BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFootballGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassZinoviev

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1931 Resolution on the International Left Against National Communism!
Lessons of the Red Referendum Opposition Pollak When these lines reach the reader, they have refused to fight agniust Kornilov?
will, perhaps, in one section or another, By LEON TROTSKY This is probably how the Central Committee of Thaclmann, Remmele, Neumann The destruction wrought by elght of the fact that great numbers of work be out of date. Through the efforts of woulil have acted. But this is not how years of domination by the epigones in ers reacted honestly in the direction of the Stalinist apparatus and the friendly designating their tifled. Whether the Fascists vote togeth. the Central Committee of the Bolsheviks.
the leadership of the Communist Inter the Right wing only because of the blue collaboration of all the bourgeois gordums the right of national is making itself felt most acute ders and bureaucratism of the Stalinista, ernments, the author of these lines parties. All the voters are fused into er with the Communists or not, would acted. Lenin wrote at the time: It ly at the present moment, when the ob should make every effort to win over, placed in such circumstances under one inseparable mass which, on the lose all significance, beginning with the would have been the profoundest error jective conditions for revolutionary pro by fraternal discussion, the revolutionary which he can react to political events slven question, gives one and the sume moment when the proletariat, by its pres to think that the revolutionary pro gress are almost universally favorable working class elements in the Right wing only after a delay of several weeks. To answer. Within the limit of this ques. sure, overthrows the Fascists and takes letariat is capable, so to say, out of re to the proletarian vanguard. Paralysis camp.
this must also be added that the author tion, the unity of front with the Fasciste the power into its own hands. For a venge upon the and Men heviks spring board, one can make use of any. for their support of the crushing of the and decay of the most vital organs of the is an indubitable fact. In spite of, and in a sense because is obliged to rely on far from complete official International Communist move planks, the plank of the referendum in Bolsheviks, the assassinations on the of the obstacles placed in the path of Information. The reader should bear this Thus, between midnight and dawn ev.
ment are the most notable effects, partits development and the organizational in mind. But even from the extremely erything appeared to be turned on its cluded. Only, the possibility of actually front and the disarming of the workers head.
taking the jump must be there, not in of rofusing to support them against cularly sharing and disastrous in the defeats inflicted upon it by the appar unfavorable circumstances, we must atpresent world crisis of capitalism, of the atus, the International Left Opposition tempt to extract at least some advantage The United Front. But With Whom? words but in deeds. The problem is cow the counter revolution such a way of ravages of the bureaucratio internal re is today at the highest point yet attained Not having the possibility to react to What political aim did the leadershin quently reduced to the relation of putting the question would have meant, forces. To come out into gime which was required by the appar. In its ideological progress. The disloyal events in all their concretezess, from day the streets first of all, the carrying over of petty of the Communist party pursue with its with the slogan Down with the Bruan. bourgeois conceptions of morals into the atus in order to destroy the fundamentabuse of the immense apparatus at the to day, the author is compelled to con turn? The more you read the oflicial of the International. In the three counthe direction of the Soviet Union and and the central questions. This is where the less you understand this aim. The only be replaced by a government of Hit port not only the vacinating potty boural pinciples of Marxism in all the parties disposal of Centrism, its usurpation of centrate his attention on the basie points documents and speeches of the leaders Braun government. at a time when proletariat (hecause for the good of tho according to the relation of forces, it can cause the proletariat will always sur tries of Europe where the Communists the Comintern, the years of defents and he justification lles for this work.
should even now be leading the workers revolutionary ebb, the fact that the prePrussian government, we are told. 18 ler Hugenburg, is the sheerest adventureolsle but also the big bourgeoise. 16 to decisive battles, a disheartening pic sent revolutionary tide has not yet posed How Everything Is Turned Upon paving the road for Fascism. This ism. The same slogan, however, assumes the second places it would bave beenture is presented. In bankrupted Ger acutely and unpostponably before the Its Head perfectly correct. The federal govern an altogether different sense of it be and this is most importanta putty bourThe mistakes of the German Comment of Bruenins, the lenders of the Com cumes un introduction to the immediato peois attempt to cast shadow, by mortion has gripped the only remaining nou strategical problems all these circum munist Party in the question of the ple munist Party add, have actually been struggle of the proletarint itself for living over the political essence of the Russian mass purty in the Comintern stances have combined to prevent the iscite is among those which will become accomplished a lot of work on this road. manists would appear in the eyes of the power. In the first instance, the Com matter.
and threatens it with another 1923 de Lett Oppositoin from enjoying an organ clearer as time passes, and will finally Perfectly correct, we reply to this. But masses as the aids of reaction; but in August, and had thereby facilitated his bacle, even though in a different formizational growth commensurate with al enter into the textbooks revolution without the Prusslan Praun, the federal the second instance, the question of how coming to victory, he would, in the first and under different conditions. In rev: most daily vindication and confirmation ary strategy as an example of what Broering cannot maintain himself the Olutionary Spain, the feeble skeleton for of its ideas, its prognoses, its platform. Should not be done. In the conduct of the Fascists voted before they were place, have destroyed the flower of the mation of the official party plays no de Stalinists say. This too is correct, we crushed by the proletariat would have working class, and consequently, would The aim of the Left Opposition is to the Central Committee of the reply to them. Up to this point, we lost all political significance.
clsive role in the country, and lays a have interfered with our victory, two huge obstacle in the road to the victory ranks of Communism so that the organ the situation is incorrect, the immediate itical conclusions flow from this? We roting with the Fascists is consequently they were overtaken by their Nemesis. redress the dispersed and bewildered everything is wrong: the evaluation of are in complete accord. But what po!
The question of the coincidence of the months later, over the conciliators when by diverting the vanguard from the pro: ized revolutionary vanguard letarian revolutionary goal to the at shall be aim is posed incorrectly, the means for have not the slightest ground for sup viewed by us not from the point of not in words but in deeds for their hisable to fulfill its historic mission. Our its achievement was selected incorrectly. porting Braun government, for taking view of some abstract principle, but from toric crime.
best mythical and at worst fatal principal task, therefore, is not the pur. In passing the leadership of the party even a shadow of responsibility for it the point of view of the actual struggle goal of a democratic dictatorship of suit for a mass movement. which the succeeded in overthrowing all those prin before the masses, or even for weakening of the classes for power, and the relatioaxing which Thaclmann and Co. engage It is precisely petty bourgeois moralthe proletariat and peasantry. In Eng whole environment and the conditions of ciples which it advocated within recently one tota our political struggle against ship of forces at a given stage of this in when, In Justification of their own land, the prostrated figure of the official our struggle renders futile, but the more years.
party is unable to affect developments systematic and strengthened organization the government of Bruening and strugte.
turn, they begin to enumerate the end in any serious manner at all. The other of our propaganda for winning the mill dressed atselt to the Prussian government less ground for helping the Fascists to On July 21, the Central Committee ad Prussian agency. But we have still lese infamies committed by the social parties of the International do not pro tant vanguard.
Let Us Look Back at the Russian democracy.
sent a much more encouraging pieture with the demand for democratic and soc replace the government of BrueningIn a number of countries, great stensial concessions, threatening otherwise to Braun. Because it we accuse the Social Experience With Blown Out Lanterns despite brief and temoprary rises, de: have been taken in the past period to come out for the referendum. Advancing Democracy, with suthclent grounds, of spite the increasingly favorable condi wards the accomplishment of this task. its demands, the stalinist bureaucraespaving the rond for Fascisin, then our that at the moment of the proletarian up. There can be no talk about the identity It may be regarded as incontestable Historical analogies are only analogies, The Centrist bureaucracy has not succeeded not only in clearing its ranks per stratum of the social democratic shortening this road for Fascism.
The International Left Opposition has in actuality addressed itself to the up own task can least of all consist of rising, the difference between the Soe of conditions and tasks. But in the fix however, succeeded in completely destroy: of all capitulationist elements lal Democratic bureaucracy and the urative language of analogies, we may of the party with the proposal for united The Zinovlev group, but also of ultra Leftist front against the Fascists under certain Committee of the German The circular letter of the Central Fascists will actually be reduced to a ask: At the time of the referendum in ing the Communst International.
Communist minimum, if not to zero. In the October Germany, was the attention posed of tho latter posseses a vitality. See allietante and compromising tendencies, conditions. When the Social Democracy Party to all the nuclel, on July 27, most days, the Russian Mensheviks and defense against the Korniloviad, or in erful to have withstood the fatal conse and van Overstraeten. In addition, cle Stalinists formed a united front with the of the leadership, because it is the pro in hand with tho from Centrism, but still tudi cietal con such as were represented by Urbahns, Paz rejected the proposed conditions, the mercilessly lays bare the inconsistency 12. tought against the proletarlat hand reality of the overthrow of the whole quences of the corrosive influence of the menta allen to the ideas and spirit of Fascists against the Social Democracy, duct of a collective elaboration of the and monarchists.
Cadets. Kornilovists bourgeois order ly the proletariat? This epigones. The vitality of the Comintern the left Opposition, like The Bolsheviks lelt question is not decided os bare princi has its sources in the existence and popuThis means that the policy of the unit: a question. The essence of the letter, the pre parliament in October and went ples, nor by polemical formulae, but by larity of the October revolution and the Czecho Slovakia, Frey in Austria, the front is conducted not only from he liberated from confusion and contradic into the streets, in order to call upon the relation of forces. With what cato from. It. sociations, all of which the advanced ele: Opposition, whose strength lies in his himself to Braun and severing with autween the Social Democrats and the Fas kind of a monarchist group, let us say, forces at every new state of the revol Soviet Union, its tradition ces ots have been dropped by the way side. The that Thaelmann is permited to address anal analysis, there is no difference be simultaneously with the Bolsheviks, some connted and measured the relation of and identify in their minds with the has especially rigid requirements and democracy and social legislation from between the enemy who deceives and days, this would not have had any pol communist Party attempt, when it en existing parties. The support still en: cannot have any hesitation in enforcing the Hitlerite bands.
joyed by the official parties is given them them.
For that reason, the American these people, without even noticing what their patience, and the enemy who sim ists were overthrown together with the liminary balance of the struggling forces. to this tremendous factor, the homeless French section against the right wing from below. os means of the most stupid the authors of the ctrcular letter unex rising, however, through a series of teacher Stalin, the Berlin pupils conduct of the October revolution. In addetlege dorses the struggle conducted by our metaphysics on the united front only senselessness of such an identification. The party arrived at the October up we find such a balance. Like thetr bankrutey of enpitalist society, the group of Gourget and against the ambi and the most scandalous exportment of pectedly make a turn and present the stages.
kuous attitude of other members of the the united front only from the top, un red referendum as the decisive applica demonstration, a section of the Bolshe At the time of the April, 1917 polities with blown out lanterns.
acterizing it in its last period of deen Ligue, such as Naville, who did not fou expectedly for the masses and against tion of the policy of united front from viks advanced the slogan: Down with question of the relation of forces, aro His considerations on the decisivo plus the despicable and unconcealed treachery of the social democracy, drive In rejecting categorically the ideas and their will.
conduct of this group and whose attibelow towards the Social Democra the provisional government! But the reduced by Thaelmann to two or three more workers to the ranks of Comman tude, instead, confronted it, just as it If the social democracy a variety of tic, the christian and the non party work Central Committee immediately rejected general phrases. We no longer live in ism than the mountain of blunders, de comforted the Landau group in its de Fascism, then how can one propose to era. In what way the intervention in the ultra Leftists. Of course, we should 1923, he said in his report, the Con teats and crimes of the Stalinist apparstructive work in the ranks of the Gersocial Fascists a demand for the folct the plebiscite alongside of the Fascists. propagate the necessity of overthrowiu munist party is at present the party of atus can drive away. While this state man Opposition. In the future, the Am defense of democracy? Having entered against the Social Democracy and the the provisional government; but to call many millions, which grows at a furious of affairs cannot produce a permanent crican section must devote a greater upon the road of the referendum, the party of the Center, is an application the workers into the streets under this pace. And this is all! Thalmann could amount of its attention to the develop party buronucracy did not put any con of the policy of the united front towards slogan, cannot yet be done, because we not show more dearly the extent to Communism, it nevertheless operates at that ments in the other countries so that it ditions to the National Socialists. Why. the Social Democratie and christian workourselves are still a minority in the which an understanding of the difference the present stage with such may contribute the maximum possible. If the Social Democrats and the Nation ors will not be understood by any pro working class. If we overthrow the between the situation in 1923 and 1931 It may be said that the bulk of the reval Socialists are only shades of Fascism, letarian mind. The reference is evident provisional government under these cou Is foreign to him! Then, the social dem the confecran Communist parties or underternational Left Opposition and helping then why can conditions be put to the to those Social Demcoratie workers ditions, we will not be able to replace ocracy was breaking up isto bits. The oluionary workers are either in or around clearing the road of progress of the in Itse olence. Furthermore, the shifting to overcome those dieuities, and even Social Democracy and not to the Na who, having broken away from their it, and consequently we will help the workers who did not yet succed in bronk dete the apparatus from its right positions crises, which frequently arise in the tonal Socialists? Or perhaps between her naarticipated in the referendum, counter revolutton. We must patients ins away from the ranks of the Social of the the pressure of events, by criticism of) and from which the Left Opposition is very important qualitative differences in the unite front, one should at least character of this government, before the in the direction of the Communist party.
Fascism represented to a far the Opposition, by discontentment in the hot immune. Any tendency in our own regards to the social base and the meth understand a common action, not with hour for its overthrow has struck. Suen Then, But then, the workers who have left the Social was the position of the party.
greater degree, a scarecrow in the garden Democracy, but with those who remain in During testimony to the possibilities which stin the genuine internationalism which is do not call both of them Pascists, be subsequent period, the slow of the hourgeoiste, rather than a serious te on your the party by there are som san of the party was down with the political reality: The intuence of the on trade unions and sures of reform and to upon a strong Marxian foundan olish it Intervention in the life and work of the to differentiate and not in order to throw a great number of them.
movement as a whole, must be sharply everything into the same heap.
was incomparachecked and corrected.
Is it true, however, that Thaelmann The Question of the Relation of Forces mand directed at the social democracy the factory than it is today. The to break its coalition with the bourde bly created in These are the principal factors which One of the difficulties which the entered a united front with Hitler? The The only phrase in Thaclmann oisie. In July, we led a demonstration factory committees were actually carry time the basic functions Opposition the role which it has assumed in the past period has been the derecendum post Treneracy called the refer speech of July 24, which resembles a ner of workers and soldiers under the sloing out at and which it must maintain: the Marxian tions of members of the Bureau which con from the black or brown plebiscitellows: The red referendum, by utiliz meant at that time. all power to the Men eaucracy in the tendes troions was losing wing Communism, constituted has so grately incapacitated it as to of Hitler. That the matter is concerning the possibilities of legal, parliament sheviks and The Menxhevils and round from under its font every day.
faction of the Communist International compel the International Secretariat to ed with two mortally hostile parties, sary mass action, represents a step for the RS, together with the The fact that the situation in 1923 was which works for its regeneration and reassume functions other than purely ac naturally beyond doubt, and all the false ward in the direction of the extra parGuardists, crushed us.
not utlized by the opportunist lender storation. This historical task can be ministrative ones. This assumption of hoods of the social democracy will not llamentary mobilization of the mases. Two months later, Kornilov rose ship of the comintern and the German accomplished only by the most intransis: political functions has proved to be cor compel the workers to forget it. But if these words have any sense at all against the provisional government. Communist arty is still alive in the ennt struggle against the Centrist burrect, and at the present moment, the fact remains a fact: in a certain cam. it is only the following: We take tho in the struckle aguinst Kornilov. consciousness the classes and the eaucracy and the reactionary Ideas with atual relat!
which it has poisoned the movement holding together the various sections of revolutionary workers into a united front narture for our general revolutionary was at that time in hiding. Thousands between them. The Communist arts. The formal splitting off of the Right the Opposition, and, by grace of the with the National Socialists against the offensive, in order to overthrow the gove of Kolsheviks were in the jails. The Thaelmann snys, is the party of millious.
wing from the comintern in a whole support given it by the great majority Social Democracy. At least if one could ernment of the Social Democracy and workers, soldiers and sailors demanded We are very glad of that more rettery series of countries, particularly since of the sections, having the authority to designate his party adherence on the the parties of the golden mean allied the liberation of their leaders and of the prond of it. But we do not forget that the sixth Congress, has served to clar intervene in any country for the purpose ballots, then the referendum would at with it, by legal means, and in order Bolsheviks in general. The provisional buet Social democrawie do not complete the ment. The Right wing represents the position. The fact that purely formal instance, absolutely insufficient from a olutionary masses, to overthrow Fascism should not the Central Committee of thanks to the horrible chain of the epimost consistently opportunist section of organizational attacks are levelled at the politiet standpoint) that it would have which is attempting to become the heir the Bolsheviks have addressed an ulti gone mistakes of 1028 1931. the present ruling its and. matum to the government of Kerensky: Social Democracy reveals far greater trom 1923 to 1928 which, in the person who are breaking, or never had anything that itselt, separate them from the forces the Prussian referendum only plays the Free the Bolsheviks immediately and to powers of resistance than the Social of the Right wing has now taken a in common, with the principle and poli of Fascism. But German democracy role of a spring board for the revolu more from them the disgraceful accusa Democracy of 1923. We do not forget giante strade closer to the social demo tical ideas of the overstraeten, Ur to provkle for participants in referen the plebiscite would have been fully jus and, in the event of Kerensky refusul. Teared by the betrayals of the Social Denn.
Opposition. elements was not soliditous enough in its time tionary leap. Yes, as spring board, tion of service to the Hohenzollernsthat present day Fascism, nursed cracy. In a number of countries, sec like Landau, Frey, van tions of the Right wing have already bahns. Weisbord, etc. gives the measocracy and the mistakes of the Stalincompleted an organiaxtional fusion with ure of these criticisms. Until an interm ist bureaucracy, represents a tremendous the Second International. In the main, national congress can take place, and obstacle on the road to the seizure of bowever, it represents a bridge built to a representative Bureau elected, we must power by the proletariat. The Commun.
wards social democracy. It shares the give all our assistance towards strengist party is the party of millions. But basic theortical conceptions of Centrim thening the authority and the capacities thanks to the preceding strategy of the (national socialisme against revolu of the Secretariat. Continued from Page 1)
tionary Internationalism. but otherwia. At the same time, the Communist Leaments Por Mooney ended in the course. timely correction will minim bureaucratie stupidity, the Communist third period. the period of concentratel ditch. It is not two or three or by the cruder and more obvious blunders that the International Congress be called a partner to this movement does not but one. It is not a conglomeration of it lends a parasitie existence, nourished gue of America (Opposition) suggests presentative of the Mooney Committee is movements for Mooney that are wentylize or even conceal any future pay party is still extremely weak today in needed. ments.
the trade unions and in the factory coinof purblind Centrism, which it eritielxes for the Spring of the coming year. 80 change the fact either, and the sooner reactionaries, pseudo progressives and Mooney case Let everybody bear The struggle for power can.
with scraps borrowed from the platform that the international relations of the it is realized the more swiftly the genu assorted shysters who can organize and whoever seeks to use it for this purrotes of referendum. One must have no faction football, and not be led by basing oneself only on the of the Opposition. Liquidators, the ideo Opposition may be strengthened, a reine united front movement for Mooney lead it, much less organize and lead it pose will come a cropper in the end. support in the factories in the trades, ta logical agents of the social democracy view of the past years undertaken, and under the Communist banner who con will progress. The purpose of the com against the Communists. That is to say, The Stalinists can just as little use it the tasks for the coming period elabor mittee is one effective demonstration in it cannot lead it correctly or success for the prestige of their own false line the trade unions and in the factory. com stitute the Brandierist International must be fought relentlessly at everytheses and documents for the congress estly willing to help, may do their part. waters for some time to come. And it anti Communist arsenal. It is up to the man who substitutes strong words for Juncture. While it has and can have shall be available for all the sections we know this language well. This is wat die enige ongelijan because meie antichit chats coconscious militants to make this an analysis of the situation.
nothing in common with the Right wing at least two months before its actual taken from the reactionaries in the Left wing movement, hornswoggled by idea prevail.
To contend that in July August 1981, liquidators, the Left Opposition, mindfull convocation.
labor movement who use it demagogically the Stalinist bureaucracy, has not started the German Communist Party was so and with a despicably pious hypocrisy off by clearing the waters.
powerful thnt it could ented into an open against the Left wing who, you see, are For a Genuine Movement THE MILITANT struggle with hourgeois society, is om not as constructive and honest as the Whatever strength the newly formed Published weekly by the Communist bodied in both its flanks, the Social DemWolls, Hilmars and their Mooney committee may gain will come League of America Opposition Mannhxndra Nath Roy, the principall have already adopted resolutions demanda ilk.
Ocracy and Fascism, could be clono only leader of the Right wing of the Indian ing his release from the Indian prisons to a large extent from the blunders alby a man who has fallen from the moon.
at 84 East 10th St.
Communists, has been arrested by the of British Imperialism and the British We say quite openly: not an ounce of ready made by the Communists, without The party bureaucracy itxell does not British authorities in India and charged Labor Party, for it was during the Labor confidence can be placed in this self whom, we repeat, no real movement is think mo. If it resorts to such an EDITORIAL BOARD with high treason.
This is the second party cabinet regime that he was ar constituted clique, thrown together behind worthy of the name. What milk hus argument, it is only because the plebistime Roy has been on trint, the one rosted. The International Labor De closed doors. The protest movement, been spilled cannot be gathered up again. Martin Abern James Cannon cite failed and consequently it was not having been during his absence from rense, of course, has refused to do any. the united front for Mooney is inconceiv But a new and better start can be made Max Shachtman Maurice Spector put to the further test. It is precisely India, when the same charge was laid thing about the case Roy, who was able without the Communists and the and must be made. The Hillman Cohen Arne Swabeck in this irresponsibility, in this blindness, against him and other Communista. one of the leaders of the Comintern in Left wing. Whoever starts off without Muste Balley committee is only the first in this unscrupulous pursuit of effect, Labor and revolutionary organizations in its early dnys, became an ardent sup them has started off on the wrong foot, installment on the payments the Left Subcription rate: 00 per year; for that the adventurist half of the soul of a number of countries, and outstanding porter of the Stalin Bucharin regime, has made a start which will end where wing will get from the conservative and olgh 50. Mive cents per copy. Stalinist Centrism find ita expression scientists, authors, artists and publicists. He was expelled after the 6th Congress. the previous deceptive and abortive move reactionary camp for its radically false Bundle rates, cents per copy (To Be Continued)
White Do Not Make Mooney Case a Football in mind: the mittees Roy Arrested in India