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THE MILITANT WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Entered as second class mail matter, November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
VOLUME IV, NO. 27 (WHOLE NO. 86 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1931 PRICE CENTS ILD Mooney Meet Ousts Left War War Threatens in Manchuria Opposition Delegates Unseated by Bureaucratic Machine het om en andere to go to Japan, China, and Soviet Union Are Involved by Nipponese Military Attack the Protest Expulsions in Greek Club Jurisdictional Disputes Disrupt Building Trades Dept.
Once more the International Labor De to which the chorus did not fail Join Ited front polley. This time the Tom few lessons from John Lewis, proMooney case is made to suffer the imposel a motion asking the Opposition de calculable stupidity of Stalinism. Tom legates to withdraw from the hall. The structure of peace and reconstrucsupply. More even than coal, it wants may burst into a militancy collision be and the yellow peril Ilow fragile and deceptive is the whole Chinese coal to supplement its own small, United States, a festering sore which basest prejudices against the Japanese, Mooney, through his appeal to all work terrorized party members voted for it. tion. with its League of Nations, its iron, both of which are present in large fore one is really aware of it. As de const, just as the Japanese warmongers the West ing class okanizations gave a tremendous when the Opposition refused to leave pacts and agreements, built up by worla deposits in the shantung region, at the terminally as Japan has stood for at have sedulously cultivated among their impetus to the struggle for liberation of all class war prison hoodlums approached us with the threat imperialism after the world war of 1014 Northern part of China, directly south closed door in China, a door closed to its people the natural antagonisms that arose party at first hesitated to beat up on us. Unwilling to turn the the sensational events now unfolding in seeks its rice and cotton from China coming to the tremendous wealth of States against Japanese immigrants to Japan imperialist rivals, the United States to the discriminatory acts of the United to take up the proposal made by Mooney, meeting into a riot, we withdrew from Manchurial. nalore than seventeen years proper and its wheat from Manchuria. China late in the day, has stood for the Califoronda. The friction existing be formists to selxe the hogemony and split We rend the next day in the Daily after the world was throw into the most In addition, Japan runs the highly valu open door that is, for holding it open tween the two powers, in spite of temthe movement, by the incomprehensible Worker that someone overheard one word War! stands out again menacian railway, and uses the policing of themselves in the house. The notorious horrible shambles history has known, the able and important Southern Manchur long enough for the Yankees to establish porary and surface agreements or moderations achieved from time to time, has below. The having been thrown non to the effect that we tried to dis ingly in the headlines of every newspaper. It as the pretext for constant interven y arbitrary twenty one points demand not been eliminated to the present day.
out of Mooney Molders Defense rupt the conference but were unsuccess It is not a danger of war that exists tion in the internal affairs of the coun made by Japan upon China in 1915, which and with the present Invasion of ManConference by the labor skates, learned ful. Having split the conference, the in Manchuria. It is a state of war in try.
The Position of the Involved little less than the complete churia, shows every likelihood of being nothing but a few tactics, which bureaucrats, with an aching conscience, actuality. Whole sections of the counsubjugation of the latter, met with for rendered increasingly aente But it is not alone with China that mal opposiion from only one important The most superillal reading of conference held October 1th at the Irv a crude and ridiculous invention in or Japanese military forces. Squadrons of Japan has its clashes. sharp conflict power, the United States. For decades, news indicate that the country most af der to convince the delegates that after Japanese airplanes have flown over Chiof interest also exists between it and the the American Jingoes have stirred up the tectd by the Manchurian events, next In order to avoid a meeting which all it was the Opposition that disrupted nese cities, raining down machine gun to China and Japan, is the United States.
would show the results of a policy of the meeting. bullets and bombs, terrorizing the civil Chiang Kai Shek has operated for a few appealing to the rank and file mempopulation and already placing to its years now under a benerolent protector bers of the Amalgamated Clothing Workaccount a growing list of casualities.
ate of American imperialism. It is to ers and the other unions, independent of Wall Street and Washington that the the and the local unions for feature, with the invasion of BelChinese butcher looks for loans, for supof the the party call invites all glum by German Imperial troops in Aug port of all kinds, and it is far from lookorganizations to send one delegate for ust 1914. The only important difference ing in vain. In the North of China, every five members. By this very subtle is that the Chiang Kai Shek government where Japan once had the free hand method the conference was packed with has not yet officially declared war against It the corpulent gentlemen, who met, The general wage cut campaign is al granted it by dts puppet Chang party delegates, delegates, and the Japanese in answer to the latter in Vancouver, C, recently, have their ready in full swing. That it has not Haueh Liang, has from all appearances the inevitable fraternal organizations. The following appeal has just been But the war itself is in progress, on dictional war within the building trades building trades is perhaps only due to ernment and has put one obstacle after unofficial declaration of war upon China. way, there will be a more intense juris yet to any great degree officially hit the reconciled himself with the central govkept apologizing and promised just as the Spartakos Club, among the Grockpalastering at the Geneva meetings of Building Trades Department convention. weakness of the craft union position the Japan to take the brutal measures it did hash of figures for which the reportering circulated among the members ofertheless a fact which all of the futile much was decided by the of scale unemployment and the extreme progress. That what has determined to the organisations represented follow party and its sympathizers. The appeal! The only question to be determined in that is, in between chewing on fat cigars to enlist the labor needed at a price way cends all the hypocritical peace talk of the hand of the teachers (Mr Green and Left Opposition, against whom an expul and how they will align themselves.
ed no time. From the very besinnina Greek members and aympathizers of the will assume the forces it will involve, presentatives denounced the tripple scale. That itself, of course, carries with lomats, that it will tindraw only when Sam Gompers) was as clear as day. The ston campaign from the Spartakos Club alliance of the carpenters, bricklayers it only further weakness and seriously it has established a friendly regime. In Japan and China were proposed by the Dist. Comm. of the has been launched by the Stalinists. The of the gratifying progress winch the Kleas and The veritable war which Japan has most union members are out of jobs and the large contractors in the building in The American Game No further proposals were ac prestige of the Left Opposition have launched against China marks no new de. some sort of militancy had to be shown. dustry this undermining serves well as cepted and the well known steam roller made among the Greek workers, particu. parture in its relations with that counmethod applied. delegate from. larly in New York, in recent months, has try.
The defensive alliance of the three a prelude to an open attack which is Win the United States intervene acIt is part and parcel of that arbi untons was described as having been sure not to le long delayed.
tively? Thus far, it has confined Itselt branch protested, but Carl Hacker not proved to be a thorn in the flesh of the trary, domineering, rapacious polley of formed to take work away from other The well fed officials of the nineteen to the usual preliminaries: diplomatie to be hindered by an nalve rank and Bureauerats heir arbitrary texpulsions, plunder and subjugation which it has reople. The carpenters particularls building tracles unions, those within as notes, diplomatic conversations. It has filer, muttering some vague words about actuated by their fear of discussion, will pursued in common with the other im came in for the unanimous wrath. They well as those outside of the wilding even departed from its regular policy by facilitating the work of the conference, not prevent the growth of the opposition perialist powers since the industrial rev. were called pirates. and ruthless trades department, surely know what is asking the League of Nations to take notions. Then came a rain of banalities on the contrary, their savage attacks Clution towards the end of the last een having the intention of fostering and or coming. They have not scrap of a measures for settling the contrict. This will only cause the militant Greek work tury brought Japan to the forefront ini ganization to create turmoil and indus program for organized resistance and indicates only allful plan of making about why we unite with the rank and crs to arouse themselves to a considera world politics and economics, and moro trial discontent. One expressed the have no such intentions. The intensi a pretense of patience, of willingness to Ale and not the leadership of the reaction of the disputed questions agitating specifically as an Asiatie and Pacife Opinion that until all locals afiliated with ication of furisdictional squabbles or use every pactis measure available the new third period tactics of the bolshevised This was kuown as quisition of strength made be the onese. and it has made no specal attempt simply wasting our time talking. And their task an easier one. In this manner Chiang Kai Shek down, unless it does it ery reason to believe that the recent ac polley has been China for the Japan existing building trades councils we are paring the way for the bosses and makes steps. The United States will not let the report of the district com munist League of America Opposition to conceal its relentless imperialist purs this became the unanimous sentiment ex. do they prove themselves as efficient ser at the expense of a valuable concession mittee. Following the intermission for in the field of Greek speaking Communist pose. It successfully took over control pressed in a resolution, that this buildvants of capitalism.
from Japan in some other sphere of Amlunch, the delegates representing the workers, where we are gaining some of of Korea, which it successfully defending trades department of the of The slogan and demand for amalgama erican imperialism interests. Chiang by Communist League of America (Oppost. the most influential and expereinceded against the Russian ezar and annexed direct the national presidents of the nation of all building trades unions cor himself cannot undertake a war skainat tion) Geo. Saul and Geo. Clarke were tighters, is only a beginning.
The best in 1910, kuined control of the strategi. dlated unions to support to the fullest rectly advanced by the militant work Japan. For that, he would have to set called.
us to withdraw from the conference, ex and intelligent, those who will refuse ped its position to such an extent that unlon when an attack is being made upon put on the top of the agenda. An effe proletariat and peasantry as would con plaining to us fint since we were sold to let bureaucrats think for them and from Formosa on the South to Sakbalinthema by unlons not affiliated with the live campaign for amalgamation and its stitute a force for his was destruction bully there will find the road to the on the North, it virtually dominated the buliding trades department of the ultimate accomplishment, plus the re Chiang fulminations, his threats to anstimers he knew for what purpose we came to the conference. Communists Left Opposition in the end.
The statement on the recent expulsion Sea to the furthermost part of Manch. not affiliated because of jurisdictional collaboration would make short shrift war, his parading of the numerically he said, go to the of confercampaign reads as follows: unia. Manchurin it occupied and stayed disputes.
ences to disrupt them. and the Opof all these present designs of dissen superior army (compared to Japan) are position (being enemies of communism) To the Party Members and Sympathizers: world war, daspite Chinese protests, and however, this is an ominous sign rather ficials. It would become the most prac Chiang Kai Shek army, however superior Immediately upon the outbreak of the For the rank and membership sion and division promulgated by the of so many Chinese paper dragons. The therefore came to the conference At the last meeting of the Spartakos it has more or less dominated that vast disquieting for the future prospects. Ittical and effective way of making an end numerically, is no match at all for the with the same idea in mind. These club charges for expulsion were pre territory with little interruption for the has become a well established practise to šurisdictional squabbles and realls highly trained, efficiently equipped, easwere literally his words. Explain as we sented Stalinist bureaucrats past fourteen years.
might that our real intentions were unity against comrades Koumondoureas and Japan imperialist interests in China the jurisdictional conflicts as a prelude trades workers for resistance to the comamong this type of leaders to intensity help to unify the ranks of the building ily mobilized army of Japan. The Japand not split, there was no swerving the anese have a united nation behind them (Continued on page 2) are deep going and tenacious. It wants to attacks coming from the bosses.
intallibility of his bureaucratie decisions in comparison to the harassed internal The Credentials Committee was to profront of Chiang Kai Shek, torn by the pose the rejection of the Opposition as Canton rump government on the one delegates to the conference. Comrades hand, and by the unintermittent peasant Saul and Clarke nevertheless informed war on the other. Chiang threats are the Committee that they would fight the made on the basis of the hope it not report from the floor.
The announcement of the plans for a against types of assets which are not to be made by the new credit corporation of the future, and within the general something more concrete and tangible Using a quotation from the Militant SO, 000, 000 National Credit Corporation elle now; if necessary, a government the plans of the Intter for perfecting their class of finance capital, the big banks will than hope that more than morale star llowed by an advance in the financed company like the wartime War monopoly of banking will be furthered. increase their hegemony over the small port will come from the United States.
Stalinists could find little to boost, seigal Federal Reserve rediscount rate, from Finance Corporaiton, and lastly, jossible All other elements in national economy banks by bringing them under their finUnder any conditions, the events in moved the non acceptance of the dele 1. to 1 after two years of de purchase by the government of additional have borne some part of the burdens of ancial domination through emergency Manchuria demonstrate how tenuous is gates of the and the Welshpra clining rates, have brought out into the stock in the farm land banks. These last the crisis workers through unemployment, loans.
the balance Imperialism has attained.
group. Discussion was automatically open the existence of a banking crisis in three steps will all need to be carried part time, wage cuts and speed up: landclosed and the fornier Lovestoneite, Nem the United States. In addition, The following paragraphs will attempt The slightest Jar, and the world is once ser, in the chair proceeded to take the erican banking system has lost 300, 000, meet until December, unless a special real estate and scattered rent reduc such a policy by describing, first the funeance in the East, and the whole press Am out by act of Congress, which will not lords through deprecation in value of to discuss the possibilities of success of more confronted with the nightmare of proposal of the credentials committee 000 of gold since Sept. 20, when England session is called before.
to vote which passed not with went off the gold standard, the greatest out opposition however. At this point, 108 of gold ever recorded in such a brlee ever? Obviously not to restore con enormously by the defation and depres canctioning has been modified by the with the Soviet Union. And on this What is the purpose of the whole man profits. Finance capital stands to benefit conditions, second, how this normais acon with speculation about a contiet the delegates of the Opposition, who were smo reducing its gold hoklings from sidence that may be all right to pub:sion, which increase the value of gola boom up to 1020 and the crisis since score there is not so much ground for demanding a discussion on the report an ealliures that interested rapide, and benelic consumption, but the only thing that is pretendities and labor power decline them, and third, the perspective life the Manchurian contiet should develgates, and the Stalinists were compelled continued crash in the prices of stocks bourgeoiste would be profits coming into Controlling the Deflation ants.
op. an ocension will be bound to involve the Soviet Union, with the hope was not to Intluence the vote on the re and Monday, Oct. Selendangered the the little banka. of all the things that pression must be controlled, and allows and most fundamental function of banks into as a preliminary to a concerted holy Only this profitable deflation and de Lenin says, in Imperialism. The first that its Easters frontier can be broken mann of the Carpenters Union spoke ors that America was about to go off all night, that would be one of the last serves the interests of monopolistic finment. In so doing they transform in the fortress of Bolshevism.
against this exclusion, saying that his the cold standard. or at least depreciate on the list, particularly when they are ance capital. It must not be allowed to active capital into active capital, that is The tragedy of the war danger, of the front conterence and not a splitting party. were widespread throughout Europe, and absorb and control thousands of little likelihood of repayment of loans based lecting all kinds of revenues, they put struggle for existence between the imDelegate Berlin the Workmens Circle added to the panicky feeling here. Clear: banks throughout the country, arose to express similar sentiments, but ly on the inflation period scale of values. them at the disposal of the capitalists. perlalist wolves in which the working restore confidence The basic purpose is to strengthen the The policy of finance capital with re In proportion as banking operations masses remain the victims, at the same and the faithful from below. Then the The New Mechanism hold of finance capital on the national spect to capitalist economy as a whole develop, as they become concentrated into time reveals another tragic situation: the big guns were brought into play. MaurTrue to the philosphy of Individual economy, and consolidate the positions is a grotesque caricature of the policy a smaller number of establishments, the feebleness of the Communist movement, fce Malkin, well known in Right wing initiative. Hoover method of approach won during the boom that collapsed tal of the capitalist class with respect to banks become transformed and instead corroded for almost a decade now by the circles, stepped upon the stage to recite was to call a conference of a handful dollars worth a bushel of wheat apiece. Starve it, not to the point of death but powerful monopolies dealing with a with an extremely acute war situation, his little piece. One le followed another from the mouth of this unequalled ratified by a hand picked caucus of Con each, the relative position of the banks period of time. By maintaining in a de italists and small proprietors. and simfire, the official Communist parties, which convert to the Stalinist camp. Taking reasmon and Senators. The the cue from Hacker, Malkin said that crete step was to start the formation of on will be strengthened as against all other flationary period the dollar value of loanslarly dealing with the blggest part of spend three quarters of their acitational In 1925 and for many years following the a corporation with half a billion dollars subjugating the small banks to the dom capital will greatly increase the propor sources of raw materials of a countrs danger. show no abllity to mobilize was a lawyers defense organi of working capital, which is to lend ination of the large banks, through loans tion of its share of the surplus value or of several countries. The transforma the broad masses for resistance to the zation and that Shachtman had pleaded money to banks against assets not eligiguilty when arrested in 1927 in a Hands ble for rediscount with the Federal Retion of numerous little intermediary plans of the imperialist war mongers, of Nicaragua demonstration In Wash serse banks. The funds for this purpose concerns into a handful of monopolista Aside from screeching headlines, little ington, proving the depths of the Op are to be raised by subscription from constlutes one of the essential elements is being done. The betrayal of the socposition renegacy. That the party had banks themselves, for which they are to of the change from capitalism to capital ial democracy which helped to lead the instructed Shachman to act in this man get bonds on which interest is to be proletariat to slaughter in 1914, is being in Spain ther and had never condemned him or paid out of profits. Loans are to be made Oct. 16: Lessons of Recent Oct. 23rd. Communism and Syndicalism ist imperiallam.
In the United States, these functions replaced by the incompetence and bankthe others who were resposible for it, under a double check, by local bankers Lecture by Max Shachtman are performed by several different types ruptey of Stalinism. War puts all quesassociations and by the national credit Strike Struggles Oct. 30th. Tom Mooney Appeal for of institutions, which may be sunımarized tions sharply. It puts Stalinism to the But that was the mildest of his fabri board, and are to be secured by specific as follows: test, as events have put it to the test (See table next page)
in the past. The revolutionary Commun calons. About this time, the comrades assets held by the borrowing bank, by (Coal miners and Paterson Textile Lecture by James Cannon representing the protested aloud. note of the bank, and by a note of the strikes)
In recent years, the trend has been ist parties have as their duty the That was a signal for the pogrom gang local bankers association.
LABOR TEMPLE, 14th St. and 2nd Ave toward department store banking. so propagation of the ideas of the Left wing to get to work. In a hysterical, balt Further steps to be taken away include Lecture by James Cannon Admission. 25 Cents that one institution may be found per of the socialist international before the crazed volee, a party member arose and amendment to the Federal Reserve Act Unemployed admitted free with Unem forming a number of these different funcwar, the ideas which lay at the foundademanded our exclusion from the hall, to permit reserve banks to lend money Questions and Discussion ployed Council card (Continued on page 2) tion of the Communist International.
file by the Ing attacks.
Confronts Banking Crisis he was bowled down by the chairman to sing has to be done immediately OPEN FORUM meant nothing to Malkin