AnarchismAndrés NinBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerLeninismMarxismMussoliniPrivate PropertySocial DemocracySovietSpainStalinStalinismSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

PAGE 1 AE MILITANT SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1931 IN THE INTERNATIONAL OF LABOR Reviews and News of the Working Class and Revolutionary Movements Germany and the Approaching Winter Progress of the Left The Opposition and Opposition hunger. Chancellor of German Imperial could once moro hold the masses in chock tem, which is rendered possible by the use because the bruenins cogime, the Party IN SPAIN GREECE Even Bruoning, the eternally smiling, mentary struggles whether the reformistsernment and its emergency decree sys. torship. In fact, the Centrist analysis the of Based thus which supports itself upon the reforinist his social democratie lackeys, who feel streets against Fascism, or if the success upon a nominal parliamentary majority workers, Ius a different social basis from themselves hampered by it in their work of the Communists would be more than the Bruening government has long ago Fascism, which rests upon the despairing The Spanish Communist Opposition 10 of deception: Germany is approaching an electoral victory, so that in the face sent parliamept home, and settles all pretty bourgeois masses, because its ideo From August 25, the Pall Ton Takseon very grateful for your tremendous assis a winter which is the worst time in a of the threatening civil war, nothing questions by decrees. In this way, itlogy is pseudo revolutionary and not con. Class Strugkle, official organ of our tance. It may be said in all frankness century. This declaration refers, of would be left to the bourgeoisie but the has cut wages and salaries, diminished servative, like Bruening its methods Greek Opposition group. the Archiothat without your generous demonstra course, not only to the ceonomic, but Fascist bloodbath. revolutionary unemployment Insurance, removed the are terrorist and not pseudo parliamen Marxists. Ed. is to be inued semition of generosity, it would not have also to the political sphere.
party, during the crisis of a regime, is democratic rights (freedom of press, tarian, like Hruening With the de weekly, on Tuesdays and Fridays. The been possible for us to a complish many. Those of our American comrades, who stronger in extra parliamentary mass self administration, etc. and all this claration that Iruening is exercizinga Tuesday number will apixar for the mo.
of the tasks that we are realizing. This have attentively studied the reports from struggle than within the framework of with the aid of reformists. The reform dictatorship, nothing is snid. For us ment with two pages. We hope, howshows conclusively that the International Germany, will say skeptically about such parliamentarism (Trotsky. Unfortunists are today, therefore, the basis of Marxist Leninists, every bourgeuls re ever, with the assistance of our nym Opposition has known how to arouse the prophecies: but the same thing was anately, this does not hold for the the regime, their liquidation constitutes gimo up to now has been a dictatorship. ptahizers, to insure its appearance with spirit of international solidarity which nounced a year ago. Did not everybody In the two large strikes, of the the key to power.
It is a question here of the special meth four pages.
has been annihilated by the stalinist say the same thing a year ago, after the metal workers in Berlin and the mine The social democrats justify their beds. And there are different with Bruen. Davlos The Torch. Our monthly reexample which we will not tire of roWere not deceptive pictures conjured op false trade union tactic, it was not possil cinim that in this way the bourgeoisie and Mussolini. oliticians who set them not fall to send you a number of copios, bureaucracy. Your solidarity is a lotty outcome of the September elections: workers in the Ruhr, as a result of its trayal of the working class with the ing and MacDonald from those of Hitler slow also on the press and we shall peating to the comrades in every coun before us at that time? How was it pos ble for it to tear the workers away will not proceed to Fascism that this is selves to be stabbed, when they are tot is precisely for our review that wo try so as to serve to stimulate them. Ansible, in spite of this, the winter in from the reformists and thus to prevent the lesser evil. Naturally, the bourge be poisoned, can very easily fall victim want your collaboration. In the Pall, by orderly, without an their betrayal. After these two defeats, olasie en forego Fascism if it succeeds to their mistakes, worth we frequently reproduce translations Opposition have been notified about the attack by the comrades of the Spanish Communist Germany pasunism or Fascism? Did the will to struggle of the German work in attaining by degrees the same mens. nothing as strategists of the revolution. From the Militant. But articles especialaid lent by you, and we believe we are the objective, the economic situation of ers was broken and the question decided ure of exploitation and oppression that (To Be Continued. ly written for us by foreign comrades interpreting their expressions of thanks Germany Improve in this period? for the time for the bourgeoise To Fascism would bring it in one day, but Berlin, September 1931 would create a good impression on our We shall soon send a message of greet No, American comrades, no deceptive pic this is to be added, that also on the with a greater risk.
ERVIN BAUER. ranks and discouragement in the party Fascism, Should your articles be of interest to American comrades for publications in that time. No, the objective situation everything was lost, for the against Bruening or against wage relucfight the Greek American we could send you the Militant. And now let us proceed did not improve. It the purely econ with its soetarian tactics, did not under tions, because every struggle today would a quantity of the paper to be distributed to a brief sketch of the situation of the omic development were to be considered stand how to create a united front with raise the question among them.
on of the capture of power The Floating Baron Opposition in Spain and the work it is a completely distorted picture of the the social democratic workers and thus by the proletariat or of a reaction with Persecution and action. For some carrying on.
Almost every other day brings a new time now we have been able to show jall The Propaganda Tours better demonstrates the incorrectness of We have here a striking proof of the no matter what the price, want no cap indication of the progress which German sentences in order to shut the months of At the present time, comrade Henri all theories of spontaneity and collapse practical lack of significance of parliaLacroix is on a propaganda trip. He has than the German development and the ment, for the actual relationships of ture of power by the proletariat, no Stalinism is making it not in the ranks the Stalinists. Now, the slanders about gone through Barcelona, Zaragoza, Bil unshakable trath of the doctrine of the forces were determined by quite differ grown into capitalism. The bourgeoiste, among the chauvinistie military camar are not believed even by the motor lao, Santander, Oviedo, Gijon, Leon and importance of the picture of the situa least ont factors and did not correspond in the for its part, pays the social democracy illa and the blue blooded nobility. But ant sympathizer of Stalinism. We have Salamanca. Comrade Fersen is passing To get clear through the province of Galicia, embraction then and today, we recommend the The Fascists quit the parliament, their badly for its services, by humiliating and all the Lleutenant Scheringers whom the the influence of large strata of work on will cruiser plebiscito. What ists win to its side, are not an unmixed ers in our organization and the InternaFerrol and La Coruna. Another com of comrade Trotsky, The Turn in the nothing but a clover, masked retreat. Trotsky wrote in 1920 about the strategie blessing, nor do they stay put for tional Left Opposition. Our participation rade will leave one of these days for Communist International and the situa Only fools, like the ultra radical Fasc, line of the bourgeoisie is being completo. any length of time. An example will il in the May Day and August demonstra ly confirmed: luminate the point.
saved the dalucia and Levante.
The key to the German development mer pseudo Oppositionist, Landau, who from being turned ridiculous by Stalin The bourgeoisie finds that the discip One of the recent conquest of the All the impressions of our organizers les completely in the subjective atti see in Fascism an anti capitalist force, places we have good nuclei of militants. In the policy of the reformist dependent role, could see in this the ocracy places high expenditures upon it. von Frankenburg and Proschwitz who, action, the results would have been boete are tremendously good. In all these tude of the German working class and and therefore ascribe to it a certain in aning of the workers by the social dem cerman Communist Party was the Barou good faith crom them and to be acabotage ter. In many localities, the initiative very enthusiastic and active. We believe and of the revolutionary which prologue to a Fascist seizure of power. The bourgeoisie as such needs Fascism in the fury of his newly acquired en national Bolshevism, was was taken by us. Our organization that by December the Spanish Opposi is however misled by the Centrists. There since then, German Fascism has been in order to hold the social democratic thusiasın for tion will have one thousand members, is no other way to introduce an analysis living in reserve, patiently adapting it. party in check and, if necessary to push scheduled for a number of meetings under victims have been wodnemned to 100 and active militants. In our country. scription of political history since the with whom it stands in principle on the and is capable of dolng it. After seizing from the Fascists to the International tences of six and seven years are now Red Aid and the German Communist common in Creek courts.
this signifies an extraordinary success. September 1930 elections. legalizing Itself and merely filling its power, Fascism will surrender to finance Party. Last August 31, the Herr Baron, same basis, stered private property. capital. But this is the path of convul. or comrade Baron von so on and so place a march of a Black Hundreds or On August 16, at Salonica, there took The country which mainly preoccuples The Development of German Fascism the Communist International for its After September 14, which produced leisure hours with the murder of work sions, which also places high expendi: forth was slated to speak again at ganization called the Steel Helmets. In Trotskyist tendencies is Spain. They the tremendous election successo.
mass. Trotskyism. And do not think they tion of the Fascist seizure of power was ance capital, so hated by its supporters the internal struggle in its ranks and the meeting and the day it was to be rotten tomatoes and eggs at thein. Sev, Are mistaken. So fearful are the Stald put on the order of the day. The bour is best shown by its attiture in the July thereby is determined the polley it will held the Red Baron had turned Black eral comrades, men Inists that they do nothing but sent delegeoisie itself discussed the question in bank crash, when the power was easy to probably purse in the next period. to once more and was back in the camp arrested, beaten by the police, and conwomen, were rations. At this vers moment we have all frankness, it is already obvious from take, but which was not seen by this force the social democratic parts, with of the litlerites. Whether the Nazis victed of violating the Special (Anti Comthree in a delegation from the Commun. the fact that in certain provinces it party.
the ald of Fascism, to help reconstruct intend to hold meetings where the Baron munist) law. The party was ist International to Spain.
agreed to coalitions with the Fascists, Does the defeat of Fascism in the the constitution in snch a way as to com. will speak on My Path from the from this demonstration, absent Our Weekly Organ that it was making serious preparaions Prussian referendum already mean that bine for the bourgeoiste the advantages and the to Fascism. we do. International Labor Defense.
of Fascism and democracy, Fascism in not know, but we do know that they the Under We have a splendid piece of news to in this direction.
give to the Spanish and the International It should be remembered in this consumption, we would fall into the error essence, democracy in form. in this way aro making merry over the reconversion. press of our activity, the anks of the party compelled the bureaucracy to Opposition: On the 25th of this month nection that the election results. mum of the which every moment pro It hopes to free itself of the increased low many of the other Barons, Counts, open to us the gates of the International September) will begin the publication erically at any rate, were annihilating claims the decomposition of Fascism on expenditures for democratic reforms and in Barcelona of our weekly paper, called Not only the Fascists, but also the Com the basis of its objective contradictions it possible also from the increased ex Lieutenints and Generals the party will Labor Defense. It is true that they We have decided to continue to publish the was drawn into the electoral lapse only on the basis of a victorious the bourgeoisie be able to take this road? is hard to say. In fact, it is easier to or comrades whom they call leaders and Comunismo are deorgan. Comunismo has succeeded in the proletarian members of the reform hourgeoisie no longer requires its ser long period of time. Trotsky. The tenths of those it wins over on this basis traitors while the members gnining a great authority in Spain, and ist party were, besides, in open rebellion, vices: but nothing of the kind is visible Austrian Crisis, the Social Democracy. will either poison the life of the party cofred by their Archio Fascist leaders.
in of in the.
and Communism. or find their way back to the swamp The aim is to separate the cadres from even the members of the official party for arms.
the ranks, but this idea is characteristie The Present Method of Domination and The swindle of the lesser evil is fac they came from at the decisive moment.
acknowledge that it is the most valuable The It is true soon swung theoretical journal that has ever been over to support of the government. In Strategy of the Bourgeoisie Hitated for he reformists by the fact But then again, the permeation of the only of the feeble mindedness of StalinExtra parliamentarily, the bourgeoisie that the showed itself incapable Communist workers with the Illusions Ism. In prison, too, they refuse the adpublished in Spain. Up to now, the spite of this, the bourgeoisie made up rules today on the basis of the betrayal of analyzing the situation correctly, and and toxins of Stalinism is not helping mission of valuable comrades to the posed almost exculsively of translations when it was made clear by extra parlial through the medium of the Bruening gor without further ado as a Fascist dieta ment.
its mind on the question of Fascism only of the trade unions. Parlamentarily. also branded the Bruening government but postponing the advent of that mo cells, which contain the assassins of our comrades Ladus and George from articles of foreign comrades And opapadakos.
the workers Hike to see that our re.
Federation of Food Industries. By the view, Spanish questions are dealt with propagation of the slogan of unity of tho by comrades of the country. This gives class trade unions, we have compelled us a great theoretical prestige.
them to accept the unity of the food un But Comunismo is not an organ that ions, and we hope that, the forces under can reach the masses and is only a theoretical review which is very necessary (Continued from Page 1) the party. That we supported the prio, mlaled by the Trotskylst lenders. was we were a tall to the party. and more our influence being greater, we will obfor the political training of the militants. discussion. Immediately party mem ciples and ideas of the and joined one of the first party members to join without end.
In the meantime, he did in the leadership of the Federation of In addition to Comunismo, we need a ber took the floor and said that the for the purpose of participating in the our ranks. pronal charming his ad here is best to discredit us and the move Food Industries, which adheres to the ghting paper in which we can deal with question under discussion was of no le work of the then attempted to ence to the views of the Opposition long ment in general. The demands he made relaterade unicer senter, and peasant life of Spain. And that a time discussing such a trivial matter, and was constantly interrupted and prevent was tender Indictment in the famous mus nad served a short term in prison. were with the party membership in the what we are going to have from the that we immediately proceed to a vote.
25th of this month.
The writer demanded the floor and Malkin then took the floor and started his adherence to Opposition, the ciations with spokesmen like Norbave realized the low intellectual level the of the party members. They have very The Spread of Our Literature pointed out the extreme importance of to continue his lies and slanders. The officials embarked upon a disgraceful man Thomas became the talk of poor notions of Communism, to say nothComunismo Publishing House is set what was belos discussed and that hea this notile task, after which the resoluing called to protest the impending immitted a crime which not even considera ed in getting a hearing and in the.
ineet with a great reception. In this be wise to give me the opportunity to tion and motion were voted on.
way, we have decided to intensify the defend myself.
We the exception of one vote against. deliberately called off by the anyone to overlook. At the very height Island persons, we started courses publication of pamphlets. We want to young worker took the floor and both the resolution and the motion were so as to keep talkin from speaking of the united agitaion of the labor this prison, there are 70 of them and 11 publish two a month. Moreover, we want made the following statement: that he there. After Malkin had been in prison skates and the Lovestoneltes to liquidate to give the official party an example did not support the Trotskyists, but that blems are put for discussion.
The result of the vote can be readily for some time, he kept writing the most the Needle Trades Works Industriail of ours. There the views of the left Opposition and the international proof how the work should be done. While we had a risht to join the late and had had no opportunity to study the dit to the for the latter neglect. fire Malkin, on his own fuitiative, went to ately, the low level of the ranks of Unfortunthe party is engaged merely in publish that he was in favor of my admittance; ferences between the and the party. One or two of his prison letters, printed see Begun, of the of Furriers the party makes it difficult for us to ing translated pamphlets on Russia. we that he was against the expulsion of any and on the basis of the statements made in the militant, knew no bounds in thier Joint Board, abut getting back into the get many recruits from them. They he are publishing pamphlets on timely sub ono because he was Trotskylst.
by Malkin which was prevented from violent criticism of the party and defense reactionary union, which still has a rule lleve in the infallibility of the party like jects of Spanish labor, written by Spanish nilitants. This also gives us a great that he did not understand the differ prestige.
ence between the and the Trotwas perfectly obvious that they felt read in the Daily Worker a statement by the deal Malkin offered to make with We are going to publish the following skyiste but he did know that the Trot something was wrong and they voted very Malkin repudiating the Opposition and Begun mas be judged from the fact that quia absurdum. But we trope that it What Are the Sovieta. What Are the skylsts led the revolution in Russia.
be gooul.
Several others took the floor and spoke that with such methods it is easy to and leadership. Before we could eaten Communist, back into the union at a low agement, the results Mitylene By Election. At the Mityleno Left opposition by Forsen, The Log in favor of my admittance. was then understand the sad state of affairs exist our breath, Malkin wrote to us, telling initiation rate.
by election, our comrades worked hand in ing in the us that his statement meant nothing.
Singularly enough and yet not end of Trotskyism by Esteban Bilbao, Idren the floor for five minutes.
hand with the party. Result: 4, 700 Whither the National Conferedation of declared that the of uneon HARRY MILTON. that he was still with the Left Opposi strangels his capitulation to the reac votes as against 1, 300 at the general elec Labor by Henrl Lacroix, and Comditionally supported and defended the tion, that he wrote it only because he tionary fakers coincided with a recurrtions in 1928. The government candimunism and Anarcho yndicalism by Soviet Union, that we supported the Who Is Malkin?
party leaders, who threatened to eat of Staliniem. The New Fork branch or da dated obtaleed 10, 600 votes Juan Andrade. and the Communism and that we con. PSAKIS. JUAN ANDRADE.
sidered ourselves Communists and were relter from himself and his aged parents League decided to expel him rene Athens, August 28, 1931 There is no malico. We believe it was unless he capitulated; he begged us to gade and a traitor, and to warn the workMadrid, September 24, 1931 fighting to be reinstated in the ranks of Macaulay who wrote it like the malice keep it all quiet, lest his relief anders against him.
of a renegade. Maurice Malkin, who was liberation be endangered.
Our public statement to the workers Why is he the man chosen for the work?
recently expelled from the Left Opposi Outraged as we felt, we realized that put a spike in dr. Malkin plans. The Because that is the way imposed upon tion in New York, is now touring the Malkin, in many respects so irresponsi furriers union deal did not go through. him to buy back his membership in the SPANISH REVOLUTION branches of the International Labor Deble and impressionable, was undoubtedly Our declaration also prevented the party party. When he has sufficiently demonfense as the prosecuting attorney in the demoralized by his prison term, and bureaucrats from re admitting him into strated his baseness in character and The Revolution in Spain. 100 new campaign of expulsion of the Trot rightly or wrongly, we decided to refer the ranks. The Central Control Cota thorough lack of self respect, Foster and skyists from the organization. He is to his case ambiguously in the Militant, mission turned down his re application. Co. will consider him fit candidate for The Spanish Revolution in Danger. 150 the specialist for the Engdahls, Fosters with the promise to tell the full story The party fraction of the furriers in New the party again.
and Hackers. He knows the insides some day.
Yrk, in May 1931, voted unanimously These two pamphlets What a wretched character one must the reader an invaluable analysis of the of tho Left Opposition, and pretends to Malkin was finally released from prl against admitting this unprincipled and re to carry out the task assigned to present situation in Spain and the prospects of the further development the ignoble role of informer. The ardor non, and the kindest thing that can be treacherous person into the party. Malkin!
of the revolution. The standpoint of the Opposition, in contrast to that of of his defense of the bureaucrats said about the release is to say nothing This is the individual selected to do What better can be said of those who all the other groups involved in the present Spanish situation (the official and their sectarian splitting course is about it. He rallied to the Oppoul the dirty work of informing on the OP Order him about and sneer in his face.
Communist party, the Maurin group, the syndicalists, and others. is pre excelled only by his venom against the tion again, and again his condemnations position and directing their expulsion his masters who are worthy of those they sented with the exceptional clarity and pentration for which the author Opposition, his cynicism, his revolting and attacks upon the Stalinists exceeded from the doing the work for hire!
18 so well known.
falsehoods. By their deeds they shall all bounds. He assumed no less, the the same leaders and policies that Malkin What an indiction upon an organizabe judged. And also by those they choose mantle of the ultra Leftist. He conduct once denounced in such unmeasured tion whose destines, to however small Send Orders and Funds to the to do their deeds for them. few words ed a veritable campaign in the New terms that were we to reprint some of an extent, must be guided by such in PIONEER PUBLISHER 884 East 10th Street, New York, about who Malkin is will give added point York branch against the leadership and his letters, even be, in whom every spark dividuals the only ones ft to carry out to the expulsion campaign.
polley of the Left Opposition because of revolutionary conscience and honor is the disastrous policy which has been de Malkin, who now claims to have been we would not nght the party. because extinguished, would burn with shame. creed!
al. Expulsion Campaign Begun in New York BO