CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandImperialismLeninMarxismOpportunismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinismStrikeURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1931 THE MILITANT PAGE IN THE INTERNATIONAL OF LABOR Reviews and News of the Working Class and Revolutionary Movements Policy in England example, enth ever, must of necessity proceed through the struggle for the immediate and proseLETTER FROM ENGLAND ing needs of the workers. On the basis of these needs we propose a united front with you so that we may in common endeavors work out the well defined imThe Stalinists Sterility Before the Problem of the United Front mediate demands which the situation now requires and by united efforts fight more effectively for their attainment. We propose to reserve for ourselves the right Since the Fall of MacDonald Labor purely on the basis of reformist meas to aim for an actual socialist program, dropping of the Nine oints (Continued from page 1) of the unemployed in the it still holds good. It can only mean government the class struggle in England ure, but which can be accomplished only for a revolutionay objective. For this of the tut the party should work to secure a that in many arens, the workers will get has entered a new and more decisive tv revolution, they will soon change their objective we will fight also within this Workers Charter. After a year cam. Workers united front movement to bring no real and effective lead from the party.
stage. revolutionary perspective, al tune. Then the actual separation of the united front.
though yet only in its embryonic form, is masses from these charlatans begin. However, that itselt must first of all quietly pushed aside and to save the the leadership of the Communist party, will work, not amongst the workers in at hand. But the all important question Leadership Impotent of ability of the Communist party to meet With these splendid possibilities the the official labor party parliamentary op Charter, the present slogans of the party workers struckle should be explained where by concentration, the party hopes this situation still remains unanswered. communist party leadership has unfor position and its whole apparatus. both against the cuts are now put forward and demonstrated day in and day out, to secure a seat in Parliament.
The real significance of the October tunately not measured up at all. Dure ideologically and organically, because as the Charter.
Establish an English Opposition!
27 elections is not so much determined in the first phase of the present situar their objective goes definitely in the opThis is opportunism of the worst kind are more politically active than for some by the immediate question as to who tlon it displayed its utter impotence in posite direction.
Clearly, the time is ripe for the con years past. In the meantime, precisely and it means, so far as the party leaders to give any direction whatever.
wins the majority of seats in Parliamurn eume, a turn with an ad the possibilities of the Communista ta under the banner of the International reet policy, the influence of the Lettscerned about results to report to their ment. The almost certain prospect of In such an attitude and approach Lie solidation of all the critical elements because the party is not pursuing a cor are concerned, that they are more conthe national government bloc. In real venturist vengeance, however, maintain Glasgow, fur Stalinist masters than with the effect of Left Opposition. So far nothing has been increases: aling all its former opportunist essenity the Conservative partytials. It emerged with a basle programes new problems will arise such as even ship: the party press has not only reasm by a ing over leadership of this Lettward mos done in this direction: Isolated comrades only a week ago, Maxton and other their campaign upon the mass of the majority will make but little ing section. It is true that in this probave been crushed easily by the leader leaders were greeted The all important fact for the future formulated in the following slogan: demonstration of 100, 000 Against such a policy, the Oppositionthe question of a slogan for a socialist lies in the beginnings of the new and ist in England should tight not only by more definite line up of forces. To the worker of benefit!
Not one penny off the Dole. not one government, which under present condi fused to publish criticism but it has even workers.
raising the question inside the party but of very large and imtions in England has a different contoportant demonstrations when those deThe Party and the Election Not a penny of wages of the workers. tation from say, for example, in Gor: monstrations have been carried through we shall hear and see more of the party for the purpose of getting a Communist extreme Right, those represented by the During the General Election, of course, tion of the workers in their own areas also ly refusing to consent to the desernational government; in the Center, those Not penny of teachers salaries! many. But once the approach to the most nearly representative of social Not a penny more tax on the people e problems is begun correctly the further party policy. At present, the control by true, and one can even see that, under comrades in disagreement with the This is a hard thing to say, but it is in somewhere else.
formism in England, the official labor food!
party opposition, with perhaps a section Down with the National Government! Aculties. Finally it goes without saying the Stalinists of the press, and the lack certain circumstances, a big party vote Division and Doubt of the liberals; to the Left, the revolu To this even the Henderson official that such approach can never in the least of an organized Opposition, together with the election will be a step backward and the Letfward moving sections from itself from the MacDonald government parliamentary activities.
The serious nature of the crisis is retionary forces of the Communist Party labor opposition, since it has extricated be confined within the narrow scopes of the low theoretical level of the English for the movement.
vealed in the election, for at this elecRevolutionary party membership, makes the position of the labor party.
How should the party approuch the tion no less than eight different groups can well subscribe without difficulty as objectives by far transcend such bounds, the present leadership very strong.
Serious Currents Within Labor election? Clearly it should enter the will nicht for seats.
it does not in the least take cognizance and it is precisely around these objecThe need is for an English Opposition election primarily to strengthen and de Opposition of the revolutionary potentialities of the tives that the strike movements can paltform around which the best elements velup the mass movement and not merely three groups: one led by Sir John Simon The Liberals are now divider! Into The future role of the official labor present situation. It does not even have real meaning and become an 10 in the English party can rally. to get seats in Parliament. The worst who is pro National government and proopposition will more than ever be that approach the challenge of socialism tegral part.
London, October 3, 1031 thing that could happen would be that tarife another group led by Sir Herbert of social reformism, e. to continue with speed which is put forward by the Now is the Time to Apply Lessons ANGLICUS. the naturally strong tendency amongst Samuel who is a member of the National under a new cloak the capitalist policies Left mountebanks.
of Past Experiences of the past. Its Adding New Confusion the workers is to rely upon the vote razovernment but anti tariff; and third resources are still powerful. Its leadership may still devel Our London correspondent correctly The present situation in England press LONDONther than upon their own organized op a far greater skill and cunning in criticizes the recent confusion of adven ingly demands revolutionary orienta In previous letters some of the weak strength, should be encouraged by our group led by Lloyd George who is now keeping the working class under muturist mixture added by the Communist tion by the Commulst party. That nesses of the party campaign around participation in the election. To enter out openly against the National govern sions and ward off its natural progres Party leadership of calling for councils dare not be delayed any longer if it is the National government economy at the election to help to extend the massment and getting nearer to the Labour sive course toward the Left. But whether of action and general strike, all within at all to take advantage of the exceptack have been pointed out Events have agitation against the economy cuts andl party. The Labour party, save for one MacDonald and Henderson again And one week and without any previous pre tional possibilities. But to accomplish more than justified this criticism and to prepare for strike action is one thing: cre running their own rebelcandidate, or two constituencies wher the common ground, which is most likely, and paration. And further proposing to this means a definite night to eliminate the relatihan merbers hit necessary to rolude to enter it to gulo scats in Parliament without the sanction of the Labour parts: with their In spite of the great hold which the of build alongside of the unemployment root and branch the heavy burden of the best way mero berelui pe against the policy is another. Let Communists go to the with the case ole omareth poll wherever possible by all mounts, but late leaders fighing against them and At the commencement of the campaign see that they utilize the campaign prim with several National Labour candl.
British working masses, the disintegrat which was already antedated at its to petalty of which the party is now sufThen. lates in various constituencles.
ing process which has now hit European ception and became only a sorry carica fering. Of course, this would be alto it was pointed out in these columns that cipally to guin support in the unions, social democracy will perhaps have an ture of the proud old Chartist movement. Cether inconceivable without thbroad. Calduren on the part of the points to sve me the factores como extra latemploy of course, there are independents of all accelerated course in England. In gen It is naturally difficult for revolution open and free discussion within the a definite lead for the formation of ment exchanges, for the extra Parliamen: shades, a few Prohibitionists and so eral there should be excellent prospects Ists to have any patience with such peo party. To any such attempt the bureau Councils of action and to urge prepara: tary struggle against the employers on to make confusion worse confounded.
for Communism.
ple, who, while remaining steeped in their crats will certainly answer by, if possition for strike action would prevent the atack.
Where it is not possible to raise To forecast the result of this election The break up of the labor party opportunist outlook, suddenly discover at bly, re inforcing their edict against any widest possible mobilization of all work the necessary money (100 pounds de already an actual process though as yet last that they are somewhat belated and discussion under the plea that now 1ers under militant leadership. In addi: positis needed before a candidate can it matty. of whose kandidates about in spite of its stupidities the Labour tried imperialist agents, the Hendersons class for action without performing their moment to lose. But for the party to act out by the party was a reformist line certain percentage of the total vote forty may go to the poll, will do well the candidate concerned)
And the trade union leadership, have time duty of previous preparation. Their correctly in this situation first of all not a revolutionary one and that such registered party will probably get a very large contemptible implies a proper evaluation of the ex: policy could only result in a strengthen then let candidates be put up and lead working class vote. The result will be only for efforts to find new ways of characteristies are that perience and disastrous orientation of ing of the Lefts at the expense mass marches of workers to the polling known on October 28.
balancing the capitalist budget, mean bueraucrats.
stations to vote while winking a friendly eye to a coallSurely there should be puerile banalities of the third pertion with the Lloyd George liberale for striko action against th. Opportunities 1926. If this is further compared with of the party.
It is now possible to see that the vir such votes will of course be disallowed.
The Case of the Meerut Prisoners With the lines no sharply drawn by the erament economy program of drastie relod. a good beginning will have been toal restriction of the campaign to the But everywhere the party should carry The campaign for the release of Meerut prisoners, three of them Et matum of the National government, their and yet much more heavy cuts to come. of Incalculable value for the present sit seven weeks agitation with no real gains movement in the factories and outside comrades, started well over two years only alternative course would be rev.
Surely councils of action, which already uation. And to initiate this is precisely to register as far as the trade unions and the factories for in this way only can. Since then, it has, save for OColutionary one which they have not have a good tradition in England, should the duty of a revolutionary leadership the factories are concerned. Whilst in you achieve anything real.
casional spurts, almost disappeared and tention whatever of parauing. The Lett be created to lead these economie strug of course, judging the present serious the great demonstrations of unemployed, Fighting for Votes!
Unfortunately, the party is not enter doned. Occasionally a letter from one real effective agitation has long aban section of the is by the force of gles and become a weapon against treas situation in England from a considerable the party, as a party, has scarcely apevents being driven further Leftwardon of the reactionary trade union bur distance, there may be many develop peared at all. All the great demonstra in the fight in this way. The party seeks of the English prisoners would be reThe challenge of such lenders als Max eaucrats. However such strikes in the ments una voidably escaping our attention tions in London and in the provinces, seats in parliament: it is therefore to ceived and published in the Daily Worker.
1st program. of socialism in our time. dynamle political implestions and motions incomplete. Nevertheless Wibe employed Workers Movement: all the encles where they believe they have a est letter received from Meerut balle of socialism with speed is being taken turally the danger of defeat by isolation lieve our supporters in In this letter, the English party leadseriously by their rank and Ale followers. or lack of preparation become so much should give these suggestions their most been unemployed leaders or local unem has been partly defeated by the insistence ers are bitterly reproached not only for The actual steps of prepara serious attention.
ployed organizers. There can be of of the locals upon running at least de the failure to conduct an effective camIn scores upon scores of letters to their creater.
official organ, the New Leader, they aut tion, thorough preparation of organiza ARNE SWABECK. Surse, no objection to the organizing monstrative candidates, yet in the main paign but also for their failure to fulfill polated questions, demanding recognition tion of tactics and of object are yet in their obligations to the English prisoners.
of the necessity of revolutionary action order and no moment should be lost.
The latter states that money due to them of the necessity of foreible overthrow of As a matter of fact they should have has not been went as it should have been the system, for affiliation to the Cow been taken from the very first day of sent, which, conskiering the position of the prisoners, who have been nearly the Communist Party. These leaders least should be known to revolutionary There is a sickening silence in my unit impossible to maintain silence, but the given to mobilize all the units at the three years Meerut Jail, is scandalous.
seeing the masses moving Leftward are leaders.
of the Communist Party of the Sny reason given for those defeats Madison Square Garden. Another staged against Imperialism Executive raised an The proletarian members of the League hurriedly covering themselves with the The United Front Policy red mantle and moving in that direction However, the main key to the present pertaining to one of the major events of our inability. Yes, inability to realise demonstration will take place. Another indignant protest, much to the embaralso, endeavoring to keep step so as to situation, which the leaders must direct national and interatioual in the Impossible united front from be chance to acquaint the party with the rassment of the party functionaries preto. an wenn cfr. When the masses, compelled by the polley. Not Its perversion, pelther of peal of Tom Mooney. There are over ship is concerned, is dooming Mooney to will pass by, to the joy and for the force of necessity, continue further in the alliances behind the workers backs twenty members my unit. Some are a permanent stay in prison.
good of all species of reformists, from An attempt is being made to hugh the this course and attempt to translate their with reformist leaders nor the fakery old members of the party. In that reIn order to set at ease the revolu. Woll to Muste.
matter up, but it should be made known program of socialism with speed into of united front from below. but a un spect, the composition is such that the tionary conscience of the rank and filers And perhaps it is in order to escape and remedied.
Betlon, a program which was conceived Ited front poltey as taught by Lenin. The unit might have a good political guld of the party, the usual, dizzying ery is the stinging questions of those who were October 12, 1931 former method was well exemplified by ance. But a good political guidance raised for All out to demonstrate for never afraid of the bureaucartie appar ANGLICUS.
the spurlous Anglo Russian Unity Com would immediately raise a question: wby Tom Mooney! But the party is small. atus, when the stupidity of the Stalinmittee. The latter has now become the is the spirit of Tom Mooney letter units influence is far from what it should ist leaders becomes evident, perhaps it line by which party bureaucrats can acceptable to the party? The defeats) be and therefore those all may prove is for this that the Malkins are mobilized unload responsibility for their own tau and fallures suffered by that part of the to be very few, and do prove to be very to launch such a vigorous campaign of Marxism ures upon the membership for not being American working class which follows tew.
expulsions of Trotskyists from the Instructor: Arne Swabeck in the shops and not understanding the the leadership of the party are due to Therefore, an order from above is PARTY MEMBER From the October number munity with the workers. But it has not belange extent to the tunted front from of the Fundamentals of Communism trade journal of the American Associa Instructor: Martin Abern ley and does not lead toward a solution est leadership in the unit would not be tion for the Care of Pyromaniach, Aden.
able to escape the question: Why are oldals, Monomaniacs, Paranoiaes and the Registration Fee: 00. one dollar per It is necessary for the leaders to these false theories stopping us from us Generally Mentally Infirm. we learn course. unemployed workers. Special rates toward the lettward moving section of front applied so many times by comrade u. has awakened to the does Hyman think the time will be more Harrison George is so being countered After a long perlod of passivity they will need me, will come back. When that the reward of nifty dollars for the Register at 84 East 10th St. at once revolutionists who, however, still follow party to gain so much influence in the while this is not the first time this has believable that he thinks that the work The reward holds good whether he is apBoston Classes to them as class brothers to arms. It front asked for by Tom Mooney in bis time it is not only put into words, but knows the situation thoroughly and also notice.
that tbtsers do not need him any longer, for he prehended under his own name or under an alias. Unemployed workers, take THE HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN must say to them: into deeds.
knows that the workers feel it too keenly COMMUNIST PARTY You trust these leaders, we don One thing is self evident: the big party Course by Antionette Konikow and in our opinion it is well founded upou bureaucrats are afraid that those quedingt were held with leading comrades to ever, the future will undoubtedly to fight without them and against them.
During the past week, several meet to accept his statement Mterally. How Starting on Tuesday, October 20, 1931, p.
The active membership meeting was at Ambassador Palace. Berkeley and an actual overthrow of capitalism and The stifing silence on the burning ques that it took long before we succeeded in and has received much mention but never This meeting of about four hundred ialist program is serlously concelved as not corrupted as yet by the apparatus. an endeavor, Abally, to consider seriously the truth.
The united front question is not new followed by a mass meeting with Gold.
Warren Sts. BOSTON, Mass. the building of a new system, we don tion of first importance for the class getting a leader down to Boston and been made clear to the minds of the workers, the majority of whom are Right Ausplees. Communist League of Ameriac because that becomes revolutionary struggle can be traced to them.
when Burgchovitch finally came he re workers. Consequently we often hear. Opposition. Boston br.
objective which they fear. The realiza Yet, how can the bureaucrats explain celved, together with a warm welcoma Yes, a united front, but how is it to be conditions are opening the wingers, again proved that the existing Further announcements at lecture. Hon of an actual socialist program, how eyes of the the fact that Tom Mooney, whom even the well deserved criticism to the enforced? This question intensified the workers to the realization that only the cist offers a united front with those for sending away some of the heads to time just what the leadership had to victory. It was precisely with this in organizations enumerated in his letter? Russia during a period of such acute propose. When we came to the meeting mind that so many answered the call bureaucrack explanation is ready struggles. At a time when the furriers and after Burochovitch spoke for an to pave the way for successful struggles Tom Mooney does not know the actual in New York and the cloak and dress hour, he failed, as so many times in the in the coming season when the agreeWith the Militant now appearing weekly there should be excellent post country. Which situation? The one leadership the most no leader could calling to the workers to organize shop ary. It was here that our speakers had situation in the labor movement of the makers throughout the industry needed past, to bring forth clearly this iden. ments with the bosses expire in Febru.
bilitles for all of our supporters to enlist new subscribers. If you agree with created defeats, such as in the pare three days in Boston but could committees, make this their fighting body a splenulid opportunity to bring forward us you will want to extend the Militant circulation. You will want to keep Independent Shoe Workers Union, the spend nine months in the Soviet Union that will demand conditions, that the more clearly our polley to the workers, your own subscription paid up to date. If the number on the wrapper of this the rotting away of the. with the result that the needle trades workers are not compelled to join the and failed again to some extent.
issue is less than 76, it means that you should renow your sub. Next you should Food Workers Industrial Union or the suffered severely. And today we have Industrial Union is not enough to clar endeavor to get other workers to become subscribers. For convenience use the recent defeats in the coal mines and in shadow of what once promised to be a ity to the workers the united front pol of real earnest activity. Let us not neg.
However, let us call this the beginning blank below.
the Paterson textile strike? But even broad movement. However, this shadow ley. We must in a united front draw up let it as in the past. The time is now.
to touch these situations would mean to 84 East 10th Street, New York City.
expose the Posters, Dunnes, Browders thinking worker will agree that the the Right wing workers who are sth workers in still has life and needs building up. Every a slogan for demands. Together with Forward to a genuine united front of all Please enter me for a subscription one year, 00: six months, 00. and the rest. They are only the willing needle trades union needs the immediate deceived by their corrupt leaders, bring victory.
our coming struggles for tool of the same Losovsky whose self and intensive activity of all forces in our demands to these leaders, emphasizAddre.
critical letter was read in the unions. cluding the leadership. How, then, coulding that they shal not sign agreements State In this letter, Losovsky has enumerated Hyman leave for the Soviet Union with for us without Aghting for our conditions.
all our defeats about which it became the farewell words: When the workers and if they will not do this then we will READ AND SUBSCRIBE TO THE MILITANT er het andere mense se construire de se rend Silence in the Ranks of the Party on the Tom Mooney Case CLASSES REWARD!
The at Work in Boston Subscribe!
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