BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismLeninMarxNon-aggression PactPrivate PropertySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorking Class

MOONEY MOVEMENT (Continued from page 1)
proletarian revolutions. It is taking all mestach Bourgeoisle Worthy Ally to crush it if possible.
The France remained the strong European capitalist power in face of the crisis.
Her internal market with its large peaOn Thursday, November 5, the day be, and since the Spartacus Club could not sant economy proved itself a strong abMaurice Spector Addresses the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Canada fore the expulstons of four supporters recognize his talents he had been ont sorbent. By virtue of low wages her of the Left Opposition, comrades Petras, or the party for a long period.
Katsikis, Haidous and Marmaellis The fourth comrade, Marmarellis, had cheap. Her bourgeoiste succeeded in production for the foreign market was Toronto, November 9, 1931. against unemployment and wage cuts. class conscious worker must take up to from the Greek Spartacus Workers Club dropped out from the party when the Central Executive Committee, That is not to say that we make a secret wards this trial absolute and militant Empros (issue of 11 31. renewed its struggle became sharp, and had excused strengthening the ties with, and contim.
Communist Party of Canada.
of our program which flows from the struggle against the forces of reaction campaign of slander in order to justify himself on the ground that his heart was ally bolsterug the little enteme. The Dear Comrades: scientific analysis of the motive forces The workers must organize in a broad the expulsione.
present government is of the Bourgeois weak, but now this illness does not preRight section, though headed by laval, In the issue of the Worker of Novem of history. It is capitalism not Com united front, whatever their political and The substance of Empros maliciously reut him from being active among the the former cialist. Its conomie ber 7th under the heading the spotlight munism which engenders revolutionary industrial athlations, to protest against false attacks is as follows. First, com renegades.
non aggression pact This is the story of Empros, typical of ion is solely in the interest of more efthe Soviet hi on the Trial there appears the follow crises. It is the unbearable contradic the wave of terror which the capitalist rade Koumeundoureas was denounced ing reference to the undersigned. tion between a mode of production ripe authorities have unleashed During the trial he (Maurice Spectors for socialization and the fetters of eapl. militants of the working tust the as the devil who had poisoned the minds all the stalinist tunkeys and bureaucrats rective exploitation of the Russian marof the other four comrades. Koumount either ligh or low order. What are ket. The French bourgeoisie in entering was in court but not in the prisoners constitutional questions are primarily talist private property relations. But Reinstate the Left Opposition!
dourens never had been a Party mem the facts?
into marauders block with American dock. The implication is drawn, We are all aware that the Communists ber; he was rejected in the party unit Comrade Koumoundoures was actu imperialism for the reclivision of questions of power and the workers con of the Left Opposition entertain sign the because of his expression of sympathy ally one of the few active workers in organ, that tending to prejudice readers of our parts quest of political power demands fiant Internal differences with the officiall for the Left Opposition. Of comradel the Spartacus Club. The appointed lead world is, of course, nursing its own hopes of thereby attaining a larger rution in tired from the revolutionary party to demoralization of the ruling class in a somehow. voluntarily repre requisites a Nutricient degree of the leculership of the Cominternet touching Petras, Empros told the tale that, amongers were offended and disgruntled be world economy.
escape the prisoners dock This is no principle and policy. We do not seek to other things, in order to avoid party cause comrade Koumoundoureas in American imperialism can well 18e time for recrimination. am prompted class conscionsness in majority of the ferences for the correct Marxian devel, the streets during the summer inonths: spect and esteem of the clans conscious this ally for the furtherance of its own given country and a sufficient degree of minimize the importance of these dir obligations, he went to sell ice cream in brief time succeeded in winning the re to address you, however, not as a mathelnous designs. It was with this in ter of mere self. justification but in the immediate revolutionary crisis in Canlopment of the party. But the hour of further, that in a demonstration some workers because of his devotion to the view that the American capitalist press working class. In this sense there is no movement. Hence, the party bureaucrats called Senator Horah tactless when, at interest of our common cause, an objec common peril and crisis demands the months later before the Greek Consultive statement of the facts.
ada. But the attempt of the authorities utmost concentration of revolutionary ate, he had showed an attitude of cow closed the door to him, and tried in the time of the Laval visit, he advocated to stem the tide of revolutionary organ fores. Confident that our Involuntary Exemption from Persecutionization by proscribing revolutionists will can be resolved by the processes of differences ardice, that he was generally inactive, every way to antagonize him. Thanks changes of the European boundaries as and in the following summer again went however to the comradely approach of laid out by the Versailles Treaty. He May therefore be permitted to reprove as futile as the anti socialist le democracy and on the basis of the herit to selling ice cream, and justifled his the present Opposition comrades, he call that my momentary exemption from Islation of Blemark or the corresponding was otherwise willing to leave the ques the list of the aceused is not of my own provisions of the Criminal Code of Cage of Marx and Lenin, we appeal for inactivity on the ground of sympathy continued to remain active in the ranks tion of disarmament to Fralice itself as re instatement in our full membership with the Left Opposition. In addition, of the workers and disdained the unit wees nit and why should he not leave choosing? Had the capitalst authorities ist Russia.
precipitated their attack on the legality What follows is a matter of course rights, prepared to submit to the require that while he was a member of the dis proletarian attitude of the bureaucrats that to the ally? While the latter protrict Greek Bureau of the parts, he and their efforts to discourage any work position pleased the French bourgeoisie, of the party on any occasion prior to in an Open letter to the Militant (Augments of party discipline.
In this spirit the members of our group showed a contempt for the officials of er who shows capacities for leadership the former, being advance at this moThe Stalinist pen drips wlander a ment, was somewhat painful. But then, comrades in the prisoners dock would to of the comrades indfcted under section have taken an active part in the work the Party among the Greeks.
some extent have been different, and as 98 of the Criminal Code, we publicly clegates to the Workers Rights and an egotist and even worse than Petras tionists. The case of comrade Petras Borah real masters as a warning to the As for comrade Katsikis, he was also ways against loyal comrades and resolu: it may serve in good stend for Senator should inevitably have shared the honor of the Communist League of America and Taboarigan xations were are like Petras, incapable of learning and know very well comrade Petras actively as to just how far it can of imperialist forecs prove again the workers. That he went to sell to the kernel of contemoprary International that the Communist Party in whose organi with the party in its struggle against the main at the disposition of the party for he also was a victim of the devil, Koumities in the class struggle on behalf of zation and development am proud to capitalist attack on its legal existence any tasks it may assign.
llaldous who was active among the cream in the streets (well, isn that relations is still to be found in the furWith Communist Greetings.
have participated. was excluded. In that connection we wrote that there proletarian artists group, was obsessed counter revolutionary. is true. Stalinagainst my protests, by the Central Com can be no question of the position every (Signed) Maurice Spector with the idea that he is a great artist. ists find it necessary to do that too for redivision of the world market. More lously growing contest of the powers for mittee for reasons well known to you simple enough reasons. Both comrades precisely the contest between the United and to be found in the struggle over Again they prevented any business from Petras and Katsikis were courageous states and England.
questions of principle and strategy ensuing in the Comintern after the death of aimed to improve the functioning of the American Imperialism has definitely Lenin.
Opposition Calls For Mooney United various organizations and to promote world reaction. Under its direct tutelassumed its role of the main fortress of Front Since my exclusion have never ceased the movement. Such an attitude of im.
to be a member of Communist comThe third meeting of the conference itiative is contrary to the methods of age there is a sweeping onmarch of remittee and subject to its discipline. From ST. LOUISis called for the 11th of November. Will Stalinism. It is very interesting to note action throughout capitalist Europe. In Confusion was the fruit of such a the Stalinists again attempt to disrupt in regard to the Consulate demonstra. rance the Right bourgeois block is more the fundamental program of Bolshevism we have not, we believe, deviated a hair Following Tom Mooney appeal for discussion. In order to prevent its be the conference? What was their pur tion, that Petras, after a motion by com firinly in the saddle; in England the concoming worse, a Left Opposition delegate pose in launching another conference, servatives are in power stronger than breadth. We were never more convinced the organization of Pardon Mooney than to day that the working class can Committees as united front bodies, the introduced a motion to send a committee when they were welcome in the United the name of the Greek Hurest pabilah before; in Germany a constant stiffensoclety on socialist foundations only by to initiate a movement along the lines instructions to report to the second ited front conference is initiated and or the failure of the Party to organize adeconquer political power and reconstruct in St. Louls made no attempt of three to the Telor. conference with Front Conterence?
When a genuine un ed an article in Empres, which criticized Ing of emergency decrees, More serious yet, however, are the growing fascist means of the proletarian dictatorship in luid down in that appeal. The members gathering of this conference. The dis ganized, which the and commun quately the preparations for the demon perialism may not yet be ready to hordes in Germany. While American imthe form of Soviet Power, and under the of the Left Opposition persuaded the st. cussion on the Stalinist resolution. comists should welcome, why do the stal Stration.
sumed so much time that almost all the inists persist in discrediting Communism of the Communist Party. Louis local of the Molders Union to is as of organization had to be tabled in the united front?
Comrade Haldous served for years in sume the risk of giving support to an Never were we more convinced that the sue a call for a United Front Conference to the second meeting of the conference the proletarian artists group, gave liber open rule of thowe hordes, they are being reserves against world is in the throes of the epoch of The Left Opposition will participate in al financial support to the movoement the proletarian Through efforts of Opposition comthe collapse of capitalism and the develrades, it was a genuine united front.
LL. Holds Sectarian Meet Vecprolution.
As for the conference, it was the third gathering of the United Front and supported every working class strugFrom these prospects the important October Revolution as the prologue of but invitations were sent to the communa narrow. sectarian atlair, consisting Conference for Mooney. It will fight for ele, such as demonstrations, antt eriequestion inevitably arises: What is the the World Revolution, to the Soviet Unist Party and its auxiliary organizations. only of delegates from the Party and of the workers under the leadership of Lastly, comrade Marmarellis is still Communist International doing to prekon a tory, we have never ceased to give our 18. there were some nineteen delegates speech making about units, denunciation conditional release of Tom Mooney, War. This devotion to the revolutionary move first proletarian state in his. The conterence took place on September Party auxiliaries. There was the late Communists for the immediate and un suffering from heart trouble; and only pare the working masses to meet the unwavering allegiance. Nor to the Com war muntet International which we have al gates from the Communist League of position, as counter revolutionists, etemment, causes him, in spite of everything the immense pressure of the crisis, the actionary waye regarded as the organization of the America Opposition. and two dele les of the working class, etc, ad naus priecners.
The opposition calls upon a to remain actlve and to carry out the ceaseless capitalist offensive and the regovernmental decrees, will eam. The conference ran its appointed party comrades and sympathies, its work of the Left Opposition among the revolutionary vanguard of the working gates each from the bring the struggles of the workers more own sympathizers, Left wing organizat Greek workers who are still under the into the political field. It will favor a class. the Unemployed Council, course and accomplished nothing.
This, however, did not disturb the bur tions, local unions and other working malignant influence of Stalinism.
Why Revolutionists Are Proscribed and other party auxiliaries.
class organizations to enter this conferNo attacks from the Greek organ of There are already such evidences in GerLeftward development of the masses The Communist Party of Canada is Although local party leaders were pre eaucratie complacency of the local stallence and work to achieve its purpose, the bureaucrats will stop the Greek Opthem and thereby genuinely increase the fin. position comrades from carrying many, in its embryo in England and else under indictment not for any advocacy sent, the Party was not officially repreinist leaders. Nor did it tench anything. To the second meetink of the fluence and prestige of the and their revolutionary duty. The where. But at the same time it is im.
of force and violence but for organ. sented.
Greek possible to close one eyes to the weak workers will continue to hear again izlng the resistance of the working class The credentials committee reported United Front Conference, held atter the the Communists.
ening of the parties due to cosily blunsoon from the Left Opposition HL GOLDBERG.
to the burdens of the economic crisis, for the seating of all delegates present.
Kers of leadership in practically every There was no objection. The chairman party auxiliaries again sent delegates.
capitalist country. In England this of the credential, committee, Charles THE MILITANT weakening became particularly outstandBloom, president of the Metal Trades ing in the recent political crisis and the Published weekly by the Communist Council of St. Louis, made a short speech elections. In France the strikes of last League of America (Opposition) in which he welcomed all the delegates to a genuine united front conference, Autumn brought victory to reformism at 84 East 10th St.
largely due to the party failure of apStalinists Disrupt United Front Since the failure of the Unity Confer Joint Council, these super politicians pecially emphasize the need for unity of plying the united front policy. In GerEDITORIAL BOARD Conference Martin Abern James Cannon The conference then got down to busienee between the Industrial Union and proceeded to hold elections for joint all forters in one union. We must urge many there can be no other results than Max Shachtman Maurice Spector ness. The party comrades, distributed boen another United Front movement on In this manner they expected to relect tions. The more workers who take part of a reckless Communist leadership of foot, themselves into the leadership of the in the elections through the Intluence of a united front with the fascists in the Arne Swabeck ganizations and Individuals to attend a It has been known and become an New York furriers.
the Left wing, the more of a showing Prussian referendum.
Entered as second class mall matter Mooney Conference called by the established fact that the conference bela Such a more might have been con will the Left wing make in the elections.
The Third Period estimates spread November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at to be held September 20. This distr.
The Left wing would have a good its dangerous illusions of revolutionary New York, Under the act of Nution caused objection to be taken from during the month of September between civd of it at last a great majority of March 3, 1879.
the floor. discussion followed. In the Fur Department of the Industrial the furriers, members of the Interna chance now to score a victory in the upurges not yet at hand. It deliberate Our cat ly aided Illusions of the movement, its Vol. IV, No. 31 (Whole No. 90)
this discussion, a delegate from the Union, were only maneuvers. The pro ence. As the division of forces stands and particpation in the elections would possibilities appearing stronger than Saturday, NOVEMBER 14, 1931 Introduced a prepared resoluposal for such conferences was only a at present, this policy is policy of suic prove to the workers our sincerity adventures. But worst of all, it preresults became the Subscription rate. 00 per year for tion calling upon the conference to remove on the mart of the right wing clique ide for the Left wing in the InIternathe fight for solidarity in the ranks of eigh 50. Five cents per ropy of the Fur Council to stave of the press tional. The clant minds who have con the furriers: it would prove our reade pared a new turn to the right which Bundle rates, cents per copy by having all delegates present attend the conference. In support of this re ure of the fur workers against the in ceived this Piere undoubtedly were to stand with the furriers and by has already found its classical exprestolerable conditions in the shops. An wrong, but they not fools enough to solution, the Stalinists launched into the BOSTON LECTURE! familiar Stalinist tactie name calling other aspect was the fact that Stetzky believe that upon the completion of these ho furriers in their struggle against a slon in the united front policy with the shades of Kaufmanism (Sorkin Stetzky, German fascists. lecture on the Rise and Fall of the and slander. Instead of greeting the wanted to gain the upper hand in the elections, the Joint Council will be etc. Through a consolidated Left wing Council through the Unity maneuvers handed over to them on a silver platter. Within the International we will herald heavy burden of responsibility for de The Stalin leadership carries the British Labor Government will be giv participation in the conference of a fight for One United Union of the fur cimating and politically weakening the en by comrade Arne Swabeck, member of locals together with Communists, and to give a blow to Kaufman. The This is why they will not be caught map of the National Committee, Communist as an evidence of the unity of the work events following the break up of the con ping when the leadership is refused to riers in New York and elsewhere, that Comintern forces, for reducing them to League of America (Opposition)oners which it is the duty of the Communferences testify to that. Since then Stet them. They already have their next will exterminate Kaufmanism from the a mere appendage of interest of state of the Soviet Union. By the policies Friday, November 27, 1931, P. Ists everywhere to promote, they repelled sky and afterwards the whole Joint move on the chess board, worked out: of this leadership, the progress of the at the Ambassador Gardens, corher of these workers by heaping general abuse Council resigned. Kaufman appointed First, to go through with these elections ranks of the furriers, temporary committee to take charge of fully confident that their officers would Left Wing Must Support Striking Berkeley and Warren Aves. under the on the of world proletarian revolution has albe elected, regardless of the number of the New York Joint Council.
Dress Furriers ready been put in a position of being auspices of the Boston Branch of the The delegates resented these methods Our second step must be to advance contradiction to the economic progress of Meanwhile activities are going on furriers participating in the elections.
Communist Lengue of America (Opposland a heated discussion took place. De among those furriers who are follow And, secondly, after the offices of the a call for a united front to help the the Soviet Union. This has become tion. The admission is 25 cents legates took the floor and askd the Stal talers of the United Rank and File Commit council are refused them to call. striking fur dressers in Brooklyn and mainly expressed in the fear of upsetCHICAGO YOUTH AFFAIR inists how they expected local unions to tee an organization prompted by the ity conference with the Industrial Union Newark against the 25 wage cut. The ting the present status quo of the pow. Dance and Entertainment will be participate in a conference with them Needle Trades Workers Industrial Union, and bring forth One United Unton. loss of this strike would be a defeat for ers, that is, the capitalist equilibrium riven by the Chicago Youth Group of the when all they could expect from the of. The original program of the Rank and Demand Elections with Participation the furriers generally. Even though prior to the completion of the Five Year Communist League of America (Oppost fetal communists was slander. The File Committee was changed time and of All Registered Furriers this strike is at present under the leader. lan. But the capitalist equilibrium tion on Saturdny, November 28, 1931 be third period lenders hade nower again, until it to really impossible for ginning at PM at 1435 No. Western Their stupid tactics had placed them in the fur worker to know that it stands the Rank and File Committee is the the International, our aid to the work serious weakening caused by the econEvery furrier in the trade knows that ship of the Right wing bureaucrats of does not remain constant. From the Avenue. All profits will go for the the position of attempting to disrupt the for or what it strives to achieve. But Industrial Union, with the same leader ers in their fight to maintain conditions omle crisis, we now have the new conbenefit of Young Spartacus.
the recent manifestations were to the ship and the same approach to the burn. would raise the prestige of the Left wingstallation of forces; the powerful block effect that the rank and Ale committee ing problems of the fur workers. The in the eyes of the workers.
under American imperialist regemony to will try to carry out the united front policy of ignoring at this time the Newl. The time of the expiration of the ex further strengthen the capitalist equilla in the shops. It will also try to influence York Joint Council is a fatal mistake. Isting agreements between each one of brium against the working class. It is the thousands of fur workers and to the results of this action will only re the Unions and the bosses draws near. developing with breath taking speed and rally the sympathizers of the Left wing act against the Left wing in the imme. Our forces are broken up: the sentiment does not at all wait for the completion for a fight inside the International diate sepse and in the long run. Kauf for unity among the furriers is grow of the Five Year Plan. It will aim to against the class collaboration poltcles of man on the other hand will utilize this ing stronger; the offensive of the bosstake ruthless advantage of the weakKaufman and against the breaking up of mistake and consolidate his strength for es against our standards is gaining im ened position of the Communist parties.
To celebrate the third year of the appearance of THE MILITANT.
the shops under the Industrial Union con another crusade against the conditions petus. We must consolidate all our Thus the chief contradiction is that AT trol.
of the workers. It will give substance strength to repulse this offensive. By of the task of the epoch and the maturAt present, this United Front Commit to his cry that the Left wing is not in united action to help the striking furity of the Communist Party.
dressers, by a United Conference to work tee under the leadership and guidance of terested in real unity.
Stuyvesant Casino These imperialist preparations can the muddle heads in the has Our tactic at this moment should be: out demands at the expiration of the bring immediate revolutionary 9th Street and Second Avenue undertaken to execute a maneuver which to demand immediate elections of the agreements, the fur workers will be tions. To prepare. not to miss these ON 18. unprecedented in the struggle of the Joint Council with all registered work able to wield a united weapon against situations is the pressing need. This has become mandatory upon the Comincouncil became vacant due to the rest for office Workers behind in dues be We propose these demands to the rank tern leadership.
gnation of Stetsky and company, the cause of unemployment should rank and file committee decided to ignore disqualified. The Left wing, the Oposi trial as well as of the International Un. be and file of the tur workers of the Indus ARNE SWABECK.
DANCING. GOOD TIME FOR ALL. BUFFET Kaufman appointment of the temporary tion, in the International should have tons and call upon them to discuss these Agents and newstands throughout the Admissfon: 50 Cents Officere. Instead of advancing a demandl its candidates on the ballot, running on proposals and to work for their adop country that now handle The Militant Auspices: New York Branch. Communist League of America (Opp. for regular elections of officers for the a Left wing program which would estion. ROBERT BRILLIANT. will also carry Young Spartacus.
out Furriers Need Real Move for Unity in reality.
Third Annual MILITANT DANCE situa Saturday Nov. 21, 1931. at P.