BolshevismCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismSovietSpainStalinStalinismSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1931 THE MILITANT PAGE Secr Greets Conference Ferment in the Chicago Books it) will live, corresponding to it, an action within its own ranks, wher the activity of all the Oppositionists will be coordinated in order to return the Cemintern, against the Centrists, to the Increasing Problems face the International Left Opposition path of Marxism which will lend it to members of the Executive Committee of To hear is to do. The ethielent methods Creancracy more repugnant among the. the make We wish you the accomplishment of issued a statement to all members on by the carrying out of decisions by a signs of stirring life, which the Left or To the Communist League manner in which you have been able to a fruitful labor, and we send you, dear why two. Norman Satir and Ruth An. membership who have no understanding position always knew to be present, is a of America oppose the confustonist tendencies of cuinades, our Communist greetings. dras, have been expelled from member of the reasons for the decision. Sell favorable portent.
Dear Comrades: Welsbor and to reject them without ship, and one, Nathan Gould, is about crticism becomes greatly similar to the For the International Secretariat.
The statement has obvious shortcom The International Secretariat sends its undergoing a crisis as painful as those to meet the same fate (he has since confession box proceedings of the Cathings. It fails to answer the whereas of warmest greetings to the Second Na which many European sections experi MILL.
been expelled also. olic Church. Like the Catholic Church, this bureaucracy. Its source, according tional Conference of the American sec enced.
The charges of these comrades are: too, the only ones allowed to recelve to the statement, is a mystery, it sprang tion of the Left Opposition, which we But in order to assure from now on that based on a system of bureaucracy, confession, to give chastisement or to up from nowhere. That source is the are sure will contribute towards fortify a rapid and vigorous development of the a regime of terror, of expulsion, an in allow absolution are higher bodies, while leadership and behind them the ing your organization and which will be Left Opposition In America as elsethe point of departure of a new period where we must very quickly apply our.
capable district and national leadership the very, very low. they attempt Stalinist revisionists of the teachings of has attached Itselt to the and criticism, become enemies of the work Marx and Lenin in the Unless of development. The International Op selves to strengthening the organization prevents the Lengue from efficiently ful ing class.
these comrades recognize this, their corposition, for material reasons, cannot of the Left Opposition. The Bolshevik tilling its role.
participate effectively in your conter party, where they applied themselves to Thirdly, the document goas on torect labors will be ineffectual. Every unce and also, as a result of great ait. delimiting clearly the organization of a by Leon Trotsky The same leadership in order to main show how these leaders are created. Not leadership will tend towards bureaucracy ficulties, it cannot bring the necessary group, few in numbers as it was, should tain its position, has had to line up com the most developed. Ideolgically and for the ideas of the Stalinist revisionista, contribution to your discussion.
THE STRATEGY OF THE WORLD rades against Satir who had taken a crt. practically, but the politically dishon not having ideological correctness, can serve us as an example. Ideological corThe tasks that are posed at the pre rectness Is Intimately bound up with the REVOLUTION tical attitude towards the activity of ost, opportunist and careerists who will only be defended by cureaucracy.
How long will a lendership that is honsent moment for the Communist move solidity of the organization. It was in 86 pages, two colored paper cover 250 the National Committee, spread lies and agree with everything that the higher ment and specifically for our Left lucevitable that, at the outset, the inadeIntroduction by Max Sbachtman slanders, suppress articles written for bodies propose unoramuses rise est and theoretically firm stand for soction, are of so wide a scope that they quacles, the political inexperience of the THE DRAFT PROGRAM OF THE the pre convention discussion, not allow to the leadership. The proletarian lendialism in one country. the Anglo Nusnecessitate that the political work of Opposition groupings, should be trans COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL anybody time to present any positionership becomes merely blind They sian Committee betrayal, the Chiang Kaiclearing up, of enlightenment, of delim. lated into the field of organization. But Criticism of Fundamentals opposing the National Committee and take no real part in the work of the Shek alliance, the thirdd period. soc Itation and the corresponding organiza at the present moment, it is high time Introduction by Cannon tal Fascism. for the dubbing of Trotsky that the party leadership has condoned leadership.
tional work which have been under and it is possible to have the Opposition 140 pages hard paper cover 3501 and encouraged the younger bureaucrats. The practical proposals of these pro and the International Left Opposition as The document charges that the last testing comrades then follow: countor revolutionists? The only kind taken, especially in the last two years, take a step forward in this field. Two be followed up at a more sustained pace, years of work, of efforts, of experience, THE SPANISH REVOLUTION convention of the was not a broad and free discussion. of leadership the and the more accelerated rhythm. The events are finding themselves concretized in the 80 pages, paper cover 10c Communist convention, because there was the discussion must be followed by a bureaucrats can tolerate are bureaucratie in Spain have begun without a Commun. theses, in the resolutions to your nation THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION no preconvention thesis, nor discussion real convention. The present leadsnoramuses. Any other kind could not ist party, but also without an organized al conference, as well as in other im 208 page bookcloth bound 00 involving the membersluip. The state ership must be replaced by tempered tolerate the and leaders, Opposition, having at its disposal trained portant sections of the Opposition (the ment goes on to tell what the League young Communists. Regular reports paper bound. 60 militants, known organs. In the present French Lengue, the Archio Marxists. In bureaucracy is attempting hide: poll to the membership by the lenders. ternational phenomenon when we discuss situation in Germany, there does exist this way, each Opposition militant will THE REAL SITUATION IN RUSSIA tical bankruptcy (If that term can be Democratic centralism free elections by quality. When we diseuns quantity, numerically strong but one with find a firmer basis for his activity. In Introduction by Max Eastman out political leadership, and the Oppost this way, the sections of the Left Op.
864 page book formerly now 00 Capable. According to the y. let. Broad discussions on all important que reason for the exception is obvious, and tion is still much too weak to be able position will be able to strengthen their MY LIFE 600 pages ter, the National Committee of the Amtions. Right of Communist criticism Germany, where the situation is so favor. 00 to exercize substantial political role work within the Communist party, erican League has. 1) been absent from of lenders. Bureaucracy must be able that members stream in, in spite of there. In England, the ruin de the COMMUNISM AND SYNDICALISM the economie fleld. 2) not formulated destroyed. Raise the theoretical levell the bureaucrats, the same holds true in causeil by the policy of the AngloOne of the most important tasks of The Trade Union Question any youth demands. 3) no shop nuclet: 10. Proper relations between the Youth the entire International. The same Russian Committee, perunits the lenders the present moment is an organle concauses in our brother Leagues produce Introduction by James Candon (4) no anti militarist work. 5) no op and the party.
of the labor party to hold hack the solidation of the Left Opposition within work 64 pages, paper cover (6) crisis in sports and the same effects as in the American 16 Pioneers of League still isolated. To heed the bureaucrate instructions to disWith a call to the membership not to League.
masses affected by the crisis; there too, the Communist parties and the Comin THE SPANISH REVOLUTION the Opposition is unable to give the tern. The defeats of the past years, IN DANGER these, the trio ada Our support of their statement will four additional associate themselves from the signing undoubtedly cause these comrailes to bo party its strength, its vitality, being it the present bankruptcy, have piled up 64 pages paper cover 150 points. 8) no single shock plan was cmoracles, the statement ends: Oust the subjected to the epithet of Trotskylsts sell in its very first stages.
profound discontentment in the masses completed. 9) the ideological level of bureaucrats! Build the Langue!
You insist very rightly in your thesis who follow the parties, as well as among PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOP.
the League is at its lowest. 10) bureau.
which the burenucrats will fing at them, on the importance of the United States their members. The rupture of the party MENT OF THE cracy is the prevailing system. 11) the as though that disposes of the questions 48 pages, paper cover in the world and the weight it bears with the broad masses has been relected 15c National Committee is entirely incapraised. Do not permit this divert Special Rates in Bundles of or more able of independent analyses or formu. Youth Committee of the Chicago branch the rebellion, district and nation wide!
The following is the statement of the your attention from the fight. Spread upon European economy. This relation in the parties. At the moment when the ship of forces which our comrade Trot. proletariat, resisting violently the capitalSINCE LENIN DIED sky already brought to light a few years ist offensive, will seek its road, all the By Max Eastman that were made, were made after the of the Communist Lengue of America Our support in our criticism, is given in ago, has lately been forced upon the elements, all the groups which have re1924 BOCY. threat of removal and these gains Opposilon) on the recent developments comridely fashion. The ousting of the in the blindest. Imperialism seeks more and mained in the party without pronouncing 158 page book printed in London are microscopic bureaucracy, the re arousing of the Inter.
According to the present leadership. Satir, Ruth Andras and Nathan Gould and stratexty of the movement, lends erIn Chicago, the statement of Norman est in Marxism, the study of the treties more to put Europe on rations; its policy themselves openly upon their policy, will will not fall to aggravate and exacerbate also emerge from their passivity in orOrder from the League membership (using third against the bureaucracy in the Lery sincere young revolutionist forward the conflicts in Europe. But also the der to seek actively to orlent the policy PIONEER PUBLISHERS period mathematics) is around 3, 000. has met with a warm welcome from the on the path towards the International curtailed position of Europe will have of the The action of the Left Op84 East 10th Street Eron it these figures are correct, they members of the This in spite of Left Opposition.
repercussions in the United States and position upon these elements will be all New York City show a great discrepancy between poten a long and arduous campaign of slander. We urge all comrades to study the there, as in Europe, the burdens which the greater if its external action upon tial possibilities and actual results. Yet, While young comrades are not as well position of the Left Opposition, world capitalism will seek to have the the party (which expulsion has imposed many join the continuously, but versed or experienced and therefore Youth Commitee, L. working masses bear, will be so heavy go through it like water through a selve more easily misled than the older comChicago branch.
that the latter, in order to oppose It.
will be drawn into great struggles.
The main reason for this, the stateThe world crisis, which continues to SPANISH REVOLUTION ment goes on to say, is the low ideologidevelop, will only increase the favor cal level of the membership. Theory, able objective conditions for the revoluwhile openly pala lip service, is secretly tionary movement. The issue from the The Revolution in Spain. 100 By LEON TROTSKY sneered at a preto says: perlodl pre development of the crisis depends, thus, cssentially upon subjective factors, upon The Spanish Revolution in Danger. 15 judice. Then the To expect the leadership to change With the Milltant now appearing weekly there should be excellent possl.
the capacity of the Comintern and its These two pamphlets will give the reader an invaluable analysis of the bilities for all of our supporters to enlist new subscribers. If you agree with their attitude on this matter is hopeless.
sections, consequently, upon the capacity present situation in Spain and the prospects of the further development Because this leadership can only exist us you will want to extend the Militant elreulation. You will want to keap of the International Left Opposition to of the revolution. The standpoint of the Opposition, in contrast to that of as long as widespread ignorance prevails your own subscription paid up to date. If the number on the wrapper of this shrit the political course of the all the other groups involved in the present Spanish situation (the official. political consciousness would mean issue is less than 75, it means that you should renew your sub. Next you should In this sense, the results already ob Communist party, the Maurin group, the syndicalists, and others. is prethe doom of this leadership.
endeavor to get other workers to become subscribers. For convenience use the tained by the Communist League of Am sented with the exceptional clarity and pentration for which the author Secondly, the strangling hold of the blank below erica are very substantial. Your theses, 1s so well known bureaucracy. Democratic centralismTHE MILITANT, those of the Opposition Youth, the disthe highest degree of democracy with the 84 East 10th Street, New York City.
cussion they have aroused, as well as Band Orders and Funds to the highest decree of centralism, becomes Please enter me for a subscription one year, 00; alx months, 00.
the weekly appearance of the Militant, PIONEER PUBLISHER 884 East 10th Street, New York, the handling down of decisions by the are indications of this. Another indica higher committees to the lower ranks Address.
tion of your consolidation lles in the with the alr of a royal decree, or inCity Btate Subscribe!
Namo Conference of ND ists. All this rich material at hand in, es pertaining to the various issues and its main immediate aspect viz. the correct tional tours, utilization of voluntary or the view of the delegates had served problems before the conference. But noss of the slogan of Right of self deterganizers, recruiting of new members, to vindicate more decisively the views since all were in conformity with the mination as well as all the implica etc. We have made provisons for much and the platform of the Left Opposition general views presented in the various tions which would necessarily flow from more effective utilization of the many and complete unanimity prevalled in in locuments and reports, only altering such a slogan. While a general con young members who have joined our (Continued from page 1) could emerge from it at the cost of other dorsing the National Committee thesis. fromutations or adding minor points, it census of opinion exists within our ranks ranks. shortcoming of the past, but squarely, analysed Its reasons and became imperialist powers and of its own workWhile space makes it necessary to became quite easy to select only those of deep sceptisism in regards to the with prospects of really taking up youth so much more convinced of our great ing class. Then also on the very vital treat the other reports more briefly, they which could really mean an improvement. correctness of this slogan the conference work in the future as it should be taken In the organization report, the second accepted the National Committee on this up.
by the splendid upward curve which the Communist movement, discussion cen created just as live and fundamental a conference redelved a ghphte picture question. It decided to instruct the Nacould be recorded following immediately tered around a specific interpretation of discussion as the other reports mentioned of the developments which had taken tional Committee to create a commission Conference Achievements Boston, Philadelphia and St. Louis, which unanimous agreement that our platform the international situation and the de means of further strengthening in an of this problem in such a way that when While these may be considered small had witnessed particular difficulties, were is correct, e. that our orientation is velopment and growth of the Left op organizational sense. further elabora polley is finally arrived at it can be achievements let us point to the yet re established. New members were directly upon the Communist movement. position within the various countries. ated constituion presented also serred fully motivated and definitely based on more important facts us emerging from gained everywhere and to a yet greater of which the Comintern, and in the UniWhile it contained many important les that purpose. The discussion in parti Marxian conclusions. Similarly in re the second conference.
degree, new contacts of sympathetle ele ted States, the official party is the cen sons of the birth pangs of a morement cular entered as nerete experi sards to the specific issues and tasks ments within and around the party. Weter, as the only historically progressive expressed in this case particularly in ences in the task of building a Com of the present acute unemployment alt1. Our experiences during the longer by printing new pamphlets and books by blunders and mistakes or its bureau encert at first tee the Russian Pretort periences on a focal scale as told by the struct the National Committee to finally thick rete Tassembled to that sets of Iterature supply force, to which our appeal. despite the groups and elements professing adher munist organization supplemented by ex uation the conference decided to in existence and difficult strucxle of the Inbe elaborate the draft resolution presented. lectively at this conference, has confirmed tribution. The Program of Expansion purpose of re establishing Its Marxian Secretariat but without accepting it came the one of deeper penetrabecame a means of setting definite polIt can truthfully be said that the first in all of its major aspects the correctfoundation But to make this effective views thus having made several operation into the party, every member active itical objects the material support the delegates again reattirmed the nee tions and splits necessary all in all the in the existing party auxiliaries and mass manifestation of the second conference one of our position given by all our contributors. Thus woessity of organizing the Communists Inmain lesson accepted ed by the delegates organizations, more definite expression of actually marking a real forward step Our strength is re inforced in a orgnaized the Pioneers Publishers, open side and outside the Communist Party became the one of striving much more the requirements for membership in the were apparent in the splendid banquet developing maturity toward a Marxian Ing up new avenues for propaganda as of the United States on the platform ternational orientation. That is to func Ing into its leading borlies, etc. In honor of the conference on Saturday, cesses as well as of the needs and tasks in League, definite requirements for enter arranged by the New York branch in evaluation of political and economic protivities. We re established the Mlitant of the Left Opposition.
As a weekly, strengthened the staff and tion more actively and more directly as sum and substance, it can be said, Sept. 28. total of 150 plates were set of the revolutionary movement.
made a small beginning toward field As already mentioned, the second con a part of the international movement that with the acceptance the and every place filled with comrades who We are establishing ourselves more organizing work.
Progress in rapia ference made a tactical departure from and participate in all of its problems and report and the proposals made by came to give their enthusiastle Indorse firmly and more clearly as a faction of strides had political manifestations in the views presented in our platform, achievements. As to the latter the con the National Commitee one more imporment. At several instances the hell vir such an extent that the Intervention coulal party question. While we then still gress, to mention only two instances, the step toward more clearly defining our to the remarks of the speakers when ple solveg mainly upon this movement for important issues of the class struggle to adopted in 1929, in regards to the labor ference could take joy in the great pro tant forward step will be recorded. One tually rocked with the applanse glyen the Communist movement orienting our an uncompromising struggle to restore be felt, both by growing sympathy as carried remnants of officially adopted rapid growth organizationally and in purposes, our duties and obligations and turing the advance of the Left Opposl our party to again become the party of well as by its pressure upon policies of narts views we considered It feasible revolutionary influence of our Left op, to prepare for a more solidly knit bodstion and forecasting the future prospects Ienin capable of multiling its great hiss the party bureaucrats, but also fact that the American League began to to raise the slogan of organization of a four distinct Taft opposition groups of revolatonists conscious of their tasks and tasks Heyond the Condest expectatorica, melon. com in and able to carry. in of become more of an active participant in orbeen party in this respect, our thesis Chine into one organization.
We are increasingly strengthening ment and economic difficulties, tbat sen.
the international Lett Opposition move and found unanimous Indorsement from terenca expressed in this cante greetings to represent himself and his few sup collection of 207. 13 for the future work a force presenting and fighting for our The pitiful attempt made by Welsbortiment was translated into action in a ourselves for more active and more dircourse, only accept this as a small be the delegates, not, however, overlooking to the new weekly Lett Opposition paper porters as a group adhering to the In of the League Two comrades representdefinite views of strategy and policy to ginning. but nevertheless a beginning in the fact that should a labor party come in Spain the El Soviet and to comrade ternatonal Left Opposition, and his pro ing the milltant miners of Pennsylvania be pursued, be it in the trade union field the right direction.
into existence upon a working class and Trotsky. Similarly it also expressed its posal to send representatives to our con. and Ohio appeared to make an appeal or elsewhere, be it in regards to a cor.
trade union basis it would become nec The Political Report essary for us to consider our relation feeling of solidarity wth the thousands ference to discuss what he considered as for their follow workers. They were rect conception and practice of the work.
as Communists towards it depending the Stalin prison camps in Siberia.
of Bolshevik Leninist prisoners now in following from his pretended adherence, vited to sit at the banquet and a collee ins class united front or other major namely to unite the alleged two tion was taken up on their behalt am While it may be difficult to determine upon the general conditions existing.
groups, met with a very stern rebuke ounting to 24. 85, the contributions helng issues.
which item on the conference agenda, or The trade union discussion, report of On the Soviet Union from the conference. The resolution started off with a donation from the Na Our decisions at the secona cunferwhich report made, called forth the which was made for the National Com adopted unanimously upon this question tional Committee.
ence, despite any differences of opinton greatest attention or mort thoroubh dismittee by comrade Swabeck, was the In discussing the report on the situa is printed elsewhere in this issue, sufand freely expressed, were arrived at cussion by the delegates, It stands to second point on the agenda but with no tion within the Soviet Union the conferfice only to say that the conference had Such examples are a telling answer to unanimously on all major questions of reason that in the discussion on the gen less attention. It is particularly in enco was fortunate in having the dratt no time for this imposter pretending to the Stalinist bureaucrats who have been policy. This Itselt slves the nearest eral political thesis most of the vital this field that we have witnessed the thesis presented by comrade Trotsky. adhere to our movement while at the exuberant in their predictions of collapse possible guarantee which can be given 1ssues were concentrated. It was also to sharpest clashes of policy with the Stal It met with unanimous approval. The same time using every opportunity to to the left Opposition. But with each for a collectively functioning leadership.
parture trom past position was presented so with the height wing views or the contion than at our first conference. This our views. Yet the conference dia de er. We are stronger in numbers and further step toward a broader and more in regards to our views toward the labor Lovestono group. That is because the is natural as we have since that time elde to call upon those who may follow stronger in Influence with constantly precise understanding and practise of inparty queston. Comrade Shachtman de issues present themselves here in the gained quite a good number of young Wolsbord. those who really have sincere growlog sympathetie contacts. We have ternacionalism in a revolutionary sense.
Hvered the report for the National Com most concrete form, already in the int members. couple of valuable amend. Intentions of supporting the Lett Oppos succeeded at this conference in preparing The inevitable conclusion efterwork from mittee and most every delegate made tlal stage of each specific struggle. Woments were made to the youth thesis beton to do so by joining our League. to meet our organizational require this must be our more active collaboravaluable contributions. All were unani have had the very recent experiences fore its final acceptance and prospects Having settled in a thorough and ex ments. All proposals were worked out tion in the solution of problems of the mous in Indorsing the general line re of the strikes in the mine Held and in are very good that the youth committee haustive manner all of the main issues on the basis of the experiences aceum International Left Opposition movement.
presented by the thesis with possibly one Paterson. We have had the general to be selected by our National Cor presented by the National Committee ronilated. We have made provisions for a With this we feel certain that we can exception, which advanced a view that experience of the unionsmittee will find a splendid field for its ports the conference found itself com stronger and more definitely defined con confidently face the future which belongs the present crisis marked the beginning under control of the party bureaucrats work. We would be remiss if we failed telted to deal very briefly with other stitution, beginning toward a function to the developing world proletarian revof the definite downward curve for United as well as the emergence of other new to mention that several amendments and problemy arising. For example the ing staff, more effective use of propagan olution.
States capitalism whether it unions under leadership of social reform proposals were on hand from the branch Negro question and what is at present da and Wucational material, organiza ARNE SWABECK or not