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THE MILITANT WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE. Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition)
Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 84 East 10th Street, New York, Entered as second class mall matter, November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York, y. under the act of March 1879.
PRICE CENTS The Meaning of the Elections Jap Warin Manchuria Menaces Soviet World Proletariat Victory for Capitalism; Defeat for Official Communism American Imperialists Join in Preparations for World wide Conflagration On November 3rd, the vast majority of the workers who now voted for the the voting population in the States of Democratie ticket voted to be duped New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania again.
At this writing the state of war be against the Japanese aggression, has the impending world war crash.
Stalinist vietorles and Soviets and other sections of the country march. The American Federation of Labor com Manchuria continues and the death toll from the masses, as well as from sectween Japan and China on the fields of been the result of pressure of protest Imperialist Provocations and Soviets China, by an inability to organize the ed to the polls and cast once again atinued its former policy against IndePolley of Peace Chinese workers and peasants in the ballot of confidence in, and retention of pendent working class political action, matie measures, threats increases.
All forms of legal and diptions of the Chinese nationalist bourge The Japanese are now also in the dual task of resistance against the Japan the capitalist system. Reaction and con and in the main threw its non partisan economic olsle who see in Japan invasion a blow Moviet sphere of influence. All imper invasion into Manchuria, and for the pervatism remain in the saddle, though support to the Democrats.
boycott and severance of diplomatic re at their economie and political suprem ialist powers, and the Chinese gorern overthrow of the Chiang Kai Shek gov here a democratie, there a republican The Elections in New York lations, the demands of the League of acy in Manchuria.
ment Included, are endeavoring to place ernment and all other bourgeoisie and rider, sits in the saddle.
The elections in New York City where Pact, have failed to deter the Japanese Nations, the invoking of the Kellogg Behind the Smoke screen of Japanese the Soviet Union into a bad and false war lords in China. It is imperative, Prior to the elections. The Militant unemployment reaches over a million, Imperialism position, to put the onus of difficulties moreover, that efforts in all countries (10 24 31) said: government from sharp military aggresand where all sections of the labor move Japan, to justify her Invasion of Man upon the Workers Republic, and are in be organized to the maximum against The elections will serve as a baroment seek political expression, are per sion and actions against the Chinese Churia, puts forward economic and polt creasing their propaganda and prepara the Imperialist bourgeoisie in every nameter of the maturity of the American hapa good examples to guage the sigut At Tienstin, Infantry troops have lution of treaty agreements by Japanese Imperialism pillages and kills. tical considerations, legal excuses (victions for an imperialistic war combination, in order for each communist move.
respective heightened under the impact of the dis relation to the Communists and the bit of slaughtering.
working class, to what point it has been beance of the elections, particularly to been called out, prepared to add their the is the famous al points enforce) Soviets are using all efforts to maintain tasks in defense of the Chinese revoluIllusioning post prosperity crisis. Communist Party.
The elections will not create the rising It is the viewpoint of the Left OppoulFrom the start it has been clear that torical analogies with other nations, insation of hostilities between the Japan for support and defense of the Soviet temper of the proletariat; they will re tion that the working class, in taking the Chinese National Government, dir cluding the United States. And, of course, ese and Chinese governments. Everybody Union against any and all forms of atgister. It within the narrow confines of ected by the policies of the Kuo Min and not least, are not the Japanese Kid ion is for peace; that the workers road tack, and against the war danger.
its first steps politically, will follow the ballot box. provided. the simultaneously the roads of the socialTang and Chiang Kai Shek, is helplessing the Red enace out of Manchuria!
Upon the Chinese Communists, partiworkers mobilize their voting strength democrats and the Communists. The ex in a military sense before the Japanese The Nipponese maintain they are in is the road of peace and collaboration becularly its most militant, resolute and behind the candidates of the only revtent to which the workers will be at(even as are the Northern war lords. Manchuria merely to repair and protect tween the workers of all nations. The determined section, the Left Communolutionary party in the feld the com cracted to the program of communism as and is compelled to call for a cessation their rallroads in which they have enor imperialists will not succeed in their ists. devolves the task of mobilization munist Party.
against the socialists will, apart from of hostilities through the medium of mous investments, and to protect their campaign to provoke the Soviets into of the Chinese people against Japanese The Capitalists Win Again the objective factors of economic and the League of Nations and for open or treaty rights. At the same time Japan war.
imperialism, for resistance against the The votes cast in the elections did in social conditions, depend upon the abil. secret support from the United States. is already directing her military opera Nevertheless, the Soviet Union and invaders. The surest way to effect this dicate some things, but not the desired ity of the Communists to present their Chiang Kal shek, the militarist, the mur tions to the south, as well as in Manch the workers in every country are sup In a struggle to defeat the bourgeoiste of ones. The votes did demonstrate, by program in a clear, intelligent and underer of tens of thousands of the Chi uria. Manchuria must be developed eco porters and friends of the Chinese mass China, to achleve the destruction of the and large, the swing of the voters back ambiguous manner. There is no reason nese masses, is suddenly become an ad nomically, says Japan; it is Japan es, and will do everything possible to Kuo Min Tang movement, whether that to the Democratic Party. With this at all ordinarily, Ho far programs are vocate of the policy of non resistance manifest destiny. its economic and soc. entorce the resistance of the Chinese of the bloody militarists led by Chiang shift, the electors aimed to demonstrate concerned, why a worker should not be such resistance as has been directed tal necessity to do so. Their acts are masses against the economic and mill. Kal shek, or the Left Kuo Min Tang their resentment, and that of the mass able, if he is looking for a revolutionary. neither acts of war nor intended as such. tary aggression of the Japanese imper. headed by Wang Chin Wel. The Intenof non voters, against the outright reno way out of the capitalist Impasse, to After all, the Japanese state, they are ialists, as well as to support the Cht sification of the CIVIL WAR IN CHINA tionary, naked bourhon capitalism of the make clear his preference for the Commerely following the peaceful proced nese people against the blood brothers of the best weapon of defense against Hoover administration, which offered muniats as against the socialists. But invaders, the Chinese Japan, It is fundamentally that correct ure of the United States in the latter the Wernment.
nothing but a prayer to the mass of peo in the New York elections, the mish OPEN FORUM. frequent interventions into Nicaragua, Chiang Manch tactic proposed by the revolutionists in ple during the two years of economic mash program of vulgar reformism and Santa Domingo, Cuba, Mexico and other uria and China are the property neither 1870 during the invasion of France by crisis. But fundamentally, the bourge revolutionary communism put forward ofsle, the petit bourgeois middle class by the Communist Party, made for conThe Japs therefore plainly say: What nese militarists and ourner le che russia, when, as the best defense of The aris against the Prussian invaders, it and the voting proletariat, cast anothfusion instead of clarity, and simplified sauce for the goose is sauce for the American bourgeoisie, too, are sticking was necessary and correct to work for Friday November 13, 1931 sander.
their hands into the bloody affair, and the overthrow of the bourgeois governvote for capitalism, but proposed that the tasks of the socialists.
another court plaster be pasted on the The Petit Bourgeois Appeal of the The United States is still proceeding their paws drip with gold, colned from ment of Thiers and its replacement by a open cuts.
Socialists The Haymarket discreetly, and in the main is giving its blood. Sales of military supplies are people government. The Japanese The American masses voted for the The Socialist Party of Norman Thomas Martyrs support to the Chiang Kai Shek govern being made to Japan and no doubt to Communists need to increase their strug capitalist candidates, because of lack of and Morris Hillquit made its programclarity of a program by any other con. matic appeal, in the main, to the disTheir Tradition and their Place receive much more support for Wall potential arsenal. The resources of in the last analysis, the native Chinese tending group in the parliamentary field affected petit bourgeois, the small busiin History and, most important, because they are ness man and shop keeper, the profesStreet in the future, if the Kuo Min China and Mauchuria belong to its mass bourgeoisie will divide the spoils with Lecture by Tang ast. While the economic and occupants, the workers and peasants, foreign exploiters, rather than to give up not yet ready for socialism. The objesional man, the liberals, white collar JAMES CANNON physical partition of China and of Man whose main job it is to wring the necks everything to the masses.
tive factors. mass unemployment, the slaves, etc. While, no doubt, it received churla is uppermost in the minds of tite of both the foreign and native exploitDefeat the Aims of the War Lords!
rule King Hunger, low wages, ete. the votes of deluded industrial workers, at the imperialist powers, there must be methodlers and establish their own Soviet gorIn the United States all forces must were Lavorable for an increase in radi it had no fundamental class anropah Labor Temple in the slicing All of them are jockey ernment.
mobilized to demand that the imperial cal and revolutionary expredsſon. Even to the workers. Ás 18 town, the ac 14th Street and Second Avenue ing for political, diplomatie, economic The Dus Task of the Moment istic paws of the United States be kept though the original Hoover boast, and ceptance of the theory of the class struc and military positions for that time when On previous occasions The Milltant off China: to demand that the Japanese QUESTIONS and DISCUSSION then only a hope, of a chicken in every cle no longer appears in its preamble the economic difficulties, ambitions and has examined the causes and objectives get out of Manchuria. War exists. It pot found its realization in the suces There are those elements in the Social ADMISSION: 25 Centa Unemployed Workers Admitted Free contradictions of each imperialist nation of the Manchurian Invasion by Japan: can easily spread till it engulfs the enhandout on the head line though unem list Party who, looking farther ahead Auspices: New York Branch Communistlarens of capitalist war on a world scale. comrade Niel Sth of Shanghai has graph. ideals of the Soviet Union and of the compel an attempt at a solution on the the article in The Militant (11 31) by tire world. The propagation of the ployment and militarism, the opposite than their brother reformists, would pre poles of capitalist disorganization and fer to have the Socialist Party appeal League of America (Opposition) In the present Manchurian fighting. ically portrayed the political situation principles of Communism must be in organization, stalked the land, the peoto and base its support on the labor bur Next Week: Friday, November 20 therefore, there are all the ingredients in China, particularly the Impotence of creased manifold as measures of preple voted capitalist.
eaucracy of the of and the as for immediate wan on a world wide the Communist Party of China and the paration and defense of the proletariat The Bosses Look Now to the Democrats sistance it can give to develop a labor THE MANCHURIAN CRISIS scale, although present indications are comintern in the present situation. The against the objectives of the bourgeoisie.
The next House of Representatives will be Lecture by ARNE SWABECK that these developments and war skirm official Communist movement is today Among the tasks and duties that fall apparently have a slight Democratic But the Norman Thomas wing, steeped ishes are only some of preludes to paying the price of Stalinist policies to the e lot of entire working class, and majority and will thereby be both al in the ideology and practices of liberal especially the American workers and plague to Hoover and an excuse for furtam, though paying lip service now and revolutionists, are the exterican imof the ther failures and inadequacles of the then to the working class, does not con hypocritical game of th Republican administration. The Dem cern itself with the capitalist system perialists who are getting ready, when ocrats will demand of the sovereign per se and the need for its abolition, the opportunity arises, for military se people, in order to put over their pro Rather it devotes itself to a denunciation in the Manchurian situation, with gram. complete control of the powers tion of and demand for a reform of the the aim to advance their own interest of Government. Present indications are rottener manifestations of capitalism, In the recent avalanche of diplomatic To the aristocracy of finance and to their find a place within this powerful block in the guise of protection of China, for Democratic success in the 1982 with its hores and testers. The visits are concealed many ominous signs diplomatie marionettes, it is not at all cannot yet be foretold. After all, agree thereby accelerating a world war. We elections, which will enable thema betheca concerns itself with such resultant is new gigantic developments. Grim indeed stagzering burden lodged upon the work for, and last only until the victim tend their pillage of China.
to divide the spoils of victory and to sues as Tammany corruption, graft, vice, are the forebodings when these plilaging ing class or upon the broad strata of the fleeced; then new victims have to be function in their particular manner as etc. The vote for Norman Thomas, the marauders from the world Full support, must be given to the executive committee of the capital socialist candidate for Borough Presl come together to discuss new schemes at all. But they cannot ignore the plight tain. The aggressively growing hege Chinese workers and peasants in their highways population of the debtor countries. Not found. But one thing is entirely cerIst class The discontentment that exists among dent of Manhattan bitterly disappointing of division and redivision of spoils. It of German capitaliem. They cannot even mony of American imperialism in world struggle against the foreign Japanese invaders and their enemies at home the masses continued the course of preto him, was 48, 438. which was great is easily noticeable that the American im. ignore the difficulties of the British affairs is devoting itself diligently for vious elections and canalized itselt in er than his 1929 poll. represented, not perialist high jacker holds the very cenbankers. And so, while these two of this bloek, to first of all settle the the Chinese bourgeoisie, militarists and support of the Democratic Party. But rotes for socialism, but for petit bour ter of the stage. Most of the traveling the most powerful creditor countries are deadly combat with its main competitor, landlords, their kuo Min Tang agents and the Northern militarists to England.
as before, apart from Indlyldual, section seots reformam. His own comment on diplomats are steering their course to compelled to lend some assistance al and secondary questions, the two main the outcome of the elections was typical ward the United States.
their fellow exploiters in Germany and Yet above all, the Amerlean bourge nese Communist Party must adopt the capitalist parties are as like as tweedle and true to his own and the socialist These visits are themselves, of course, England to avert a complete breakdown visie is asserting its world hegemony polley by the unity of all Communist Left Opdum and tweedle dee in their support of party propaganda in the campaign itself. results of important developments al the powerful financial and industrial in Thomas stated that the election results ready in the making. They are results its wake, they are also, by virtue of whole imperialist front against the position, and wird itself for a bitter fight terests of Wall Street; both parties re were blow against good government of the increasing pressure of the worla exactly the same self interest, continual working class, and with that against the against foreign and internal aggression genuine crisis upon the various capitalist powers ly applying the Ject with equal equanimity ansohless. a triumph of organized greed and their attempt to find a way out by that direction Pressure which leads in Soviet Union. It is fully apprehensive of and exploitation. The attempts to proImmediate relle on behalf of the the tottering and decaying symptoms voke the Soviet Union into war must be oppose unemployment Insurance at the rampant gangsterism. there is no Let the workers have no Illusions. Any recently so strongly manifested within combatted, and workers everywhere must a new of forces.
Nothing Mach power 18 om the allert to endeavor apparent solidarity or mutual assistance certain European capitalist govern hope for clean government.
ment; and both parties give unqualified Is there but the words of disappointed to maintain and strengthen of the capitalist powers is not for one It is fully conscious of the effects of of the Workers fatherland, the Soviet and enthusiastic support to Hoover con liberalism of a program that would put the sun. Naturally this was also the minute intended in the interest of peace. the crisis upon the workers and appre Republic. All forces must be mobilized the cern for the bankers welfare, a military silk covering on a moth eaten, ragged primary intent of Premier Laval visit Nor is there any possibility of peaceful hensive their rapidly growing dissat against the world war which all program, and an attack on the living capitalism.
to the United States. Unquestionably solutions. An eventual modification of isfaction. It see the signs of coming imperialist forces are preparing.
standards of the working class. MARTIN ABERN.
Thus (Continued on page Continued on page 2)
his visit is a part of a definitely emerg reparations or war debt payments, any ing new constellation of forces which assistance to prevent a too disastrous infurther Intenst may have the most far reaching conseflation will bring a quences, not only for the two powers in tication of contlicts, not merely between volved, but for the whole of the imperial creditor and debtor nations but also on ist world.
among the creditor nations themselves, It will become only an instrument in the What are the Specific Relations?
We give here a brief account of the MOSCOWThree years ago to the day, on Nov. hope soon to issue Jewish organ of prutal measures employed by the stal.
The question immediately arise whaters to further strengthen their position ember 18, 1928, the first issue of the the Communist League, and perhaps also inlst bureaucrats and agents sk, where 130 Trotskyists are kept the il conclude that there are now many the world.
At the Isolation camp of Verchne Ural is it all about? One can, of course, as for the inevitable war for redivision of Militant came of the press. In their of Greek paper. This is the way of the ficial declaration to the Central Com Left Opposition: to build, to grow, to Uralsk where 130 Bolshevik Leninists are repression was so severe that the prie pressing problems before the main im mittee of the Communist Party of the increase and multiply, to gather ever The Preparation for these Conflicts held at an isolation camp. This savage lasted eighteen days, after which the addiscussion. But discussion among robonets answered by a hunger strike. This perialist powers which they find require United States, the three expelled mem more cadres and Instruments about the This brings us to the essence of the bers of the Central Committee, stated Left Opposition. This is the way to treatment of the best revolutionists and valnistration restorted to forcible feed bers can become nothing else but a man. apparently friendly diplomatie visits of their intention to continue with the pub influence the ranks of the official ComCommunists is meted out to the thousands of Left Oppositionists who are in. The result was resistance, the use cuvering for position. And so it is in the capitalist nations. American imper. Lictalon of The Militant until the Left munist movement, to win the Communsxlled and imprisoned in all parts of of brute force, shooting, with one comthis case.
ialism is more definitely, assuming worla Opposition was restored to their Partyists to the principles of the Left Opposlrade wounde, so far as we know.
The the Soviet Union.
hegemony. The devasting crisis is press rights. For three years now, The Mili. tom.
Nevertheless even among bands of robThe disappearance of Christian Rok subjected is sufficiently described by the bere a certain community of interesting it on toward a more aggressive posl tant, as the chief Instrument of the Amtreatment to which the prisoners THIS WEEK we must know your ansovaky from Barnaoul, and whole present tion. New are location is not knownto this day, except fact that thirty comories are sick with mention found this respect we may place with lightening speed. Frents ofertcan Left Opposition, has carried on wer. Make your donation TODAY for to Stalin and his jailers, is arousing the scurvy.
flation. These worthy diplomats still repressed into a short span of time. Only ment on its original Leninist basis.
com Wegeneration of the Communist move. Then, continue regular support through indignation of revolutionists throughout member the dreaded spectre of the Gerweekly, or oftener, donations.
a few months ago American Imperialism the world. It is man inflation of 1923. They remember held the revolver at the head of the carry on this important work? This depael are as follows The responses to date to our apnot known whether Shall we be able and permitted to Rakovsky is alive or dead. This situatlon applies to others of the young and THE CANADIAN TRIALS proletarian revolution.
with a shudder the narrow capital. ly the preparations for a powerful block pends now entirely on our supporters, averted French bourgeoisie. Now there are clearN. Branch membership 150. 00 old Bolsheviks being persecuted by the ism is still financially very hard press of the kings of capital of the Unitedl sympathizers and readers. We again reCarl Freda, New York 00 Stalinist bureaucracy.
AND THE LEFT Dreyer, New York 00 ed. Lead by Great Britain, many lees. States and France. The latter bringe iterate our appeal for IMMEDIATE FIN. Miller, Brooklyn 00 We demand a cessation of the persecu.
OPPOSITION er powers have gone off the gold standard along ita little entente and thereby hopes ANCIAL ASSISTANCE. 00 New York Even the American dollar showed a few to succeed in obtaining for itself from tion of the Left Opposition. The millMust we again retreat from a Weekly Jean Allen, New York 00 tant workers must insist upon a know See Pago Two for Letter of Maurico sickly symptoms. The United States and the hated uncle Shylock a greater ration Militant to a semi weekly? We count Miscellaneous, Contributions ledge of Christian Rakovsky whereSpector to the Central Committee of the France, the two largest creditor nations, in world economy and greater degree of pon you who read this issue of The New York 6, 05 abouts. Stalin and his henchmen will Communist Party of Caranda.
who hold between them about two thirds Militant to render financial support to hegemony in Europe. Representatives Boston Branch 12. 00 not be permitted to ignore or forget their Additional reports on the trial and its of the world cold supply, have un of other powers are still to come here. prevent such an unfortunate step Chlengo Branch 00 brutal actions, which include imprisonouwome, as well as an estimate of the doubtedly much at stake in such a sit The Fascist foreign minister, after Give Assistance Today! Bolsnert, Los Angeles 10. 00 ment, exile and murder of revolutionary conduct of the defendants before the court uation.
hearty welcome in Berlin, is now on his We aim TO EXPAND. The first issue Send funds to: Communiste. Time will yet give a will be given hy comrade. Spector in subSecondly, there is the problem of war way also to put in claims for a ration of the Opposition youth paper, Young THE MILITANT reckoning. iu.
sequent fasues of The Molitant.
reparations and inter allied war debts. in world economy. How many may sulli Spartacus, is about to appear. It is our 84 Eant 10th St. New York, What Laval Achieved by His Visit the The Militant Starts on Its Fourth Year are