BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismNational LiberationSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismTrotskyUnited FrontViolenceWorking ClassWorld WarZinoviev

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1931 Railroads Prepare for Wage Cuts Against National Communism. LRed. Party Breaks Meet themelor de periodiplochu tion.
Lessons of the Red Referendum (Continued from Page 1) execution of the labor policles of Hoover the rallroads took over 75. 16 by the ex brotherhood official Doak, the (Continued from last 1ssue)
tarian victory is one thing. peo By LEON TROTSKY mored in rivers, canals and the Grent united front of labor and capital for The People Revolution Instead of ple revolution, as a means for revLakes, by pipe lines, 1 p. by higher railroad rates and against com olutionary war, is something altogether the Proletarian Revolution interurban motor trucks.
petition from other forms of transportadifferent. even the direct opposite.
Trucks of course cannot compete with tion will be put to the test whether Such an at first sight sudden zig zag crime of the Stalinist bureaucracy yes, Independent road, the Stalinlats drore In spite of the recogniton in princirallroads in moving trainlonds or coal or not the grants the railroads of July 21 did not at all fall like a lon outright crime consists, however, of them into the bourgeois Kuo Min Tang ple of revolutionary war, the government or bargeloads of fron ore. They can and their rate increase. With a 10 wagol thunderbolt from the clear sky, but was these elements, identities their voice with lessly. In big as well as in smalt ques the most onerous Brest Litovsk peace.
effectively in the cut just announced by Steel and prepared by the whole course of the the voice of the party, refuses to lay tions, we see one and the same spirit Why? Because the peasants traffic, 1 of the tonnage but took up 25p. intensive drive against living standards ist Party is governed by a sincere and are their nationalistic and militaristle of mimicry, constant imitation of the workers, with the exception of a small of the total car loadings and supplied throughout American basic industry. burning striving to conquer the Fascists tendencies, transforming the thoroughly enemy, a striving to utilize against the advanced section, did not want any war.
diversion of this valuable traffic profits, huge fixed capital, developel capi influence to overthrow Fascism and to chauvinist pamphlet of Seheringer into alas! they do not posson but the weatheroically defended the Soviet revolution from the railways is therefore out of talist stagnation and keen competition crush it of this, it is understood, there a new testament of the revolutionary pous stolen from the arsenal of the en. from innumerable enemies. But when all proportion to the volume of such trafare combined. The militant record of can be no doubt. But the misfortune proletariat. It is precisely from this emy.
we attempted to transform the harsh fle that the trucks capture. Besides, a the railroad workers in spite of their lies in the fact that the Stalinist bur base competition with Fascism that the The present party regime acts in the defensive war forced upon us by Pilsudlarge part of the total investment of the leadership in past years guarantees effec eaucracy strives ever more to act against apaprently sudden decision of July 21 same direction. We have written and sky into an offensive, we suffered derailroads in freight houses, terminal tive resistance to the next onslaught of Fascism with its own weapon: it borarose: You have a people revolution poken more than once that the absolu reat, and this mistake, which grew out facilities, etc. is Insed on the handling American capitalism against the working rows the colors of its politieai sprior and we have one too: you have national tism of the apparatum, demoralizing the of an incorrect estimation of the forces of traffic, and the costs of oper and living conditions of the proletariat. board and tries to out yell it at the queliberation as the highest criterion, and leading stratum of the Comintern, hum struck very heavily at the development ating these facilities increase dispropor tion of patriotism. These are not tho we have the same you have a warating and depriving of individuality of the revolution.
tionately as the relative amount of traf FIELD.
methods of principled class politics but against Western capitalism and we pro the avanced workers, crusbing and dis The Red Army has been in existence fie handled diminishes.
the methods of petty bourgeois competi mise the same; we cool tasema have a plebiscite torting revolutionary character, fnerit. for fourteen years. We are not practThe barge lines, on the other hand, tion.
attack the bly bulk products such as It is difficult for one to imagine a more one, red through and through.
in the face of the enemy. Whoever bows ment declare on every occasion its peacecoal, stone and sand, grain, etc. which The fact is that the former revolu bis head submissively before every comful policy? Why does it propose disaccounted respectively for 33 P.
the fact that the Stalinist bureaucracy tionary worker, Thaelmann, today strives mand from above, is a good foronthing armament and conclude non aggression and p. of the total tonnage handled in Malden has substituted for the slogan of the with all his strength not to be outdone revolutionary fighter!
pacts? Why doesn It into motion Pipe lines, which have been in use for proletarian revolution the slogan of the by Count stenbook Fermor. The report The Centrist functionaries were in the Red Army as a weapon of the world over Afty years, further compete with the BOSTONpeople revolution. No shrewd concoc of the meeting of party workers at which ovlev, Bucharinists under Bucharin, proletarian revolution? Evidently, it 18 railroads in transporting oil and oil pro ducts, which made up nearly of the At its last meeting the Malden branch ical falsifications, will alter the fact that the plebiscite, is printed in Rote Fahne and Molotov time came. They even in principle. One must. in addition to total tonnage. Railroads cannot com of the League of Struggle for Negro pete with pipe lines in carrying crudelcights, upon the suggestion of comrade this is a betrayal in principle of Mary under teh pretentious title, Under the bowed their heads before Manuilsky. that, have a head upon his shoulders.
ism, with the object of the best post Banner of Marxism. However, at the Kuusinen and Losovsky. At every one One must take into consideration the cir oil, but until recently had the carrying Dubin, one of its members and a known ble imitation of fascist charlantism. most prominent place in his conclusion of the stages passed, they repeated the cumstances, the relation of forces, and of gasoline and other refined oil products member of the Boston Left Opposiiton am compelled here to repeat what Thaelmann put the idea that Germany words, the intonations and the gesture the moods of the masses.
the En the alternating leader according to If it is imperative for the workert caminetitions is being in base Taipeilines are ployment. As soon as this leaked out to revolution is a peoples oth at national res primarily of national liberation. But swore by yesterday, and having two to powerful state apparatus of compulston.
to the colores com certsolare pipelines are before them on the Negro and Unemplit ls understood that every great tente. is consequently matter command, they rejected today what the government, having in its hands the This newly intensified competition mediately issued to mobilize the parts the revolutionary class all the virile and and even England, are balls in the trins chle, whom they had borne on revolutionary party, which can act only which has resulted in slowing up the Gordon from speaking at all costs. The structs the nation around a new core. pendence of Europe upon America, which disastrous regime, revolutionary courage into consideration the moods of the work rate of increase of railroad free littrar fraction thereuoon instigated the branch But this 18 nota slogan, it is a sociol: has once more been revealed so clearly is emasculated, theoretical consciousness ers and of the toilera in general. The ount of railrond mileage in this coun: the organization that the lecture had been ogical description of the revolution, in connection with Hoover proposal is emptied the backbone is softened. revolution to us is not a subordinate try has shown no increase Up to the called off, without any previous decision which requires, moreover, precise and to rearrow these dependence only broucrats who have gone through means for war against the West, but traffie handled doubled every twelve some bourgeois procedure.
is inane and charlatanim, market. com has a far deeper significance for the de easily substitute the people revolution wars, in order to end them once and for years. From 1912 to 1920 traffic in petition with the Fascists, paid for at the relopment of the European revolution for the proletarian, and having proclaim all. We fight the social democracy not creased at a rate that would have dou: half a dozen party members of the frac minds of the workers. The Fascist the Entente. This is why by the was raise upon their shoulders chauviniste is inherent in every toller, but by reThe meeting was attended by the about price or injecting confusion into the than the dependence of Germanes uponed the Bolshevik Leninistera encender Begrilderulins its striving for peace. which 110 billion ton miles set in 1920 was rades, while the organization is suppose Strasser says. Ninety five percent of the the slogan of the Soviet United States of of the Schweringer type.
vending the falsehood of its pacifism. Revolutionary War and Pacifism because capitalist society, which is saved touched 413 Willons: the next peak was forty, mainly Negro workers. Immedt consquatly this is not a class revolution Down with the Versailles Peace. The. 1926, at 444 bilions, and the latest and ately, the party fraction plat borough one but people revolution. Thaelmann the proletarian answer to the convulsione vernors look favorably upon the cause conceivable without wars. The nationof the Communist party as the direct al liberation of Germany lies, to our Comparing Index numbers of industrial tended a single meeting since the forma Communists should say to the Pasclat But all these questions nevertheless continuation of the Hohenzollern war. mind, In a war with the West, but production with similar indexes of rall. tion of the branch, but who had been worker: Of course, ninety five percent of occupy second place. Our policy de To them, the victims of the hideous im in a proletarian revolution embracing rond freight trafic, with 1923 as 100 :sent down for the special purpose de the population. It not ninety eight per termined not by the fact that Germany perialist slaughter remain heroes who Central as well as Western Europe, which the ratio between the two declined until scribed above, to preside at the meeting. This exploitation is organized blerereb but primarily by the fact that the Ger the German people. They are ready the form of the Soviet United States.
cent, 18 exploited by tinance capital. But is a ball in the hands of the Entente, have fallen for the freedom of would unite it with Eastern Europe in in 1920 the index of freight movement He quickly rattled through the business was only 92 of that of industrial out end, and then concerning the decision tenlly: there are exploiters, there are man proletariat, which is split up, ren to call a new war for Only of ques intern of popmanisterial plants, eliminating democraes in the mass organizations in part to the migra (after the nth turn towards workers Only thanks to this hierarchy er det heldered powerless and degraded is a ball rate and for Eastern Prussia desertion can weld the working class and in the hands of the German bourgeoisie. olutionary war. They agree to accept make it the center of atraction for the cross movements of goods (e. cotton that the branch in Malden had no right majorie Polters keep in subjection the The main enemy ls at home! Karl far, in words the people rev. despairing petty bourgeois masses. In of the nation. In order that Liebknecht taught at one time. Or per olution. if it can serve as a means of order for the proletariat to be able to from the South to New England mills to choose who should speak for it, the the nation should indeed be able to rohaps you have forgotten this, friends? mobilizing the workers for thelr rerdictate its will to modern society, its and cotton goods back to the South. but is an organization closely construct itself around a new class core. Or perhaps this teaching is no longer Olutionary war. Their whole program party must not be ashamed of being a also in large part to the effects of com affiliated to the Communist party. there it must be reconstructed ideologically and any good? For Thaelmann, it is very lles in the idea of revanche prevence. proletarian party and of speaking its own pretition from other forms of transporta sa United Front Scottsboro Committee this can be achieved only if the pro obrlously antiquated, Liebknecht te vult tomorrow It will seem to them that isnguage, not the language of national in Boston, all speakers must be approved tenralt does not dissolve itself into the stituted by Scheringer. This is why the the same aim can be achieved by anotly revanche, but the language of interna Freight Rate Decline by that committee before they can speak people. Into the nation but on the con title Under the Banner of Marxism road, they will shoot the revolutionary tional revolution.
Meantime the average freight rate re before the branch. Amidst protest tray develop a program of its proletarrings with such bitter frony!
proletariat in the back. This should How Marxists Should Deliberate ceived by the railroads per ton mile has this tool of the bureaucracy proceeded. lan revolution and compels the potty not be passed over in silence, but reThe School of Bureaucratic Centrism been going down steadily for ten years, as chairman, to make an amendment to bourgeoisie to choose between two rerealel. The vigilance of the workers the skies: it grew out of an advanced The red referendum did not fall from from 275 cents in 1921 to 063 cents the motion passed invalidating it. Amla gimes. The slogan of the people rer.
As the School of Capitulations should not be lulled, but aroused. How ideological degeneration of the party.
in 1930. Itates have been cut partly by further protests, the party fraction rush olution lulls the petty bourgeoisie as well as the broad masses of the workers, redoes the party proceed?
redesting to charge as high rates as they whirlwind fashion that a number of sym conciles them to the bourgeois hierarch! warned that the truls Russian theory 1, in the very heat of the agitation for aginable. The referendum did not want ago, the In the Communist Fanfare of August But because of this, it does not cease were legally permitted to charge in order pathizers who had gathered to hear the Ical structure of the people and rotards of socialism in one country would in the referendum, along with the picture all become the point of departure for to get a particular shipper business. locture just stood there daxed. their liberation. But under present conevitably lead to the development of soc of Scheringer, is printed one of his new revolutionary struggle for power. It The steadly decline further reflects the ditons in Germany, the slogan of a poor in patriotic tendencies in all the secnpostolie messages. Here is what 18 remained fully wthin the frame work of steady pressure of competitive means of Comrade Dubin, after some difficulty. ple revolution wipes away the ideolo tons of the Comintern. At that time, said there literally: The cause of the an aussid, the party succeeded in intransportation.
obtamed the floor, denounced the mangical demarcation between Marxism and it seemed to be a fantasy, a base inven dead of the World War, who have given with its parliamentary maneuver.
In the free of all this, it is the rank demanded that Gordon be allowed to add the petty bourgeoisie to the doctor envers of the nether bureckicrat, and Fascism, reconciles part of the workers tlon, slander. But ideas have not their life for a free Germany, is betrayed ficting upon itself a combined defeat: their case as Give us a rate increase Charmant shouted him down, arousing they are not compelled to make est hypocrisy for the railronds to stato make a statement before leaving. Thel of Fascism, allowing them to think that only their own logie, but also their ex by everyone who comes out today against having strengthened the social democracy Chocaplosive force, The German communtet the people revolutionthereinst other root and consequently the Bruening govern or we will have to cut wages, as we are the indignation of a nonparty Negro because in both camps it is all a mat Party. In a brief period, has been drawal olutionary war of liberation. You do not ment, having covered up the defeat of not earning the 1. on our investment comrade present, by the name of Hindon, ter of people revolution.
into the sphere of social patriotism be believe your own eyes, reading these to the Fascists, having repelled the social promised to us by law.
fore our very eyes, that is, into thore velations on the pages of the press call democratic workers and a considerable Actually, a 15 rate income for the who got up, expressed the purpose of People Revolution as a Method of moods and slogans, on the mortal hos ing itself Communist. And all this is portion of its own electorate, the party rallroads is a 15 subsidy ot all their the organization as a united front or National Liberation ganization to be a struggle against tility towards which the Comintern was covered up with the names of Liebknecht became, on the day following the refercompetitors trucks, busses and barre capitalists and not a fight aganist others founded. Is it not startling? No, it is and Lenin! What a long whip Lenin endum, considerably weaker than it was Idea have their own logic. The peo lines, which can either raise their rates who want to participate in this united ple revolution is put forth as a sub only a natural oensequence!
would have taken into his hands for the on the eve of it. One could not do a to meet those of the railroads, or use the front, and also demanded that Gordon ordinate method of national liberation. The method of Adeological Imitation polemical castigation of such commun better service to German and world cnpl15 difference to solicit traffic compete be given the right to make a statement. Such a way of putting the question open of the opponent and of the class enemy ism. And he would not stop at polem talism.
tively with even greater success by keep Capitalist society, particularly in Gering their old rates. Even here the rail ronds as a group have no outside com the chairman, and councilled in a threat chauvinistic tendencies. It is under dictory to the theory and the psychology convocation of special international many, has been on the eve of collapse petitor, competition among railroad them culte manner hot to allow his sentitood that ther is nothing bad about the of Bolsheviem lows quite organically congress in order mercilessly to purge several times in the last decade and selves would prevent them from taking mets to get the better of him. The fact that despairing patriots approach the from the essence of centrism, from its the ranks of the proletarian vanguaral hall. But each time 18 energed from Crense, in the same way as it has kept carried through, disruption and confusion of petty bourgeois chauvinism. various gical Hollowness. Thus, for several years We are not pacifists. the Thaelmans, pre requisites for the revolution are in the raflroads up to now cutting rates had been thrown into another non clements ocme to communism along dit the Stalinist bureaucracy carried out the Remmeles and othes retort proudis. We sufficient by themselves. The political among themselves.
party mans organization, with the sole ferent ronds and paths. Sincere and Thermidorean policy in order to take are for revolutionary war in principle. pre requisites are required, that is, such Already one small road, the Louisiana end in view of preventing the opposi honest elements along with arch career the ground from under the feet of the As proof, they are prepared to produce a relation of forces which, if it does not and Arkansna Railway, has attempted to the workers.
tion from making its volce beard before ists and irresponsible failures are un Thermidoreans. Having been frightened some quotations from Marx and Lenin, assure victory in advance there are no cut shopmen wages, and was slapped doubtedly to be found in the ranks of by the Left Opposition, the Stalinist bur selected for them in Moscow by some such situations in history at least makes over the wrist in July of this year by Some of the party fraction tried to those officers of the White Guardists and eaucracy started to imitate the Loft inortant Red Professor. One might it possible and probale. Strategical calan emergency board appointed by provoke the comrades. We interfered, Black Hundreds who have, in recent latform bit by bit. In order to win the really think that Marx and Lenin were culation, boldness, resolution, later trans Hoover, for refusing to submit to arbi calling out loud that we leave all fight months, apparently turned their face to Miglish workers from the domination of the spokesmen of national wars and not form the probable into the reality. But As if the no strategy can turn the impossible into bosses, Communism. The party, of course, could trade unionist, the Stalinists conducted of proletarian revolutions!
tration as duly provided for by law. It ing to be turned against Is even whispered that the president of among the workers we demand only dis utilize even such individual metamore trade unionist Instead of a Marxian conception of revolutionary war of Marx the possible.
Instead of general phrases about the the road. Harvey Couch, an electric cussion, and we ll get it yet! It is quite phones as an auxiliary method for the policy. In order to help the Chinese and Lenin has anything in common with The workers and peasants to emerge upon an the nationalist ideology of the Fascist deepening of the crisis and the chang power magnate and banker as well as clear that the only achievement of the disruption of the Fascist camp.
officers and the Centrist corporals. By ing situation. the Central Committee railrond reorganiser, was summoned to whole tactic pursued by the party, is furthe cheap phrase of revolutionary war, was duty bound to point out precisely the White House for a talking to by ther discreditment, further isolation from the Stalinist bureaucracy attracts dozens what the relation of forces is at the IIoover the masses, further confusion of the of adventurists, but repulses hundreds present time in the German proletariat.
The railroads in recent years have been ranks of the revolutionary workers. The of thousands, and millions of social dem in the trade unions, in the factory commaking the speed up take the place of Inddent is very typical. Our answer, ocratic, christian and non party workers. mittece; what the contacts of the party outright wage cuts. In 1924, when the the answer of the Opposition, to such (Continued from Page 1) no words in declaring that the greedy This means that you recommend to are with the agricultural workers, etc.
railroads hauled 48, 134, 000 carloads of wretchedness, must be: a tenfold infreight, they employed an average of crease in our activities, a powerful con the way, also offers very telling proof seizure of the Japanese militarists is in us to imitate the pacifism of the social These data are open to precise investiga1. 77. 801 men; in 1920, hauling 52, 828. centration of our efforts to penetrate for the contention that only under the no way under the jurisdiction of this democracy? some particularly profound ton and are not a secret. If Thaelmann weigh all the elements of the political 1, 686. 700 men, or fewer last year this suicidal policy which is leading the leadership of the proletariat can the Chl pact. The whole hypocrisy and decepject. No, we are least of all inclined to they employed 610, 688, and this year party and the revolutionary movement to nese revolution, and all the probelms it tion of the brand of pacifism flourished imitation, even the moods of the work situation, he would be compelled to come about 300, 000 less. Wage rates, how. destruction. Many and heavy tasks are involves, be successfully concluded. in the face of its vassals by American ing class; but we must take them into to the conclusion: In spite of the monever, were kept relatively stable, aver. taeing us, the objective situation presents Japanese imperialism the other imperialism, is revealed in glaring light. consideration. Only by correctly estima strous crisis of the capitalist system and tion the moods of the broad masses of the considerable growth of Communiem aging 743 per man in 1920 and 1, 715 enormous possibilities for real and rapid In 1980.
advance to the revolutionary goal. We hand, has been hit, together with the rest the proletariat can they be brought to in the past period, the party is still too The events in Manchuria and their re the revolution. But the bureaucracy, im weak to strive to force a revolutionary Ohio company union the capitalist rendissipation of the forces of the revolucconomic crisis since the war. Under Sharpened attack of international imper nationalism, ignores the actual moods of Fascists who strive towards this aim.
Class collaboration the Baltimore and must not allow this petty violence, this of the capitalist world, by the deepest percussions, fore shadow a new and itating the phraseology of petty bourgeois solution. On the contrary, it is the Engineers under the stone regime, the the movement depends on this. We must the strain of the crisis it is only natural lalim, a new attempt to cast the bur the workers who do not want war, who All the bourgeois parties are ready to cather our forces quickly and act soon that its concern over markets should be den of the crisis on the shoulders of cannot want it, and who are repelled by assist them in this, the social democratie and effectively.
the military fan farronades of the new party included. For they all fear the THE MILITANT tion of Southern Manchuria by Japanese the enslaved and oppressed. The work firm: Thaelmann. Scheringer. Count Communista more than they do her the Communist troops, supposedly without the consent ing class of the world must be awakened Stenbock Fermor, Heinz Neumann and ints. With the aid of the Prussian plebTokio authorities, is therefore less to danger. The solidarity of Co.
tacite, the National Socialists want to League of America Opposition surprising than the bourgeols press all the tolling masses, the solldarity of The possibility of revolutionary war force the collapse of the extremely unat 84 East 10th St.
NEXT ISSUE would have us believe.
the workers of the capitalist countries in the event of the seizure of power by stable state balance, so as to force the the proletariat, Marxism, of course, can vacillating strata of the hourgeoisie to Even more significant than the act with the oppressed colonial peoples must not fall to take into consideration. But support them, the Fascists, in the cause EDITORIAL BOARD The next issue of the Militant will con alone, is the general sanction it is given be renewed and strengthened a thousand this is far removed from converting an of a bloody judgment over the workem.
Martin Abern James Cannon tin, besides the regular material, a full by capitalist spokesmen the world over. told. This can best be done by the abMax Shachtman Maurice Spector report of the second National Confer. When, in their confusion and panic, the sorption of the lessons of the Chinese forced upon us by the course of events the greatest stupidity. This is why we Arne Swabeck ence of the Communist League of Amer leaders of the servile Chinese bourge revolution of 1925 1927. by a thorough after the seizure of power, into a fighting are against the Fascist plebiscito this fiche Opposition. which is now taking oisie, appealas it hanging on to a last understanding of the theory of the Per political slogan prior to the seizure is how Thaelmann should have concluded Subscription rate: 00 per year; for place in New York.
eigh 50. Five cents per copy. conclusion of comrade Trotsky article Stimson and the state department of the been abused, and of the concrete task power. revolutionary war, as some his report, if he had a grain of Marxian thing forced upon us, under certain con. conscience left in him.
Bundle rates, cents per copy on Germany wili uppear.
American Imperialist government, mincol it implies.
ditions, as a consequence of the prole(To Be Concluded)
imthe War Clouds in Manchuria