BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsEnglandFascismImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismRussian RevolutionSovietSpainStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

THE MILITANT WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 84 East 10th Street, New York, Entered as second class mail matter, November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York. under the act of March 1879.
Railway Bosses Drop their Masks must England Goes to the Polls رر Trotsky Greets El Soviet Chicago Persists in Isolation Policy We have received, at the moment of readers this significant and timely artiIn at least the same ratlo by which ity measures of reliet. Governor Mur going to press, a comprehensive and cle. Be sure to get your copy of the growth of unemployment and wage cuts ray. Alfalta BUI. violently denounces brilliant review from Shanghai, China on Militant.
co hand in hand increases also the im the bankers for their guilt in this sit The Manchurlan Event, the Communist Russlan Revolution Anniversary Issue portance of effecting unity of action of nation. Senators and congressmen and Party of China, and the Left Opposition. The next issue also will be an anniverthe workers who are employed with the sections of the capitalist press speak vig by comrade Niel sih. Comrade Niel sin sary number in commemoration and cele unemployed. Moreover, when facing orously for relier alas, as opposed to is a leader of the Left Opposition in bration of the 14th Anniversary of the After four months of public hearings about the maintenance of wages being in the inescapable future prospect of a actual unemployment insurance. Un China whose articles have appeared on Russian Revolution. The Militant will and the presentation of bales of evidence, capitalism own best interest.
standing army of unemployed, this issue questionably there is much fishing for previous occasions in The Militant. We contain important reviews of this his by railroad men, shippers, and bankers, The defense against wage cuts becomes one of major importance. issues and preparations for the 1982 are glad to be able to announce to our toric event for the working masses.
the application of the railroads for a That unemployment is still increasing elections. But it just as assuredly regeneral 15 rate increase has been tion, not words; the railrond labor leadbe fought nationally, and by concrete ac18 substantiated by the United States inforces the conclusion that these spokes Department of Labor. According to its men for the petty bourgeois Interests, tain lines permitted, averaging to 49ership refuses to do elther. If it were but subject to the condition that the to fight the cuts on a nation wide scale, monthly report for September of statis caught in the advancing financially strong roads turn over even on a purely legal basis by invoking the have actually be tics obtained from the various manufac monopoly can profits from the rate increase to the provisions of the railroad labor law, turing establishments throughout the come alarmed by the much more dreaded the which call for hearings and eventually country, it is made clear that for every spectre of potential proletarian revolt. LONDON. quires time for a conservative ruling financially weak ones (eries of Socialdecision by the Railroad Labor Board, 100 persone employed 58 were taken True to their position and driven by (As we go to press, a Conservative class to make up its mind formally to iam! from the Right. The Railroad Age says to this, Howing this time the railroads, would be the cuts could be postponed a year. Duron as compared with 62 laid off. The these fears, they hurry to become the victory is amounced in the British elec discard those methods of democracy with extent to which wage cuts Inevitably seserves of monopoly capitalism and thors, together with an overwhelming which it has achieved such immense ver confusing it may be in other re weakened and the workers could be folow in the train of the increasing un forestall the greater danger defeat for the Labour Party. Forth triumphs, and by means of which it has spects, one thing that the decision of the Commerce Commission in strengthened.
employment by capitalism utilizing the Unemployed and Employed Must Be coming articles in The Militant will sulled the working class with such Interstate situation to shift the whole of its burden United In Struggle carry an analysis of the British elections triumphant success. The present regime the 15 rate advance case has made Splitting up the railroad workers reupon the workers, is also revealed by On a whole these attempts at diverting and the perspectives for the labour and in Britain is a transitional regime be clear and certain is that railway wagessistance into negotiations with individual Department of Labor report. Thus dur the issues into the channels of 11 revolutionary movement in Great Brl tween Democracy and Fascism; and it must be reduced as soon as practicable. rallroads means the immediate betrayal ing the first eight months of 1931 there lusions serve first of all to blunt the tain. is the essence of a transitional regime The Commission could not have made of the workers, and is a living proof of were a total of 1, 805 wage cuts, the av. edge of the proletarian struggle. See When in 1867 the Tory government in that its acts are the acts of the future this more inevitable if it had been decid the worthlessness of legal safeguards of orage reduction applied being about 10 ondly it serves to strengthen the en troduced the second Reform Bill. Dis while its words are echoes of the past. ing a wage case instead of a rate case. wage standards where the leaders of percent devors to diaslodge the Communist leadraeli described the innovation as a leap (It is this phrase that in the crucible Three days after the decision was the workers refuse to assert their interests against those of bondholders and All present indications bear out the ership of the unemployed masses in the dark. This epigram of the great of Stalinism becomes that monstrous handed down, three of the smaller sys contention that with the continued re. Thirdly, it serves to facilitate the gen phrase maker of British politics irresist miscarriage Social Fascism. tems had already announced wage cuts, sotckholders. The only way for the duet for at the standard of living and their duterosta from their class brothers and to isolate, in connection with the forthcoming Gen consists in seeking for the concrete sit tives still hypocritically refuses to take are protected is to exert ers( they will Inevitably be set into their struggle for leasier defeat eral Election in Great Britain. For the uation behind the abstract formula which up the wage question. Evidently they pressure on their leadership, grouping motion to resist. Nevertheless the dis The enormous increase of productive British bourgeoisie this election also is is too often merely apologetic verblage, want each road to deal plecemeal with themselves around the Left wing ele tance still to be traveled to make this capacity under monopoly capitalism a leap in the dark. and the British It we apply this method the only scl its own workers, The Brotherhood lead ments in their unions who have a conresistance a broad and effective one be creates all the conditions for the stand ruling class hesitated on the brink, un entific method to the British Election, ers naturally support these tactics, consistent record of struggle against the comes clear by an analysis the nuthbering army the unemployed. Its comTwo peominent members of the lett. ceptive and that the formulas of the we shall find that appearances are defining themselves to misty generalizations bosses.
lot wage disputes during the present stant overproduction can seek an outcrisis as compared to the one of 1920 21. let in the recurring crises which accen Messrs. Maxton, and contending parties are by no means a These Agures are illuminating. The tuate the unemployment problem. The Brown, a clown and a career complete pleture of the facts. Our methwage disputes listed by the Department fact of the increase of output per man, ist. boldly wagered in public speeches od will consist in expressing first the of Labor were: reliably calculated at from 48 to no per that there would be no General Election, political situation as it appears to the TO SPANISH WEEKLY developing so powerfully before our own First seven months of 1920. 2, 246 cent during the last decade, just that and that formal democracy had shot its bourgeoisie, and then as it presents itself Dear Friends: eyes.
First seven months of 1921. 700 much more emphasizes the permanency bolt in Britain. But while superficial from the viewpoint of Marxian science.
You are preparing the publication of The principle position of the LeninistFirst seven months of 1931. 498 of unemployment even during the future re not change the regime in a day.
Labour Party Battles for Capitalism pointed in that direction, one the weekly. This is a serious step for: Bolsheviks (Left Opposition) has been In the first instance it must be reupward economie conjuncture. The vio Apart from the Communist membered that 1920 21 occured in a perlent slashing of the workers Party ward. Let us hope that the others will confirmed by the gigantic events of In the beginning, the act. The theory which has, in any case, no possibility follow swiftly, after this one.
standard world development, particularly by the lod when workers actually were in mo of living, now so much intensified, accomes afterwards. While the British of parliamentary success, all the contion to maintain their most recent grins centuates the indications of the capital porine classe de nowe more than ever retending parties go into battle under the divded into three tactions. Right wing. The official Communist party, thrown off and further elevate their position. It ist preparations to gain a respite for sorting to fascist methods of rule, it re. Centrist and Lett. The repre guard at each step in the progress of the was an aftermath of the great strikes them from the crisis. But with the proof 1919 and the methods of militaney spects of the standing unemployed army sents combination of communism and revolution, corrects its mistakes in licsocial democracy, trade unionism or syntle parcele, basing itself on our criticism, still prevailing. In the intervening per remaining under such a possible upward dicalism, functioning according to the utilizing our principle line, because Cenfod the illusions of bourgeois prosperity economic conjuncture, there are reasons became deeply rooted. Deterioration of aplenty for an ever sharper emphasis of Chicago called a Mooney Harlan UnAfter months of waiting the fronts from below.
national conditions. In Spain, as in other trism in itself is empty and barren.
the trade union movement proceeded upon the need of unity of employed and ited Front Conferace united front implles unity of action coutres, the offical represetation of the But, for the faction of the Leninistapace, feeding upon the false sense of unemployed workers. There can be no Capital Building in a hall seating not TIONS of the working class.
Oct. 26 at the on a specific class issue by ORGANIZA Comintern is in the hands of the Cen Bolsheviks, a correct principle position trists, that is, people who vacillate be does not suffice; it is necessary to apply ed by revolutionists is the salient fact unemployment Insurance, without it. To dential committee showed forty Seven sad atat. No one wanted the door tous phases of Communtat opportun tionary strategy requires a corresponding The discussion from the floor was a fween revolutionary Marxism and varit precisely to the daily events. Revoluthat, growing out of this situation, the the employed workers facing the inevit. Organizations represented: A. of Lonly a few took the floor after much ism. The strength of Centrism 10 the tactic.
working class enemy has made constability of resistance to the attacks, it be organizations, 20 fraternal organizations, coaxing and then they had to force cominternis conditioned by the fact that The Importance of the weekly consists derable progress in its obvious designs comes question of serious magnitude 18 branches of the and un some to take the floor by nominating It supports Itselt on the state power of therein, that it brings the Spanish Left to separate the unemployed from the Today the crowding of unemployed work employment council. It was the driest them to speak. They brought up no con the Under the present con in order to facilitate the defeat of their is the club effectively wielded over their The above repregntation shows its nar. Left Communists who had Marxian progical current, not only a faction, but a rent happenings and forces it to give its employed workers, to isolate the former ers at the factory gates seeking work deadest conference held for some time. crete proposals for the conference. The dtions, Centrism is not only an Ideolo. Opposition face to face with all the cur struggle for actual relief, and to utiliye heads to make them hesitate and sub rowness and where the policy of the posals were denied the right to speak, powerful bureaucratle state apparatus. Immediate fighting reply to them. With their position to keep the employed in mit. For tomorrow struggles it is burocrats is leading the which not only under discussion but also on In conducting perfunctory, confused the creation of the weekly, the Spanish submission.
necessary that this threat be removed has such favorable opportunities at pre the motion not to seat them.
Opponents Divert Unemployed Issue by making clear the common objectives sent for growth and mass influecce.
and contradictory polley, with not only Opposition rises to a higher stage.
Into False Channels To assemble the proletariat, especially The conference is calling another con the authority but also by the material of both categories of the class and unit.
This prospect is fraught with serious ing their efforts for its realization.
The credential committee and confer ference in December and elected a com means the Comintern at its disposal, in an epoch of tempestuous convulsions, done on the basis of a condangers to the American proletariat as whole.
ence under protest of several delegates mittee of 15 to carry out the work and Centrism has created cruel ravages in can only Worse, however is the fact Party Recognizes Narrowness of that the tactics and organization methUnemployment Movement refused to seat the representative of the also to arrange a mass demonstration the world vanguard of the proletariat, istent revolutionary position. This is Communist League. Slander and the The bureaucrats could not obtain a comand already led several revolutions to your historie mission, Spanish Leninists It appears that the party leadership usual abuse was used against the League mittee of 15, the majority declined, they catastrophies. In Spain, through the You must increase your efforts twofold, the ods pursued by the official party leader has learned at least one lesson from past and its representative, comrade Oehler. were forced to reopen nominations three fault of the Centrist bureaucracy, the threefold, tenfold. The voice of ship have unwittingly played into the hands of the elass enemy, strengthening upon the Weaknesses in Our experiences. Platnitsky, commenting delegate from the John Iteed branch times and ask for volunteers several Communist party proved to be a miser. Leninist Bolsheviks must resound in all them in their designs. While the party ployed Work. say that the unemployed against the splitting, narrowing policy accepting names of delegates who were the revolution. Imposing a false polley meetings. Yours are grandiose tasks. The Unem of the took the floor and spoke time. They finally obtained the 16 by ably small factor at the beginning of parts of the country, at all the mass is undisputably at the head of whatever workers movement in America was at of the bureaucrats, po nting out what not present.
on the national sections, the stalinist revolution does not wait. Woo to those today, it has failed in the main objecttached to the work red trade unions, a united front should be as well as what In spite of the tactics of the bureau bureaucracy permits no criticism of itselt that lag behind! With all my heart of uniting the employed with the unem which are few enough in number. The it should not be. This was followed by crats, the Chicago League calls upon the and thereby obstructs the education of wish you that you may not prove to be ployed. If another sharp turn is eonassociation with the red trade unions more attacks on the Communist League workers to support the in its the proletarian vanguard, preventing lagging behind. of templated by the party lendership, and revolutionary trade union oppost and the speaker who only wanted a real campaign, calls upon the workers which, of course, is to be expected, wolt. drove away the unemployed who be united front in the Leninist sense. correct the line of the on the party, Independent and sure of itselt.
tasikan emphatically that this be the first the reformist, catholica na other trade against the Lett was that we wanted tal or expression of workers in the ening the Spanish revolution which is Kadikoy, September 20, 1931 arguments united front and on the right of freedom Therein consists the chief danger threatL. TROTSKY.
From its early stage of mass response 10 13 31. union organizations. Daily Worker, united front from the top. and that who do not happen to agree with the to party calls for unemployment de they would always conduct their united bureaucrats.
monstrations, the movement in every reSmall and criminally belated as this GREEK OPPOSITION ACTIVE AMONG spect, including its actual organized ex recognition is, it is nevertheless to be pression, has become reduced to a posle welcomed. However, we clearly and BRITISH SAILORS tion of vegetation. The center of the much more emphatically warned against On October 10th, the Salordica sed strike recently of British sailors against Perspectives of Future Finance Developments stage has been taken by the reserves precisely that at the time of the very tion of the Archio Marxists (Left Bolsh wage cuts, etc. and exhorted them to mobilized by monopoly capitalism. The formation of the national unemployment evik Opposition) of Greece, distributed a follow the example of the Potemkin 80 called progressives from within the sun cins the staly 1980 in Chicago. we leaflet to visiting British sailors. The sailors in the latter struggle against (Continued from previous Issue)
Federal Reserve system, through ratasaid in these.
unemployment issue and to a large exFor a United Front The immediate perspectives of the ing the rediscount rate and substituting tent have already succeeded in diverting tractors of England; it further pointed The Greek comrades were especially American banking crists center around eligible paper for gold, down to a min Certainly the successful carrying on out the errors and ctimes of the Stal organized to meet the British Sallers as three major phases: the outflow of gold, imum of 40 gold reserves, as the backthe objective away from struggle and of the struggle for the unemployed inists in connection with the Anglo Rus they landed. The sailors were surpris the number and size of bank failures, ing for Federal Reserve notes. This is capitalist charity crumbs. They have Further, commenting upon British General Strike by the British tribution and placed the leaflets in their which constitute 20 to 25 of all bank the Federal Reserve system maintaining made themselves the spokesmen for re the working class, which cannot be done labor fakers.
pockets. British Oppositionist who ing assets. Any or more lief, in a manner seemingly occupying within the narrow framework of the The Greek comrades called for sup happened to be in Salonica distributed factors, taking the most unfavorable serve requirements not materially lower Borunusura a radicale position, Senator the detailed measures of organization, port of the British Communist Opposi the leaflet aboard the battleships: An turn possible, would paralyze the plans than a year ago, when sold was nowing BoraheProclaims the necessity to tax we declared. These added mechanical tion in order to regenerate the British English provocateur in a sailor uniform of the finance capital oligarchy for dom freely into the further use ed but carefully avoids any concrete it within that section of the workers ship of comrade Trotsky. It expressed to give him into the custody of the Greek. or finance capital. 2) over industry as 1 billions of gold dollars in the stene in that direction. Governor Roos. ready to join the revolutionary unions, the enthusiasm of the Greek Opposition police, but failed to do so on account of a whole, through the maintenance of Treasury, can take care of the with(Continued on page 4) and world proletariat with the gallant the interference of the British sailors boom values of claims expressed in dol drawal of all the short term gold claims lars in a time of crisis when dollars of foreign countries. It will be at the are worth twice as much. 3) Internal cost of imposing fresh financial burdens tionally, as against finance capital, and one industrielle che most probable vari the industrial capital which it repre but we sents, in the other imperialist coun ant is the continued maintenance of the. The Militant needs your continued fin international Communist movement as it ist movement, the policies and activities, duties.
gold standard in In spite of ancial support. Since our appeal in the was in the days of Lenin. Great tasks of the Communist party, problems of the recent issue, her has begun a response.
Contribute to the Sustaining Fand!
These are the stages for which Amer gold withdrawals.
Through the New York branch, which remain for The Milltant in giving ex trade unions, etc. Maintenance of our The best way in which our readers can finance capital is fighting in its The increase in bank fallure is first received our appeal, a total of fifty pression and interpretation to the events Weekly Militant is the best way to en and sympathizers can assist The Mn struggle to overcome the present finan. caused by two factors runs by depositors, and inability of banks to pay out dollars to date has been raised. The of the international labor and Communable us to carry through our tasks and tant today is to make a contribution im cial crisis.
branch will speed up its drive in the mediately, and then pledge to make The outflow of gold is contrary to cash against deposits due to the freezforthcoming week, and on Saturday and steady donation to the Sustaining Fund the general trend of American finance. Ing of their assets, that is, the conver.
Sunday, October 30 and 31st, the Comfor the continued issuanc normally Imports moro gola sion of good loans and investments into munist League members will canvass all of the paper.
than it exports, as a result of its ex. Door ones as a result of the crisis. Un readers and sympathizers for donations.
WE COUNT UPON YOUR SUPPORT:cess of exports over Imports, and of its questionably, even the strong banks could bis example should be followed by an Fri. Oct. 30: Tom Mooney Appeal For United What is your reply? Send money to the censation of the flow of gold imports of both factors. The higher interest VUR NEED YET IS GREAT. Much Front needs to be done and given by our suppreservation and propagation of the lant for American finance, would result back out of hoarding into banks to coun. by James Cannon theories and practices of Communism, porters to ensure the continued existas set forth by its leaders, Marx, En only from the loss of its export markets, terbalance in part the continued with and from the refusal of foreign debtors drawals from others; mat ence 2nd Ave. Unemployed admitted free with Unemof the weak The Militant as a weekly paper. LABOR TEMPLE, 14th St. gels, Lenin and Trotsky.
Our only support comes from the rank Admission: 25 Cents ployed Council card SEND YOUR DONATION TODAY!
to pay interest or their loans. tem est and smallest banks have already and Ale of the worker revolutionists wno Questions and Discussion porary outflow of gold, even on the un been closed; and the slowing down of to understand what The Militant means NEXT WERK, Friday Nov. 8: 14 Years of the Russian Revolution precedented scale of recent weeks, can be the tempo of the crisis in the past three of the the rebuilding and regeneration of the by ARNE SWABHCK The Militant, 84 East 10th St. Y met by using the mechanism (Continued on page 4)
Banking Crisis in the Rush Funds to The Militant. reg. OPEN FORUM