AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassWorld WarZinoviev

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1931 The Anonymous Factional Struggle in the Party EDITORIAL NOTES sent ation.
Maurin and the Anarcho Syndicalists the new factional struggle, a new type only beginning to overcome the hind, one for whose throat the rapacious Brow in his least harmful form is a phraseof factional struggle, Is brewing in the rances and to resist wage cuts, specdder is itching. In the same article, we, monger.
WHERE IS THE BRITISH To those who know the three men mary importance to every international party. It is a new type because it cor up the starvation of unemployment. read a condemnation of COMMUNIST PARTY?
1st: Where is the British Communist responds so perfectly with the bureau The beginning of the mass actions. the idea that, because we have involved, as well as the Bitteimans, of the has primarily a defensive The catastrophic collapse of the Bri Party? Did it expire completely in the cratic, artificial monolithism charac a splendid fighting spirit among the Weinstones Johnstones. Stachels and tish Labor government is an example of embraces of Purcell and Stalin? Up to third period in the Comintern.
Wherever this defensive move masses therefore we are already develop other shadows who lurk even more dimly In the early years of the Comintern, ment begins to involve broad masses and ing an offensive of the working class in the vicinity of the faction: staze reformist bankruptcy that rings around the present writing, we have heard noththe entire world. Since the world war ing of its activities or its proposals in groups and factions took shape on the sharpen the struggle it simultaneously sometimes this is theorized. In its what has been quoted above is enough there has been no more striking illustra these events which are so fateful for the basis of clearly defined standpoints in begins to develop the elements of a coun least harmful form, this is no better to indicate the line up. For that mattheme of the truth that social democracy proletariat of the entire world. Coula principle, and the discussion between con. ter offensive against the offensive of the than phrase mongering. It is a substitu ter, to hare imagined that Foster or marches in its assaults upon the work on the present regime in the Cominterations of principle. That is how the doc small strikes that sprang up during the Again, who is the phrase monger in spect for Browder as he has for then, ing class. In the dramatic events of the than the recital of this single fact?
trine of Marx and Lenin was elariiled past period all over the country is, in question? He appears to be no less a would stand by silently under Browder past week the whole game stands reveal and strengthened in the Communist in the main, that of the defensive in the one than Foster himself! In the very managership would mean to display a ed. MacDonald and Company led the ternational. After Lenin death faction miners strike we alres y see this defensame issue of the Communist, he writes, callow ignorance of the party situation.
British masses up to the edge of the pre THE RETURN OF GERRY ALLARD al struggles began to degenerate into sive in the process of passing orer into using the same anonymous language If there are no issues, they will be found.
cipice and then pushed them over it.
unprincipled combinations, mechanical a counter offensive. Ibid. as Browder, about the mine strike: Klicht now, they all juggle with deThe return of comrade Gerry Allard to ly concocted to serve the momentary In truckload of mud could scarcely he reduction in the miserable unemploy It would be to completely misunder fensive and offensive and counterwho is stand this strike to consider it merely offensive as if the terins were so many ment dole and a cut in wages for the the ranks of the Left Oppositon is ofterests of similar combinations in the clearer. But what that is civil employees, the signal for a furlous itself a matter of interest to those who Political Bureau of the Russian party Browder really aiming at? Let us read defensive struggle. While this colored balls without meaning or imporbegan as a defensive fight against a local tance. But undernenth all this word play attack on wage standards in Industry are fighting under the flag of Nprxism. Zinovley s, Bucharin or Stalin With further these are the concrete results of the in a time of reaction against the basic the final trlumph of the Stalin faction. It is therefore clear that it is abso: wage cut at the Avella mines, the strike the cliques are busy undermining each workerse experiment with a reformiet principles of International Commission, with the organizational orushing of all lutely wrong to speak of the offensive of is taking on a counter offensive charae other anonymously, for the rank and file must not find out about it prema Labor government. What will the labor when those who remain faithful to the opposition in the parties, factional the working class and the counter offen ter, etc. etc.
Thus, according to Browder. Dunne le turely and the fighters must take no ing masses of Great Britain learn from banner are numbered by tens, and not bym was eliminated. The destruction of sive of the capitalists. An example of this terrible experience and how will they hundreds or thousands, every man is a virile Internal ideological life in the this wrong use of these terras, which en absolutely wrong and what ts more, la chances in burning their fingers in open combat. Thus it is that they serve then prevent a repetition of it on a still important. And when one of the most parties falsely labeled monolithism create an entirely erroneous political irresponsibe and bureaucratic According to Foster: Browder comselves well who serve Stalin best!
greater scale? These are the most im. outstanding militants of the younger or anti factionalism was made possl atmosphere around our struggles may be portant questions arising out of the pro generation of revolutionary miners as blo by the canonization of the system found in recent 190e of the Daily pletely misunderstands the mine strike.
According to Browder again: Foster, a doubt under which leaders exist only thanks Worker, which says: increased mass pic comrade Allard is without. MAX SITACHTMAN And here it must be acknowledged finds his way for a second time to the to an unquestioning obedience to the In keting at iney Pork and other mines that, as far as can be seen now, there platform of the Opposition, after a long fallible Stalin faction. Nobody in the Saturday morning checked the counteroffensive of the coal operators. Ibid. Is nothing to warrant optimistic expecta period of study and conflict, it can be readership of any Comiutern netton tions on this score in the immediate regarded only as a victory for our cause dares to develop a different point of Browder vs. Dunne and Foster future. It is true that the masses learn and a significant sign of hidden develop view without knowing what stalo (or As we see, the comrade who is abso Kuusinen, or Manuilsky) has to say We must pitilessly criticize Maurio, rose that pitiful lay priest of a estagna only in the course of their own experiments taking place deep within the rail about the issue. And once elther of the lutely wrong remains anonymous. But without surcease; the events will com who will undoubtedly play the most ence. But even this is not an automatic of the conscientious and uncorruptelatter has spoken, then there to earely known. We look through our files of the pletely contirm our criticism. In a short infamous and cowardly role in the comhe has a name which is far from un process. It is the historle function of Communist workers.
the Communist party to assist the mass Comrade Allard, who supported the Op. nobody in the national leadershipa who es to assimilate the experience and ratne position at the time of its explusion from dares to develop this different view. Daily Worker, and find that the quotaime lauren will only be a comical Asing development of the revolution. com is precisely this indispensable factor few months later capitulated to the states are ellminated in the third per. recorrer photo Ohio, signed by William Dunne, slogans, Everything lies in knowing who us, he considers, you nee. Hire Year that is lacking, thanks to the devastating Anists, accompanied his application for fod of the Comintern.
Unfortunately for this consummately colleague of Rowder on the oman will succeed him. The Lett Opposition Plan as an acquisition of the revolution will be unable to become a leading force can it be that he has read nothing?
regime which ravages and disrupts the rendmission into the Communist League the man who has created an entirely in Spain without being one in Catalonia.
Communist movement from within. The with a manly and straightforward se bureaucratic solution. political struggle potent Political Bureau. Having revealBy the way, the Itenter ress Agency heavy blow which reformism has dealt knowledgement of his mistake and a de has a logic which is more powerful. The The second urgent question is that of and other agencies with it, are spread to the workers ourht to be transformed claration of solidarity on all the imporffects of it are being partly disclosed erroneous political atmosphere around into still heavier if not a mortal blow tant principle questions. The National in the present struggle of the ellgueal our struggles we find that the unre the anarcho syndicalists. It is indispens articles and interviews with me on the ing false telegrams concerning alleged lenting Browder resumes the thread of in the American party.
able to publish a pamphlet against an. Five Year Plan (complete failure, false against itself and its future usefulness Committee readmitted him to memberhis struggle a month later, more sharpto the masters. But the arm which could ship with a six months probationary per An Anonymous Struggle ly and more anonymously. In the Aug archo syndicalism and to distribute thood, etc. It is extremely imperdeal the blow the party of the vanguard iod. This action is to be regarded as an in tant to unmask and to deny these inFor the reasons already mentioned, the ust issue of the Communist, Browder widely not only in Spain, but also other countries. Have you read the arfamles. is palsled.
The stabilization of British capital to set a precedent. The reference, oftles to justify its designation as a new extra ordinary one which is not designed struggle has two additional characteris writes: In the present case, the bour. At the miners convention, there sticles by Alonatte (leading French syndrooisle uses ngainst the ism rested in the first place on the course, is not to the question probation type. First it is carried on anonymous curred unprecedentedly bureaucratic discalist. Ed. in which he expresses his latter own falsehoods and canmies. The reformist labor bureaucracy, and parti. that goes without saying but to the ly. Policies are mentioned, viewpoints tortions of the correct revolutionary lide. hope to see the Spanish anarcho syndical Kadikoy, June 20, 1931 cularly on its Left wing. The policy readmission of a capitulator. Only an aro referred to the outer world This was typified by the method used ists oppose to the Bolshevik state a gen TROTSKY of Stalin in the general strike covered exceptional set of circumstances could not informed as to who represents there. In making a change in the name of the uinely anarchist state? The whole fato its advance and disarmed the revola: justify such a decision. As a general Second, the ranks of the party are kept Union. The miners were all for the old of world anrchism, or rather of the tionary workers. Only this enabled the rule it cannot even be thought of in abystal Ignorance of what is going on name, National Miners Union; the Party fragments saved from the Russian reslabor bureaucracy to escape unpunished There were a number of extenuating or what is involved. For, to submit the had never made any decisions Instructolution, is intimately bound up today with The Real Situation in for the betrayal of the general strike and circumstances in this particular case. dispute to the membership of the partying its members to try to change the the fate of Spanish anarcho syndicalism.
to prepare the way for the new debacle. Comrade Allard came to us in the first is to submit the bureaucrasy as a whole name. And yet, che comrade holding a And since anarcho syndicalism in Spain The pseudo Left wingers are now organ wave of protest in the party against the to the decision of the ranks which would strategic position proceeded upon nis is moving inevitably to the most pitiful Russia ixing another division of labor to head outrageous violations of party democracy be the beginning of the end for the personal whim and by use of personal and ridiculous bankruptes, there is no By LEON TROTSKY off the furious resentment of the mass committed by the combined forces of Browders of all stripes. But in spite of prestige to propose and to have adopted doubt that the Spanish revolution will be es and divertit same Lovestono and Foster against the Op all the disguises and camouflage and without discussion the change of name the tombstone of anarchism. But atten. Introduction by Max Fastman channel of reformism. And again their position. He did not remain with us onymity, the principal actors in the to Mine, Oli and Smelter Workers Union tion must be paid so that the tombstone maneuver 18 facilitated by the helpless long enough to assimilate the more pro tragic comedy can already be discerned. without even a discussion with the Com of anarcho syndicalism does not at the 364 pages. Sold formerly at Through regime in the Comintern.
found principle conclusions at the bot. The first hint as to who is who and what muntat fraction. It was an exame time become the one of the rev The Stalinists content themselves with tom of the dispute another illustration is what was given to us by the present treme example of bureaucratism hear olution. If Maurin is the temporary cov.
routine denunciations of the strategy of of the truth that party democracy alone leader of the party. Earl Browder, 10 bear! This from Browder. of going over er for the stalinists, anarcho syndicalism special arrangements with the pubIshers can be had from us now at the Left reformists, in all of which can is not and cannot be the basis of the his speech to the sixth convention of the heads of the workers and even of is a temporary cover for the socialista a the the party. Further demoralisation was and the republicans, that is, for the PART The Fear of Our Platform victory. The question of what could Comrade Allard was erught by the It la necessary that our comrades, thrown into the work of the Union at bourgeoisie. Just as Maurin can turn be done to defeat this strategy and open argument, which was Foster contribuespecially the youth should have more this convention by another frresponsible over the advanced Catalonian workers PART II The Keal Situntion in Rus the way for the Communist party to tlon to the education of the miners, that definite understanding of the terms del action, the postponement of the election into the hands of the Centrist bureau of the official leadership and the install cracy, so the anarcho syndicalists can sla and the Tasks of the mass work in the mine fields, unobtensive offensive and counter offen surgent masses has not yet occurred to structed by disputes with the party lead elve. Dally Worker, July 14, 1931. ing of a provisional committee instead. turn over the whole revolution into the Communist Party them.
ership, was the most important and de commendable idea. How dove Brow. This again was an individual action. hands of the bourgeoisie. The theorettThey will not press the counterfeit Left claive question proof again that the der Illumiitate he problem?
Once more, our anonymous, high hand cal and practical struggle against an PART III Stalin Falsitles History wingers to the wall, split their ranks ballyhoo about mass work. without ro The capitalist CIA is conducing aed, bureaucratie, irresponsible, etc. etc. archo syndicalism now stands on the or Only a limited number of these books and take the workers away from them gard to the priuciple basis upon which vielous economic and political offensive criminal proves to be Dunne, who re der of the day. It is manifest that this at this special price. Order now with a nighting policy of the united front it is conducted. 18 a capitulatory tend against the working class. Within the presented the TU. at the struggle must be conducted on the basis PIONEER PUBLISHERS on concrete issues of the day. God ency. Lacking at the time of the great working class there is wide spread rada. convention, making the main re of the policy of the united front of the forbid! Only a few years ago they could questions in their 84 East 10th St.
world wide scope, calization and upsurge of activity and port and as Browder so delicately in unity of the trade union organisation, New York City make a bloc with these same people comrade Gerry allowed himself to be beginning of struggle. The main body of forms tis running affairs in general. etc. But we must unmask the leaders of social imperialists to the core. against swayed by personal attachments and time the working class is, however, as yet! But Dunne appears to be not the only anarcho syndicalism and, above all, eximperialist war. They could sit at the immediate issue of agitation among the same table with the betrayers of the miners a further confirmation of the general strike at the moment of their necessity of a principled and an internatitled Russia Hour of Need. wait Lenin in 1915 Maid that they betrayal and even after it! But they tional orientation Our speakers and agitaors should util need fear no isolation because they could have become very radical since then.
Having burned their fingers on the un mental issues of the struggle, during closer exam kation of the funda ive the movement for the relief of build socialism with their own forces. Soviet Russia for specific purposes. Rat It now proposes to break the unbearable ited front with the strike breakers af the course of which he also had the op at no time must we compromise class, economic Isolation. The concessions polter expelling the Left Opposition for opportunity of testing the practical policy character of our campaign for immediate ley is one of the methods of doing it.
posing it they will not think of a united of the Opposition as against that of results. Any other polley would in the And who is this Trotskyist No. 2? Is front with reformists any more under the Centrists in concrete action, enabled end do more harm than good to the he Cannon or Swabeek? No. At the any circumstances. And with this pseudo comrade Allard to clarify his views and starving workers of Russia. We risk of producing the rupture of a blood radicalism, the British Coinmunist Party take his stand. In view of all these must bring to light the fact that no vessel, we must point out that James already enfeebled, disrupted and beaten conditions the National Committee, hav.
successful revolution enn be accomplish Marshall was and is Lovestone down by the International leadership ing confidence in his seriousness and It is not customary or seemly writo (Is this not a positively annihilating ed In ANY ONE COUNTRY without the bosom friend of yesterday Max Bedacht, still further handicapped and prevented wood faith, could not do therwise than anniversary articles about the lives cuestion. They might build system of assistance of the international proletar member of the Political Buroru of the from taking a single step forward in welcome him back into the ranks of the but we feel that under the circumstances barbarism. And they might build up a iat.
party today and professional Trotsky the face of this tremendous opportunits. Communist League. We believe that we our readers will understand; and to un feudal societs. But they do neither. In Who this counter revolutionary killer.
with an air of wisdom, pathette to its will justify that considence and that cerita september 1831 and in these lines workers have decided to build socialism ist views into the official organ of the two individual aberrations? Not at all.
But perhaps we have before us only Worker exposes the aims of the Lert we shall engage to commemorate the For what other purpose shall they use Communist Party of America under the In The Communist, oficial organ of the laborites. In the issue of August 27 they prove the action taken, tenth anniversary of Jay Lovestone their state power in the Soviet Unioa kuise of a famine relief article? As we United Communist Party of America say the Labor Opposition to MacDonald conversion from counter revolutionary except for constructing socialism there have said, it was Roger Nelson. And both Lovestone and Bedacht were mem18 trying to prevent the workers from Trotskyism to Stalinism. The fact that Let the critics of the Soviet Union who is Roger Nelson? He is, or was bers of its Central Committee. No.
turning to the Communists. This is the Lovestone, ten years ago, was a Teot bourgeois and otherwise (rotherwise. it is not much of a secret today Jay for August 15 1920, we read the followlast sentence in the leading editorial. It skyist we hasten to explain to the means. Trotskyists) tell us what Lovestone, yes, the same Jay Lovestone ing official pronouncement, presumably represents their conclusion on the sub.
wondering reader is adequate Justifica should the Soviet workers built in the whom we quoted above. And if the rev. representing the standuoint of the whoie ject of the Laborite opposition. the tion for a memorial notice today. Soviet Union except socialism. Revolution could not be accomplished success party, unless Lovestone and Bedacht only conclusion they have offered up to The last few issues of Lovestone pa Age, 22 1931. fully in any one country by the forces protests were concealed by the other date. But the matter does not end with by Leon Trotsky per, the Revolutionary Age, have been We assume this means that the Op of the proletariat of that country alone, Trotskyists. this inference, which is a fairly obvious THE STRATEGY OF THE WORLD publishing a series of articles on the position is in favor of the Russian work why did not Lovestone, in September one. That is rather the liremise from REVOLUTION Soviet Union and Its Bourgeois Critics: ers building capitalism, or feudalism, or 1921, tell the Russian workers In line theoretical deduction from the facts of The Soviets will realize that the which we should begin. What is the 86 pages, two colored paper cover 25c Building Socialism in nothing at all. If such unrefined idiocy with his arguments of September 1981 the struggle between capitalism and comCommunist party going to do about it?
that is the question. On this crucial Introduction by Max Sbachtman which Lovestone makes a moving attempt were so, Lovestone has alreadly won the that they have no reason for main murrism, that a proletarian state cannot to appear as the defender of Stalin. first vietory. But let pass this by taining power. point the Daily Worker has not yet THE SPANISH REVOLUTION against Walter Duranty. The occasion out of kindness, and read further. exist in a capitalist world, must be folported any program of the British Com 80 pages, paper cover 10 for this ardent and touching defense It was at the Fifteenth Party Con a momentary Trotskyist aberration of can only preserve itself by developing But Is it not possible that this was lowed in practise and that Soviet tussia munist Party. Neither has it offered THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION was a series of articles by Duranty 10 dress in December 1827, that Bucharta one individual? Let us look further in the Russian revolution into the world one of its own as it is in duty bound to 208 page bookcloth bound 00 the New York Times, in which he argued speaking for the Congress, administered the same issue of The Communist, and revolution. Soviet Russia will stand or do if Internationalism means anything to paper bound. 80 that Leninism had been replaced in the the most crushing Ideological defeat to on page five we find an article The fall as the revolution in that country be then. Let the America Stalinists rumTHE REAL SITUATION IN RUSSIA Soviet Union by Stalinism, which has Trotskyism on this viewpoint. If the Third Congress written by James comes, or does not become the world reytoate over this question and tell us what subordinated or cast aside the perspec. were not correct in conclud Marshall, Delegate Commuist Party of olution.
they think abont it. And while they are Introduction by Max Eastman tive of international revolution in favoring that the Soviet proletariat was cap America who, after speaking of Lenin, at it. perhaps they can give some in364 page book formerly now 00 of the practical reality of national gocable of overcoming fully all bourgento Trotsky and other irreproachable lead itself! Rut what about building up a Cannot even exist! Can only preserve formation on another question of pri MY LIFE 600 pages 00 talism. The Lovestone defense consists elements within its country that is, ofers the changed his mind about that complete national socialist soclety with COMMUNISM AND SYNDICALISM exist: If it does It is merely a legitimate really have no reason for maintaining of an argument that Stalinism does not building a socialist society, then, it would later. writes: their own forces, without developing the THE MILITANT The Trade Union Question repetition and continuation of Leninism power. Ibid. Soviet Russia cannot exist as an 180 Russian revolution into the world revoluIntroduction by James Cannon Itself. It is not Stalin, you are given to The Hine of division is clear: Lenin lated state within a capitalist world. tion. Where was Stalin to put the Vol. IV, No. 22, September 5, 1931 64 pages, paper cover 150 understand, who invented the theory and ism (a la Lovestone, deciares that the Name of a name! Trotsky was expel quletus on such arrant Troskyism? Where THE SPANISH REVOLUTION Bedacht?
Published weekly by the Communist practise of socialism in one country. Russian proletariat, by itself, is capable led for saying no more than that. This was Bucharin? Where was IN DANGER but Lenin himself. The only opponent of the successful construction of a nasible. One puts the burden of the action that they were all, all, Trotskyists in And Lovestone? The horrible truth is League of America Opposition 64 pages paper cover 150 of this theory is Trotsky.
tional socialist at 84 East 10th St. PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOP The Russian workers have seized polit declares that this can be done only with upon the revolutionary working class those days.
MENT OF THE ical power, Lorestone announces What the state aid of the revolutionary pro outside of Russia. The other must be EDITORIAL BOARD 48 pages, paper cover 150 shall they do with their power within letariat of a number of other countries. carried out by the workers of Russia. There is no exact record of when Martin Abern James Cannon Special Rates in Bundles of or more the Soviet Union? This is no abstract If this is the line of division, we are the first is the overthrow of capitallam Lovestone was converted. He may tell Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Order from question. To play with the state power now in a position to look back at the in the countries of Europe or America, us some day what caused him to see Arne Swabeck PIONEER PUBLISHERS is to play with fire. The question of con Communist, official organ of the com and the establishment of a proletarian the light and when. But we doubt it.
84 Eant 10th Street structing socialism in the Soviet Union munist Party of America (the under dictaorship there. The other is a meth. He appears to be too busy dividing his Bubacription rate: 00 per year; forNew York City should never be treated abstractly. What ground of a decade ago) Vol. 1, od to break the deadly economic isola tongue between Stalin boots in Mosca eigh 50. Fve cents per copy.
shall the Soviet proletariat de in the No. 3, for September 1921, where wetion of Russia. It waited until it could and Nuste in the United States.
Bundle rates, cents per copy Soviet Union except build socialism? read an article by Roger Nelson, en wait no longer. Why did it have to. MARSH.
Lovestone 10 Years Ago is Books