BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyEngelsEnglandLeninMarxRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

UNITE Published weekly by the Communist Lengue of America (Opposition) at 84 East 10th Street, New York, Entered as second class mail matter, November 28, 1928 at the Post Otice at New York. y. under the act of March 1879.
VOLUME IV, NO. 28 (WHOLE NO. 87 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1931 PRICE CENTS Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Green and Co. at Vancouver Growing Revolt against National Vote Communist in Government Marks British Scene the Elections!
Support the Candidates of the of ARNE SWABECK. Weration and distortion of happenings and relia Oretandowed committees came along that is scene u redu program, students for the proper selection Banking Crisis in the of Officialdom Continues to Serve Its Master.
Delegates to the fifty first annual A1 were eloquently propounded in resola LONDON there is a danger that comrades aware This week has seen the struggle against of this will tend to minimize the strength the way to Vancouver to re afirm tirely meaningless without preparations the National government economies of the mass movement against the Econ its time honored reactionary policy for enforcement. The of can reach its highest point since the fight omy cuts. It cannot be made too clear of completely indorsing all the views of still, despite all serious deterioration began. Not a day has passed without that there is a real, wiklespread and milithe aristocracy of finance as at present count almost three million workers in demonstrations which by their size and ment here and Ithat, in spite of the The only serious proposal, which could actually brought into action, particular militancy testified to the deep feeling and stupidities of our party leaders, it finds really be considered in the interest of ly with present growing prospects of anger of the unemployed at the threaten its reflection in increased support for labor, to come before this body, namely, countless others getting ready to followed reactions in their benefits. our party. But the effectiveness and in a socalled off year and are con not mean that the class conscious millAlthough the elections this year occur it in the elections. But by this we do the proposal for unemployment insurance a serious lead is given. But this Last Sunday over twenty thousand druability of this revival must be great ance, was rejected. No wonder the New is precisely what is not wanted. workers assembled in Hyde Park and, affect by the polley pursue fined largely to municipal candidacies, tant can cuxorse everything thunt the York Times could take great comfort in To conclude from this, however, that at the conclusion of the meeting, marchod party during the next few weeks.
by the they are nevertheless of considerable party leaders have done the past, or this decision and say editorially: significance. For the ruling class, the right now to the prejudice of the party revolutionists can brush the of Loff to Wormwood Scrubs Prison, where Ture About elections are a rehearsal for the presi interests or even the election progress serve as an example of steadfastness and social Fascist unions, etc. is worse The action at Vancouver might well aside as hopeless, as company unions, as several militants were imprisoned. On Tuesday evening. thousands Ethered call to the workers: partly due to the when the Today Daily Worker issues a new tential and state elections next year and campaign which the Stalinist leadtwo parties of capitalism. ers are now conducting.
intelligent self interest to nervous busi: than repeating the farce of this recent again in the Park: a deputation proceed fact that in less than a week the cuts Republican and Democratie will vie Opportunist Blunders talking as if the end of this familiar mere fact that they were compelled to petition against the cuts and in support its official cannot altogether avoid seeing at the spoils of office, the reward which made as their only criticism of the elecThe official party pronouncements have energy and enterprise were here. They ed, reflects the advance signs of the pres lark, through the West End and gather beginning to work for, united workers ist exploiters. For the working class, ranks there is sectarian under estiought to be willing to wait a and calling for revolutions and miracles tinuation of the crisis and more He with baton charges, several seutlles between ployw, the party leadership suddenly their hands pressure is bound to grow with the contempted to disperse them, there were workers in industry as well as the unem Its opposition to the murderous offensive nation of the elections and parliamentary activity in general. There is no doubt The convention called the slashing into the standard of wages Groups of workers and mounted police realizes that the campaign has been which the bourgeoisie and its government that this is true, and the outstanding neither for miracles nor been conducting with particular reinsance of it is Boston. There, follow It was obsessed by only one idea to officials will respond to revolution and working conditions. How far the men, and twelve arrests. When the largely an unemployed campaign and lentlessness since the advent of the sharping the Daily Worker report that Minor this growing deputation returned, the crowd formed that, save in a few districts, there are crisis, to indicate on the parliamentary hnd spoken to thousands of workers who pressed bourgeois society. It had to be expectation whatever is to be placed upon marched away to the Park in the Park enough to mobilize effective resistance. atelitselt from the domination of the found out that the party had simply furdone this time in a language interspersed with remarks somewhat foreign to this ist agents under all conditions. But iods of the police, they tore down all setting all the workers, employed and it threatens to intensify the struggle to examples are relatively few. What is far coterie of high salarled ocals. But rank and fle membership chating under ings and distributed the staves, carrying unemployed, organized in each locality defend its standards in the field of daily more prevalent, and more dangerous, and workers into helping ram these pillars into motion to resist, that is a different march.
that was only an effort to deceive the rising exploitation and finally getting these in readiness on homeward up in action, they might now have been at a condition for which the party lenders more securely with their own heads.
The elections will serve as a baro cannot escape responsibility is the op matter. And this is an actual prospect. In Manchester. Rochdale, With all Salford, the head of a powerful mass movement, meter of the maturity of the American portunist character of the clection pro old slogans of bourgeois That this A, of convention per Birmingham and a score of equally im with strength inside and outside of the working class, to what point it has been grams which the party has issued in a prosperity of the full internal and haps was less vituperative against comportant industrial centers, frent de trade unions and organized for action. heightened under the impact of the dis number of cities. In some localities, ished into oblivion, a new language bad munists and radicals only reflects the monstrations took place whilst the cam. Instead, at the eleventh hour, they are illusioning post prosperity crisis. the campaign las been reduced to a vul to be adopted. This fact gives a different extent to which the present official party paign in Glasgow culminated on Thurs compelled to issue a last minute can, barometer does not create winds and gar gutter level which must excite the connotation to the apparently radical policies and practises have succeeded day with a demonstration of 50, 000 works without having in any way prepared the sterms; It records them. The elections envy of the Morris Ililiquits. In 1917, such concerne le celulele de lost there the trade union bodies. It has sue caused trouble and keratukatere a bates And he is a new they blunder. This is the proletariat: they will register for Mayor of New York on a platform is suffering in a land where plenty exists ceeded, at least for the time being, in took place, the workers using ralling, how it is done: of the ballot.
wiping out a once promising Left wing bottles and sticks against the police. How to stop the cuts? What can be box, a warning to the bourgeoisie, in abundance, men and women who are minds. They are asking questions that are very recent feeble efforts made by thel by no means exhausts the week story of the wonderful fighting spirit evidenced clases itself provided, of course, that the condemn wuch a pretty bourgeois reformbaton charges party though as yet only on an isolated demonstrations, and on all sides. The great need dur workers mobilize their voting strengther platform. It is sad to have to dihienet tehangwe Testere are wonderines scale, to draw local of unions skirmishes between police andhounen ing the coming days is more and more behind the candidates of the only rev make the comparison with the commun whether the system iselt setap by soc into some united front activities, should ployed. But it is sufficient to show the activity. more factory gate meetings, de olutionary party in the field the Com ist party today. Yet, for days, the Daily may well ask the question, has capital direction. But it should also serve as militancy of feeling of the movement in the trade union branches and local Worker has been running editorial ism falled?
Opportunities for Progress streamers on the big loose or bottled We could well answer: Surely Mr. a most serious reminder that now more against the Economy cuts.
Labour Parties, the builling up of un Great opportunities are afforded the milk fight, exposing it, and declaring Green, it has failed miserably! But he than ever must the work of aiding and have briefly recounted certain hap ited front organizations committees of latter this year. The abatement of the that the issue is. th question of did not stop for an answer and did not simulating the pressure from the Apenings of the last few days because action. Charter committees, unemployed crisis so solemnly promised by the bour PRICE. In another article we will take of union membership and gradually they are of importance for the Interna committees, etc. October 1931. geois statesmen and economists is not this up. But here and now we say: Dehe also had learned the art seek one. He proceeded to show that directing it into taken up in earnest. as elsewhere. indulces in continual exag serious struggle! Here Charter Com contrary: the approaching winter already for no more than eight cents quart call the channels of Lefttional Opposition. The party press here. What a conception of organization for even visible on the horizon. Quite the mand that milk, bottled or louise, be sold ing the wolf to gain his own ends wing movement, be He continued: But warn these people who through force and domination and councils of a mean the same two years will be sharply accentuated program, issued for New York, hardly dictatorship and brutality, exploit the thing: the etc. is especially revealing. The manifest incapacity of the two bir superior. The characteristic of the old masses of the people, forcing them down To such stupidity it is impossible to find bourgeois parties even to approach a socialist party reform platforms was that and down to lowest depths of dean adequate reply: certainly, in this way solution, or at least an amelioration of they contained dozens of demands, for spair, that they can only drive them 80 will lie disaster for the movement. the crisis, open up to the rerolutionists anybody and everybody, set up for the far, and then they will turn eventually Careful explanation of the reasons why broad avenues of approach to the masses. purpose of providing a small plaster for and rend those who do it.
Attempt to Defend Gold Standard Proves to Be Costly united workers councils are needed: how Hundreds upon hundreds of thousands, every sore on the body of capitalism and This was not at all spoken to the to be of. working class. Nor did it intend the Summarizing the developments in the 000; In 1930, nearly 3, 100, 000.
they are to be composed: what attitude cacy of the vote, will seek to express element. The election platform of a working class to carry out the conclo American banking situation from the last Small Banks Failed is to be taken to the councils already es their dissatisfaction, their resentment Communist party must be distinguished sion therefrom. It was the gang boss crisis in 1921 to the present, we find: It is therefore clear that the banks tablished, or in process of establihsment. against the ruling powers, by casting from this by the fact that it selects the plea to the master not to exact too much The number of banks has been con which failed were mostly the smaller by the branches of the Independent Lab hostile ballots.
oustanding issues of the moment, rellectfor fear that those he was to hold insiderably reduced. In 1921 there were banks, and that the result of the com our Party: what form of action is to That they might ordinarily turn to ing the immediate needs and interests subjection may turn upon him. The 30, 812 banks of all kinds in the by binntion of weeding out by failures, and be worked for and in what way these the party of capitalist reform, the socor the masses, which are not calculated convention actions furnish conclusive June 30, 1930, there were 24. 079; by the of mergers, was greatly to aid in the elementary things have not been done ialists, does not constitute so great an to delude them into the idea that the proof of this contention.
end of August of this year, 22, 300. direction of bank concentration.
in this latest proncuncement and as a obstacle to the Communists. The latter sum of all these demands will serve to Held in a period of most serious crisis of capitalism, with millions walk of over 7, 000 bank failures, the highest increased from 31, 800, 000, 000 toets result it is worthless to the workers have a solid foundation for an attack reform capitalism and satisfy the work From 1921 to 1930 there was a total During this period, bank deposits 25. and even may help to spread further can upon the party of Haliquit and Thomas. ers with it, but are rather aimed at ing the streets in vain search for work. number in any year being 1, 348 in 1930, 700, 000, 000 or 64 bank loans and did fusion and uncertainty.
The miserable bankruptcy of the soe mobilizing the workees, during the baland the masters without the slightest 80 far this year, up to Oct. 17, there counts from 28. billions to 40. billion, The statement already quoted also says ialist parties in England and in Ger lot box season. for an intensification of regard or skruples utilizing this oppor have been 1, 498. The deposits in the or 41. and bank investments from 11. in the usual panic stricken way that many, to mention but two recent in their daily struggles for existence. Such tunity to hammer down the standard banks which failed last year totalled billions to 17. billions, or 57. the lower scales will be paid out un staces, to give the Communists a power a requirement is not satisfied by the of living, cutting wages right and left. 865, 000, 000; those of the banks which Industrial productior, however, taking less the attack defeated. There is ful weapon in breaking down the reform New York program, which contains no the convention exuded eloquence but took ahve failed this year were over 1, 300. the 1923 25 monthly average as 100, did exactly a week to build united workers ist tendencies in the advancing sections less than seventyfive demands, intended not one single measure toward working 000, 000.
not show any such increase during the councils, class resistance. This convention kept Bank mergers affecting members of the period. From the low point of 67 in brinet organise a strike and to of the working class. The Communist to satisfy everybody from bank depositors the whole working class on the party the only one in the field that has and ex servicemen to child laborers and the record of the of oflicaklom General Reserve System (which are about the crisis year 192 rose to 85 in streets.
not waited for the elections to give farmers. There is even a worse feature.
being more reactionary than socalled a third of all the banks in the country, 1922, and 101 in 1923. The highest point To have done at the beginning of the promises to the workers. Alone A Communist election program puts forth capitalist liberals. Although a rather with about 60 of the deposita. Included reached thereafter was 119 in the boom struggle in a systematic way, what they has endeavored to mobilize the hard imniediate demands in the sense of using strong section favored unemployment over 1, 400 banks in the last five years year 1929; in 1928 it was 110: no other are now, at this late hour, doing so badly pressed labor movement for militant re them to advance the proletariat to the insurance the convention declared it alone.
year was over 110, and average for and foolishly, would have advanced the sistance to the capitalist offensive, day revolution, which alone solves the contra unsuited to our political and economic Somewhat offsetting the above factors the entire period was 99. Last year revolutionary movement in England in and day out. It alone embodies the dictions of capitalist society. The strugrequirements. Instead it asked for were the formation of new banks, espect it declined to 97, and this year is averag further than all the party efforts for link between the daily struggle of the gle for the final aim is implemented, so more and better charity from capitalism ally in the last stages of the boom, and ing around 80.
the last ten years.
This was not done workers and their final struggle for com to speak, by the struggle for immediate and solemnly resolved to ask each em in a few instances, the reopening of Nor did wholesale prices show any when it should have been done: worse plete emancipation from capitalist op demands. The two must be set out is ployer. to take on additional workers.
banks which had falled or been closed notable tendency to rise during this per even those who suggested doing it were pression. It alone has earned the suf. inseparable. The emphasis must Could the most hard boilet exploiter The net result, however, was that be iod.
placed upon the final gond. Nothing of ask for anything better? The conventween 1921 and 1930, the number of age was 97. the highest annual aver frantic effort to develop the night fur. It is for the principles of Communism. the kind is found in the party platform.
tion supported the Wall Street imper banks decreased 22 while total reage for the period was in 1925, at 103. ther, the party leadership screams out for its militant struggle against the One reads page after page of imme lalists in their demand that before they sources increased from under 50 billion from which point the general tendency for workers councils and for strikes capitalist class, because of the fact that diate demands, demands by the dozen, be asked to forego any just claims. dollars to over 74 billions, an increase was down, to 96. in 1920 and 86. in all in a week!
it is our party, the only fighting revolu to come to the very end of the list with meaning war debts, Europe be compelled of 48 In other words, in 1921 the 1930.
Most interesting perhaps has been the tionary party, the only workers party, the casual Insertion, Point 75, of the deto reduce armaments not the United average bank had resources of 1, 000,(Continued on page Continued on page 3)
that it behooves every worker to support mand for a workers and farmers govStates. It went on record for extension ernment in the United States. In the of the ban on Immigration. The convenagitational material tion rejected a proposal to defy anti abor mands, the same blundenying the decommittedl.
injunctions. And to cap the climax of Towards the end, one finds a wort this burlesque labor gathering the de of afterthought o reference to the inmand for 75 per cent beer went over efficiacy of the ballot box and the need with whoop It has become necessary for us to steps ahead. Nevertheless the objective fronting the working class and its efforts warded to date to ur comrades there of overthrowing the present system as The executive council did not fall this address an appeal for support for The difficulties have reached a point where to show the revolutionary way out. Our. The all important question is: shall whole time either to submit the traditional ab Militant directly to our readers. To in the continued existence of The Militant readers can appreciate the veritable these activities continue, expand and What does the party platform need?
surd review of favorable legislation sure the regular appearance of our organ is endangered unless a generous response arsenal of Marxian literature produced grow? We pass that on to our readers. It needs concentrate upon a few outgained by labor. 15 labor laws passed we have had only contributions made at is made immediately to our appeal. by our young group. the fundamental Only by expansion and growth is there standing demanxls, which the workers by Congress was the record claimed a great sacrifice by the small but growWe succeeded in re establishing the textbooks for the movement of today and life for the nexolutionary movement, can remember and understand and fight among which we notice such two as Ing group of convinced Left Opposition weekly appearance of The Militant. It is tomorrow. Our readers can appreciate and we are confident of your reply.
They are demands like unemploy.
modernization of three battleships at alists and sympathizers. While in the not necessary for us to attempt to em our well almed efforts to bring the events We have always avoided sounding the ment insurance, for large scale, long term cost of 30, 000, 000 to be performed in sense of a burden, this has been a cheer phasize what this means. Our readers of the world revolutionary Aperican pinicky appeals. This is the reason why government relief. These reflect some of and tocsin of alarm in the sense of making credits to the Soviet Union, immediate the government navy yards, and requirful one, nevertheless it has by no means are in a much better position to ap its problems nearer to the ing work on 11 new destroyers at a cost been easy. Now, the present large scale preciate its inestimable value, in cut proletariat. We have even been able to we only now ask emphatically of each the burning needs of the workers in the of 51, 700, 000 to be performed in the unemployment has hit our ranks heavily ting with the sharpnes of a razor edge give our material support through the reader to come forward with contri present crisis. They are issues upon same yarde From en wo splendid record and multiplied the financial difficulties into the parasitic growth upon the com ouerstyrimet per compositions in Spain. foundation stone and ram deeper the in the factories, in the streets, in the the bution, to perform his duty in laying the which broad masses can be mobilized, the convention concluded to reaffirm ita old policy of rewarding our friends and proceede with carefully laid plans to source: Its analysis the problemy con. of 188. 30 has been for pillars of a strong communist movement. trade unions. They can be rallying banpunishing our enemies. As it has been secure a sound financial foundation. Our If our readers will help. we will inners for active movements during the applied, and there is no intention what literature, gotten out at a great sacrifice common undertake work to guard and election campaign which will lift it out ever of deviating from that It has al by the comrades who contributed perpreserve the capital of the Russian Oct of the formal registry of the ways meant the friends of capitalism, sonally, was conceived, in addition to its ober revolution. Soon the time is here the polls and transform the elections In this whole setting any proposal or fundamental value to the movement, to celebrate the fourteenth anniversary. Into part of the struggle which the comdeclaration which may Behet fra of the Millentans vostres y encon discara Fri. Oct. 30: Tom Mooney Appeal For United met stofan, best pere vand earned the best unister must head for en tendens from appear entirely valla, loses all signifie The Milltant.
ance. Thus, for example, to return again the old fly by night methods which can mental teachings of Marx, Engels. Lenin of the crisis.
to the question of the of official not result in strengthening the movement Front. by James Cannon and Trotsky. To do this we ask our with these criticisms in mind, which do view of working class redress in the on a sound basis. We proceeded step readers for their generous assistance. Dot, however, change our fundamental present crisis, the principles of the five by step to expand and secure our growth LABOR TEMPLE, 14th Stand 2nd Ave. Unemployed admitted free with Upem Will you make your contribution today estimate of the revolutionary nature of 25 Cents ployed Council card Send cash, checks, or money orders to the party, we add our voice to its own of maintainance of the wage standard believe we have taken some important Questions and Discussion The Militant, 84 East 10th St. New York, Vote for the party of the working class. be FundsAreNeeded imediately for.
vote al OPEN FORUM