AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismDeath SentenceGermanyImperialismInvasionLeninismMarxismOpportunismRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1931 EDITORIAL NOTES Factory Councils in Germany and Workers Control of Production ers. That the The Canadian Trial al Phila. Defendants Appeal Japanese Imperialists Press Attacks as 10 ta same thing was tried at Paterson. Num accomplish a unity of the capitalist erous other instances could be cited, nowers to destroy the Soviet Republic, running from that time to the present Less talk by the Stalinists of more or day. The was long ago dis less fictitious Soviet Republies in China.
credited in the eyes of the textile work More concentration on the revival of is why, after the decline of the morale and organizations of the the the revolts of the textile Chinese working class; more efforts to THE CASE OF DREISER be able to recuperate from their defent workers were expressed through inde rebuild a solidly founded Chinese Comand undertake a fresh struggle these pendent organizations first through the munist Party. No more talk about pos Dear comrades: The ideological superstructure are questions to be answered in the fu fets, you have not even a bridge to them, class society is only a reflection, and ture.
Amalgamated Textile Workers and later sible alliances with the Chinese Kuo You refute the slogan of workers con not even a road to the bridge, nor a thereby defense of its economic basis To our regret the Militant was not in organization led by the communists. Lert variety. Rebuild the comintern tempes to achieve it is the factory countransformed the Soviets into a fetich, position to receive authentie informa. There has been no lack of literature. Do not write against the tion regarding the strike from respon experience on its original Leninist foundations, soils, in particular. Your main reason is into a super social spectre, into a reprevailing social system, and above all sible comrades on the ground. For that the in the interests of the pressed that with the treacherous gang which leads that once aguin it will be firmly im the statement that the legal factors ligious myth. Mythology serves people do not advocate another one: this is reason we were not able to comment on bosses.
a real defense of councils are inadequate for the purpose. as a cover for their own weakness or Soviet Union capitalism real standard of literary its development or to offer opinions and against a Nowhere in my article have spoken of at best as a consolation. Because we The question which logically arises is growing world war danger, rests upon legal factory councils. Not only that are powerless in the face of death, which its high priests and critics bring for the same reason we refrain now from experience and in Lawrence, the very country to organize the working class that the factory councils can become or tories, therefore. therefore, as a all do the to their judgment of literature, for all an analysis of the defcat.
citadel of the militant tradition.
their pretence of artistic disinterest. Attention is drawn here to only one places another strike te of all into labor unions, to draw them toward uns of workers control only on the reward for this. We rise to such a edness and prattle about art for artis point, a very important one for the fu by the United Textile Workers Union them into militant struggles against of the masses, that a double power in to our assistance.
to be broken the Communist movement, and to bring premise of such pressure on the part height, that the Soviets fall from heaven sake We are witnessing an illustration ture of the Left wing labor movement, There you have the of this law of class society at the pre: The statement of the United Nank and Lawrence in 1911. The Communists preThe was able to prevent it at their native exploiters.
the factories and in the country has entire philosophy of the German Ultrasont noment in the beginning of the File Strike Committee (a pseudonym vented it at Passaic in 1926. The exMARTIN ABERN. been partly prepared and partly already Lefts.
campaign to revalue and discredit for the National Textile Workers Union) perience of the past and the radicalism established. It is clear that this can No. With this policy, have nothing Theodore Drieser says in its statement of November 11th, of the times were two powerful elements happen as little under the existing law in common. Our differences of opinion Ridicule is the first weapon with which printed in the Daily Worker of Novem of support for a lift wing victory. How on the Factory Councils, as the revolu are not restrictel at all to the German they are attacking the great writer whom ber 16th: The splendid general strike of then, did the reactionaries get the upper tion can take place in the framework of Factory Council Law. they are related the Weimar Constitution.
to the Marxian luws of the proletarian chly yesterday they were hailing as the the Lawrence textile workers. was hand and thereby deliver the workers to And only anarchists can draw (Continued from page 1)
the revolution. TROTSKY king of American novelists. Through broken on November 11th, 1931 in the the boyses?
the authoritative medium of the New Arlington and American Woolen Co The statement of the United Rank and ainian, Finnish, and Hungarian languwere auxiliaries of the party. The Ukr) conclusion therefrom, as if it were im.
permissible to exploit either the Weimar York Times they are passing the word mills by the to make fun of Dreiser. This is the Union. Our emphasis. United Textile Workers Pile Strike Committee contains an age organizations were similarly Constitution in or the law on the Factory wer to this question. And it can be as leged to be controlled by party fracone as well as the other. But, a Councils. It is necessary to exploit the suit to restrain We are quite exhibition of the motion picture distorstatement, even without detailed information of self criticism regarding the identifying the accused as meābers of als are not what the law makes them.
to believe that sumed in advance that the impending tions. Following the technical ritual of revolutionary fashion. The factory coun tion of An American Tragedy as just toin to substantiate it. The McMahon strike in the Party press will also pass the Communist arty, the Crown sprang but what the workers make them. At another murder trial. In like manner organization has been a strike breaking it by. But the question will remain a its mensation. which was no sensation a certain stage, the workers dislocate the same paper has greeted his investi organization for decades. We reprint below the leaflet just is.
gations of the relen of terror in the who has followed the struksies in the wing workers. They will find the ans och trials. They produced Sergeant down, or else simply disregard it all rense Committee on behalf of the two Kentucky mine fields. Rest assured the textile industry knows that. As far back wer in the policy and methods of the Loopold of the Royal Canadian Mounted do when the masters of the bread speak en entered into a deliberate conspiracy source of the left wing defeats and the functioned under the name of Pelweltration. Still. this transition is as yet tion for a new trial in the case will critics will take the tip. as they always ax 1911 the same union under John Gold Stalinist leadership. There is the real Police, their under cover man, who had together. Precisely therein consists the young working class victims of the Flynn transition to a purely revolutionary sit Sedition Act of ennsylvania. The moup. general attack against Drester with the mill owners to break the strike reactionary victories under circumstances as the government spy in the party from before us, and not behind us. It must come one a boate for ender 2014 commanding position on the field of conducted by the The attempt which are most favorable the opposite. its inception in 1921 until his exposure be prepared.
literature is in the cards.
however, was frustrated. In 1913 the.
Bourgeois literary opinion never wel and expulsion in 1928.
That careerists, fascists, social dem ers. It is the intention of the Defense Leopold Eselwein deposed that prior Ocrats are very often to be found in the Committee to carry the case as far as comed Dreiser. Rather it accepted him after he had bludgeoned his way to to joining the party he had been. memfactory councils, does not speak against is possible in the courts, and to develeminence by the truly colossal achieve ber of the He had become sec making use of them, but only proves the opent a miltant mans movement for ments of his pen. He never painted the retary of the Regina branch of the party weakness of the revolutionary party. As the release of Moranstern and Goodsocial system of his day in rosy hiles. Continued from page 1)
The or underground organization had long as the workers tolerate such fac man. to financial assistanke On the contrary. The author of Sister and banking authorities profess to be fraught with ill for the workers. War Pan American Burean of the Comintern to make a revolution. Apart from the funds should be sent to the Morgantheir schemes, they are more than ever been formed under the mandate of the tory councilmen, they will not be able should be rendered the Comittee and Carrle and the Financler showed up in all its bideous ugliness and in alarmed thereat, because of the Man alliances for the future are no doubt which was staffed Charles Scott, workers, the party cannot grow strong stern Goodman Defense Committee, 327 Justice down to the most sort detail. churian situation and the speculation being consummated in secret between the Louis Fraina and Sen Katayama. The er, for the most important arena for the So. 11th Street, Philadelphia, a. Ed. In exposure of capitalist society that has already taken place with the imperialist powers. The outstanding aim Canadian party, he alleged, had received activity of the workers is the factory.
checking the is a combination against the Soviet 000 to initiate the activity. The orreally is not sparing the whited sepyen. It is desirous of WORKERS!
The Empoyed and Unemployed ulchre of its mornlity he blazed the steady outflow of gold but at the samel Workers Republie. All workers must teh West, Jack MacDonald, has informed thonsands of the unemployed in Ger!
kanizer of the party on a tour through But, you will reply, there are the UNITE AGAINST BOSS TERROR Once again, your interests as workers trail for other writers. Among all the time must intrench the position of the be on guard, and demand that the secAmerican writers who following him, yen in other countries, particularly in ret treaties be made public, so that the him that the purpose of the organization enny. did not overlook this. But are threatened. This time in the State have taken the strial milion for their the United States with whom economie war mongers can be unmasked. The be was the overthrow of the existing in what conclusion can be drawn from this? of lennsylvania, the government striketheme, he drew the truest, the most relations are increasing. By the end of hind the doors negotiations must be made stitutions by the advocacy of force and to neglect the employed workers entire breakin law, the notorious Flynn Sedistriking and revealing picture. He November it is expected that 106 millions known to all. The imperialists are violence. The party had been liquid ly and to stake all hopes on the unem tion Act, is being used to attack the liv stands nlone. said Mencken, and in that of doldrs in gold metal will have reach preparing war: all workers must be ated following the reports of the Inter ployed? That would be a purely aning standards of the working class.
he recorded not so much an opinion ased the United States from Japan, by inade to realize the danger and to work national delegates to the Fourth Conarchist tactic Naturally, the unemploy. Ia Philadelphia, two workers, Coman inescapable faxt.
which it is hoped to strengthen Japan for its prevention.
gress, Maurice Spector and Jack Maced form a powerful revolutionary factor, munists, members of the Communist position in the United States, But it was not by virtue of these to stop speculation over the yen at well as Donald.
Tacties for the Communists have particularly so in Germany But not as League of America (Opposition. MAURICE SPECTOR. an independent proletarian army been made the subject of an attack by achievements alone that Dresler won the home Previously we have pointed out the universal acclaim that has been his in necessary tactical lines for (These brief factual data of the Canther as the Left wing of such an army. boss terror against the militant section the Com American Imperialism At Its Job the recent years. It was something in unist movement to follow in the Japadian Communist trial marks a certain The chief kernel of the workers is al of our class. Leon Goodman and Bernthe factory. That ard Morgenstern, two young workons, the quality, or rather something lacking The position of the Chinese National anese Chinese war and in the prospective culmination of a series of increased re ways to be sought in the quality of his writings that made Government of Chiang Kai Shek is gro war danger. These remain the same actionary onslaughts. An estimate and is why the question of the factory coun are charged with sedition and face up it possible for him to gain the recox tesque throughout. The Kuo Min Tang. The defense of China and Manchurlacan review by comrade Spector, of the iscils continues to exist in all its sharp to 20 years imprisonment for distributing leaflets presenting the Communist sues involved and of the conduct of the ness Furthermore, even for the unemployed position on unemployment. They told cluding the little word jugglers who com thousands of the flower of the Chinese kle of the Japanese workers ngainst the party on trial will follow in our next it is not at all of no concern, what takes the workers to struggle for unemploy.
plained about his style. Drelser drew proletariat, is powerless before the Jap Japanese imperial government: by the issue FI.
place in the enterprises and in the proment insurance: the hour day day no conclusions from the tales he told. anese invasion. It continues to call development of the struggles in China cess of production as a whole. The un week without reduction in pny: for reThis was his saving grace in the eyes of piteously upon the League of Nations and of the workers and peasants against the employed must unreservedly be drawn cognition and extension of long term the bourgeois censors. Over everything American imperialism for assistance. Chinese bourgeoisie, militarists and in on the control of production. Its or credits to the Soviet Union and against he wrote there hung a heavy fox of pes. The latter is determining the best way landlords, for the overthrow of the ganizational forms will be found. They wage cuts. These lentlets told the labalmism, futility, fate Bourgeois opin both to check Japan and to plunder Chiang Kal Shek government and the will result from the practical struggle oring masses that unemployment, like lon could tolerate that. Cynicism is its China. So far there has been no inter Kuo Min Tang, the hangmen of the Cht Soviet Russia itsele. Naturally, all this will not take war, is an inseparable part of the preown creed, and designation is its preference with the shipment of 6, 000 tons nene proletariat and peasantry. There place in the framework of the existing sent capitalist hunger system: That only scription for the masses.
of nitroglycerin which the Japanese gore is the most imperative need for the Tom Mooney, outstanding class war laws. But forms must be found that will the social revolution of the working Dreiser fall from grace is not due. ernment is reputed to have ordered from unity of the Chinese Communists in this prisoner in the United States sent his embrace the employed as well as the class, on a world scale, can solve the of course, to any wenkening of his lit American manufacturers. The blood terrific struggle. The Comintern must greetings on the occasion of the cele unemployed. One own weakness and unemployment problem.
erary powers. The shafts of ridicule profit is there, without as yet any dif be compelled to adopt this unity policy, bration of the 14th anniversary of the passivity cannot be justified by refer We must understand that the persecuthat are being hurled at him now, and ficulties for the United States and is despite Stalin, the splitter of the Com Russian October Revolution. In a letter ring to the existence of the unemployed. tion of these two workers is not an the heavler attack that can be expected therefore allowed.
munist movementIn every country the to Trud, central organ of the Soviet You say that the Brandlerites are isolated case, but is part of a nation.
to follow. witness his indictment in The Unlted States Government, through workers must be aroused to the dangers Trade Unions, he says: for control of production and for the wide attack on the part of the bosses Kentucky on a morality charge pro. Secretary of State Stimson, is winding of world war. From this tomb of the living dead factory councils. Unfortunately, have minst the living standards of the toilceed from the profound change that has its way through secret negotiations, It is for the Comintern to adopt a where have been buried alive for the long ceased to follow up their litering massce. If they are put in jail to will put tp totaken place in Dreiser own attitude which, no matter what the immediate genuine international policy on all ques. past Afteen years because of my mill ature, trecause of lack of time. do any, any struggle toward social questions. As is known outcome, can bode no good for the work. tions if there is to be a successful mob: tancy. devotion and fidelity to the work not know how they pose the question. morrow will meet with the use of this he has arrived at a positive communers of China, Japan, or America. When ilization of the world proletariating class, greet the workers of the it is quite probable that here too they and similar anti labor laws.
istie social view, and with the intellec the imperialists are compelled to hide against the efforts of the bourgeoisie to Soviet Union with outstretched eager have not rid themselves of the spirit The united effort of all working class tual honesty and courage which marks hands of genuine working class fellow of opportunism and Philistinedom. But, organizations and friends is necessary him and distinguishes him from lus conship and solidarity.
can the position of the Brandlerites, even to protect these two young rebels and temporuries, he is speaking his conclu As world capitalism sinks ever deep in a negative sense, have a decisive im free all class war prisoners. It is the sions out loud. This is his crime. Ir er and deeper into the quagmire of its portance for us? The Brandlerites duty of every worker to come to the this they want to tear down and destroy own despair, corruption and brutal ex learned something at the Third Congress defense of these two militant fighters the titan of American letters.
Let them try. They will not succeed.
Our recent activities reflect the re, in the Fundamentals of Communism by ploitation of the tollers, you, the con of the Comintern. They distort the in the cause of working class emancl.
Goodman and Morgenstern have al Every blow dealt at Dreiser by the lit of the second national conference. Steps by Arne Swabeck.
of the second of the important decisions Martin Abern, and the other in Maraiso querors of Czarist tyranns, the builders Rolshevik methods of the struggle formation, erary hessians of the slave system will are being taken toward a general orable successes in so of Philadelphia hy Judge Reed. They only endear him all the more to the nanizational tightening up. New adher obtained. The study class conducted by inspiration to the workers everywhere.
In other cities, results have also been in the Sovie Socialist construction Dagation. Must we really for this ready been declared guilty in the courts Union are a sublime reason, give up these methods?
As can gather from your letter, you are out under heavy bail. An appeal has masses. Indeel, it is quite possible lents have joined the Left Opposition. the Boston branch has an attendance of You raise the hopes of the world prole are also opponents of the work in the been made for a new trial. In order that the gifted writer will begin only our members are becoming more active 30 members. Party and mem tariat ever higher and higher trade unions and the participation in par that they be freed: in order for now to find his own public and become in the life of the Communist movement bers were among them despite special We are miles apart, but space means Blament. If that is the case, then we us to break the infamous anti labor a real tribune of the people.
and workers mass organizations. ElThat part of the proletariat which is forts toward a greater Marxian clarity kes us taken by party bureaucrats to nothing the struggle is world wide are separated by an abyss from one Flynn Section Act, the voice of all beginning to awaken, which is not re are expressed in educational and pro signed to slavery will hear him gladly. paganda activities.
opening of the class, party functionaries heart. am with you in all your strug ist. stand on the ground of the real test. Fight for free speech, free press The working class movement of the pre sent generation has been poor and weak. York branch can show results. Every tures.
oktorn to the first point, the New to all members not to attend the lo social revolution. m with you un and in it the forces and the levera with WORKERS UNITE AND FIGHT FOR It had little to offer to the intellectuals, member is being held to his obligations, reservedly, and without equivocation. which to overthrow it.
The German Ultra Lefts The Chicago branch has made a very and because of that it had but few of dues payments and remittance on the good start of its educational activities.
Demonstrations in Soviet Russia As against the factory councils, the FOR THE IMMEDIATE RELEASE them espouse Ita cause, and out of sustaining fund pledge that few it can safely be said that ninety assignments of specific activities for tioned as instructor for a class of young cause it was their demonstration in front the Soviet system. In this con SCOTTSBORO BOYS; AND ALL CLASS come with Hugo Ochler has for some time tune gratitude to the Russian workers te bet trade unions, parliament, you counter OF MOONEY AND BILLINGS, THE per cent were four flushers and preench and a check up as to how it was comrades under their own group nection, the Germans have a very excel WAR PRISONERS.
tenders. It is growing stronger now and attended to. All are being assigned to pices. Recently the branch has itself in 1917 which called the attention of the wenn man ihn besitzen tut. Indeed MORGENSTERN GOODMAN DEFENSE aus of the American Embasy in Leningrad lent verse: Schoen ist ein Zylinderhut Issued by the it will guin in strength as the exploiting become direct participants in mass or organized two study classes, one elemen world to his case. The protest of the silk hat is very fine, provided only it system reveals increasingly the fatal sanizations and many have already as tary and one advanced. The latest ro Russian workers was responsible for the is mine. You have not onls no sorCOMMITTEE weakness which proceeds from its own gressively filled their posts. This has ports were that the former had an at action of President Wilson in urging 327 So. 11th St. Phila. Pa.
come an accession of intellectual forces slaught of the party bureaucrats againstance of 19 members inner laws. With this new strength will become particularly evident by the on tendance of 15 and the latter an attend that Mooney death sentence be com turning away from the hopeless, decay. Left Oppositionists voleing our views at a beginning. Since then the Chicago This records only muted to life imprisonment, ing system. Theodore Drester is a her party forums as well as by the campaign branch has obtained its own headquarter Money are now being held throughout Demonstrations for the freedom of all of this development and a most wel of expulsion of our members from the at 1435 Western Ave. and with the Soviet Union, as well as in all Eurcome one. Let us hope that his first center for all activities, progress is ceropean and Asiatic countries, and will be courageous steps are motivated by a Since the second conference our New tain to be recorded right along. One of intensified on the occasion of the anniOut To Day convletion that will not be shaken and York branch has recruited 12 new mem the first steps is the decision to hola versary of the commutation of Mooney by a determination to follow the path to hers. Six Greek comrades who have for weekly open forums at the new head death sentence to life imprisonment on the end. If that proves to be the case some time adhered to the Left Oppoglo Philadelphia comes the report his loss of prestige in the bourgeois ton views, were among these twelve.
NO Build a United Front Movement 28, 1918.
Watch For It world will have abundant compensaPublished by the National Youth Committee, Communist League of For Mooney America (Opposition)
tions, and will be in itself a tribute to They were rewarded by the stalinist bur of 11 members attending their class in eaucrats with expulsion from the Greek Marxism. We consider it quite a sue More than ever is it necessary for the YOUNG SPARTACUS official organ of the Communist youth opposi.
Spartacus workers club. These com oss. writes the Secretary. comrade American workers to mobilize for the tion in the United States, prints news, articles, educational material and rades are already functioning as a trac Goodman; the attendance is composed unconditional freedom of Mooney and editorials on the economic and political situation in the United States and tion, preparing as a first step to issue of mostly young fellows of promise. Billings, who have been imprisoned at elsewhere, particularly as related to the youth and young workers in inTHE END OF THE some of our literature in Greek. Others who wish to attend can do so San Quentin prisons, and Folsom Calit dustry. It prints also the writings of Leon Trotsky and other leaders of LAWRENCE STRIKE Educational Activities by getting in touch with the secretary at ornia for fifteen years.
the Internati Opposition of the Communist movement.
The general strike of the Lawrence in this field the New York branch has 327 11th St.
Mooney has demanded such a united Published Monthly 84 East 10th Street New York, 5c per copy.
textile workers the second strike at only made a beginning which still leaves Our two comrades, George Clark and front. The soolalists and similar groups Fifty. 50) cents per year (Canada and Foreign 65)
Lawrence within year which start It behind other branches. But there is Tom Stamm are again in the field, help have naturally opposed such a broad ed on October 8, has ended in a defeat nevertheless one gratifying aspect which ing in building the organization. Com movement. For the official Communist YOUNG SPARTACUS for the workers. The 10 percent wage should be mentioned at the outset. Real rade Stamm has now located in St. Louis party and the likewise to have 84 East 10th Street New York, cut, the immediate cause of the strike, efforts are now being made to build up for the time being. We have there only prevented the development of such a Enclosed please find fifty. 50) cents for one year subscription: remains in force, and in all other re the regular weekly open forum. There small branch, but the effect of all united front movement 18 both stupid spects the victory of the employers in sults have been a gradual improvements the help from the outside is already in and criminal, and in direct violation of Name this important struggle is indisputable. The atttendance has reached around one creased activity. As reported elsewhere the request and hope of Mooney in his Address. Such is the immediate outcome. As to hundred. With continued efforts that in these columns a successful Soviet an call for the formation of the broadest how long they will hold the present ad. number should sou be far surpassed. niversary meeting was held in Staunton, possible Pardon Tom Mooney CommitCity.
vantage or how soon the workers will Two classes are being condudcted: one 111. which is close to St. Louis. tees.
Mooney Greets Organization Notes ΤΟ Read! Subscribe!
Young Spartacus