AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyConfederación Nacional del TrabajoDemocracyEngelsLeninOpportunismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietSpainStalinStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorking Class

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1931 THE MILITANT PAGE Constitution Is Revised Chicago Unemployment Conference The Party Election Campaign PAY.
Our task is to explain what the elecand position in this respect still holds good.
an appeal to consumers versus producers, but an appeal to the working class.
wild with such a program, presented in the To ences are.
The Real Situation in Russia By LEON TROTSKY 364 pages. Sold formerly at Through special arrangements with the publishers can be hnd from us now at PART The Fear of Our Platform lating the decisions of the League or any of its subordinate bodies shall be subject to disciplinary action up to expulsion by the organization having jurisdiction.
National Conference Strengthens the Statutes of the League Section charges against any mem The Chicago Communist League en forces ready to fight on this issue regard goal and to the solution of the problem ber shall be made in writing and the dorses the Unemployment Councils postless of political positions and to fight the overthrow of capitalism and the ARTICLE I: NAME and other necessary officers and sub accused member shall be furnished with tion of uniting all organizations, re the hardest for the attainment of the establishment of the dictatorship of the Section The name of this organt committees. copy. Charges led before branches gardless of its affilations to unions or immediate demands, for the enforcement proletariat.
zation shall be THE COMMUNIST Section The local governing body shall be considered by the branch execu political parties and its immediate de of the momentary interests of the work XITE THE WORKING CLASS TO LEAGUE OF AMERICA (OPPOSITION. of the League in the local executive com tive committee at a meeting to which the mands and tasks for unemployment re ing class: but in the movement of the STRUGGLE FOR THE REDUCTION OF mittee consisting of delegates from the accused member is invited. The recom lief. We affiliate to the Unemployment present, they also represent and take HOURS, SOCIAL INSURANCE AND ARTICLE II: PURPOSE The purpose of the organization is to tional representation. Where only one mittee is acted on by the membership of comrades for general activity, literature the Sept. 13 Conference the official Com INMEDIATE RELIEF THROUGH THE UNEMPLOYMENT COUNCILS!
organize the Communists in the United States and Canada, inside and formally branch exists this authority is vested in the branch. Charges considered by high distribution, and speakers to cover street munist Party representative speec SEND DELEGATES TO THE OCTO.
the branch.
er units of the organization are also acted and hall meetings.
could not be distinguished from the re.
outside the oflicial Comunist Parties, for Section The branch executive com on by them.
At the same time we point out short gular speech for unemployment activity. BEI 18th CONFERENCE!
al teachings of Meci and Engels, Lenin mittee is elected by the membership of the struggle to preserve the fundamentSection Any member subjected to comings of the Draft rogram of the At such conferences the Communist reCommunist Lengue of America (Left Opposition) Chicago Branch.
and Trotsky in the Communist move the branch and is subordinate to it. The disciplinary action has the right of ap. Unemployment Councils. The demand ment, to apply them in the daily activities branch executive committee directs the real to the next higher body, up to and for trade relations with the Soviet Un presentatives must always point to our of the workers in the class struggle and practical activities of the branch, prepares including the National Conference. Pend lou is a step forward in spite of its to reunite the Communist International the agenda for the branch meetings and ing action on the appeal the decision of inadequate formulation or explanation on that basis.
brings in concrete proposals regarding the League organization having original of the relation between the American the actions to be taken by the branch jurisdiction remains in full force and ef and Russian workers ARTICLE III: INTERNATIONAL Between business meetings the branch teet The draft lists immediate relief and AFFILIATION executive acts with full powers. The social insurance as the two outstanding The Communist League of America branch executive committee does not have ARTICLE IX: QUALIFICATIONS tasks of the organizational struggle of The outstanding difference between put before the working class as the main the Councils and subordinate entirely socialists and Communists, between re difference of the Socialist and Commun (Oppositiin) is affiliated with the Inter a binding discipline over its members in FOR ELECTION national Left Opposition in the Commun the branch meetings. Members of the the struggle for the reduction of hours formists and revolutionists to the worst st Parties the difference in the amount Section Members of local and branch to an ordidnary demand of the eight that one spreads the illusion to the work each asks for? The Socialists, too will and is bound by the decisions of its In decisions have the right to present executive committoos must have been listed. The struggle for the reduction Ing class that through parliamentary draw up a list of demands, some idenist International as its American section executive commitee who dissent from the ternational Conferences and its executive minority report to the branch, but as members of the organization for at least of bours must be placed on a par with action it can rain its freedom, and the tical and others similar to those of the immediate relief and social insurance other openly states that its aim is the arty. How will the workers Underorgan.
a general rule this right should not be six months at the time it election.
exercised on practical questions involving Section Delegates to National Con and as a long range perspective as the revolutionary overthrow of the capital stand the difference? All the shouting ARTICLE IV: MEMBERSHIP no serious political issues which haveferences must have been members of the most important of the immediate de ist state and the establishment of the of the Party leadership to the effect Section All those who subscribe to been discussed and considered by the ex.
organization for at least one year at the mands to express itself in the slogan of dictatorship of the proletariat. This that the other will not fight will not the prineiples and tactics laid down in eeutive committee.
THE SIX HOUR DAY, THE FIVE howeve, does not mean that the recotus make it any clearer to the workers who time of election.
the first four congresses of the CommunSection Members of the National DAY WEEK, AND NO REDUCTION INtionists must ignore the use of reforms constantly ask why don you fellows 1st International, who accept the plat ARTICLE VIII: DUES AND INITIAbut they must use them in a revolutionary Committee must have been active memtogether?
form of the Communist League and who TION FEE bers of the Communist political move The draft program recommends the sense. The working class cannot be rulagree to abide by its discipline and enSection Each applicant for member: ment for at least four years, at least setting up of unemployment committed for the overthrow of capitalism on ble to membership in the Communist cents which shall be receipted for by an Communist League, at the time of elec. blocks, employment agencies, delegates pressed or of high Ideals; it is united mint put before the workers, not a cata, lec League.
initiation stamp furnished by the Nationfrom shops, trade unions and other mass mainly on concrete issues on demands one of demanus, but a specific program Section Every member must belong al Otlf. The entire initiation tee goestion.
organiza klous. This presents the or of the day. To rally the workers, to the program proposed by the hole om to a duly constituted branch of the to the National Office.
ARTICLE X: CONFERENCES Lengue in the locality where he resides Section Each member shall pay The organization of the employed and light for their immediate, needs to secure Our program is a program for the work Groups of members shall be organized fifty cents per month dues which shall Section The National Conference of unemployed into BLOCK DOC Bradligheteportaset rentakoneet pa teha toinen last and its main problem, unemplos: ervision of the branch. In localities by the National Office of this amount conferences shall be called by the Nation tion up to the City Committee is the in elections.
where no branch exists applicants shall 35 cents is remitted to the National Office al Committee upon the demand of branch basle organizational force of the work.
We must come to the workers with They are: The six hour day without rebe admitted as members at large. Pend and 18 cents remains in the local or es or local executive committees repre This must be coordinated through the UNITED FRONT POLICY with the demands, but we must under all cir duction in pay, social insurance and long Ing the formation of a separate national branch treasury. In addition to this, all senting one half of the membership.
organization of the Canadian Commun. members are expected to make regular Section The Call for the Conference working class organizations, trade un cumstances explain to them that only term credits to the Soviet Union. Only Opposition, branches in Canada shall be to the pledge fund according to their posts of the National Committee shall being committees and conferences. The their problems be solved. To ask for de proper way, will the Communists show ists adhering to the International Left and systematie voluntary contributions together with an agenda and the pro ions, etc. through delegates to the lead with the overthrow of capitalism issued at least sixty days before the top houses, soup kitchen and employ. mands without this necessary explanation the working clasy what the real differaffiliated directly to the Communist mennis.
Lengue of America with all the rights Section Members unable to pay dues date of the Conference for discussion in ment agencies are entirely subordinated 15 to fail to clarify the workers.
and obligations of other branches.
on account of unemployment or strikes the local organizations and in the official to the organization of BLOCK To have a list of some 75 demands a la BLOCK COUNCILS and collective at Social Democracy and only at the end ARTICLE V: ORGANIZATION shall, upon application to the branch organ or Internal bulletin.
Section Representation to the Confiliation of trade unions and other work somewhere throw in (as ir to satisfy REVA CRAINE.
Section The basic unit of the Com secretary, be furnished with exempt workers and munist League shall be the branch con stamps which secure their full memberference shall be based on the dues paying ing class organizations, through the someone) a demand for farmers government. without explanasisting of not less than five nor more ship rights.
membership in good standing for a period UNITED FRONT.
The first conference in August and the tion, without reason, as the New York than 75 members. When a branch at Section to the issuance Members who are three of three months prior tains a membership of 78 it shall be months in second conference on September 13 were municipal election program of the Party Bub divided into two branches.
shall cease to be members in good stand Section The manner of defraying not UNITED FRONT conferences. In does 1s to fall to the level of social Section Wherever two or more ing. Members six months in arrears the expenses of the Conference shall be the first conference no delegates were reformism.
branches exist in the same locality, a shall be stricken from the rolls by form outlined by the National Committee in seated, it was a mass meeting and in the From some seven demands of last year second, the representation of working have grown some 75 of to day. From the Local Executive Committee shall be al action of the branch. The branch ex. the Call for the Conference.
class organizations was too narrow, and conquest of the streets and revolutionformed by delegates from the respective ecutive committee appoints a conductor ARTICLE XI: FRACTIONS the Communist League of America dele ary upsurge of two years ago, we have branches elected on the basis of proporto examine the membership cards of To exclude Com reformism, Section Members of the League be gates were not tional representation.
poor reformism to boot, those present before each business meetARTICLE VI: ADMINISTRATION ing to insure that the meeting restrict longing to trade unions and all other munist League delegates from a United today. If yesterday the situation was Section. The highest governing body ed to members only.
organizations are obliged to organize Front Conference is a move helping the overestimated, then today it is underof the Communist League is the National Section New members serve a pro themselves into fractions the advancement class.
turism, then today we are confronted with Conference. Its decisions are binding on bationary period of three months before work within them for the for common enemies of Communism and the working estimated. If yesterday we had adven.
the entire organization.
final acceptance into the League.
of the ideas and influence of the League Now the third conference is called opportunism. Because the base of yes Section Between National Confer Section Members desiring to leave under the direction and control of the Oct. 18 at eople Auditorium. The terday errors was not removed, it is today the cause of new errors. One 18 ences this authority yested in the Nalone elty for another must apply to his League unit having jurisdiction. Frac Council organized the August Confer tional Committee elected by the National or her brauch for permission and re tions must report regularly on their work ence to call the September Conference as bad as the other. Just as light is Conference celve a transfer card which is to be de to the respective organization of the and the September Conference to call blinding to the owl and darkness is blind.
Section The National Committeoposited with the branch of the city to League and carry out all instructions. the October Conference and each con ing to man.
When reading the program of this year consists of nine members. The Nation which the member moves. If no branch The members of the fractions must work ference carries on thus and the election dazed. What is the al Conference also elects two alternates exists the member is to remain a member as a unit under all circumstances. The of committees to call on some capitalist the worker is who become members of the National at large.
fractions discuss the questions affecting government apparatus to demand reliet chiet demand? Is it social insurance or Committee in case of vacancies in the their work and formulate proposals to and to expose them to the workers. In is it the demand for the right of firemen order of their vote.
ARTICLE VIII: DISCIPLINE the League unit having jurisdiction with the first case Governor kommerson Com to go on strike? There is a demand Section The National Committee Section All decisions of the gov which the right of final decision rests. mission and in the present case a Hunger for everything, there is an explanation reduction from directs all the work of the National or erning bodies of the League are binding Violations of discipline are not acted on March and to call on Congress when it for nothing. Why the last year demand for 18. 00 weekly to ganization, decides question of policy upon the members and subordinate units by the fractions, but are reported to convenes.
and elects the National Secretary, edit of the organization.
the respective organization of the League The relation of the Communist to the unemployed to 15. 00 this year? Is it be unemployed councils must be to unite all cause prices have fallen? Or is it to orial board, international representatives Section Any member or unit vio) for action. were supporters of trade union unity letariat days OK triumpul au o gry. are opposed to the fusion; the leadconference. few leaders of the gave to the Spanish revolutionary pro majority of the members of the even thongh they are its greatest foes The amureno syndicants utilized luisers of the expel from its inidst today. Jose Willaverde, the present man. Cucu Se lu cenounce the common ager of the Solidaridad Obrer (of thel Ints as enemies or trade union unity and happened recently to the union of tradwhoever defends trade union unity, as in Galicia. Jose Viadin, Antonio Or the e. They pointed to the com.
Amador, and many others made declara aittee of ceconstruction as supporting ing employees of Madrid, an organization tions in defense of the unity idea. The proor. ibe nociulists are traitors who led by the Communiste.
Spanish working masses adopted with collaborated witu Primo uo kivera. Tos The workers and the leaders of the enthusiasm the slogan of trade unity the language ouetehusts employed. also laugh at anybody who comes Then dictatorship of Primo de Rivera and the incompetence of its leaders, led the other hand, it has sought to create themselvese is a unity ist upepoleer showed shows, Obelieved numero delete surcons propose the fusion of the two organs beneveu thell. eu ueceu put an end to the exasperated struggle to the most miserable defeat; the vest a ridiculous organization in Catalonia, themselves as unity supporters, eventos Spanish were in letariat had.
sunk today. In general, the leaders of the witnessed numerous. 1923 the Generale Union of Workers and politicism, its stupid blindness, were its roots a little in Stadrid (the center Gy. u. were resolute enemies of une chutest to expreshatowithout having tau alth, however confused. Those who are battle between the two organizations con toe Spanish revolution in 1020.
the National Confederation of Labor. The the principal obstacles to the triumph of social reformism. and has lost mem It is at this moment that there took their minus developed the weat or the with their leaders, hope that from sometinued to grow from 1920 onwards, when dhe huravidualist aparebist adveutur vere of the Committee of Reconstruc Blasten hemmotte deuren the sengla: se post of reunion, u they no Anuger where will emerge a correct and some the treacherous leaders of the reformist was crushed by the capitalist repression Non of the miners strike by the General They cousidered it impossible fidence in their forces and they love the broke the pact which established in spite of magniticent acts of berolem. The struggle for Trade Union Unity Council of the English trade unions. The and laughed at those who would make I, their and it the united front between the two organt. The dictatorship of Primo de Rivera waw, zations for the fight against the capital in a sense, the road attirmation of the Shortly after its foundation, the Span Spoītshe social reformists made haste. suen a proposal. The Communists, pion. tionary tradition. We must unite the ist repression which was then raging.
The united front was broken by the Span swaph of capitalism over the Spaniab ish Communist Party was able to conduct protected by the freedom granted them eers of trade union unity, a changed revolutionary workers of the proletariat. fruitful and intense campaign for trade by Primo de Rivera, to denounce the the. tucte for that of trade union spuit with those who are in the The ish social democracy (although the an During the 1928 coup Etat, the an unlon unity. The slogan of the holding act of the dissolution of the Anglo Rusty Phat is what the anarchists saia Communists must fight in the u. archist leaders also bear responsibility archit leuders of the found of a national conference of unification of slan Committee in their favors The Rus and what the Communists proved by their and in the for trade union ity on the basis of the the by having pretended to hinder the social no other way out and were unable to act the trade unton forces did not democrats from conducting an electoral otherwise than by dissolving Misery, Class Struggle and Tide workers of the must be conN. and a great echo, but to the extent that deal with the English as traitors, the vinced of the necessity of fighting with campaign. In order the better and more Catalonia, Andaluule, the Asturias, the social democracy loaned towards re English with whom they maintained Union Unity freely to be able to conduct the electoral Galicia and other centers where the The present situation, the labor crisis, tuing first the united front for winning ment. That is when an abrupt change denly pacited. according to the ex. Idea of trade union unity with conviction. fintern which, from unity, became split hunger and misery in the proletariantionary trade union unity. We campaign which had opened at that moc. counted organization, were sud the the masses accepted the situation coincided the tactie of the Proimmediate demands, and then for revolutook place in the tactle of the pression of the Spanisn bourgeoisie know an organization which had supported this event played a big role in the lorous times, and we cited the culminating removed our comrade Juan Andrade the reformist leaders of the will expel from their ranks the mind.
homes, are not correctly appraised by that the reformist leaders of the We have spoken of this movement numer ting. The bureaucrats of the Spanish great struggles like the general strikes uuration of the of 1917, the miners strikes of the Astruo de acivera. The bourgeoise conference of San Sebastien (suspended organ of the la Antorcha, which want to fight for a better situation. The do not support their standpoints, and urlas, of Rio Tinto, Pennaroya, Biscaya, in it a great success of the dictator; thel by Primo de Rivera. In 1928. Let us had conducted such brilliant campaigns bourgeois republie has in no way solved which do not declare themselves partisdictatorial regime of event which was the convocation of the from the post of manager of the central and the The working massestants and also the organizations which even for trade union unity the miserable position of the working ans of trade union unity They must Barruelo, etc. This change coincided working class suffered a abrupt shock speak of this event once more with the split within the ranks of the and a brutal deception by seeing the coll, though it be known to the readers in With the change of taeties supervened masses. The Andalusias proletariat, immediately demand their entry into the cussion of the 21 conditions of the Com organizations. One inay essert that in the snarchists and the socialists beforeles, the furious attack of the social re The spark will light the fire throughout it is not always easy to act, because tho Spanish social democracy during the dis seul ral leaders dissolve the trade union order to show what was the attitude of the distustonment of the working mass famished, is demanding bread and work And it in this organization formists, and the change of position of Spain. The workers are rebelling. The anarcho syndicalist leaders also know munist International.
the had not been dissolved, it the conference. betrays. The does how to expel dictatorially, we can count The at that time had less than it had been endowed with a concrete The U. whose secretary got the anarcho syndicalists.
Deception and Uncertainty not know what to do, its leaders are upon the fact that the ranks of the or 200, 000 members. Most of its forces were revolutionary program, the existence oferal, Largo Caballero, was a member of concentrated almost exclusively in Bis the dictatorship of Primo de kivera the State Council of Primo de Rivera!
The preceding period was followed by afraid of the masses. The husganization are a little more oleran and caya (with about 35, 000 members. in would have been of short duration. today he is a minister of the republic) two or three years of demoralization in forces to carry out a social revolution understanding than the the Asturias (more than 80, 000) in Mad Eight years have passed. The political could act freely and legally. All the big the ranks of the working masses. The But the essential thing is lacking: a defenders of Largo Caballero and Co.
unconditional rld with almoet 90, 000. The rest were regime has undergone modifications. The bureaucratie artillery of Sr. Largo Cabal socialists sought to support the party com program. Its leaders have none. There divided in the order is absent a which should be the The problem of trade union unity in vanguard of the working class. And the Spain is more diffieult than in the other between Andalusia (peasants. Galicia from the organle point of view even astien trade union unity conference sanisms of treason and class collabora(peasants and construction workers. old though it is much more reformist than Primo, ag than the services ren tion which constituted a powerful wear anarchist leaders publish following countries, even though there existed in Castillo (peasants) and some industrial when it was dissolved.
workers in the province of Guipuzcoa. The has retained and in terence. But he could not prevent the ignorant workers. The in is not capable of replacing the bourgeoil that because of the sectarianism of the Sancreased its membership a little. With republice. This phrase throws deception leaders of the lack of understanding and The had almost 1, 000, 000 ad creased its membership little, at the workers federations of Toledo herents, and its most salient trait was present time it has about 230, 000 work Sebastien, as well a great number out other changes there came the period into the hearts and minds of the working the deception of the masses de the calso the violent, revolutionary, halt collective, ors. The has reorganized and of trade unions adhering to the La of the transmission of powers from masses. What is to be done? ropose policy followed by the bureaucracy or the the fusion of the and the the Spanish Communist Party. But in habt Individual struggle. It soon fell into should have about 800, 000 members. The from having given their adherence to Primo to Berenguer, then began period of the reorganization of the The 230, 000 members of the u. spite of all, it cannot be doubted that almost all of them, constitute a sort these difficulties will be overcome if we by Individual violence to the repression changed profoundly. The has The was dissolved. But some. which everybody knows.
of the bourgeolale, principally in Cata lost strength in the Asturias and in Bis trade unions which had belonged, and The working class wanted to organize of aristocracy of the Spanish working skilfully apply the correct tactics by lonia. This aspect of the struggle, the caya (among the miners and metal work still belong to the among other itself and on the way it encountered a class. The bosses prefer the workers of the Spanish Left Opposition.
part of the L, the political myopia) tex. in their creat majority. On the unitary trade union of miners of the which, in spite of ts enormous mistakes, and to the unorganized. The immensel Madrid. HENRI LACROIX.
Asturias, gave their adherence to the PART II The keal Situation in Rus ala and the Tasks of the Communist Party PART 111 Stalin Falsifles History Only limited number of these booke at this special price. Order now PIONEER PUBLISHERS 84 East 10th St.
New York City The Struggle for Trade Union Unity in Spain