BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandLeninLeninismOpportunismSocial DemocracySpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorking Class

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1931 THE MILITANT PAGES Labor Perspective in the Struggle for a Respite Mobilizing the Labor United Front Implies Commen of on How the Life of the Is Strangled With ever sharper turns and jerks depends decisively upon the extent and questions of strategy will again be posed developments of the working class moveAmerican capitalism is endeavoring) to ability of Communist leadership, an full force more so at each particular went amilets a heavy punishmen. Anal Every day brings new Indications of national Instincts of the native workers.
And its way out of the present crisis The process toward the reduction of mistake and failure recorded. And from all the protestations of the Centrist well prepared attacks against the work. When the native horn worker considers, The convulsions already recorded by its the working class level is definitely in the Centrist bureaucracy now in control leadership of great disproportion between ing class by the leaders of American howeverthat the percentage of foreigu efforts give eloquent testimony to the ex motion. That is also one of the signs of the party there are no signs whatever the party numerical weakness and its capital, by the socalled captains of in. born labor in the United States amounts plosive character of the present epoch. of efforts toward an economic revival of otter than those belonging to its career large ideologtcal intluence to the condustry. If attention is given to the to about 15 per cent of the entire foTo what extent it can gain a reuple American capitalism which, of course, of false concepts and stupid blunders.
from the general crisis period and to holds possibilities queeess in so far what extent it can take advantage of as another upward conjunctures mass leadership is not left open exclu. regards to the party. They have voted the organization of thelr defensive strus ruse. Here are a few figure of the per Unfortunately, however, the dela for in many respects, since the early part the line of boss strategy, will become a clear to him that this whole business of the crisis, cast an adverse vote in clear as daylight before all workers, and of deportations is merely a reactionars expansion on the world comarket should large measure upon the dogree of the Yet the social reformists of various types by their absence from ita mass organishe will thereby become more effective centages of torelgn born is different innot be judged a priori. Moreover, it can reduction of this level, the attacks upon and appearances to be taken into account. Zations, by their decreasing response to and strike its mark. basis the workers can be expected to reach While in certain advanced European came decisively adverse in the mine tields face of the torrentous onslaught of the The burning need of the hour, in the of such possibilities without regard to yet a much more acute stage.
Iron and Steel manufacturing 58 Bituminous coal mining 61 the problem det class relations. But for fore logical to assume a tenacious growth strong manifestations of disintegration of and in Paterson after the party leader, experienced and crafty bourgeoisie, Woolen and Worsted e g 62 ection and to work out a correct strategy, when the workers find more solid ground not yet reached such a point here to united front struggle.
up. the proponents of class bilder med et niet veel the working Cotton goods 62 It is necessary to examine the economie under their feet, when the threatening what extent the workers here will paso Clothing 69 Forced by the pressure of objective ally important is the ever watchful alert. The question of the unity of nativo and political processes.
While even the best of the bourgeois factories and shops seems to disperse and largely upon the objective developments rect criticism and intervention, the Cen Communists, in directing the forces of when we remember that foreign born clouds of large scale dismissals from a period of reformist illusions depends developments and by pressure of our cores of the party of the class of the and foreign born labor, 18 therefore, experts have not as yet succeded Ines when the demand for Labor power be and the ability of the Conumuntates. It trist party leadership has found itself the defensive.
tablishing any concrete evidence of a gins to increase. This is so much logical is therefore no accident that in recent compelled to relinquish its Third Per.
labor amounts to about 9, 000, 000 workers Double Responsibility in good. round numbers, a question of plenty of preparations for the shifting of working class has experienced a rude and in Paterson, where the party leader come to a position more in accord with facing the working class, a false anal American working class to the onslaught Incomprehension of the perspectives vital Importance in the resistance of the Its burden. None of these so fur point shaking from its false sense of security. shly talled in its greatest opportunities, the actual needs of the mass movement als of the situation, failure to grasp the of capital. These hard figures are con to acceptance of a condition of stabili induced by the capitalist prosperity. the penalty became a strengthening of Has It come to correct understanding tasks involved, faulty preparations are inclus enough to drive out primitive zation on a lower plane for American slono and, not having exhausted its social reformist influence. It was to be of the Lenin policy of united front, bound to prove costly not only to the prejudices from the minds of the Amer.
capitalism. This is not yet the general forces in serious defeats, finds itselt expected that such would rat be reflect which in this developing period will be direction of the economic and political compelled to meet attacks formerly noted in the trade union feld and in concome so particularly essential? There to the entire working class as a whole. Bether or hanging alone. When the AmCommunist leaders of the proletariat, but can worker. They mean: Hanging to ses.
To be sure the general declining char of such brond economie struggles also also a portent of serious consequences evidence of the continuation of the the face, these circumstances that con undoubtedly raise his votre against tho of. Unquestionably the prospects omte struggles of resistance. But it is no such evidence. But there 18 This double responsibility staring us in orlean worker understands this, he will acter of capitalism cannot be overcome. holds prospects of new life to the labor for the future. Particularly in the first zig zags And any respite even for American capi movement in general as well as posat stages of mass08 moving Leftward, the ing toward the light.
of the past now turn:stantly keep every revolutionist on edge system of deportation, the cruelty and talism will necessarily implies the low bilities for a rise in the level of class reformists also move Leftward, hoping effects of its adventurist position compel to stress before the membership of the make the conservative bourgeois IntelThe serious today, alone force the Leit Opposition barberism of which is enough to even ering of the present level of the American consciousness workers as well as the reduction of the ration of other capitalist powers in worla the begining of this crisis or during its the masses make more definite demanda, field. Above all. the Centrist leadership importance of the Lentoist united front filled with disgust.
Growing resistance of the workers at most effective Left coverings, but when is also expressed first in the trade union Communist party, one hundred fold the stuals on the Wickersham Commission economy. This process is already in op Arst rapid progress downward could not when the tendencies to go beyond the titles the party ideological and politi tactic, the necessity of returning to the SAM GORDON.
eration in both directions.
be expected. That was the period url bounds of reform appear and assume cal life; its continued tip tilted position, principles of the International of Lenin alming at replacing the bourgeolse of the prosperity Illusions still strongly im their tune.
the American countries to definitely mass dismissals from the factories with revolutionary Implications, the change in the opposite of the objective curves and of Trotsky, and to increase our brimarily, in order to take possession of bedded How false was the party lead tion, in these very first beginuings of working class ideological level in a rer blindly following the stalinist apparatus, Letter About the ership analysis when, already prior to such manifestations, that the party lead olutionary direction. Because of this, with all the greater impetus.
their markets.
But what this comrade Trotsky has so aptly pointed alation of the workers and in ito of utilizing the united front policy which masses move Leftward.
the crisis, It proclaimed the mass radioership has shown itself utterly incapable it will be equally as unprepared when the working class divided, is an easy Spanish Revolution strength of the United States and its seventh convention thesis, in attempting would strengthen the Communist intiu However, there will be new decisive prey in the claws of the capitalist rul unbridled expansion resulting from it, are broadening and deepening to analyze the crisis, stated: Its effects once as against that of the reformists. Jerks and turns also in the working class tures. The fighting unity of the workars According to the Information of com counIt can therefore not be too often as movement in the immediate future, per spells their end. The struggle for the rade the Central Committee of the that compels it to include powder magaxines throughout the world among the ter offensive of the exploited working serted that with each step of development clearly indicated in present perspectives, masses with their revolutionary vanguard decisive turn in its policy.
haps of a convulsive character. This is conciliation of the backward laboring Spanish Communist Party has made a of foundation of its structure the antagon masses. And further to make sure o ot present objective conditions, the pool and at such decisive instances the awes is a struggle on many fronta.
Onst and the West no misunderstanding, it proceeded to list tion of the party and its policy becomes tons of strategy will be posed in a.
isms between the From the words of comrade It the class struggles in Old Europe, upris: the evidences. of the revolutionary of ever greater importanco.
Aside from the necessity of uniting follows that the Spanish Central Comings of the colnlal masses, wars and United States. How equally false were of the role and function of the Lett upurge of the working masses of the surate with this grows the importance forceful manner.
the reformist with the revolutionary mittee, which formally retaining the slorevolution.
This imposes heavy obligations upon workers, there are a good many other man of the lemocratie dictatorship its strategical for the European bourgeoisie, a series el quests or the conclusions for the con. Communist Opposition. Has the party the Left Opposition. Our strength must problems involved in constituting the changes its polley decisively on two We have witnessed, as ominous signs streets spent itself in its Third Period assaults first of all become the one of correct workers front. We shall deal here with points: first, it takes the road of strug convulsive economic and political crises Yet, in this coming perlod of grow upon a revolutionary upsurge. exist. Marxian evaluations and conclusions. only two aspects of the question of unitsEle for democratie slogans. second, it is cupled with direct intervention of Aming resistance and sharpened economie ing only in the sphere of false evaluaerican capitalism within the most recent struggles, the workers, despite the false tious of its leadership? This, of course, and situations and in all instances our The bosses aim at breaking up the ready to apply the policy of the united period. Notably so in England and Ger analysis and conclusions of the leader is what all the capitalist agents within direction must be the one of all efforts ranks of the proletariat is being carried We have here a clear and an indubitafrom both the Amercian colossus which toward the Communist party. And while formists and with them, although in revlutionary path. It is our party, and vicious forms is that of pitting the white deep and serious is the turn of the Span.
in every Instance emerged the victor, the impact of the struggle may for a different manner, the Right wing leaders this is our task. concentration on against the black workers. How the ish stalinists, is another question. More further strengthening its hegemony. Be time, as far as the masses are concerned, of the Lovestone camp would like to the decisivelmues must first of all be go about this is most easily demonstrated over, any answer to it depends to a con hind the apparent international action to relegate the questions of strategy to the huve us believe. For us, however, it is our object, coupled with the most direct by how unemployment statistics. The siderable degree upon our policy. But assist the financially hard pressed pow backward there will nevertheless be a pertinent to recognize the weakness of intervention.
ers, there develops sharpened ant growth of the problems of correct lead the party position despite the growing an immeasurable development and strenpartment of Labor quotes the following is a direct fruit of the criticism of the gonisms across the various state borders ership. Moreover, at each decisive turn, favorable objective situation. false gthening of our forces.
from a report on an investigation made Left Opposition. Only the faction and keener competition for armamento. of changes of objective conditions, the strategy running counter to the actuall. ARNE SWABECK. by the Urban League: of the Lett Opposition is a progressive There have been rapid, frenzied swings Wherever figures were given, the perforce within Communism. Upon its from the rule of social democracy as an centage of the unemployed among the successes depend the successes of Com.
instrument of capitalism to that of open Negroes exceeded their percentage of munism, and particularly the successes reaction, as these powers, each struggling the total population and in some cases of the Spanish revolution more desperately for their diminishing the disproportion was very marked. Thus, But how shall we react to the turn rations in world economy. attempt to in Baltimore they formed 17 per cent of the Spanish Stalinista? On this put ever heavier burdens upon their own of the population and 31. of the nascore, we already have a serious experlproletariat and reduce its standard. Un Somehow many a sincere League mem. would be indeed a very comical specta. preparations. Duc lo! We waited front questionably there has been an immenselber begins to ponder over the curious an cle. The life history of a three months uerowers ure vut wwut couter employed in Charleston, 19 ofence, true, primarily an experience in the population and 70 of the unemploy mistakes.
the French Staliniste, cuced. uus The objective situation is becoming in a lot of activity but no results, nay trict always from above, you see) Nu zoung wouders are the lin Chicago, of the population and to considerable degree under the influ creasingly revolutionary. These results, even going backward. Time and again decides upon a plan for the District say excuve element repetetuttu. Tu 16 of the unemployed, in Philadelphia, ence of our criticism, decided to retreat which express the contradictions of capt we have discussions on what is wrong 150 members. The number itself wide wall pomoly gave wul for verleeu and 25. in Pittsburgh and from the fantastie policy of the third. the small em work, uue 38. etc.
period. the old leadership of the Ligue more turbulent by America ruthlese just as stagment as ever.
phasis should be not on numbers but 16 18 Luer Lault wy boc explumuy what Not only are Negro workers the first declared in advance that adventurism is advance in Europe.
The Inner Life on method of getting and most import club work so we all year round. ones to be fired when personnel is re being replaced by opportunism and that What are the prospects of development The discussion article of comrade tant keeping these new members. But tuus, lu every palsu of our work this duced, but very often they are replaced the Left. Opposition should go its way within the United States in this strug Ray on Education and Young Commun. no not in this country. The activity, full ut sound and fury, uby white labor. Tho boss, by playing as if nothing had happened. At the time, rilehtor the respite while the further ists drives home a point which is even gives out the quotas set so many trom arog notkuns. pervages. The members on the race instincts of the white works less policy, which had as Ins consequence may take place in strong leaps, some of the exact conception of what really the The Unit Executive concretizes it by lueur work and forced manuer. Heally barrier between white and black from the fact that the French Ligue missed the important aspects of the course for should be. It is almost axiom deciding upou the places to concentrate. a pucture not inspiring to wutside young which hoe avere witimately gains. Now sttuation favorable to the highest de the immediate period are already indicat atic that the should trala Com. Everything to decided upon and the plan workers. The question for every the Negroes make up about 10 percent of the party. Let us hope that this more ed. And most likely, within these leaps munists and not be the attitude and the actions of the work Party it is.
In a brief letter, comrade underlines At present we have to the unit. The unit will of course accept Iwats? It is curtainly not the tuult of States. in very many industrica, their take will not be repeated in Spain.
ing class will become a factor tar) Inner life nor any life for that mat this lifeless planning, for, let it reject the young workers but that of our wrong percentage is even far weightier. In re two facts, having an exceptionally Gone into oblivion are the begin the plan and form a new one and the approach in metuod and tactics.
greater decisiveness than during the past ter.
sisting the attacks of the bosses, who portant significance for the polley of the decades. The sharper and deeper the nors classes, study circles. Gone are District will promptly reject it on the LEAGUN ALALDER. live from the labor of the white and the Spanish Left for the present period: the changes in the future cycles as well as wallpapers, pictorials, etc. as sheer ground that it is not copereto enough black workers alike, the inclusion of the official party has taken, or at any rate, in the general economle and political con nonsenses although it is not salds The result of such a mechanical plants Negro tollers in the ranks of the strug has proclaimed a series of stere directed ditions, the sharper the actions of the much. The inner life of a typical unit that after a few meetings where more masses will be. Its outcome, however, consists of in a discussion at regular reference was made to the plan, it 18 sle is indispensable. The unity of Negro towards the policy of the Bolshevik lenand white workers is a matter of door inists on the contrary, the leadership intervale on our tasks. One wonders forgotten and plans for a new plan are die. The task of the Communista is not of the Catalonian Federation sinks all why not rend last year or last month being hatched.
speech, since they are so identical. When auch dienstrous policy is ap so much to make the Negro worker race the deeper into the confusion of oppor(Coulnuou from afe 1)
typical unit meeting laste for several piled to the so called mass work it po regrec un pelnu disup conscious, which all the blabber of the tunism and petty bourgeois nationalism.
pointment (Mattew Wull. Stalinists about national minority and The official party, heretofore, has done hours with todlous reports and bicker plays havoc and certainly injures our Orgu LLOJ e rigut. self determination drives at, but much everything to identify the Left Opposiings on this and that fallure. There is work rather to expose the class character of tion with the blunders of Maurin. At It is conceivable tua tue workers by Leon Trotsky no enthusiasm at the meeting. The com Paradoxical It may sound, as a reTHE STRATEGY OF THE WORLD Fades yawn and clamor for adjournment sult of planned activity we spread cake wis www Wilwut resistance the oppression against the Negro before the present time, we are offered an ex well as before the ceptionally favorable possibility to disaus Wow, and sullaveu upes it WM white workers. That is the only way of pel all misunderstanding REVOLUTION any wonder then, that every unit can tion (the third period. you know. Ut tenu le we growia oral achieving the solidarity pages, two colored paper cover 250 tell a tale tull of woes about how it to starting something here, something there was a waru ukrue with the black workers against the capital turn of the Spanish Central Conmittee Introduction by Max Shachtman cruited such a number of real Amer and abridoning it just as quickly for a wat we would bready wens ony Ist enemy. All the trame ups. all the too serious analysowe Wacharitaman pine THE DRAFT PROGRAM OF THE ican Young Workero who vanished a new field of concentrations. This charCOMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL ter two or three meetings. It would acteristic prevalls in every phase of our world tous les deucu. wul lynchings, all the massacres of Negro credulity, but also without sectarian pre. Critichum of Fundamentals have been a miracle It they stayed there work. Just to take a few examples at, wave we uoue wy Luse muudreds of workers in the street must be explained judices. Whatever is conquered by us Introduction by Cannon listening to boring reports, and bureau random, want to describe how a Us Or Bleel workers wuv suwe and combatted from this angle. The tight should be clearly stated hy us and taken 140 pages hard paper cover 350 cratic orders. The unit meeting respunda unit does factory work. The unit en el mu te mugu. wow. co ted against Negro persecution and for the into consideration. Where differences remain, they should be characterized with with the echo of you must do this discovers a good factory and like UL AVIV Wich was curricu out unity of the white and the Negro work THE SPANISH REVOLUTION tonight, that tomorrow night, etc. No a bolt from a clear sky shock brigades put of we Babouse of compers anu era can only be carried on under the out any softness and embellishment 80 pages, paper cover The faster and the more declaively the 10c provision whatever for a class or a study start storming the factory with Young company.
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