AnarchismBolshevismBujarinCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDeath SentenceDemocracyFootballLeninLeninismRussian RevolutionSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

ON THE WORKERS FRONT «New Era» in sanization can serve as a warmly to the THE MOVEMENT FOR MOONEY IN BOSTON Soviet Celebration in Staunton, III.
PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1931 The Lawrence Strike After the October 25 conference itself we went to what was supposed to be a mass meeting for the Lawrence Strikers. There were about thirty at this meeting Listening to the reports of Cantor and Ballam which contradicted crusade against active groups in the on each other, we could almost laugh were it not xo tragic. Cantor reported that memberxhip they can expect in the workers in Lawrence are paying the future and what Hillman new era their own fines because they are not holds out for them.
ready to give the sacrifice of staying in The membership must give the answer jail. Right after he finishell, Ballam The triumphant victory achieved by No Changes in Policies to the attempts of the Hillman bureaudelivered one of his usual orations, suy.
Sidney Hillman in his fight against the Will this new era bring back the on cracy to further worsen their conditions BOSTON. comrade shochet rose to say that criticing that there is a great movement in Orlofsky Bukerman ang in the New ion conditions in the who will it bring and suppress their resistance. The At the Mooney Conference in ism should not be taken in that mamer. Lawrence, that the masses of the 25, 000 York organization has been marrel a reversal of policy of the organization membership must strengthen their activ Boston on October 25. comrades Cooper. It is only with the interest of the workers are revolutionary and at the end an unpleasant, though in urdinary time of serving the interests of the manuity in their locals and groups if theystein and Shechet were delegates from work at heart that we criticize in order of the strike there will be shop nucli While Illman was preparing a jubilests of the workers? Itiliman did not conditions. They must launch their own branch. Comrade Sheshet was clected to on the work, comrade Shechet went on to ton to make such it discovery, and of ant celebration this triumph on the state. The membership will draw the campaign azanist racketeering and cor the credentials committee and the Op suy. Tom Mooney, after spending fifteen such types of politicians, Dallam gets casion of the liquidation of the Orlof logical conclusions from Hillman recent ruption in the organization which alone position was seated. It was a pretty of the best years of his life in a Calif. the prize. When one looks at the true sky Beckerman opposition racket, the actions.
can guarantee them a clean organization dull conference until comrade Cooper ornia duugen has realized that the re picture of the strike, it no wouler it news leaked out in the Freiheit of his certain change in the situation is and a new era of improved conditions.
secret begotiations with the underworld, stein asked some questions regarding the actionary right wing has betrayed and is in such a condition. When people to be expected, but this change will ALBERT ORLAND.
last amunty conference and criticized deserted him. He has now turned his insist on turning a strike of backward where the finishing touches of the set hartly be for the benetit of the mem. Due to technical hindrances, this ar the lack of activity. Comrade Cantor face to the left wing of the movement will workers into a Communist cam.
tlement with the racketeers for the liq Dership in spite of all the promises of the appears belatedly: it retains, how immediately interpreted this as an at. Let us prove to him, to the entire work pain, it can not be otherwise.
uidation of their racket were made. The the officialdom. The regime in the ever, its complete validity. Other arti tack upon the in an attempt to ing class and to ourselves that we really. CONFERENC DELEGATE.
Freiheit eren disclosed the details of the CW. and the corrupt atmosphere have clex on the will appear inforth set the conference against us. But this demand the unconditonal release of (Since this was written we have heard settlement and the various sums puicl not been changed with the removal of coming issues of The Militant.
machine was sadly disappointed when Mooney. The only way to do this is to from comrade Shechet, who with com out to each of the important partici some of its corrupt officials in the latest Net right to work instead of merely callrade Coperstein were delegates to the pants in this racket. There was a com campaign. The policies of the organi ing conferences. We must broaden the Mooney Conference The letplete picture of a wales transaction luxation have remained the same as behuse of our work by reaching the mass ter, in part, fellows XI. the old Inillman tradition.
fore the so called campaign against races on behalf of Mooney: to reach the The leaders of the have Hillman in Deal with the Rocketeers keteering.
masses we must penetrate every organimarket time for three weeks, which has Surely, it was a disagreeable disclos Before any improvement in the condi STAUNTON, ILL. osition.
zation where workers are concerned, re: not helped the Mooney movement. rout ure, bound to defame Tillman tire tions of the workers can be attempted, We worked hard to make a success Getting his sccom wind he wanted to gradless of all hardship Comrade campaign against racketeering which has the activity of the masses must be de been so promising. renture as well as seloped, self expression of the member bration of the 14th anniversary of the about the National Minera Union and the horned that this confernce will buy the out of 46 delegates, only eight were pro folir November 7th meeting in cele know why the Opposition didn speak Shechet concluded by saying that she of this was the attendance at the meetman did not lost time. He hurried with radically changed. Tillman announcing was held under the auspices of the stead of on the Russian revolution, etc. tion with the one objective in miod: the the leadership of the to carry a vital necessity for his prestisc. Hiu. ahip must be assured and the policies Russian Bolshevik Revolution. This meet situation in the Illinois mine fields, in foundation for a sound, broad organiza: sent. Fight are sullicit, however, for statements of denial to the press He Miners Flucational League and the Comrade Goldberg later asked Tash why unconditional release of Tom Mooney.
out its usual olley. When, in electing rusled to the meeting of the Cutters: Communist League of America (Opposi the Party was calling a meeting in cele What the Conference Did This sentiment undoubtedly expressed in executive committee, was nominated In an unfaltering speech he condemned Committee and deleate from the minex nnd on mine tipples in and around ment that between the 10th and 1n atusman, Nort Kaplan aan het be re Trotskylte by sarretary of a miteil the same day when the news appeared from the California Molders Defense were posted on the entrances 100 the Soviet Union. In answer to the state that of the 72 delegates. But the apparater per moduan te saw youre the Communist attacks as malicions pou communist League of America (Opposi Staunton.
the pool name of the Amalgamated. tion. The individual on the commit great But, alas. the facts of the settlement tee, not representing an organization, Prior to the opening of the meeting been removed by Stalin from the praesi marks delivered a speech at Cantor that the secretaryship will not have already wen widely brondenst in Peter Frank, is a Mooney minstrei who the stalinists appeared in the hall. dium of the EC Tash criticized length to tell us that it made no dit mere nominations! Insured comrade the clothing market, so that willman goes from city to city giving lecture for the mistakes of the leadership in which even haven heard about out and that whatever headed by Joe Tash, the latest scapegoat the speaker for mentioning individuals ference whether we agree with the way the Five Year Plans being carried Permoxt in my mind, but only the intentions of opportunity to work on behalf of the man victory has twen deprivel of its dently more interested in organizing tributed lentlets announcing a meeting speaker for introducing theoretical ques disruption our militant phrases may Mooney movement, and, oflice or no ofsweetness. The effect was not cortaithese lectures than in huikling a work in celebration of the 14th Anniversary of tions in workers discussionsIn con cover up, the work will go on! It is tice, nobody condo me from putthough the gesture was tirm.
ing class movement to However, Tillman spirit has force Mooney the Soviet Union, under the auspices of clusion, Tash moved that the meeting ad quite obvious that he came prepared with ting forward corect policies or carrying re release.
After the setting up of part of the exmained mounted. He did not hesitate Through the garrulity and the prestige Name omnost Morty to be held in the Journ and give way to a meeting of the this specch and had to say it regardless on my work.
to declare to the world in general and with which the California Mollers De. There is no doubt that this action was same hall. The motion was ruled out Monday, November 9th. Unemployed Council which meets in the of what we said.
The conference itself only set up a ecutive, the meeting proceeded with a to the clothing workers in particular. fense Committee endowed him n in the eyes itspired carlier announcement of of order.
committee of one the coming of a new era in the Amal of the of delegates, he pre our meeting.
In genral Tash displayed all the signs organization he delegate from each report of the representative, represented. This commit followed by what will supposed to be, according to the agenda a report on the gamated with the cleansing of the or alle, despite the strenuous opposition The meeting opened with about one which a petty functionry gains in the ice was to meet November 1st to map out ganization of its corrupt elements. What of our delegate, upon one of the hundred workers present, all miners. Stalinist school of theory and practice, plans for work. But when comrade Conference. Cantor elaborated on the this new era will represent and what It of delegates to vote against the de Comrade Tom Stamm, the speaker for it was plain to see that his little influ Shechet came to the appointed place at Law strike with the news that it promise to the membership he did not monstration. The other of de: the Communist Lengue of America (Opence was considerably 1988 after the the scheduled time, she found no one came to an end on November 11: that make clear: but he urged the members toate hesitated and finally abstained position. spoke on the left Opposition meeting. Nor did he made to his errores there except the secretary who told her the thousands of workers went back to to be kitlent. disband their groups, cease their cricium of the officials, rest ainst the demonstration, one abstain with the Communist Party and Comin the presence of workers. What kind of the absence of the leaders and withont Mill shut down entirely. That during their fate with the latter, and their en ing. As far as we know, the Party will torn. He gave an example of our policy a clothing store have you got. and then them nothing can be done.
the strike 145 strikers and strike loadture will be secure.
holl no Mooney demonstration in st. for unity of all Communist forces by running away from the answer which ers were arrested and jailed, and that Louis on that date.
calling upon the workers also to attend made to the workers instead.
the nes funds to get these The Opposition succeeded howerer in the party meeting. The workers listen. Many workers approached the Left Left phrase mongers and the fakers prisoners out. The concluded with enterhaving a recommendation passed to ored very attentively.
Opposition comrades atfer the meeting in possession of the apparatus of the taining rager motion to add the law.
Results ot the wanixe such a demonstration at a later When the meeting was thrown open and expressed their thanks for an in reformes ligge to the so called united under the general campaion for the redate. We will work for this. In the for questions and discussion, the stalteresting and instructive afternoon, and Methods in St. Louis meantime we will visit of locals inists came into their special element. asked us to come again and speak on front from below. has reduced lease of all class war prisoners, and other working class organizations misguided worker truculently attempt other subjects. This we promised to do our so called revolutionary unions In the discussion asked Cantor whein an effort to build a broader united ed to provoke the meeting against the On November 15 comrade Stamm will to a slek existence, permitted it to ther he reported for the in genST. LOUISfront.
Left Opposition, but was promptly call. to Staunton to speak at a meeting impose upon the membership such deeral or for the Mooney. onference, and Because of the stupid attempt of the The Communists Must Lead and ed to order by the chairman and by to lannch a united front movement for mands as ruined the Independent Slice in my remarks, winted out that while local stalinist to disrupt the confer Unite Movement the workers themselves. One or two the unconditional freedom of Tom Moon. Workers nion, led to the weakening every strike our strike and we must ence, the first sessions of the St. Louis The committee meeting showed again other questions were asked, and then ey and all other class war prisoners of the Communists and the strengthen give full suppprt to it and arrente United Front Pardon Mooney Commit the inability of workers ingrained with Tash rose to the assault.
This meeting is arranged by the Minersing of the reformists in the Needle and jailed men and women, we must not tee were devoted almost entirely to hit the of ideology, to grasp the Tash Bungles Again Educational League. What will be the Trader Strikecoal miners strike, at forget that this is the duty primarily of ter (lisession with no benefit to Com working close nature of the solution to After a few nominal remarks, Tash party attitude toward the meeting and crson strike and many others. The same the in its regular taxks.
minnism There was sharp resentment against the which a united Communist morement Watts, the Atlards and the Morns disruptive methods they used in St. Louis stagnation, disintegration and bureau Rallying Mass Defense Movement its official representatives, the Mooney ense. Only a movement launched into a denunciation of the conference? Will they practice the same wrong policy is responsible for the.
But the United Front Committee for slandets made by the Stalinists upon initiates and drives ahead with a clear. He was called to order. He shifted the because the meeting has not been organ cratic rexime in the Food Workers In Mooney, though called loy the 1. everyone not a member of the or cut class poliey can achieve Mooney ground of his attack to slander comrade ized by them? Or will they work with austrial Union.
must devote itself to the Mooney is nie its auxiliary organizations, and their un liberation, as well as all other class war Trotsky. With lightning speed he dis the Left Opposition and other working The game uniteul front from below and not allow it to be side tracked by warranter proposal to amalgamate the prisoners. This will require patient, posed of the speaker, the communist class organizations in a united front. permitted them to make a factional cther events of the day. Of course the conference with the conference systematic work, a superior program of League and the Interaational Left Opl. GOLDBERG. football out of the Mooney case. answer was what we could expect. Just which was not yet in existence. action and purpose. The Stalinist tacand the party lost a splendid chance as the Stalinists argue that the revoluAt the November 11 session, the stalties of split and slander will not bring to come to the politienl arena. tion in pain was of to concern to us inists for the greater part were absent. about a mass movement; quite the conthe representative of the widest layers bevause it was a distant event, in this measure of quiet obtainedl. during trary.
of the workers.
which the delegates of the communist instance came the remark: We must Party and sectarianism make Therefore, taking into consideration bring the case cloxer home.
Larue of America (Opposition) sucit possible for minstrels, labor fakers that the Left Opposition, under the len Is it a mention whether this is at Califcreded timtroducing a few organization ani reformist to decide the fute of a District Control Committee of the Party unions which are even officially refer told from the rery inception the way question of siguificance? We must be In my statement which gave to the that the stagnation of the L, inist gnidance of comrade Trotsky, forcornia case or a Lawrence case or a al measures which were carried.
Easing mass movement on behalf of Mooney in New York on November 12, 1931. red to only as skeleton organizations the party was traveling: taking into con able to make this listinetion. We must themselves on the release read to the and Billings. It is objective conference and is sued by the California that Stalinism this unwittingly gives to of Trotskyism wrote: support when my hearing took place on charges (Siskind report to the section Two consideration that the Luft Opposition was realize that around Mooney, because of vention) is largely due to the rejection Mollers Defense Committee calling for such elements. These elements are The bureaucratie degeneration of of the united front tactic through the the only force which. fights relent. his long standing in the labor movement demonstrations on Novemler 28 (the rowing holder all the time, assuming the furty apparatus, due to the anti bureaucratic invention of a united frontlly against all kinds of bureaucratie and the national and interational ini fifteenth anniversary of Mooney com leading positions in the Mooney move Leninist lendership of Stalin and his from below only.
of the party under Stalin ficance of the case, we can rally the mutation from a death sentence to life ment, in order to ent it to pieces, al Posters, Browders and Weinstones, have enerat: widest masses, and thus best aid imprisonment, the Left Opposition de excluding Communists. Yet the u. resulted in a complete disappearnce The Party Against Lenin on the consider that the only way out of class war prisoners.
legates mowed to hold such a demonstrat. resolution says, the LID. is of a real proletarian democracy based United Front the present situntion. in the full ac We must sound a warning. Let us not tion. It was carriel. second motion leading the strugte for the release of on Leninist understanding of centralized ties imposes a heavy burden upon the Opposition and a main road to it, a full from the communis as he did from the The same kind of Stalin Molotor acceptance of the platform of the Lective Mooney came to turn his face away to clect a committee to work out the Tom Mooney.
details and with power to act will also democracy, and therefore the bureau revolutionary conscience of the party and exhaustive party discussion of the reactionaries. Tom Money is our mi Comradex the arty! Let us join cratie regime has deprived the parts of as a whole in connection with the case Burning questions of the party line.
together to build a united front move its Bolshevik Leninist character.
tant fighter of long standing. The Left of Tom Stooney. And at this very Opposition Proposes Mooney ment in St. Louis for the liberation of This statement is fully affirmed by the meeting, Perila, who acted as the Stal(Signed) Leon Logan Opposition will work unceasingly for Demonstration Mooney, illings and all class war pris way my case was handled and carried inist attorney, asked me if it is correct Party Member, Section Two, Unit the unconditional release of Tom The committee met on Saturday, Nov oners, and therely enhance the prestige through at the hearing before the Dis to use the united front tactics as formu.
District Two.
Mooney. SHECHET.
ember 14. It consisted of two delcentes and canse of Communism.
trict Control Committee. At the section Inted by comrade Lenin, in the present from of. locals. an individuell. CHARLES MAHLER. two membership meeting which took situation. So far has the third period place on October 27, spoke against ideology carried the bureaucrats. erila report on party work among the To remain in the party and to be active unemployed; stressed the fact that means that must reject the correct the united front from below as con views of the Loft Opposition, to repeat NEW YORK. of safe speakers were given the opwame for propaganda work, and not a tions of the Stalinist machinery against held November Sth, Luis Engdahl. renegade At the Party Forum in New York portunity to rent their customary pleen The death of the Haymarket martyrs, le preserved by us, and serve as counter revolutionary forty four years was To Porn uniteil front as understood Lenin: comrade Trotsky, the outstanding leader was the speaker on the subject, Ilow ete against us. Comrade Geltman was at the open forum of the traneh. Jay for the eight hour day, and showed called forth a protest from the floor. To wrint the statement that are them party viewpoint, the so called unitense, upon which Engdahl had said not Camion analysed the struggle of the me before the Control Committee. That ment today. challenged the proached this question from the officiall out the experiences of the Sacco Vanzetti Communist League of America (Oppost how many valunble lessons are applied and because of the protest against such in the Dally Worker.
tion) on Friday November 18. Comradeable for a movement for the six hour tactics, erila said that would be given James Cammon in a lecture described luy. He analyzed the philosophy of the a chance to explain my position to the party and those workers who are in sym: Left Opposition because of its united the floor and state that anyone in the call upon all the members of the self a good deal with attacks upon the front from below. He concerned him a single word! Negro Worker Protests the events that are nssociated with the laymarket martyrs, showing its weak section membership.
One Negro worker, a functionary, took names of the Haymarket martyrs, the messes in its anarchists trends. We powerful movement for the eight hour they cannot be strictly identified with At the Nucleus Meeting Instead of that, the Section Commitnote the real situation in the Communist rectly. demanda edited front of an audience who wished the Hour should get Party today, and to study the platform workers organizations from the Com it, and then the audience could judge for NULI, are the heirs of the great tradi closer to the Communists than to either organizer not to limit me to unit meet the Communist League of America (Opary labor organizations, feeling confident This was a sound, healthy reetion, and to the teresting limussion from the floor fol unit meeting made a statement that my statement to the Party District Con Mooney and Fittings, then takers and corrupting influences and practices of the that the THE MILITANT lowed the speech of comrade Cannon. this kind of persecution against a com trol Committee: Published weekly by the Communist ber 20, Arne Swabeck will speak on The At the next forum on Friday Novem role who is involved on political mat. Follow the Road of the Left Opposition easily to the workers for what they quarters. But the Chairmant course.
ters, is open defiling of inner party demLeague of America Opposition Manchurian Crisis The timeliness and ocracy, and a burenueratie transgression party in November, 1020, have wit Since the time of my joining the really are.
at 84 East 10th St. importance of this question needs 10 of the politienl rights by the section nessed an incessant decline of our T, pected to grasp this essential Leninist Left Opposition.
plied that it was the policy of the WorkBut perhaps Engilah could not be exers School not to grant the floor to the EDITORIAL BOARD cumment.
Many comrades of the unit evidently Martin Abern James Cannon Engdahl then summed up in a cautious also saw it in that light. When motion can justify their existence in the light dea: instead he naively read from The of comrade Lenin criticism of them in Militant, the latter scathing condemna manner. The meeting adjourned, and we Max Shachtman Maurice Spector «Young Spartacus. is Out was put to the unit that leave the his work, Leftism, the fantile Sickness than of the labor fakers, and then, turn. frate with of the work Arne Swabeck mecting in accordance with the edict of Communism. only by the policy of ing to the audience, inquired: If that ers. HERBERT CAPELIS.
Entered as second class mail matter By the time this issue of the Militant from nove about half the members pre such united front tactics as he himself their opinion of these leaders, why do November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at reaches its readers Young Spartacus win sent abstained from votins.
used as a weapon to win the majority they want a united front with them?
The hearing before the District Conthe Thus always with ignorance.
CHICAGO YOUTH AFFAIR New York, Under the act of be off the press. Let the first Issue betrol Counmittee further bore out the of the working class, to expose The floor was later thrown open for March 3, 1879 Dance and Entertainment will be a spur for support to Young Spartacus. Opposition contention that since the bediscussion, and other Left Opposi given by the Chicago Youth Group of the Vol. IV, No. 32 (Whole No. 91)
Naturlay. NOVEMBER 21, 1931 Subscribe to it! Send in your donation, winning of the campaign against Trot Young Spartacus will be obtainable in tionists asked for the floor, but the Communist League of America (Opposiskyism in 1923, a systematic revision Chicago at Ceshinsky Bookstore, 2720 Chairman, carrying ont Amter proscription on Saturday, November 28, 1931 beSubeription rate: 00 per year; for immediately! Get your bundle orders of leninism was taking place under the Division St. and at other points tion of the Left Opposition, refused to ginning at P. at 1435 No. Western eigh 50. Five cents per copy Distribute it among the youth!
leadership of Stalin and Bucharin. where working class literature is forl let us have the floor. So the forum no Avenue. All profits will go for the Bundle rates, cents per copy Fifty Cents per year.
In my statement also pointed out sale.
longer was a forum. whole string benefit of Young Spartacus.
Before the Party Control Commission all Engdahl on the Mooney United Front The New York Opposition Forum by