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PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1931 Leon Trotsky: Against National Communism! Lessons of the Red Referendum deeper the present as Syndicalist Voyage to the Ranks of Stalinism ority. wish to overthree power. We (Continued from Last Issue) require the unconditional majority of no pessimism. Ought we to be pes ternal struckle in which the party won its ation, without questions, without even Zinoviev and Buchnrin in August of the After this, it would have been neces the working class. The attempt to see simists? Before us there are gigantic position and hammered out its methods, anxiety in your eyes, aceept the new, same gear. Ought the Communista sary to open as broad and open a dispower, supporting oneself on a ninority, possibilities. For us there is an unlimit. The history of the year 1917, the great wild jump of the present boly leaders, strive (at the present stage) to seize cussion as possible, because it is nec is a contemptible adventure with which ed future. The fate of Germany, the est year in the history of the party, is otherwise you are a renegade, a counter power without the Social Democrats?
essary for the leaders, even for such in we have nothing in common We are fate or Surope, the fate of the whole full of tense internal struggles, as is also revolutionary! This is the ultimatum Are they ripe yot for that. iul that, in fallable ones as Heinz Neumann and not able to force the majority of the world depends on us. But precisely he the history of the first five years after that the international Stalinit burean my opinion, consists the question. At Remmele, to listen attentively at every workers to follow us, we are only able who firmly believes in the revolutionary the conquest of power, despite this. not cracy holds as a revolver against the the same time of the taking of power turn to the voice of the mass. It is to convince them. If the Fascists should future has no need for illusions. Marx one split, not one widespread expulsion temple of each militant.
we had in tunsin such reserves as (1)
necessary to listen not only to the of defeat the working class, then it would lan realism is a prerequisite of revolu for political motives. But at the head peace. 2) land to the peasants. 3) the of the Bolshevik party there stood lendWhat Does Stalin Say?
ficial words which the Communist speaks be impossible even to speak of the con tionary optimism.
support of the enormous majority of the from time to time, but also to those quest of power by the Communists. To Thus would Thaelmann have answereders of growth, another tempering and Did Stalin actually sanction in adworking class. 4) sympathy of the peathoughts more close to the mass protect the working class and its organi. If he were a Marxist. But, unfortunate another authority than the Thaelmanns, Kemmeles and Neumanns. Whence then that, just as no one knows the opinions true that they have as their neighbor the vance the new xig zag? No one knows santry. At present, the German Com.
es which hide themselves beneath hiszations from the Fascists signifies for us ly, he is not a Marxist.
munists possess no such thing. It is words. It is necessary not to command to assure ourselves of the possibility to workers, but to know how to learn from convince the working class and to load Why Was the Party Silent! this destructive unanimity which trans of Stalin on the Spanish revolution. Soviet country, which we had not, but them.
it behind us. We are unable, therefore, But how then was it possible for the forms cach turn of the unfortunate lead. Stalin remains silent. When more mod what can we do for them at If the discussion had been an one, then probably one of the Depen to arrive to power otherwise than protecting, if necessary with arms in party to remain silent? The report of erg into an absolute law for the sigan est leaders, beginning with Lenin, wished moment? If, at present, the power of to exert influence on the policy of a Germany would fall, so to speak, and the pants would have made a speech some hand, all the elements of workers dem degrees in the question of the referenThnelmann, representing a turn of 180 He party. No discussions! Because, brother party, they made speeches and Communists would seize it they would the they wrote articles. The point lay in collapse with a crash. That is in the thing like this: Thaelmann is right ocracy in the capitalist state.
dum was accepted without discussion. Rote Fahne explains, in this situation the fact that they had something to say. best cave. But in the worst case they when he demands that regardless of the To that Thaelmann might have added: Thus it was proposed from above, but it is not speeches but action we need. Stalin bas nothing to say. He uses cun would smash into smithereens ant be undoubted changes in the situation, we in order to win the firm indestructible proposed means ordered. All the acmust not, because of the relation of trust of the majority of the workers, we counts of the Rote Fahne report that at Repulsive hypocrisy! The party must ning with the historien process just as thrust backwards. In my estimation, we he uses cunning with individual people. must hold back the Germans and not en forces, strive to a revolutionary event. must above all renounce throwing dust all the assemblies of the party, the refer accomplish deeds. but renounce partiBut precisely for that reason the most in their eyes, to exaggerate our forces, endum was adopted unanimously. This cipating in their Spanish or German proletariat take at the Right of Brandler who, in August extreme decisive elements are forcing an to close our eyes to facts, or still worse, unanimity is represented as a sign of tion. And with what for deliber. He does not consider how to help the contrage them. Stalin stool, this wny.
are we con step forward, but how to guarantee for September 1923 considered, on the conto state the particular strength of the party. cerned at present? With the question of such a situation, to save the time essen. what is. We shall not outbreak, as we see. Are we able, in to distort them. It is necessarsuren. When or where has there yet been in placing the cross on the ballot, although himself in advance a political loop hole. trary, that the conquest of power in Germany would not present any difficulties, An unsurpassable example of the dual but that the difficulties would begin on in prepara of the move the tory changes in the relation or forces. testing. By deceiving the workers, we de ment such dumb monolithismo The there is not even the possibility of ascer of Stalin in tow basic questions of the next day after the compuesto?
that is, to snatch the taste proletarian ceire ourselves. By pretending to be very Thielmans and the emneles estens birtaining whether it is the one that Fascist there related recremation centres attitude to power. The oticial oninion of the comsocial democracy and thereby force the in, friends, lles no lack of confidence. Bolshevism is the history of intense in lika. Without doubts, without consider 1923. Let us recall what he wrote toites in the Fall of 1923 let pass an ex despairing lower strata of the petty ceedingly revolutionary situation. The bouregoisie to turn their face to the proleading accusator of the Bramillerites is letariat and their backs to Fascism? Cer Stalin. Has he, however, explained to tainly. If the opportunity presents itself the Comintern the question of his own And what it the Fascists, against our position in that year? Yo, for that there will, bring the matter to an uprising in is not the least necessity: it is suflicient the near future? Will the proletarian to forbid the sections of the Comintern revolution then be once more foredoomed With a triumphant fanfare, the Daily the Communist party and the Comin Comintern. Both begin and end with the forecast the present and impending dift to raise the question.
to a heavy defeat?
Worker (10 31) makes much ado of the tern? Let us see glorification of Soviet industrial succulties in the Soviet Union, arising out In the same fashion, Stalin attempts Then Thaelmann, if he were a Marx applicntion of Sam Scarlett, an old time Searlett on the field of National cesses, even as liberals hail these sue of the success of Industrialization and to play also with the question of the ist, would have answered roughly thus: militant for membership in Socialism Scarlett unlike the liberal and trench planned and worked for these successes, tradictions of the temporary existence reveal the fact that Stalin worked. It is self understood that the choice the Communist Party of Canada. The of the moment of decisive struggle de Daily Worker in commenting upon scarerous Friends of the Soviet Union, despite Bucharin and Stalin hopeless side by side of a Soviet State and a through his agents in the German Central pends not only on us, but also on our lett adherence to the Communists, de takes his stand on the field of Commun ness and pessimism.
remaining capitalist world. Despite Comittee and himself remained ambiguenemies. We are in entire agreement that clares: ism itself. The Left Opposition has From what considerations does Scar Stalin and Litvinoff, the ously in the rear. In the case of a the task of our strategy at the present Again the victory of socialist con. charged that the Communist parties and lett come to accept the theory that a com. and capitalism cannot indefinitely co victory of the moment is to make dificult, and not to struction in the Soviet Union has shown the Comintern Itself are neglecting or is plete Soviet industry and economy can be exist side by side peacefully. Will scar skys and Remmeles would proclaim that he New Line all the Manuilfacilitate, for our enemies the forcing of a capacity for winning over to Commun noring the basic problems and issues of built independently in the Soviet Union lett and the thousands of new Com the initiative was Stalin In case of an outbreak. But if our enemies never 1sm the really revolutionary elements the struggle for political power within without the assistance of the workers in munists continue to ignore the program a defeat, Stalin would retain the full theless declare war on us we, of course, among the anarcho syndicalist workers of the respective capitalist countries and other countries and through international of the Luft Opposition on these growing possibility to find a guilty one. In premust accept, because there is not and past years.
on an international scale. Under the proletarian revolution?
cisely this lies the quintessence of his there cannot be a heavier, more destrue! It is a correct step for Scarlett to join orders and guidance of the Stalinist The Struggle Against Bureaucracy The Comintern bureaucracy, with its strategy. In this field he is nowerful.
tive, more annihilating, more demoraliz the Communist Party. The Left Oppost. Comintern the respective communist Further, hus Searlett failed to note, false policies, continues to corrode and What does Pravda Say?
Ing defent than the surrender of great tion has pointed out time and agnin the parties tend to become transformed large in his 14 years lonely progress poison the vitals of the Comintern and historical positions without a struggle failure of the Communist movement in ly into auxiliary agencies for the preto Communism, the specific problems and its sections, the Soviet Government and ing journal of the leading party in the And what then does Pravda, the leadoutbreak on themselves if it is clear for throughout the world, to attract the rev. push the basic issue of the international Union, arising both from objective facton Stalinist methods crente ever wider dit was unable to present one serious ar. Pravda the popular masses they will push to olutonary syndicalist to the banner of proletarian revolútion into the attic of) and the Stalinist destroyers of revolu. ferentiations economically among the ticle, an attempt at an analysis of the our side the broad layers of the tolling Communism, and has explained why the history and pure speculation. The Saltionary theory masses. In that case, we would have communist parties have failed. Fore inist Comintern draws its theoretical (China, Germany, etc. Is Scarlett blind Workers, poorly paid, shift from job to programmatic speech of Thaelmann all the greater chances to obtain a sic most, there stood out the basic theor outlook into the closed shell of social to the changes in Soviet Industry in re job in hope of economic betterment. shamefully produces a half dioxeu phrases.
tory the more clearly today to the working millions that we do to grasp the cardinal neces. row horizon, fails even to see that the trol in the shops, lack of Communist make no effort to close these caps, but And Indeed what can the present cadnot at all intend to accomplish revolu mity of a political party of the working preservation of the Soviet Union itself direction, etc. only to justify them in the name of bureaucracy and tangled in contradictions without them and agninst them. class, and the dictatorship of the pro is predicated upon the support of a pro In the old emphasis was inid, industrialization. Stalinism makes We must therefore state clearly to the lotariat, as the instruments of the work letarian revolution in Western countries and no doubt endorsed by Scarlett too caricature of a correct policy of Soviet Slonis say? What can the Pravda spenk about when Stalin remains silent?
social democratic, Christian and non ers and all exploited peoples to achieve Scarlett himself tecepts this narrow on the unskilled workers, the most ex building, as set forth by the Left Opposlparty workers: the Fascists, a small min and to maintain the power of the masses stalinist theory. Like the Dally Worker ploited, the lowllest workers, whom the tion.
Prayda of July 24 explained the Berlin the present against the clase enemies.
in its opening sentence, Scarlett says, reached in the wheat fields, the The Left Opposition has exposed the to participate in the referendum would turn in the following fashion: alluro But there was also the pedantic, smart. The political line of the Communist lumber camps, the oil territories, the inadequacies of the theoretical position signify that the Communists support the Communists consider the present govern aleck and bureaucratie attitude of two party is correct.
It is necessary to build Waterfront, etc. Potentially, these were of Stalinism and its terrible results for present reactionary Landtas. The whole ment the enemy of the proletariat but by four functionaries of the Communist socialism in a territory which is indus the most revolutionary workers with the proletariat everywhere. For strug matter is here reduced to a simple vote this government supports itself on your party toward the militant trially and politically backward. He nothing to lose and all to win. The old Kling for a change of the Comintern line of lack of confidence. But why then in confidence and your votes; we wish to workers, participants and leaders of mar Is Impressed with the amazing progress fought militantly overthrow this government by means of nificent battles in the class struggle of industrialization. he watches the rev. speech, in and outside of the organiza: Oppositionists by the thousands have the initiative in the referendum, why did for free for the reformation of the Conintern, such a case did not the Communists take an alliance with you and not by means Coupled with the mechanical measures olution change from the haystack tol tion, for democratic methode, against been imprisoned, exiled and even shot. they struggle for several months against of an alliance with the Fascists against utilized to win adherents of the the smoke stack stage.
fakers and bureaucrats. These were what has Scarlett to say to all this. this initiative, and why on the July you. If the Fascists attempt to organ. these conditions served further to With these lines we see how Scarlett strong points on the side. will he fight for the reinstatement of did they wuditenly kneel down before it?
ize an uprising then we Communists will disgust or dismay W. militants comes to the Communist Party. From the Will Scarlett react to these good qual: the thousands of Left Oppositionists to The argument of Pravda is a belated fight with you until the last drop of still unclear on theoretical, principle and theoretical swamp of the heities of a rovolutionary syndicalist and their righful places in the Communist argument of parliamentary cretinism, blood. not in order to defend the gov tactical issues avowed by the Commun progresses to the need of a political party a Communist, and will he now fight for movement?
and nothing else.
ernment Braun Bruening but in order ists. So the fundamental appeal of the of the working class, etc. only to fall workers democracy within the Commun. Having taken one step forward to the to save from being strangled and anni. Russian revolution and Communism into the anti Marxian, Stalinist and reist party and Comintern? Will he opCommunist party, will be remain, as dum, Pravda changed its argumentation: On the August 11, after the referenbilated the flower of the proletariat, the brought only handful of the to actionary swamp of the theory of social pose the bureaucracy in the Communist now, on the ground of Stalinist national. The purpose of the participation in the workers organizations, the workers the party wher hundreds and thousands ism in one country. Neither the effusion Party of Canada, the United States and socialism or will he take another step referendum consists for the party in the press, not only our Communist press, might have come of the Daily Worker nor of Scarlett carry the Comintern?
forward to the Leninist position of in extra parliamentary mobilization of but also your press. We are ready toCatching up with the Revolution the burning spirit of international rev. In Problems of the Developinent of ternational socialism?
masses. But was it not for precisely gether with you to defend any workers In the 14th year of the Russian rerolu olution and socialism, for a genuine the Trotsky has accurately MARTIN ABERN.
home whatsoever, any printing plant of tlon, Scarlett only now finds it possible that reason, for the extra parliamentary mobilization of the masses, thut the clay a workers press, from the attacks of to join the Communist party, to endorse the Fascists. But we demand from you the Communist International. This act of August 1st was assigned? We shall late by opposing not now stop for a criticism of calenthat you pledge yourselves to come to dar Red Days.
our aid in case of a threat to our or is understandable for ordinary workers Opposition, by severing all collaboration But on the First of August, the Communist party mobilized ganizations. We propose a united front Just coming to comprehend the class with bim and by individually joining the the masses under its own slogans and of the working class against the Pase struggle and looking for methods to only section of the Left Opposition in Ists the more firmly and persistently throw off the shackles of wage slavery the United States, the Communist League under its own leadership, or what reason, then, in a week time, WAS we will carry out this policy, applying The path of a worker, blinded by capital ist prejudices and education toward class of America (Opposition. new mobilization necessary, moreover of It to all questions, the more difficult it In regard to the proposal from the The New York Spartacus Club, a such a nature that the mobilized do not awares and the smaller will be the movement is, at the outset, slow for the Weisbord group to have representatives will be for the Fascists to catch us unconsciousness and the revolutionary The National Conference unanimously working class organization under the see one another, that no one of them is chances to defeat us in open struggle lone worker and, for the mass of workers appear before our conference to present adopted the above report of the creden. Leadership of the Stalinists, is now the able to calculate their numbers, that thus would have answered our hypothes speeded up only under the impetus and its views in regards to what it calls the tials Committee to which the letter from scene of an expulsion campaign against they themselves, nor their friends, nor tical Thaelmann, But here Heinz Neumann, the orator political developments, economie uheas International Left Opposition, the Credpolitical views from those of the party them from their deadly enemies, permeated through and through with als (Russian revolution, Spanish revoluentials Committee recommends to the bureaucrats. At last Sunday meeting On the following in the number grent ideas, takes the floor. Nothing tion, economic crisis, general strike, etc. Conference: of the club, two of its members, com of August 12 Pravda declares, no more, The Conference rejects the proposal to rades llarry Kumondareas and Hidus, no less, than that the results of the will come of such a policy anywny, he But this cannot explain Scarlett late tys. The social democratic leaders will entry for Scarlett is a multant of many have representatives of the Weisbord were charged with anti working class voting signified. the greatest blow say to the workers. Do not believe the rears standing, Why should he but at group appear to present its views for the activity on the grounds of which they of all that the working class has yet foflowing reasons: were to be expelled. The party fraction dealt the social democracy. We will Communists, they are not at Scarlett has finally caught up with the number of circumstances com had been mobilized to its fullest extent, not produce the figures of the statistics cerned about saying the workers organizations, but wish only to seize power. Russan revolution. He says, in his state already discussed the views of Welsbora bined last week to prevent the apand the Stalinist proposal was put. It of the referendum. They are known to they consider us to be social Fascists ment printed in the Dally Worker (10 and those who may collaborate with him. pearance of the Militant, and we immediately transpired that the anti all (except to the renders of the Pravda)
and they do not make any distinctions 31) that. we (the under both within our units and in the Militant have therefore decided reluctantly working class activity of the two com and they strke the idiotle and shameful between us and the Nationalista, That estimated the role of the proletarian and decisively rejected these views as to forego the issue. Our national rades of explaining to workers in the boasting of Pravda in the face. To lie Is why the polics that Thaelmann pro dictatorship, and maintained our anarcho, having nothing in common with those of conference extended for a longer club what were the differences agitating to the workers, to throw dust in their nosed would simply make us look ridicu syndicalist opposition to all forms of the Left Opposition. We therefore see period than originally planned, and the present day Communist movement. eyes, these people consider to be in the lous in the eyes of the social democratic government, capitalist or proletarian. Bothing further to discuss at this conter post conferenco meetings with the The anger of the bureaucracy arises from very nature of things.
The ex syndicalist or Scarlett ence.
various departing delegations, plus the fact that somebody sought to disturb Official Leninism is crushed and tramworkers.
To this Thaelmann should have had to now arrives at and sees the role of a (2) The International Secretariat in a brief illness of the editor, created the foundaions upon which their power pled under the heels of bureatieratic epianswer: To call the social democrats vanguard organization of the proletariat. its resolution has also decisively reject such a dislocation of the editorial rests the ignorance in which they keep gonism. But unofficial Leninism lives, a stupidity of a political party of the working classed any pretense of the Weisbord group to Fascists, that is certainly department as made impossible the the Communist workers.
Let not the unbridled functionaries think into which we collide at every critical ho now recognizes the Stato. he claim adherence to the International publication of last week Militant. number of Club members rose to that all will pass over for them with moment and which prevents us from find. draws the distinction between the aim Left Opposition and has declared that We ask the indulgence of our read the defense of the accused and in the Impunity. The clentifically founded ing the way to the social democratic and function of government in the hands this group has nothing in common with ers for the failure to appear and attacks made by the party fraction upon ideas of the proletarian revolution are workers. To renounce this stupidity is of the capitalist class as an oppressor our views.
assure all of them there will be the latter it was made clear that the stronger than the apparatus, stronger the best thing we can do.
As to the act of the workers, and a Soviet Government. 3) In accordance with this, the Na no further interruption of the re retson for the expulsion was the sym than any amount of money stronger than castion that under the pretense of the through the medidum of the proletarian tional Committee has already previously gularity of the paper appearance pathy of the two comrades for the the flerciest repression. In the matter defense of the working class and is dictatorship, as the defender and guide rejected any proposals from the Welsbord every week.
Left Opposition, whose views have been of apparatus, money and repression, our organizations, we desire simply to seize of the workers and all the exploited group for presentation of its views to us!
growing popular in the ranks of the class enemes are incomparably stronger while Weisbord has continued hs imper power, we will say to the social dem peoples.
Club. The lub was organised as a non than the present Stalinist bureaucracy.
We may thus assume that Scarlett missible attacks upon the views and party movement which would embrace But nevertheless, on the territory of Russtrive to conquer power, but for that we will struggle hereafter against the ep leadership of the Left Opposition.
gones of syndicalism who dominate the (4) We propose that the convention views. With the appearance of some ed that it was possible to conquer them.
Monday: P.
degenerated of today with false endorse this polley maintanod by the Na History of the Communist International forgetting all this and are determined quer them all over. For that it needs THE MILITANT Left Oppositionists, the Stalinists are the revolutionary proletariat shall conand outworn doctrines of the emancipatonal Committee. 5) We propose the Conference affirm Instructor: Max Shachtman Published weekly by the Communist tion of the working class solely through destroy the Club rather than allow correct policy in the struggle for its the method of Industrial action and the fact that there is only one section Wednesday: P.
League of America Opposition)
the participation of Left Opposition work right to carry on the policy of Marx and the industrial union. By such ideas of the International Opposition in this Marxism ers and sympathizers.
Lenin, at 84 East 10th St.
the remains factually and his country, the Communist League of Am. Instructor: Arne Swabeck Despite the mobilization of the party EDITORIAL BOARD torically in the swamp of reaction. erica (Opposition) and rejeet the ridifraction, the vote to expel favor and was against the turn and only suberFundamentals of Communism The question of whether Thaelmann Scarlett is correct when he says that culous pretenses of Weisbord and those Kumondareas stood at 34 Martin Abern Instructor: Martin Abern James Cannon lack of self criticism and inability to who agree with him, of adherence to the 14 opposed. The absence of comrade dinated himself to Remmele and NeuMax Shachtman Maurice Spector alter the opinions of yesterday on the International Left Opposition and the Registration Fee: 00. one dollar per Hidus at the meeting that day delayed mann, who found support in Moscow.
Arne Swabeck basis of the facts of today led to fossili principles it stands for.
course. unemployed workers decision on his case, which is to come does not occupy us here, being entirely zation and degeneracy (of the 6) We propose that the conference. Special rates for action next meeting.
personal and episodie: the question is Bubacription rate: 00 per yer; for But will Scarlett, in thus stepping call upon all those supporters of WeisThe determination of the Stalinists to that of the system. Thaclmann did not etgh 50. Hvecents per mopy, ahead, now apply this critique and ap bord and his views who seriously wish Opening Week: Oct. 19th split the movement must be met every dare to appeal to the party and conseBundle rates, cents per copy proach to the problems that today face to support the Left Opposition, to trans Register at 81 East 10th St. at once where with the greatest resistance. quently bears the entire responsibility.
Conference Acts on the attacks of Welsbora upon the reli Expulsions Begin in Weisbord Spartacus Club Issue Is Skipped Classes