AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyLeninLeninismMarxMarxismSocialismSpainStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontViolenceWorking Class

PAGE 1 AE MILITANT SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1931 IN THE INTERNATIONAL OF LABOR Reviews and News of the Working Class and Revolutionary Movements PLANNING STEEL WAGE CUTS The Opposition and the National Question THE ELECTIONS IN MYTILENE IN SPAIN GREECE ers.
is to (Continued from page 1)
naces at the Gary and the South Chicago We plan to publish regularly the tain itself further only thanks to an Irland Europe, without revolutionary ex. of the majority of the population. So works, out of a total of 39 open hearth most important documents on the situaritating national inequality which can be posting of a part of the petty hourge democratand there are no more sincere After the surprising results of the 1930 31. Beth tion in Spain so that our readers and compared with the caste inequality which oisie, with all its prejudices, without partisans of kenuine democracy than the fetem bought a steel company on the comrades may be thoroughly informed oxisted in the Middle Ages between the morements of the surely conscious pro communists can take a stand against ist party, in collaboration with the op Pacific Coast; in the same month on what is going on. Not only the docu lord and the serf.
Steel bought a aeltic Const steel comments of the Left Opposition will be The national emancipation more ainst the landowners, against the cler rend this right and another is the thing position, received alont 700 votes (in pany, both in January, 1930, before which published, but also those of other groups ment in Spain has risen with particular ical, monarchical and national yoke. in itself. As Lenin said, the recognise town of Mytilene itself the time neither had had a plant on the in the labor and revolutionary more energy in Catalonia and in Biscaye, that to think in this way means to renouncetion of the right to separation does not of 000. the Grock bourgeols press Coast.
Meantime the Republic Steel Corpo documentation with the theses on the na centers of the peninsula, expressing thus for a pure socialist revolution, will no The proclaiming of the right of people without distinction of tondendfex, has through a series of mergers was making tional question adopted by the national the natural tendency of every bourge see it, and is a revolutionist in phrases to dispose freely of their destiny sign become frightened over the threatening bid for third place in the industry, and conference of the Spanish Left Opposi oste to constitute a state, and the strug, who does not understand real rarifies that the Communists are against Communist danger.
As a matter of fact, it is the first the National Steel Corp. organized by tion at Madrid on June 7, 1931. gle of the economically most advanced olution.
all unjust oppression.
a group of ex Steel men, through The nation in its most completed peoples against the assimilating, reac The revolutionary proletariat must in any case, the propaganda against time that the of Gevece, since its mergers and construction of new plant and defined form is a product of capital tonary centralism of monarchical and therefore pronounce itselt clearly and separation cannot come from the com foundation in 1920. has concentrated no (particularly at Detroit, which had ner ist society. The countries which have semi feudal Spain.
categorically with regard to the ques munists of the oppressing nation, but are a number of votes in these re.
er had a steel plant before although one not yet entered into the phase of enple of the greatest steel consuming distriers talist development cannot be considered pation is one of the aspects of the dem gard to all the aspects of the democratic strele against local chuuvinism and richtly rewarded as the unchangeable in the country) was bidding aggressively nations in the real sense of the word ocratie revolution and consequently is revolution.
bring to the fore the common Interests electoral tief of Venitalism. Since 1912, for a place in the sun. There has been the progress of capitalism in a country intimately bound up with the class The Communists, pronouncing them of the workers of all the nationalities. the date of the attachment of the Island more activity in mergers (involving new evokes the need of an appropriate state struggle. Concretely, the struggle for selves unconditionally and clearly for it is only thus that will be established to Greece, the impulation, composcul in construction to round out plant facit. The form which is typical, normal, for national emancipation is only one of the every democratie objective, the struggle a genuine community of all the worklare measure of small townsmen and artisans, pressed on all sides by the roy.
ities) than at any time since the great the whole of the civilized worla, the forms of the struggle between the bour against oppression, the notional emanet trust building period of 1898 1901.
national state (Lenin) and not the poolsie and feudalism. In it are found Pation movement, are thus the most In the concrete case of Spain, the list role, always save it votes to Venizelos. Contracted Market multi national state. The most profound again all the characteristics of the dem determined and the most eloquent foes Communists will support the right of If the economie crisis his affected all By the end of 1980, the industry had economic factors drive in this direction. ocratic movement in general. In this of all oppression (Lenin. But by all Catalonia and of Biscaye to give thein capacity of 06. 807. 000 tons, and in the The national emancipation morements struggle, the bourgeoiste, at every deci means they avoid identifying themselves selves the political constitution suited to of Greece it has not part Mytilene. The island of a once flourishing commerce, following half year produced 15, 250, 000 express this tendency of the bourgeoisie. sive moment, inclines towards capitula with the nationalism of the bourgeoisie them, and will fight against every attons of ingots. By the end of the year The struggle of nationalities for tion towards concessions to the enemy of the oppressed nation which seeks to tempt of the provisional government of was cruelly struck by the catastrophe there may be an additional or mil their liberation has been synonymous in (recall the whole policy of the Catalon subordinate the interests of the proletar the republic to continue the traditions of which overcame Asia Minor in 19122, in Hon tons of capacity, with no markets all points with the struggle against feudian bourgeoisie led by Cambo. while ton class to the national principle, and the despotic centralism of the monarchy when it lost an important market. Un.
in sight to take up the excess. Building alisin. The creation of large states has the petty bourgeoisie holds to radical with the nationalism of the exploiting Such, principally, is the mission of the employment developed like everywhere construction, which took ap 18 of Insi coneided with capitalist derelopment, solutions (Nacia and the Catalonian classes of the dominating nation which proletariat outside of Catalonia and Bis else in Greece. The tax policy practised by the present government only worsenyear steel output, railroads, which took and in this sense has constituted an his action. showing itself incapable of utilizing the legitimate feelings of the caye.
moving practically to the very end. supra national solidarity of the workers, 10 and automobiles which took 14. torically progressive fact.
The Communists of the oppressed na ed the position of the working massos are contracting rather than expanding: In the great prisons of the proples. National emancipation can no long wants to make them accomplices of its tions will denounce the inconsistency of of the island. It is exactly in these con the radical petty bourgeoisie, will fight ditious that the election took place.
oll and gas pipelines, which took 914 which the vanished Russian and Austro or be the work of anybody but the great policy of national oppression.
Hungarian empires were, unity was, on popular masses It is upon them that That is why the position of the Catal against local chauvinism and by means (including water linea. will show The came out of it greatly strensharp falling off with the completion of the contrary, reactionary fact: in the bourgeoisie supported itself in the onlan Baterie Communist Federation of an active and patient propaganda thened in the strugule, especially thanks the flurry of plpe line construction in preceded the development of capitalism. longer possible cause a new force hastion and in its recent open letter to the able of solving the problem of nationaltion and party cotrades. As soon as the rexults were known, the bourgeois press the East Texas oll feld. The possible and the nnity realized was an alsolutist come forward, the proletariat, whose Comintern, affirms that the revolutionary ities.
ities of increasing markets for sheet and despotic unity, characterized by an function in economic lite opposes it to proletariat must make the nationalist 10. The Spanish bourgeoisie, by its raised a great outery and demanded that steel, new uses for structural steel, and unheard of national oppression. Spain the bourgeoiste and Impels it to exercize movement its own, must integrate the weakness, by the ties which Mnd it ccon exceptional measures be taken to repress development of alloy steels (now 214, was fo a similar position. It in place of hegemony in all the great popular move communist party into the movement. is omically to the feudal forces of the count communism. The government was a of the total. are not immediato enongh being a primarily agricultural country. ments. That is why the bourgeoisie, at Just as false as the position of the Na try by its internal contradictions, is infected by it and threw all responsibil to offer hopes of solving the stoel in economically backward, Spain had been every decisive moment, surrenders and tional Confederation of Labor which, capable of placing the various peoples Its for the results obtained by the at its last conference, at the moment into the powerful political unity which upon the royalist and republican opposition.
Some development not now in sight might ment, capitalism would have founded the National emancipation 18 one of of the intensification of the conflict be the interests of the economic development The latter id not fail to reply. Evi.
modity this conclusion, but on the basis various peoples of the peninsula on the demands of democracy and for that tween the short lived Catalonian repub of the peninsula require. This unity can of what is available at the present time. solid unity. Spanish unity has had as reason, the proletariat cannot be disc and the central power, declared itself he realized only by a historically prodently, the bourgeois parties didn exproct these results at all. The leader of we see only limited possibilities at exits basis the hegemony of the large land. Interested in it. Adopt an attitude of disposed to struggle against the inde ressive class, essentially liberating a paling markets for steel.
owners and the Church, the subjugation opposition which hides behind an abspendence of Catalonia by all means, in unit which, above all the national dit the Royalist opposition. Txildaris, in his Another possibility, that of incrensing of the most vital, the most progressive tract Internationalism and becomes including armed rebellion.
ferences, has a common interest: the declarations to the press, talved the imprices, has been tried twice since the part of the country to the inost back practise a support of the policy of the The principle which the Spanisl proletariat. Only the victory of this mediate need of a close collaboration crisis began, and with the exception of ward rart, a legemony and domination reactionary centralism of oppression of Communists must defend with all their class will guarantee the evolution of the of all the hourgeois parties to ward off an advance in sheets partially disguised which found their expression in the certain nationalities by others. To im energy is the recognition of the indis peoples, the Indisputable recognition of the communist peril.
They are already speaking of the inby a reclassificution of sheet specifica. Aslatie despotism to nie the term of agine that the social resolution is pos. putable right of nationalities to dispose their rights, the end to all oppression. inent formation of a bloc of the liberal tions has been an utter failure.
Marx of the Bourbon monarchy. This sible, said Lenin, without the upris freely of their destiny, without excluding and the establishment of a union of free and popular parties for the coming par There remains the possibility of reartificial and despotic unity could malning of the small nations in the colonies the right to separation if it is the wish republics.
linmentary elections of 1982, in order to ducing costs of production, which in eliminate the Communists.
practise means cutting the wages policy and a practical program would, Orlofsky Beckerman? Whom will such The two principal bourgeois parties workers. The possibility of reducing give the Left wing an opportunity to a polley benefit? There can be only one believe, by a formal collaboration, to he costs through other means are. 1)
The party policy able to put a stop to the growing radiwhich has teen done in connection with Pilt Threatens ACW develop a brond rank and lle movemenc. explanation. as a company un calization of the masses. But the adthe prestige it has gained in its courion. They are therefore making what ministrative measures will in no way be ageous struggle against the corruption is tantamount to common cause with able to remedly a situation which flows years, but which is defeated by the from the anarchy in capitalist production, simultaneous shrinkage of the market (Continued from page 1) and Orlofsky carried out Orlofsky and and terror of the overthrown officialdom. Orlofsky and Beckerman in this fight. The Class Struggle, organ of the ComBut of still greater danger to the sitand consequently of the ratio of pro an escape from the wrath of the masses Beckerman recent crimes against the The present situation could be utilized munist Left Opposition (Archio Marxduction to capacity, of tailor who were betrayed by him in membership are sufficient to condemnation is the attitude of the official party by the Left wing to develop a wide ist. analyzing the causes for the sueThe speed up, which has been in the last stoppage. The Orlofsky Becker. them before the masses. But their old press. Conforming with the spurtons crerisingly applied to the steel industry man gang are the fitting scapegoat for the crimes will also count nagainst them theory of compans unionism, the Freiheit movement among the members. cess of the in Mytilene, attributes in recent years. In the past ten years, betrayal. Indeed, were they not the ones with the masses of tailors, while Hill fails to see any opportunity for the The fight in the Cutters Local could be this advance to the radicalization of the Ingot production per worker in the who have sabotaged the strike and eren man, the liberator of today, may be development of a movement inside the developed into a struggle against cor masses which is taking place here on a krand scale. In reality, this success of Steel Corporation rose from 57 tons directly scalbed on the tailors? Have forgiven his mistakes of the past. The Freiheit has manifested great ruption in the other locals of the to 79 last year, and in 1920 was as high they not been in the racketeering ring Hullman calculations have proved Interest in the situation but in the wrong The tailors are promised better the could not be explained in any ax 97 tons. In 1923, with over 200, 000 which held the cutters and expressmen correct to his own satisfactoin and to direction. All the Freiheit can see in conditions and more work by Hillman other way. The Stalinity have employees, the corporation produced less locals in their grip, and through their the sad disappointment of his enemies. the situation is the mere tight wtecen as the outcome of his fight against or nothin on the island to justify such a resnit. The Inboring masses (the work The split in the organization, how the cliquer, but it is entirely blind to lofsky and Beckerman. Hillman is out ers of Mytilene where the Opposition It employed 211, 000 workers on the ever manufacturers to escape from New York ever, bas not been avorted. Orlofsky he existence of masses of workers in the betray them again. The cutters have leals various trade union) and the ABC. decline of while it produced and entrench themselves in the out of and Beckerman still have the support Oceans of ink have been been given similar promise Hillman is masses of the poor peasants have turned 11, 000, 000 tons of finished steel, against town shop? Ilas not Beckerman on his of hundreds of cutters and will proceed spilled on its pages to proro what? That forced to make these promises by the towards Communism.
15, 200, 000 tons in 1920, a decline of 24 record the crushing of the left wins with their destructive plans against the Hillman is more corrupt and therefore growing restlessness among the workers, Before the Greek Communists and The success of specd up methods to and the terrible crime of forcing piece Hillman will be faced with greater danger than the grafters whom In order to bolster his prestige, pacis above all the left opposition are posed making profits is seriously limited, how work on the tailors. a rival racket and will undoubtedly seek he removed. That such propaganda is the workers and then continue to be today new tasks in face of the new great ever, in a shrinking market. Speed up results in more stel, which the market intter crimes on the record of his dis Hillman publicis admitted that he was exactls their line of defense. But of prevent such a betrayal. This can only the opposition must work with perser True. Hillman has not mentioned the to eliminate his competitors by compro of great value to Orlofsky and Becker tray them. The sentiment of the work struggles. Tepairing the errors of the doubt. This is eru mus kept up and organix tol alinist bureaucracy, the comrades of refuses to take.
Wage Declines modesty, of course, but ont of discretion, ready to compensate Orlofsky with a ble what value is the mere exposure of Hm. be done by organized activity of the ance in order to win the working mars the neties of the steel corporations in forgot those particular acts of the scoun, Hilman is prone to carry out suchtract propaganda can only impel some Wage cuts are clearly indicated na He would rather the clothing workers sum of money or a high position outside man without a clear program of action workers inside the organization, and notes who are deserting the bourgeois part of his local to avoid an open tight. That to the tailors and cutters? Such abs by mere abstract propaganda.
les for the revolutionary class organizatheir struggle to force the burdens of the drels because the tallers know who was policy. there is good reason to fear, backward elements to cling to their rotactical line of the party and the ador Salonika, July 1931.
But this means a change in the whole tlone. They will succeed.
The steel companies have hesitated for OPPOSITIONIST.
long time to cut wages, remembering a split will be averted at the last min sky gang, but it will not help the masses too much to expect from the Stalinis the 1919 20 strikes. Last year, the general truth that capitalism extracts ute in such a manner, Hlliman betrnyal of tailors and cutters in their struggle bureaucracy unless the comrndes in the Steel Corporation paid an average of surplus value by witholding from labor will be most brazen.
Fillman is not against corruption in the act me ranks get busy. ALBERT ORLAND. 84 a dny to all employees exclusive a part of the exchange value represented likely, however, to resort to such a polof the general administrative and sellinx by labor power, with a universal state is in the present situation, with the involved in this struggle, have beencen MILITANT SUBSCRIBERS!
force, agninst 00 in 1920, a cut of two ment that capitalism at all times and elements in his favor. The split will be tirely left out of consideration, and the If the number on your wrapper 14 82 by Leon Trotsky thirds of The average wage has not places is essential in creating surplus an open one. The workers will pay the varied more than 16 centa a day since value that 18, exchange values in excess price for the fight between the cliques.
general impression is conveyed that the then your subscription to the Militant THE STRATEGY OF THE WORLD 1923, when it was 83.
of the minimum subsistence levels paia Only their active interference can miti cutters have been injured by Hillman has expired. Assure yourself of an unREVOLUTION Wages per ton of finished steel have out in wages. In the case of a highly gate its effects.
removal of their officials, which 18 ob interrupted receipt of the paper by send86 pages, two colored paper cover 250 declined steadily, during the same per ciechanized industry such as steel, op. Are they prepared to do it? Unfortun viously untrue. Such a policy only action on the part of our subscribers ing in your renewal immediately. Prompt Introduction by Max Shachtman fod. In 1922. wages per ton were 42. 33, erating at a low percentage of capacity. ately, this is not the case.
creates confusion.
THE SPANISH REVOLUTION from which they dropped to 27. 45 per the wlue in exchange of the production The Party Poliey Why has the Freiheit taken auch will also facilitate the work of the ciralculation department. The subscription for 80 pages, paper cover ton bs 1929: last year the company could is actually less than the cost of the The Rank and File Committee has stand? Why this united front with one year is two dollars, and one dollar not fire workers as fast as the demand labor power which has been expended seemingly adopted our slogan of unity THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION for steel declined, and the average wage on them. The only alternative would be and issued a call to the tailors and cut208 page book cloth bound 00 per ton rose slightly to 81. 69.
paper bound. 50 to assume that, since surplus value mustters to unite their ranks in the struggle Corresponding to the steady decline in le produced in every factory every day, gainst the cliques to safeguard the THE REAL SITUATION IN RUSSIA wages has been an increase in the pro the surplus values alleged to be created conditions and prevent the return of the Introduction by Max Eastman portion of profit to the gross sales of under present conditions in the stes corrupt officialdom to the organization.
Despite all they could do, the delegates Stalinist sabotage of the defense of our 364 page book formerly now 00 the corporation. As recently as 1924. Industry must be on the shelt. that The taflors are warned against Hillman munist League (Opposition) were unable who have been indicted and convicted the Steel Corporation paid out in wages is actually existent but not in a form treachery and Hillman policies of serv. to get any information concerning the uuder the notorious Flynn Sedition Act.
of the Philadelphia branch of the Com comrades Morgenstern and Goodman, MY LIFE 600 pages 00 35 cents out of every dollar that it took in which the capitalist can realize on ing the manufacturers.
COMMUNISM AND SYNDICALISM in and retained as profits 12 and a halt them for the present.
The Trade Union Question the Rank and File Committee is in gen Neither the time nor the place ago, the party bureaucrats were deter The policy of Philadelphia Amnesty Conference of the At the Scottsboro conference some time cents. By 1920, the share of labor had Introduction by James Cannon declined steadily to 28 cents, If this were the case, the capitalists crale a correct one, but 80 far they have could be discovered. Three days aftermined to have the conference broken up and the 64 pagos, paper cover would not need to exert any particu failed to develop activity and give this the conference, the Dally Worker gare rather than allow the two comrades to share of the bondholders and stock THE SPANISH REVOLUTION Har pressure on the workers for lower bolleys. concreta application, particular the first and only report or announce speak. Both of them were finally re holders had Increased just as steadily to over 17 cents. Last year, because of the wages: they could simply my out paperly in the Cutters Local. The Rank and ment of it! This is the second time, to moved from the ball by violence. Now it IN DANGER 64 pages paper cover File Committee has not advanced any 156 be inability of the big corporation to adjust dividends to their stockholders, to its activities rapidly to the shrinking cashed in when the paper profits were practical program. The Cutters Locall that such a procedure has been followed. rades present, the bureaucrats are ready the knowledge of our Philly comrades. appears that rather than have our comPROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOPrealizable off the shell.
market for steel, mentioned above, the MENT OF THE is today the scene of the revival of ac And there seems to be a good reason to go to the extreme of holding these 48 pages, paper cover We do not accept this analysis, but wity being the local directly involved for such unusual steps. The party bur united front conferences in such 150 share of labor WAR 35 cents and profits Special Rates in Bundles of or more 15 cents.
rather conclude that in order to make in the shake up. The Hillman forces to eaucrats are afraid of the effect that will quiet manner that nobody even hears At this polnt a correct Marslan an profits the steel companies are about the local rave thrown the membership a be produced on the workers when the about them and the Daily Worker Teen PIONEER PUBLISHERS sential to an understanding of the econ cutting, which will place a militant steel free and militant union. The cutters are present at these conferences and even only hysteria and fear could lead the the Left Opposition are tions them only when they are concluded.
84 East 10th Street New York City omie perspectives for labor in the steel strike on the order of the day. taking this promise serioulsy. clear more, if they raise the question of the Stalinist officials to such lengths!
industry. Some commden confuse the FIELDS. Books 10c Morgenstern Goodman and the 106 Order from