BolshevismCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyGermanyLeninLeninismOpportunismRosa LuxemburgSpartacistStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

PAGE TAE MILITANT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1931 bosses were ON THE WORKERS FRONT Lessons from the Furriers Fight for the Coming Dressmakers Struggle The Government Civil Service Applies Hooverism to the White Collar Slave home decor de Stalinists Again Oust Left Opposition at entran Chicago Unemployment Conference in ment of the TW. and they makers set itself up as almost a dual mands, a committee for Cook County, tee, representing a large unemployment 10. 000 humans swarm the government nor the serious about such statements, and the employers have, from the day of Hoover statement, continuously cut wages, increased hours of labor, and laid off workers, so that some 10, 000, 000 are today unemployed in the United States.
for the coming dressmakers strike. The united front must be based on the se. Government Increases trours cognition of both unions as such. The Now the government adds its bit, and Left wing will of course put forward we quote, for the benefit of the stenosuch demands that will make the strike graphic and typist applicants, postal a real struggle for the improvement of workers and any others who may read, the working conditions in the needle a statement of the ost Office Department.
industry. At the same time the Left wing The atmosphere created in recent, prove their conditions as a pre requis will reserve the right of and continue the the nationwide examination for steno The vast numbers of unemployed 40, 000 applientions have been filed for in other classes of positions. Because of the greatly increased deor posits, all employees in the postal sarfurriers trade hus fully absorbed the crs once more and showed up the apnicialdom and the Lovestone liquidators: grazdeer and typist, and on itselfedemon poorly maid police workers vanely be: Inga divislou are required to work eiglat minds and hearts of the needle trades peal for unity with the militant tur workers.
and one half hours a day, an increase of These proposals of united front tac state of insecurity that prevails among working for the government will bring one halt hour over the regular Federal How and by what means we workers.
can really bring about unity in the Our job has not ended yet. The Right tics, if adopted and carried out, will the office workers and white collar large degree of economie security, per workday. This extra work will not lbneedle Industry, is the topic of the day wing may not call us any more to conserve as a step forward in building the workers generally.
manent employment, and that their wor: volve any salary increase. The DepartConditions of Workers ferences, but we won forget to remind Industrial Union and the Left wing yenThe official statement of the Civities will then be over. It is a pitiful ment found it necessary to hire more our The present conditions of the needle them and the workers about these manerally. We on our part, pledge hope and illusion; for capitalist govmen, or to require overtime work of preernment, no less than its bosses, the prisent employees, and decides upon the lattrades workers are miserable beyond eurers. The Industrial Union will have whole hearted cooperation morally. phy. Service Commission, says: description. The earnings of the work to call again and again for unity of ac sically and financially. We will not Approximately 40, 000 formal applica wate proprietors of industries, lands and ter course. Capitalist government and tion on suecife isnues to improve the fall to do all in our power to haston tions were filed with the United States banks, must face by and large the proers have reached the lowest level. While conxitions of the fur workers. The nego. the adoption of these proposals. Wel Civil Service Commission at Washington blems Trosed by an economic crisis, not employers set their course by the dollar sign or requirements of capitalist ecothe enjoyed os broad strata of the needle tlations, despite the stalinist confusion will speak at the meetings of the In for the stenographer and typist examine itical instability, etc. Budgets must be balanced, taxes arranged according to omy, and not by those of the worker.
workers and were pretty much univers have nevertheless strengthened the faith dustrial Union, issue leaflets to the dress tions.
The office worker or white collar This establishes a record for all time. the requirements of the employers, the at present the very low level of eam certaining rekere in the left wings, and have the kersonand appeal to the members of fighting the union. It is our duty to break down in the same examinations held in 1980 rulers of the land. Employees, whether employee, unquestionably in the past and among the great majority of the needle ability of the Left wing fur workers and the wall of wrong policy, which has for the departmental service, 546 np of a local, state or national government. targely yet in the present, is affected by the ideas of the capitalist class, par worker. Maintenance of former piece sympathizers in the Fur International. hampered the union and reduced it toplications were filed with the Commis or employees of a private capitalist, reticularly of the middle class. Actually its present state. We appeal to every sion, a record number at that time. main economically wage slaves. When reeble in an economic sense, he has enwork rates and week work scales is only oming Dress Strike an exception. The average needle trades What lessons are we going to draw dressmaker to work tirelesly from now aspired to.
on to the conference to make it a real the greatly increased number of appit ployee, like any other worker, is also hit deavored to ape the class worker feels that the working conditions from this united for orderete cu success and a conference of many recants is, without doubt, due to the gen. by layoffs, increase of working hours, toen vw polo con the office workers basse in the trade don afford him a decent our tactics in the coming dressmakers presentatives of organized and unorgan eral Industrial depression. and also adliving any more. These miserable con strike? So far, it seems as though the ined shops in the dress trade. ditions remind the workers constantly of polley pursued in the furriers was only mits that this huge increase of applicants But so strong is the musion of gormemployment on a tremendous scale the desperate need for unity in the temporary retreat from the old meth SYLVIA BLEEKER for Civil Service jobs is to be met with ernment jobs, Civil Service appointments tend even to keep up with the Joneses.
organized ranks, and is becoming more ods only because of the pressure exerted and more the outstanding problem agl by the workers. The last shop delean increase of approximately 450 to are driving the office worker, very slow.
tating the needle trades workers.
the number of applicants for stenographly as yet, toward a common economie The deep going interest in unity for disregard for the latest experience. In recorded. And an ideologle position with the rest of needle workers has expressed itselt very answer to some definite proposals made 1930, with its 8, 546 was already a record labor.
amply in the recent united front nego by the writer of these lines for the year for applications. To cap it all, the Need to Organize White Collar workers tiations in the fur trade. Here the coming conference of the dressmakers Civil Service Commission does not There are no special and final reasons mention the number of jobs actually open that prevent the organization of the Left wing has certainly been outwit called by the United Front Committee, ted, at least at the outset, by the Right its representative gave a general ABC for the 40, 000 applications. By the tena White ditar workers into milltant went to reports of committees orer the of thousands, the applicants are to the labor unions. European countries have wing. The Kaufman gang was forced to talk about unity in the shop. It seems CHICAGO. start this movement because of the turn that the generaly known unity in the by the wayside, and left to ponder their witnessed them. The United States need of events in the fur trade. The moveshops is becoming a new polley in the The Oct. 18th conference of the Cook protest of many delegates.
The majority report of the credentia future fate, lack of jobs and security not be exempt from progress in this field.
ment for July raises, under the leader hands of the United Front representative. third in three months, ended by laying committee was not to seat us. Comrade Unemployment Councils, the under capitalism.
Low Wages of Civil Service Workers It is folly to surrender all the millions of extremely low paid office workers to awakened the hope of the workers in the years such unity in the shops. So far the base for a fourth conference next Hara, a Communist, but not a member It might be thought, further, that these the existing capitalist movements or to possibility of reviving the fur depart the United Front Committee of the dress month, electing delegates to call on city of the party or the Left, being one of and county authorities to present dethe members of the credential commit stenographle and typist Jobs, for which potential Fascist movements, or to Ithdesperationeral and social democratic ideologists.
immediately demonstrated that by cut. Industrial Union with the same wrong fional Fur Workers and by intensifying Ats function, and the meaning of its np preliminaries for the Nov. 7th march report. He was dented the right to prethe highest paid stenographie position is approaching and winning such elements.
ting off the payments from the Interna policies in stock, forgetting completely Hunger March and a committee to line council. took the floor to give a minority and handsome wages. Yet the wage for While there are obvious limitations in front call was resorted to as a means yet to propose for the coming conference sympathetie element was in attendance were denied the right to speak on the And in this mad plunge of applicants for patently wrong. The American Federa of escaping the very embarassing situr The members of the Industrial Union, and the usual bureaucratic methods and motion presented by the majority re 24. 00 and 31. 00 a week Jobs, the racetion of Labor hins onty played above With port. It was railroaded through in the is not merely to the swiftest. With ad the question of organizing the office worktion. After all, it took the whole adherents to the Left Opposition, propose lack of Marxian program.
most brusen fashion. The bur unconscious sense of humor or Irony, the ers, and its federal labor unions have of L, the New York police force, and the following: Comrade Curtis of the Left Opposition the bosses association, to put the fur.
riers into Kaufman outfit. And here, of undrganized workers in the needle in tee of five and when it came to the feared discussion on the Majority proved its test for stenographers and typed by all means also. But hitherto the There is a wide field for organization was elected on the credentials commiteaucrats feared a minority report, they Civil Service Commission announces with been made up to a large extent of civil redignity that Recently. It has im service employees. There should be reachport. they fear the Marxian one move of the Industrial Union to do dustry. The should begin a serious point of seating the three delegates from of the Lett Opposition that smashed Intoista for Government Service. For other millions of office workers have been in addition to the ability to take dictation passed by. The Left wing has made whole foundation and the structure of the base of the Industrial Union and to the party representative, Fiks bicki moved their opportunist program.
the Fur International. The fur workers improve conditions of the workers.
and to transcribe notes, such an em sporadic efforts of orgouization and has hat they not seated. Curtis spoken an uproar and protest from a ployee should have good judgment. Botten mostly ofico help employed by the. The Industrial Union should aim to for the seating and to the surprise of parts of the floor and its usual counter more knowledge of the English language unions.
man nevertheless. Some of them took sain the workers for our ranku, but the bureaucrats the vete was three to uproar of lesser bureaucrats holtering etere kan for 21. 00 and 31. 00 an week the call at face value. Others felt the should in no case call those workers who two in favor of comrade Curtis motion for the kicking and throwdone of the anul the right to work for the govere field of workers is basically the same as The task of organization of this wide need for participation in the united are in the ranks of the Right wing con in the credential committee, one of the three delegates the will and desire of the ment.
front conference to exploit the slight trolled union, seabs or scab agents.
with the industrial workers, with all three being a party member who voted Stalin bureaucrats overrode the interest est chance for unity in the ranks. The Union afiliation should remain with Curtis and could not see why we of the workers luy refusing to seat the. It is known to all and sundry that due advantages as are already known in The Industrial Union was vacillating for final deelston with the workers of the could not be seated. After a long argu Marxian wing of the Communist forces, the Government, and its official the organization of the latter. The ap.
because of the incorrect polley of class shop The Left wing has nothing to fear ment Rybicki finally convinced the motion to throw us out of the hall spokesman, President Hoover, have propel must be broad and on clemental ifying all and everyone and patting them and will be assured of the needle trades other party member that he was wrong was not entertained by chairman Otto lessed great concern about the unem cconomic and class issues. Sectarian ap into the same group of the bosses, with workers support both morally and or and he said, well what ever Rybicki Wangerin. The committee on resolus ployed, and have even called upon the peal will not work. Yet the only efout any differentiation.
ganizationally if it should conduct the says is correct. This gave the bureau tlons reported, presenting the draft pro captains of Industry not to lay off work forts able to succeed will have to be To respond the call would have meant proper campaign for the organization of crats a majority. M1. to go to a united conference the the unorganized.
In the meantime, comrade Oehler had rections and adoptions. The amendments beon amply proved that neither Hoover, workers and organizations.
bosses. to make peace with the fasc The Industrial Union must make every 1sts. etc. etc. Their own wrong polles effort at this time particularly to streng obtained the floor for five minutes and of the Left Oppositon had been given to but of course the resolu turned back on them. Cold went so far then the opposition within the interna dealt with the one point of adding the the said nothing on this.
struggle for the shorter work day with tons as to pronounce demonstratively and tional. The organised Left wing in the the present two main demands of social The Chicago League continues its sup.
also in order to conform to the old polley International should first of all begin asurance and immediate relief concret port of the Unemployment Councils and For a few ssues now. Lovestone has convention of the party that their faction and to participate in the conference, paign for the principles of the Indus and the five day week. The delegates ment of its program which at present been printing in his paper extracts from establish relations with Brandler in will resign my position. But the work trial Union, and for united action of cave an excellent response to these re has many opportunist points. Unem oldi documents in the past faction fights Berlin. With all the indignation he ers won the day. Their pressure to par the two Unions especially in the coming marks, but Rybicki who had come out ployment councils not being the com of the party, under the general title of could muster, Lovestone declared that tiepate in the conference was adopted dressmakers strike.
at the eleventh hour, in spite of the de The Industrial Union must eradicate to cauces with the other bureaucrats to munist party cannot be expected to have mages from party history. So that the le had spurned so base a proposal. Now cision of the fraction to the contrary. the opinion that was created the minds were drifting, came back to the credenemployment councils under the leader and all sided than are those presented before the party convention which sealed The advance guard of the fur workers, of the needle trade workers due to the policies of Stalinism, Tailed to sense the ing the dressmakey strike of the Interference bad hooted the Trotsky dele one can question this) must have a cor or two which Lovestone would surely against the expelled Frotsky strated rate, Oehler down. This was an atreet Marxian program on what partial much rather were forgotten, or at least the Foster Bittelman faction which was right spirit of the workers and to act national in 1929, by stating it publicly tempt to weaken the resistance to his demands it takes up in the field of unnot mentioned in polite society. We have soon to replace him. It was called accordingly. Subsequent events have in our oral and written proclamations motion to oust us from the convention employment and must above all not have pointed out once already that at the Pages from Party History and on proved that the policy finally adopted The Industrial Union should Imme: Gebert, the took the floor after an adventurist or opportunist line. The time Stalin and Co. were so disconcert pages 12 and 16 of this cynically falatwas correct. The presence of the Indu. diately propose a conference of represenstrial Union and the proposals for tangi tatives of both untons for the purpose minutes to slander and demagogy against the working class, can do nothing else party leadership, the Right wing leader praise.
we read about Lovertone acble work, like the organization of the of electing a united front action com unorganized and the campaign to im mittee for the drawing up of the demands the Left. The conference had started than fight against the bureaucrats and played as one of his trumps the fact complishments as follows: late and only several delegates had the their wrong line and for the unemploy that it was Bedacht, the loyalite. who Let us examine some of the main floor for five minutes following and again ment councils had proposed to Lovestone after the 1920 steps toward Bolsheviuntion toward eradicating the menace of opportunism taken by the party under its present leadership. Merely to enumerate, these are. 11) The party under its present leadership has been among the first secBooks by Leon Trotsky tions of the Communist International in In 79 B, C, the slave and gladiator again into the confusion wrought by the anical drill, characterlessness. obsequl combatting deviations from the leninint THE STRATEGY OF THE WORLD Spartacus commenced magnificient theories and practises of Centrism, led ousness, careerism away with these line. Our party has mirsueil en en REVOLUTION struggle of revolt against the oppression and nurtured by Stalin. It is but the things from the party! Bolshevik sergetic policy in the struggle against 86 pages, two colored paper cover le and rule of the Roman Empire. In the first, we hope of youth publications by not only a disciplined man; no, a Bol Brandler and Thalheimer and other tight Introduction by Max Shachtman course of battles in which thousands of the Left Opposition shevik is a man who, boring deep, has wingers and conciliators in the German revolting slaves gathered around the ban. For the young workers in the United worked out for himself in each given party. In the fifth Plenum of the ComTHE DRAFT PROGRAM OF THE ner raised by the Greek Spartacus, ten states, in the official Young Communist instance a firm opinion, and courageously intern, the comrades representing the COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL Roman armies were defeated and laia League, for Communist sympathizers and independently defends it, not only viewpoint now held by the majority of Criticism of Fundamentals to waste before the patricians and mill among the toiling and student youth of in war with his enemies, but also with the party were amongst the most akº Introduction by Cannon tary power of Rome could gather suf America, the issuance of Young Spart. in his owu organization. Today he may gressive in the struggle against Brand 140 pages hard paper cover ficient strength to beat down the glorious acus, it is hoped and expected, will be be in the minority in the organization. ler, Thalheimer, Bubnik Rudd the TrotTHE SPANISH REVOLUTION revolt of the enslaved masses. Spartacus one of the means whereby the revolu. He submits because it is his party. But skyist deviators from the Leninist line.
30 pages, paper cover 10c and his followers went to their death, tionary youth can once again step into that obviously does not always mean that Lovestone, in the first period of his THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION but for the slaves, plebeians, serts and the front ranks of Communism in the he was wrong.
expulsion from the party, led under 208 page bookcloth bound 00 tollers, there remain forever the glory demand for clarity of purpose, sound The members of the Young Commun. the same flak. At the very moment that and inspiration of the revolt of Spart. theory and program, paper bound. 60 militaney and ist League and the Young Worker today he was negotiating with the German acus and his fellow slaves and gladiators. action. The Young Worker, ofacial organ only too plainly do not have that Indo Kight wingers he continned to thunder THE REAL SITUATION IN RUSSIA The Communist League of America of the Young Communist League, is but pendence and courage and clarity which against Branderism. When the change Introduction by Max Fastman (Opposition) aims to develop further the caricature of what a youth paper should characterize the kind of revolutionary was finally made in the open, there was 304 page book formerly now 00 Spartacus tradition of struggle, revolt be. It grovels before the bureaucrats of youth needed in the Communist move no explanation of the past, no explana MY LIFE 600 pages 00 and organization against the slavery of the party, and makes sycophants of the ment. Trotsky words are the words tion of the reasons for the change. In today wage slavery, which enfolds count youth, acceptors without question of for any vital thinking revolutionary fact, the American Right wing talks with COMMUNISM AND SYNDICALISM less millions of toller, young and dold, any and all orders handed down from youth. The Youth fraction of the Com such unrestnine enthusiasm about it The Trade Union Question throughout the world. The National above. The official apparatus of the munist League, through Young Spartacus, German prototype that one might alIntroduction by James Cannon Youth Committee of the Communist and the party is passively accepted, as well as through the coming formation most believe that it was not Lovestone 64 pages, paper cover League jointly with the National Com at best with whispered criticism. Nel of youth. or colemaniste netry the other forecerea as handed down the will endeavor to who was for years (after THE SPANISH REVOLUTION IN DANGER decided to call the forthcoming Youth any real consequence is any longer to and practise among the youth It can most sivage fighter against Brandler, 15c paper of the Left Opposition, announced be found in its columns. The revolution reach. In the Young Communist League whom he scrupled as title to misrepresent 64 pages paper cover PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOPYoung Spartacus. The youth of the Lott a revolutionary youth paper and the ton, particularly of its early years as has learnel better. perhaps he will tell MENT OF THE 48 pages, paper cover 150 Spartacus for the revolutionary youth his letter to his party nucleus, entitled were its slogans. Young Spartacus win Brandler today is only a generalized and Special Rates in Bundles of or more and proletarian movement of today The New Course. Trotsky has this to endeavor to fulfill these slogans. Every systematized edition of all the mistakes thereby also litt high the symbol and say concerning the youth: SINCE LENIN DIED adult worker and member of the Com of the Right wing before 1928. And banner by which Karl Liebknecht and It is wholly inadequate that the youth munist League and sympathizer of the while questions are being put, let us By MAX Eastman Rosa Luxemburg gathered the first should repeat our formulas (1. e. of the Left Opposition should help in the 18su put this one too: 1924 horts of Communtem in Germany into older comrades so called Old Guardance and maintenance of the forthcom What has become of the Right wing 158 page book printed in London the Spartacus League Communist Party It is necessary that the youthing Young Spartacus which will start alternational. Has it collapsed comof Germany.
Pioneer Publishers The issuance of Young Spartacus in fighting, transform them into flesh and size. Stone has been selected as it, or a word about it in the Right wing should take the revolutionary formulas as a monthly four page paper, tablola pletely? We do not hear a whisper from 84 Eant 10th Street the very near future represents another blood, work out for themselves their own Business Manager of Young Spartacus press. Has the whole thing been called Now York City advance of the Communist League of opinion with that courage that comes and funds for it may now be sent to off as a superfluous formality? Why?
America and the International Left Opfrom sincere convletion and independence Stone, care of Young Spartacus, 84 An annswer to these questions would position in the endeavor to bring clarity of character. Passive obedience, mech East 10th Street, New York, Aurely be of interest.
or Few Pages from Party History FOR YOUR LIBRARY Youth Will Issue «Young Spartacus» as Organ 350 166 50c