BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismLeninLeninismNon-aggression PactSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE 1 MILITANT SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1931 IN THE INTERNATIONAL OF LABOR Reviews and News of the Working Class and Revolutionary Movements French Foreign Policy Is Modified New Nat Government Bruening, France and the Communists FRANCE tween the proletarians. But the policy are not Communista. Nor Kim here to After the Labor Government Fall GERMANY of the people revolution constiutes convert you. We have only one wisli.
an obstacle in the road.
Here are two systems, one Communist. and the other capitalist. Let us have a fair struggle, and let us meet again in It is economie necessities also which a few years time and then judge who has have led French Imperialism to modify succeeded and who has failed. after considerably its atitude towards the Sova few years let us compare results.
iet Union and within such a brief per(l age 15. iod. Last October, the campaign against Gureviteh is crtaints a good pupil LONDON LETTER some kind of lead a confused and un of Stalin: who would have thought it The force of economic events, without Two important facts, the nomination the pseudo Soviet dumping was in full of Francois Poncet as ambassador to Ber swing, the government took measures certain call which left the locals even possible that such pitiful nonsense could consideration for the customs of high lin, and the resumption of commercial against Soviet Imports, the relations beFull details of the Labor govern more muddled than before.
e put forward on behalf of workers diplomacy, which consist of resting Helations the per megetation or me non tween France and the Soviets were the ment fall and of the formation of the The slogans of the party Not a peong Russia. remarkable tribute to the et summer from the work of winter, has related to me palet with the hou. duced to a strict a minimami todaythe National government will be, by now, in on the dole. Not one worker oft bene fectiveness of the struggle against Trot provoked an extraordinary movement in tion of French Imperialism in its inter ter Rollin who feels the need of explain of this change, and of the threatened clearly that the party is a revolutionary London, September 2, 1931 of a non aggression pact. It is minis bably some points concerning the effect the left and nowhere is it being showu ANGLICUS. of the whole world during the recent months.
not occurred by accident and revolutioning himself; it is the Temps which puto attack on the workers, upon the English party, different fundamentally from the thera proletariat, will be of interest to readers The lack of independence in the postIsts cannot treat them cavallerly, as him through ble gait both of industry et the Militant.
There has been to date, no clear ex tion of German capitalisin, which renl Humanite does. There was a time strongly embarrassed to say needs markets, that Russia is a large Threats in ders its existence even dependent upon when, not only serious commentaries ou market, that all the bourgeois principles the immediate response of the working crisis, no clear statement of how the One thing stands out most clearly planation in the Daily Worker of the foreign credits, makes the bourgeois press the party press, but when it did not do not prevent America or others from people. Not since the General Strike of fight is to be waged and with what end.
and public life particularly sensitive to all these changes.
hesitate to explain these questions in doing business with the Soviet Unioa 1920 alve audiences been so easy to get to the numerous questions raised by the workers meetings. Today, Perl continetalning itself in a position without reist metings are attracting large audiences and so attentive: socialist and Commu locals, there is no reply. Continued from Page 1)
The central problem the deportment The workers are, justly as far as they of the old leadership of the organixagenral stereotyped phrases which colncide perfalis herehere retreat tolererek, in: and unemployed meetings and marches, in are concerned, beginning to assume that tion and the successive advents of new towards France. The German bourgeois with the general line of the moment.
some cases spontaneous, are becoming the party and the Labor Oppositon leaders. the whole spirit of the and every communist should rejoiced daily oscurences in some districts. The are, save for personal differences, work has been subjected to a forced change to French hegemony. That this is stiil The nomination of Francois Poncet to seeing clearly, for in the first place it manner that reveals very clearly their ly so since the labor leaders are en But that should not prevent us from English workers have awakened in ing along the same lines. More especial Now, it appears, this change in spirit is possible for it, in spite of the terrific Berlin goes beyond the limits of a sim is not ple diplomatic change, even considered as under the pressure of the French proven more ominous is the fact that the mediate action by taking of the next first against the Left Opposition only. and on the other, of its hope in some question of victory obaloca fundamental soundness in class outlook. deavoring to divert the workers from im statutes of the organization directed expression of its internal protitical power.
Anglo American combination. But it Margerite for not having been informed confusion sown by the socalled non as at last broken and the proletariat la dis that now is the time to build up the body else who presumes to have an opin: must be able that the German goren Austria and Germany towards arriving at an economie agreement, which would Opposition has advanced the slogan of vealed.
blogdel the beginning of the crisis, the relation to today has been strikingly reinability to use the recent events to show Seriau machine in the communist Laroused by and luck. Jardly is the inevitably have had important political the economic collaboration with the Sov The working class, employed and now its cowardice, hesitaney and its stupid only mean progressive decline of the which destroys at least the illusion of a consequences. Not only was Marforie sets under the control of the working employed, are united agalaust the Nation ity, the party leadership is aiding the the fall of its influence and serious orientation towards the East om punished and Briand also effected in class. It has shown that this was a el government and its economy plans: labor leaders to hoodwink the workinpregtige, both of which are already badly the part of any imperialist country, the directly for the Anschluss affair enough damaged by the Engdahls and French measures of regulation in HungIt is powerful means of putting in motion the only over the question of ways and class.
net for nothing that a career diplomat masses, and particularly the unemploy more of meeting the attack are they Criticism has already been levelled at Hacker new decision is not only Iackers. The letter and the spirit of ary are hardly overcome, than the Eng.
lish crisis is anxiously foilowed by the was replaced by an open servitor of the ed; it took up this slogan with insist divided and uncertain.
these leaders and more will follow. In gross violation of the constitution of the German press, announcing new storms to Comite des Forges (Steel Trust. by the once during the anti dumping campaign.
founder of the Bulletin Quotidien whten, The Stalinists did not take it into acThe Labor Opposition the events of the next few weeks, the L but is conceived and executed which the conservative foreign policy workers may forge new weapons and find in the reactionary spirit of the Gompera has accustomed us.
every day, expresses. to a narrow circle count becauso it was the without circumlocution the points of which recommended it, and because the lael resignation, the chief lenders of mand a reckoning from these wbo have. When Hacker declared that we will party, to the extent that it still exists.
Right up to the moment of the cab new leaders in any case, they will de Green Lewis bureaucracy in the of Opposition The press of the German Communist view of an important traction of French was building socialism in the present Labor Opposition were served them fulsels.
put a stop to the boring from withiudoes not even deal with this question imperlalism which exercizes a consider single country. This phraseology of American Bankers and the Crisis tactics of the Trotskyists. he was simable pressure upon the government the third period did not more the bankers demands. The General Council After having imposed upon the Ruhr masses; and the relations between the of the Trades Union Congrers were also Comments upon the revelations of the ply borrowing, both in phrasing and in except by the general and mechanical polles. It had to retreat result Soviet Union depended only upon capi prepared to reduce the workers wagos party played in the crisis by American tone, from the anti Communist arsenal formula of the war danger. That is of the defeat sufforol, and finally, had talist necessities, without the workers but by the less open method of tarite bankers, are both amusing and instruc of the Black Hundreds in the of the inevitable consequence of the nban donment of all strategy in the European Protest the Splitting Proposal!
question which the Comintern summer Locarno. Today, this policy to dead: This is what, in an important measure their previous attitude. are together with the Liberal press, whilst more or less It would be an evil day for the up in 1923 by the slogan of the Soviet has had its day. French imperialism 10 today reduces for the Soviet diplomacy. together against the whole program of tain guarantees before agreeing to the were such a step to be permitted by the United States of Europe.
compelled to follow another orientation for the proletarian state, the advantages the National government.
loan, are regretting the event not, how conscientious and responsible workers In the interior of the country, the Germany lacks capital. To avold which the dificult position of French The three Labor ministers who have ever, the fact that the bankers should in its ranks. Lat the Hackers point to bourgeoiste has utilized the defeat of the catastrophe there, the other Imperialists capitalism creates for it.
jolned the National government Snow dictate to Parliament but that the dicta a single Oppositionist in the referendum in order to attack the must lend it capital, who has not taken upon his shoulders in a rabid manner (occupation of the contrary, has realized capital. The nego must be denounced for the same fessous don. Maclonald and Thomas are un tion should be made public!
Sections of the Labor movement are more than his share of the work, who has Karl Liebknecht House. It utilizes the tlations that have taken place for some that the Opposition has denounced the doubtedly the three most able men in poleks oleh and to some, temporary solo since 1920, on every occgaton. They. of astute tactician: Snowden its financial ing foreign bankers. interference with who has not demonstrated sincere turists and in large part provocateurs, tradictions to a higher plane: among they can now pacidst lllusions among the expert and MacDonald the leading theor English government, although the part loyalty and devotion to the ideas and who were able to slip into the party them, the lonn of French capital to Corless educated masses. Just like the speech ist of British gradualism. Their breach played by the English bankers was pre work of the organization! It cannot be during the third period order to many is acquired in principle: what is by Litvinov on the peaceful co existence with the Labor party has a deeper menn cisely the same. In this way, the antidiscredit the party as such. The decrees, under debate are the conditions, above of the two systems (capitalist and Soring than merely a sell out. It is not American feeling is fostered amongstleges in the organization, no special facilitates this task for it enormously, The Left Opposition requests no priv: whose importance we have explained, all the political conditions, the famous fetist) which spring from the same con sense of the word: these men have desa An American Communist, one of the place, no exceptional rights, no record for they have deprived the party of a a sellunderstood the guarantees that Germany will have to ception. And then, they put the Comgive. But French imperialism does not munists who want to fight as Com quite clearly that the only alternative Party on their way to the Soviet Union nition for doing its simple duty. All good part of its prers as well as of intends to oversee. to control the em nounce the pacte, in a false position, in Is revolution which, of course, 18 no the attitude of the American workers right of all members to retain meetings and demonstrations. As to the ployment possibility of action in the trade unions, to England and whether the American their political or economie views and at of its capital. It want to see contradiction to the position of the u. alternative to reformists.
where it goes, what purposes it serves. All the actions of Soviet dip Because of this, the Opposition of labor movement recognized the dangers affiliations without the arbitrary Inter. For this job, it needs a competent observa lomacy must be defendable by the Com Henderson, or Clynes, of Maxton, of the of war through the development ofference of Messrs. Hacker and Engdaat the party has itself deprived itself of and Foster. All it demands is the right Triumphantly, the bourgeois press anPoncet as ambassador. It needs some to make concessions, it is enough to extend to the real parecementarilla epost. face! owar, he declarea, bet nu two of the organizatson. The stalinist on munces that the trade union congress man Imperialism. And could it choose munist would be lacking in his duty if he the workers will raise revolutionary Is countries was undreamed of, and is cials, drunk with usurped and abused this year (we will speak of it in greater better than Francois Poncet, connected propagated petty bourgeois illusions in sues. Indeed can only be effective to the expression showed that as far as he was power, are rabidly afraid even of our detail) is the first one since the war in with French heavy Industry, connected the manner of the socialists.
extent that it can challenge the whole concerned, he never heard of such a membership in the But that which not a single Communist delegate will participate.
thing! Which shows how we also with German heavy Industry (Cachbasis of capitalist rule in Britain. The toys and the Stalins have done then the new policy of factional discrim. appear at first sight, are the new the Moto should not be decisive for the members.
What is more important than might Let them speak out immediately agaiust in pointed it out during an election cam Economic necessities difference between a revolutionary leadimpose upon alan, but in a detestable manner such a French imperialism, in need of outlets. ership and a reformist one is not belik work, Some Stalinist Leninism mination and extermination. The Hack crees which prohibit the savings banks could only stir up base chauvinistic sen held in the circle of imperialist rival emphasized here at all, and the Comtiments. The new French ambassador ries, important political changes. They either a mere tall of the Left wing by Gurevitch (Director of the Sup and wrecking the ers have done enough damage already. official institutions of communities An address delivered carly this year Let them go no further in discrediting and by that fact, everywhere favored by the small savers) from recording credits see the manner in which German capi world renders all these solutions por an isolated group understood by no reme Council of National Economy of the. to these communities. This not only talism uses French capital in order the carious. The workers should not allow one. to the Society for Cul.
means the depositing of all available better to exploit the German proletar themselves to be deluded by this or that The plight of the Party tural Relations with Russia. has just The Real Situation in means for private economy, but the inlans. To this strengthening of the bonda stor. The capitalist solutions can onls The party has never before been seen been published in pamphlet form. Some auguration of a grand scale pillaging of between the capitalsts, there should cor transform their contradictions. To im to such disadvantage. Days elapsed be of the statements in it deserve to be class Russia the communities by this private econrespond a strengthening of the bonds bc poge their revolutionary solution, the fore any lead was given to the parts ed with Litvinov latest utterances.
omy, an audacious game which will workers can count only on their own members or to the workers: locals meet His concluding words were: We have By LEON TROTSKY strongly disquiet the petty hourgeoisie.
strength and forge their essential wealing difficult and delicate questions in the so much work to do in our own country Berlin, August 1981, pon, the Communist party, which a false localities were left to drift. Only under and so little help from abrond, that our 364 pages. Sold formerly at Through policy has greatly blunted.
pressure from angry rank and filers dial only desire is to be left alone. Let us special arrangements with the pub READ AND SUBSCRIBE Paris, September 1, 1931.
the party leadership eventually issuo work for a few years. All of you here lishers can be had from us now at TO THE MILITANT by Leon Trotsky IN SPAIN forces: The Spanish Communist Pariy, selves and give satisfaction to their per. but inevitably, THE STRATEGY OF THE WORLD it will liquidate the has possibilities of development if, tosonal ambitions. All these self styled Maurinista Some will come to the REVOLUTION begin with, it knows how to achieve its journalists, learning of the coming trans Spanish Communist Opposition, others B6 pages, two colored paper cover 250 Introduction by Max Shachtman unity, formation of Mondo Obrero into a daily, to the official many will remain We hope that good sense and wisdom have adhered to the with the idea where they are: a large number will THE DRAFT PROGRAM OF THE will carry the day in our organizations. In mind, no doubt of finding a bureau lean towards the Macia camp, since the COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL Fraternally and always as Communists, eratie position and the Stalinist leader Maurin group in Catalonia is only the Criticism of Fundamentals The Central Committee of the ship which supported against us this class Left wing, organized under a different Introduction by Cannon Spanish Opposition. of adventurists has given them a Job name, of Macin party.
140 pages hard paper cover and is prepared to utilize them. Need UNEMPLOYMENT INCREASES (Continued from Page 1) attention of the Spanish Communists and IN THE COMMUNIST PARTY THE SPANISH REVOLUTION FOR THE UNIFICATION OF THE of the working class in general, and also ers of the do not give the slight are passionately anti Trotskyist and that economies, according to the councillors Events follow each other and the leadless to say that these rooted Leninists The mayoralty of Madrid must effect 80 pages, paper cover THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION ish Communist Oppoaltion has sent, us position, in spite of the calumnice to activity, unless one calls they submit absolutely to the will of the designated on April 12 to administrate municipal policy, and for that, they are 208 page bookcloth bound 00 registered mall with return receipt ro which it is subjected, knows how to ber of the central organ of the party paper bound. 60 quested, the letter reproduced below to fulfil its duty as vanguard of the world Mundo Obrero, destined for what the soon open; according to the date set, The congress of the official will speaking of the suspeusion of the work begun to keep the workers employed.
THE REAL SITUATION IN RUSSIA the Executive Committee of the Spanish Communist party.
Introduction by Max Eastman Communist Party, to the Catalonian The convocation of two communist political situation. or to speak of we the discussion period which should pre with remaining jobless; other mayoralties 304 page book formerly now 00 Balearic Communist Federation and to Congresses in Spain (August 15, by the do not know what mysterious terrorisma cede every Bolshevik congress bas not, which also ave some work to a few the Autonomous Grouping of Madrid. It of the Spanish and by the which, according to the Stalinists, wants yet opened. The bureaucracy does not workers find themselves in the same poslMY LIFE 600 pages 00 must be added that the leadership of the Catalonian Balearte Communist Federato assassinate Bullejos and other no less permit of reply. Everything is prepared tion as that of Madrid.
COMMUNISM AND SYNDICALISM two organizations have maintained tion) took place during the serravation important leaders of the These so that the Congress, at which only Unemployment is increasing considerThe Trade Union Question ence on this letter to which they have of the political situation and the accen gentlemen know how to impress people those who submit to the leadership mayably. The government does not know Introduction by James Cannon given no reply.
tuation of the revolutionary situation. marvellously by speaking of pretended le present, will only be a stupid parody how to find the solution of the evil. The The rank and file undoultedly do not in these circumstances, the division of assassinations against them.
64 pages, paper cover know these facts, and will be astonished the Communists the convocation of two In this period, numerous adventurista resolution will come out.
from which not the slightest correct extremely rare funds voted by the govTHE SPANISH REVOLUTION ernment to remedy the crisis, remain in at the incongruous conduct of their lead separate congresses would be a counter are joining the party. The other day we IN DANGER the pockets of the enormous and numer employed the expression the adventurists ers. How will the Batallists of Barcerevolutionary crime.
The other congress, convoked by the ous commissions designated to adminis.
64 pages paper cover 15c lona and the other sts of Madrid just The Spanish Communist Opposition in are streaming in mass. but we must partisans of Maurin, is pompously called ter them. The provincial workers stream PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOP Ify their conduct, they who declare then sists upon the need to unify Spanish indicate the significance of the expres unification congress. Nobody speaks incessantly towards Madrid in the hope MENT OF THE selves partisans of the unity of the Comi Communism by convening a national unison. We want to say great quantity of it any longer. Maurin and Co. are of finding work. Madrid is really the 48 pages, paper cover 150 munist Party of Spain? Ilere is the text fication congress which will embrace a whole groups of people without pol not thinking of bringing it together. The city least affected by unemployment, but Special Ratos in Bundles of or more of our letter representation from all esent exist. itical dignity. One group of ex social latest decisions of the Comintern on the it is hard and even impossible to find SINCE LENIN DIED To the Executive Committee of the ing Communist groups and factions.
ist youth, expelled from the soc Maurin group, the defeat which it suffer places.
By Max Eastman Spanish Communist Party to the Catal We, and with us the working class lal democratic organization because ed in the elections (especially in Madrid) And the winter is appronching thrent1024 60conian Balearic Communist Federation, to of Spain, will be responsible for disaster they protended to use a radical language and the discussions which this has en:eningly filled with new events which will 158 page book printed in London the Madrid Grouping, to the Spanish which may follow a retreat of the course ixed themselves upon the organizations gendered, have sown discord and the de sensational. It is certain that the Communists in general: of the Spanish revolution, by the mistake and making a political career, did not tnost lamentable confusion in the government is disposed to machine gun Order from PIONEER PUBLISHERS Comrades. Once more we wish to of those who, ont of blindness or bad succeed in creating a Left socialist or principled Maurin group. One may be the unemployed workers who dare to de 84 East 10th Street express our firm intention to fight for faith, will stand up against the unifiea ganization for themselves, after having assured that this group has entered into mand bread for themselves and their fam the unity of Spanish and internationaltion of the Communist forces in Spain. found then selves the butt of numerous a period of open decomposition, a pro ilies.
New York City Communism. We will do it as often as the circumstances and the atmosphere difficulties, without finding a field of access whith, in Madrid, is very rapid. HENRI LACROIX.
it will be necessary to bring it to the are favorable to the development of our tion where they might organize theta even though it is slower in Catalonia: Madrid, August 22, 1931 Books Events of the Week 356 10c bureaucrats call an examination of the there are only a few days left for it and 5, 000 Madril workers are threated 166