BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDeath SentenceEngelsEnglandFascismFranceGermanyImperialismInvasionLeninismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSWorking Class

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1931 THE MILITANT PAGE IN THE INTERNATIONAL OF LABOR Reviews and News of the Working Class and Revolutionary Movements Manchurian Events and the Communists The New Party Turn the few years.
Developments in England and Ireland LETTER FROM GERMANY While we are writing these lines, a very important crisis is taking place in the Socialist party. The leadership of the party has put the alternative before the opposition to cease all practical activity or to face expulsion. This crass measure is undoubtedly explained by its (Continued from jug 1) left undone. All that remains is a faint, just as they addressed the former govThe Menace of Fascism Increases tear of the winter, The leadership wants year (1931. the participators were shadow of the party.
in advance to depriva all eventual rebel only the vanguard of the vanguard. The lions of an organizing center. How can proletariat is very weakly organized. intern, etc. by the do not understand the Soviet, therefore Yet we read in an appeal to the Com Owing to the fact that the masses all this end up? The policy of the The dramatic and gigantic convulsions is the fact that for reasons of presude during the last few years prevents sha in August 1930, and the subsequent the Communist Party of China with its many reactionary elements, and the sosThe defeat of the red arıy at Chang of the Chinese that it spoke as in the red districts there are concealed of world capitalism are at present un the former policy cannot be liquidated this opposition from turning toward the regime of white terror made the 190, 000 members and the millions of iets are helpless toward them.
of Germany. An attention is converging organically side by side with the latter it will be forced to create a new centrist own policy, and was the real reason for No. 38. And still the rabid reaction (Inpreecor, Party Construction 3 1931. on England. However, from the point and in contradiction to it.
replacing the Li Li Sian leadership in rages throughout China.
Mismanagement in Peasant Affairs of view of the revolution, the German Social Democrats Discussing RussoIn fact, in the order to save the face of the and Shanghal Eastera district the biggest that such things happen also in the The Social Democratic Opposition and The editor of this organ pointed out field must not be lost sight of for a sin.
German Relations the New Centrist Party to sidetrack the wrath of the Party industrial district there are party mem. Klangsi Soviet districts. The party press gle moment. For the economie reserves ranks.
of British Imperialism are incomparably bers only in one factory, numhering grenter thun those of Germany. which teen forced to take a much greater poll in Germany and the historic failure of failure to organize and strengthen the ed, those attending were not as many small landlords creep into the Soviets, and the letter of the Canin as obstafactor as proven by the everyday ex. ing this. It is struggling the war. Besides, and that is the main that it employs a certain asistantly cle to such innovations. On the other districts, to consolidate the conquests report to the fourth plenum of the party into the Red Army and into the periences, no Communist party exists in and even recorts to old articles by En hand, the tendency in favor ofte the treat and draw in the reserves. and trade union movement has already made. to organize the rereality in England; while in Germany, els to justify its theory of the lesser party is very strong. This is due to the for the attempt to cary out the tasks great loss and damage, the membedfaror of the rich peasant (January of this year) said: The red orkans of power. The land was divided poor peasants, the agricultural laborers and despite all the mistakes, we have a Com. evil. It is particularly occupied with fact that many have forgotten or have of the Occupation of Changsha and the in the whole country greatly decreased the coolies are not organized into unions.
munist party that counts as a serious an intense discussion on Russo German not at all gone through the experience preparatory mareh on Hankow which To take the example of Shanghai, the The Soviets are not elected but appointfactor.
relations, for the present as well as af of the Independents, whereas the mised, etc. etc. But the Chinese Stalinists, Nevertheless, the internal situation inter the revolution. denies that Hus takes of the exist before the very tho Red Army has not the strength to membership (In the red trade unions)
Germany not devoid in important siun credits would have any effect in eyes and in the memory of all. Such a fulfill Upon such feeble arguments has dwindled from 1, 000 to about 1, 000. together with the attribute the announced the line of in Shanghai, we have no connection wit Sian. Therefore they issue on paper such Ine of LL LLevents these Inst few weeks. Above all there is the reappearance of the Nationers, bringing the most ridiculous argu great confusion and will be a Free LA LA Sian to be principally antagonistic many workers struggles, there are many slogans as Against corruptions al Socialists on the political arena, as ments against them, which shows what obstacle in the development of the Ger and mutually exclusive from the line strikes which we cannot lead.
of the and to be anti marxexpressed on the one hand, by their rel tremendous propaganda torce Commun man revolution.
In other industrial cities, the situs Against bureaucracy. Against the turn to parliament and, on the other, ist and anti Leninist.
They adopt. tlon both of the party and the red trade Right tendency Opposition was Justified when it pro example tellet illustrates stridly are Thus.
ed two formulas: to consolidate the union movement is only worse. There They fail to understand by extra parliamentary actions, that the on the Jewish New Year the National dosed, two years ago, the slogan (the physical decline of the German working revolutionary base and to struggle for is not the least indication to prore that causes lie deeper in the nature of the Socialists organized a veritable little slogan of large, long term credits to the class under the crisis and under the yoke the victory in one or several provinces. things have improved for the better. pesantry, which is completely incapable pogrom, similar to their attack on the Soviet Union Ed. which the part of the decrees. The German professors The Protective Ambiguity of the The aforementioned letter of the of independent political action that shop fronts last year. The measure characterized as counter revolutionary Stalinist Formulas has set the central tasks of the when the city proletariat remains passtaken against them are of no account, Under that same angle. the socialistou, to now have bee so prout that The Stalinist directives are always day for the party as follows. 1) to sel live, it is inevitable that the peasant the ring leaders were not even summoned party is also carrying on its agitation and cannon fodder, are emitting cries of double meaning and therefore infallible. oct and consolidate immediately the real guerrila warfare degenerates.
The red peasants partisans have withof threatening weather, the bourgeoisie still proving in a dishonest and lotime, the percentage for the number of (1928. the perspective of the party had at the beginning it numbers only 40. 000 stood three campaigns started 1s once more forced to utilize the Nalept manner, that a fall below that been to rule for victory in one to 50. 000 strong (2) to establish imme Nanking government against them durtional Socialists after discariling them would not be able to get sufficient econ for France. While in France there are or several provinces. Whoever was alately a powerful and capable Sovieting the past year, even though troops.
for six months, and despite the internal omle support from Soviet Russia.
18. births per 1000 inhabitants, there doubtful of this perspective at the time government with a majority of Commun. armed with modern munitions, often outsuccesses of the Bruening policy, it is all this in reality only proces in are only 17. per 1000 in Berlin.
of low tide of the revolution was called ists and get the best non party workers, numbered them two or three times. Yet obliged to consider once more seriously! what an extraordinary dilemma the Soe Berlin BAUER. liquidator and counter revolutionary.
peasants, and soldiers to join in it. 3) the red partisan army has defeated them the prospect of Fascist arms ialist party already finds itself. It is unBut when the most loyal and most conIn the non soviet distriets to develop the successively, killing two divisions com.
Fascism Again Shows Its Fangs fortunate that even the leadership of the Referring to the support. tolera sistent stalinist, LI LI Sian. seriously economie and political mass struggle and manders. The weakners of the governAt the time when the bourgcoiste with. Is forced to recognize the fact tion. given the Bruening government strove for this perspective capture or in the process of struggles to organize ment army lies in the fact that dissenthe masses.
sions exist among the generals and the drew the Fascists from parliament and that its members in the factories are in in view of the greater ovil prospec Changsha and the preparatory march on the great strike struggles showed that capable of facing this question, simple tive fascist domination. Ed.
Hankow. then he was all of a sudden Actual Conditions in the Soviet Areas soldiers are not quite willing to fight (they complain against their officers, the trade union bureaucracy was still for the education carried on in the Stal Thus the chief attention of the Stal In the next issue of the Militant we found not to have consolidated the res.
underpay, bad treatment. while the red quite sufficient to pacity the working olutionary base, he was branded as anti inst bureaucrats is pald to the Red partisan army enjoys the sụpport of the class, we characterized this as an honnist spirit and in the sermons on the will bring an article dealing with the de eviten Leninist and having principally noth. Army and the Soviet soveromeut. mana rasantry: this gives them a big advanorable retreat of the National Social development of the revolutions in the velocuts of this terbed ists, as a clever economy action of the national framework during the last creation of the new centrist Socialising in common with the line of the the slogans Defend the Defend the Soviet government are Kai Shek is helpless even in the face of 11. EX bourgeoise which only nourishes its The letter of the was fatal written as placards on all occasions the red partisans in one province, Kiangbloodhounds to the degree to which it to the party and opened a new page in whenever there is a big event taking si, when in the cities, dark reaction needs them while several panic sowers its life or, rather, its degeneration.
Poll place. The workers in the cities are in governs, how can he cope with the upIn Great Britian raved about an approaching Fascist tically it means the complete ideological duced not to believe in their own organi. herval of the entire nation?
putsch. And in the same manner, while disarming of the party, the loss of its zatlons and strength but to believe in The Kiangsi partisan warfare in a Thaelmann bragged about the decomehe whole party had been educated by them the Red Army and the Soviet dis the crimes of Stalinist leadership in the Hitherto the liberating role of some force outside certain sense is a standing indictment of position of the Nazis we maintained that they would return, because neither the perspective, although false one triets. But what are the real conditions second revolution, when it capitulated be the objective factors (the crisis, ruin of of the immediate seizure of power in in the Soviet districts and the Redfore the bourgeoisie. This time the the petty bourgeoisie) nor the subjec.
one or several provinces and the arm Army?
Stalinist leadership capitulates before tive factors (unsound policy of the Developments in England and Ireland that in many areas the workers are left ed uprising in the big and biggest dit: First of all, it was Stalin who said the peasantry, concentrates In less than a week from now the lenderless as far as the party is concernwhole the state or division and indecision of ies. but with the downfall of LL LL at the 16th Congress of the u. work in the partisan warfare, dissolves the proletariat) had disappeared. Ex General Election will be over in the ed. The Election Manifesto of the party Sian in the party, this perspective was that in Ching it was said that there the party into the peasant masses, glv: be correct. In the meantime, fascism efforts to vell the class issues that lie encies where there are no Communist tively replaced by such empty slogans inter on the letter of the cate cat look up to the red partisan army perlence has proved our contentions to meantime all parties are as one in their sives no lead has gone through several transforma at the root of the recent events in Great candidates: that no lead as to what as Defend the Red Army. Defend the gorically denied this and said: there is as its savior just as it formerly made tions in its structure. legalization. Britain.
should be done by workers on polling Soviet Government. Defend the Sov not yet a Soviet government in China; the proletariat believe in the bourgeois Mr. Snowden two months ago the day. Since there are over 600 seats and let Union. Down with the Kuo Min if there is, it exists only in the leallets, Kuo Min Tang as its which makes its dependence rena haren Hinancial genius of the Labour Party only twenty five communist candidates Tang. Down with Imperialism. etc. on paper, and is not u realized power. entertain no illustons. The peasantry savior. Let us capital de possible, eren more more rent has described Labour polley as Bol it will be readily seen how the policy in principle the party rejected the dem. letter published by the party organ, either follows the bourgeoisie or follows road toward coalition still more ac shevism gone mal. Mr. MacDonald, of concentration will work.
ceratie slogans. The slogans of armed Party Construction discloses the real con the proletariat.
cessible than was previously the case. now leading the Conservatives, explains More Self Criticism uprising and Soviets are not taken of dition in the Soviet districts which en. It is just at this time, when the Man On the other hand, Bruening is con that he is still a Socialist, Mr. Thomas At a recent meeting of London factory the agenda.
stese ne kinse poste contre les tresztens partes the late National Government saved this group and local Party Committee mem But either this perspective will not be the Lett Opposition. Let us quote when the road the street wortelendighlan: over the non resistant policy of the Kuo carlous. The extra parliamentary de workers from inereased unemploymen bers, Rust opened a discussion on taken seriously by the party ranks, or part of it.
the party policy in the crisis. He atthe party in the future will head into Concerning the influence of the party Min Tang, when the mass movement feat at Geneva was this time quite comFrom the platform of the Labour Party, plete. Despite this, German capitalism Wr. Henderson explains that he is not facked opportunist tendencies within the another catastrophe, the blame for which among the masses, the letter from the flows over the dams of the Kuo Min has as it still hangs on to its program: equal ment, and spends most of his time try at the tail of the mass movement, that ship. Therefore, the letter of the was not done on a general scale and and the past few weeks, been dragging along is the mechanism of the Stalinist leader triet runs, because the propaganda work trodden masses come out spontaneously write in handwritten placards rights, instead of subordination to the ing to convince his followers that the it had pursued a concillintory line tois possible only due to the Inees saint and cute. or rather that they only agreed wards the Independent Labour Party and nothing in common with Bolsheviem can Communist party is little better than the this time, when the leadership of the furlous attack on the standard of living provisionally. All the old catchwords. This was true but Rust is as responsi: Just the contrary, this is a completely masses adopt the attitude that since they Communist party. face of such a of the working class, due to the unlimited taries. free trade. currency re ble for these mistakes as anybody in the disordered retreat which sowed confusion are the subjects, it doesn matter what great hurricane which arouses millions and unheard of support granted to the form. nation before party and so on. party leadership. At a conference of among the ranks of the party and les party comes to rule them.
to the danger, the Chinese party com.
erippled private enterprises by the state. are belong tranded forth a hundred London party members, held carly in sened their confidence in the party leadership. Most party leaders in the Soviet dis. pletely fails to understand the meaning vinces, With this aim in view, the different pro a day in newspapers, on posters, and september, he ignored to answer ques The Weakening of the Party Apparatus tricts are kept secret from the Arty of this invasion is the grabbing of Chl Prussia and Saxony among from all platforms.
Sir Oswald Mosley New Party of the Left comrades in the party and tions on this point. He attacked the line others, have issued for their part, Organizationally, the letter of the ranks. The Communist members do not nese territory, the wringing of conces decrees that grant the reduction of now openly fascist: Its programme is one Ignored the manifestations of the Right means the mechanical removall know what the Communist party is. Atsions and special rights which are possalaries for the functionaries, lay of open dictatorship and around its can the suppression of the Wang. sible because the Chinese Revolution is offa, tarife increases, the suppression aidates are grouped trained athletes for tendencies at the conference itself. And, and the expulsion of responsible but not the time of the budget for cultural subsidies, lay the defence of thelr meetings. But the as editor of the Dally Worker, Rust has so meekly obedient party workers. Most Ching Wel group (Kuo Min Tang Re at its lowest point. The party stes the replied to this in no un help more than anybody to add to the of the old leading members and cadre organizationlsts. they wept at home be Japanese invasion only as an interven were removed and replaced by inexperlcause they thought they had joined the tion against the Chinese revolution and In short, all the measures that go under certain fashion. It is impossible for confusion existing in the party.
the name of national self defense. Sim Mosley to hold a meeting without It The fact that he is ratsing polnts of need and theoretkally poorly educated reorganizationists. The responsible party the Soviet Union. Therefore their sloultaneously, there has been a new, vloending in a pitched battle At Birmingerticem shows that the leadership real: students returned from Moscow who en) workers forget the party. For three or gans, Down with the intervention Soviet Union. Defend nuelel have not hold meetings. In the Red Army lent attack against the working class. ham 15, 000 workers howled down theizes its weak psition and that we can Joyed absolutely no contidence in the four months, the party organizations and against the Chinese Revolution and the party and who are distinguished by their The Communist Party Changes speakers and then, after dealing with expect, within the near future, a stal absolute obedience to the directives of mass organizations there are no party and Soviets. etc. are not grasped by the the stewards, chased the speakers from of wit criticisto within the par.
Its Course the platform. In Glasgow an admission wiru. be pri for it and was the Mife. Therefore, these students are also he comrad. the Left Opposition the its representative was The majority of the comradles of the What an Irony of leadership If we are British sailors, which produced great sands of workers and broken up.
On the occasion of the mutiny of the by ticket meeting was stormed by thou membership to their point of view, not called Mindegroup. Some of the form. red districts are corrupt, become bureau to remember the following part of the crats and express a Right wing tendency letter of CC. which said: The enthusiasm among the German workers, There are twenty five Communist can merely by criticising the present policy othendes more relegated to local work. They think that since political power E. deems it not only feasible more than halt of the communist papers aidates; already some eight or nine of of the party but also by setting a polley Rigers opposition pelle en bedre forpronin already conquered, nothing more is to but necessary to maneuver with the im.
have again been proscribed. In addition, them are in prison. The authorities are of its own for the party to adopt.
Bruening has ordered the creation of making every effort to cripple the Party The Irish Ferment ent economist tendency. This opposition be done, they engage themselves for perialists we must at the same time with all means weaken the alliance of special tribunals. This is very signi Candidates and their agents are jalled. The new Coercion laws of the Irish hai and North China and has its own at first attracted many workers in Shang whole days in the hunt of women. The responsible comrades of the Sov. imperialism with the Chinese counterficant among other preparations for the the printer of the Daily Worker has been Free State Government have drawn at centre and local organizations. Stim let government do not give solutions to revolution, to avold the decisive conflict winter, since a great number of militant sentenced to nine months imprisonment tention to the tense situation existing other important workers, removed from the general practical demands of the with it till we consolidate ourselves to revolutionists have already been arrest and scores of local unemployed leaders in the Irish Free State. All of the mill. positions. went over openly to the masses. At the same the the ed. These events, the unadmitted de are in prison. This is an Indication of tant working class organizations have emy, and organized skillfully the spy peasants occupy two thirds of the post Imperialists.
feat of the referendum and the directives what will happen after the election, for been declared Illegal, including the var work tions in it. The majority of the com The Manchurian event is a great warnwhich led to the arrest of tens change its course. This expressed itsele wage reduction offensive resistance will Friends of Soviet Russia and the work them comrade stang Chu Fa. to the masses bave no confidence in the Soviets China when a national terment is not also in a change in the personnel. Intempt to organize resistance will be ers Research Bureau. The insurrection disclosure of underground party organi and address the commissars as sir. Continued on page 4)
stead of Thaelmann, the notorious Heinz met by all the forces at their command. ary republican groups have also been zations, and to the standstill of party Neumann is now being played up. In Provided the party works along the declared illegal, and flogging and the work. The arrested comrades were shot any ease, it is surprising (and after all right lines it should gain support and death sentence are to be the punishment immediately without any ceremony.
Third Annual the years of the third period it is even added influence: this throws great refor acts endangering the Public Safe The party press often complains of unbelievable) that offers of discussion are sponsibilities upon comrades of the Leftty. Twelve people are already awalt the unprincipled and personal flights of made to the socialist leaders at public Opposition for the present leadership 18 ing trial before the special Military the different groups. They become dismass meetings, which has not failed to incapable of doing other than blunder Tribunals and there are signs that be trustful of each other and lack the spirit produce an embarrassing effect on these from left to right and add confusion to fore long the threats of the Cosgrove of comradeship. So long as the free people, who have taken recourse to the the already confused state of things ex. Government will be translated into deeds. discussion of the problems of the revoluTo celebrate the third year of the appearance of THE MILITANT.
vilest sort of police tactics. In replying Isting.
The party is extremely weak in Ire tion is prohibited, and the leadership AT to the program of National self ce The party election campaign has been land, but apparently the insurrectionary dominated by careerists, and the party fense with concrete counter proposals, very badly organized and thelr polley section of the Republican movement was demands obedience and lip service from with the program of the Red Self de has been one of confusion from start to preparing for some form of action or the members (members who fear to be Stuyvesant Casino fense. we find a crying contradiction Anish. The insistence of the locals in other this, coupled with the position of expelled save themselves ty formel to 9th Street and Second Avenue to the practice pursued up to the pre putting up demonstrative candidates industry, driven the Government to cantations; those who are abl, au) 14.
ON sent by the party. In the same way, at has partly prevented the carrying out harsh repressive measures. will send severing are found outside the party. the last congress of the Red Trade Union of the original plan of concentration fuller details when things are a little so long as these conditions exist, the Opposition, there was no longer any talk upon selected constituencies. But in clearer and more information is avail party, as an organization which groups. at P.
of the creation of new trade unions, but London, acting under Party Instructions, able. In the meantime an agitation is together men struggling for ideas, ceases rather the work in the Free Trade Un many party members are deserting their beginning here, and as far as possible to exist. The Chinese party is thus llaDANCING GOOD TIME FOR ALL. BUFFET 1ons was stressed. But what is unfor areas and keeping in places where a openly in Ireland. ANGLICUS. Iuldated and destroyed by Stalin. He has Admission. 50 Cente tunate about all these healthy attempts, party candidate is going to the poll. 80 London, October 21, 1981 completed what Chiang Kai Shek has Auspices: New York Branch. Communist League of America (Opp. time en.
MILITANT DANCE Saturday Nov. 21, 1931