AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninismMarxismSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1943 IN THE INTERNATIONAL OF LABOR Reviews and News of the Working Class and Revolutionary Movements FROM MOSCOW DEPORTATION The Events of a Fortnight THE PLEBISCITE REAL RESULTS strike Mooney Appeal th3 provisions Letter from Berlin at Election ed with them.
IN SPAIN able nor did it dare to put itself at the GERMANY In the Spring of this year, the term head of the movement which had alof deportation of many of us should ready taken on a genuinely insurrection have expired (three years) but the ary and revolutionary character. The working masses had outstripped their majority were given a repeater. often even the solitary. Some were arrest leaders and the latter were surprised and ed all over again a month or even less demoralized. They lack the basis for after the expiration of the deportation the Insurrection; the proletariat lacked term. The aim pursued remains the a guide. Why was the order issued for Those who issued it same: our extermination From Moscow. THE INCIDENTS AT SEVILLE into a jail few days after the in a general strike?
The press service of the German Com After a fairly long interruption, have The comrades who were not arrested The bourgeois press, formerly moncidents, when all was already peaceful are unable to reply. The workers of Sev.
succeeded in passing some time in Mosagain received certain reductions. inarchist and today republican, has passed he was found assassinated in the floating the disillusioned were beaten. Their de. muntat Parts, commenting on the results cow The provisioning is extremely bad reality, this means a transfer to a new over in silence and distorted the truth prison. The government called it a test is full of lessons for the future. It of the referendum to dissolve the Prusis necessary to protit by these lessous sian Landtag, seeks to swindle the party ly assured; it should not be forgotten place of deportation.
about what happened during the last suicide.
followers with empty hosts about the general strike in Seville. It contined it The Constituent Cortos sent to Seville and to study them profoundly. The Sev.
that in Moscow It is, in any case, much better than in the provinces. The winter. great interest exists among us self to declaring that the origin of the a Parliamentary Commission to investi. Ille strike had the advantage of slowing alleged victory of the Stalinists in their for the Spanish revolution and its per was very harsh, the past year was not spectives. It would be interesting to use the expression assination. of parliamentarians saw the horrible truth. proletariat has of the organization of aites: Yesterday referendum was a the assassination (It did not rate what hapened there. Some of these the great necessity which the Spanish disastrous combination with the Hitler any better, but the suffering has never know the opinion of the Old Man. None striking brewery worker, an assassina threatened to tell it and to demand judg revolutionary vanguard and of the very truly Red referendum. The led rebefore been as it is now. The successes of his works on the Spanish revolution tión carried out by the police. As a pro ment upon those responsible. But the foundation of the revolution the revolu ferendum furnished the proof that it is of construction have brought the work has reached us.
Juntus of the workers and pea peas the only principle olshevik pala ers nothing and enthusiasm is demanded of them. on an empty stomach.
a general strike. During the burial of conceal the authenticity of these mant wants.
this is the way we see the proto beat it decisively. The Daily Worker It is needless to say that the the assassinated worker, a violent clash festations.
The workers complain about the frightful mess and the bureaucratie regime in took place between the police and the Injustices and the crimes tolerated by blem, as every Marxist Leninist must in this country, which paid very little of the Sevillan attention to the Prussian referendum at the factory, in the trade union, every workers caused by the prolongation of the republican governmen: will go un seo it, then the proletariat was not a route but on the alt It is more Interested in Communwhere. The absences have become perthe arrest and also by violent Aghts be punished.
contrary, produted a great arsenal of lesism in one country. chanted the same manent. The shock brigades (the worktween the public forces and the workers. THE LABOR ORGANIZATIONS sons. Let us kirow how to profit by thom song, Pitiful as these claims are, they ers way, they are always shocking each Four workers were killed and many DURING THE RECENT in the coming struggles. are properly revealed in all their false other. have no effect. There is no doubt wounded in the fighting. But the bourg DISTURBANCES THE SOCIALIST MINISTERS hood and deceit by the final returns that hind the well of the official shouteols press passed over in silence the The leadership of the official has The bourgeois press has begun the which have just reached us. Continued from page 1) principal object. In the battles, the declared pompously and pedantically af open struggle against two of tho three The Figures Speak ines are proceedding towards an acceler alongside of Mooney call: Do the parts workers defended themselves with brister the Seville disturbances that it took socialist ministers who belongs to the ated accumulation of contradictions. Leaders intend to emulate the Hill Hant heroism and the police received only all the responsibility for the past luci present government of the republic: the votes given in the 20 verwaltungWe publish the comparative Agures of But unfortunately, we have ob aghinst Indalecio Prieto, minister of sbezirke (roughly equivalent 10 our erx workers who shift from one plant fusal to organize a genuine united front? killed, among them an officer of the served that during the last strike dis finance, and Largo Caballero, minister of wards) of Berlin, first in the referendum to another) still exist. And this in spite is this statement to be a justification for security Guard. When general Sanjurjo turbances, the remained complete labor; and it is precisely because there of a few yens ago on the expropriation of the rule according to which the work evasion of duty? While it indorks (monarchist up to the day the republic is in the shade. Not even a single watch two gentlemen cause a serious danger of the German princes, a campaign led by er, by changing the factory, has not the Mooney call in general, it fails entia was proclaimed. sent by the republle word from the Staliniat bureaucracy, nor to the government, being two ministers the Communist party which won fight to a higher wage than the one of kot letto (the single step toward the organization of arrived in Seville and ordered the kill struggle. As for the leaders of the prestige and are dishonored. Priete ond, the votes given in the same disthe factory he in of his wage must be noted a anited front. While it does call uponing of the workers, the police surprised of they were afraid of the recent nas carried out a catastrophic job attricts during the reant tuksian rein his booklet. The worker gets the workers, upon the unemployed conn: by the herole defense of its life con incidents. The working masses, inore the head oL. Spanish finances. The peseta ferendum which was really led in the in the Cactory coctls, etc. for support to the call, it falls ducted by the working class refused to impetuous and militant than the leaders, bas suffered an enormous depreciation. Fascists: operative. Princes Truss.
Besides these cooperatives in the most crucial demand the demand fre even though it only lasted for exceeded the limits of the plans projected which has produced an askravation in divided into three categories the first for the organization of a united front hours. But the Guardia Civil, a police by the anarcho reformist leaders and the already diicult Spanish economic Ward Category: Industrial proletariat; the see movement. The statement attempts to body hated by all Spaniards, launched also left in the background the situation and has extended the labor Referen. Referen.
ond: non industrial workers; the third. cover this fawure by the usual base stand the fight which came to the point of which should have been in the vanguard crisis. Caballero has distinguished him Center 127 561 67, 320 employees there are cooperatives close ers against the Left Opposition as a the bombardment and the destructon of of the working class. The leaders of self by his anti labor policy Tiergarten 111, 215 G6, 400 and has to the living places. There still existe means of diverting the issue away from many homes, rendered uninhabitable, in the of of Spain gave the order brought the hatred of the workers upon Wedding 191. 170 89, 90 renzlauer Torg which some elements friendly to the for the general strike in Seville, an him. The workers arise against those 11. 169 72. 800 a number of camouflaged provisioners: the party leaderships responsibility, Friedrichschain workers had been living up to the time nounced and threated a general strike who, usurping a representation which 175, 18 76, 091 for the diplomats (without restrictions. Kreuzberg for the foreign specialists, for the biel Why do the party centrist bureaucrats of their imprisonment. Censorship of throughout Spain, but when they see the nobody has conferred upon them, work!
179, 742 59, 3:32 fear Charlottenburg genuine united front? Not a so the press was imposed in order to con amplitude and the character that the against the interedts of the class.
bureaucrats etc. All this is differenti120 178 79. 440 The ated according to the grades and the called unted front arranged from the ceal the truth. The republican gov. Seville movement assumed, the anarcho bourgeois press, taking into account the Spandau 48, 092 20. 003 Wilmersdorf top with leaders. an alliance of ernment has already committed infamies syndicalist leaders not knowing what to importance of the matter, proposes the 46, 767 47. 266 posts occupled.
a few socalled leaders. This is not and crimes which Primo de Rivera dia do with the strike, lacking in a program, idea of replacing the two socialist minZehlendorf 733 16. 932 Apart from this, they have created as what Tom Mooney asks for. In a genu not dare commit.
Schoeneberg 76. 261 60, 699 One of the workers and not knowing what orientation to isters by others who will be better able you know, cooperatives where everything ine united front the Communists can have detained during the incidents was wound pursuelezt the Sevillian workers in the to fulfill the ministerial functions. In Steglit 42, 100 NG is sold at market prices. Here, every nothing to fear from such leaders ed and imprisoned in a boat converted lurch. The official Templehor 26, 500 23. 941 thing is from Ave to ten times dearer: Why, then, do they shirk this responsi was neither reality, Prieto and Caballero have shown Neuknelin 113, 003 71, 500 the prices are absolutely unapproachable. bity? This is what every party meman absolute incompetence at the heads Treptow 48, 112 21. 800 of their respective ministries The Moselpromtorg, one of the enterber should ask of the leadership!
The Koepenick 32, 156 17, 511 prises where one can buy everything, but bourgeoisie which gave them their posts Lichtenberg 96 007 13, 652 at fantastie prices, is nieknamed the Through the International Labor De in order to have them coutine the Im.
Weissensee 25. 023 18, 741 Ramzin (or the Stalin) Museum. Musfense there must be initiated the or petuousness of the workers from these ankow 40. 800 31, 636 eum. because the products to be found ganization of a genuine united front, the. It is insistently claimed that there German aroused considerably sympathy been to heighten vantos points, sees that that they have enters there to look at and not to bus setting up of Committees to fight for the were creat diferences on the plebiscite et atter huis speech and men Schupos of the workers by their myopic actions wards as Center, Wedding, Friedrichshain Reinickendorf IR. 750 36, 136 courage in proletarian they os especially is swamped dissolve the Prussian Landras suve only tants who at one time criticized manylership must give up its miserable evasion Neumann for: there were extremely vio Front, which is prohibited. This provok in his ministry.
thing. Today it is still more difficult and cease begeing the issue. It should lent discussions among them. On July ed only cries, but no clash. The meet THE REPRESSION CONTINUES half or less than halt the votes cast for than it was last year to speak with a grasp this as an excellent opportunity 21, the Rote Fahne being prohibited, the ing continued after this incident. net the Communist referendum a few years Sunday. Berlin presents the Upon going out of a meeting of the ago to expropriate the princes. In such usual International Red Asd in Madrid, the bourgeois wards as Zehlendorf and stegthese comrades were very sympathetic movement. That much every militant Against the White plebiscite on the picture. In the workers quarters (Wedto our criticism during the period of er worker will demand from it. Our modest 22nd, the Rote Fahne reappeared with ding. large numbers of police, in autos, who killed one and wounded many. La (in one almost double) than it received workers were pounced upon by the police litz, the Red referendum received more to e con elama duzines, et They all forces will stand unreservedly at the the slogan: Tote the Reds valebiscitat mounted, afoot. But the streets are wr, many workers were arrested, Labor last time. Red referendum indeed! The agree in recognizing that the thought otj disposal of such a movement, be noted that Pravda has not the the party is stifled, that there is no Tom Mooney 18 an historical sympublished a single article on the ques much fewer police are seen. The Rotel pers are seized, correspondence is vio most their maximum forces (very few fact is that the Fascists brought out allife in the party. This is not an object of the American workers of their weaktion.
Fahne has given the order to hang red lated, house raids are conducted, arrested of discussion. One of these comradesness and fallures of yesterday and today few facts. rank and file Com. flags from the windows. All told, there workers without defense have judicial law Fruscists failed to vote on necont of the told me approximately this: there is noth and their potential, dynamic power which munist, whom we asked the meaning of are few, except on Koeslinerstrasse, applied to them, workers are imprisoned referendum, while the revolutionary a very important director of economy, Communist party participation) for the ing to do, we must suffer the Stalinist alone will bring victory tomorrow. To the party activity and its perspectives, which is really red. The tenants of this and brutalized more and better than dur workers stayed at home, indifferent or be street are all Communist; that is where ing the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera, resentful towads the Stalinist capitularegime. One cannot lead among us exbring this potential dynamic power into answered w: There is nothing cept with an iron hand. It is only in motion is now the task. Throughont disturbed about, they ll never get there. the May First shootings took place in just as in the heyday of Martinez Anido. tion to the nationalist demagory of the The republle government has assassinated Hitlerites.
this way that the five year plan can be the period of the present crisis, the in The action was taken without thinking 1920.
We wisited many voting places: more workers than did Primo de Rivera On the 5th, there was a big parts goes on here in saloons. To our ques. is the seven years of his government.
Further Vietory Proof tant thing. There is nothing to look for intensifying. Throughout the country.
sharpened struggles are meting in the largest hall in Berlin. It tions, the party placard bearers answered Misery, hunger and despair increase In proletartan Berlin Center, 67 329 from the It is weak and lives the signs 1s hard to estimate the number attend that things were not going well. There incessantly among the workers. The Por votes were cast in the Prussian leaders, there are not even any parties, ning of an upward working class curve. log (7000 to 10, 000. but the hall which were hopes for the better in the after coming Winter threatens to be prodigious referendum. At the last Reichstag elee only by grace of subsidies. There are no multiplying. We are facing the beginIt harbors enormous possibilities. In is usually absolutely packed during party noon, which brought about no change in desperate struggles between the work tions, the Right wing parties received with the exception of the German We know that perfectly well. The this situation, the ringing call for Tommeetings, was hardly fall in the down. Before the results, it was clear that the ers who will ask for bread and the police 61. 000 votes and the 58. 872.
stairs seats, and about halt empty on plebiscite had flopped in Berlin. who will mow them down. The presenti In overwhelmingly proletarian Wedwill not lend us far, that is why we Mooney liberation and the release of the three balconies. The meeting began Communist placard bearer at the entrance government promises to be bloody anal ding. out of the 279, 000 eligible voters, all class war prisoners must echo and remust develop what is that the Sovecho throughout the length and breadth very late. large police force on the to a voting place, after having heard our brutal to a dogree exceeding the dictators SO 986 For votes were cast. In the outside, the lobby and, according to opinion replied: of the monarchy.
last elections, the Right parties received narfonal socialist position is not excer of the country. It must resound in a tional and believe it comes from high movement of powerful proportions. The therlaw en two police officers, one in. It no good with the plebiscite: and uniform, in the hall besides the tribune. Just as bad without it.
Will the Spanish working class know 51. 936, while the got 90, 273. The er ups That is right: it is just what Communists must become its spearhead. Beaugrand, of the French party. whol how to organize itself and to react. Red referendum did not even receive Stalin said to Lominadze in speaking of As to the fighting of the evening and Madrid, August 1931 the total vote of last September 14. ARNE SWABECK. spoke partly in French and partly in the night, will write next time.
the Comintern. Ed. It is interesting HENRI LACROIX In workers Friedrichshain. 76, 004 For votes, while the got 80. 000 to note that most of then accept the and the Right parties 74 000 votes les persecutions agains Riazanov with the Sclldaridad Obrero, wrote: In spite of, archo syndicalists would oppose to the September.
same passivity: there is nothing to do everything. we have said on many oc Bolshevik state a genuine anarchist But how do we know whether the For about it to be sure, my interlocutors casions that we want nothing against state, is obliged to declare with bitter votes in these districts came from the reflect only a thin layer of the party, the republic. In an official declaration ness that the of 18 making a or the Right? The answer is found but for this layer the sentiments it exof the of its leaders declare in dangerous turn by submitting body and in the unmistakable indications furninpresses It seems to me are symptomatic the name of the thousands of revolu soul to the bourgeois state of the paned by the bourgeols wards. Continued from page 1) anarcho syndicalists of the of tionary workers whom they are deceiving ish republic.
In overwhelmingly bourgeois Zehlen.
But the Catalonian big hourgeoisie bas. The arrangement with Zumora and that nobody can boast of being able to viewed matters differentis. It exeretzed Macia trip to Madrid will definitely do better than the Spanish republe and calism is not a surprise to the Marxist the present referendum there were 16This turn of Spanish anarcho syndi dorf: last September tho got 2, 808 voice from deportation. pressure upon the government of the consecrate the reason of Macla party that consequently, they will do it no Anarcho syndicalism was able to win the 12 for votes! The won over Since the Spring have been living Generalidad by another means: it adin a new place. During the Winter and dressed itself directly to the central pow. masses in the national independence and tions were made, the workers, abandon Stilling atmosphere of the dictatorship of the hourgeoisie!
the Spring, all the deportees were shaken up so that those who, like myselt. divine right to property. We read in the promised by Macia will be cruelly dis the trade union organizations sacked of the socialists who for a long time 165 votes and 69. 240 Right votes Take Steglitz, a bourgeois ward. 14, for example, were not sent into solitary, August letter of the special correspond appointed. The duty of the Catalonian were transferred to a more pernicious Communists to unmask this doublo Only the Spanish Communists, in spite perverted and discredited the ideas of in September. Por the Trussian re Jocuilty. As before things are very bad ent of the Paris Temps: the dealing of Macia and to tear of his of the absence of a party and a clear Revolutionary Marxism. In the revolu ferendum: 58. 863.
from the standpoint of provisions and On July 20, the members of Outside of Berlin, the same picture.
Unfortunately, Catal sighted leadership supported the heroictionary events, when the activity of all portal service: a message from friends Fomento del Trabajo Nacional (which apostolic mask.
Rigat is an extremely rare affair. In spite of embraces the representatives of all the olan Comunism, at the present time Ighters of Seville by revolutionary class the political parties of the proletariat In Cologne, which gave 132 567 this we read not so long ago with great big Barcelona Industries) met in order led by the Maurins and Arlandises, is instinct. The Spanish working class will unfold under the vigilant control of the votes and 67. 786 votes, there were 74, 358 For votes in the plensure the booklet What is the Per to examine the imminent peril presented for, instead of severely eriticizing all the of two political currents in the revolu. ism will be led more and more to demon with 113. 503 eligible votera. 15, 880 voted not in a position to accomplish this task. rernember these two differing attitudes revolutionary workers, anarcho syndical with 540, 000 eligible voters. In Aachen, referendum, ovsky hag elahorated theses on The masses, and considering that the coment. Maurin practises a polley of bene. of the anarcho syndicalists and the cour and the cowardice of its methods. In 14. 5164 votes, the Right parties got 25, 780.
Laws of the Socialist Dictatorship. operation of the government of the GenIf you have eralidad with the Sindicato Unico had volcncc and amity towards Macia party. Seville events should serve Spanish Comotion from Day to Day. comrade Trotsks the wind blow from the workers or from aceous conduct of the Communists in the one of his letters The Spanish Revoluwhich we have received.
As a final straw to show which may not the latest works of Rakovsky. can disastrous consequences, they decided to The Anarcho Syndicalists tell you that they coincide entirely with address themselves directly to the cen the organ writes The conduct of the anarcho syndicalized in the of on the shametni Ism, or rather what remains of it after the bourgeoiste and petty bourgeoisie; the works of the old Man (Trotsky. tral government of Madrid in order to ists also requires a pitiless criticism by and Ignoble role of the Pestagnas, Urathe Russian revoluton, is closely bound to the communists or to the Fascists Ed.
request it to defend them. At the same the Spanish Communists. Never has the lexes and the other leaders of anarcho up with the fate of Spanish anarcho we take the characteristic example of From everywhero, we receive time, there was held a meeting of seven treason of the syndicalist leaders of the syndicalism.
news of new wave of repression. In hundred proprietors of Barcelona Ger of been more cynical, more the trade union teld, as in all the other tem in Spain is setting out towards with a correct policy in syndicalism. And since anarcho syndical the rural, backward, petty bourgeois district of Hessen Nassau, natural May, a number of recidivists (formerlona, Tarragona, Lerida, etc. whose ten a vowed. The workers of Seville who fields of proletarian life, the Spaniab shameful and ridiculous bankruptcy. one Eligible to vote: 720. 210 September stamping ground for Hitler cohorts: Oppositiontsts who have come back to the ants demand 40 reduction in rent. battled courageously against the armed Communists today could deliver a mor. cannot doubt for an instant that the vote: 137. 148. September Right vote.
Opposition) were arrested in Moscow. They also decided to request aid from looked at the vehicle provisional governmental blow to the anarchosyndicalist moveSe anarchism. tione could not hope that 614, 398. For the referendum: 554, Some of them were sent to Bolovki, 537.
others were condemned to ten years in Loyal to his petty bourgeoise nature, solidarity of the strongest trade union or Spanish syndicalists in France not with these lines, written a short time before tincentration camps. Two comrades Macta has yielded to the powerful ganization in the country, the of out anguish, are begtnning to understand the Spanish events would find their con olutionary communist party cannot have proclaimed a hunger strike: their boss. For, Macia is more the Barce The police of Maura Caballero were still The Cri du Peuple of Monatte and Cham: firmation so swiftly.
condition is very grave. We do not lonanagent of the Madrid imperialists raging through the streets of Seville belland which only two months ago exstand many more such victories with M, MILLE know, unfortunately, what has happen (Trotsky) than the sincere friend of the when the central organ of the pressed the hope that the Spanish an: Paris, August 16, 1987 out collapsing under the deadly weight of its own folly.
The Anarchists in Spain