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ON THE WORKERS FRONT The Tom Mooney Case Mooney Meet at Staunton, III.
the lief in Tom Mooney innocence. Wm. Party. The issue of a pardon for Tom were among the most militant miners in and education of the American working warometer of the party react the most faily, is negligent or persists in a false ism.
the PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1931 because it is his party. But that ob viously does not always mean that he was wrong For Clarity and Action The slogans of Young Spartacus, as in the early and best days of the revolutionary youth movement in the United These enemies, while now appearing States, the Young Workers League, are in the role of liberators, may hope to Build Communist Youth Movement CLARITY AND ACTION.
choke the glowing spirit of Tom Mooney, Young Spurtacus espouses the cause of We do not think we can. But their en the Left Opposition. It will, however, deavor is to take his cause away from endeavor to be a youth paper, reflecting the working class in order to obliterate «Young Spartacus» to Work for Clarity and Action the attitudes and needs of the youth in The the fields of education, sport, cconomic, Walker and the Labor Fakers in Attempsto Derail the Class Issue party leadership has helped to make trade union and political activity.
this endeavor an easy one. Thus once The youth of the Left Opposition re(We reprint the following statement bers of their minds.
more is recorded a heavy price paid by and appeal of the Youth Fraction of the Young Spartacus aims to assist in the the L, whether officially members garl themselves as the Left fraction of The New York Timmany Mayor is in, als which have helped to keep Tom the Communist movement for Stalinism. Communist League of America (Opposi reformation of the The youth of or otherwise, and therefore endeavors to California pleading for Tom Mooney Slooney in jail for so long. There re We will continue to bend all our eftion) from the first issue of Young the Left Opposition accept this policy redress the organization of the Spartacus. We feel sure that it will and will work to revitalize the At the same time, recognizing the broad Sent off with the proper emotional touch. mains especially a serious blot upon the forts for its eradication in the future. AS.
including a telegram from the aged leadership of the official Communist prove of interest to all readers of The in all respects. AY. must have field of work before them, and the faill arty for its utter fallure to rully to the Militant, and call upon them to give all the spirit of youth, militancy and in ure of the official to reach even mother of Mooney, he was halled as lib01 Tom Mooney, possible support to Young Spartacus dependent thinking. It must aim to be a fragment of the youth and young erator by capitalist philanthropists. recent clarion call by mu lahor lenders and by the which pointed the way wot only to his through donations, subseriptions, putting brand organizationally, to make it possi workers that properly belong in a ComSocialist Party officials. What a strange release by working class action, but also young workers and comrades in touch ble for young workers and youth who munist youth organization, the Communwith the Youth Committee, etc. Readers WANT TO LEARN COMMUNISN to be ist Youth Opposition will try to draw situation Mayor Walker, the boom to that of a mighty movement toward the who wish to obtain a copy of the first able to become members and to feel that every monsible young worker into confriend of Tom Mooney very Jailors, or release of all class war prisoners. That isine may do so by addressing Young they have full rights in the organization. scious, nctive, revolutionary work in the. maybe it is not so strange. Thus Tam failure has caused an indelille stain Spartaeus, 84 East 10th Street, New In a Communist youth organization the Communist movement. Through Young many hopes to wash off the blood stains upon the Communist movement which STAUNTON, ILL.
For the meeting at Staunton on behalf York, first task is to learn, to become equipped Spartacus, we hope to be able to achieve of the innocent workers whom it and can be eradicated only by being lata wth the theoretical. weapons of Marx a measure of success.
its vicios police have done to death or bare, by being honestly admitted and of Tom Mooney, we distributed leatlets and Lenin which will best enable them Young Spartacus will no doubt not be by being decisively condemned.
and had them posted on mite entrances, With this issue we introduce Young to put them into practice in the shops, all that we want it to be. Mistakes will Tom Meoney appeal was addressed mine tipples and the walls of buildings Spartacus to the Communist youth and in the factories, in the unions, in the be made errors of initiative and lack Is the stage now all set for him to magnanimous act of to the working class and in particular on mine properties his Jailors and tormentors?
We do not tourist sem velim militant, section, the comproached hos enfrente to home to respected on There is a sore need for what the organever the youth is to be found. The field is not to be teared. The communist know. Perhaps they have finally noticed munists. Tom Alooney knew as history posting these leaflets, and threatened him of the Comunist youth of the Communist is broad and immense. Communist Youth Opposition WANTS TO LEARN (Opposition) sets youth organization must take this into that it may be ABLE TO TEACH, orconsideration in outlining its tasks. Aganize and win the American youth to eventually kindle the sinouldering flame lethelfe needed to build a powerful huis rentark was: Hey, you been hang out to accomplish.
of working class revolt. Perhaps they movement on a class basis. But Toming around with them Trotskyites. If What The Militant has seen achieving youth movement is a young movement, Communism.
calculate that the best way to quench Mooney also definitely asked for a gen catch you posting any of these notices in its tasks of regeneration of the or and there must be no fear about the The Course of the Communist Youth uine united front. He named the or for their meetings, ll fix you plenty! clal Communist Party, now under the youth who wants to learn. Let there this mouldering tlume wouid betonganizations and groups which should be Strange words for a capitalist lick spit domination of the American political be fearlessness in expression. The youth Opposition In Young Spartacus will be reflected presidential election coming next year invited to participate in the movement. tle about counter revolutionaries.
underlings of Stalin, the youth of the will learn through education, mistakes, the policies and activities of the Comsuch a noble role could well serve the Among others he named the militant we were on guard against Party pic Communist Left hope to carry through practices. It is necessary to follow a munist Youth Opposition on all phases democratie party headed the reaction afy, corrupta Tammans wall. Isuto Parts and farmer labor parties, the Com. famous in this vicinity for their boycottsbers of the Young Communist League Son today. This is the road toward be discussel here. In line with the they intend to extend this magnanimitymunist arty and the separate Commun of the Belleville and St. Louis miners and youth In this country. Young Spar communist CLARITY AND ACTION.
program of the Communist League of to other class war prisoners? Not for ist groups, including the Communist conventions, apparently had recourse to tacus will be a spokesman and guide in Trotsky on the Youth America (Opposition. the Communist League of America (Opposition. this tactle again. Not only did they not this necessary work. The confusion and one instant. Their onls object is to try Trotsky, in his famous steer its independent Yonth Opposition and Young Spartacus.
to grasp a popular issue and make it This een herkested from the state and led even to put in an appearance at have brought the oficial Ls to a new course oko bilkin Party nucleus, has youth and politie hemelues before the their own.
To complete the mockery a11 ist bureaucrats of the official party fearton.
Young Spartacus, we hope, can cleanseThe bureaucratism of the apparatustion of the Communist movement, the friends of Tammany are scurrying to get Their attitude was exactly that some 40 miners were in attendance. this Augean stable with the fresh air of hos heaviest consequences in the in communist Youth Opposition will en They came from surrounding mining Marxism and Leninism. It is imperative telectual political growth of the young deavor to the extent possible under the dently joined by the whole of the crepit gentry it could be expected; it of fact that the youth the most reliable lent activity wherever the official of executive council reaffirms the bethe coal fields.
youth along Marxian lines.
sharply of all agalust party bureaucrat line.
Green Asserts that the California Feder. Mooney was made a factional football While the social reformists called their Charles Blome, president of the St. The Low Level of the Today ation executive council is the only labor Louis Metal Trades Council and of the We but merely assert here, what Young. It is wholly inadequate that Young Spartacus in honor of Spartacus, Lastly, we have adopted the name body authorized to intervene and to re own conference, and, as for example in celve funds for Mooney release, Buttew York, excluded the Communists. Molders Defense Committee, spoke first. Spartacus will have occasion again and the youth should repeat our formulas. the great leader of the reroll of the op during these years which have the Stalinist strategists emulated that He reviewed Mooney militant labor again to prove: namely, that the CLIt is necessary that the youth should pressed slaves and gladiators in Rome: take the revolutionary formulas fighting further. we take this name in an effort labor ranks have ned every means enlled by the New York to take and spoke of the black record of the ing acquiesced in the expulsion, oppres transform them into flesh and blood, to follow in the traditions of the Sparpassed, this galaxy of capitalist agents in dastardly action in full. At a conference record and the facts in the frame up like the official Communist Party, hay of Tom Mooney. Hence his scorching erition of Tom Mooney, delegates of the Lahor and the American Federation of the Soviet Union, led by Leon Trotsky on their own personality, and be able Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemberg possible to choke any effort on behalf up among other issues, that of the lib. betrayers in the California Federation of sion and exile of the left Opposition in work out for themselves their own opin tacus Teague of Germany. organized by Labor. He called upon the militant and of countless hundreds of Bolsheviks to fight for their own opinion with that in their revolt gainst the German Soe condemnation of them.
Left Opposition were expelled.
Such is the miscarriage of a golden a To Whom Dld Mooney Appeal?
Despite all this stage setting, despite torical symbol of the American workers Prisoners, opportunity. Tom Mooney is in his Tom Mooney and all other class war has fallen also into a theoretical swamp viction and independence of character. ary theory and practices into the dust.
and adopted the pernicious practices of Passive obedience, mechanical char. In the glorious name of Spartacus, Comrade Stamm of Communist the stalinist bureaucracy. The resultaterlessness, obsequiousness, careerism Liebknecht, Luxemberg and Lenin, we Moones is soon to step out of sail a free terday and today and their potential League of America (Opposition) estat has been that the Communist Parties away with these things from the party! pick up the banner or communish now diseiplined being lesmirehed man, the working class throughout the dynamic power which alone will bring lished the connection of the fight to free and Ls everywhere are but cari. Rolshevik is not only the Stalinist Comworld will have cause to rejoice. They victory tomorrow. It was the oppor Mooney, the Scottsboro boys, the Harlan catures of what genuine Con. munist man: no, a Bolshevik sa man who, intern; under the leadership of Leon will welcome Tom Mooney to their tunity to weld this potential, dynamic miners, Morgenstern and Goodman, and parties and Young Communist Leagues borne deer, has worked out for himselt Trotsky, we will marcha Porward in ench firm ranks. Ils tight was and still is their power and to set it into motion. But in other class war prisoners, with the fight should be By the printing and discribution of and courageously de to Leninism.
fight, and his cause belongs to them this great duty the official party leader for better conditions. He read from only in war with his enUpon this program we call upon the only. They in the first instance compel ship has failed miserably. Thus they Mooney appeal of August 20th and it the writings and platform of the Inter rends it, tot and independently de again win the Cumintern and execution which had been planned. But ity for having brought legradation to a genuine united front conference which tions, we shall in time demonstrate that zation. To day he may be in the min everywhere to support Young Spartacus.
led his capitalist jailors to abandon the carry their heavy share of responsibil. made a deep impression. He called for national Left Opposition and its seelemies, but also within his own organic. members and class conscious youth the salvation of the international Com ority in the organization. He submits there remains nevertheless a blot upon this issue so dear to the working class would include all working class organi munist movement of the Comintern and MARTIN ABERN.
the American working class for its subs and for having played directly into the cations irrespective of their political, Youth Comintern lies first; in the mission to all the deception and betray hands of its enemies, economic, social other views. The abandonment of the false, anti Marxian basis for participation in this united doctrine of socialism in one country front, said Stamm, shall be a sincere the theory from which Stalin proceeds intention to fight for Mooney and other and from which tow the other incorrect class war prisoners release, which will doctrines and practices that prevail organ, Empres, of the Communist Party, ust, 1920: apparently dropped from mem.
Soulounias, the editor of the Greek attended unit meetings since about Aug out of is one of the most virulent bureaucrats bership by the unit; has submitted a (Continued from page 1)
company ure for wage cuts on the railronds. The tracking the general ferment into pro everyone should have the freedom to platform of the Left Onnostion, led by the left Opposition, and helped to expelbility of his error and negligence, and lackeys succeeded in side, there should be no slander, but that and, sond; in the acceptance of thel in the attacks on the Greek members of statement recognizing the impermie of front as against the Stalinist approach words, is but the acceptance again. Soulounias should be in the forefront intend the unit meetings on Tuesday nights, recent convention demanded that all th hour day. This was but another repeti roads immediately institute a 10 alltion of relying upon the capitalist gov impressed the miners. It is for the the original theories of Marx and Lenin carrying out the dirty work of the Stal then being unable to pay the dues, not around wage cuit. This association ernmental machinery of justice. It is Carimunists and the to lead in and which enabled the Comintern durinist machine against the proletarian getting salary regularly from the building of such a united froot move ing the first four congresses of its ex. Lett. We have no doubt that the work and having tried to straighten out the Empros cludes all the biggest lanks of the coundoomed to disappointment and defeat.
try headed by the arm of Morgan. What About the Left Wing Movement? Elect Committee Te Initiate Movement ment.
istence, to flourish.
ers and rank and file Communists will matter with the help of the Greek Buro What answer have the union leaders The leadership of Mineriches and understand Soulounins actions when some time ago.
given to these onslaughts? It is report strike movements became also the begin The situation growing out of the 1922 In conclusion, Stamm proposed that a they are acquainted with the record Decision. ed that the Chiefs of the four transning of a powerful left wing movement, all working class organizations in and in here addressing ourselves to the memtionary movement.
committee be elected to issue a call to We state plainly and unequivocally of Soulounias in the labor and revolu To pass a severe censure upon comportation brotherhools recently attended at that time inspiring great hopes among around Staunton to send delegates to a bership of the Nothing can cord of the present editor of Empros new membership book with this censure part of the rerade Soulounins; he is to be given a a dinner jointly with the representatives large section of railroad workers. At united front Pardon Mooney conference be hoped for from a leadership of acquie Is here given: of the biggest railroad magnates, osten the railrond amalgamation conference and that the task of this conferece be scent Mineriches and the tiny bureau Soulounias Recard in Labor Struggles main that of an old member: he is in recorded in it, while his status shall resibly to discuss in friendly mariner held in Chicago in December 1922, over to work out concrete plans for carrying crats like the Greens. They epitomizel In the 1922 strike of the crew of structed to attend unit meetings and pay But, while this may satisfy their culinary 400 delegates attended. Several of the on such a movement.
tastes, it cannot give the slightest secur the groveling type of leadership. As the Greek ship. Acropolis, Soulounias dues regularly and to be active in unit railrond unions Indorsed the proposals ity to the position of the railroad work committee of six was elected. On it they demand it from those below them, was a member of the strikers Commit work: and at the same time the for amalgamation, despite the resistance are two Party members and a Party so they like fawning lap dogs whining tee. He deserted the strike and became criticises those leading comradles in ers. On the contrary, that is the parti of the high salaried officials. The left sympathixer all miners. This is a good for a bone, submit unquestioningly to a strike breaker for unknown reasons. the unit and section, who are responsicular method to prepare a sell out. And wing movement experienced a today there is 110 organized left wing until the dizzy Third Period tactics rades Blome and Stamm immediately af growth beginning The committee met with com the lash those above them to the party whip. Stalin and Stalinisin are Board of the Furriers attempted to or of the arty practically to drop out of In the fall of 1936 when the Joint ble for permitting at national functionary force to effectively challenge such deals were inaugurated by the official party ter the meeting. Blome was elected see the source of the cancerous growth of anize the Greek furriers, Soulounas the party without the case being taken Will There Be Repetition of the Past leadership. The results were the fatal retary; a letter was drafted to all political bont blacking in the party and had to be pulled off the job by the Strike up to the District and Central Control railroal union leadership rolled entirely wing movement the adoption of the polentes to a meeting to be held in the Communist youth in the long During the Sacco Vanzetti move.
upon the railrond labor board for adley of building new revolutionary un Labor Temple, Lodge Hall, in staunton, accept such a situation we think not ment, when the Party appealed to the be keen that Soulounias is just the type From it is justment of grievances. To the workers tons on the roads. Of course no new 11. on Sunday, November 28th, at the truth is laid before his eyes to workers to strike in protest against the of party burenwrat to expel the sup labor board lecame the very instrument unions were bullt, but the left wing collection to get the letter out read and Judge execution of Saeco and Vanzetti Soul porters of the Left Opposition.
movement received a death blow and has was taken up. This committee, made to take away the conditions from the remained practically non existent The Dismal Paper Young ouning was at work in a fur shop until ever up of militant and best known miners Worker.
unions one by one. In 1021 the train since.
service unions threatened to strike, but in the coal fields, organized itself, for So much for the Left wing movement obvious reasons into a Pardon Mooney the Young Worker. In its columns we for Empros. But he thought it more The official organ of the 18. In 1927 and 1928 he was working declared they would look out only for their own interests, leaving the shop officially under the leadership of the club. The Club also instructed its mem can find the quintessence of the ideas profitable to leave this task in order to crafts to their own fate. The We have not noticed any ada bera to take up this question and to and practices of the Greens and Miner undertake the organization of the Grange were left te strike alone in 1922.
fought not the railroad systems is What the workers thought of it, how. apport the invitations in their local iches. paper should be one of the Fishermen Cooperative in Florida, Hisi mission on its part of thi They fatal polley.
unions. They agreed to do this.
best, if not actually the best, means for previous venture to supply the Soviet (Continued from page 4)
whole, but merely single roads, and only ever, they have clearly shown by 103 beginning has been made. The Left the development of an educated, theor Union with sponges through his coun chronie and lasting character. The greatthose where their grievances were the ing confidence and remaining absent.
Opposition will help in every way it can etically clear and militant Communist trymen had failed.
est problem now is the renascence of the But there has been another ray of it calls on the Party and to en youth. In this fundamental task of edu When Empros was a daily paper. Communist party is the organizatiou of settlement only with minor ronds, a gen hope shown since; a beginning toward a ter formally and actively into this un cation, of clarity to achieve correct ac Soulounias was on a tour. In Pitts the vanguard of the proletariat.
eral defeat and decimation of the union correct rebuilding of the Left wing move ited front In Staunton and in all other tions, the Young Worker has signalls burgh he was scheduled to speak in a These two conclusions are equally imforces from which they have not since ment. The railroad workers of Minn cities in order to win the leadership of and woefully failed. We believe that cafe. The same day he received a let portant. It is only by considering thom eapolis set this example by the methods the movement and to make it successful. we are only stating what every honest ter from the then editor, informing him simultaneously that the situation can be recovered The railroad companies are now mak and activities of their local railroad JOHN SCOTT member of the thinks, when we that because of lack of funds, he could judged and the perspectives fixed. The say that the Young Worker is a crude not send him his wages. Soulounias be Sixth Congress did neither the one nor ing their demands for wage cuts one by counell. It became one of the effective and vulgar mish mash of ideas and cause of this refused to speak and left the other. By taking as its point of one. Their aim is to repeat the experi instruments in promulgating the demand ALREADY RECEIVED ences of the past, and all indications are for the six hour day on the roads. Its that the unions will fall into the trap. activities enjoyed the support of most of LETIN No. 23 and 24Among the cor nothing. It is a perfect reflection of the the workers waiting for him to appear departure the resolutions of the ninth The Deelsion of the Central Control Plenum of the Executive Committee of youth leadership that runs it and the As far as the union leaderships are coll the railroad locals in that center. It tents are: Committee the Communist International (February cerned, there need be no doubt that it showed a way for the rank and Ale to! New Zig zags and New Dangers by The members of the are exLastly, we now quote from the Party 1928) which assured us that the Chinese Ats in well with their views. They have wards closer consolidation of the varl Trotsky.
pected to accept policies from above Organizer of District Two of the Party, revolution is continuing. the Congress no other interests than to serve the com our crafts. This is precisely the first On Workers Control of Industry without question. Free discussion and New York, of pril 9, 1931, which gives slipped up in its flight to the point of pantes by helping keep the workers div. stop meerded workouts presente situation by Tratoky and others, democracy, as within the Party itself, is a decision of the Central Control Com declaring that this revolution has now Comrade Sylvia Bleeker is now in full on the Catholic index, it does not exist. mission regarding Soulounias. From its entered into a preparatory phase. But the dangers in the present situation have ful army. consolidation of their forces, charge of the sale and distribution of Genuine examination of the validity of contents our readers will note what kind this flight will not help anything. We long ago heen sensed by the workers is now divided in the sixteen standard un the Russian Bulletin and all subscriptheories and policies is not allowed the of a Communist Soulunias is. must speak clearly and sincerely, recog quite clearly evident from the rank and ions; a united taking up of the fight to tions, bundle orders and requests for practices and results are to be noted in Central Control Commission Decision nize firmly, openly, brutally the breach Ale pressure, particularly for a six hour at least maintain the present standard, single coples should be sent to her the low ideological and numerical on: that has taken place, adapt the tactics to day. That pressure came to a head last net by single unions or against single Send orders at once. 250 per copy status and influence of the Other Soulounias (C. Solon. District it and at the same time follow a line summer and culminated in a conference companies, but by recognizing all of the 18c in bundles; subscriptions, 00 per columns of Young Spartacus tell the New York: formerly member of unit of conduct which leads the vanguard of of large representation by the five main companies as the common enemy only year. Order from: Sylvia Bleeker, for unpleasant story. What discussion takes 3B, Section Furrier by trade, now the proletariat through the insurrection transporta non unions held in Chicago.
in that lies the hope for success. Russlan Bulletin, 84 East 10th Street, place in the membership is editor of the Greek paper, Empros; in to its preponderating role in the Soviet But in anticipation, the leaders these ARNE SWABECK. New York, elther in secret or in the secret cham. since 1924; has not paid dues or China of the future.
to The Record of Party Bureaucrat Rail Bosses in Wage Cutting Campaign in Greens Canton Insurrection latter