AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFranceImperialismInvasionSocialismSovietSpainStalinismTerrorismURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

THE MILITANT WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 81 East 10th Street, New York, Entered as second class mail matter, November 28, 1928 at the Post Oflice at Sew York, under the act of March 1879.
VOLUME IV, NO. 33 (WHOLE NO. 92 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1931 PRICE CENTS The War in Manchuria The Marine Workers Tortured in Jail Chinese Masses Develop Struggle Against Exploiters Defendants Plead Not Guilty to Charges in the New York «Dynamite Plot»
On Tuesday, November 17th, the New, outrageous comments of the Daily Work of the movement and the honor of the movement, regardless of the differences York newspapers came out with sensa er on November 18th. There, instead of Party. That will facilitate the organi which divide them, who are willing to Japanese imperialism continues to instruggle against Japan. He exhorts the tional stories about an alleged plot for a protest against the attempt to convict zation of a strong working class front stam together on this trench herself more strongly in Manch. Kuo Min Tang Congress for unity of the wholesale bombing of barges in New the prisoners in the capitalist press be akainst the new dynamite pot and point of view. The labor movement common class uria, and pushes her military operations all shades of the Kuo Mi Tang and hul been frustrated by the arrest of five them. Without lifting a finger to investi.
claimed, fore trial, we read a denunciation of similar conspiracies of the ruling powers. shall not le terrorized and broken up by persistently and sharply. From the Cht achieves reinstatement of expelled ele members of the Independent Tidewatergate the facts, without appealing to the and organized to fight. The Comunist workers shall not be abandonel and left The militant workers must be aroused dynamite plots. The arrested marine nese there is little or no resistance to ments, among them Gen. Fng Yu Hsiang Boatmen Union. From the very first workers to at least suspend judgment League sces no factional issue in the defenseless. They shall not be railroadthe aggressions by the invaders. The and Yen Hsi Shan, now re elected to the we viewed the reports of the affair with until the facts are known, they take the case which involves the lives and libered without a tight. We hope to see the slaughter of the victims of capital Central Executive Committee of the Kuo the deepest suspicion, all the more so police anouncements for granted and ties of the marine workers and endan labor movement, and especially its en ist increases. Tsitihar, cen Min Tang. The Fourth Congress of the since it was being represented as a Com abandon the helpless prisoners to their gers the entire Left wing labor move tire Left wing and militant section, unter for the Chinese Eastern munist drive against capitalistically rate, giving them a kick on the way. ment. The matter necessitates the co ited in this fight.
Rall. Kuo Min Tang the asociation of Chi owned property and a campalan in a war of men who at that moment were being operation of all elements in the labor way, jointly operated by Chinn and nese bourgeoisie, land lords and militar of Communists against conservative in beaten and tortured by the police, they JAMES CANNON.
Soviet Russia, has been seized by theists meets in a tense atmosphere, feel bor. The Times. Since the opposition had only this to say: Japanese. The latter are now masinging and knowing the rising wave of in of the Communist movement in all of Soderberg, secretary the Tidewater troops for an attack on Chinchow, cendignation and protest of the Chinese of individual violence and terrorismes press calls a Red. was expelled from its factions and groupings to methods Boatmen Union, whom the capitalist Letter From One of the Defendants ter of the South Manchurian Railrond, proletariat and peasantry against them.
owned by the Japanese. With the pro In China itself the situation has be clearly established and well known, this the Communist Party for being a sus The Tombs, City on the idea of making easy money by spective occupation of Chinchow by Nip come more favorable for the Left wing Communist action threw discredit on the Workers Industrial Union for disruptive ay dear Cannon: to pass the affair off as a picious element and also from the Marine November 20, 1931 trying to involve his own union comrades ponese troops, Japan will have direct labor and Communist movement. The whole story of the police. The fact that and anti working class activities. Trieger, in some tangle. He came to me months control of every city of consequence in Chinese masses are indignant and resent it is directed at the Boatmen union was Relly and Bunker were expelled from very letter and have also seen Air. Sat. Nane proposals. already once stopped Have just received your special dellago with all kinds of propositions, inManchuria, except Ilarbin.
ful at the almost total failure of the another suplcious feature. It had the the Marine Workers Industrial Union batino, the lawyer retained by you and him from committing a certain act that Japan position now in Manchuria is Chiang Kai Shek government to resist had smell of another plant such as as und elements. They do not belong others on our behalf. All four defend. considered woukl not be the thing to powerful and is reflected in her adam the Manchurian invasion by Japan. They has been encountered ant attitude toward proposals for a ces are beginning to feel more surely, and again in the experience of the time and time to our faction do with them what you ants, Bunker, Treiger, Reilly and myself do.
sation of hostilities and arrangement of correctly so that the bourgeoisie of movement in America. In common with without bonor, without sentiments of sol decision that was to write informing my cell, he paces the floor ahore, alone, labor will! Shame on such people! They are discussed your letter and arrived at the This skunk and as write this in terms between Japan and China. Japan China will capitulate before and com all class conscious workers we watched idarity, without even the labor ethles of you that we accept your choice of counted and despised by his fellowhas set out to dominate Manchuria, and promise historical Interests of the for further developments with the most an ordinary union member.
to date is succeeding very well. The Un Manchurian and Chinese masses to the intense interst.
xel, and am further instructed by my prisoners went to the police on Sunday ited States, though not a member of the Japanese. At the same time, they steadMore than that. In their pauic, in comrades to express our unanimous ap afternoon and told them a tale of terror Since we have had no association or their rabbit hearted cowardice, in their preciation to you and those others in about to break loose on the waterfront, League, and the powers dominant in the ily receive the blows of the Chinese bour League of Nations Great Britain and geolsie.
direct acquaintance with the accused fool delusion that they can save them terested and associated with you in sec involving many others outside of those France are having a trying time to save Chinese Tollers Organizing Resistance in arranging a legal defense for them they approach, downright provocation men we did not feel that the initiative selves by pointing the finger at others, uring counsel for us.
now in jail. He was told by the police the face of the League, so obviously impoYours was the first and only offer of to go back to the office of the union and The Chinese masses sharply resent the belonged to us, although we were of the against the and the Lovestone asskitance received by us since our arwatch for my appearance there because tent in the present Far Eastern war.
There is talk of invoking economic efforts of Japan to make what amounts opinion that they were entitled to that faction, rest. It is very gratifying to note that was not arrested first may be measures against Japan, America at to a colony of Manchuria. The prole much in any case. The fact that the! Consider tnis: Treiger in his confes you and other comrades have done what warned by other arrests, etc. This titude on this appears to be negative.
tariat is compelled to carry the brunt of revolutionary labor movement does not slon (who said he made a confession you have in order to see what can be statement admitted by the police. On The International Commission of Inquiry the battles, not only its own, but that advocate or practice the method of in stated that he was a member of the done in the matter.
Monday noon, upon my arrival in the At the moment, the League of Na ed out in The Militant hitherto, demon reason to fly into a pnie when the police he believe in Communist political ac All the defendants, except the agent Office, he came in, said hello. went out of its enemies and exploiters. As point dividual terrorism or sabotage is no and was not a Communist nor dia tions Council is in session and is get provocateur Hoyle, have entered pleas around the corner where the dicks were strations and the economic boycott were find some dynamite or plant it. Neither tion, but in direct individual anarchist of not guilty.
ting reakly to submit another proposal to waiting and conveniently got himelt invold at the outset of the present should we take a police accusation action.
As to our Japan and China; both turned down the struggle. These are now on the increase against a group of workers as proof of And this: The men arrested are not detail due to the fact that the trial is rested and in less than one hour Trelger cannot go into it in arrested. Half an hour later was arearlier suggestions for a cessation and the historical weapon of the Cht guilt. And finally we should not turn members of the Communist Party, and still pending. can, however, show the war fare. The draft resolution calls for nese, the economic boycott, in this in our backs on workers in the hands of their actions are unknown to it, with role of a stool pigeon and agent pro long enough for me to see his swollen and shown to me just an International Commission of Inquiry stance of Japanese goods, is being link the police and leave them defenseless the exception of one of them, who was vocateur of the first class. This animal and blool smeared face into the alco Japan war; it concerns it(which was ed up more and more with political mant under any circumstances. These elemen expelled from the Party as a suspicious could sit in the next room contentedly shown me for effect. And shortly afstarted at once. of Japanese troops from testations against the Chinese bourgetary principles of labor ethics and soll character and who has been since very cating a sandwich and drinking his col ter that Reilly and Bunker put in thelr olsie.
darity to say nothing of the Commun openly working against the Party with fee while the police were beating me un appearance.
China and immediate stoppage of military activities.
Class forces are once again more cleme ist class point of view which ought to the renegade Lovestone group.
There is nothing quite as low, as mis.
This Commission also has in mind an both internationally and in China. The only because they seem to have been for it is the and the Lovestone were used by the police (beating of vocateur. He would step on his own ly aligning and realigning themselves, be taken for granted, are mentioned here It is not we who harbor dynamiters conscious in their endeavor to force me guilty. All known tortures erable and despleable as an agent pro Inquiry into the internal affairs group. You are welcome to blame it testicles with blackjacks, punching and mother neck for a few filthy sheckels.
China, thus laying an additional base bourgeoisie of other countries are com gotten in this case.
onto them, but leave us alone. With squeezing of same, etc. Yet this spec. He would stoop to anything for gain.
for the spoliation and distremberment of pelled to condone the Japanese agression such a yellow and treacherous attitude ies of human degradation could sit thereTake part of this rat story. He stated, China by the various imperialist powers, because of their own imperialist objecTherefore, when it became clear, at we can have nothing whatever in com and laugh. He could go to Hickey (own among other things, that the office since Thus far there no indication whether tires. They have not been able to find ter two days had elapsed since the ar mon. Our differences with both the 1er of the Boyle Towing Co. and com my election had taken the form of an any or all of the proposals in the Leashea way out of the world economie crisis: rest without anything having been done, and the Lovestone faction are plainant in the case) in open court armed camp, with me handing out guns ceptable either to Japan or China. The son of this economie crisis on the poll Est League decided to come to the aid of spoken of them before and we will speak on account for sending four men up the as know, the only gun ever carried in of Nation draft resolution will be ac. the Manchurian events are but an exten the National Committee of the Commun many and serious enough. We have front of us all, ask for and receive 10 to various bodyguards, ete. Yet, as far tical and military arena. The basic com. the prisoners and make provisions for of them again. But these organizations river for 40 years or more. This rat that office was the son of this hatte dette whole in the this and feel no pang of repigeon himselt stool.
And when saw the stressing the evacuation of Manchuria against the Soviet Union and the interaccomplished, thanks to the help and complication, of the advocacy or practice morse.
Ag sine qua non for the settlement of national working class which is gradu operation of Carlo Tresca, editor of all of individual terrorism. It is not true. for a human being to sink under this get rid of the run. He later complained To such an extent is it possible un told him to leave the oflice and disputed issues. The Militant has gone ally organizing its forces for the defende Martello. Stice Wedneslay a competent And even if it were true we would not system of society.
of the Soviet Union and against interattorney has been looking after the legal say so in such a moment.
Into these issues before in detail.
to me that his gun had been stolen. We are rev.
national capitalism.
interests of the accused marine workers. olutionist, not informers.
Who is this Hoyle? What is his remerely mention this to show the characThe relations between Japan and the Soviet Union remain the same, despite protest by workers and workers organt. the fog of police propaganda in the captIn Japan there has been an increase of the facts are now coming to light and cord? conviction in Providence for ter of this species of human degradation.
larceny not from anyone that could afYou are free to use all or part of this the provocation by Japan with its oc cupation of Titlhar. As a matter of antions against the Japanese government talist press is beginning to lift. Every ist workers will let the position of the his last three jobs, not for organization We cagnot believe that the Communford it, but from worker. Fired off for publication in The Militant.
fact, the other imperialist powers the and its depredations upon Manchuria.
thing that has happened since our in United States, Great Britain and France already calling upon Left fronts to the first suspicious about the case.
In China the Chinese bourgeoisie are vestigation began has tended to confirm the Party. It is indeed a terrifle reve! Unable to get a job in the harbor be hit (Signel) John Soderberg, Dally Worker prevail as the polley of activities but on account of drunkenness, Secretary treasurer, B, actually encourage acts and gestures mask their schemes and exploitation, in Every working class organization, and lation of the political and moral degen continue to plan ways and means for a addition to attempting, as pointed out, above all the entire left wing of the eration in the upper clrcles of the stalunited front of the capitalist nations to unify the Kuo Min Tang. The Kuo movement, is duty bound to support the indst faction. These processes of decay against the Workers Republie.
They Min Tang of Canton, South China, defense of the arrested marine workers, expose themselves with devastating swifthope in due time to be able to wage war pressing Wang Chin Wel to the forefront As we see it, this is a principle question. nens in times of crisis and danger, when upon the Soviet Union in an effort for as the Left representative. These The accused men have entered pleas leaders have to act quickly, when they national tour for comrade Arne, on January 10th. The schedule of the some of the of not guilty. The the latter destruction. The Soviet Un maneuvres are of Soderberg. have no time to dissemble; when they swabeck on behalf the National Com. national tour follows: lon thus far has refused to allow itself dangers that the Chinese proletariat printed in another column, shows that have to show at once the contentsmittee of the Communist League of Boston, Mass. Nov. 27, 28, to be provoked by the Imperialist powers faces and must meet.
5, She pursues a policy of peace.
Baste tasks remain as before: Unifica confession of their own stool pigeon and hand the time of crisis and danger calls America (Opposition) has just begun. Toronto, Ont. Canada. Dec. 2, Japan Achieving Objectives tion of all the forces of Communism in proveateur. Even bourgeois justice grants out the deepest class Impulses of the Comrade Swabeck will cover the prin Detroit, Mich.
Dec, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 In the main, Japan has achleved her reorganization of the Chinese labor move has been proven at a trial. Can revolu them to assert their within coreshstbite as well as organization meetings with Springfield, China and internationally: revival and a presumption of innocence until guilt revolutionary proletariat and impels cipal cities of the country, as far West Chicago, Ill.
Dec. 14.
Dec. 15 16.
elements have been removed from high ment, oppressed mercilessly by Chinese tionary workers do less?
ranks against the cowardly and treason the Branches of the League will be hela St. Louis, Mo.
Dec. 18, 19, 20.
post in Manchuria. Iler economic inter is forces in the United States in order able attitude of the Dally Worker in the In the various localities. The tour is a Kansas City, Mo.
Dee, 24, 25, 26.
ests possessions and capital Investments to be able to develop a common and wide! From this point of vlew the strongest ease of the marine workers will be the result of prevlous plans of the second Minneapolis, Minn.
27, 28 29 are on a more sold footing than ever tront of the American working class in protest must be registered against the best thing that can happen for the good National Conference and of numerous Dec. 31. Jan. requests from the Branches to undertake Chicago, Ill.
before; Japan feels that any settlement struggle against the American bourge: such a tour immediately The tour will Youngstown, Ohio. Jan.
of the disputes will be largely in heroisle, and to achieve a mobilization of all favor and that any existing or Chinese possible forces in support and defense of begin in Boston with a lecture on The Cleveland, Ohio. Jan. 4, Rise and Fall of the MacDonald Gover Philadelphia, Pa. Jan. 10 government of the bourgeoisle to be will the Soviet Union from aggressions from be tolerant of Japan rights and in any quarter and against the ment and will conclude in Philadelphia growing terests and treaties.
menace of world war.
Step by step the capitalist forces are the railroad crafts, and some of them EL SOVIET CONFISCATED The Chinese National Government convoo00000000 mobilizing their heavy artillery to make have lost the eight hour day once in 0000 The third issue of El Soviet (10 29 31. tinues to do nothing to stem the Japanese certain of a wage cut on the railroads. operation throughout the railroads.
weekly publication of the Left Opposl.
aggressions. There is much talk, but it This Important Industry is one of the How the Capitalist Pressure Works tion in Spain, has been confiscated by signifies nothing, for there is only wida remaining strongholds of the pre crisis the Civil Governor of Barcelona. Num behind it all.
working class standard which now, in The first direct step in the Assault Help The Militant erous difficulties have been encountered Dr. Alfred Sve, Chinese delegate to the view of the aristocracy of finance, upon the present wages was taken by the in the distribution of El Soviet due to the League of Nations Council at Paris, must be battered down at all cost. Yet railroad owners in their appeal to the In The regular appearance of The the suppressions by the reactionary soc.
knowing the flabbiness of his governOPEN FORUM in face of this, there is no visible action terstate Commerce Commission for a Militant this week is due to emer.
ialist republican government. 3, 000 copment, tries to pass the buck and wails whatever of the unions preparing to meet 15 rate herease. Their appeal was gency relief on the part of the New les of the third issue had been printed at the bourgeois League because the the onslaught.
predicated upon a denial, which promptYork Branch of the Communist when the confiscation occurred. League has not lifted a Anger in deIndividually the railroad workers have ly followed, to lay the basis for a wage League. It is imperative that ag The first and second numbers were fense of covenants they have pledged to greater financial response be relong ago been gradually put on reduced cut. No sooner had the dental been renalso delayed in distribution by interdefend. The Nanking Government, rations by the economies effected by dered, then several roads began some celved from other sections of the ference of the authorities. Various subknees bent in suppliance, complains bethe roads. Increasing use of heavier by directly announcing wage cuts; others fore the League Council that the Japancountry. There has been a begin terfuges are employed to prevent Com material, heavier rolling stock and long by making a pretense of negotiations ning, but insufficient to meet the munist propaganda, such as refusal to ese have expropriated Chinece lands, er trains have brought about constantly with the unions, with the stage all set requirements, already scaled down stamp the coples, as required by law levied illegal taxes, disrupted Chinese reduced forces and a greater output per of course and proper pressure provided.
to the minimum, of The Militant at other times the governor delays an.
municipa lamin datterformed in Wlanchora. Friday November 27, 1931 man. This is vividly substantiated by The Carta dan National Pacific Ines de budget.
thorization definitely.
We are compelled to continue etc. While China protests that she will Lecture by statements made by the president of the tral lines, the largest single syatem in our public appeal for financial not pay a political price for Japan Upon receipt of knowledge of the conBrotherhood of Enginemen and Firemen this country demanded a 10 wage cut, JAMES CANNON sistance. WIN YOU HELP tog evacuation of Manchuria or again sign before the La Follette Senate subcom to be voluntary and to remain ia effect maintain the Weekly Militant?
fiscation of El Sovlet, the Communist another treaty embodying the notorious at the mittee, labor saving machinery during for one year: evidently to prepare for Our appeal this time is brief, League of America (Opposition. New Labor Temple 21 points of 1915, Japan and the imperthe last few years has displaced about further euts after that.
but absolute.
York brunch made arrangements for an talist nations only give a mocking and 14th Street andd Second Avenue 250, 000 workers, and since the beginning The New York Central Lines alone SEND FUNDS IMMEDIATELY entertainment for the benefit of El Soviet.
QUESTIONS and DISCUSSION of the crisis, the owners of the railronds have reduced their working force from a THE MILITANT This local affair will take place on SatKuo Min Tang Uniting Bourgeoisie ADMISSION: 25 Cents have dropped an additional 500, 000 em total of 170, 061 on January first, 1800 to urday, December 5th at 84 East 10th East 10th Street, From Chiang Kai Shek, Chinese hangUnemployed Workers Admitted Free ployees. Many important regulations 128. 448 on February 15, 1931.
New York, Street, the League headquarters. Work man of the proletariat comes high talk Auspices: New York Branch Communist gained during years of struggle have finally there is now additional press ers are cordially invited to attend. ReLeave of America (Opposition) long ago been lost in practically all of (Continued on Page 2)
03 about going to the war front to lead the freshments will also be served.
Swabeck Starts On National Tour Rail Bosses Drive for Wage Cuts Urgent!
What Next in England.