AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninMarxismMussoliniReform PartySocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSViolenceWorking Class

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1931 THE MILITANT PAGE IN THE INTERNATIONAL OF LABOR Reviews and News of the Working Class and Revolutionary Movements Conservatives Press Attack on Labor The Political Situation Consequences of the Elections in Great Britain and Prospects for the Communists the the Russian German history and there to Trade Relations are N11 The Rise of Fascism in Britian ENGLAND Conservative Party would become faseist in fact but probably not in IN SPAIN mame. It is, after all, a conservative party and its dislike of Innovations ex tends to names; e. witness its fidelity to the old 17th century designation Tory. What have the politics of the Age of Charles II and Shaftesbury in common with those of the age of im perialism and finance capital. The Socialist Republicans Support the Church The actual development of fascism deTwo days ago the General Election, pursued when the economy cuts were the Party line in the Election has been oisie as that of Mussolini did on the pends therefore on the British bourgedescribed by the liberal Manchester made, Labour helped to weaken and dis dealt with the results certainly show Italian bourgeoisie; and, while the ItalThe socialist republican bloc has been ment minister can make and unmake.
most fraudulent of our time. ended. the whole movement to the attack which, Election seakened, as we predicted, the lan ruling class had no alternative to that in the lancer is taking the power, at his discretion, the Internal policies of Out of the confusion and the turmoll now begun, will be carried ruthlessly mass movement against the cuts and Conservative party. As the crisis deep than in bourgeois practice, a reactionary be dissolved it the minister in question Mussolini, the British have always the constitution is much easier in theory ment, the sole victim of this law, can of the last few weeks has come the through to the bitter end.
also brought very few votes to the Party ens, as protection fails to do aught but and anti working class constitution, on thinks it destrable, a strongest reactionary Government this Seldom has the mailed flat of capital candidates country has had since the war. ist rule been so clearly visible through The Results for the Communists the Labour Party demonstrates more and the other hand, can be made very eas jailed or deported it he desires. The Most Militant readers will be familiar the velvet glove of democracy. Dare of the total Commanist poll of 72, 024 more clearly that it is a reformist party lly, both in theory and in practice.
with the results of the Election before to demonstrate said the National Min votes, 43, 892 were east in four constitus with no possibility of giving any reworkers cannot declare a strike except The democratic bourgeois constitutions on eight days notice. The violation of this letter appears in print. Some com isters, and we will have you batoned encles out of twenty six. In the 1920 forms; the British bourgeoisie will in. of the past have been characterized, this rule involves the dissolution of the for the effects of the Election are like Government, said the financiers, and with twenty five candidates contesting: Moseley to the messiah or merely the which they were gulded and stimulated. perts, and the imprisonment or deportament is however justified and necessary, down. Dare to return Labour election the party polled 50, 000 votes evitably turn to fascism; and whether above all, by the anti religious spirit by organization, the confiscation of its proly to be far reaching. The clearer we we will pull down the pound sterling. In some constituencles this election saw Forerunner; the result will be the same When a monarch has been dethroned, tion of the violators.
are as to why the National Government Dare to vote Labour. said the employ an increase; In some, notably Greenock, as far as the workers are concerned. the masses have always looked with Anyone who dares to denounce was elected in this way, the nearer weer, and shall have to close down my Battersea and Ogmore there was a de The British ruling class has nothing to sympathy on all revolutionary manifestis evil can be included in the scope of shall be to establishing a correct polley factory. lesson, this election, in the crease. Insofar as votes indicato learn in ruthlessness from any bourgetations against the clergy, which unfor the English revolutionary movement. realities of capitalist democracy, a les amount of support existing for theoisie in the world and it is merely doubtedly is one of the most character whic it provides. It is a and receive the punishment pag which First let it be said that the recent son soon to be expounded more clearly Party, the results show how very weak matter of time before it learns to existie accompaniments of absolutism and everyone is compelled to swallow who Election was the most vicious of modern by the Employers National Government. the Party is in England and how press itself with a clarity of which tyranny.
does not submit to the reactionary reptimes. The Conservatives set out to In such circumstances it is not to be fectively its recent campaign against the Duce himself would be proud.
In Spain, the republicans and social. ublic, or suffer the consequences. smash Socialism and its supposed wondered at that the Conservatives economies has been.
Prospects In spite of its numerical insignificance ists, for lack of a solid and consistent This law was passed after the resignaadvocates, the Labour Party (rather were able to pull over the petit bour.
puzzling this to our comrades who sayseotste almost en bloc and even to 10. It is clear that during this winter the formation of the New Party is the doctrine, have employed the balk of tion of Zamora and Saura. This proves that Labour is the same as the Conser fluence the waverers in the ranks of the the employers will attempt to reduce most significant development of capital their energies in combating the domina that the spirit of this law, and of the vatives and who call the Labour Party workers. Decisiveness, power, confidence wages heavily and that the application ism in Britain since the General Strike. tion of religion, of that Catholicism whole brand new constitution which is tion, to lower the workers wages and have won Labour tremendous support means test to thousands of unemploy terrific speed and nowhere more so than inspired, and in practice exercised, the ary doctrine of Zamora Siaura, the two these condimost able and determined men in the to drive thousands off of unemployment but these things cannot, in a crisis, come ed will worsen the conditions of large in Great Britain. Under benefit. Their petty bourgeois servants, from the representatives of the petit numbers of unemployed and employed tions It is safe to Infer that the supers The Church Remains Power Under Provisional Government.
the Republie Azana idees are no different from the Labour Party, were too weak, too bourgeoiste: they can only come from workers. correct policy, a clear fight of today will occupy the centre of the Minvacillating carry the program through the workers revolutionary Party. So ing call, and a sensible approach to the stage tomorrow.
Therefore, when the republie was in those of Zamora. While he was CAIUS GRACCHUS. stalled in Spain, the people effectively: so, as in 1924 when the first the strength of the Conservative camworkers will bring tremendous support believed iste of War he coull wave his repution Labour Government was swept aside to paign enabled them to march the mid to the Party. Without this the Party that, along with Alfonso de Bourbon and perform his work more or less cleverly. On becoming President of the clergy would have to get out. The give place to the Baldwin Government, ale classes, with drums beating and cannot grow and cannot fulfill its duty Republic his first declaration was, We republicans and socialists remained att the Labour arty had to go in order to tags flying to the Poll. The six and to the international working class.
make room for more ruthless Govern working class votes, but they were votes leaders are incapable of achieving real a half million votes cast for Labour were But unfortunately we know that our ent. Lerroux forgot his famous phrase, must make the Republle respected, er it not respected, then feared.
from the nuns and raise them up cast without hope and with the minimum and lasting results for the Party, and The situation is clear. The working to The Conservative Attack On Labour enthusiasm are incapable of playing a decisive role the honorable rank of mothers. And masses, lacking a communist Party to To this end a sweeping attack was! The weakness of Labour, together in the big struggles ahead. We have al.
when the people of Madrid set fire to guide them in imposing themselves on the convents, the Government trembled into second place by brutal repression.
earried through upon the Labour Party, with the peculiarities of the electoral ready seen, time after time, that the an attack waged by newspapers, the system, account for the weakness of the fallure or treachery of Labour dogs not The appeal entitled, Is a Soviet Geras much as the clergy.
wireless, the platform and the cinema. Labour Party in the new House of Com automatically bring increased support to many possible? only proves all the The power of the Church was being gaining ground and imposing its wishes The reaction on the contrary, has been The reply of the Labour Party was timid, mons. Here are the principle figures. the Party. Only if the Party member more how important it was at the time, re established, but the Government was cowardly and confused. More and more Votes Seats whip can force a full unfettered discus. for the Soviet government to elaborate losing Its prestige and the confidence to the point of impregnating with reacthey were driven into a position where oftionary wisdom the constitution which For the Governslon and from that discussion select a model plan of cooperation between the the masses. Cardinal Segura was the man the Cortes is working out.
their only effective reply could be ment (Torles, NaBolshevik leadership: only providing Soviet Union and Germany, right at the who knew how to terrify the government class reply, a Socialist reply. But how The Masses Demand Bread tional liberals that the power of the Stalinist machine beginning of the crisis. That would while apparently sacrificing himself, and could they reply in this way? How National labour 14, 297, 597 550 can be broken and new life and vigor have had an incomparable agitationist he has succeeded e fitonimpregnating with social problem. The starving producing But this will in no way resolve the could they who decry class war rally the The Labour working class against their masters? Opposition 6, 718, 054 56 How could men who had previously play a decisive part in the struggles of that could be done now, is: to catch up tire work of the Constituent Asseinblymasses ask for brend, with more force Communist party 72, 824 the next few months. To this end the with what has been missed.
As a contributing factor, Alcala Zamom each day. The governing classes agreed to economies protest effectivemaking a constitution, and creating laws ly against economies with a shame the Communist Party would rally const It would naturally seem to follow that activities of the Opposition comrades in and Maura occupled the most response to deny bresal to the starving in the have only cursorily glanced through England must be directed.
the anti Soviet manifesto of the Leipble posts in the government of the rep ful record as a Government, with the decable support around its candidates. London, October 29, 1931.
whole basis for their reformist policy ziger Volkszeitung, lack of time) but ublie. These two dangerous men insist most legal matiner possible ANGLICUS.
In a previous letter, the weakness of its dull shallowness leaps right to the ed on sacrificing themselves at the last coming winter threatens to be stormy.
swept away, with the knowledge, behind their semi apologetie protests, that it eye. The Russian social democrats main minute, and left the Government to give The Spanish Communist Party has e returned they could do nothing, how the proletariat was all right for a highly was being accomplished States practices, or denying the importance of the tained in 1917 that the dictatorship of the impression that something serious kreat mission to accompliah, but the could they rally the workers against the employers?
for a backward Russia, for which it the Spanish Repubille bears the impress religious problem and hiding itself at Against the fierce attack of the rulcritical moments.
could only mean disaster. Besides, the of the spiritual seal of the reactionar It may be added that the importance dictatorship would not last more than tes, Maura and Alcala Zamora. Their position, the religious problem, the rep For us, Communists of the Left Op ing class, the Labour Party could pit There is an old proverb to the effect only weak words and pledges that rang that coming events cast their shadow of the birth of British fascism would be three days (later one, false. By their timidity, by the confu before them. It was not an accident in no wise diminished even if the Tory This was the social democratie evalua: fraud and a deception on the people ubite and the constitution have no imsion they spread, by the polley they had that, simultaneously with the dissolu party decides to steal Moseley than tion of the October revolution. Now, who see in them the black hand of reportance in themselves, because they tion of Parliament, there appeared the der and to run Winston Churchill (or after fourteen years, the German social action.
are made for the bourgeoisle, our class first number of the first avowedly Fasc Lords Lloyd or Rothermore) for the of democrats ways: Soviet regime, die The religious orders, the opium of what we must do is to denounce these enemy. What has a great importance, ist paper in British history: bearing the fee of British dictator. The fact would tatorship of the proletariat. In a back the people. will continue to exercise also no accident that the leader of the the bridge from democracy to fascism wide dimensions, an overwhelming pro and the interests of the people. The cannot solve our problems, nor can the significant title of Action. And it was still remain that Moseley had crossed ward country: very good; there are their harmful influence on the cultural laws, these problems, before the work ers, to explain to them that these laws New party 18 an ex leader the and that the first step is always harder ponderance of the peasantry, etc. For Spanish law to which they will be subconstitution nor the most democratic Labour Party and a former protagonist than the last; actually, it is possible that highly Industrialized Germany, the dic mitted is only an Indecent masquerade bourgeois repubile in the world.
of the socialism in our time polley this may happen. The Tory Party has tatorship of the proletariat would mean to conceal the truth. Only the action of of the Nor is it by chance a semi Fascist wing which will be The future of the Spanish Republic a complete collapse.
the masses will succeed in extirpating can be changed only by the working Despite all the calumnies of Stalin that the editor of Action, Harold Nicol strengthened as the progressive liquidaOn a Soviet Germany and Soviet this evil.
class, directed by genuine Spanish disciples in Spain, we have the honor son, is a son of Lord Carnock. Sir Artion of the British Empire sends its inRussian Relations New Laws Against the Workers Communist Party.
of being the first victims of the new thur Nicolson) who as permanent tread perial proconsuls home to roost! This The anarcho syndiMoreover, our republican socialists calist Federation is terrorized by On economic collaboration between a have passed a law for the Defense of the the Law for the Defense of the Republic of the British Foreign Office was as wing is at present in the shade but with On October 22, one day after the law, faltst War of 1914 18. This union of push the Baldwins and Oliver Stanleys Here, the German social democrats mandresponsible is anybody for the Imper. the decline of British capitalism, it may Soviet Germany and the Soviet Russia Republic, to use the organized violence new law for the defense of the republic.
Our task is enormous but full of great was passed, the General Direction of social democratic demagogues and cniof the state power to repress all manl perspectives and possibilities. the present and prospective leaders of pulate the present day export and im festations and prevent the people from Security (Police) sent several agents to cu members of the official ruling class the democratſe Tories) into the back port fleures, in order HENRI LACROIX.
trade turnover saying what it thinks and what it wante.
es is a very significant beginning and ground.
quiry ami to confisente whatever they bears close resemblance to the begin Any capricious and despotic Govern Madrid, October 23, 1931 between Germany and the The Road to Eoscism released. For two days they went ning of Italian fuscism which was born is. That only proves that if Soviet through our files without finding what from the union of Mussolint with the Should this happen the British bour many were work according to the they were looking for. At the time of representatives of Italian imperialism geoisie may prefer to establish fascism rules of capitalist Germany, it would the ruld there was only one comrade whom Versailles bnd cheated of their by means of its old and well tried ser suffocate. Industrial import into Russia there, the watchman, aged 71. They de expected prey.
manded of our ola friend that he leave vant, the Tory Party, rather than by is limited by the credit conditions. In the place during the search. When It is true that the pages of Action show means of the new fangled condottieri the course of several years, the colBooks by Leon Trotsky arrived at the office, they had already as yet Ittle of the cynical logic and of the New Party. In that case the lectivized agrarlan economy, now for the most part merely a form of burcarried on for more than half an hour.
ruthless realpolitik that characterizes eaucratic coercion, could be made exTHE STRATEGY OF THE WORLD protestext in vain. Galazza police German fascism. We do not find in the tremely fruitful, and the entire turnover REVOLUTION wanted to carry of the magazines, the utterances of Mosely and his colleagues 86 pages, two colored paper cover 250 of both countries could be completely MILITANT DANCE anything of the clarity that character.
periodicals, the books, in short, every. ixes the utterances of Mussolint or even revolutionized by German Industry and Introduction by Max Shachtman thing that we had in the place. Some of Hitler. But we have to remember This Saturday organizational capacity.
of the comrades who had arrived interTHE DRAFT PROGRAM OF THE But what of the transition period?
COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL fered and the police calmed down a bit. that the English are not a theoretical The Third Annual Militant Dance on Evidently, Germany would have to ko Criticism of Fundamentals They gave up the idea of seizing the that they have a special brand of hu! Saturday, November 21 promises to be through a few hard years. The work periodicals and magazines that appear Introduction by Cannon legally. But they took all the documan nature. but as a result of the aftalr yet held by the Communist Lee why they made such sacrifices. But the best attended and highest spiriteders, however, would at least understand 140 pages hard paper cover 356 ments, the letters, etc. from corresponpeculiar historical experiences of the cue of America Opposition in New even in the most acute transition THE SPANISH REVOLUTION 80 pages, paper cover 10c dents and subscribers of Comunismo and British people. and thelr our Communist Publications.
and Insular beritage does not make for York.
The Greek egmrades who were recent would remain cablom the world market.
years, assuming that the rest of Europe THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION capitalist, Germany would lucidity of thought as does the superb 00 208 page bookcloth bound It is clear that the new law authorized training in logic afforded to the Italian ly expelled from the Party and joined not be teolated the police to confiscate all they please, people by the Roman Catholle theology is as a group, will entertain with sev. Once the proletariat has expropriated the paper bound but we know that this authorization does and the hard clarity Latin literature. eral interesting numbers. good band landowners, the bankers and the indus THE REAL SITUATION IN RUSSIA not produce the desired results. Our Nevertheless English fascism is learning.
will furnish the dance music, and on trialfate, it will immediately be able Introduction by Max Eastman protests, which were sent out to the Noseley is an avowed disciple of Hitler, the balcony tables will be arranged for to produce for the world market at 864 page book formerly now 00 press, will not be published, nor heard. whose methods he has studied at first those who like to sft around eat and cheaper prices than at present. Under But the fact that we, the Left Commun hand in Germany. His bodyguard of 00 MY LIFE 600 pages talk.
such circumstances, an economic block 1ste, are the first victims of the new law thugs recall the squadrist of early The main purpose of this affair will be ade is absolutely out of the question.
COMMUNISM AND SYNDICALISM proves that the bourgeoisie do not seem fascism with the inimitable Kia Lewis to afford an opportunity to all our Direct contact with Soviet Russia The Trade Union Question to take much stock in Stalin opinion ay a pocket edition of Italo Balbo!
friends, sympathizers and members to Introduction by James Cannon on our counter revolutionary attitude The Conservatives and Fascism spend an enjoyable evening and get bet would immediately be re established, for between a Soviet Germany and SovFor many workers, this will be very inter acquainted with each other, while let Russia, capitalist Poland would soon 15e 64 pages, paper cover structive.
Thus, it would be un Marxist and prac at the same time learn more about the be crushed. However, it is quite improTHE SPANISH REVOLUTION IN DANGER Madrid, October 25, 1931 tically the height of unwisdom to ign: fundamental principles of the Left Op bable that European capitalism can re64 pages paper cover 11, LACROIX (the name shows the halve inexperience According to reports recelved by the main form for any considerable length of its promoters) merely because it 18 committee in charge, tickets are selling It is really necesary to write a more PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOPat present crude and inexperienced. It well, and many who have never attendMENT OF THE BOSTON LECTURE!
48 pages, paper cover 15c lecture on the Rise and Fall of the that in Britain, the classic home of promised to come. Among them win man comrades could perhaps divide the Special Rates In Bundles of or more British Labor Government will be gle: Constitutionalism, a fascist party should several outstanding figures in the labor) work in the diferent fields, be material among themselves, take up the in the SINCE LENIN DIED on by comrade Arne Swabeck, member have risen whose methods can only be movement, as well as the members of Arst Instance collect material to this By Mar Eastman of the National Committee, Communist consummated by action that is uncon the Marxian Youth Club.
1924 BOC League of America (Opposition) on situtional and liable to end in civil war. Keep November 21 open.
and collective work 158 page book printed in London Friday, November 27, 1931, at P. Only a student of dialecties can appre bring your friends. 300 come anal end. Later on, could also join in the time is asat the Ambassador Gardens, corner of hend in its fulness the significance of sured to everybody. Signed) Trotsky.
Berkeley and Warren Aves. under the this apparition that finally nails the lte The Date Saturday evening, Pioneer Publishers 84 East 10th Street auspices of the Boston Branch of the that in England human nature 18 November 21st Agents and newstands throughout the New York City Communist League of America (Oppost different, and that, therefore, Revolution The Place Stuyvesant Casino, country that now handle The Militant tion. The admission is 25 cents (and Counter revolution) is impossible.
2nd Avenue at 9th Street. will handle Young Spartacus.
The Repressions In Spain FOR YOUR LIBRARY. 50 15