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UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition)
IV Entered as second class mall matter, November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March 3, 1870.
VOLUME NO. 24 WHOLE NO. 83 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1931 PRICE CENTS Stop Making a Faction Football Out Of Arne Swabeck Injured in Accident British Seamen Revolt Against WageCuts the Mooney Case!
by be IL. Threatens Expulsion The Latest Events in Spain Comraule Arne Swabeck, national sec he would be in a positon to leave for retary of the Communist League of home in a few days.
The case of Tom Mooney, which for cannot find a single Left wing represen America (Opposition. was seriously in The New York branch of the League almost nfteen years, has been kicked tative, not a single Communist. In fact, jured last Monday by a fall from a which met Tuesday evening, upon hear around like a football, not only in the we learn from a wailing complaint made mainter scaffold on which he had been ing the story from comrade Shachtm. 111, the labor movement, 18 Agrin threatened with him elsewhere in Paterson, for incident occurred while he was at work at est greetings and wishes for speedy rolegal institutions of capitalism, but in against the same people who are allied working in Hackensack, The ac. decided to send a telegram of the warmwith the same fate. The danger to the stance. that Gitlow was run out of a height of nine feet, and in falling off, covery to our comrade. Arne Swabeck movement for Mooney release arises the clandestine conference at which his head struck the concrete floor below. bas not only been in the front ranks of For the first time since the famous latter raised one anchor, the mer would In spite of the clear, unmistakable and this committee constituted itself because He was immediately rushed to the the left opposition from its inception, Nore mutiny of British seamen, some drop the other. The otticers of the fleet thoroughly correct provisions outlined it would have nothing to do with Com Hackensack Hospital, where emergency but was one of the leaders of the Com: 12, 000 sallora of the Atlantic flect of found themselves boltless before this In the recent appeal issued from munists at all. more malicious cari. treatment was given to him. number munist party in this country from its the largest navy in the world have been outspoken and courageous insubordinarenowned prisoner No. 31, 421. For years, Mooney appeal for a united movement an ray examination made Tuesday to active militant in the of and Chilean navy men a few days ago. From against the government wage cut, wita letter off of stitches were made in his scalp, and earliest days, and before that was aa less sensational than the uprising of the of suitors who then launched their strike false friends of Mooney deceived and can hardly be imagined.
discover if a skull fracture or concus: the being one of the leading one of the strongest traditional arms of cheering and singing The magnitude and frustrated the worker that Ion had been if they would only remain respectable It would be nalve to imagine that this medical reports Indiente, fortunately. Strike. Deeply concerned as every one British Imperialism, the navy. has un resolution of the sailors action is breath.
tained by him. The fighters in the famous Seattle General and not create disturbances organ committee is anything but unted that the injury will not incapacitate com ser his coverades and friends will be to exprectedly come one of the sharpest re taking so much so apparently, that rze demonstrations, Migoney would be front. against the communists. That rade swabeck to any great extent.
When hear is about the accident, they will the bukes to the new National Government the bourgeoisie loss for what to released by the labor fakers in high the official party policy has facilitated he was visited Tuesday morning by complaces who would see this or that capol their task, does not change the fact that rade Ingrid Swabeck and their son Exisar equally overjoyed to learn that he wiul and a rejection of its reactionary econ do. What under normal conditious would inean the summary talist politician in Mooney himself put an end to this rub these people infinitely more than the io the behalf. Ton the anti Communist crusade interests together with a few other comrades wholuck in the ranks in a short time, omy plan.
of all manifesting that devotion and energetic Right on the eve of the regular Atlan ringleaders, and the one of the. is with the great bish and worse when he wrote in his carceration of Mooney and the other had received the news of his accident, activity for the cause which have been tic maneuvers of the British fleet, the est caution. The Times dispatch esenys appeal last month prom the cell where class war prisoners. That the field re he was in good spirits, resting well. associated with his name during all his sailors not only refused to weigh anchor, that there has not been the remotest have been buried alive for fifteen long (Continued on Page 4)
and the hospital authorities indicates that life in the revolutionary movement. but threatened the officers that if the hint of court martial. Instead, Sir years appeal to every working class Austen Chamberlain, First Lord of the organization with a spark of militancy Admiralty, announced toduy in the house or reovlutionary purpose appeal for of Commons: His Majesty Government united action. Let this appeal be have authorized the Board of Admirally the spark which start an unparalto make proposals for allevinting hardleled conflagration agitation that will conditional pardon and the release of incipient mutiny British fleetwith all class war prisoners. This is the out precedent in modern times, the action only sound basis upon which a movement of the government in making terms with can be built.
The bureaucracy folsted upon the In entrusted with the organization of a SOCIAL DEMOCRACY FRENZY on the statute. This same press has ap those who have broken discipline is reThe Stalinist Plan ternational Labor Defense is making pre mass movement of protest and defense.
We have already commented upon and parations to add another heavy blow to have so light heartedly narrowed down notes that the bourgeois press has begun and has flattered the noble figure of the That the first organized sign of roWe have already said in our previous plauded the gesture of the government garded as even more startling attacked the course taken by the official those it has already delivered to the or the basis for the movement, so deliber. the attack against the social democratic illustrious president of the Catalonian volt against the new reactionary adCommunist party and the international ganization: all those who are known orately closed the doors to anybody not ministers, principally ministration of MacDonald, Baldwin Labor Defense which it controls. They believed to be Left Oppositionists in the definitely under the control of the ruling Largo Caballero, the two deficient mio Macia has been feted in numerous bau. and Chamberlain should come from the are evading the concrete proposals made are to be summarily expelled. faction of the Communist Party, that isters.
quets and receptions for having fought conservative British navy, is full of good by Mooney, whispering around in small This is the announcement made at the the stamp of bankruptcy is being burned The attack of the bourgeols press has for a free Catalonia for which he pro omen and significance for the greater re circles that Mooney would adopt their second Scottsboro united front confer: more deeply every day into the body of produced a great perturbation among the mised to sacrifice himsels. It is cersistance which it is bound to encounter which rallioul he cannot know the situation. Instead York district organizer of the Around the Scottsboro boys.
socialists: we do not know if this is why tain that the whole state apparatus, the in the immediate future. Just as the of striking out on the right path, the following upon a sharp discussion at the Opposition Proposals they tell the truth or rather because they press, and a great number of Spanlardal Cronstadt sailors were in the front ranks. D. and the Stalinist machine have conference which was precipitated by To fall to warn against this dangerous oisie after having lost the confidence of against the Catalonians who voted for men of Kiel sounded the death knoll of adopted a narrow, sectarian policy which the arbitrary and rude acts committed turn in the movement would have been the working class. We already have El Macla, and the liberty he promised them. German Kaiserism, so the action of the seeks to limit Mooney movement during the sessions by its staliulst mannworthy of a class conscious militant Socialiste, the central organ of the Span Today, the Catalonian problem has al. British sailors is unmistakably a harbinwithin the stifting confines of the Com. agers.
yer of powerful rumblings and clashes in munists, the Commu organizations Testifying eloquently to the concrete report to the conference by Hacker, ish social democracy, making Marxian most disappeared nobody speaks of conomic and those under its Immediate influenca results which the incompetent which suld nothing and found nothing declarations of faith and proclaiming now. Everybody is preoccupted with the the we with him. disorganizers and their policies produce wrong. comrade u. Stone, one of the with a great deal of emphasis that they social problem. Catalonia is going to in which the working class of England proposed a genuine united front of all the conference this time band rasily arome delegates from the New York branche necessity of the class struggle. In the sided over by Macia. This is what the ing to the heights of the General Striku the appealizations socialist, of 345 delegates in attendance at the first rose to repeat what we have said so sume editorial article they declare that great confusion over the alcult Catal days of 1828, and, under favorable cir.
cumstances, even to a higher plane of unions, Amalgamated Clothing Workers, Scottsboro meeting. With the short road many times before that we stand ready the Spanish social democracy is eminent onlan problem has been reduced.
ly revolutionary and they direct an nt1. etc, etc. This is the only to the electric chair in Alabama being cut to give the most loyal and energetic as. Continued on Page 2)
revolutionary activity, way to put the issue in the labor mor down every day to bring the nine Negrosistance to the defense movement, that tack Alled with rancor against tho mlaAs our London correspondent writes ment and to divide the real friends of victims of lynch Justice to their legal we have written in our press and spoken ister of the interior, Maura, and pro Mooney froth the false. But the Stalin assassination, the LL. officialdom, in publie meetings for the defendants, and bounce themselves for the separation of NATL CONFERENCE IO demonstrations and protests are the 01two. there is a widespread Pago ferment in the working class. Meetings ists are so contemptibly fearful of matchthat we are anxious to collaborate in church and state. It is certain that all ing their program and deeds in an open strengthening the defense movement by this is a dead letter for the social dem. OPEN THURSDAY der of the day. Many of the manifestamovement with those of other tendencler COMUNISMOʻBARRED broadening is bele from the narrow ocratic organ. It may appear inconcelytions of discontentment are still spontaneous, largely because there is no force sectarian taolation thinly and unsuccess FROM CANADA has reduced it. In his concludlug ernment so openly and that, on the other capable of organizing them, or willing fully veiled under the name of united remarks, comrade Stone emphasized the hand, the sociallst ministers continue to The second National Conference of the to do it. The new Opposition led by front from below to the broad and genneed of taking up the appeal by Mooney remain in power with the approbation of Communist League of America (Opposl. Henderson, who is as reactionary in ev.
uine united front movement of all groups.
and organizing a genuinely broad united their party. The proof is sure that all tion) will open in New York the coming ery respect as MacDonald himself, can That this course means the strangling After having banned the entry into front movement for his release. Despite this is due to an ill contained frenzy of week, its sessions beginning Thursday be looked to only to put obstacles on does not appear to concern these light Permanent Revolution. the government man to cut him off, remarks were clarations made by Largo Caballero through to Sunday evening. September themselves at the head of battles ir hearted and small minded bureaucrats at authorities of that country are con well received. As were those of our other a few days after the publication of the 27. The branches of the League through they nevertheless develop, only for the all. They are more interested in their tinuing with their arbitrary campaign of delegate, George Clarke. The latter notice on which we are commenting out the country are already choosing purpose of betraying them. Their mer self preservation 18 a clique imposed suppression of radical and revolutionary moved for a united front conference in Caballero declared to the journalists their delegates and it is expected that sure is given again by the Times dispatch upon the movement from above than to iterature, conducted now for some time, the letter and spirit of Mooney letter, that the strikes are anti productive be more than thirty delegates and visitors when it writes of the taunts of the Lab the advancement of the genuine and the and capping it with their latest decree, and condemned the sectarlan anti Coin cause they create economie difficulties will attend from out of town, in addback benchers to the partial retreat an best interests of the movement itself. this time directed against the sending muntat policy of the self appointed and all with obstacles the proper function to those present from New York nounced by Chamberlain: This jubilWe sat last week that the into Canada of Comunismo, monthlyeral conference which has recently made toning and the progress of production. The New York branch, whtch is making tion was not shared by responsible. and the Left wing cannot labor under theoretical organ of our communist Op. its appearance on the scene. But this El Socialiste, which supports and ap all the arrangements for housing the leaders of the Opposition on the front the illusion that the leadership of the position in Spain. package of Com motion was arbitrarily tabled.
magnificent movement which is about to unismo, addressed to a Canadian com Then, despite the provisions for die proses area Caballero, now defends for delegates while they are here, has all labor benches. They. in common with be started will fall to It automatically. rade, has been held up by the author cussion, the chalrman attempted to ex. Perhaps El Socialiste wanted to try to coption to the delegates. It will take matter extremely grave. Not only have false, a stupid policy may cause it to ities and the comrade has received the clude a number of non Staliniat dele demonstrate to the masses that the Span place on Saturday evening. September British soamen refused to obey orders, ment but even prestige and influence. full: forfeit not only leadership in the move following letter, which we reproduce in gates from the floor. Capells, delegate ish social democracy is profoundly and 26, at P. in the Stuyvesant Casino, therby forcing the postponement of manWhat the Left wing allows to slip from the Yorkville branch of the essentialy revolutionary. but facts are 9th Street and Second Avenue, to which euvers of the Atlantic Fleet, but they and chairman of the recent Amnests much more convincing than words and site works on tanto che, which in other services, civil and miliary.
through its hands will be picked NATIONAL REVENUE, CANADA (Customs and Excise Divisions)
Conference of the was also reup by conservative and reactionary groups fused the right to speak. The mildest too concrete and refute all that El Soccludes the dinner, has been set at nitty Port of Toronto, Sept. 8, 1831.
And the Left wing of the Independent which will only lead the movement into protest was howled down by organized isliste can say.
cents. There will be shott speeches by Labor Party, Maxton and his associates, a ditch of utility as they have done (Name of our comrade bands of Stalinist supporters. It was HO often in the past What we forecast and address. The Spanish working class is already the delegates from all parts of the couu where are they? From the London disRe: Parcel No. 108424.
then that Hacker announced that the dis only a few days ago has already signal trict bureau of the would band the declarations of faith of our social act as toastmaster.
accustomed and knows very well what try, and comrade James Cannon will patches thus far available, they continue to grumble a little to address some meetto the Left wing. It must pay attention Dear Sir: down for discussion its decision to democrats signify.
We wish to advise that the books con expel all Trotskylsts from the organit THE CATALONIAN STATUTE The reports, which are being prepared ings, and to do anything else except to to it, reflect upon its significance, upos for the conference, will include one on organize the workers for a sharp and the extent of its own responsibility for tained in the above parcel have been re zation.
the political situation and the tasks of militant struggle against the new govern it, and upon the measures that must be fused entry into this country. You may To our knowledge, this is the first! We have already said that the Catal the tasks of the Opposition, on the Comment and against the Hendersons who adopted immediately to deal with it. however, return same to the sender formally adopted decision to expel work onlan statute was the proof of the trea munist International and the Interna are tarred with the same stick as MacA Novel Committee payment of the postage in the amount ofers from the for nothing but their son of Macia, of the Catalonian separ tional Left Opposition, on the situation Donald himself.
As it in reply to the initial blunder fourteen cents.
of the and the party (which even the Stalinist shallow pates might the date thereof a seizure will be made the basis of defending all workers are far too soft and far too moderate stat. blems and deanizational work, pro far developed, appears to have been capFallure to do this within ten days from political lows. The was found atists, and we have showed that it was in the on the trade unton ever movement of resistance has thus ed and had its best period of growth ou only a comedy. Macia has drawn up work, on the of the Commun tured largely by the Left wing have guessed would meet with a joyful in accordance with the customs Tarie rested for their views or activities in ute. The natłonal government itself has ist League, on the work among the leaders a guarantee in advance that the the class struggle. Its membership was adopted it and presented it as a proposal Youth, and so forth. The four days movement will be led back to the camp give it the besought opportunity to act BERTRAM, specifically opened to workers of all or to the Constituent Cortes sessions of the conference will be open of reaction by these experts in perfidy.
morally indignant. a call has been issued Collector of National Revenue. no political or economie vlowa and affilia There will be no discussion; parlato all members of the League.
And the Communist Party of Great for a conference which 19 to organize a tions. In its ranks, as well as on Its ment will approve the statute.
Delegates and visitors to the conter. Britain? It does not appear the scene massive labor protest in behalf of Tom Macin has come to Madrid to presentence should report immediately upon to any effective extent. The reports do Mooney. Who has issued the call: agents do not seem to have read as we only Communists, but socialists, anarch the document himsell. One part of the their arrival to the national office of the not even mention its activities. The only sent? When and where did they get Stalinist press that opposition literature progressives etc. etc. Since the removal 21, another of approbation, rather feeble, so that all arrangements can be made the article in the Daily Worker hone togthr to form their committee? Who is counter revolutionary. Continued on Page 2) by commenting favorably or unfavorably in good shape.
took the Intiative and who was responWilliam Rust, an article permeated with sible for the committee selection? We that conservatism in a conclusive situalearn nothing about these cogent ques Communism in the cluye or the General tions in the call. To all intents and tion which proved so fatal for Britisi purposes it is a self appointed clique Strike. The slogans it inues. Not a which, somewhere in the dark of the Almost three fourths of the goal set of them have already been off the dole. etc. etc. do not moon, suddenly arrogated to themselves for the Expansion Program Fund of the The Militant has been launched again to launch our theoretical organ which executed. thermore we hope to be in a position, Fund contributions.
the authority to act for the Mooney move League has already been achieved by a weekly paper, and all our efforts must has been talked about so much, which erybody has the opportunity to buckle the slogans of the left men che The The summer slump is over, and er differ in any important particular from its composition and from some additional hundred dollars must still be raised in it, to increase its circulation, to insure with expectancy, and which is entirely friends will respond generously to the palgn for united front to resist the facts.
order that we reach the outsidewe placed its growth. After the conference, fur reallazble If we go over the top in the appeal or release helhet reel have to: brutal encroachments upon the workers On the committee we find planned by the National Government, one snuffling liberals, of outright and not last week, it appears that the contribuorious reactionaries and racketeers in tions have slackened somewhat because SPAGHETTI this week must be jacked up con of the best ways of revealing the true siderably so that the campaign can be caliber of the Labor misleaders of ail the labor movement, like Hillman of the of the funde required for the sending of Amalgamated, Fania Cohen, loyal delegates to the National Conference and brought to a swift and successful terrarieties, is allowed to go by the boards mination.
The London Dally Worker, further, takes servitor to every reactionary administra other expenditures in connection with it tion in the Socialist But this should be considered as an Since the contributions listed in our care, through the party secretariat, 10 party skates like Norman Thomas and extra effort, aside from the campaign to last issue, we have received the follow warn against tendencies towads ultraLettism. by which it means the destre Frank Crosswalthe; the inevitable sprin complete the Expansion Program Fund.
To greet the delegates to our Second National Conference.
ing sums. of party ranks for a more militant kling of rose tinted progressives like we do want to leave It hanging in Stuyvesant Casino 2nd Ave. and 9th St NEW YORK: Berman 10. 00: and decisive program of action than the Muste, Lefkowitz, Kennedy, Burk the air, unended, particularly because Saturday Evening, September 26 1931 Sterling 10. 00: Marsh 00; LOS party leadership has advanced. Aud hardt and other pastors of the we feel that with only a little more ANGELES: Lipschits 00. Total: there lies the danger to British CommunA flock; and, trailing hopefully at the effort, the full amount can be collected.
Admission Fifty Cents 23. 00.
ism: that the development of the situaheels of the fakers, Connors, of the In turn, we aim to carry out all the New York branch: Communist League of America Total reported previously: 1, 309, 14. tion, once more as in 1926, will find On this whole committee one provisions of the Program itself. Many (Opposition)
GRAND TOTAL TO DATE: 1, 392. 14. it tralling helplessly along.