Anti-imperialismBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist ManifestoCommunist PartyEngelsEnglandFranceImperialismInvasionLeninLeninismMarxMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld WarZinoviev

UNITE MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at St East 10th Street. New York, Entered as second class mail matter, November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York, y. under the act of March 1879.
VOLUME IV, NO. 30 WHOLE NO. 89 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1931 PRICE CENTS Hail 14 Years of Soviet Rule!
After the British Elections OPEN FORUM. Preparing the Road for Sharpened Future Struggles na the day the English, pralo y en el centro United States o create Friday, November 6, 1931 Fight to Preserve the Traditions of the Bolshevik October Manchurian Events and the Communists tariat frees itself from the mental base tain main competitor. However, the ness of Fabianism, humanity, particu conservatives majority can be expected larly in Europe, will increase iu stature to more than repeat its infamous record 14 Years of the by at least a head. Trotsky Whither of the former tenure in office, of which Russian Revolution The 14th anniversary of the Bolshevik means of production and distribution of the Soviet Union and the internationEngland. page 91. the trades union act became the outLecture by Russian Revolution is at hand; and were socialized and nationalized. For al proletarian movement, gave rise, under Unquestionably the most outstanding standing example.
the proletariat of the entire world cheers the first time in the modern imperialist the aegis of Stalin and Bucharin, to new among the generally extra ordinary re New Relations and Labors New Road ARNE SWABECK the first working class to achieve power epoch, by the act of the proletarian rev formulations, new ideas, false interpresults recorded by the British elections of British capitalism finds itself today over the capitalist class. The heritage olution, Socialist production upon a tations and revisionist theories of MarxOct. 27 is the crushing blow dealt to fab already reduced to a smaller ration in at the of the October Revolution, precious to pre determined plan became henceforth ism. The tremedous damage which the Labor Temple lan reformism. In the immediate sense world economy. That it will fight more the toiling millions everywhere, must possible (Engels. Not through the epigones of Lenin. the Stalinist Bucharin and by way of parliamentary representa desperately for its diminshing ration is 14th Street anda Second Avenue be preserved.
bazy dreams of the Utopian socialists, school of thought have committed to the tion, reaction gained overwhelmingly already indicated, but the most immeIn 1848 Marx and Engels, in the im but scientifically, following the basic immediate and historical interests of the But in its more fundamental aspect, diate front it will seek at home. The QUESTIONS and DISCUSSION mortal Communist Manifesto, exultantly plans of Marx and Engels, socialist Russian and also the world proletarian these elections have comprewed into slashes in the working class standard ADMISSION: 25 Cents cried: spectre is haunting Europe construction began.
revolution, is here briefly outlined.
one expression the fact that the Brl which have so far taken place, can be Unemployed Workers Admitted Free the spectre of Communism. With the The Epoch of Wars and Revolutions tish workers are becoming disillusioned considered only the preliminary skiruProperty land and the means of proAuspices: New York Branch Communist this spectre became a reality of the modRussian Revolution of November 1917, with this ins lious corrupting influence ishes and a prelude to what is coming There began that experiment in hu duction remain socialized in the Soviet League of America (Opposition)
manity building when ultimately, The Union. The monopoly of foreign trade, of reformism, but have not yet learned or that the way has been well pre ern world, the first death thrust of the government of persons (the State) is a mighty pillar for the maintenance of the revolutionary way out. In this repared by the two years reign of the unsheathed proletarian sword in the replaced by the ministration of things the proletarian dictatorship, exists. The the elections record one serious labor government. The workers at body of imperialism.
Whatacle diminished.
this moment, perhaps more disorganized NEXT WEEK: Friday, Nov. 13: The Proletarian Dictatorship Is and production. Engels. by the conduct of the processes of years in which Lenin and Trotsky led The conservatives increased their vote than ever, are undoubtedly looked upon THE HAYMARKET MARTYRS Established the destinies of Soviet Russia, the best from the 1920 elections by more than as easy victims by the conservatives who Their Tradition and their place The major act of the Russian prole imperialist epoch is that it is the The Leninist estimation of the period of Communist leadership. have instilled millions of workers with the three millions; it gained more than 200 will now continue the task of their prein History tariat, in the program of revolution, was of wars and revolutions. With the ad understanding and need of Communism.
mandates now having 472 seats in the decessors and consider the election vic Lecture by the setzure of political power as a class. vent of the Bolshevik Revolution, the Despite the House of Commons out of a total of tory a license to go to the extreme limit.
Stalinist perversions of James Cannon it established state power; it set up the establishment of proletarian Soviet Marxist Leninist theories and practice and 615. In the same comparison, that is While these elections merely reflect the dictatorship of the proletariat which, as power, the two phases of the Leninist the distiguration of Revolution, there re with 1929, the Labor party lost over one deep going changes now taking place in and one half million votes. In the apMarx proved in the criticism of the view were realized. The World War, mains tremendous Ideological strength the general structure of British imperportionment of seats in parliament they ialism, in its relations to other powers not dead, in this new situation of sharp Sition measure employed by the work civilization, which forever damned capi and the proletariat, largely unexpressed are now minus 214, having been reduced on the world market, and particularly er class relations will be compelled to ing class in the long, hard road toward talism in the eyes and minds of the because of the suppressive methods of to a mere fraction of 50 members in the in its internal class relations, they will give place to a new and a revolutionary the establishment of a genuine Com thinking and revolutionary house. The Communist party polled also undoubtedly in more than one re outlook. In this respect the elections munist society society without workers the Stalinist regime against the worker and peoples of all lands, was arst given Communists and Left Opposition.
50, 000 votes in 25 electoral districts in furious conflicts for the world economic ward for British labor. To the degree without classes. The Kautskys and the misery ridden workers and peasants and Stalin and Menshevik Hopes 1929 and 63, 000 votes in the 1924 elec rations and for division of the world to which it has become freed from the Mensheviks, et al, abandoning Marx soldiers of Oxarist Russia. The epochi and Lenin by the stalinists has given The revision of the doctrines of Marx tions.
The Labor Party Prepared for Present lerated pace. But above all, the sharp degree it will be able to commence its stood upon the ground of revisionism of capitalist war had met its complement aid and comfort to the theories of MenSituation and master the Proletarian Revolution, shevism. Benshevism insists that the ened class relations within will compel solution on the revolutionary path and reformism.
Undoubtedly the two years reign of a new constellation of forces. On a whole For the Communist party the future The Kerensky socialists and mensheviks zig zags and revisions of Leninism by When the Russian masses, under thel the protectors of the interests of the Stalin and Bucharin are historically inthe labor government succeeded admir it can easily be assumed that what now possibilities are that much more en leadership of the Communist Party, ably in laying the foundation for what looks like a body blow to British labor handed. If it can solve the very serious Lenin and Trotsky, assumed of Russian hourgeoisie who tried to hold evitable, and that the present leadership is happening now. It would be entirely may rather prove its rebirth on a high problems of correct policy, it has the there began the first acts in carrying the workers and peasants met defeat. cordingly. Menshevism denies that the power, back the realization of the demands of of the Comintern is adnpting itselt aeinadequate to speak only of its treason e plane. The role of the official pari opportunity of reviving the splendia through the economie program of scien. The Bolsheviks, penetrating the Soviets assumption of power by the proletariat in able role. In fact it performed the his Hamentary labor opposition can become traditions of the Chartist movement and tlfie socialism. The Russian Revolution with the slogans of Bread, Peace and a socalled backward country economicaltorical function of reformism which in only a very limited one. In reality it a revival on a higher plane on the plane proceeded with the social measures put Land, won the masses to their slogans ly, as in Russia, can become the means ovitably followed the road from a pro will register a body blow to the miser of the world proletarian revolution.
gressive position to that of reaction.
forward by the early leaders of scien and received the mandate of the Rus.
able fabian reformisry, which although With the accelerating decline of Britific socialism, Marx and Ingels. The sian people to carry through the Bol the introduction of socialist principles whereby the proletariat can proceed tish imperialism, altered also the poslshevik program.
of production and distribution, and it tion of the Labor party reformism.
Carrying out the Program of Communism maintains that if a working class attains Thus, when the capitalist masters, in an It became possible then to initiate the political power under such conditions, effort to save the sinking pound, made work of carrying out successfully the the drift must be back to capitalism, their categorie demands for further drasprinciples of Communism a task which, in order not to skip any stages in the tie reductions the working class stan SHANGHAI to the claws of Japanese imperialism. two years in order to understand the as Lenin pointed out in his brochure historical economic scale. But the years dard, these people were laced with either The dominant event now in Far East wave of indignation and fury is spread present situation of the Party. Between the Soviets At Work, would comprise of the Russian Revolution under Lenin ary alternative. The latter, of course, tion which started the world like itght dents are out complete submission or the revolutionern politics is the Manchurian ocenpaing throughout the whole of China, stu September 1930 and January 1901, there the physical and intellectual efforts of and Trotsky are a living refutation his majesty ministers would never ac. ning from the blue. Japanese imperial in the streets haranguing were two overturns in the Party which the masses for decades. Its consumma the Mensheviks and made ensler the dethe crowd, mass meetings are being held, resulted in the complete elimination of tion would witness the complete transfeat of the latter both in Soviet Russia cept. MacDonald, Snowden and Jimmie ism has carried out the wishes and anti Japanese associations organized; the he LI LI Sian group from leadership formation of the means of production and on a world scale. However, the Thomas went with the national govern plans, which it entertained for years, anti Japanese boycott is to be streng. It was sacrificed as a scape goat to cover and distribution and the outlook of man official paraders of Communism, the ment to victory. The others attempt to subjugate Manchuria to its own ter thened, circulars, leaflets and placards the adventurous sins of the staliniste upon the world a transvaluation of Stalinist regime, have made simpler the ritory. It chose the right moment to distributed. But unfortunately the proc.
values that would raise mankind to al tasks of the Menshevik slanderers. We historical level never before conceived cite here some factual material.
ment. This vote of Oct. 27, happening Sion has so seriously affected the United up to now are chiefly words and sentiInfluence of the Past on Present by man. Though begun in Soviet Rus The Left Opposition has consistently in a country with a decisive proletarian States of America and England, eyen as mental phrases which are characteristic Chinese sia, this objective could only be achieved discussed the issues dividing it from the It is really amusing to read the Com on an international seale through the centrists and Right wing. In the 14th spair caused by the miserable role of World War to put up the famous twenty workers are not now participating ac intera letter of last November to the instruments of Communist Parties and year of the Rusian revolution, the Left the Labor party. Only in that light can one demands upon China. The Japan tively in the anti Japanese imperialism Central Committee of the Chinese Com a Communist International as guides and opposition finds that time has confirmed also be explained the small vote of the ese imperialists are always at work to movement because they are not quite remunist Party, condemning the policy of leaders of the working class. To this its criticism of the Stalinist Comintern Communist Parts.
It failed to indicate seep china lista state or schish and is covered from the wounds they sudered, the LI LI Sian group. The gist of the end the Communist International, with and ratined the platform and perspeethe revolutionary way out.
Does Mae Donald See His Finish?
cord, and to make the militarists Aght and there are still rigorous restrictions letter was that the course of armed the leading spirits then of Lenin, Trortives of the Left Opposition both in reuprising is already decided, the signi sky, Rakovsky. Zinovies and Platten gard to the situation in the Soviet Un.
In his statement, thanking the voters each other in order to fish in the trou against them.
What is to be done to beat off the ficance of the establishment of the Sov. was formed in 1919.
bied waters.
ion and internationally.
for their confidence. Mac Donald says: What will be the outThe very emphasis of the response is let government lies in the fact that the During the fourteen years of the RusIn the year 1031 there took place the After the suppression of the revolu foreign Invasion?
trials of the engineer specialists and embarrassing, but appeal for forbeartion, after the slaughter of tens of thou come of it? Many public and legal or Chinese Communist Party is on the roadstan Revolution there have been also six ance as well as confidence. Per sands of the revolutionary masses, the ganizations are clamoring for a war towards armed uprising in the big and congresses of the Communist Interna Mensheviks on charges of sabotage and counter revolutionary activity against haps he sees in this response already Nanking government is degenerating to against Japan. But a war against Jap biggest cities. but eomrade LI LI Sian tional. During these 14 years of the Soviet Government. The Opposition anese imperialism means a revolutionary saw the ripening of the revolutionary letarian power in Soviet Russia, there the forebodings of his being thrown away the same fate as the former Peking gov war. It impossible for the Kuo Min situation on a national scale and pro have been mighty achievements despite warned the Party against the Stalinist As a useless tool now that he can no ernment. It can offer no resistance more effectively serve to keep the work against the aggression of foreign imperTang government to conduct such a war posed to start an armed uprising in Han the many and persistent efforts of the methods which made it so easy for Men ers under Illusions.
because It fears the awakening of the kow when the Chinese Communist Party Ruslan bourgeoisie, White Guardists sheviks and intellectuals of the old orany rate the lalists, except that it still uses many conservatives wil not be slow in taking revolutionary phrases which are anach broad masses. The only alternative for has in that area only two hundred Party and the world imperialists led by Am der to step into positions of significance the Kuo Min Tang government is to ap members e::d one hundred and fifty red erica, England and France, to smash without any check, In the fields of econ full charge of affairs without being much ronistie reminiscences of the past revthe Soviet Power. Military intervenomy and politics. The party and the hampered in parliament. Even the Lloyd olution. In the face of a predatory war peal to the League of Nations and to trade union members.
George section of the liberals should hot launched by Japan against China, the America for Interference in favor of But the executor Li Li slan should tion, civil war, sabotage, famine, etc. Soviet Union paid the price of this reChina.
cuse much more worry to its leader as generals of the Chang Hseuh Lang have fully the right to ask the sages failed. The power of the Red Army, conciliation with window. jumping Bes.
Kuo Min Tang Shaky Position of the Comintern why they decided on the fundamental acts of the socialization sedovsky, the Agebekovs, the Ramzins, it has been reduced to an extent of begroup only retreated as the Japanese ing pretty safe from any further splits. army advanced, and laid down armas to Until now It only One of the first issues which the con let the Japanese army have a free hand from the Le received a rebuc the course of armed uprising in the big and nationalization of the means of pro the Mensheviks Bolsheviks, and countof Nations. After all, and biggest cities when they themselves. duction (to the fullest extent possible less others.
The Opposition Platform Serves the servatives can be expected to ride and complete control over the territory the latter is quite in line with Japan admitted in the same letter that the under the given conditions) the power Workers Interests through rough shod will undoubtedly be where they were the rulers. They look ese imperialism, expressing satisfaction rising tide of the labor movement, gen above all of the ideas and ideal of contheir much cherished protective tarife. on helplessly at the Japanese bombardover the sophistie Japanese explanation rally speaking, even in the decisive in Communism, that penetrated the Advances in socialist construction in As a solution to a decadent Industrial ing burning, pillaging and killing.
system operating in a country which has The Resistance of the Chinese Masses tary occupation, etc. The only road open Yangtse, not to mention Canton, Hong Thore, held the Soviet Power and the the domain of industry and agriculture have been made notable ones. The Left now become the classic example of imThe Nanking government, at the head to the Nanking government is to negotihong. Darien, Harbin, etc. lags behind Communist Party firmly together throwca Opposition led the struggle, resisted for perialist decline, protective tarife car at of which stands Chiang Kai Shek, is no ate directly with Japan, to put up with the peasant movement. Even in Shang all struggles and vicissitudes.
years by Stalin and Bulharin, for a Lenin Dies; Stalinism Rises best, have a very questionable value better. Chiang Kal Shek preaches calm the loss of territory and to swallow the hai and Hankow, the spontaneous strike vast increase in Soviet and collective But It will be certain to add its part in ness and endurance to the people Insult. But in the long run, will the strucklo did not develop rapidly. In the The death of Lenin, which came at farms and for a swifter industrializaUnder Opposition pressure antagon. Just as the Manchurian generals practise people not be exasperated by the gt way and August demonstrations of this ter four Congresses of the Communist tlon policy.
isms in the world market and especially non resistance in delivering the people ernment capitulation to the clattering (Continued on Page 3) International had guided the destinies the stalinist Left swing began. We MENU of weapons and the unsheathing of will not deal hear with the caricature swords by Japan imperialism The the Stalinists have made of a sound logic of events should lead to the serious collectivization and Industrialization shaking of the Kuo Min Tang rule and program, but concern ourselves with the We are compelled to continue our pub. compelled, because of lack of funds, to should open many possibilities for com Since the arrest of the nine Party the legality or illegality of the Commun main outlines. The Five Year Plan, the lie appeal for funds to SAVE THE discontinue the Weekly Militant. This munist agitation.
leaders in Canada last August, the main ist movement, and strangulation or bur first of many to come, was first advanced WEEKLY MILITANT. Donations are was a hard blow to the revolutionary The Kuo Min Tang rule has expert efforts of the Canadian Labor Defense exueratie control of the defense move by the Left Opposition under Trotsky beginning to reach us, but they are far movement. We were determined to re enced this year the most severe erlsts League have been in forming a mass de ment would have serious repercussion in leadership. In a fundamental, principle too small as yet to ensure the continued cover and return again to a weekly paper since its advent to power in China tu fense movement: this work has found harming the cause at a critical period. and programmatic sense, these and many existence of our paper on the present at the first opportunity 1927: Its inner deep antagonisms be expression as the Workers Rights and The first meeting of the conterence in other ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE RUSbasis. policy of the utmost economy Chekiang and the Kwantung Anti Deportation Conference On July 4, 1961 we revived the Week factions, the revolt of the Northern Toronto adopted a resolution giving an SLAN REVOLUTION BELONG TO THE is followed serupulously to hold the costly Militant and for four months now we cocittarist, the peasant war in central a branch of the exists, con the various phases of capitalist break: In all leading cities of Canada where analysis of the situation in Canada, of LEFT OPPOSITION.
of publication of The Militant to the have again issued the paper. It has China, the growing misery of the mass ferences have been organized for the down leaving an army of 600, 000 unem Opposition proposed the abandonment of In respect to Soviet economy, the Left absolute minimum. No other working been hard, but we believe that the supclass publication ever was conducted on porters and sympathizers of the Left Op of living the unprecedented flood disas Toronto, where the headquarters of the the Stalinist policy of economic isola es due to heavy taxation and high cost defense of the Communist Party. In ployed.
such an economical basle as is the case position want to maintain the Weekly ter. and Instead of granting unemployment in tion, the theory of an isolated, self sufwith the organ of the Communist League Militant at all costs. Support from each the Japanese occupation of Party are located, and where the trial surance to the hungry, capitalist econficing Soviet economy able to build a. Manchuria are bound to exert a revolu will take place, a conference was organ omy strengthens itself by adding to its complete socialist society (Stalin)
ere can feel confident that whenever of the Left Communists will assure the and there we hear always the bitter tone tended by 129 delerates representing 49 methods of violence as instanced by the of Russia. The Opposition insisted that economie perquisites publle appeal is made for The Militant, existence of the Weekly and help to deurgent of enmity from the lowest strata of the organizations, and consists of an effort shooting of three striking miners in the false theory of socialism in one existence and maintenance of the paper velop it on stronger foundations.
masses against Chiang Kal Shek, Chang to form a united front of various sec Estevan, Saskatchewan, Canada has also country, the foundation of Stalin themakes it so. We ask our readers to From New York, a total of 150. 00 has Hsuch Llang and the Kuo Min Tang tons of the Labor movement, as evidenc broken off all diplomatic and commercial orles. de discarded. The Opposition HEED OUR APPEAL TODAY AND reached The Militant since our appeal. because they advocate non resistance to ed by the nature of the organizations re relations with the and is proposed a foreign trade policy that SEND IN DONATIONS AT ONCE. House to house collections are being un the Japanese aggression. But where is presented, reformist onions, Labor party, now a leader in the Christian anti Sov would link the rieeds of the Russian On two occasions we have started the dertaken, sympathizers and subscribers the Communist Party which can utilize fraternal and cultural bodies, and or let blockade.
Revolution with the requirements of the Weekly Militant. The first time was on visited. Chicago states that supporters successfully the hostility of the people ganizations sympathetle to and under The Decisions of the Defense Conference world workers affected by the world November 30, 1929. After seven and a there will be reached immediately. against the Kuo Min Tang to overthrow the ideological control of the Party. The The conference accepted the Workers economic crisis. The monopoly of forhalf months of existence, during which its rule? In other words, where and eign trade by the Soviet Union would be the composition of the conference has shown Rights and Anti Deportation Blli, The Mhitant confidently awaits the re the Weekly Militant demonstrated ite Communist Party, the only party exist that if proper tactics are adopted united the following are its main clauses: the lever for controlled economic coleffectiveness on various issues before the sponse of its readers. DON DELAY Freedom of speech and assembly laboration with the capitalist world.
working class the textile and coal min SEND IN YOUR DONATION TODAY to: Ins in China, which is against all shades front can be attained. It seems that the of the Kuo Min Tang?
Party leaders are learning a few lessons for the working class Concretely, further. Trotsky proposed ers struggles, information on THE MILITANT worla We need to write the history of the from the catastrophie policies of the last Protection of foreign born and Bri to this end that the Comintern initiate events, Communist polley, etc. we were 84 East 10th Street, New York, Chinese Communist Party in the last few years that the present trial means (Continued on page Continued on page 4)
Canadian Party Leaders on Trial