BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyImperialismLeninismMarxSocialismSovietStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

DISCUSSION ARTICLES Some Shortcomings of the Thesis The Canadian Red Raids The Thesis and the Crisis can of spective To Improve our Will SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1931 THE MILITANT PAGE portunist defeatism, etc. Just as the from our coal, but that does not mean formulation to the contrary would be necessarily that it is a long time otr.
TORONTO just as erroneous, leading to Leftist ac The character of this crisis, as to its ventures or indolent fatalism. The res finality, should be put problematically, a olutionary Marxian jarty has a role. al mestion of struggle. The Bolshevik Lenhistorical duty, to bend every effort to atst in 1905 and 1917, fought to make the make each crisis of capitalism Its last crisis of carism its last, and won. Be The present pre conference discussion, aclousness of the workers as well as the Aside from a breakdown of economy and sides the art, we must have the will.
will bave to thoroughly evaluate the blunders and mistakes of the Commun scious organized proletariat with will this change. Capitalism can issue out of It is to improve our will that propose work of the period since our last conists. The mechanical economic deter for power, before capitalism can be this crisis and have another only after the Communist party in Toronto twoity and intependence, oruanized them When the first attack wils made againsters. In the rain hope of achieving securvention, our accomplishments, shortcom. minist interpretation of the Stalinists, ings and mistakes, our past and present of course, leads to serious tactical mis: sciously for this at all time, we must see defeat? No, our thesis time and able to delude many workers by explam. the banks with the purpose in view of destroyed. The party must work con defeat of the proletariat. Do we already years ago the reformist leaders were selves in a Wheat Pcol. financed by the second national conference of our reet should include the above thought not allow one situation to be missed it again must call our Leagne our partying that the rights of free speech were keeping up prices. But this worked to League will be able to see clearly our it is in our power to advance to vietory. our class to work and to fight for victory. being taken away from the Communist the contrary. Today they are worre The Economie Crisis possibilities and tasks.
Without losing any of its ability for This does not mean that at the same only, and not from the workers. than ever before, and their land and nonOn the present economic crisis, the recognizing reality. the Left Opposition time we should not point out, expose and In less than a year the right of free exssions are inerteanul to the banks who to the thesis proposed by the National tinguished from many which preceded it mined tenacity to work for the revoluostacles in onr path that threaten the pinkest of the plnk.
This article will contine itaelf primarily thesis states: The present crisis is dis must give itself and the party a deter mercilessly fight against all dangers and speech had been banned eren for the are also extracting their pund of ilesh Committee for the present discusion.
in the history of capitalist production by tion. True, we are faced with tremen victory for our class.
for the huge accumulated stocks in the The thesis marks a decided step forToday the Communist party is again Whent ool.
ward from the platform accepted at ourl. ts virtually planetary character 18 dous difficulties we are a far way of CLEM FORSEN. attucked, not locally but nationally. The first conference (May 1920. At that the thesis should state clearly and with Attorney General of Ontario has openly The workers except for a small miatune, the first cadres the Opposition stated that the purpose of this attack is ority of the higher killed alur are emphasis that the present economic crisis had been expelled from the party and develops on the basis of the post war League. Our leading comrades bad not crisis of imperialism. One to drive the Communist party Into il completely wanted and at the mervy of the bosses. The majority of industries legality.
yet succeeded in separating themselves course, find the essential features of the INstory has already taught us that polare concentrated in Ontaria and Quebe.
The thesis deals at some length with prospects for a decisive upward swing itical tendencies of the day are deter in the Intter rovince the workers are and perspectives which they had held as a the thesis. But this is insufficient.
They the crisis and presents many facts, but of the conjuncture would put the period mined by the baste economic conditions almost completely under the influence of platform was therefore permeated, and At this time, will not attempt to hais: tant points which desire to raise for even later date. Saying such without itical rights are being taken away from pan and Catholic Unions in Ontario.
giuls. It was formulated with refer.
cuss the prospects of the American crisis. discussion. One place, the thesis says explaining what kind of a revival it can the Communists it is necessary to go it is the orange and culervativo Frou (Cannon group. the proletarian we intend returning to the wheet of capitalist production by its virtually that the date of recovery is not im. dominant role in the economic and pol spirit of militanes, Shoe Cloon of tree olies cofetarou Meaning of the American Crisiswhich many which proceeded it in the history point of the perspective. We may add in Canada, agriculture still plays the workers demonstrated with the The planetary character.
universal portant as the kind of recuvery.
time) tells us that there is a contradic character of the crisis is not new nor leader of the workers and poor itical life of the country. The present On the important question of the per tion in the thesis when it states. 1)
depression coupled with the big drop in farmers in a weak Communist party. The of u long and inevitable period the distinguishing character. Marx and No blueprint can be given, nor asked the price of agricultural products below false policies and persuctives the stul inint Comintern has fosted on the Can tion of a national labor party, the thesis crisis, and (2) the prospect of stru out more than once. The universal char present possible variants as well as what in accumulation of tremendouts stocks adian party in the last few years in of social reformism and the organiza that Americu will get itself out of the wels of the last century pointed the nor, but a Marxian group must at least the cost of production: the record breakxles ahead that will increase in breadth acter is an effect and not a cause. The states: is not possible. The thesis takes up what of raw materials: the falling off of the one of the principle factors rewall The Loft Opposition, at its formative and depth and militancy. Although above sentence explaining its Scoue is not possible but does not deal with internal and external tradehave left for the failure of the party to penestage, leaned in the direction of this rein their wake mass starvation and de trate the masses. The Isolation of the There is alsolutely no contradiction betwevertheless explaing none of the busic what is possible.
formist perspective which constituted to is undoubtedly incomplete on this im diyerence in relation to past crises.
tween the two statements, the thesis It is possible for the crisis to develop stitution. Thousands upon thousands of party finds its relation in the fuct a certain extent an critical carry over portant question.
middle class farmers are that in the West where the workers are of the preceding group struggle in the The thesis correctly states that the present crisis comes after the existence a mere economic crisis, but a new pro ruined and bankrupt, while mans unem more militant, the party is organization party prior to the time when the Lord American workers, because of the abechice or can acute disruption of the equite tem of higher dimensions. With itployment leaves its bitter trail from one ally weaker than in the past. where the wing took shape and was established as of struggles and therefore workers are more conservative. The allpolitical grouping distinct from all he the previous period will have vitality for and only serves to aggravate the agrarian dustry and production only to end in Again, in Canada, workers have de mon on the party during the peak of the detents in brium between agriculture and industry, would proceed a negative revival of in end of the country to the other.
venturoux 3rd perioil olicies were forced others Leaned in the direction of fortunately overlooked these the movement. semphasis militant struggle. But and this is situation; it appears coincidentally with greater dificulties. At least there would strated behind the Red Flag Troops beIs there any doubt as to our previous are primarily defensive. Can we expectives struggles a contracting domestie market which le a tlow before the next considering called out to cow down the workers capitalist prosperity. When the slogan position? The importance of the ques the present defensive struggles of the tension in the immediate future: and, bable (as presented by the thesis) that tant demonstrations of the unemployed. What saved the party from committing appearance of noteworthy exin capitalist economy. It is most pro has become a common oecurence Men should have been for partial demands tion requires a more categorical state workers to be converted into the counter finally, it occurs in the period of de American imperialism at the expense of while yet still limited to the West are complete suicide in those days. was the ment of change.
offensive against the enpitalists during clining world imperialism and is part Change on Labor Party the present crisis? It is hardly likely. a planetary crisis which, precisely be on top. But on top of what, is as impor cities want bread. The ruined farmers fact that the membership of the party want the bankers noose taken off their tions, whose activity is mostly cultural is made up of foreign language federa It will be recalled the during the Comrade Field implies that a liquidation cause American imperialism sources of tant as to specify on top. Such a revivfirst pre conference discussion and at of the crisis means a respective of de power are spread all over the world, inal will not be the prosperity of the im necks.
and social the conference itsell, the leading com creasing battles. On the contrary, the rest the disruption of American con mediate past; however, this does not This present crisis is quite different The growing terror against the com rades not only stressed the correctness re entrance of workers into industry omy with highly perilous character.
mean decline.
structurally from that of previous crisis munists raises to the forefront more of the slogan for a labor party, but that is, the beginnings of economic re of the three points, the last is of vital The Leninist analysis that we are in and will not be overcome in a hurry. sharply than ever before the necessity offered as their strongest argument its vivalwhen they are materinly more sec importance, the basic but the first two so called Inevitableness. Our platform ure, morally stronger, a decreased un are of no value.
period of deeny capitalism means that Even the capitalist bankers themselves of the rehabilitation of the party. In the In other parts of the capitalism as a WHOLE is in decay and openly say that much. This winter, the present cruis, the party in fared wich stated. the propaganda slogan (of al employment, will mark the beginning of thesis more sentences are presented from this approach, American Imperial bourgeoisie openly state is going to be problem thut raise again the following labor party) must be really revived and the counter offensive of the workers. The show this differences but it does not im, from the absoluto stand point is the hardest Winter yet experienced by nemandx, if the party is to mettre up as soon as it has found roots in the thesis should contain this important negate the above question; however, such also in the decline. Flowever, from the all classes. Mr. Meighan, former rime to its tasks masses and their experiences in the strong thought. JOSEPH CARTER. a vital point should not be scattered relative standpoint the problem is dit through the thesis. Speaking of agricul feront. From the relative standpoint, createst trial in history. Unless some xle It must become an agitational and Unification and reinstatement of onto stated that Canada is facing its all expelled Oppositionists.
finally an action slogan. Why is this ture and industry, the acute disruption. American imperialism still has ebbs and thing is done to meet the growing comslogan necessary? It is not reasonable Inner party democracy and Icelo is not new: American agriculture is a tows because its holds the upper hand petition from Russia, the existence of sical clarity that is alwolutely essential to expect that the masses of the American workers, who are still tied ideo ment and industry and the process of dis ward curve American Imperialism will logically and politically to the bourgeois In the discussion on the first two integration and centralization has been be able to holds its upper position (ar He calls for a war against Russia to real lenders of the working class Policies based not on the building ist Party politically at one step. in tee thesis in our branch, the question wis of capitalist production in America, in can only be considered correctly from its The fact, though, is the growing con cannot become a reality surrounded by a a period not immediately revolutionary asked: How can American capitalism relation to agriculture.
the platform replied. Wherein does this issue out of this crisis? As a whole, the twofold relation of the absolute and repetition Canadian capitalism is meeting bourgeois klobe. but on internationa!
To say, coincidentally with a con Intive.
position of the inevitability of the labor thesis correctly describes the methods on the world market is coming not only revolution party, and the need for Communist lead capitaltam will use to endeavor to extracting market is to put the problem from the To show that there will be a dimin from Russia but from Australia, Arged. We warn all Left wing workers, whatership of the movement in this direction, tricate itself from the crisis and analyside of consumption rather than the Ishing rate of profit and draw conclusions tina, etc. added to which is the reduc ever may be the differences that they atfer from the present Lovestone post zes the contradictions it will meet point of production. This factor should that this holly decay and decline for tion of the demand itself, and there lies may have with the communist party tion? Not in a hair breath! each process. Yet it gives no direct ans: be presented as an ABSOLUTE decrease American production, is false. dimin the crux of the matter.
leadership, that this most not be made The change on the question of radi wer to this question since it can only be Canadian capital is preparing to figh: the cover for the failure to take a definite calisation is likewise a step forward. answered from life, in the course of the in the number of workers in production, ishing rate of profit in the past have fact Marx predicted in the last cen companied an increase in pro luction any for a greater share of the markets or position in the defence of the party. The Further. The present theses no longer class struggle. However, two comrades tury.
logically so. Profit is only a part of our the world by the lowering of the stan workers of Canada if they allow the speaks of our group position previous endeavored to answer this question giv.
to the actual organization of the Left ing possible means by which it could be Further, the most vital point, not only plus value and such an approach win dards of living for the workers and farm bourgeoisle to smash the parts, will llad ers. The question before capital is not that tomorrow they too will be dis in regard to the world crisis, but par not settle the basic problem of capitalist only of this Winter as many bonrgeols armed. We warn the workers and farmOpposition. That is, we are no longer done which aceldentally could be upticularly in regard to American imper production and its crisis.
the Cannon group (in the historical set by war.
politicians wish us to believe, but the ers of Canada. that the capitalists are sense. In fact, the abandonment of) think that the formulation in the lalism an excess of capital a new form We must have more discussion on these Winters and the Summers of the future. preparing a general attack against your the above position on the future of re thesis to the effect that the present of overproduction in the period of finan.
What are the principal factors behind living standarls. The centul sup formism in the United States marks and crisis of American capitalism is not its cial capitalism, is not even considered or two points difference of this crisis in the present assault of capital against pression of the party will follow in the important departure from that groups final revolutionary crisis. is erroneous presented in its proper light in relation relation to the past and the variations the workers and farmers? The power of supprexxion of all militant labor organi position, The thesis states: The unevenness of the rest of the thesis. It leads to an As to prospects, the thesis ways, in a wide for the future in order to round the bourgeoisie in Canada has been zations and progressive disor sut the thesis on this point.
built up on a strongly organized and In the fight for legality, the left op social development rendered particular underestimation of revolutionary possl criticism of the Annalist perspective, centralized industrial and banking sys. position calls upon all workers to ac. HUGO OEHLER.
ly neute and jerky in the present epoch Mlities the war danger, organization, op that more objective estimation of the tem. The small and middle class farin tively support the party.
of Imperialism, may easily advance the United States toward the head of ide list. The thesis in atteaupting to take Communists can teach the American the successful construction of the work sharp issue with the general conception workers in this connection! The presenters covernment and its fiv year plan.
of the American Communist movement party proposal leaves the whole issue The essence of what is said here is a that the revolution in the United States without its spear hend.
repetition of what we have always conIs thing of the distant future, exag on capitalist principles but that, ble reference in the same unemploy. Continued from page 1)
Further: Aside from the proposal betendel and a slashing refutation of the tial truth of the statement les he workers the simple material needs that old would be given to the victoriament programu. to the Left Opposition ing buried at the end of nine other reactionary theory of socialism tone with the needs of the capitalism within Russia; or on social program being identical with that of the points instead of being up at the head country. According to the latter, Rusfact that revolutionary upheavals in link them close ist principles this would mean that the of when the new turn of Mr. of the list as a contral, urge self sufficient socialdemand sia can be made Europe which characterize post war im Soviet masses.
More than two months later, on June Trotskyists believe in the readiness of Browder and Co. so claringly reveals there is nothing suid about organiza ist island, not dependent upon any of the making for revolution in this colores 21, 1930 (that is still more than a year the capitalists themselves to introduce their own doleful bankruptcy and incom. tion a nation wide campaign among the rest of the world, because it hn all tion, and that is precisely what we should Towards a Concrete Program of Ac employment is to be thrown upon the bave overcome shamefacedly after a labor movement to press for its adoption. ites for the construction of a socialist base our perspectives on, la that the pro tion. had the following to say: The Soviet Union which does not give us harmful delay of a year and a half This demand gives the communists classless society. If this is so, and 16 Europe: a Soviet United States or us at once reveals the inner link between promising the worthless capitalist sy employment crisis in the United States united front morement of workers of all declares entered the period of morial ope will be formed which states of Ever the interests of the American working tem, the industrial crisis is to serve to offered the richest possible soll for root Industrial or prelitical standpoints by pism in the Soviet Union. trade relations (Rude ing the idea in the minds of the workers proaching the non Communist labor or with capitalist countries would not need In irreconcilable contlict with reactionary class and the workers of the Soviet Union compromise the Soviet Union.
June 21, 1930. The Need of Credits ganizations with the proposal for joint development but diminution. The capitalist United States. This perspec Millions are idle in the United States. Pravo, In one form or another, these saine tive outlined with such lucidity by. com But the socialist plans of the Soviet Yet, even now it is not completely action on this issue. Their replies to party tells us, now, however, that pre rade Trotsky in Europe and America Unlon cry out for machinery and other unbelievably stupid objections were ro overcome. The formulation of the tale this proposal will show the workers fol cisely because of the constantly grow(1926) still holds good today.
Industrial equipment. Employment here peated by the Stalintets in every other and in the party program is a hall was lowing the reformist leaders where the ine demands of the successful construe, tion there must hea development of and collaboration with the vive Year country. In the American party, such a measure. The Opposition propoenl munt latter really stand on questions of imA few brief comments on some of the plan in the would be the job naturally fell to the lot of Earl be adopted in its entirety. The party de trade relation. It is this simple and portance to labor.
smaller shortcomings of the thesis.
ordinarily Indisputable idea that we have consequence of large scale credits. Browder, who could not find words vio: mands recognition of Russia and the still further the party speils defended against the vulgar national The first section mentions in discon Thousands of American workers would lent or contemptuous enough with which development of trade relations for permanently hysterical monotone about socialists for years. The Opposition de nected form the position of France in receive practical lessons in the implicato excoriate the counter revolutions the entirely correct purpose of putting the defense of the Soviet Union, as clared a thousand Europe today. Instead of showing the tionde e Internationalism in the funda and their counter revolutionary plan. ale American factories to work and of though it were a purely military ques furlous deninis of the stalinist that Importance of this position (the last mental struggle between capitalism and Our answer to the infantile clowningstilling Russia growing demands. But tion. Behind military power stands the Russia connection with its mord or important capitalist country to enter the socialism and the meaning of commun of the Stalinists was contained in the what is one of the If not the factory Industrial power, and for Russia and even its subordination to the world crisis, its immense stock of gold) theism Thousands could be mobilized for words with which comrade Trotsky con outstanding obstacles to trade Te especially, it means the power and con market would become more acute prethesis rests satisfied with the mere state the and against the capital cloded his proposal: But is there any Intions? Not merely non diplomatic resequently the consolidation of the procisely in the period of its economic con ment of it. It should be clearly stated ist government of the hope that with their present leadership cognition of the Soviet Union, but the letarian dictatorshim. But for this itstruction and reconstruction. We point.
that France is becoming over more an In this manner, we advanced the glo the Communist parties are capable of virtual credits boycott agianst it by requires that which it has not, at least ed out that the contradictions which each outstanding creditor nation; that on the can for trade and credits with the SovFepropean continent it is more and more let Union on a revolutionary basis, cold the masses? We will not decide this trading agency in New York is complet developed quantities. machinery. Troyes passing year mullpltet for a capitalist replacing England as a creditor: that clding in this with the demand raised question beforehand. The policy which led to pay interest rates running as high this highly essential machinery, it must creasingly conclusive refutation of the this promises future serious conflict be by the International Left Opposition and we defend has such profound roots in as twenty five and thirty percentatrade with the bourgeois nations. To theory of socialism in one country.
tween France and the United States. first initiated by comrade Leon Trotsky the objective situation and in the his particularly outrageous sum in the face trade on a scale commensurate with its Time and its ovents are great teach The section of the thesis which polem from his Turkish exile in an article torical Interests of the proletariat, that It of easy money in order to swing even growing demands. requires not so much izes against the Stalinist conception of written on March 14, 1930.
will finally make its way through all the smallest purchase of American pro diplomatie recognition which we favorers, even if their teachings mean a narrowing of the base for social reStalinist Objection the obstacles. It is entirely a question ducts. All the babble about trade reunreservedlys It does credit facilities Dittle to the mentally ossified Stalinist formism should be strengthened along What did all the stalinists of the of time. But that is a very important lotions remains babble unless one raises which Russia hasn got and when official. The Browders not only refuse the following lines: The party leadership world reply to this imply and irrefut question. The duty of the Left Commun. the demand for large, long term credits Hoover seeks to prevent it from getting confuses the ground or base for the ably correct proposal? They rejected st ist Opposition, therefore, is to exert all to make these relations possible for the In short, regardless of what angle of the learning. The former have at their dis.
its strength to shorten the period.
Soviet Union on the most advantageous question is approached, the formulation posal an enormous, usurpedi apparatus.
growth of social reformism with the decisively. The Czecho Slovak party or social basis for it. The latter which gan wrote that according to the Trotso powerful is a correct revolutionary basis.
in the party program reveals its inade: Our weapons are chiefly correct ideas Tests on the ability of American caulkylst plan. the contradiction in prin idea that in the span of more than a The demand for long term credits to quacy and half heatedness in exactly the The machine has a temporary strength.
talism to bribe sections of the working ciple between the Soviet state and the year it bas broken through the opposi the Soviet Union is particularly facillsame degree as the rounded and incou But in the end, ideas laxt longer and class is undoubtedly becoming even more capitalist world is to be replaced by tion of the bureaucratic apparatus and tated at the present time when the Unitoa testably correct standpoint of the hete prove invincible. The ide of the left Opposition are even now making a way social reformism is more than that we pity that the mesats. Atrotskyista did not sram of the Stalinists, giving new justi. of dollars in credits to bolster up the Finally, one phase of the party de for themselves to the minds of the miliare speaking of its growth among the tell us on what principles the general fication! it were needed for the incollapsing structures of reaction in mand requires comment. It says that tant workers. The only bont of the working class only. It feeds on the Czecho Slovak Soviet plan for the solu sistent advocacy of the idea by the op England, Gembany and elsewhere. What the development of trade relations. Centrist official is that he can succeed trat elgns of the awakening of class contion of the crisis should be constructed: position. What value has the contemptl. pointed lessons in the class struggle the all the constantly growing demands or for a time in delaying their progress.