 page brook, printed in London, 1924 of a press notice, will be called together were compelled to concelve this new Special Rates Bundles of or more.
THE MILITANT once a month for educational and pro. plan of organization? Is it because of Communist Party by Max Shachtman. necessary three hundred dollars has only Editor begun.
Published weekly by the Communist paganda purposes.
the criticism made on the American sec Comrade Shuchtman, Managing The crisis has hit our members and tion by the No, for to quote of The Militant is at present on his vacaOrder through League of America Opposition Just what does this new organizations only the first two points of the criticism tion and is traveling in various counclose sympathizers hard. Many of them at 84 East 10th St. play mean in actuality? Each group offered by the will suffice.
tries in Europe. The National Commit are in no position to contribute what PIONEER PUBLISHERS EDITORIAL BOARD of ten will have no occasion to meet lack of political life in the organization tee of the Communist League of America they would like to We must, therefore, 84 East 10th Street, We invite all those Jewish workers who together to propose, discuss and enest and insuffelent international educational Opposition has authorized comrade spread our appeal to a broader circle.
New York, NY.
Martin Abern James Cannon organizational activities in the interent work performed. Inability to enshachtman to give full assistance to the have been on the periphery of our or Max Shachtman Maurice Spector of the but instead, each mem large its organizational strength by Opposition movements in Europe AAVAA Arne Swabeck ber of the group will be personally told drawing in new members stabilization half of the American Section. The first ganization, to Jolil us in the execution of GREEK MANIFESTO by the captain when, how, what to do, and even regress of its membership. of a serles of articles by comrade Shacht this task, to work with us towards the Entered as second class mall matter publication The Greek Fraction of the Conimunist Comrade thus depriving the organization of the What then are the seas that are man is the above mentioned.
of the paper which will be November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at have New York, Under the act of individual member initiative so neces playing on the brains of these master Shachtman is now in Spain and the the Jewish tribune of the Lett Oppost League of America (Opposition. just issued a comprehensive manifesto sary in carrying on mass defense work. minds in this re organization Protest. Militant will receive very soon first hand March 3, 1879.
The New York Jewish speaking group and appeal to the Greek communists and Vol. IV, No. 33 (Whole No. 92) By this new method the membership Ing voices on the part of the rank and articles on the Spanish situation, of the League has called a meeting which workers, and have given it a wide disis deprived of opportunities to come to Ale of the membership have beall those interested in the success of our tribution. Any workers who wish to Saturday, NOVEMBER 28, 1931 gether with their leadership and tuno come effective in influencing the minds The Canadian Trials An Evaluation project for a Jewish paper are urged to obtain a copy may do so by addressing Subscription rate: 00 per year; for tionaries in meetings, where they can of the membership at the regular organ by Maurloe Spector is not printed in this attend. The meeting will be held on Sat the Greek Fraction, Communist League olgh 50. Five cents per copy. contribute and receive the necessary en ized meetings, where contact with them issue because of technical reasons, and urday, December 6tn, 1931, P. at of America (Opposition. 84 East 10th Bundle rates, cents per copy thusiasm needed for carrying on defensel was possible. So much so, that the petty will appear in the following issue. 84 East 10th Street, Street, New York, Leon Trotsky on busines relations with a Mehcanical Reorganization of the 56 10c Jewish Paper Activities 15c 50C