AnarchismBolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismFranceGerman RevolutionGermanyImperialismLeninSocialismSovietSpainStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1931 IN THE INTERNATIONAL OF LABOR Reviews and News of the Working Class and Revolutionary Movements British Crisis Sharpens THE COMING LETTERS FROM WINTER en e tok det helt opposition beth OPPOSITIONISTS drive union.
GERMANY elections. Instead of vanquishing Fasco guishable from the Independent Labor ism by a proletarian ideology, it en Party. Time is all important but the deavored to smash It by adapting itself signs are that the leadership of the Eng.
to the Fascist ideology. There appeared lish party will fail to utilize this great the program for national and social chance and that their failure will be emancipation. the slogan of the peo Militant Correspondents Describe Moods of the Workers puid for heavily by the English workers.
ple e revolution was proclaimed iustead It is the task of Left Oppositionists in of the proletariun revolution, and tinally, a direct united front was concluded with the Fascists at the referendum. This ignored in their slogans: then the Atlan certain as the fact that the trade union and full consideration of the position (Continued from page 1) adopted we need not doubt: It is as against the present policy and methods of the party leaders to force discussion (Continued from Last Issue) opportunistie policy, which is dictated After having served my three years of The special ncuteness of the German solely by vote catching endeavors and tle Fleet went on strike and the Daily and labor leaders will not offer any real immediately and to win to the party lexortations. have obtained minus 20 German capitalism landed through the class struggle, which overlooks the fact ings about the Atlantie Fleet but avoid les. For the extent of the wage reduce workers who will fight inside it for al and am now at Here (and return to the Comunism of Lenin and in the district) have found an imporend of the war. It lost substantial that the united front is prisible with the any definite appeal to the sailors: tions and of the strength of the work Trotsky.
tant group of deported Oppositionists. ANGLICUS.
sources of raw material and its best social democratic workers on the basis that is they did not urge any form of ers resistance to these demands depende here are also old ones who have served their three years and have obtained their ed, with the aid of foreign credits, class struggle, that there is no such basts but merely applauded their action. The position to the National Government London, September 15, 1981.
minus. there are also youth and a huge productive apparatus which it could with the wood stained Fuscist murder pended for four weeks for a direct apParliamentary Opposition former capitulator. The latter was went LETTER FROM CORNWALL never utilize fully, which burdened iters, brought the outside of a The Labor Party opposition has The naval mutiny was a nerve shatter following the mass arrests made among here under Article 58 for three years.
yet decide to liquidate. This is the acconfusion in its lwn ranks and a strene Inglish Communist Dally avoids this been revealed as one of words and verying blow to the Government, of course, the capitulators in the spring of this enormously, and part of which it cannot ew bankrupted lieutenants, nothing but peal to the English sallors whilst the tual reason for the special German crisis: gthened mistrust of many nonest and part in the sailors struggle whatsoever. widespread suspicion thnt the whole are this financial crisis, with the sus year. These arrests were made in conand beyond sending greetings plays no weak words at that! Indeed, there is not the Young Plan, as the Fascist de class conscious workers.
One would, however, fall into error in of all the workers for mass demonstrateeling is very widespread among the of the London capitalist papers, Judging these leaflets were issued by our active The need is for effective organization fair has been rigged. this instinctive pension of the gold standard, will re:nection with our leatlets (on the trial duce them to second childhood. Some of the subotagers, etc. Even though magogues say and the Centrists parrot after them. How little a change in the assuming that the party is not growing. tions and for strike action: for a real workers.
Young Plan could influence the crisis is the elementary pressure of the crisis is revolutionary leadership: for courage and The role of the labor opposition minimize the effect of the suspension by ly nected also those who had left us. In by today Daily Telegraph are trying to group in Moscow, the repressions strongshown by the absolute lack of success so great of the Hoover moratorium. The Germany. At all events, the nuctuations are tion avoidance of direct and clear pre ing fury and revolt of the workers into pointing out that it comes after the budgeneral, the publication of each leatlet dependent upon the ble powers. must fight ductuation appears to be a concomitant Friendly overtures to the Lett of the rate ever before 15 ene parliamentars Graphe keeps up its courage as follows masu (and frequently wy arrests) among Jalist emancipation. The world economic possible to constitute real cadres. Since biding of the revolutionary Implications the Labor Party opposition opens the set will remain balanced. Italt or more ever had anything to do with the Op erlsis, which accentuated all the foreign ne old, experienced members are mostly of the struggle, these things are help way to the development of a powerful than half the sting of this enforced sub osition.
or political relations and strivings, and illu expelled mission into passivity, the ing to confuse and weaken the workers mass movement led by the Communist sequences can be faced by the British happy impression. Most of them are removed now that the conThe deported youth produced a very minated their direct connection with quality 18 abad one. This is shown by and to prevent real resistance to the party.
domestic policy, also evoked a turn in the spread of anti Semitism which is even economy cuts and to the heavy wage. In the weakness and cowardice of the Government with fortitude and com workers; they joined the Opposition in German foreign policy, which is repre rampant in the party press. That is how reductions threatened. Whether such a Party leadership lies great danger for posure.
the last two years and they are completesented by the Bruening of the emergency! it is possible that in spite of all the leadership can come forward in the party the workers of England. Hesitant for Previously the article had admittedly unknown to us. They came to our decrees, German imperialism, pos election successes and in spite of the it is impossible to say, but there are days, unwilling to move without sanction that it was precisely with the object of leas independently, spontaneously. On session of a powerful productive appar numerical strength, the party is sucom signs that efforts are being made to from Moscow: locals, all initiative de preventing Great Britain from going off their own initiative, often without any atus, and on the other hand press tent in the decisive moments of extra force issues into open Party discusStroyed by the suppression of discussion the gold standard that the present sa contact with the organization, they be ed by the crisis, places its claims to parliamentary action in the economic sion.
and by the attacks on critical comrades, tonal Government was formed. Events can the factional work, they issued leafequal rights against the French strivstruggles, in the struggle against the did nothing save run meetings, and the however, it pathetically remarks, have lets, etc. This youth to lay constitutes ing for hegemony. We recall the speech emergency decrees, in the bank crush.
The full extent of the National Gov. party as a whole could return no answer been too strong and too hard for them. a very important actor in the deportaes of Minister Treviranus on the olish of course, the party is completely bur ernment economies are now known: it to the question of the workers what do Then it goes on trying to keep up the tion. How many are there of them? corridor, the armored cruiser construc caucratized; in actuality, there are no is beginning to be clear that this attack you suggest we should do this recourage of its readers.
thousand, two thousand, or more? find tlon, Bernsdorft disarmanent demands discussions and no elections. Corruption is preliminary to widespraad wage remains unchanged: the party has no de There is no need to fear a flight from it hard to say: my horizon of observa in the League of Nations, the Russian 18 inevitable as a concomitaut of bureau ductions, affecting all sections of the finite policy and even distorts and alters the pound on the parallel of the flight tion is too limited to judge. At all the crowning of eratism. It is an expression of the pol working class. Talk of balancing the resolutions passed by militant trade un from the mark of the frane. British events, they are numerous, the whole, the German Austrian customs itical bureaucratization of the party that budget has now given place to talk of ton branches in order to avoid being currency is not inflated. The financial From the solitaries, only unimportant The German bourgeoisie suffered for ited front with the Fascists against the For the firmancial crisis is only the reflec. have been taken by locals, results have ly sound. Nothing therefore in the shape the solidarity of Verchnie Uralsk, we are only in Geneva, but by the withdrawal endumboth overnight, upon command outflow of gold is due to the increasing tricts the workers are being offered de though some depreciation must be ex is constantly augmented. We have learn.
of credits, it was driven by France, in from above, without inquiring of the excess of imports over exports, so great nunciations of the of the Laborpected. But it can be reduced to a mined that following a protest of those in the bank crash, to the very edge of the inembership.
that the enormous tribute levied by Party, of the and nothing beimum if the British people will keep solitary confinement at Verchule Uralsk, abyss. French imperialism robbed it of its Hungarian support, checkmated the oth and inner power of the party and the ments cannot cover it, and only a revival uniting of the organized apelour is the their heads as, by their official declara. they took away the initiator of this This disproportion betweon the stren British capitalism from foreign investyond that. The need of the unorganized tion, the Prime Minister and his col protest, comrade Yanachevsky. Since same of the Pastern orientation by the objectively revolutionary situation (how. of Industry and increased exports can workers together with the unemployed leagues are resolved to keep theirs. collective protests are not permitted in Russo French pact and yet the German ever complicated it may be by Vascism) save the whole of British Imperialism. in each district for action; mass demon When the news of the mutiny enme the solitaries, we proceed in the followbourgeoisie has not capitulated as yet. explains the otherwise obscure develop. Because under capitalism present methstrations and preparation for widespread the reaction was much the same. There ing manner a comrade makes an inThis is above all things the expression or ment of Germany.
ods must go on the only solution pos strike action. No other course is possil was an endeavor show that it was dividual protest and the others adhero its Internal strength, which even made The objective situation remains the wible for the ruling class is wage cuts. ble save confusion, hantly to be called a muting at all. True to it. This was also the case with compossible this whole foreign political man primary measure of the perspective. The The Budget has been balanced by reThe Party the men flatly disobeyed the orders to rade Yanuchersky. He was conveyed to euver. It endeavors, by squeezing down objective situation is: sharpening of the ducing the wages of state einployees and The Implications of widespread action ket up anchors and refused to go to sea. Moscow, to the internal prison of the upon the tollers to the Inst ounce, to bola crisis; collapse of banks and factories by cutting the benefits of the unemploy against the economies are obvious: any but they did not lay hands on their and he is condemned, out by the socalled self aid until it re rise of unemployment; decline of unem ed: trade can only be revived by heavy real and effective struggle would inten officers or work havoc on the ships. The to ten. years old seems, concentration ceives aid from America or England, ployment support; decline of wages; in wage reductions in the principal indussify the crisis and line up openly the two fine tradition of the British navy for dis camp.
which will have to oppose too strong crease of hunger. The objection situatries.
classes for warfare with the state forces clpline and devotion remain intact, etc. Since then it has been months that growth of French influence. That is itstion is: further collapse of the petty Arthur Hayday, in his presin at the disposal of the employees. rev etc.
we have had no news of him, nor do Union olutionary party should face the impli. The reaction of the workers. was we know where he is or what has be second trump. capitulation to bourgeoisie in town and country. Even dential address to the Trades France would be the expression of its the bourgeoisie, at the sharp curves of Congress said: To restore our export cations, prepare the workers to face them able to speak to was one pure joy. Come of him. That is just how the breath taking decline, lives through trade to equilibrium, if the wage cut and lead into struksle a conscious work. They were delighted when the news Schwalbes disappeared without a trace the growing internal atiticulties.
We see what enormous Importance the moments of completely hopelessness. ting poliey were adopted, would involve ing class: to avoid clear explanation and came through.
development of the American crisis has Their old parties are distegrating wage reductions of 20 to 30 per cent. Preparation is treachery. The party is after having spent many months of de SHOOTER.
tention in the internal prison of the for the fate of the German revolution. In the proletariat, disatisfaction is that the wage cutting polley will be avoiding it and is thus almost indistin. IIelston, September 21, 1931 One of them is seriously afThe Polley of the German constantly on the increase. Weak as the feeted by tuberculosis.
We have alrendy seen that the bourwill to struggle still is, the will to un We have learned even if after a great geoiste could stand all the blows it reTity is nevertheless great. All these delay, of the document, magnificent celved with the aid of the Social Dem phenomena permit the assumption that its persuasive force, of Christian Georg ocratic Party. We must, however, raise despair outside the factories and hunger evitch Rakovsky on the trial of the the question: how could the reInside the factories will lead to eponsabotagers. Christian shows why sabmain the leader of the starving millions taneous outbreaks this Winter. All this, The repression against the Communist, sidewalks. a of Youth take, ade who speaks French. will repeat supports Itselt. Ch. says that on the otage has developed and upon what it of workers for so long a time? Form however, can only lead to the victory erly. It was able to keep the workers of reaction, which has up to now con Party of Spain grows tighter every day. refuse in the frou hospital, thel here his words: In Madrid the party basis of his experience in the work at away from Communism by the preserva stantly and boldly attacked, unless the The end of the party congress in the cops receive a few stones, pistols are has grown enormously. We have, includ. Paris, he could give vast and valuable tion of small reforms. But today, it no! Communist party understands how to Asturias was marked by the arrest of unhesitatingly drawn, a few shots fired ing three hundred youth, a thousand material on the conneetions of the sabare for meg semble and to lead the majority of the the principal leaders of the party, ad. and the entrenched workers are mistede members herehekea are fere important otagers with the White emigration and longer preserves these small but rather participates in the most far reaching elimination of them. conbe a re arming of the party down to the Communists and syndicalists populate of an agitation continues on the place on the basis of local nuclei, many of Comrade Rakovsky has been placed them by localities which meet every under extremely painful material condi.
ranks. That such a re armanent is pos the prisons and floating fails by the for a few hours.
tinued existence of the with such a scope in the present crisis can only ed by the history of the Bolshevik party sible in a very short time is demonstrat. hundreds The next day, the second demonstra week. Our difficulties are enormous, the tons. The state of his health arouses be explained by the absolutely false and In the proletarian sections, the repres tion was to take place at the prison. workers who come to us are absolutely among all of us a tremendous uneasiness in April 1917. re establishment of the ston arouses indignation; but the party. This prison surrounded by a huge square raw politically impregnated with an. There is no doubt that the Stalinist powerless policy of the Communist party.
real united front tactic instead of gathering together the work An examination of its policy, unfortun party upon a of high walls, composed of central archist traditions, our adres are scat clique has condemned Rakovsky to a sure ately, confirms this assumption to the in the economic struggles, with demers organizations by a real united front, buildings arranged in a housea thousand pain, the party has 12. 000 members. raids, the enclrelement of prohighest degree. On the basis of the ocratie slogans, in the struggle against giving to the action undertaken vast surprisng spectacle. Almus, offered alterd by the persecutions. Throughout physical destruction. Continual scope pressing the ocialist and syndicalCentrist construction of the third period. Fascism and Bruening, would give orkers, very young for the most part. and the sale of Mondo Obrero is 25, 000 ocateurs the polley of the rested upon three party soud prospects for the seizure o ist leaders to the wall organizes with formed an endless line between the prison. The youth paper sells goo coples Illess, material privation there are the pillars: the acute revolutionary situa power. The Lett Opposition is fighting its own forces maxs demonstration. wall and a cordon of police. in Madrid and 4, 000 throughout Spain conditions under which Christian GeoTheir hands strengthened by their adCatalonia, it is true, our forces are giovitch lives. From the political point tlon (1920. social fascism, founding of for the propagation of the slogan which had the coason to participate Sunday in of united front. By the turn of 1930 It examines the magnificent experienees you: time took the offensive brutally. It was a little the Bloc is disintegrating. The valiant state of mind; he reacts imme1931, the estimation of the situation was which unfold before its very eyes in or From morning on, together with mem an abrupt assault, the cordon of visitors Trotskylta? There are none in Spain aiately to all the events bout his writings. there are some fine militants (sic. reach us very rarely.
Indeeil moderated and a policy Wehe der to learn from them, and it fights bers of the Youth, we circled around the was arbitrarily swept away. platoon united front schematically dletated; the in the ranks of Communism for the proletarian in many of cavalry, sabres drawn, charged, follow Garcia Lavid, Andrade, Nin and a few July 1931 pillars of social Fascism and their own revolution, come how it may.
streets resounded the voice of the Mondood by a hundred seguridads security others; but that is all, they cannot retrade unions, however, remained.
Berlin, September 1931 Obrero newsboys and our young friends police. who, with their long swords did cruit among the workers. to whom ERVIN BAUER.
With regard to social Fascism, the Left pointed out to us every news stand with not miss any of those spared by the the various internal disputes are un known. As for me, respect many of FROM AN ECONOMIC DIRECTOR satisfaction. On a lamp post, a small cavalry.
Opposition repeatedly pointed out the poster posted high up: Mondo Obrero has these comrades, their place is with us. The situation is critical in the field absolutely theoretical falsity of this con.
been seized by the republican police. set, any comrade Our position not having been wiped out Trotsky is a revolutionist; without him, of construction material: Gigantic and What About Paterson?
ception. In practise, it formed an inNumerous stickers.
surmountable wall between Communist Form your Sovietson; but, impassible and determined, two October was in danger, but the Russian urgent constructions like the Kuznetstroy and social democratie workers. Continued from page 1) in every factory. and in this Saint Denis seguridads barred the road by drawing real comunismo it is the best commun with only 75 of the construction materPolitical Bureau! But it is quite certain of Madrid where the party in the last their sabres. We are forced to retracel ist review, but we are no persecuted that lal: construction on the average are asSeparate trade union organizations (R. Red Trade Union Organizations could not even embrace one arth of the ranks are ignorant of what the outcome there is a warm enthusiasm for Communfout men have turned about face and they we need one parts. You say that our sured for or less. How, under leaders will oppose it? But here we these conditions, can one count on the party membership. They are about one has been. And that because the irresism.
out. the leaders! In reality, the party realization of the construction plan?
one hundredth as large as the reformistonsible cavaliers in charge of the party we arrive at an Illegal meeting of a ing to do about it. We must get out unlons. As a result, it is also incapable have nother told them, nor attempted nucleus. An old militant speaks to us we pass with a few thwacks.
hasn any. is only now that we are 518 factories which according to the make an explanation, nor attempted of the great difficulties of organization in small groups, the workers discuss forming our cadres. Yes, of course we work in the third year of the five year plan, should be completed and put to of effectively influencing the daily strugdraw the tragic lessons from the re and work. The party meetings, even gles of the proletariat. In the trade un Hults, nor attempted to examine into though they are legal, are forbidden, buters who came to demonstrate were disthis new defeat, where a thousand work need a correct policy.
We step before a news stand where is instead of giving up the five year plan, plan, will not attain this point. But fons themselves, the influence of the the ne in the light of experiences Communists, who are either expelled or else bound hand and foot by the ultra muined in a word: the Posters Browders We go off a great distance and the meet persed by 150 guards! The more we sold the issue of an illustrated review in four years and of reducing the unrealings are held anyway. As a group, we would be the better, said the numerous which has Trotsky photograph on the izable program in a mehodical manner, Leftist policy, is reduced to woning. The and Georges perpetrated a crime against go off to the place of the demonstration workers, and the attitude of the local first page with the title Trotsky in and thereby assuring the urgent conrestructions with 100 in construction this year trade union congress was the stupid policy in Paterson, and they now (that is, much in advance, for the time why, then, does the party allow its and marks: You see, there propaganda for material, the Stalinist leadership confirst since the war at which there was conveniently wash their hands but the in Spain. The same spectacle pre archist leaders to slink of? Why doesn all of us. personage appeared to innues to build the factories. by whole matter We don know what has sents itself to me as in Pars: general it make proposals for a united front? terest himself very persistently in our hall. The criterion of bureaucratie presnot a single Communist party delegate, Neither could the party succeed in the become of the Paterson strike. and indecision ambulating groups, cafe ter Todos a la calle! Result: ten sert conversation, and we must separate bet tige dominates everything. The wastes they don seem to care.
races occupied by demonstrators. Little ously wounded, numerous arrests.
organization of the enormous unem George insinuatingly refers to the by little, the circulation becomes intense, ployed masses, for, with the deceptive guilt of the which) might almost a thousand young workers are there a meeting of the Labor Defense, him, and he concludes: You know, you construction material from each other. comrade informs me: This evening how is Trotsky getting along? answer gree: the economic organizations snatch expectation of an automatie radicalization do something about it.
of the unemployed, it rejected the pro not work. These cheap politicians are about an hour ago. and the police speak. It is an invitation and we shall back to the and tell him apparatus, we endeavor to follow untenUnder the unbridled pressure of the posals of the lege Opposition for forming trying to unload their jóint responsibility (12 mounted and 20 on foot and are so there. The hall doors are closed, and that the Spanish Communists know well able rhythms. The tension of forces 18 Slaniced its new chestruggle against head of the u. because Brow. Walter through. Where are small deter around, provokingly. The meeting 18 answered him that in that case, he oughting of course, the stratum of the workDutting the party at the head of the pro undergound factional fight against Foster. at least a relative demonstration, this civil guards, with green uniforms, light tions of the whole Opposition and to act industrialzation. All this teeds the Right letariat. Here too a luckless policy de The responsibility for the Paterson tras, initiative is left to a handful of cops who yellow trappings, black oll cloth bicorns, accordingly. We parted, and recount wing sentiments. stroyed everything. After the party had edy rests upon the shoulders of all of attack every small group in the usual swarthy complexioned country lada, the words of a local Communist; he ex August 16, 1031 pursued a big mouthed ostrich polley to them. Let them explain. Let the work police manner.
whose hands never leave the prommel of presses a mentality which permits the wards the growth of Fascism, it was er Communists in the party call the reized with pante before the Septemberl bureaucrats and their policies to task! come unnerved, the horsemen mount the and make acquaintance with a party com Madrid.
No shouting, no singing, the police be their sabres. We mix with the groups Opposition to conduct a profitable work.
TO THE MILITANT View of the Struggle in Madrid new trade unions. There was no policy alone can make the situation fruitful. two of them which will describe to vantages of the morning. the police this virtually zero, but they are rising littlel of view, Rakovsky is in an active and