BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFranceImperialismInvasionLeninMarxMarxismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers PartyWorking Class

UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 84 East 10th Street, New York. Entered as second class mail matter, November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March 1879.
VOLUME IV, NO. 32 WHOLE NO. 91 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1931 PRICE CENTS The Canadian Party Trial Japanese Imperialists Press On Unite the Working Class Against the Capitalist War Plots S!
Help The Militant. Opposition in Drive for Jewish Paper force, by violence, by bloodshed, all the existing institutions of church and state in Canada. To this end he proposed to show that the Communist Party Wils formed in 1921 as an underground illegal oragnization known as the The Government Outlaws the Communist Movement party, while it carried on its public ac tivity under the name of the or Workers Party. During this time, he The first state trial of its kind in the manifestations of discontent. the pos alleged, the Canadian party had been a experience of the Dominion has passed sessing classes through their police section of the Communist International into history, On Friday November 13, power have practically abrogated the and was subject to the control of the There is no cessation of military ac According to reports in the capitalist) in fact, eventual annexation in mind, as eight leading members of the Central civil liberties and other democratie tivities between Japan and China on the preas, it is said that the compromise well as the further economic penetration Committee of the Communist Party of rights. This offensive has been waged The Crown Spy Sensation Manchurian fields. On the contrary, plan of the League of Nations is as fol of China proper.
Canada were convicted at the Fall as with particular bitterness and ruthless The Crown entered on an elaborate Japan has increased her military forces lows: TV have direct negotiations be Japan feels quite cocky aobut it all sizes, under section 98 of the Criminal ness against the Communist Party as description of the internal structure of and magnified her agressions in Manch tween Japan and China on the first four and says she can do a better job of exCode on three counts: of belonging to an the single political organization of the the party, from the nucleus at the bot uria. Hundreds fall dead and wounded points, but that the completion of eva ploitation of the Manchurian masa unlawful association, of being officers of workers which dared to expose the bank com to the convention at the top, the in what the capitalist class merely calls cuation shall not depend on these direct than others. In Manchuria, for insuih an association, and of being parties ruptcy of the capitalist class and to offer division of labor on the Central Com skirmishes between Japan and General negotiations. Regarding the fifth point, stance, Chinese war lords have forced to a solitious conspiracy. Seven were scadership against saddling the workers wittee. the functions that the io Politica. Ma Chinese forces in Manchuria. Japan involving the 21 points, negotiations upon the population some seren billions fractions. The now more brazenly aims for domination theron shall begin after evacuation has of paper money, against which there is each on the first two counts and two the crisis. Finally the Attorney General Workers Unity League and the Farmers of Manchuria and raises the prospective been completed.
a reserve only of 60 million in silver more years on the third count, the sen of Ontario instigated a series of raids Unity League, stated the prosecution, penetration of Eastern Mongolia. Taiti Situation Remains Critical yens. 30, 000, 000. Of 200 million yens tences to run concurrently. These are last August 11, which resulted in the (Continued on page 4)
har may be taken and sacked any day As The Militant goes to press, affairs the viceroy office and of the latter collected in taxes, 120, 000, 000 reached Tim Buck, secretary of the party, arrest of the party leaders under section by the Japanese, who thus deliberately remain at a standstill in respect to the amount so million went into armaments Ewan, secretary of the Workers Unity 08 of the Criminal Code.
aim at incitement of the Soviet Republie cessation of war hostilities, as well as expenditures. So as far as exploitation of League, Malcolm Bruce, editor of The Prosecution Mobilizes Its Heavy within whose sphere of intuence and negotiations for peace. The situation the Chinese masses in Manchuria is conWorker, John Boychuk, Popovitch, Artillery agreements with China, Tsitihar is loc remains critical and the danger of a cerned Japanese control would repreSam Carr. Thomas Cacie was sentenced the section in question was enacted in ated.
conthlet that would involve all nations sent only a change of masters, and the to two years. All those of foreign birth, 1019 by the Conservative Government in The League of Nations is now meeting in war has not been removed even for Japanese feel they are more efficient at though citizens, will be subject to an office at the time, and determined to in Paris to attempt settle the Man the immediate period. Japan has con exploitation than the Chinese militarists.
order for deportation under section suppress the Winnipeg Strike, which was of the Naturalization Act which pro a product of the post war crisis. The declined the League of Nations demand voked the Soviet Union in the other cope: It is to be noted that of the 30 million vides for the revocation papers of section reads: Any association, organiOnly by the closest economy was anyone who has shown himself by actuation, society or corporation whose pro possible to get out the current issue of forces by November 16. The League of have continued also to be about and the remaining halt million composed of to evaculate Manchuria of all armed talist powers, led by the United States. Bapu Pation in Manchuria, over 20 and a or speech to be disaffected or disloyal ressed or one of whose professed pur the Weekly Militant. Whether we can Nations proves impotent, and the equ. slander the Soviet Union, which has a Japanese, Koreans, etc.
to His Majesty. An order has been poses is to bring about any government continue for another issue as further issued for the confiscation of an al, industrial or economic change within depends completely upon the money that has the United States been successful unify their forces in a common front of Japan Manchurian invasion, feeling Weekly ally powerless Chinese government still determined peace policy. All the imper: The Capitalist Powers Want Their Booty party property.
Canada by use of force, violence, terror The Offensive Against the Workers ism or physleal Injury to person or pro reaches us in the next few days. Unem in her diplomatle approaches and nego of the imperlaist bandits against the that Japatinis taking undue advantage of The prosecution been the high perty, or by threats of such injury or ployment is heavy among our support. tiations. On the war front against Jap Workers Republic water mark of the political reaction in which teaches, advocates, advises or decrs, we know: still, we count upon our anese Imperialism, apart from incidental the situation to create monopolies, and As a matter of fact Japan invasion that, they complain, would be violation Canada since the economic crisis set in. fends, the use of force, violence, terrorThe unprecedented proportions. The or perts of threats of such injury, in order rise to our need and send in suficient and certain of its powerful position, such as Great Britain, and, to an ex: tion of the resources and population or The army of the unemployed has risen ism or physical Injury to person or pro supporters and sympathizers again to resistance, China comes beseeching and of Manchuria has been given encourage of the open door. that is, the infamous groveling for peace. Japan, aggressivement by some of the imperialist powers, policy for common capitalist explottaganized workers attacks on their standards of living. The other purpose, or which shall by any keep going during this difficult period. nations, and demands unconditional re tent by the United States also. Each of Manchuria and China. The complaint them a wage cut offensive has been launched means prosecute or pursue such purprospective of the capitalists is not at all at the In all directions, the activities of the cognition of her five points first. Only share in the plundering of Manchuria, exploitation engaged in by Japan, but at Against railroad workers, mine workers, pose or professed purpose, or shall sol the the prospect that the Soviet Union may Nongolia and China in the forthcoming the fact that the Japanese have their steel workers and others. To the de teach, advocate, advive or defend, shall Left Opposition Communist League of yet be compelled to mands of the workers for unemployment be an unlawful defend hersel period. It is not to be forgotten that the feet in every trough and the than al association.
others In outlining his case, the special Crown before, the ideas of the Left Opposition against the systematie incitement by United States already has Investments can get in. The Japs, in short, result Insurance or adequate relief the Bennet Japan gives the latter pause.
of great sums in Manchuria; and what may of the momentary struggle, Government has turned a deaf ear prosecutor charged that the work of the make their way in the trade unions and The Japanese Demands Against the Soviet Union, it declared a Communist Party was a dellberate, con affect the trade union policy of the Comthough hesitating at open warfare now, are getting and expect to maintain Japan five demands upon China and fears the constant encroachments trade embargo. To crush the resistance tinuous, subtle conspiracy directed and muniste. Efforts have increased to corof tradle grip in Manchuria, despite the of the masses, to terrorize them against controlled by Moscow to overturn by rect the narrow, sectarian line of the the capitalist powers are summarized as Japan. It prefers at the present time a temporary stagnation of trade caused by and similar organizations. On follows. 1) repudiation of aggressive settlement short of war.
the battles and the economic boycott of the rank and file of the Communist conduct by China and Japan (hear! The United States has tremendous Japanese goods by the Chinese party: the views expressed in The Mill hear. 2) respect of China territor. hopes, both in Manchuria and China, for In Japan itself everything is being tant meet more and more with a favorial integrity (if Japan finds it not possi wide commercial relations and capital done to foster the jingo spirit. While able response and sympathy, ble to slice a big chunk immediately. Investments. unified National Gov. clanging the fire arms and beating the (3) suppression of all organized move ever to find it necessary to make con peal to the narrow national interests how. war drums, the Japanese bourgeoiste apAn International Paper The Weekly Militant is the only paper ring up of international hatrede (this cessions of an economic and political of the Japanese people. They point out in the United States working class or refers to the economie boycott of Japan character to the United States, is the that Japan has already for decades been bouregols, in the English or foreign ese gools by China, a thorn in the side more desirable to her, as against a speeling up her industrial development, languages that regularly and comproThe Communist League of America confident of the ultimate triumph of hensively informs the workers on the effective protection of Japanese subto plunder by all the imperialist powers. push into Chinese territory for essential (Opposition) is happy to announce these ideas. We have ploughed the events, developments and great significjects in Manchuria in their trade, etc. Japan Determined To Dominate raw materials, markets, and capital instep that will gladden the heart of every ground. We have sown the seeds. We ance of the Spanish Revolution. If bat (5) acceptance of the treaty rights of Manchurla vestment. To maintain her present soc.
reader of The Militant who is concerned have published some of the fundamental for this service alone to the revolution Japan in Manchuria (that is, the con Japan, no matter what the outcome of ial, economic and industrial life, they with the triumph of the ideas of the Lett works of the Opposition in book and pamary proletariat, the WEEKLY MILI tinued acceptance of the infamous 21 the present embroglia, is determined to continue, it is necessary by all means to Opposition.
phlet form. Through the pages of The TANT must be maintained.
points forced upon China by Japani) intrench herself in Manchuria, having hold and to extend their influence and We have decided to publish a semi Militant we have carried our message to domination in Manchuria China.
monthly paper in the Jewish Language the workers and Communists, pointing The WEEKLY MILITANT, better and The Aims of the Chinese Bourgeoisie On the other hand, the comparatively in order to bring the views of the Inout the correct road to them when the more accurately than any other working class paper in the labor and revolution ternational Lett Opposition and its Am apparatus men were deflecting the work young Chinese bourgeoisie, hoping to ary movement in America, Informs its inflict a final or erican Section, to the Jewish workers.
long enduring defeat Over four years have mased since Stal Next Step Jewish Paper readers on the events and developments upon the Chinese workers and peasants, of the international labor and CommunThe German Communist Party central report lends additional emphasis to that want and expect to develop China greatarin, Rykov, Tomsky. and aided by the It is in this spirit that we have decided iste ovement it is imperativer the tour organ, the Rote Fahne, reports in its fact. But the all important questions on bourgeois economic and industrial very people who later had to stand trial to commence the publication of per tant to continue this historie work.
of and were condemned as sabotagers, de in the Jewish language. This, following plot organized by white guards to as going to do?
Chinese masses for themselves. Here cided to amputate the proletarian Left closely upon the publication of the youth The Militant immediately to help by is engineered by an organization called every revolutionary worker should ask standing contradiction of capitalist deWe ask you who read this issue of sassinate leading Rolsheviks. The plot This question every party comrade, presents itself an immediate and outfrom the Communist Party and the Compaper, Young Spartacus, is another prointern. Since then a campaign of ter gressive step for the Left Opposition.
SENDING IN DONATION IMMEDIthe Russian All Military Association from the party leadership. wm Stalin velopment in the Far East; and, further, ror, slander and villification, which has it is incontestable that there is ATELY whose main leader is the one time Czar take steps to lift the exile of comrade we must remember, both England and known no precedent in the history of tremendous field for an Opposition paper Help to build the SUSTAINING ist general Anton Wasiliewitsch Turkul. Trotsky and to provide for his return the United States, especially, are making the internal struggles inside the revolu in Jewish. In New York City alone FUND. Decide today that you will We quote from the Rote Fahne verb to the Soviet Union? Will Stalin dare every effort to increase their footholas tionary movement, has been carried on there are four Jewish daily papers, read make a regular contribution for to submit this question to the Russian in China. These facts alone increase the against the brave and sturdy fighters led primarily by workers, besides numerous maintenance of the WEEKLY MILI An extraordinary piece of provoca revolutionary workers for them to de prospects of war on a world scale to the bursting point.
bp Leon Trotsky. These would not weekly and monthly publcations. All of TANT. It is the best way to organize tion, as planied by Turkul, is to be the cide?
falter in their principle convictions be them, in one way or another, befog the and systematize the budget of The Mill assassination of Trotsky. In execut The government at Tokyo constantly fore the administrative whip.
issues confronting the workers. The tant. Become a SUPPORTER OF THE ing his plans the honorable general will emphasizes its economic problem. The The Role of the Press Needle Trades have been the arena of SUSTAINING FUND.
utilize the fact, which has already been Japanese envoy to France and to the It is not our task here to recount many courageous and bitter struggles. DO YOUR SHARE TODAY!
reported by his agents, that Trotsky is Demonstration in Athens League of Nations Council, Kenkichi the details of the struggle. We wish There we have in miniature a display poorly protected by the Turkish AuthYoshizawa points out that beginning only to point out the tremendons role of the profound problems that confront SEND DONATIONS TO orities.
Against Terror with the South Manchurian Railway we that the press of the Soviet Union, as the working class.
THE MILITANT This is the story of the German party have made investments of a purely econ.
well as that of the whole International Raise Funds 84 East 10th St. New York, central organ. It corroborates what we ATHENS, GREECE omic character. For the protection Communist movement, played in the at.
More than ever do these workers need have emphasized so many times, namely, Our Greek comrades, the Archio of this railway zone we have the right tempt to silence the voices of the best a clear volce. More than ever they must the danger of comrade Trotsky life in Marxists (Left Opposition) protested. to station 15, 000 troops therein.
revolutionary Marxists and the heirs of be imbued with a knowledge of what is his white guard infested exile selected before the Athenian Club in Athens Our institutions, railway rights, mining Lenin. The stalinist apparatus wielded correct. Unfortunately not enough workfor him by Stalin. The white guards against the terrorist measures that the exploitation, timber felling and the like a whole net of newspapers, like so manyers could be reached solely through The have no illusions, and do for one Greek Government has openly carried on are based upon treaties.
parrots repeating at a given signal in Militant. We hope that a paper in the OPEN FORUM instant believe any of the Stalinist slan. Against the striking shoe makers.
Hence, Japan concludes, it is only almost every corner of the globe, the Jewish languag will therefore prove of ders of Trotsky, the counter revolution During the meeting of the Cabinet, exercising self defense in Manchuria, same slender, the same lles about the a great service.
Left Opposition. Wherever the Stalinist THE NEED FOR PAPER OF THE They know comrade Trotsky ex groups of the Archio Marxists appeared even as does the United States in Nie actly in the same way as world capital and protested against the blood thirsty aragua, Haiti, Cuba, Santa Domingo, press du not carry its message. the LEFT OPPOSITION IN THE JEWISH ism does, as the closest co worker of Venizelos, the notorious lackey of the etc. In brief, Japan operates in Mancapitalist newspapers did the job by re LANGUAGE IS CLEAR. We are ready Lenin as the one who stood shoulder Greek and foreign bourgeoiste. Within churia after the manner of the Western peating in unison the legend that Trotto answer that need. But to get started.
to shoulder with him in the October a few minutes, the broad avenue Pane powers that have for decades piltered sky program would lead the we NEED THREE HUNDRED DOLevents when most of those who now be pistimou was filled with workers who and slaughtered in all parts of the world to ruin, that Stalin is a realist, etc. LARS. The next step therefore belongs smirch his name were wavering. They shouted for a hearing to be given the to make secure their plllage, particularBut the schemes of the conspirators to our comrades and sympathizers.
know him as the main organizer of the Strikers Committeee. The tsrikers carly in the exploitation of the calonial and. In its campaign of slander against the snecessful insurrection, as the organizer ried red banners. strong police forco semi calonial countries.
Party little groups of the Communist outdoes even the Daily Worker. It realthe attacks vanguard were beginning to doubt the Ines we had no Jewish medium to reply.
Lecture by fender of the proud banner of Marx and stones. With fresh reinforcements, the land occupying additional territory, the canned stories about the Opposition. Only recently it carried two articles by ARNE SWABECK Lenin. This is why comrade Trotsky police succeeded in smashing the demon Japanese are setting up a puppet ManVery soon, when the rays of truth were Larin who tried to deride comrade Trotlife is in constant danger in Constantin stration. The leaders and many strikers churian government, a so called Indebecoming discernible through the clouds, xky brilliant theses on the Problems of at the ople.
were arrested.
pendent, autonomous government. which these groups unfurled the banner of the the Development of the Labor Temple Dia Litvinoff know of this danger to little later another group of Archio simply means a government of Japanese Left Opposition and carried it forward. Bankrupt as Larin argument were, 14th Street andd Second Avenue comrade Trotsky at the time of his re Marxists were parading through the tools easy to control. The independThe Left Opposition was not silenced. still many workers are deceived thereby. QUESTIONS and DISCUSSION cent visit to Kemal Pasha Undoubtedly Aeolou Street, shouting for the strikers ence movement in Manchuria is thereIn the United States we are now wind Aake it possible for us to bring out ADMISSION: 25 Cents he did. Did Stalin and his clique of and for the Soviet Union, when a spefore but another screen to mask Japan ing up the third year of the existence Jewish paper.
Unemployed Workers Admitted Free bureaucrats know of this danger when cial police squad again struck at the depredations. Only when the Chinese of the Communist League of America (Opposition. We have consolidated a SEND YOUR DONATION NOW! Cal Auspices. New York Branch Communist they decided upon comrade Trotsky demonstrators and arrested 60 of them. masuis in Manchuria establish a Soviet League of America (Opposition)
exile to Constantinople? Without a doubt Many strikers were wounded Manchuria, will there be a genuine Inwhich even though not as yet lect from sympathizers.
they knew that. While we not be The arrested comrades the Left dependent and autonomous Manchuria.
numerous, nevertheless on Send all funds to NEXT WEEK: Friday, November 27th come more alarmed by the sinister de Opposition are charging with resistance Japan lays her base for any eventualJEWISH PROPAGANDA COMMITTEE signs of a general Turkul than of any to the police, violation of the sedition ity peace or continued war. Japan is After the British Elections But what is more, we are strong in Communist League of America (Opp. other white guard mercenary, neverthe law, and illegal carrying of deadly wea disturbed that her gold standard also the conviction of the correctness of the Lewit, 84 East 10th Street, Lecture by JAMES CANNON less the fact of the always existing serpons.
may go into the discard. Her Anancial Ideas that inspire our struggle, and are New York, ious danger remains. This particular Athens, November 1st, 1931. Continued on page 4)
White Guards Plot Against Trotsky ers.
the atim: ary.
The Manchurian Crisis country where there is a communist Left oppositions, the stalinistea Freiheit Friday November 20, 1931 and leader of the Red Army and as the attacked the demonstratore delle com Japan is determined to rule in Manthe increase Third Annual MILITANT DANCE Saturday, Nov. 21 at Stuyvesant Casino